`Computer News for HP OEMS and Independent Software Vendors
`September 1985
`The New HP 2397A Color Graphics Terminal
`Powerful, Flexible, Affordable
`HP 3000
`Introducing the HP 3000 Series 68C
`New add-on memory for the HP 3000 Series 68
`HP 3000 return credits will be changing on
`November 1
`HP Business BASIC: new standard for
`commercial BASIC users
`Latest version of HP Draw features new figures
`New warranty program for peripherals
`Moss Storage
`Move up to an HP 7907A disc drive
`Obsolescence of HP 9895A and 9876A
`HP 7914TD to end production
`New cable for HP 2334A STAT MUX
`New supplies package for HP 7537: drafting
`Drafting plotter September ad schedule
`Introducing the HP LaserJet PLUS printer
`HP LaserJet PLUS printer ordering information
`Downloadable fonts for the HP LaserJet PLUS
`The HP LaserJet PLUS printer and the original
`HP LaserJet printer — which to buy
`Introducing the 92286!( font cartridge
`HP 82905B printer obsolete November 1
`New HP ThinkJet printer accessory kit available
`Introducing the HP 2397A color graphics
`New color monitor available
`25 Software Packages Available and Wanted
`3 Marketing Exchange
`How to choose a good product name
`4 General
`HP-UX at the UNIX” Expo tradeshow
`5 Supplies
`DMK direct order phone numbers
`<5 Portable
`The Custom Solutions Program for the HP
`Portable PLUS
`New HP-IB interface card for the HP Integral PC
`7 Desktop
`HP 150 II to replace HP 150 personal computer
`Tape backup for HP 150 personal computers
`HP Word and HP LaserJet printer font
`Introducing the SPN/ENHANSYS engineering
`HP 9000 Series 300 HP 2392A/VT]00 terminal
`New data storage for engineering workstations
`New mass storage for HP 9325 and 9845 owners
`Powerful TECAP software reduces
`semiconductor design time
`l 2 Small Business Computing
`New workstation for the HP 260
`Obsoleting the HP 41-5262D workstation
`HP 260 application stories
`On the Cover
`The new HP 239”/A Color Graphics Terminal — offers a
`powerful. flexible, and affordable color graphics display for
`technical and business users. See story on page 23.
`2 Computer Focus - lnternationai
`September 1935
`HP Computer Museum
`For research and education purposes only.
`.0 33
`How to choose a good product
`Why are the names IMAGE, ADAGER, VisiCalc®, and
`CONDOR good names for computer software products
`whereas QUERY and HP 150 are not?
`Good name attributes
`A good name should be original, so that it’s memora-
`ble, causes no confusion with competitors’ products,
`and is acceptable for registration as a trademark. Also,
`a good product name must be easy to pronounce in
`key languages, and, in order to give the right message
`to the potential customer, be free of negative
`Any product name you choose should fit in with your
`marketing strategy. If you do not have a clear idea as
`to the target market and the prod ucts unique selling
`position. you are unlikely to choose an appropriate
`Ways to name
`Using product numbers — In the computer field, it has
`been traditional to identify products by numbers; for
`example, Hewlett-Packard with the HP 1000 and 3000
`computer models. The use of code numbers as product
`names has some advantages. In particular, there is lit-
`tle risk of legal problems. However, numbers offer lit-
`tle protection to stop someone from infringing your
`Numbers provide a clean sheet in branding terms for
`they normally have no existing connotations and no
`problems of understanding in different languages.
`Numbers also put the emphasis on the company name
`rather than the product name. In certain circum-
`stances, this can be desirable. For example, if your
`company is well established in the market and buyer
`decision making is based on choice of supplier rather
`than on the merits of the product itself, then
`emphasizing the company name might be a good idea.
`However, numbers are difficult for most people to
`remember. Hewlett-Packard chose wisely to relaunch
`the HP 150 with a proper name in a market segment
`where HP had little previous market recognition.
`1:: Marketing
`If you choose to use numbers, make sure you allow
`room for future model expansion. Don't start with
`“1”. and make sure you leave gaps in the numbering
`sequence. The HP 3000 model numbers are a good
`example — Series 30, 33, 37 40, 42, 44, 48, etc.
`Descriptive names — The alternative is to use descrip-
`tive words as product names. An example of this is
`IBM's choice of the name "Personal Computer" for
`their first microcomputer, a marketing ploy to change
`the user's view of the product — no longer the small
`connotation of micro, but a name which simply implies
`that the product matches the needs of the user.
`Unfortunately, such a name is inherently not pro-
`tected under trademark law, so all computer manufac-
`turers now call their micros personal computers.
`Thus. IBM has been unable to retain much of the
`goodwill built up by the original name.
`Distinctive names — An opposite approach to naming
`was that of Apple back in the mid-70s. The name
`Apple was fresh, innovative and distinctive. It made
`computers somehow approachable and friendly. But
`unlike personal computer, the name Apple is very
`easy to protect and defend — it most definitely is not
`a generic name even though it has had its imitators.
`An extreme approach is to choose a purely abstract
`name such as Kodak or Exxon. You start with a clean
`sheet and, over time, build into the name all the
`attributes and associations you desire. However,
`unless you have a unique and innovative product for
`which there is a large untapped demand or you have a
`very large marketing budget, this may not be a suit-
`able approach.
`A good mix
`A name that is unique. memorable and semi descrip-
`tive is the best course to adopt in most circumstances.
`Here are two examples: IMAGE for database software
`where different users can have different images of the
`same data and VisiCalc® for software that operates as
`a visible spread-sheet calculator.
`How to develop a new name
`How do you develop a name? Names are typically cre-
`ated by advertising agencies or consultants. Such
`companies use copywriters, brainstorming groups,
`computer software, and many other methods. The
`smaller company wishing to do it themselves should
`get a few creative people together, buy a few diction-
`aries and look at the naming of similar products. You
`can even buy simple computer software packages to
`assist you.
`Remember, it takes time to develop and check out a
`Computer Focus - International
`September 1985
`name. Get going when you conceive the product, not
`when you’re ready to launch it.
`Name acceptability — You need to go through three
`stages before a name is used:
`1) Check the name out for customer acceptability.
`Experience has shown that customers tend to
`score familiar names highest and innovative
`names lowest.
`2) Consult a trademark attorney to see if the name
`can be protected. His fee is quite nominal in com-
`parison with the development and promotional
`costs of a new product.
`3) Look at existing trademarks to see if anyone is
`already using a similar mark.
`Trademark searching — Well over 100 countries
`maintain trademark registers. These can be readily
`searched either through an attorney or by using a
`computer. For example, the US Trademark Register is
`available through the DIALOG timesharing network.
`With a $100 modem and an HP terminal you can get
`access from most countries in the world.
`Unfortunately, in some con ntries (i.e.. US, UK). you
`do not need to register a mark to establish rights.
`Companies often fail to register marks even though
`the cost of registration is low. Therefore, it is neces-
`sary to make a search for usage. On-line database ser-
`vices and trade directories can be checked. It helps to
`use a specialist firm to do such searching as it is not as
`simple as it may appear.
`Trademark registration — It's always advisable to
`register a trademark if at all possible — at least in
`those countries in which you intend to sell your prod-
`ucts. The cost is minimal and it immediately warns
`others not to use your mark. It also simplifies legal
`proceedings that you may need to take at a later date
`to stop infringement of your trademark.
`Service marks — Naming a service is also a good idea.
`For example. Mcllonalds restaurants offer a service,
`but they have “branded“ their service in the same
`manner as if it was a product. They make their ser-
`vice synonymous with the name and make it more
`difficult for competitors to enter the market.
`Choosing a good. suitable name for a product can
`mean the difference between product success or
`failure. The computer market is now so competitive
`that producing distinctly innovative products is
`becoming more and more difficult. By choosing an
`appropriate name that matches the market positioning
`4 Computer Focus - International
`September 1985
`chosen for your product. you can differentiate your
`product from the crowd. After all, can you really tell
`Coke from Pepsi, Perrier from Canada Dry Soda,
`Kleenex from Scotties, or Budweiser from Schlitz? The
`brand is the very core of the product and not simply a
`distinguishing code.
`VisiCat‘c“' is a US registered trademark of VisiCorp.
`CONDOR is a US trademark of Condor Computer Corpomtion.
`A bout the A uthor: Roger Lawson is the Managing
`Director ofProactive Systems, and an HP software sup-
`plier with oflices in London and New York. His com-
`pany is associated with consultants and trademark
`agents who specialize in the creation ofbrand names.
`In this column, guest authors will tackle a
`marketing issue of concern to our readers. We
`invite you to send in your questions, ideas. etc. to
`Marketing Exchange. Perhaps you even have a
`valuable tip to share with our readers. Send all of
`your inputsiquestions to:
`Hewlett-Packard Company
`Value-Added Solutions Marketing
`Attn: Marilyn Rauchle
`10520 Ridgeview Court
`Building 49C
`Cupertino, CA 95014
`We're anxious to hear from you!
`HP-UX at the UNIX” Expo
`Hewlett-Packard will be among the premier vendors
`of the UNIX” operating system participating in the
`UNIX Expo tradeshow, this September 18 to 20 in
`New York City. UNIX Expo is the second largest
`tradeshow focused on products which incorporate the
`UNIX operating system and is the only one of its kind
`on the East Coast. It provides you with an excellent
`opportunity to see what HP has to offer in the UNIX
`You will be able to talk with our third party and tech-
`DMK F49 Phones - the easy. direct way {or you to order supplies. aooeaso-
`mm is-f""|""'*-andmftwm
`BM“ hummmw
`grgeis Pfzlfilmia
`r‘ 1
`72:; E
`oi-aeoe :
`Telephone Number
`$3; $23,‘:
`(0222) 2500-313
`(Em 5156;9_25a
`(310337 2361
`(6) 9077325
`(oi) 0471373
`(02):.-233 3437
`(02) 9236 9473
`(02) 92369585
`(01) 6328311
`(02) I71 130
`Norway "
`Soutl-1A rica
`Cape own
`The Net erlands
`West G
`(011) 3025111
`(021) 537954
`(03) 7502028
`(057) 31 22 34
`(057) 31 2253
`(057) 31 22 59
`(020) 5476606
`(0734) 337201
`(0130) 3322
`Computer Focus - International
`September 1985
`;ificIalPr1E¥i)Ee:;sriéart1i;1=.s. as well as examine our range
`measurement automation — the HP 9000
`0 Flexible. creative computing for design and
`Series 300
`: Graphics and computational power — the HP 9000
`Series 500
`0 Portable software development and test measure-
`ment — the HP Integral PC
`HP is ver excited about our HP-UX s stems. These
`products enable us to offer you industry standards not
`only in areas like networking and interfaces, but also
`for the operating system. And of course, HP’s tradi-
`tio_nal strengths, which include solid business re1ation-
`ships, flexible products, powerful performance,
`assured quality, and worldwide sales and support, still
`Please ]O11'1 us in booth 121 and see for yourself.
`For more information on the show, contact National
`Expositions at 212 391 9111.
`UNIX is a trademark of}! T&TBeH Laboratories.
`a Personal Computers
`New HP-IB interface card for the
`HP Integral PC
`The 82998A HP-IB inter-
`face plug-in card for the
`HP Integral PC is now
`available and on the Sep-
`tember 1 HP Price List.
`The new separate HP-IB
`interface was created for
`the Integral PC primarily
`so that HP and non HP instruments would not have to
`share the same HP-IB interface bus with peripherals
`such as external hard disc drives, printers, and plot-
`ters. Using the 82998A HP-IB interface card allows
`data collection and instrument control processes to
`run at more effective rates.
`The 82998A HP-IB interface is supported by HP-UX
`Tech BASIC Version 1.0.2. An HP-IB DIL (device
`independent library) driver is being prepared for use
`by applications written in HP-UX “C”, FORTRAN 77.
`and Pascal.
`Hardware features of the 82998A HP-IB interface
`include a jumper to allow system controller and non-
`system controller states to be selected, and an HP-IB
`address switch which enables a default HP-IB address
`to be selected. Two or more Integral PCs can now be
`interconnected via the new 82998A HP-IB card. This
`is not possible with the internal HP-IB interface built
`into the Integral PC, because it always remains in the
`system controller state.
`Ordering information
`HP-IB Interface Card
`One-meter HP-IB cable
`(Recommended cable)
`Two-meter I-IP-IB cable
`(Recommended cable)
`The Custom Solutions Program
`for the HP Portable PLUS
`The Custom Solutions Program for the HP Portable
`PLUS is progressing well. Six independent custom
`consultants (ICC) from North America were trained
`on the Portable PLUS in early July. The ICCs will pro-
`vide several cost-effective services for you. The six
`ICCs in North America are:
`Horizons Technology. Inc.
`7330 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard
`San Diego. CA 92111
`Phone: 619-292-3331
`Contact: Kelly Skinner and
`Maureen "Moe“ Reardoo
`Profit Management Systems. Inc.
`9600 Koger Boulevard. Suite 103
`St. Petershurg, FL 33'?02
`Phone: 813-573-0190
`Contact: Gary M. Goelkel and
`Robert M. DeLoach
`Government Marketing Services. Inc.
`701 E. Gude Drive
`Rockville. MD 20350
`Phone: 301 -340-3010
`Contact: Art Phillips
`Lauren I-lansman
`Firmware Sperialists. int‘.
`505 N.W. 5th Street. Suite 2A
`Corvallis. OR 9733!]
`Phone: 503-753-9314
`Contact: Dave Conklln
`Traveling Software. Inc.
`1105!) Fifth Avenue. NJ.-',.
`Seattle, WA 98125
`Phone: 206-36?-9030
`Contact: Mark Eppley
`Totalogic Systems. Ltd.
`1634 Woodward Drive
`Ottawa. Ontario. Canada
`Phone: E13-?2?-1530
`Contact; Ian Menzies and
`With the exception of Traveling Software, all of these
`ICCs are also consultants on HP’s Series 40 and Series
`70 handheld calculators and computers. Many of these
`consultants have been providing customization ser-
`vices for HP customers for several years. The ICC is
`not part of HP. The ICCs are independent companies
`that provide services for the Portable PLUS. Each ICC
`has different areas of expertise and areas of interest.
`Each ICC will provide quotes on particular services.
`There is no list price for custom ROMS. There will be
`additional charges for consulting and program
`development separate from the ROM cost. The ICC is
`free to bid whatever price they want to bid. In many
`cases EPROMs will be the most cost-effective way of
`customization. In all cases, the initial prototypes and
`field testing will be in EPROMS and not ROMS. The
`cost of the actual ROMs is quite variable and will most
`likely be coming down with competitive pressures and
`technological advancements in the next year.
`Additional ICCs were trained in Europe in late
`August. This list will be updated and made available
`Computer Focus - International
`September 1985
`Personal Computers
`The following products will be removed from the
`November 1985 HP Price List (all localized versions
`except BM BS BT BV*):
`HP 150 II to replace HP 150
`personal computer
`With the worldwide introduction of the HP 150 II on
`May 1, 1985, HP has built on the success of the HP
`150B personal computer by giving you many of the
`additional features that you have asked for, while still
`maintaining full compatibility with our installed base
`of HP 150 personal computers. As a result, effective
`November 1, 1985, the HP 150 II will fully replace the
`HP 150B in all countries except localized versions for
`Latin America, the Mid East, Iceland. and Mexico.
`These localized HP 150 products will be orderable
`until May 1, 1986.
`Introduction of the HP 150 II makes available to you
`those features that made the HP 150B a success, while
`additionally providing a wide variety of features to
`those wanting to expand system capabilities. Standard
`features included in the HP 150 11 not offered on the
`HP 150B include a 12-inch screen, four accessory
`slots {compared to two), tilt display, SAVERAM
`utility, cable cover, HP-HIL, and easily accessible con-
`trols. The HP 150 II’s basic design — two PC boards
`versus seven boards on the HP 150B — enhances
`product reliability. The HP 150 II also supports all
`accessories available on earlier versions plus accesso-
`ries and peripherals that are not available with the HP
`150B — including the 808? co-processor accessory
`and new low-cost disc drives (dual—f1oppy. 10-Mbyte
`and 20-Mbyte disc drive). In addition, both the HP
`1503 and 150 II are fully software compatible.
`In finalizing these plans, we encourage you to
`purchase the HP 150 II as it has all the offerings of
`the HP 150B with further enhancements.
`Touchscreen terminal
`HP 150 PC Kit
`HP 150 with HP 9122D
`HP 150 with HP 9133D
`45610 B "X"
`45612 B “X"
`45650 B "X”
`45660 B "X"
`. Z (each alpha character represents 0 coimtry/
`"X ” = A,B, C. . .
`language). Contact your HP sales rep for details.
`‘The four localized versions rema:'n£ng on the Novem-
`ber HP Price List will be removed at the end ofApn'l
`1 986.
`Tape backup for HP 150
`personal COl'l'lpl1t€l'S
`The low cost ‘A-inch tape backup, HP 91421‘-l, was
`designed for the HP 150 and 150 II workstations and
`supports our present Subset (SS) 80 protocol data
`storage products. It presently does not support the
`older Amigo protocol drives that some of you may be
`using. The following list will show the protocol each
`disc drive uses:
`SS 80 disc drives
`Amigo disc drives
`HP 9114A
`HP 9122Da’S
`HP 9123])
`HP 9134])
`HP 9133H
`HP 9134H
`HP 91253
`HP 9153A
`HP 9154A
`HP 8290l!ZM
`HP 9895A
`HP 9121D/S
`HP 9135A
`HP 9134A
`HP 9133A
`HP 913.33
`HP 91343
`HP 9l33WXV
`HP 9134XV
`We plan to have Amigo support in place by the first
`quarter of 1986, but in the meantime, HP 150 (150B
`only) users having Amigo drives can order the HP
`9144A with Option 150 utility (PIN 9144-87900 Rev.
`B.0l.01). which allows the HP 9144A to support
`Amigo disc drives on the HP 1503 only. A copy of this
`utility will be shipped with each HP 9144A Option
`150 order.
`continued on next page
`Computer Focus - International
`September 1935 7
`Personal Computers
`Current tape backup support for the HP 150 is as
`HP Word V and HP Word/150
`font cartridge capabilities
`HP 9142A
`HP 9144A
`Hp 150A
`Hp 1503
`55 30
`HP Word will use l0~pitch bold and italic
`fonts. portrait style only.
`Unusable (not Roman-8}.
`See 92286A.
`HP Word will use 12~pitch portrait fonts.
`See 92286D.
`HP Word will use the Times Roman PS
`‘Support scheduledforfirstfiscal quarter 1936.
`Please remember to use Option 150 when ordering
`these products with the HP 150 or 150 II.
`HP Word and HP LaserJet
`punter font cartndges
`To make full use of the HP LaserJet printer, HP
`Word V and HP Word!’150 require special font
`This is necessary to ensure that HP Word users have
`access to the full range of type styles that HP Word
`allows them: these are normal, bold, and italic text in
`both portrait and landscape styles. No other font
`cartridges will provide this full range. Therefore.
`these are the only HP Laser] et printer font cartridges
`that are fully supported for use with HP Word. These
`cartridges can, of course. be used with any other
`aPp1i°ati°" 5°ft"""‘“e'
`30 that you know what will happen if you try to use
`one of the other font cartridges that are available,
`here is a list of what HP Word and HP Wordf15O will
`be able to do with each of them.
`portrait font (providing this font is identical
`to the one '" 9228613)‘
`Un usable.
`HP Word will use 12-pitch fonts.
`HP Word will use 10-pitch fonts.
`HP Word will use all fonts.
`Fully supported by HP Word and
`HP W dl'150.
`F I or
`d b HP W
`‘W 3"
`Hg,‘ ‘fvsupmrte
`ord.-" 150.
`OI’ an
`SU Of E
`F ll
`t d in HP W d
`[.113 i,lv.,,3,E15o_
`922 SP
`Note that HP Word and HP Word:’150 can only use
`fonts that are Roman-8. Therefore. it is not possible to
`access fonts such as the maths character set in
`92286], which is not Roman-8.
`Note also that with the HP Laserjet printer, HP Word
`does not prompt the user to change the font cartridge.
`It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the correct
`font cartridge is in place in the printer for the docu-
`ment that is about to be printed.
`Computer Focus - International
`September 1935
`H III Technical Compuiers
`Introducing the SPN/
`ENHANSYS engineering
`The SPNJENHANSYS engineering solution is a prod-
`uct of HP’s partnership with ENHANSYS, Inc., of
`Cupertino. California. In 1984, HP entered into ajoint
`development agreement with ENHANSYS to port
`ENHANSYS data analysis software to the HP 9000
`Series 500 workstation and develop an interface to
`HP's Semiconductor Productivity Network (SPN)
`0 ENHANS YS Data Transport (PIN 33943_lA) —
`The data files are transported via RJE from the HP
`3000 to the HP 9000 Series 500 workstation by the
`Data Transport software.
`. ENHA NS rs Base System (Pm 33944JA) — The
`ENHANSYS Base System provides users with a
`wide range of data manipulation and analysis
`tools on the HP 9000 Series 500 workstation.
`ENHANSYS’s friendly, interactive command
`language helps users easily perform ad-hoc
`analyses and quickly generate associated graphics
`and reports. ENHANSYS also has the flexibility to
`let users import and manipulate non-SPN data
`(e.g., raw tester data). A wafer contour mapping
`option is also available in the HP 9000 Series 500
`Additional information
`cesses. Given today’s semi-
`solution gives engineers
`and managers the tools
`they need to more effec-
`tively monitor and control
`existing processes, solve
`part and process problems,
`and characterize new pro-
`The ENHANSYS, Inc., strategy is to support the
`linkage of different information networks already in
`place in a customer's facility. Towards this goal,
`ENHANSYS software is offered on IBM, DEC VAX,
`and Tandem processors in addition to the HP 9000
`Series 500. A variety of links between these pro-
`cessors are supported or under development.
`ENHANSYS also offers extensive data analysis con-
`sulting and education services.
`HP 9000 Series 300 HP 2392A/
`VTIOO terminal emulator
`The HP 9000 Series 200 HP 2392A and VT100 Ter-
`minal Emulator has been upgraded to run on the
`Series 300 under the Pascal 3.1 operating system.
`This terminal emulator allows you to use your Series
`300 computer as a terminal to a host computer, trans-
`fer files between the host and disc drives connected to
`the Series 300, and run applications packages such as
`HP DeskManager for the HP 3000.
`The new terminal emulator is Revision 2 of the HP
`98791B product. Two disc options are available, Opt.
`042 for 5.25-inch and Opt. 044 for 3.5-inch. All
`98791B orders received on or after August 1 will be
`filled with the new revision.
`Upgrade kits
`HP 9000 Series 200 customers who purchased the
`Pascal 3.0-based release (987913 Rev. 1) may want to
`Computer Focus - International Q
`September 1985
`conductor challenges of
`shrinking line geometries,
`increasing defect densities,
`and rapidly increasing process complexities, the SPNI
`ENHANSYS engineering solution provides a means
`for increasing yields, reducing cycle times, and
`accelerating movement down learning curves through
`better process understanding.
`SPN/ENHANSYS solution software
`0 SPN Eng1'neeringAnaIy5£s Module (EA-I 0) (PIN
`3390-4A) — Manufacturing, engineering, and
`tester data is collected by various SPN modules and
`transferred to the engineering database within EA-
`10. EA-10 then performs sophisticated data extrac-
`tions and data groupings to provide a complete
`table of data for statistical analysis, graphing, and
`reporting. EA-10 output processors are especially
`good for performing high-volume, repetitive
`analysis and reporting tasks, including batch
`graphical outputs.
`in ENHANS YS LEA Extract Interface (PIN
`33942_lA) — Data files resulting from EA-10
`extractions (called "LEA extracts") are formatted
`for transfer from the HP 3000 to the HP 9000
`Series 500 workstation by the LEA Extract
`Technical Computers
`upgrade to the Pascal 3.1 based version (987913 Rev.
`2). If you are signed up for HP’s inexpensive 987918
`+S00 Software Material Subscription you will receive
`Revision 2 automatically. If not, you may purchase the
`98791-69301 upgrade kit for 3.5-inch media or the
`98791-69601 upgrade kit for 5.25-inch media. You
`must also return two production discs (PIN 98791-
`10X14 and 93791-10X15 where X=3,6). Users who
`own the 98790A, 9879lA, or 09B00- IOXBO terminal
`emulators must order the 987913 Revision 2 instead
`of these upgrade kits.
`Security system compatibility
`The security system implemented in the new version
`of the terminal emulator allows you to link the
`codeword either to the computer’s ID PROM (Models
`216. 217, 220198203, 236, and 237 only) or to the HP
`46084A HP-HIL ID Module (Models 217, 220:'46020,
`237, 310, and 320 only). Users who want to purchase
`one copy of the terminal emulator to run on both
`Series 200 and Series 300 computers at different
`times should select the ID Module approach. This
`method is of interest to users who rotate computers
`through different sites, who use a backup computer
`when the primary computer is on loan or undergoing
`repairs, or who lease one computer for awhile and
`then replace it with another. Please note that Series
`300 users must order the HP 46084A HP-HIL ID
`New data storage for
`engineering workstations
`Two new data-storage solutions for the engineering
`marketplace are now available for HP 9000 Series
`200.*'300.*'500 systems. Choose from the “quiet" entry-
`level 10-Mbyte hard disc (with 3%-inch microfloppy
`or hard disc stand-alone version) as a floppy alterna-
`tive for BASIC and Pascal users and EGS applications
`or the 20-Mbyte hard disc (both versions available)
`for those single UNIX‘? workstations and dedicated
`instrument control markets.
`These new products combine capacity, performance,
`convenience (much greater than with floppy-based
`systems), and HP renowned quality at a very attrac-
`tive price to enhance the value of any Series 200f300f
`500 system.
`'| O Computer Focus - International
`September 1985
`Ordering information
`HP 9134H
`HP 9153A
`HP 9154A
`HP 9133A
`10-Mbyte hard disc with 3‘/é-inch
`10-Mbyte hard disc standalone
`(for add-on sales or IBM;’Com paq)
`20-Mbyte hard disc with 3%-inch
`20-Mbyte hard disc standalone
`(for add-on sales or IBM;'Compaq)
`These data storage products are supported on Pascal
`3.0 or later, BASIC 3.0 or later, HP-UX 2.2L or fully
`5.0 or later.
`For specific configuration support, please refer to
`Configuration Guide, PIN 09800-90020 (Series 200),
`Pt’N 98561-90020 (Series 300), or P!’N 09050-90050
`(Series 500) available from Direct Marketing Division
`UNIX*3 is a registered trademark ofA T& T Bell.’ Laboratories.
`New mass storage for HP 9825
`and 9845 owners
`In a continuing program to offer new products to the
`installed base, Hewlett-Packard has reviewed an HP
`midrange disc and third party ROM combination that
`enables certain models of the HP 9825 and 9345 to be
`equipped with additional mass storage. The HP 9825!
`45s are among the most popular ever offered by HP,
`and the worldwide installed base exceeds 85,000
`New mass storage solutions available include the HP
`7941x'45 fixed discs, the HP 7942!46 discftape sub-
`systems, and the HP 7907 fixedfremoveable disc
`The system interface for these discs is provided
`through mass storage ROMs developed and sold by a
`reputable third party — Structured Software Systems
`(SSS). Not only do these SSS supported ROMS pro-
`vide the interface to HP’s new mass storage solutions,
`but they offer useful features not found on earlier HP
`supported ROMS.
`Currently, the ROMs designed for the HP 9825T and
`98458!’ C models will provide an interface to CS!'80
`devices. If a disc)’ ROM combination potentially fits
` Technical Computers
`your growth needs, contact Structured Software
`Systems, Inc., lrick Road, Box 1072, Mount Holly, N]
`08060, 609-267-1616.
`SSS will be happy to give you more information about
`the ROMS, current product specifications, new prod-
`ucts, availability, pricing, service support, warranty,
`and other topics..
`Powerful TECAP software
`reduces semiconductor design
`TECAP bridges the gap between engineering
`and production
`You need accurate transistor model parameters to
`generate precise circuit simulations for IC design.
`TECAP (Transistor Electrical Characterization and
`Analysis Program) gives you these model parameters
`quickly and easily. TECAP shortens your IC design
`cycle and saves valuable engineering and production
`TECAP — Transistor Electrical Ckaractertkatihn and
`A nalysis Program — benefits semiconductor designers
`by providing faster extraction of accurate model
`TECAP system hardware performs I-V and C-V
`measurements on your developmental wafers or dis-
`crete transistors. TECAP software transforms the
`measured data into transistor model parameters.
`Because the model parameters precisely match your
`particular fab technology, they provide the most
`accurate basis for circuit simulation and yield better
`IC designs.
`Powerful yet friendly
`The TECAP software uses the computing power of
`the HP 9000 Series 200 Pascal workstations. The soft-
`ware, written in Pascal 3.0, is menu driven and
`requires no programming expertise. TECAP offers
`users a unique “integrated" solution, where measure-
`ments, parameter extraction, device simulation, and
`plotting routines are included in one unified program.
`The complete set of commands and configuration
`information may be saved or retrieved from a disc.
`You can create macro command sequences to execute
`many tasks with the touch of one key. These tools let
`you create a customized, turnkey system to enhance
`your design capability.
`TECAP gives you the technical advantage
`TECAP can model sub-micron geometry transistors
`using the UCB Level 1,2,3 MOS transistor models. For
`bipolar analysis, TECAP supports the well-proven
`Ebers-Moll and Gummel-Poon model equations.
`These equations take second -order effects into
`account and also offer direct compatibility with the
`UCB SPICE circuit simulator.
`With TECAP, you can enter your own model equa-
`tions into the program to be compatible with your
`proprietary circuit simulator or new processes. HP
`gives you access to the needed TECAP code modules
`and step-by-step documentation for quick insertion of
`your model. TECAP provides you with the ideal
`interactive environment you need to effectively
`develop and test your new model equations.
`Choose the system that’s right for you
`TECAP supports a wide range of measurement hard-
`ware. The HP 4145A Semiconductor Parameter
`Analyzer is used for I-V measurements and the HP
`4280A C-meter takes care of C-V measurements.
`TECAP can also run on the HP 40623 or HP 4063A
`Semiconductor Parametric Test Systems. TECAP also
`supports automatic wafer probers, switching matrices,
`disc drives, printers, and plotters to give you
`increased flex