`nlflllllNMW [If
`mm [Ililinn
`Sybil P. Parker
`Editor in Chief
`McGraw-Hiil, Inc.
`San Francisco
`Washington, DC
`New York
`New Delhi
`San Juan
`Mexico City
`Ex. 3002 - Page 1
`Ex. 3002 - Page 1
`On the cover; Photomterograph at crystals of vitamin 3..
`(Dennis Kunlrel, University of Hewall )
`Included in this Dictionary are definitions which have been published previously in ”the following works: P. B.
`Jordain, Condensed Computer Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill. Inc. All rights reserved. I.
`Markus. Electronics and Nucleonics Dictionary, 4th ed.. Copyright © 1960, 1966, 1978 by McGraw—I-iill. inc.
`All rights reserved. J. Quick. Artists' and Illustrators’ Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill. Inc. All
`rights reserved. Blakiston‘s Gould Medical Dictionary, 3d ad. Copyright © 1956. 1972 by McGraw~HilL Inc. All
`rights reserved. T. Baumeister and L. 5. Marks, eds, Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers. 7th ed..
`Copyright © 1958. 1967 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`In addition. material has been drawn from the following references: R. E. Husehkc. Glossary of Meteorology.
`American Meteorological Society, 1959; US. Air Force Glossary ofSrandardized Terms, AF Manual lI-l. vol.
`1. 1972: Commanicarions-Electronics Terminology. AF Manual l 1-1. vol. 3. 1970; W. H. Allen, ed.. Dictionary
`of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use. lst ed.. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 1965; J. M.
`Gilliland. Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Tech-
`nical Report 67158. 1967', Glossary ofAir Trafiic Control Terms. Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary ofRange
`Terminology. White Sands Missile Range. New Mexico. National Bureau of Standards. AD 467-424; A DOD
`Glossary of Mapping. Charting and Geodetic Terms, lst ed, Department of Defense. 1967; P. W. Thrush. comp.
`and ed.. A Dictionary ofMt'nlng, Mineral. and Related Terms. Bureau of Mines, 1968; Nuclear Terms: f1 Glossary,
`2d ed.. Atomic Energy Commission; F. Casey. ed.. Compilation of Terms in information Science: Technology,
`Federal Council for Science and Technology. 1970; Glossary ofStinfo Terminology. Office of Acrespace Research.
`U.S. Air Force. 1963; Naval Dictionary ofElectronic, Technical. and imperative Terms. Bureau of Naval Person-
`nel. 1962: ADP Glossary. Department of the Navy, NAVSO E3097.
`Fifth Edition
`Copyright © I994. 1939, I984. I978. I976. 1974 by McGraw~HiII.Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
`States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976. no part of this publication
`may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means. or stored in a database or retrieval system. without
`the prior written permission of the publisher.
`ISBN 0—07-042333-4
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Mchw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms l
`Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief..—51h ed.
`lSBN 0-010-12333-4
`l. Science~Dictionaries
`1. Parker, Sybil P.
`Q I 211-134
`2. Technologyn—Dictionaries.
`Copyright © 1994. Exclusive rights by McGraw~Hi1L Inc. for manufacture and export. This book cannot be re-
`exported from the country to which it is consigned by McGraw—Hill. The International Edition is not available in
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`When ordering this title. use ISBN GOT-1135844.
`Ex. 3002 - Page 2
`Ex. 3002 - Page 2
`transaction record
`transfer check
`{ tran'salcshon ,retr-
`transaction record See change record.
`9rd }
`[ tran'sak-shan ,Llip I
`transaction tape See change tape.
`[al.scru] A specific measure of transfer
`admittance under a given set of conditions. as in forward trans-
`admittance. interelectrode transadmittancc. short—circuit trans-
`adrnittance. small-signal forward transadmittance. and [ransad-
`mittance compression ratio.
`:tranz-ad'mit-ans ]
`transaminase [moment] One of a group of enzymes that
`catalyze the transfer of the amino group of an amino acid to a
`kcto acid to form another amino acid. Also known as amino—
`{ :rranz'am-omfisi
`transamination [CHEM]
`1. The transfer of one or more amino
`groups from one compound to another.
`2. The transposition of
`an amino group within a single compound.
`shon ]
`transcapsidation [vntot] Change in the capsid of PARA
`(particle aiding replication of adenovirus) from one type of
`adenovirus to another.
`:ltanl.itap'5a'dfi~shan }
`[COMPUT SCt] A device which transmits and re-
`ceives data from punch card to punch card: it is essentially a
`conversion device which at the sending end reads the card and
`transmits the data over the wire. and at the receiving end punches
`lhc data into a card.
`[ELECTIt] A radio transmitter and receiver
`combined in one unit and having switching arrangements such
`as to permit use of one or more tubes for both transmitting and
`receiving. Also known as transmitter-receiver.
`i tran‘sE-var ]
`transceiver data link [compur scr]
`Integrated data process-
`ing by means of punched cards. using transceivers as terminal
`the transmission path can be wire or
`| b'an'sé-vor 'dad-o ,lliJk ]
`transcendence base [MATH] A transcendence base of a field
`E over a subfteld F is a subset S of E which is algebraically
`independent over F and is not a proper subset of any other subset
`S' which is algebraically independent over F.
`[ tran'sen-dans
`.b55 i
`[MATH] The transcendence degree
`transcendence degree
`of a field E of a subfield F is the number of elements in a
`transcendence base of E over F. Also known as transcendence
`{ tran‘sen-dons di,gre i
`transcendent» dimension See
`{ tran'sen-dans di.n1en-chan [
`transcendental curve [MATH] The graph of a transcendental
`.tran-sonidcn-tal 'ltarv }
`transcendentalelemern [MATH] An element of a field K is
`transcende ntalrclative to asubfieldF if it satisfies no polynomial
`whose coefficients come from F.
`mom ]
`transcendental field extension [MATH] A field extension K
`of F where the elements of K not in F are all transcendental
`relative to F.
`i [transenidem-al ‘tEld ik.sten-chon ]
`transcendental functions
`[MATH] Functions which cannot
`be given by any algebraic expression involving only their vari-
`ables and constants.
`[ :rran.scn:dcrrt-ol Tank-sham. i
`transcendental number
`[MATH] An irrational number that
`is the root of no polynomial with rational-number coefficients.
`{ llran.sen§dent-al ”item-bar ]
`In an expression. a term that
`transcendental term [MATH]
`cannot be expressed solely by numbers and algebraic symbols.
`[ .tran-sanlden-tol 'tarrn i
`lranaconductance lstscrn] An electrOn-tuhe raring. equal
`to the change in plate current divided by the change in control-
`gr-id voltage that causes it, when the plate voltage and all other
`voltages are maintained constant. Also known as grid-anode
`transconductance; grid-plate transconductance; mutual conduc-
`tance. Symbolized Gm: Sm-
`l :tranz'kan'dak'tans ]
`transcontinentalbolllstic missile [can] A ballistic missile
`having a range of at least 12,500 miles (20.000 kilometers). so
`it can be fired from any point on the earth's surface and reach
`any Surface target.
`{ :nauz.kiint-on'ent'al bo'lis'tiit 'mis‘ol ]
`transcribe [comm- scr] Tocopy, with orwithouttranslating.
`from one external computer storage medium to another.
`[EiEC tn] ' To record. as to record a radio program by means of
`electric transcriptions or magnetic tape for future rebroadcast-
`1 trznz'kn‘b i
`[com-or SCI] The equipment used to convert
`information from one form to another. as for convening com-
`puter input data to the medium and language used by the com-
`[ tranz'ltri‘bar ]
`transcriptase Sec ribonucleic acid polymerase.
`t tran'skrip.tas ]
`transcription [ENG acous] A lo-inch-diameter (40.6—centi-
`meter), 33‘/Hpm disk recording of a complete radio program.
`made especially for broadcast purposes. Also known as elec-
`trical transcription.
`[nos BID] The process by which ribo-
`from deoxyribonucleic
`( tranz'krip'shon i
`[MOL arc] The segment of deoxyribonu-
`transcription unit
`cleic acid between the sites of initiation and termination of
`conscription by ribonucleic acid polymerase.
`l tranz‘itriprshan
`.yii-nat i
`transcrystalline [MET] Across the crystals of a metal; used
`ofcracks in metals. Also known as intracrystalline: transgran-
`l :tranz'krist-ol-an ]
`[GEOL] A strike-slip fault characterized
`by a steeply inclined surface. Also icnown as transverse thrust.
`[ :uanzflra-rant 'folt }
`[ENG] Any device or element which converts an
`input signal into an output signal of a different form; examples
`include the microphone. phonograph pickup. loudspeaker, ba-
`rometer. photoelectric cell. automobile horn. doorbell. and on
`derwatcr sound transducer.
`[ tranz'dtlvsor l
`transducer toss
`[ELECTR] The ratio of the power available
`to a transducer from a specified source to the power that the
`transducer delivers to a specified load; usually expressed in
`{ tranz'dLi-sor dds 1
`transduction [MICROBIOI Transfer of genetic material be—
`tween bacterial cells by bacteriophages.
`{ tranz'dok-shon l
`transductor See magnetic
`{ tranz‘dak-tor }
`[scr racer} To cut across. or to cut transversely.
`l tran'sckt }
`transeflet‘ltlcatlon {onto CHEM] Conversion of an organic
`acid ester into another ester of that same acid.
`I {trans-cistern-
`fo'ka-shan ]
`Infection of a cell with viral deoxyribon-
`transfeclion [GEN]
`ucleic acid or ribonucleic acid.
`[ trans'fek-shan ]
`[COMPUT SCI] See jump.
`[MiN ENG! A vertical or
`inclined connection between two or more levels, used as an ore
`1. The distance a vessel moves perpendicular to
`its initial direction in making a turn of 90° with a constant rudder
`angle. 2. The distance avesscl moves perpendicular toits initial
`direction for turns of less than 90°.
`'tranz-l'or J
`transieradmittance [ELECTE] An admittance rating forelecv
`tron tubes and other transducers or networks; it is equal to the
`complex alternating component of current flowing to one tere
`minal from its external termination. divided by the complex
`alternating component of the voltage applied to the adjacent
`terminal on the cathode or reference side; all other terminals
`have arbitrary external terminations.
`'Lrsnz-far admit-ans }
`[atocuem] Any of various enzymes that catalyze
`the transfer of a chemical group from one molecule to another.
`[ ham-farm ]
`[DES ENG} A caliper having one leg which
`transfer caliper
`can be opened (or closed) to remove the instrument from the
`piece being measured; used to measure inside recesses or over
`{ ‘tranz-for ,kal‘a-por }
`[MIN ENG] A quarry car provided with transverse
`tracks. on which the gang car may be conveyed to or from the
`saw gang.
`[ ‘tranz-for .kfir J
`'tranz-for .ka‘rd l
`transfercord See transition card.
`transfer case [neon ENG]
`In a vehicle with more than one
`driving axle. a housing fitted with gears that distribute Ihe driV—
`ing power among the axles.
`'tranz-far ,ltas }
`transfer chamber
`in plastics processing. a vessel in
`which thermosetting plastic is softened by heat and pressure
`before being placed in a closed mold for final curing.
`for .cham-bar }
`1. Relation. usually shown
`transier characteristic [users]
`by a graph. between the voltage of one electrode and the current
`to another electrode. with all other electrode voltages being
`maintained constant. 2. Function which. multiplied by an input
`magnitude. will give a resulting output magnitude. 3. Relation
`between the illumination on a camera tube and the correspond-
`ing output-signal current. under specified conditions of illumi-
`{ ‘tranz-for .kar-ilt-ta.ris-tik]
`transfer check [concur SCI} Check (usually automatic) on
`Ex. 3002 - Page 3
`Ex. 3002 - Page 3