`Reaffirmation 12 June 2003
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 1
`IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Com(cid:173)
`mittees of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board Members of the committees serve
`volnntarily and withont compensation. They are not necessarily members of the Institnte. The standards
`developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institnte as
`well as those activities outside of IEEE that have expressed an interest in participating in the development of
`the standard.
`Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly volnntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there
`are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to
`the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and
`issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments
`received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every five years for
`revision or reaffirmation. When a document is more than five years old and has not been reaffirmed, it is rea(cid:173)
`sonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of
`the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.
`Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership
`affiliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of
`text, together with appropriate supporting comments.
`Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they
`relate to specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the
`Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of
`all concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a
`balance of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its societies and Standards Coordinating
`Committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where
`the matter has previously received formal consideration.
`Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:
`Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane
`P.O. Box 1331
`Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
`Note: Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may
`require use of subject matter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard,
`no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any patent rights in
`connection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying patents for
`which a license may be required by an IEEE standard or for conducting inquiries into
`the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention.
`Authorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright
`Clearance Center. To arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Cus(cid:173)
`tomer Service, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; (978) 750-8400. Permission to photocopy
`portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copy(cid:173)
`right Clearance Center.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 2
`[This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 802.llb-1999, Supplement to IEEE Standard for Information technology(cid:173)
`Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Local and metropolitan area networks-Specific
`requirements-Part 11: Wrreless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications:
`Higher-Speed Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4 GHz Band.]
`This standard is part of a family of standards for local and metropolitan area networks. The relationship
`between the standard and other members of the family is shown below. (The numbers in the figure refer to
`IEEE standard numbers.)
`< ..
`< "
`* Formerly IEEE Std 802.1 A.
`This family of standards deals with the Physical and Data Link layers as defined by the International Organiza(cid:173)
`tion for Standardization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model (ISO/IEC
`7498-1: 1994). The access standards define seven types of medium access technologies and associated physi(cid:173)
`cal media, each appropriate for particular applications or system objectives. Other types are under
`The standards defining the access technologies are as follows:
`• IEEE Std 802
`Overview and Architecture. This standard provides an overview to the family
`of IEEE 802 Standards.
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802. lB
`and 802.lk
`[ISO/IEC 15802-2]
`LAN/MAN Management. Defines an OSI management-compatible architec(cid:173)
`ture, and services and protocol elements for use in a LAN/MAN environment
`for performing remote management.
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802. lD
`[ISO/IEC 15802-3]
`Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges. Specifies an architecture and protocol
`for the interconnection of IEEE 802 LANs below the MAC service boundary.
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802. lE
`[ISO/IEC 15802-4]
`System Load Protocol. Specifies a set of services and protocol for those
`aspects of management concerned with the loading of systems on IEEE 802
`• IEEE Std 802.lF
`Common Definitions and Procedures for IEEE 802 Management Information
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802. lG
`[ISO/IEC 15802-5]
`Rerrwte Media Access Control Bridging. Specifies extensions for the intercon(cid:173)
`nection, using non-LAN communication technologies, of geographically sepa(cid:173)
`rated IEEE 802 LAN s below the level of the logical link control protocol.
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 3
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802.2
`[ISO/IEC 8802-2]
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3
`[ISO/IEC 8802-3]
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802.4
`[ISO/IEC 8802-4]
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802.5
`[ISO/IEC 8802-5]
`Logical Link Control
`CSMAICD Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
`Token Passing Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
`Token Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802.6
`[ISO/IEC 8802-6]
`Distributed Queue Dual Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifica(cid:173)
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802.9
`[ISO/IEC 8802-9]
`Integrated Services (IS) LAN Interface at the Medium Access Control aTld
`Physical Layers
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802.10
`Interoperable LAN/MAN Security
`• IEEE Std 802.11
`[ISO/IEC DIS 8802-11]
`Wireless LAN Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications
`• ANSI/IEEE Std 802.12
`[ISO/IEC DIS 8802-12]
`Demand Priority Access Method, Physical Layer and Repeater Specifica(cid:173)
`In addition to the family of standards, the following is a recommended practice for a common Physical
`Layer technology:
`• IEEE Std 802.7
`IEEE Recommended Practice for Broadband Local Area Networks
`The following additional working groups have authorized standards projects under development:
`• IEEE 802.14
`Standard Protocol for Cable-TV Based Broadband Communication Network
`• IEEE 802.15
`Wireless Personal Area Networks Access Method and Physical Layer
`• IEEE 802.16
`Broadband Wireless Access Method and Physical I.ayer Specifications
`Copyright© 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 4
`At the time this standard was balloted, the 802.11 Working Group had the following membership:
`Vic Hayes, Chair
`Stuart J. Kerry, Vice Chair
`Al Petrick, Co-Vice Chair
`George Fishel, Secretary
`Robert O'Hara, Chair and editor, 802 .11-rev
`Allen Heberling, State-diagram editor
`Michael A. Fischer, State-diagram editor
`Dean M. Kawaguchi, Chair PHY group
`David Bagby, Chair MAC group
`Naftali Chayat, Chair Task Group a
`Hitoshi Takanashi, Technical Editor, 802.11 a
`John Fakatselis, Chair Task Group b
`Carl F. Andren, Technical Editor, 802.11 b
`Jeffrey Abramowitz
`Keith B. Amundsen
`James R. Baker
`Kevin M. Barry
`Phil Belanger
`John Biddick
`Simon Black
`Timothy J. Blaney
`Jan Boer
`Ronald Brockmann
`Wesley Brodsky
`John H. Cafarella
`Wen-Chiang Chen
`Ken Clements
`Wrm Diepstraten
`Peter F.cclesine
`Richard E.ckard
`Darwin Engwer
`Greg Ennis
`Jeffrey J. Fischer
`John Fisher
`Ian Gifford
`Motohiro Goehl
`Tim Godfrey
`Steven D. Gray
`Karl Hannestad
`Chris D. Heegard
`Robert Helle
`Juha T. Heiskala
`Maarten Hoeben
`Masayuki Ikeda
`Donald C. Johnson
`Tai Kaitz
`Mika Kasslin
`Patrick Kinney
`Steven Knudsen
`Bruce P. Kraemer
`David S. Landeta
`James S. Li
`Stanley Ling
`Michael D. Mcinnis
`Gene Miller
`Hemi Moelard
`Masaharu Mori
`Masahiro Morikura
`Richard van Nee
`Erwin R. Noble
`Tomoki Ohsawa
`Kazuhiro Okanoue
`Richard H. Paine
`Roger Pandanda
`Victoria M. Poncini
`Gregory S. Rawlins
`Stanley A. Reible
`Frits Riep
`William Roberts
`Kent G. Rollins
`Clemens C. W. Ruppel
`Anil K. Sanwalka
`Roy Sebring
`Tie-Jun Shan
`Stephen J. Shellhammer
`Matthew B. Shoemake
`Thomas Siep
`Donald I. Sloan
`Gary Spiess
`Satoru Toguchi
`Cherry Tom
`Mike Trompower
`Tom Tsoulogiannis
`Bruce Tuch
`Sarosh N. Vesuna
`Ikuo Wakayama
`Robert M. Ward, Jr.
`Mark Webster
`Harry R. Worstell
`Lawrence W. Yonge, ill
`Chris Zegelin
`Jonathan M Zweig
`Copyright© 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 5
`The following members of the balloting committee voted on this standard:
`Raj Jain
`Carl F. Andren
`.A.. Kamerman
`Dean M Kawaguchi
`Stuart J. Kerry
`David Bagby
`Kevin M Barry
`Patrick Kinney
`Daniel R. Krent
`John H. Cafarella
`James T. Carlo
`Walter Levy
`David E. Carlson
`Stanley ling
`Linda T. Cheng
`Randolph S. little
`Roger B. Marks
`Thomas J. Dineen
`Christos Douligeris
`Peter Martini
`Peter Ecclesine
`Richard McBride
`Bennett Meyer
`Richard Eckard
`Philip H. Enslow
`David S. ~llman
`Hiroshi ~yano
`John Fakatselis
`Warren Monroe
`Jeffrey J. Fischer
`Masahiro Morikura
`Robert J. Gagliano
`Shimon Muller
`Peter .A.. Murphy
`Gautam Garai
`.A.lireza Ghazizahedi
`Paul Nikolich
`Etwin R Noble
`Tim Godfrey
`Satoshi Ohara
`Patrick S. Gonia
`Steven D. Gray
`Robert O'Hara
`Charles Oestereicher
`ChrisG. Guy
`Kazuhiro Okanoue
`Vic Hayes
`.A.lien Heberling
`Roger Pandanda
`Chris D. Heegard
`Ronald C. Petersen
`.A.I Petrick
`Juba T. Heiskala
`Pete Rautenberg
`Stanley .A.. Reible
`Edouard Y. Rocher
`Kent G. Rollins
`James W. Romlein
`FloydE. Ross
`Christoph Ruland
`.A.nil K. Sanwalka
`Norman Schneidewind
`James E. Schuessler
`Rich Seifert
`Matthew B. Shoemake
`Leo Sintonen
`Hitoshi Takanashi
`~ke Trompower
`Mark-Rene Uchida
`Scott .A.. Valcourt
`Richard Van Nee
`Sarosh N. Vesuna
`John Viaplana
`Hirohisa Wakai
`Robert M. Ward, Jr.
`Mark Webster
`Harry R. Worstell
`Stefan M Wurster
`Oren Yuen
`Jonathan M. Zweig
`When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 16 September 1999, it had the following
`Richard J. Holleman, Chair
`Donald N. Heirman, Vice Chair
`Judith Gorman, Secretary
`James H. Gurney
`Lowell G. Johnson
`Robert J. Kennelly
`E.G. ".A.I" Kiener
`Joseph L. Koepfinger*
`L Bruce McClung
`Daleep C. Mohla
`Robert F. Munzner
`Louis-Fran~ois Pau
`Ronald C. Petersen
`Gerald H. Peterson
`John B. Posey
`Gary S. Robinson
`Hans E. Weinrich
`Donald W. Zipse
`Salish K. .A.ggarwal
`Dennis Hodson
`Mark D. Bowman
`James T. Carlo
`Gary R Engmann
`Harold E. Epstein
`Jay Forster*
`Ruben D. Garzon
`*Member Emeritus
`Also included is the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaison:
`Robert E. Hebner
`Janet Rutigliano
`IEEE Standards Project Editor
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 6
`3.8 Basic service set (BSS) basic rate set .......................................................................................... 1
`4. Abbreviations and acronyms ................................................................................................................ 2
` Beacon frame format. ............................................................................................................... 2
` Probe Response frame format .................................................................................................. 3
` Capability Information field .................................................................................................... 3
` Status Code field ...................................................................................................................... 5
` Supported Rates element. ......................................................................................................... 5
`9.2 DCF .............................................................................................................................................. 5
`9.6 Multirate support .......................................................................................................................... 6
` MLME_scan.confirm ............................................................................................................. 6
` Semantics of the service primitive ...................................................................................... 7
` Semantics of the service primitive ...................................................................................... 8
`10.3.10 Start ......................................................................................................................................... 8
` Semantics of the service primitive .................................................................................... 9
`10.4.4 PLME_DSSSTESTMODE ..................................................................................................... 10
`18. High Rate, direct sequence spread spectrum PHY specification ....................................................... 11
`18.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 11
`18.2 High Rate PLCP sublayer .......................................................................................................... 12
`18.3 High Rate PLME ........................................................................................................................ Z'7
`18.4 High Rate PMD sublayer ........................................................................................................... 30
`Annex A (normative), Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) proforma ......................... 59
`Annex C (normative), Formal description of MAC operation ...................................................................... 64
`Annex D (normative), ASN.l encoding of the MAC and PHY MIB. ........................................................... 88
`Annex F (informative), High Rate PHY/frequency-hopping interoperability ............................................... 89
`Copyright© 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 7
`Supplement to IEEE Standard for
`Information technology-
`Telecommunications and information exchange
`between systems-
`Local and metropolitan area networks(cid:173)
`Specific requirements-
`Part 11 :Wireless LAN Medium Access
`Control (MAC} and Physical Layer
`(PHY} specifications:
`Higher-Speed Physical Layer
`Extension in the 2.4 GHz Band
`[This supplement is based on IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition.]
`EDITORIAL NOTE-The editing instructions contained in this supplement define how to merge the material contained
`herein into the existing base standard to form the new comprehensive standard, as created by the addition of IEEE Std
`The editing instructions are shown in bold italic. Three editing instructions are used: change, delete, and
`insert. Change is used to make small corrections in existing text or tables. This editing instruction specifies
`the location of the change and describes what is being changed either by using strikethfoogh (to remove old
`material) or underscore (to add new material). Delete removes existing material. Jnaert adds new material
`without disturbing the existing material. Insertions may require renumbering. If so, renumbering instructions
`are given in the editing instructions. Editorial notes will not be carried over into future editions.
`3.8 Basic service set (BSS) basic rate set
`Change the ten in thU 11ubclause as 1hown:
`The set of data transfer rates that all the stations in a BSS will be capable of using to receive and transmit
`frames 1Q/from the wireless medium (WM). The BSS basic rate set data rates are preset for all stations in
`Copyright© 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 8
`Std 802.11b-1999
`4. Abbreviations and acronyms
`Insert the following abbreviations alphabetit:aUy in the lUt in Clause 4:
`complementary code keying
`High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the Long Preamble and header
`High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional Short Preamble
`and header mode
`High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional packet binary con(cid:173)
`vol utional coding mode and the Long Preamble and header
`llR/DSSS/PBCC/short High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional packet binary con(cid:173)
`volutional coding mode and the optional Short Preamble and header
` Beacon frame format
`Change Notes 1 and 2 of Table 5 as shown:
`Table 5-Beacon frame body
`Beacon interval
`Capability Information
`Supported Rates
`FH Parameter Set
`DS Parameter Set
`CF Parameter Set
`IBSS Parameter Set
`1-The FH Parameter Set information element is enly present within Beacon frames generated by STAs using fre(cid:173)
`quency-hopping PHY s.
`2-The DS Parameter Set information element is eBly present within Beacon frames generated by STAs using direct
`sequence PHY s.
`3-The CF Parameter Set infotmation element is only present within Beacon frames generated by APs supporting
`a PCP.
`4-The IBSS Parameter Set information element is only present within Beacon frames generated by STAs in an IBSS.
`5-The TIM information element is only present within Beacon frames generated by APs.
`Copyright© 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 9
`Std 802.11b-1999
`7 .2.3.9 Probe Response frame format
`Change Note1 l atul 2 of Tabk 12 a1 1hown:
`Table 12-Probe Response frame body
`Beacon interval
`Capability Information
`Supported Rates
`FH Parameter Set
`DS Parameter Set
`CF Parameter Set
`IBSS Parameter Set
`1-The FH Parameter Set information element is enly present within Probe Response frames generated by STAs using
`frequency-hopping PHY s.
`2-The DS Parameter Set information element is enly present within Probe Response frames generated by STAs using
`direct sequence PHY s.
`3-The CF Parameter Set information element is only present within Probe Response frames generated by APs support(cid:173)
`ing aPCF.
`4-The IBSS Parameter Set information element is only present within Probe Response frames generated by STAs in
`7 .3.1.4 Capability Information field
`Change the text in and Figure 27 a11hown:
`The Capability Information field contains a number of subfields that are used to indicate requested or adver(cid:173)
`tised capabilities.
`The length of the Capability Infonnation field is 2 octets. The Capability Information field consists of the
`following subfields: ESS, IBSS, CF-Pollable, CF-Poll Request, and Privacy, Short Preamble. PBCC. and
`Channel Agility. The format of the Capability Information field is as illustrated in Figure 27.
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 10
`Std 802.111>-1999
`Poll able Request
`Privacy Preamble
`PBCC ~ I Res
`BB 2:J
`Figure 27-Capablllty Information fixed tleld
`Insert the following tnt at the end o/
`APs las well as STAs in IBSSs\ shall set the Short Preamble subfield to 1 in transmitted Beacon. Probe
`Resoonse. Association Resoonse. and Reassociation Resoonse management MMPDUs to indicate that the
`use of the Short Preamble option. as described in is allowed within this BSS. To indicate that the
`use of the Short Preamble ootion is not allowed. the Short Preamble subfield shall be set to 0 in Beacon.
`Probe Response. Association Response. and Reassociation Resoonse management MMPDUs transmitted
`within the BSS.
`STAs shall set the Short Preamble subfield to I in transmitted Association Request and Reassociation
`Request MMPDUs when the MIB attribute dotllShortPreambleQptionlmplemented is true. Otherwise.
`STAs shall set the Short Preamble subfield to 0 in transmitted Association Request and Reassociation
`Request MMPDUs.
`APs las well as STAs in IBSSs\ shall set the PBCC subfield to I in transmitted Beacon. Probe Resoonse.
`Association Resoonse. and Reassociation Resoonse management MMPDUs to indicate that the use of the
`PBCC Modulation option. as described in is allowed within this BSS. To indicate that the use of the
`PBCC Modulation option is not allowed. the PBCC subfield shall be set to 0 in Beacon. Probe Resoonse.
`Association Resoonse. and Reassociation Resoonse management MMPDUs transmitted within the BSS.
`STAs shall set the PBCC subfield to I in transmitted Association Request and Reassociation Request
`MMPDUs when the MIB attribute dotllPBCCQptionlmplemented is true. Otherwise. STAs shall set the
`PBCC subfield to 0 in transmitted Association Request and Reassociation Request MMPDUs.
`Bit 7 of the Capabilities Information field shall be used to indicate the usage of Channel Agility by the HR/
`DSSS PHY. STAs shall set the Channel Agility bit to I when Channel Agility is in use. and shall set it
`to 0 otherwise.
`Bits 8-15 of the Capability Information field are reserved.
`Copyright© 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 11
`Std 802.11b-1999
`7 .3.1.9 Status Code lleld
`Add thne Statu1 Cofk1 to Table 19 tu 1hown:
`Table 19-Status Codes
`Status Code
`Association denied due to
`~guesting station not sup-:
`J;!Qrting the Short Pream-
`Association denied due to
`reguesting station not sup-:
`J;!Qrting the PBCC Modula-
`lion option.
`Association denied due to
`~guesting station not sup-:
`J;!Qrting the Channel Agil-
` Supported Rates element
`Change the text in tu 1hown.
`The Supported Rates element specifies all the values rates that this statioo is sapable of Feeei¥ieg in the
`Operational-Rate-Set parameter. as described in the MI.ME Join.request and MLME Start.request primi(cid:173)
`tives. The information field is encoded as 1-8 octets, where each octet describes a single Supported RatlHR
`wlits of 500 kbit/s.
`Within Beacon, Probe Response, Association Response, and Reassociation Response management frames,
`each Supported Rate belonging to the BSSBasie Rate Set BSS basic rate set is encoded as an octet with the
`msb (bit 7) set to 1 (e.g., a 1 Mbit/s rate belonging to the BSSBasieRateSet BSS basic rate set is encoded as
`X'82'). Rates not belonging to the BSSBasieRateSet BSS basic rate set are encoded with the msb set to 0
`(e.g., a 2 Mbit/s rate not belonging to the BSSBasieRateSet BSS basic rate set is encoded as X'04'). The msb
`of each Supported Rate octet in other management frame types is ignored by receiving STAs.
`BSSBasieRateSet The BSS basic rate set information in Beacon and Probe Response management frames~
`delivered to the management entity in an STA via the BSSBasicRateSet parameter in the MLME Scan.con(cid:173)
`firm primitive. It is used by the management entity in an STAs in eFder to avoid associating with a BSS if the
`STA cannot receive and transmit all the data rates in the BSSBasieRateSet BSS basic rate set (see
`Figure 36).
`9.2 DCF
`Change the eleventh paragraph in 9.2 as shown.
`The medium access protocol allows for stations to support different sets of data rates. All STAs shall be able
`to receive and transmit at all the data rates in the aBasicRateSet specified parameter of the
`MLME Join.request and MLME Start.request primitives and transmit at eee or mO£e of the aBasieRateSet
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 12
`Std 802.11b-1999
`data rates. To support the proper operation of the RfS/CTS and the Virtual Carrier Sense mechanism, all
`STAs shall be able to detect the RfS and CTS frames. For this reason, the RfS and CTS frames shall be
`transmitted at one of the rates in the BSS basic rate set aBasieRateSet rates. (See 9.6 for a description of
`multirate operation.)
`9.6 Multirate support
`Change the existing tut as shown:
`Some PHY s have multiple data transfer rate capabilities that allow implementations to perform dynamic rate
`switching with the objective of improving performance. The algorithm for performing rate switching is
`beyond the scope of this standard, but in order to ensure coexistence and interoperability on
`multirate-capable PHY s, this standard defines a set of rules that shall be followed by all STAs.
`All Control frames shall be transmitted at one of the rates in the BSSBasieRateSet BSS basic rate set fsee
`HH. 10.1), or at eBe af the rates ia the PHY mandatory rate set so that they will be understood by all STAs in
`the BSS.
`All frames with multicast and broadcast RA shall be transmitted at one of the rates included in the BSSBasi
`eRateSet BSS basic rate set, regardless of their type or subtype.
`Data and/or management MPDUs with a unicast immediate address RA shall be sent on any supported data
`rate selected by the rate switching mechanism (whose output is an internal MAC variable called MACCur(cid:173)
`rentRate, defiaed in units af 500 Imitls, which is used for calculating the Duration/ID field of each frame).
`An STA shall not transmit at a rate that is known not to be supported by the destination STA, as reported in
`the Supported Rates element in the management frames. For frames of type Data + CF -ACK, Data + CF -
`Poll + CF -ACK, and CF - Poll + CF - ACK, the rate chosen to transmit the frame must be supported by
`both the addressed recipient STA and the STA to which the ACK is intended.
`lB eFder te IQ allow the transmitting STA to calculate the contents of the Duration/ID field, the responding
`STA shall transmit its Control Response and Management Response frames (either CTS or ACK) at the
`highest rate in the BSS basic rate set that is less than or egual to the rate of at the same rate as the immedi(cid:173)
`ately previous frame in the frame exchange sequence (as defined in 9.7). if this rate beleegs te tlHl PHY mae
`eatery rates, er else at tlHl highest possible rate beloeging to the PHY Fates ie the BSSBa&i6RateSet. In
`addition. the Control Response frame shall be sent using the same PHY options as the received frame.
`For the HR/DSSS PHY. the time required to transmit a frame for use in the Duration/ID field is determined
`using the PLME-TXTIME.reguest primitive and the PLME-TXTIME.confirm primitive. both defined
`in 1.3.4.
` MLME_acan.conflrm
`Change "set" to "sets" in the Name and Description columns for the PHY Parameter Set
`Copyright© 2000 IEEE. All rights reserwd.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 13
`Std 802.11b-1999
` Semantics of the service primitive
`Change tM tabk as shown:
`Octet string
`1-32 octets
`Beacon Period
`The B SSID of the found
`The SSID of the found
`The type of the found B SS.
`The Beacon period of the
`found BSS (in TU).
`Times tamp
`Local Time
`As defined in frame
`The DTIM period of the
`BSS (in beacon periods).
`The timestamp of the
`received frame (probe
`response/beacon) from the
`The value of STA's TSF
`timer at the start of recep-
`tion of the first octet of the
`timestamp field of the
`received frame (probe
`response or beacon) from
`the found BSS.
`PHY Parameter Set
`As defined in frame
`As defined in frame
`The parameter set relevant
`to the PHY.
`CF Parameter Set
`As defined in frame
`As defined in frame
`IBSS Parameter Set
`As defined in frame
`As defined in frame
`The parameter set for the
`CF periods, if found BSS
`supports CF mode.
`The parameter set for the
`IBSS, if found BSS is an
`Capability Information
`As defined in frame
`As defined in frame
`The advertised capabilities
`of the BSS.
`Set of intergers
`1-27 inclusive (for each
`integer in the set)
`The set of data rates ~
`units of500kb/s) that must
`be supported by all STAs
`that desire to join this BSS.
`The STAs must be able to
`receive and transmit at
`each of the data rates listed
`in the set
`Copyright© 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 14
`Std 802.11 b-1999
` Semantics of the service primitive
`Change the tabk as shown:
`:t 1
`Operational Rate Set
`Set of integers
`1-127 inclusive (for
`each integer in the
`The BSSDescription
`of the BSS to join.
`The BSSDescription
`is a member of the
`set of descriptions
`that was returned as a
`result of a MLME-
`The time limit, in
`units of beacon inter-
`vals, after which the
`join procedure will
`be terminated.
`Delay (in µs) to be
`used prior to trans-
`mitting a Probe
`frame during active
`The set of data rates
`(ill wHts of 50()
`~that the STA
`desires to use for
`within the BSS. The
`STA must be able to
`receive at each of the
`data rates listed in the
`set Jhe Gperatienal
`RateSet ~is a
`superset of the BS8-
`BasieRateSet BSS
`basic rate set adver-
`tised by the BSS.
`10.3.10 Start
`Change "set" to "sets" in the Name and Description columns for the PHY Parameter Set.
`Copyright© 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1022, p. 15
`Std 802.11b-1999
` Semantics of the service primitive
`Change tM tabk as shown:
`Valid range
`Octet string
`The SSID of the BSS.
`The type of the BSS.
`Beacon period
`:z: 1
`As defined in
`CF Parameter Set
`As defined in Frame
`As defined in
`The Beacon period of the
`BSS (in TU).
`The DT™ period of the
`BSS (in Beaco