Paper _____
`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 8,497,393
`Issue Date: Jul. 30, 2013
`Case IPR2016-00006

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`Under 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(c) and the Scheduling Order (Paper 13), United
`Therapeutics Corporation (“Patent Owner”) moves to exclude Petitioner’s Exhibit
`1022 and the objected-to portions of Exhibits 1009, 1022 and 2059 on the
`following grounds:
`Reason to Exclude
`Ex. 1009
`Declaration of Jeffrey D.
`Expert not qualified to make these
`Winkler, Ph.D. (¶¶3, 31, 46, 48,
`conclusory statements
`54, 57, 63, 71, and 72)
`Ex. 1017
`A website printout entitled
`Hearsay and not authenticated
`“Getting Started in HPLC,’
`Section 4D: Precision and
`Ex. 1022
`Dr. Robin D. Rogers
`Exceeds scope of PO Response
`and does not rely on facts and data
`Ex. 2059
`Certain portions of Deposition
`Likely to create confusion and
`in the record
`Transcript of Dr. Robert M.
`Williams, Ph.D

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`Petitioner relied on these exhibits as pointed out below in its Petition (Paper
`No. 1) and Petitioner’s Reply (Paper No. 52). Patent Owner also moves to exclude
`the portions of Petitioner’s Petition and Reply, which rely on these exhibits.
`Patent Owner timely objected, on April 22, 2016, to Exhibits 1009 and 1017,
`which were submitted with the Petition, which was instituted on April 12, 2016.
`See Paper 19. Likewise, Patent Owner timely objected, on October 3, 2016, to
`Exhibits 1022 and 2059, which were submitted with the Reply, which was filed on
`September 27, 2016. See Paper 55. Petitioner did not supplement or authenticate
`any of its evidence in response to these specific objections.
`A. Ex. 1009
`Specifically, Patent Owner objected to Ex. 1009 in Paper No. 19 for the
`following reasons:
`Exhibit 1009 is described as “Declaration of Jeffrey D. Winkler, Ph.D.” Patent
`Owner objects to Exhibit 1009, under FRE 701, because the opinion testimony
`contained in this exhibit reaches legal conclusions for which the declarant has not
`established that he is capable of providing, for example, paragraphs 3, 31, 46, 48,

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`54, 57, 63, 71, and 72 each recite an unsupported legal conclusion and, thus,
`should not be considered by the Board is this proceeding.
`B. Ex. 1017
`Patent Owner objected to Ex. 1017 in Paper No. 19 for the following reasons:
`Exhibit 1017 is described as “‘Getting Started in HPLC,’ Section 4D: Precision
`and Accuracy, available at
`4d01.htm (accessed Sept. 29, 2015).” Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1017 under
`FRE 901 as not being properly authenticated. Petitioner relies on the exhibit to
`prove the truth of the matter asserted therein, but the exhibit fails to meet the
`requirements of any hearsay exception or exemption under FRE 803-807.
`C. Ex. 1022
`Patent Owner objected to Ex. 1022 in Paper No. 55 for the following reasons:
`Exhibit 1022 is described as “Dr. Robin D. Rogers Declaration.”
`(a) Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1022 under 37 CFR 42.23 because the
`opinion testimony contained in this exhibit contains opinions, including
`paragraphs 44-48, that are not responsive to the Patent Owner Response and,
`thus, should not be considered by the PTAB in this proceeding. See 37
`C.F.R. § 41.41(b);

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`(b) Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1022 under FRE 702-703 as including
`opinions, including paragraphs 84-86, that rely on facts and data that are not
`in the record as to how a melting point was calculated;
`(c) Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1022 under FRE 702-703 as including
`opinions, including paragraph 87, that rely on facts and data that are not in
`the record to conclude that a melting point range is narrow.
`D. Ex. 2059
`Patent Owner objected to Ex. 2059 in Paper No. 55 for the following reasons:
`Patent Owner objects to the Reply at pages 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 24 for citing
`portions of Ex. 2059 (Williams deposition transcript at 112-113 and 217-219)
`under FRE 402-403 as being likely to cause confusion pursuant to the objection
`made at the deposition at p. 112 of the transcript that the questions
`mischaracterized earlier testimony and documents shown to the witness.
`Patent Owner objects to the Reply at page 15 for citing portions of Ex. 2059
`(Williams deposition transcript at 180) under FRE 402-403 as being likely to cause
`confusion pursuant to the objection made at the deposition at p. 181 of the
`transcript that the earlier questions misrepresented the document shown to the

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`A. The Conclusory Statements of Dr. Winkler (Ex. 1009) Should be
`Under FRE 702, a witness may be qualified to testify as an expert if “the
`expert’s scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will help the trier of
`fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue.” In paragraphs 3,
`31 46, 48, 54, 57, 63, 71, and 72 of his declaration (Ex. 1009), Dr. Winkler gives
`opinions for which he lacks the requisite expertise.
`While Dr. Winkler may be qualified in organic chemistry, Dr. Winkler offers
`several opinions that are purely legal conclusions or otherwise unsupported
`conclusory statements about subjects that he is not qualified to make. For
`example, in each of the paragraphs cited above, Dr. Winker concludes that a prior
`art reference either “anticipates,” “inherently” discloses or renders “obvious”
`claim limitations. Anticipation, inherency and obviousness are legal concepts that
`are beyond Dr. Winker’s expertise. Rather, Dr. Winker’s declaration should be
`limited to his opinions that are within the field of organic chemistry. Accordingly,
`paragraphs 3, 31, 46, 48, 54, 57, 63, 71, and 72 of Exhibit 1017 should be
`excluded. See The Medicines Co. v. Mylan Inc., No. 11-CV-1285, 2014 WL
`1758135, at *6 (N.D. Ill. May 2, 2014) (“expert testimony that contains a legal
`conclusion that determines the outcome of a case is inadmissible.”).

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`These conclusory statements of Dr. Winkler are relied upon in the Petition at
`pp. 21, 24, and 25 and in the Petitioner’s Reply at p. 11, which accordingly, should
`also be excluded.
`Exhibit 1017 Should be Excluded as Inadmissible Hearsay and
`Not Properly Authenticated Evidence
`Exhibit 1017 should be excluded because it contains hearsay under FRE 802.
`The asserted copyright date and asserted revision date on page 3 of the exhibit are
`hearsay (as are the purported web address and the date in the footer of the
`document). See Hilgraeve, Inc. v. Symantec Corp., 271 F. Supp. 2d 964, 974 (E.D.
`Mich. 2003) (copyright “dates imprinted on . . . documents are hearsay when
`offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted”). In his declaration (Ex. 1009),
`Dr. Winkler relies on Exhibit 1017 for the proposition that “the literature on
`HPLC's precision indicates that the ‘RSD’ or ‘relative standard deviation’ for a
`typical instrument is about 1%.” Exhibit 1009 at ¶ 70. It appears that Dr.
`Winkler’s statement at ¶ 70 is referencing the text of Ex. 1017 which reads: “[f]or
`most purposes, HPLC methods are expected to have CV values on the order of
`1%” (see Winkler Deposition Transcript, Ex. 2051 at pp. 97-98). This statement in
`Ex. 1017 (relied upon by Dr. Winkler at ¶ 70 of his Declaration) is simply hearsay
`for which no exception applies and should be excluded. See FRE 802.

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`Exhibit 1017 should also be excluded because it has not been authenticated
`pursuant to FRE 901, and it is not a self-authenticating document pursuant to FRE
`902. Petitioner offers it as a print-out from a web site (Petition, Paper 1 at ii) but
`has made no attempt to authenticate the exhibit following Patent Owner’s
`objection. Petitioner provided no testimony from any witness about when, where,
`or how this document was obtained. Petitioner could have provided supplemental
`evidence directed to authentication, but Petitioner provided no testimony from any
`witness that Ex. 1017 is what Petitioner purports it to be. Printouts from web sites
`are not self-authenticating. See Veeam Software Corp. v. Symantec Corp.,
`IPR2013-00142, Paper 11 at 9 (P.T.A.B. Aug. 7, 2013) (“under the Federal Rules
`of Evidence, authentication of [website printouts] is required”). Accordingly,
`Exhibit 1017 has not been properly authenticated and should be excluded.
`The Winkler Declaration (Ex. 1009) relies upon Ex. 1017 in paragraph 70. In
`addition, the Petition relies upon these portions of the Winkler Declaration and Ex.
`1017 at pp. 21, 29, 44, 45, and 56, and the Petitioner’s Reply relies upon them at
`pp. 12, 13, and 15.
`C. Certain Portions of Dr. Rogers’ Declaration (Ex. 1022) Should be
`First, paragraphs 44-48 of Dr. Roger’s declaration (Ex. 1022) do not respond to
`the Patent Owner Response and should be excluded under 37 C.F.R. § 41.41(b). In

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`paragraphs 44-48 of his declaration, Dr. Rogers provides opinions about Form A’s
`melting point range and also thermogravimetric analysis. However, these opinions
`do not rebut any portion of the Patent Owner Response. Accordingly, such
`opinions are new opinions, which are not proper for an expert declaration
`submitted with a Petitioner Reply brief, and should be excluded under 37 C.F.R. §
`Second, paragraphs 84-86 rely on facts and data that are not in the record and
`are improper under FRE 702-703. Paragraphs 84-87 offer opinions as to how a
`melting point is calculated by an unspecified piece of software and also the relative
`breadth of a melting point range without any reference being cited against which to
`judge the breadth of the range. These paragraphs are not supported by citation to
`any reference and merely conclusory statements made by Dr. Rogers.
`Accordingly, such opinions should be excluded.
`These paragraphs of Dr. Roger’s Declaration are relied upon in Petitioner’s
`Reply at p. 15, which accordingly, should also be excluded.
`D. The Portions of Dr. Williams’ Testimony That Were
`Mischaracterized Should be Excluded
`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response includes a number of
`statements and references that misrepresent certain testimony from the deposition
`transcript of Dr. Williams (Ex. 2059). In particular, in these pages of the Reply,

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`Petitioner mischaracterizes portions of Dr. Williams’ testimony despite the
`objections of Patent Owner’s counsel (Ms. Hasper), who objected that Petitioner’s
`counsel (Mr. Pollack) had mischaracterized earlier testimony and various exhibits
`(Ex. 2059 at 112:22-113:20, 180:9-25, 217:11-219:20), which renders Dr.
`Williams testimony confusing, misleading, and more prejudicial than probative,
`and, therefore, inadmissible under FRE 403.
`First, Patent Owner objects to the Petitioner’s Reply at pages 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and
`24 for citing portions of Ex. 2059 (Williams deposition transcript at pp. 112-113
`and 217-219) under FRE 402-403 as being likely to cause confusion pursuant to
`the objection made at the deposition at p. 112 of the Williams deposition transcript
`that the questions in those sections mischaracterized his earlier testimony and
`documents shown to the witness.
`Second, Patent Owner objects to the Petitioner’s Reply at page 15 for citing
`portions of Ex. 2059 (Williams deposition transcript at p. 180) under FRE 402-403
`as being likely to cause confusion pursuant to the objection made at the deposition
`at p. 181 of the transcript that the earlier questions misrepresented the document
`shown to the witness.

`Patent 8,497,393
`Patent Owner Docket No. 080618-1601
`These mischaracterized portions of Dr. Williams’ testimony are relied upon in
`Petitioner’s Reply at pp. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 15, and 24, which accordingly, should also be
`For at least the reasons provided above, Patent Owner urges the Board to grant
`this motion and exclude exhibits Exhibit 1017, the objected-to portions of Exhibits
`1009, 1022 and 2059, as well as the arguments of Petitioner that rely on these
`exhibits in the Petition and in Petitioner’s Reply as set forth above.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Stephen B. Maebius/
`Stephen B. Maebius
`Registration No. 35,264
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`Date: Nov. 1, 2016

`Patent 8,497,393
`Attorney Docket No. 080618-1601
`The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Patent Owner’s Motion to
`Exclude was served on counsel of record on Nov. 1, 2016, by filing this document through the
`PTAB E2E System as well as delivering a copy via email to the counsel of record for the
`Petitioner at the following address:
`/Stephen B. Maebius/
`Stephen B. Maebius
`Foley & Lardner LLP
`Date: Nov. 1, 2016

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