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`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 2
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`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 3
`PTO/SB/14 (11-08)
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`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 4
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`R. Chad
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`Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2011-12-19
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`EFS Web 2.2.2
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 6
`FIG. 1
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 7
`1000 Bt
`rv -
`1000 Bt
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 8
`~ c:::> 0
`'---' C>
`i-----N-0-N--S-E-CU_R_E_:::::X:::C-A-CH-E--~---S-E_C_U_RE_C_A_C_H_E --~ ~ o
`i----TC_P _ _._ __ U_D_P _ _.__ __ T_~_P_F_Lo_w_s __ _._ __ U_D_P_FL_o_w_s _ __. ~
`.,........ ~R-U-LE~
`...__, CHECK
`1000 Bt
`1000 Bt
`1000 Bt
`FIG. 3
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 9
`, ,
`, ,
`, ,
`, , ,
`/ /
`... ... ... ...
`, ,
`' ' ' '
`I I
`FIG. 4
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 10
`Related Applications
`The present application is a continuation of U.S. Application Serial
`5 No. 11/475,360, filed June 27, 2006, the disclosure of which is hereby
`incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.
`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a gateway device and more
`1 O particularly relates to a gateway device interconnecting a high speed Wide
`Area Network (WAN) to a lower speed Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN).
`Backaround of the Invention
`Historically, residential gateways provided a routing function from
`an in-home Local Area Network (LAN) to a Wide Area Network (WAN) based
`Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) or Data Over Cable Service
`Interface Specification (DOCSIS) connection. Bandwidth available from the
`WAN ranged from 200 kbps to 6 Mbps. The LAN side of the gateway was
`either a single or multiple 10/1 OOBt Ethernet connections serving client
`computers. Eventually, these Ethernet connections were replaced with
`wireless IEEE 802.11 b/a/g LANs operating from 6 to 50 Mbps. The smaller
`bandwidth capabilities of the WAN versus the LAN kept downstream traffic
`flow simple in the gateway. Upstream traffic from the LAN to WAN was
`seldom an issue because users were less sensitive to this bottleneck. A
`typical upstream bottleneck scenario would be sending an email with a large
`attachment. In this situation, the Transfer Control Protocol (TCP) service of
`the gateway would simply throttle the LAN connection to the appropriate
`speed for the WAN.
`[0004] With the advent of Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) networks, the
`traditional scenario described above has been reversed. In a FTTH network,
`a high speed FTTH data connection is provided to the residential gateway.
`The FTTH data connection provides data rates in the range of 1 to 1 O Gbps.
`In contrast, the proposed IEEE 802.11 n standard for wireless LANs provides
`data rates in the range of 100 to 500 Mbps. As such, the traditional
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 11
`residential gateway architecture will limit overall performance to the wireless
`LAN bandwidth, thereby negating much of the value of the FTTH connection.
`Thus, there is a need for an improved residential gateway architecture for
`interconnecting a high speed WAN to a lower speed wireless LAN.
`Summary of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a gateway interconnecting a high
`speed Wide Area Network (WAN) and a lower speed Wireless Local Area
`Network (WLAN). The high speed WAN is preferably connected to the
`1 O gateway via a Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) connection and associated FTTH
`modem. In general, the gateway includes an adaptable cross-layer offload
`engine operating to manage bandwidth between the high speed WAN and the
`lower speed WLAN. As data enters the gateway from the WAN at the high
`speed data rate of the WAN, the offload engine stores the data in a non-
`secure data cache. A rule check engine performs a stateless or stateful
`inspection of the data in the non-secure data cache. Once inspected by the
`rule check engine, the data is moved from the non-secure cache to the secure
`cache and thereafter transmitted to an appropriate user device in the WLAN
`at a lower data rate of the WLAN.
`Prior to transmitting the data, the gateway may also perform
`additional functions such as, but not limited to, file format conversion, Digital
`Rights Management (ORM) encoding or decoding, and Data Encryption
`Standard (DES) encryption or decryption.
`Those skilled in the art will appreciate the scope of the present
`invention and realize additional aspects thereof after reading the following
`detailed description of the preferred embodiments in association with the
`accompanying drawing figures.
`Brief Description of the Drawing Figures
`The accompanying drawing figures incorporated in and forming a
`part of this specification illustrate several aspects of the invention, and
`together with the description serve to explain the principles of the invention.
`Figure 1 illustrates a system including an adaptable cross-layer
`gateway for interconnecting, or bridging, a high speed Wide Area Network
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 12
`(WAN) to a lower speed Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) according to
`one embodiment of the present invention;
`[001 O]
`Figure 2 is a block diagram of the adaptable cross-layer gateway of
`Figure 1 according to one embodiment of the present invention;
`Figure 3 is an exemplary protocol stack representation of the
`adaptable cross-layer gateway according to one embodiment of the present
`invention; and
`Figure 4 illustrates an exemplary cross-messaging matrix controlled
`to provide a complete protocol stack having a cross-layer architecture for a
`1 O network connection implemented by the adaptable cross-layer gateway
`according to one embodiment of the present invention.
`Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments
`The embodiments set forth below represent the necessary
`information to enable those skilled in the art to practice the invention and
`illustrate the best mode of practicing the invention. Upon reading the
`following description in light of the accompanying drawing figures, those
`skilled in the art will understand the concepts of the invention and will
`recognize applications of these concepts not particularly addressed herein. It
`should be understood that these concepts and applications fall within the
`scope of the disclosure and the accompanying claims.
`Figure 1 illustrates a system 1 O including an adaptable cross-layer
`gateway 12 interconnecting, or bridging, a high speed WAN 14 and a lower
`speed WLAN 16 according to one embodiment of the present invention. In
`addition, as discussed below, the gateway 12 offloads data to data caches in
`order to take advantage of the high data rate provided by the high speed
`WAN 14. In addition, by using cross-layering techniques, the gateway 12
`improves the performance of the WLAN 16 in order to take further advantage
`of the high speed WAN 14. The gateway 12 may be implemented in
`hardware or a combination of hardware and software. For example, the
`gateway 12 may include one or more Application Specific Integrated Circuits
`(ASICs), one or more Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), one or more Field
`Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), or the like.
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 13
`The WAN 14 may be a distributed public access network such as
`the Internet. Preferably, the WAN 14 provides a Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH)
`connection to a customer premises 18, which in this example includes a
`network interface 20, the gateway 12, and the WLAN 16. FTTH generally
`refers to a broadband network where a fiber-optic connection is provided to
`the home. The FTTH connection provides data rates equal to or greater than
`1 Gigabit per second (Gbps). For example, the FTTH connection may provide
`data rates in the range of and including 1 to 1 O Gbps. The network interface
`20 may be a FTTH modem providing an interface between the FTTH
`1 O
`connection and the gateway 12. In this exemplary embodiment, the network
`interface 20 provides an optical to electrical Gigabit Ethernet connection
`(1 OOOBt) to the gateway 12. It should be noted that while the preferred high
`speed connection to the WAN 14 is the FTTH connection discussed herein,
`the present invention is not limited thereto. The gateway 12 of the present
`invention may be used to interconnect, or bridge, any high speed WAN to a
`lower speed LAN regardless of the type of connection provided to the WAN.
`For example, the gateway 12 may interconnect an OC-192 (9.95328 Gbps) or
`1 O Gigabit Ethernet WAN to a multiport Gigabit Ethernet (1 OOOBt) lower speed
`The WLAN 16 may operate, for example, according to one or more
`of the suite of IEEE 802.11 standards such as the IEEE 802.11 a, IEEE
`802.11 b, IEEE 802.11 g, or the proposed IEEE 802.11 n standards. The
`WLAN 16 is formed by the gateway 12 and a number of user devices 22-28
`each having a wireless interface. The user devices 22-28 may be, for
`example, personal computers, Personal Video Recorders (PVRs), Personal
`Digital Assistants (PDAs), other Internet Protocol (IP) appliances, or the like,
`or any combination thereof.
`Figure 2 is a more detailed block diagram of the gateway 12
`according to one embodiment of the present invention. At the heart of the
`gateway 12 is an adaptable cross-layer offload engine 30 that manages
`bandwidth, or traffic flow, between the WAN 14 and the WLAN 16. The
`offload engine 30 utilizes cross-layer functionality and is configurable to adapt
`to varying conditions in the WLAN 16. The offload engine 30 is preferably
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 14
`implemented in hardware, but may alternatively be implemented in software
`or a combination of hardware and software.
`The offload engine 30 is communicatively coupled to the WAN 14
`via, in this example, a Gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC) 32,
`5 which is connected to the WAN 14 (Figure 1) via the network interface 20.
`The NIC 32 may generally be referred to as a high speed network interface.
`The offload engine 30 is communicatively coupled to the WLAN 16, and more
`specifically the user devices 22-28 in the WLAN 16, via one or more wireless
`radios 34. In this example, the wireless radios 34 are IEEE 802.11 n wireless
`1 O
`radios. However, the present invention is not limited thereto. The gateway 12
`may also include an Ethernet switch 36 or the like providing one or more
`wired connections to additional LAN devices.
`The gateway 12 also includes a non-secure data cache 38 and a
`secure data cache 40. The non-secure and secure data caches 38 and 40
`are used to buffer data as needed by the offload engine 30. While illustrated
`separately, the data caches 38 and 40 may be implemented in a single
`physical cache where, for example, flags are used to identify secure and non(cid:173)
`secure data. The non-secure data cache 38 is used to store received data
`from the WAN 14 for inspection and processing prior to forwarding the data to
`the WLAN 16. The non-secure data cache 38 may also be used to buffer
`large data sets from the WLAN 16 waiting for transmission over the WAN 14.
`By buffering data in the non-secure data cache 38, the gateway 12 is enabled
`to take advantage of the full bandwidth provided by the FTTH connection.
`The secure data cache 40 is used to temporarily store data from the non-
`secure data cache 38 that has been inspected and cleared for transmission
`prior to transmission to the user devices 22-28 in the WLAN 16.
`A rule check engine 42 operates to inspect the data in the non-
`secure data cache 38 according to a number of rules, which in this example
`include Intrusion Detection System (IDS) rules 44, Digital Rights Management
`(ORM) rules 46, and other general or specific content rules 48. The rule
`check engine 42 may perform stateless inspection, stateful inspection, or both
`stateless and stateful inspection. The IDS rules 44 are generally rules for
`detecting malicious network traffic and may include, for example, typical
`firewall rules. The ORM rules 46 may be rules for protecting media files, such
`DISH, Exh. 1004, p. 15
`as videos, songs, and images, stored on the user devices 22-28 within the
`WLAN 16 when transmitted over the WAN 14. In addition, the ORM rules 46
`may include rules for identifying incoming content to be encoded as a security
`feature to prevent unauthorized viewing of the specified content by, for
`example, children within the WLAN 16. The content rules 48 may include
`rules regulating the types of content that may be accessed by the user
`devices 22-28 within the WLAN 16. In addition, as discussed below, the rule
`check engine 42 may inspect the data passing through the gateway 12 based
`on rules for triggering additional functions provided by the gateway 12.
`1 O
`The gateway 12 may also include various additional functional
`components such as, but not limited to, a ORM encoder/decoder 50, a Digital
`Encryption System (DES) encryption/decryption function 52, and a file format
`conversion function 54. The functions 50-54 may be triggered either directly
`or indirectly by the rule check engine 42 based on associated rules used to
`inspect data passing through the gateway 12.
`The ORM encoder/decoder 50 may be implemented in hardware,
`software, or a combination of hardware and software, and may be used to
`protect content transmitted over the WAN 14 from the user devices 22-28
`within the WLAN 16. In addition or alternatively, the ORM encoder/decoder
`50 may be used in conjunction with firewall technology to create a security
`feature that prevents unauthorized viewing of specified content on the user
`devices 22-28. More specifically, in the outgoing direction, the ORM
`encoder/decoder 50 may operate to encode content leaving the WLAN 16.
`For example, personal videos, songs, images, or the like stored by the user
`devices 22-28 may be encoded by the ORM encoder/decoder 50 such that
`only desired recipients may view or play the content. As for incoming content,
`the ORM encoder/decoder 50 may, for example, encode specified types of
`content from the WAN 14 to prevent unauthorized viewing by, for example,
`children. License keys could be distributed by the gateway 12 to appropriate
`user devices 22-28 to unlock the encoded content. It should be noted that the
`present inven