`District of.‘ Delaware
`In-Depth Test LLC
`Linear Technology Corporation
`1 4 - 1 0 9 l
`T0: (Defendanrw nama and address) Linear Technology Corporation
`c/o The Corporatlon Trust Company
`Corporation Trust Center
`1209 Orange Street
`Vwmington, DE 19801
`A lawsuit has been filed against you.
`Within 21 days after service ofthis summons on you (not counting the day you received it) —— or 60 days if you
`are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed‘ R. Civ.
`P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) ~—- you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of
`the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plainti1°t’s attomey,
`whose name and address are:
`Brian E, Faman
`Farnan LLP
`919 N. Market St, 12th Floor
`Wilmington, Delaware 19801
`If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
`You also must file your answer or motion with the court.
`AUG 2 5 2014
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`AD 440 (mm 13109) Summons in :1 Civil Action (Page 3)
`Civil ActionmT.\Io.
`(This section should not befiled with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (1))
`This summons F0)‘ (name ofI'ndfw‘duulnndllt/a, tfuny)
`was received by me on (dale)
`“FE C
`O l personally served the summons on the individual at (place)
`on (date)
`; or
`l lefi the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name)
`, a person of suitable age and discretion wholrcéidesl tlleré,
`IIl~all¢a.’,LV'.l a copy to the indlvlduafs last known address; or
`Ml served the summons on {name of'ir:diw'a’uaI)
`designated by law to accept service of process on behalf .
`C'l)iT§§7O*{ Qfibfl
`l rctumed the summons uncxecutccl because
`Q V}
`(‘Illa/ne ofarganizazian) L) figair
`0*‘ F""*“? RC2! évfir
`, who is
`D L
`D Other (specify):
`My F:-.es are S
`for travel and $
`for services, for a total of $
`I declare under penalty of perjury that this inlbrmation is true.
`Sérver ‘s signalurzz
`flolmc fog.c.e_-:._E2:o_c;m‘::l.l&£:1.g..:,,.l.lW
`Printed name and title
`930 N MOWZME ft).-...
`W1’,l...l’)’l\l‘lq7).fll'J. -,;D3:...._l
`€160 l V .
`. crve'r's address
`Additional infarmaticm regarding attempted service, etc: