BG00012 IND (Modules 1-3)
`Cover Letter
`Nonclinical Overview
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`Biogen Exhibit 2330
`Coalition v. Biogen

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`‘biogen idec;
`February 22, 2006
`CDER Therapeutic Biological Products Document Room
`Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
`Food and Drug Administration
`5901-8 Ammendale Rd
`Beltsville, MD 20705-1266
`Attn: Russell Katz, MD
`Initial lnvestigational New Drug Application
`IND 73,061
`BGOOO12 (Dimethyl Fumarate): Multiple Sclerosis
`Serial No.: 000
`Dear Dr. Katz:
`Biogen ldec is submitting the lnvestigational New Drug (IND) Application for its product,
`BGOOO12, which is being developed as treatment of relapsing forms of multiple
`sclerosis. A pre-IND meeting was held on September 1, 2005 between representatives
`ot the FDA and Biogen ldec. The overall clinical development plan, pharmacology!
`toxicology information, previous human experience and the proposed clinical study were
`discussed at that meeting. A copy of the pre-IND meeting minutes is included in Module
`The proposed clinical trial included in this application is a Phase 1 study entitled: “A
`Single—Center, Randomized, Blinded, Placebo- and Active-Controlled Study to Evaluate
`the QTc Interval Prolongation Potential of BGOOO12 When Administered to Healthy
`Volunteers“. A copy of this protocol is provided in Module
`This IND is being submitted in e—CTD format with hard copies of the cover letter and
`FDA Form 1571 following agreement with the agency at the pre-IND meeting.
`Should you require any additional information, please contact Tammy Sarnelli, Associate
`Director, Regulator Affairs at 617-679-3513. The contact for technical aspects for this
`submission ish, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs Operations at 617-679-
`Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
`Phone (817) 679-3783
`Fax (617l 679-3170
`Biogen Idec '4 C<l1lLll -_'_;»; Ca,—ill»;r C-,t'i
`1' NJ». \:1/‘« 091-4? Pl'n' 4* (317 (379 7030 \‘/\'/\'/.l2lII(;.I:1|x.'ll‘:CC3f"\
`Page 3 of 39

`Nonclinical Overview
`TOXICOLOGY ...................................................................................................15
`Single-Dose Toxicology ........................................................................................15
`Repeat Dose Toxicology........................................................................................16
`Page 4 of 39

`Nonclinical Oven-'iew
`Table 1-1: DMF
`Batches Used in Non-Clinical Studies ...................................... .. 6
`Table 4.2:
`S11]_I].lJ.1a1‘y' of Animal Exposure Data for Calculation of Safety Margins for Select
`Toxicities in Chronic. N011-clinical Safety Studies with DMF ............................ .. 31
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`Nonclinical O\'e1'vi£-W
`The purpose of this ovewiew is to present a critical evaiuation of the non-clinical prog1‘an1
`for the develo ment of BG00012, the ri11:Ia1
`focus of which is to characterize the safety of
`Non-clinicai safety studies with D1\/[F and FUMADERM were conducted in mice, rats, dogs,
`and rabbits. the species cominonly used for toxicological tests and in which fumaric acid
`occurs endogenously i11t11e bod 1. There is an oh oh] chronic toxicolo 7 stud in
`The chronic toxicology study in NHP is being conducted at the
`e FDA ecause the NHP test svstem would be 3 more 3
`I0 riate s ecies the11
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`Nonclinica] Overview
`In addition, a 12-month repeat-dose chronic toxicity study in dogs is ongoing at doses of 5,
`25, and 50 nigfkg adniinistered by daily oral gavage. Through 12 weeks of treatment: no
`unusual fnidings have been noted in this study to date.
`The studies conducted with FUMADERl\{ are being subtnitted as sup Ieinental to the pivotal
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`Nonclinical O\'e1'vi£-W
`was initiated i11 October 2005.
`Page 8 of 39
`Below s11:mn1a1'izes specific actions have been taken in response to input by the Agency at
`our pre-IND meeting:
`1. No FUTVIADERM study is being used to suppoit the clinical development or
`registration of BGOOOI2. Studies reqtlired to support clinical development and
`registration of BG00012 have been or wili be conducted entirel
`A one ear chronic dos; stud with DMF is on oin
`Page 8 of 39

`Nonclinical Owrview
`Table 1-1: DMF,‘ Batches Used in Non-Clinical Studies
`Pl edm,:ml.Smd“ Type
`. pivotal)
`!\ umbel
`- X ear carcmogemclty afsessnlexlt
`(ongomg. rats)
`Drug Substance Manufacturer
`P0001:_04_1 1
`e eat-Dose 'l‘oxicity- Rats [6 months)*
`*iudicatcs pivotal study; TK-Toxicokinctic analysis
`* indicates pivotal study: TK-Toxicokinetic analysis
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical O\'e1'vi£-W
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`Nonclinical O\'e1'vi£-W
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`Nonclinical Oven-'iew
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical 0\'e1'vieW
`Repeat Dose Toxicology
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`Nonclinical O\'e1'vi£-W
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`Nonclinical O\'e1'vi£-W
`A 6-month repeat dose toxicolo
`rec-ove '
`.-‘- ” '
`' "
`I was conducted with DMF 1'11 rats with a 1-month
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`Nonclinical O\'e1'vi£-W
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinica] Overview
`A 2-year carcinogenicity study with DMF in rats is c—u11‘ent1
`a finalized re 011 is antici ated in October 2007.
`in the 15th month of dosin _ and
` A 2-year ca1'cinogenici‘ry study with DNLF in mice is currentl
`03111 and a finalized 1'e 011 is antici ated in June 2008.
`in the
`Both studies will be used ‘[0 S11
`011 re istmtion of BG00012.
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
`Table 4.2: Summary of Animal Exposure Data for Calculation of Safety Margins for Select Toxicities in Chronic Non-clinical
`Safety Studies with DMF
`Species (Study #)
`Dose (mg/kg)
`Mean AUC (0-24 hr) (ug*hr/mL) Mean Cmax (ug/mL)
`Rat (P00012-04-06)
`26 weeks
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`Nonclinical Overview
` x 1-year dog study is ongoing (doses
`are daily oral gavage administration at 0, 5, 25, and 50 mgfkg) and a 1-year NHP st11dy is
`ongoing (doses are daily o1'al gavage administration at 0, S, 25, and 75 mgfkg). Overall,
`there are sufficient data to support Phase 1 studies.
`The main target organs of toxicity identified in the toxicology studies with DMF were the
`stomach, kidneys, liver, and to a lesser degree. the testes. The for'estomach tumors identified
`in the rat are not considered to be relevant to human risk for a number of reasons. including
`differences between the anatomy of the rat versus humans and differences in the formulation
`administered to rats versus humans. The rodent forestomach constitutes the proximal two-
`thirds of the stomach and is continuous with the esophagus. There is no counterpart to the
`rodent forestomach in humans. The rodent forestomach is lined by the same cell type as is
`the esophagus and is sharply demarcated by the limiting ridge from the glandular stomach.
`Although there is no direct counterpart in humans, the cells lining the esophagus and parts of
`the oral cavity in humans are similar to those in the forestomach of the rat. Thus, if
`administered as an oral gavage solution to humans as in the rat study, this finding could
`reflect a potential increased risk of human tumors of the esophagus or oral cavity. However,
`the product is administered to patients as enteric coated microtablets in capsules, most likely
`rninimizing exposure to the oral cavity and esophagus.
`The forestomach is a storage organ colonized by microflora and subjected to changes in pH.
`Substances in solution or suspension given orally come into direct contact with the
`forestomach epithelium and can do so for prolonged periods of time. Forestomach tumors in
`rats have a very low spontaneous incidence (approximately 0.1% based on National
`Toxicology Program control database (Haseman et al, 1998). In a summary report from the
`International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, 1999) a range of chemicals are
`discussed that are known to induce either forestomach tumors alone, or these tumors in
`addition to other sites of tumorigenesis. The summary concludes that agents that a1'e DNA
`reactive and cause tumors at multiple sites are of greater concern than non-DNA reactive
`agents and./or those that are restricted to the forestomach as the site of tumorigenesis. DMF
`and FUMADERM have been shown to be non—genotoxic in a complete battery of in vtrro and
`in vivo genotoxicity assays. Although the administration of Dl\/[F by oral gavage was
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`Nonclinica] Ove-1'view
`The increase in renal cell volume observed in dogs treated with FUlViADERM® after 52
`weeks was also not consistent with CPN. While test-article related, this effect was not
`considered to be significant and did not have a histological correlate in the rat. Renal
`findings not classically associated with CPN were also noted in the inale rat fertility and 6-
`month rat studies conducted with DIWF. These findings included cortical tubular changes
`(diffuse dilation, hyaline droplet accurnulation, nuclear/cellulai‘ hypertrophy of epithelial
`cells, segmental epithelial regeneration) and hypertrophy of the parietal epithelium of
`Bowman‘s capsule. The relevance to the human situation is not clear since these other
`changes may still be unique to the rodent and safety data for renal changes in BG00012
`human trials is very limited.
`The changes in the liver caused by chronic dosing with D1\/[F consisted of ininirnal rnultifocal
`hepatic necrosis and minimal bile duct hyperplasia, predominantly in females in the 100 and
`200 ingfkgfday groups in the 6-month chronic rat study. At the end of the recovery period.
`rninirnal hepatic necrosis was still present in female recovery animals, although the incidence
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`Nonclinical O\'e1'vi£-W
`was slightly lower than at tl1e main study timepoint. The lesio11 of nlininial bile duct
`hyperplasia had recovered. While the histological changes were clearly present, the changes
`were of lnjnimal severity and not associated with liver enzyme elevations or evidence of
`filnctional abnormalities. It is not clear why these changes were not seen in the 52-week
`1:Ul\/[ADERM study in rats. The mechanism of pathogenesis of the liver lesions was 11ot
`clear, although bile d11ct hypeiplasia is comnionly a secondary, nonspecific response to
`hepatocellular injury.
`There were no in viva carcinogenicity assessments performed with FUEIADERM. In
`support of BG000I2 re _ist1‘ation, there are on oin 2- ear carcino enici
`assessments in
`rats and mice
`In totality, there has been adequate exposure to DMF in rats and dogs to define its safety
`profile to a degree that suppoits safe use in humans for Phase 1 studies up to 4 weeks in
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`Nonclinical Overview
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`Nonclinical Overview
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