Page 1
` Petitioner, ) Case IPR2016-000006
` -v- ) Patent 8,497,393 B2
` Patent Owner. )
` ------------------------------------------
` DATE: April 5, 2017
` TIME: 1:30 p.m.
` the Panel among the respective parties, before
` Gail L. Inghram Verbano, BA, CRR, CLR, RDR,
` CSR-CA (No. 8635), and Notary Public.
` Job No. 122265
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` P.1
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`SteadyMed v. United Therapeutics


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`Judge Jacqueline T. Harlow
`Judge Lora M. Green
`Judge Joni Y. Chang
`SHAUN SNADER, United Therapeutics
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Attorneys for Petitioner:
` 1251 6th Avenue
` New York, New York 10020
` Attorneys for United Therapeutics:
` Washington Harbor
` 3000 K Street NW
` Washington, D.C. 20007
`Page 4
` JUDGE HARLOW: This is a conference
`call in IPR 2016-00006, SteadyMed versus
`United Therapeutic. The purpose of
`today's call is to discuss the SteadyMed
`Request for Authorization to file a Motion
`to Request Action by the Board with regard
`to two new patents that recently issued
`from continuing applications of the '393
` I understand that the parties have
`been introducing themselves as they've
`signed on to the call, but for the benefit
`of the court reporter, let's go ahead and
`take roll, starting with the Petitioner.
` Will counsel please introduce
`yourselves, identify anyone else who is
`present for your side, and then Patent
`Owner can proceed after that.
` MR. POLLACK: Thank you, Your Honor.
`This is Stuart Pollack on behalf of the
`Petitioner, SteadyMed. I'm joined by my
`colleague, Lisa Haile, from the same law
`firm, DLA Piper.
` MR. MAEBIUS: And on behalf of
`Page 5
`Patent Owner, this is Steve Maebius with
`Foley Lardner, and I'm here with George
`Quillin; and also Shaun Snader from United
`Therapeutics Corporation is on the line.
` JUDGE HARLOW: Thank you.
` Turning to the substance of our call
`today, SteadyMed appears to seek action by
`the Board relating to the estoppel
`provisions of 37 C.F.R.
`Section 42.7(d)(3).
` Is that a fair representation,
`Mr. Pollack?
` MR. POLLACK: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE HARLOW: So when you begin to
`discuss your portion, one thing I'm
`particularly curious about is how it is
`that the estoppel provisions are
`consistent with the idea of retroactively
`canceling claims in patents that issued
`prior to the decision by the Board.
` I'd also be interested to hear your
`views on how SteadyMed's request is timely
`instead of being premature, given that the
`time to appeal the final written decision
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`Page 6
`has not yet expired.
` With that, please feel free to
`address your request.
` MR. POLLACK: Thank you, Your Honor.
`I'm going to address your second question
` Section 42.7(d)(3) does address the
`situation we're in now where a final
`written decision has issued. And that's
`because, under Section 42.7(d)(3) and
`under the other regulations and the
`statute, the claims, in fact, are
`canceled, having a final written decision
` Now, how do I know that? Well, the
`Supreme Court has said so. The Federal
`Circuit has said so. In addition, the
`Patent Office has said so when it
`promulgated Section 42.7(d)(3).
` Let me start with the courts first.
` In the Supreme Court decision that
`we all know and are familiar with, Cuozzo,
`Speed Tech versus Lee -- that's 136
`Supreme Court 2131 from 2016. In numerous
`Page 8
` So similarly, the Federal Circuit
`which, of course, is hearing an appeal at
`the first instance, has consistently said
`that the Board has canceled the claims
`with the final written decision. The
`examples are numerous so I'm just going to
`give a few. There's the Belden case,
`Belden v. Berk-Tek, in 2015, 805F.3d, 1064
`at 1072. And they say Belden appeals the
`cancellation of Claims 1 through 4.
` Another example -- and there's many
`of these -- Dell v. Acceleron, 818 F.3d
`1293 in 2016 at 1295, where they say we
`vacate the Board's cancellation of Claim
` And just last week, Intellectual
`Ventures II, LLC versus Commerce Bank
`Shares -- that's a decision on
`March 27th, 2017. It's 2017 WL 113
`02320. It's too early for the F.3d
`reported decision to come out. It says
`there at star 2, We affirm the Board's
`cancellation of Claims 26, 28, 30 to 33 in
`that proceeding. And then at star 4, For
`Page 7
`places it states that the final written
`decision canceled Cuozzo's claims.
` For example, at page 2137 it states
`that, quote: The statute authorizes
`judicial review of a final written
`decision canceling a patent claim.
` Similarly, at 2139, ultimately, the
`Board ordered Claims 10, 14 and 17 of the
`Cuozzo patent canceled. That's obviously
`the Board's order, was the final written
` At 2143, after arguments before a
`panel of three of the Board's
`Administrative Patent Judges, it issues --
`that is, the Board -- a final written
`decision. Perhaps more importantly, a
`decision to cancel a patent normally has
`the same effect as a district court's
`determination of a patent's invalidity.
`So the Supreme Court consistently
`describes a final written decision as the
`place where the claims are canceled
`regardless of whether there's a subsequent
`Page 9
`the foregoing reasons --
` JUDGE HARLOW: I apologize for
`interrupting you, but we're familiar with
`these cases and we understand that a final
`written decision cancels claims.
` The question I posed is a bit
`different, and that is premised on the
`idea that the Federal Circuit can, of
`course, vacate our final written decision.
`So although it is the case that our final
`written decision serves to cancel claims,
`it's also the case UTC has the opportunity
`to appeal our decision, which could
`potentially resolve in the vacatur of our
` And what I'm asking is, given that
`we don't know whether UTC is going to
`appeal or not, isn't it a bit premature
`just now to address your request rather
`than addressing it down the road when the
`time for UTC to file an appeal has
` MR. POLLACK: I'll address this, as
`it says in the regulation. So the
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`Page 10
`regulation says that a claim that is not
`patently distinct from a canceled claim --
`so this is a canceled claim. So the
`regulation does -- the regulation language
`does connect to that.
` As far as whether there's always a
`potential appeal, that's true in every
`lawsuit, whether it's from the Patent
`Office or from a district court.
` But looking at the facts on the
`ground now, the facts on the ground now
`are that the claims have been finally
` Can that be turned around on an
`appeal? Of course, whether it's through
`the Federal Circuit or ultimately to the
`Supreme Court. But as things stand now,
`there is a cancellation, and that's what
`the regulation refers to, is a -- is a
` JUDGE HARLOW: We understand that,
`Counsel. Perhaps it would be more
`productive to turn back to the first
`issue, which is that SteadyMed appears to
`Page 12
`the administrative and judicative --
` JUDGE HARLOW: Counsel -- Counsel,
`we also understand the APA. I would
`appreciate it if you could fast forward to
`our question, which is, again, two patents
`issued; and then those patents are not the
`same as the patent that was subject to IPR
`and which we subsequently canceled claims
` So what I'm trying to understand is
`how it is that the estoppel provisions,
`which, by their nature, would apply to
`future action, can be applied to
`retroactively cancel the claim of
`different patents that issued prior to our
`decision in the instant IPR.
` MR. POLLACK: Okay. If you look at
`the regulation, it refers to not only a
`Patent Applicant but also a Patent Owner.
`So it's addressing both applications and
` Here we have a situation where an
`agency, within the same week or within
`even a few weeks, is issuing two decisions
`Page 11
`be asking the Board to retroactively apply
`our estoppel provisions.
` So perhaps you could address how it
`is that the estoppel provisions of
`Section 42.7(d)(3) would permit us to
`cancel issued claims, because that does
`not appear to be at all contemplated by
`the estoppel provisions.
` MR. POLLACK: Okay. Obviously I
`disagree with you on that, but the reason
`is as follows.
` Under the Administrative Procedure
`Act, an administrative agency is not
`really permitted to issue inconsistent
`opinions at the same time. That's why, in
`fact, the act was originally created back
`in the '30s.
` If you look at In Re: Zurko, Federal
`Circuit case going through the history of
`the APA, at 142 F.3d, 1447 and 1450, they
`actually point out that Congress created
`the APA because it was concerned -- and
`I'm quoting -- about the lack of
`uniformity and consistency in and among
`Page 13
`that are inconsistent. And the whole
`point of this 42.7(d)(3) is to prevent
`that. That's why this regulation exists
`and needs to exist; else, one would have
`an APA -- a violation and a constitutional
` Now, it only applies -- and I think
`this answers your question -- where the
`claims are not patentably distinct. And,
`obviously, on this call I won't be able to
`show you the claims and why they're not
`patentably distinct.
` What I will tell you about the
`claims that have recently issued is that
`not only would they violate the
`obviousness-type double-patenting bar but
`they would even violate the statutory
`double-patenting bar in one case, in the
`case that issued on March 14th.
` The claims are essentially identical
`other than that the compound formulas have
`been replaced by their names. So Claim 9
`had a formula. The new claims now just
`say "treprostinil." Claim 9 has a formula
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`Page 14
`for benzidine trial. The new claims just
`say "benzidine trial"; and the word
`"product" has been replaced with
`"pharmaceutical composition." And the
`starting material, it says "the starting
`material must have impurities in it."
` And those are the only changes.
`Those aren't changes, at least from an
`invalidity standpoint, that are material
`or in any way different from Claim 9, the
`scope from -- at least from an invalidity
`standpoint is we're looking at the exact
`same treprostinil that's already been
` And so that's why, in a case where
`there's no patentable distinction, this
`regulation is, I think, intended to ensure
`that there isn't an APA violation of
`the -- by the administrative agency where
`one side is issuing the same claims in the
`same week as another side of the agency is
`invalidating them.
` And I think that's why it refers to
`both patent applicant for applications and
`Page 16
`judgment. And another Panel in the same
`IPR ruled that it only refers to an
`unappealable final decision.
` And part of the reason they held
`that way is because they noted the
`statutory language of Section 318(b),
`which says, if the Patent Trial and Appeal
`Board issued a final written decision
`under Subsection A and the time for appeal
`has expired or any appeal has terminated,
`then the director shall issue and publish
`a certificate canceling any claim of the
`patent finally determined to be
` So for all the reasons you mentioned
`earlier, we agree that this decision is
`not yet an unappealable final decision, so
`the rule shouldn't have effect for that
` And in addition to that, as you
`pointed out, it applies to taking action
`after an adverse judgment. So even if you
`put aside this first issue, it can't have
`applied to the continuations which, as you
`Page 15
`owners. And I think the agency certainly
`had the authority to invalidate patents
`issuing at around the same time based on
`316(a)(4), where the Patent Office was
`given the power to control its
`proceedings, included in related cases
`like this. And I think that's where the
`power for 42.7(d)(3) derived from.
` JUDGE HARLOW: Okay. Thank you.
` MR. POLLACK: Does that make sense?
` JUDGE HARLOW: It does. We
`understand your position.
` Mr. Maebius, would you like to
` MR. MAEBIUS: Yes, Your Honor. Let
`me point out, first of all, that this rule
`has been interpreted in IPR 2014-00346
`where the Panel found that adverse
`judgment means unappealable final
`decision; and that's at Paper No. 32,
`pages 8 to 9.
` And so this specific language is
`different from the term "final written
`decision." This rule refers to an adverse
`Page 17
`pointed out, have distinct claim language.
` And in addition to that, they also
`have evidence and arguments that were
`presented in the file history that weren't
`a part of the IPR file. So there's also
`further reasons why the examiner's
`decision in those cases is not
`inconsistent with the later decision.
` But we don't even think the rule
`would apply at all, because the final
`written decision hadn't come out at the
`time the examiner made these decisions.
` MR. POLLACK: Can I respond to that,
`Your Honor?
` JUDGE HARLOW: Briefly, please.
` MR. POLLACK: Yes, okay.
` MR. POLLACK: In regard to the Panel
`decision that Mr. Maebius referred to --
`and I recognize that those decisions [sic]
`made the statements that he described, the
`Patent Office itself, in promulgating this
`Rule 42.7(d)(3), in its notice and comment
`for the rule final, and that can be found
`at 77 Federal Register 46112 at page
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`Page 19
` Section 42.80, provides that the
`office will issue and publish their
`certificate after the Board issues a final
`written decision or proceeding and the
`time for appeal has expired or any appeal
`has terminated; therefore, the concept of
`judgment should not be replaced by
` So what this means, in summary, is
`that the certificate in 318 is really a
`different issue. They have a -- there is
`a rule and a statute that says a
`certificate only issues after appeal.
` But the judgment is final at the
`final written decision, that those two
`things are different, and the -- you know,
`the authority, the director of that is
`what the director has stated. And that's
`what should be controlling here, not
`certain dicta in some Panel decisions.
` So the rule is that this is a final
`written decision and, therefore, the
`regulation does kick in at this time,
`because that is the adverse judgment of
`Page 21
` I, Gail Inghram Verbano, Registered
`Diplomate Reporter, Certified Realtime
`Reporter, Certified Shorthand Reporter (CA),
`and Notary Public, the officer before whom the
`foregoing proceedings were taken, do hereby
`certify that the foregoing transcript is a true
`and correct record of the proceedings; that
`said proceedings were taken by me
`stenographically and thereafter reduced to
`typewriting under my supervision; and that I am
`neither counsel for, related to, nor employed
`by any of the parties to this case and have no
`interest, financial or otherwise, in its
`DATED: 4-17-2017
` ___________________________________
` Gail Inghram Verbano, RDR, CRR, CSR
` CA-CSR No. 8635
`Page 18
`48648. It's Comment 208.
` And the Patent Office wrote, "One
`comment urged the Office to eliminate the
`concept of judgment and replace it with
`certificates and requested clarification
`as to the relationships between a
`judgment, the final written decision and
` And in response, the Patent Office
`stated, "The comment is not adopted. The
`concepts of judgment and certificates are
`fundamentally different." So the
`certificate referred to in 318 is
` The term "judgment" -- I'm quoting
`again from the Federal Register. The term
`"judgment" is defined as a final written
`decision by the Board -- Section 42.2 --
`and that judgment disposes of all issues
`that were or were by motion reasonably
`could have been raised and decided --
`Section 42.7(d)(3) -- consistent with
`Section 318(b) as amended and 35 U.S.C.
`Section 328(b).
`Page 20
`canceling the claims.
` So as far as timing, at least for
`that applicability of the statute, I
`believe it does apply, and I believe it's
`essential to keep an APA violation from
` JUDGE HARLOW: Okay. Thank you,
`Mr. Pollack. We will take the Parties'
`arguments under advisement and issue an
`order in due course. Thank you all for
`your time.
` MR. POLLACK: Thank you, Your Honor.
` MR. MAEBIUS: Thank you.
` (Time noted: 1:50 p.m.)
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`7:13 17:4 20:10
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`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
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` P.7
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`4:8 5:20 6:10 11:7
`12:7,16 13:15,20
`issues (4)
`7:15 18:20 19:4,14
`issuing (3)
`12:25 14:21 15:4
`Jacqueline (1)
`Job (1)
`joined (1)
`Joni (1)
`Judge (13)
`3:4,5,6 4:2 5:6,15 9:3
`10:22 12:3 15:10,12
`17:16 20:8
`Judges (2)
`3:3 7:15
`judgment (12)
`15:20 16:2,23 18:5,8
`18:12,16,18,20 19:8
`judicative (1)
`judicial (1)
`K (1)
`Haile (2)
`2:10 4:23
`Harbor (1)
`Harlow (11)
`3:4 4:2 5:6,15 9:3
`10:22 12:3 15:10,12
`17:16 20:8
`hear (1)
`hearing (1)
`held (1)
`history (2)
`11:20 17:5
`Honor (6)
`4:20 5:14 6:5 15:16
`17:15 20:13
`idea (2)
`5:19 9:9
`identical (1)
`identify (1)
`II (1)
`importantly (1)
`impurities (1)
`included (1)
`inconsistent (3)
`11:15 13:2 17:9
`Inghram (3)
`1:17 21:4,21
`instance (1)
`instant (1)
`Intellectual (1)
`intended (1)
`interest (1)
`interested (1)
`interpreted (1)
`interrupting (1)
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
` P.8
` UT Ex. 2062
`SteadyMed v. United Therapeutics


`keep (1)
`kick (1)
`know (4)
`6:16,23 9:18 19:17
`L (1)
`lack (1)
`language (4)
`10:5 15:23 16:7 17:2
`Lardner (1)
`law (1)
`lawsuit (1)
`Lee (1)
`let's (1)
`line (1)
`Lisa (2)
`2:10 4:23
`LLC (1)
`look (2)
`11:19 12:18
`looking (2)
`10:11 14:13
`Lora (1)
`M (1)
`Maebius (7)
`2:19 4:25 5:2 15:14
`15:16 17:19 20:14
`March (2)
`8:20 13:20
`material (3)
`means (2)
`15:20 19:10
`mentioned (1)
`motion (2)
`4:6 18:21
`N (1)
`names (1)
`nature (1)
`needs (1)
`neither (1)
`new (5)
`2:8,8 4:8 13:24 14:2
`normally (1)
`Notary (2)
`1:18 21:7
`noted (2)
`16:6 20:15
`notice (1)
`numerous (2)
`6:25 8:7
`NW (1)
`obviously (3)
`7:10 11:10 13:11
`obviousness-type (1)
`occurring (1)
`office (9)
`1:2 6:19 10:10 15:5
`17:22 18:3,4,10
`officer (1)
`okay (5)
`11:10 12:18 15:10
`17:17 20:8
`opinions (1)
`opportunity (1)
`order (2)
`7:11 20:11
`ordered (1)
`originally (1)
`outcome (1)
`Owner (4)
`1:9 4:19 5:2 12:20
`owners (2)
`12:22 15:2
`P (2)
`p.m (2)
`1:12 20:15
`page (2)
`7:4 17:25
`pages (1)
`panel (6)
`1:16 7:14 15:19 16:2
`17:18 19:21
`Paper (1)
`part (2)
`16:5 17:6
`particularly (1)
`parties (3)
`1:16 4:11 21:15
`Parties' (1)
`patent (24)
`1:2,3,7,9 3:3 4:10,18
`5:2 6:19 7:7,10,15
`7:18 10:9 12:8,20
`12:20 14:25 15:5
`16:8,14 17:22 18:3
`patent's (1)
`patentable (1)
`patentably (2)
`patently (1)
`patents (6)
`4:8 5:20 12:6,7,16
`permit (1)
`permitted (1)
`Petitioner (4)
`1:6 2:5 4:15,22
`pharmaceutical (1)
`Piper (2)
`2:6 4:24
`place (1)
`places (1)
`please (3)
`4:16 6:3 17:16
`point (3)
`11:22 13:3 15:17
`pointed (2)
`16:22 17:2
`Pollack (15)
`2:9 4:20,21 5:13,14
`6:5 9:24 11:10
`12:18 15:11 17:14
`17:17,18 20:9,13
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`posed (1)
`position (1)
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`5:24 9:19
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`present (2)
`3:9 4:18
`presented (1)
`prevent (1)
`prior (2)
`5:21 12:16
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`proceeding (2)
`8:25 19:5
`proceedings (4)
`15:7 21:8,10,11
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`productive (1)
`promulgated (1)
`promulgating (1)
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`provisions (6)
`5:10,18 11:3,5,9
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`Page 3
`Public (2)
`1:18 21:7
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`16:12 19:3
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`6:6 9:7 12:6 13:9
`Quillin (2)
`2:20 5:4
`quote (1)
`quoting (2)
`11:24 18:16
`R (1)
`raised (1)
`RDR (2)
`1:17 21:21
`really (2)
`11:15 19:11
`Realtime (1)
`reason (3)
`11:11 16:5,20
`reasonably (1)
`reasons (3)
`9:2 16:16 17:7
`recognize (1)
`record (1)
`reduced (1)
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`17:19 18:14
`refers (5)
`10:20 12:19 14:24
`15:25 16:3
`regard (2)
`4:7 17:18
`regardless (1)
`Register (2)
`17:25 18:17
`Registered (1)
` P.9
` UT Ex. 2062
`SteadyMed v. United Therapeutics


`regulation (9)
`9:25 10:2,5,5,20
`12:19 13:4 14:18
`regulations (1)
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`15:7 21:14
`relating (1)
`relationships (1)
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`13:23 14:4 19:8
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`15:17,25 16:19 17:10
`17:23,24 19:13,22
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`16:8 19:13
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`5:11 6:8,11,20 11:6
`16:7 18:19,23,24,25
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`Shares (1)
`Shaun (2)
`3:10 5:4
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`4:18 14:21,22
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`7:8 8:2
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`6:9 12:23
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`3:10 5:4
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`Speed (1)
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`18:11 19:19
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`states (3)
`1:2 7:2,4
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`6:13 7:5 19:13 20:4
`statutory (2)
`13:18 16:7
`SteadyMed (6)
`1:5 4:3,5,22 5:8 10:25
`SteadyMed's (1)
`stenographically (1)
`Steve (1)
`Street (1)
`Stuart (2)
`2:9 4:21
`subject (1)
`Subsection (1)
`subsequent (1)
`subsequently (1)
`substance (1)
`summary (1)
`supervision (1)
`Supreme (5)
`6:17,22,25 7:21 10:18
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`4:15 20:9
`taken (2)
`Tech (1)
`1:15 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1
`8:1 9:1 10:1 11:1
`12:1 13:1 14:1 15:1
`16:1 17:1 18:1 19:1
`20:1 21:1
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`15:24 18:16,17
`terminated (2)
`16:11 19:7
`Thank (8)
`4:20 5:6 6:5 15:10
`Therapeutic (1)
`Therapeutics (4)
`1:8 2:14 3:10 5:5
`thing (1)
`things (2)
`10:18 19:17
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`13:8 14:18,24 15:2,8
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`1:12 5:25 9:22 11:16
`15:4 16:10 17:13
`19:6,24 20:12,15
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`13:25 14:14
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`10:8 21:9
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`turned (1)
`Turning (1)
`two (4)
`4:8 12:6,25 19:16
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`U.S.C (1)
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`7:8 10:17
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`15:20 16:4,18
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`4:11 9:5 10:22 12:4
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`Page 4
`12:11 15:13
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`8:15 9:10
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`Ventures (1)
`Verbano (3)
`1:17 21:4,21
`versus (3)
`4:3 6:24 8:18
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`13:6,7 14:19 20:6
`Washington (2)
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`14:11 16:6
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`6:9 9:4 14:13
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`8:17 12:24 14:22
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`5:25 6:10,14 7:2,6,11
`7:16,22 8:6 9:6,10
`9:12 15:24 16:9
` P.10
` UT Ex. 2062
`SteadyMed v. United Therapeutics


`Page 5
`9 (4)
`13:23,25 14:11 15:22
`33 (1)
`35 (1)
`37 (1)
`393 (1)
`4 (2)
`4-17-2017 (1)
`4/5/17 (18)
`4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:1

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