`Twenty-sixth Edition
`W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY Philadelphia London
`Mexico City Sydney
`1775 I( Si.-~'1, I'LV'/.
`\'.':lsrinr,. .
`, 20')()6
`Page 1 of3
`Biogeo Exhibit 2061
`Coalition v. Biogeo


`The Library of Congress Cataloged the First Issue
`of this Serial as follows:
`Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary. [ I st]- ed.
`Philadelphia, Saunders, 1900-
`illus. (part coH 2:>-25 em.
`Title varies: lst-22d ed., The American illustrated medical
`I. Medicine- Dictionaries.
`Newman, 1864-1956.
`medical dictionary.
`R: 12!.073
`Library of Congress
`I. Dorland, William Alexander
`II. Title: The American illustrated
`0-6383 rev 4*
`© 1981 by W. B. Saundero Company
`Copyright 1900. 1901, and 1903 by W. B. Saunders and Company. Copynght t906, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1916, 1917, 1919,
`1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1932, 1935, 1938, 1941, 1944, 947, 1961, 1957, 1965, and 19'74 by W. B. Saundera Company.
`Copyright under the Uniform Copyright Convention. Simultaneously published in Canada. All Copyright Renewals
`Dorechoe rcservadoe conforrne a Ia ley para Ia Republica Mexicana.
`All Rights Reservod. This book is protected by copyright. Nn port of ll may be duplicated or reproduced in any manner
`without written permission from the publisher. Made in the United States of America. Preas of W. B. Saunders Compuny.
`Some of the words appearing in the Dictionary are proprietary namoa (t.tadumarko) even though no refere""" to this fact is
`made in the text. The appearance of any name without designation as a trademark is therefore not to be regarded aa a repre·
`sentation by tho editora or publisher that it is not a trademark or is not the subject o( proprietary rights.
`The use oC portions of tho text of the UnitedStaus Pho.rmocc~la, Twentteth Reviaion. official from July 1, 1980, of the National
`Formulary, Fift.<Jcnth Edition, offie1al from July 1, 1980, and or USAN and th• USP Dictionary of DrrJ8 Namu 1981 io by
`permission received from the Board of Trustees of the Unilod Statoa Pharmaco~al Convention, Inc. Tho said Convention is
`not responsible for any inaccuracy or quotation, or for any false or mioleadmg implication that may ariae by reason of the
`-f'paration of excerpt• from the original context or by obsolescence reaulttng from publication of a oupplemont.
`Listed here are the lateKt translated oditions of this hook together with tho languages for the translations and the publishers.
`JapUMIIO (25th Edition) - Hirokawa Publishing Company, Tokyo, Japan
`Spanish (25th Edition) (Adaptation) - EI Atenoo, Buenoe Aires, Argentina
`Braille ediUon (24th Ed.ilion}-American PrinUng Houoe for Lhe Blind, Louisville, Kentucky
`ISBN 0-7216·3150.9 Standard
`ISBN 0-7216·3151-7
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 71).50050
`Last digit i• tho print number:
`Page 2 of3


`areatic d., a stabill~.t.>d prepar.ation of deoxyr ibonucleru.e, pre(cid:173)
`pared rrom beef panct·eru.: used as a.n a erosol to reduce tenacity of
`pulmon ary secretions.
`Dornavac (dor'nah-vak)
`creatic dornase.
`Dorno's rays (dor'no) [Carl Wilhelm DorM, Swiss climatologist,
`1865- 1942) see under ray.
`Dorn·Sugarman test !John H . Dorn, American obstetrician; Ed(cid:173)
`ward J. Su.garman, Ame.-ican cherniat] see unde~: tests.
`dorsa (dor'sahl [L.} plural of dorsum.
`Dorsacaine (dor'sah-kiin)
`trademark for a preparation of ben(cid:173)
`oxinate hydrochloride.
`dorsad (dor'sad)
`toward the back or dorsal aspect.
`dorsal (dor'sal) (L. dorsalis; from dorsum ba~] 1. to
`the back or to any dofllum. 2. denot~ng a position more toward
`the back surface than some other object of referen ce; same as
`posterior in human anatomy.
`dorsalgia (dor-sal'ju-ah) [dorsum+ -<~lgia] pain in the back.
`dorsalis (dor-sa'lis) [L.) dorsal; [NA] a term denoting a posit ion
`closer to the back surface. Cf. posterior.
`dorsi- (dor'si) see dorso·.
`dorsiduct (dor'sl-dukt) [dorsi + L. ducere to draw]
`toward the back or dorsum.
`dorsiflexion (dor"sl-flek'sh un) [dorsi.- +
`flexion or bending, as of the hand or foot.
`trade mark for a preparation of pan·
`to draw
`Donlflexlon of foot !Haui!erl.
`situated in the back
`dorsimesal (dor"sl· mes'all dorsomesial.
`dorsispinal (dor"sl·spi'nal) pertainin g to the back and verte·
`bral column.
`dOl'SO· , dorsi- (L. dorsum back] combining form denoting relt\·
`tionship to a dorsum or to the back (posterior) aspect of the body.
`dorsoanterior (dor"so·an·te're-or) having the back of the fetus
`toward the front of the mother.
`dorsocephalad (dor"so-sef'ah·lad) [dorso· + ·Gr. kephale head)
`directed toward the back of the head.
`dorsodynia (dor"so-din'e-ah) dorsalgia.
`dorsolntercostal (dor"so-in"ter·kos1tal)
`and between the ribs.
`dorsolateral (dor"so-lat'er·al) pertaining to the back and to
`the side.
`dorsolumbar (dor"so-lum'bar) pertaining to the back and the
`the media n line of the back.
`dorsomedian (dor''so·me'de-an)
`dorsomesial (dor"so-me'se·al) pertaining to the median line of
`the back.
`dorsonasal (dor''so-na'sall pertaining to the bridge of the nose.
`dorsonuchal (dor''so-nu'kal) pertaining to the back of the
`dorsoposterior (dor"so-pos-te're-or) having the back of the fe(cid:173)
`tus directed toward the mother's back.
`dorsoradial (dor''so·ra'de-alJ pertaining to the radial or outer
`side of the back of the forearm or hand.
`dorsoscapular (dor''so-skapfu-lar) pertaining to the posterior
`surface of the scapula.
`dorsoventrad (dor"so-ven'trad) [dorsa- + venter belly] directed
`from the dorsal toward the ventral aspect.
`dorsoventral (dor"so-ven'tral) 1. pertaining to the back and
`belly'surfaces of the body. 2. paseing from the back to the belly
`dorsum (dor'sum), pl. dor'so[L.) [NA] 1. the back. 2. the aspect
`of an nnato~ical ?"rt or str uct ure corresponding in PQSition to the
`bocl<.; post~rno.r, m the human. d. of foot, d. pedis. d. of
`hand, d. manus. d. lin'guae INA], tho auporior surr.ace o(
`the tongu~. d. mo'nus (NA], the bock of tho bnnd; tlte sur(cid:173)
`face opposite the palm. d. rul!ai [NAJ, d. of nose, ,that part
`of the external surface of the nose formed by junction of the lateral
`surfaces. d. pe'dis [NA), the upper surface of the foot; the
`surface opposite the sole. d. pe'nis (NA], d. of penis, the
`anterior, more extensive surface of the dependent penis, opposite
`the uNthral surface. d. of scapula, facies dorsalis scapulae.
`d. sel'lae [N A], the quadrilateral plate on the sphenoid bone that
`forms the posterior boundary of the sella turcica; the posterior
`clinoi<l phx::esses project /rom ito; superior extremlty, and it is
`continuous inferiorly with the clivUB. d. of tes tis, margo pos(cid:173)
`terior testis. d. of t~ngue, d. linguae.
`Page 3 of3
`the determination and regulation of the size, fre(cid:173)
`dosage (do'sij)
`quency, and number of doses.
`a. quanUty to be adoiini~tered at
`dose (dOll) (Gt·. dosi$ a giving)
`one time, such os a specified amount of medica,tion, m· a given
`quantity oJ roentgen rny or other radiation. abso1·bed d ., the
`o.mou.nt ol anergy from ionizing radi11tions abf;orbed per unlt mess
`a i r d., t he intensity of a ~oent­
`of mntter, expressed in rads.
`gon-ray (><·r!ily) or ganuna-rli'y beam in !lit, expressed in t'Oentgens.
`Sometimes culled ~xpooure d. average d., ~be quanti~y of an
`agent which will usually p1-odu ce the therapeLltic effect for which
`it is administured. bqoster d., an a m ount of i'mmunogen
`(vaccine, toxoid, or other ant~en preparation), usually smaller
`than the amount given originally, injected at an appropriate t ime
`interval alter primary immunization to sustain the immune
`respa1l8e to that immunogen (e.g., to maintain pt'Otoctiqn of t;he
`il\dJVidual against infectious diseWjle Uf;"Dta). 8eo aWO ano.mnestic
`reaction. unde r reactiott, cumulative d., cumulative ra(cid:173)
`diation d.., t h e total dooe resulting fl"'m repeated exposu•·ea to
`•·adiation. c urative d., a dos.e that Ia suHicien~ to •·eetore nor(cid:173)
`mal health. curative d ., median, a dose tbat abolishes
`BYmpeo·ms in 50 per cent of tbe test subjects. Abbreviated C.D.00•
`daily d., the total wnount of a drug administeL-ed fn 11 24-hour
`period. depth d ., the intensity of radiatiorl llt a given depth
`in an irradiated body, expt-eSsed as a pe'rcentage of that at the
`surface or the body nearest the portal of ent ry. divided d., a
`fract;on of the tote! quantity of Ute drug prescribed, to be given a t
`intervals, usually during a tweoty-fout· hour period. dou(cid:173)
`bling d ., inradiatiO>l biology, tlte do•e ot radiation which
`will resu lt in a dou blin·g or the current rate of spontaneouo
`biological changes. such a..~ mutations or can cers of various ktnd~.
`in e population. ellectlve d., that quuntlty or a drug wbkh
`will prod nee the effects for which it is admhtlstered; abbreviated
`E.O. eUective d., median, a dose that produces t he desired
`eUeet in 50 per cent of a populat ion. Abbreviation ED • .,.
`entergency d ., an immunizing lnje<:tJou given Immediately af(cid:173)
`ter an injury. epiJating d ., the amount of radiat ion neces(cid:173)
`sary to cause temporary or permanenb loss of hair. erythema
`d., t he amount of radiation wtrioh, when n pplied to the s kin,
`causes to.mporory reddening or the. skin. exit (}., the inteosity
`of radio>tion omet·giug !rom t h.e body 1>t the sur(ace opposite the
`fatal a., lethal d.
`exposure d., air d.
` of entrr,-
`fractio nal d s, runounta of an ngent let;a t han that usually ad(cid:173)
`ministet:ed, given at shorter intervals tban USUlll
`d., thot amount of pathogenic microorg!l!lisms liJat will cause
`infection in suaeptible subjects. Abbreviated J.D.
`infective d.,
`me~ t h o amount of pathogenic microorgiutis1IlS that wUJ
`produce infection in 60 per cent of tne test subject... Abbreviated
`integral d ., integral abso:rbed d., in radiation bi(cid:173)
`ology, the total onet·gy absorbed by an indlvidual or ot har
`biologlcal object du riuj; exposure to radiation, expreese<l In
`gmm-rads ClOO ergs). mtoxicating d., the dose of seneitino(cid:173)
`gen •·equired to bring on an· aUet'gic t'eaction. L + d ., t he
`t:~maUest amount of dlphtheria toxin which will kill a 260-gm.
`guinea pig within four clays when mixed with one .unit of
`dlphtlwria anliitoxin before being injected subcutaneoilllly.
`thal d., tbe amount of an agent. such as radiation, which wUI or
`may be slltllcient to calUie deat.h. Called also fatal d.
`l ethal
`d., median, tbe amount of pathoget)ic bacteria, bacterial toxin,
`or other poisonous substance, required to kill 50 per cent of
`uniformly susceptible animals inoculated with it. In radiology, the
`amount of ionizing radiat ion that wJU kill. within a specified
`period, 50 per cent of individuals in a large group Ot' population.
`Ahbre.viated L.D.,0 •
`lethal d., minimum, 1. the atnount of
`toxin which will ju•t kill the experimental animal; abbreviated
`M .L.D. 2. the smallest quantity of diphtheria toxin which will
`kill a guinea pig of 260-gm. weight in four to flvG daya when
`injected l!Ubcutaneollllly. Lf d., t,he amount of diphtheria toxin
`which in tbe shortest time pr'Odu()OS J>recipitation when mixed
`limes nul d ., Lo d., the
`with one standat'd u11it of antitoxin.
`amount of diphtherin toxin which is exactly neutralized by ona
`standard unit of antitoxin. Lr d., the amount of diphtheria
`toxin wlrich, w.hen mixed with ono stondru;d unit of antitoxin, wiLl
`produce o minimnl skin reaction in a guinea pig. mainte·
`nance d., a dose (often a daily dose or d"""Sc regimen) sufficient
`to maini;Qin at tlw desired IQvcl tho infl,uence of a drug achieved
`by earlier administration of larger amounts.
`. n;uudmum d.,
`tho largest quonHty of tm < that may be so.~oly administered
`to t he average pe>ticnt. maximtpn permissible d., the
`largest amount of ionizing t'adiation thtilt a pet'SQn mny receive
`acco•·din~ to recommended limits in current radiation p~otection
`g)lidee· abbre viated M.P.D . median tissue culture infee(cid:173)
`tive d., that quantity of a cytopathogenic agent (virus) ti'lat will
`produce a cytopathic effect in 50 per cent of the cultures
`inoculated. Abbreviated TCID,0 . minimal d., minimum d.,
`the 4JDI)I1est quantity of an ag_ent that .Is likely to produce an
`apprcci!lble effect. optimal d., d., the qunntity of
`an agent which w'ill produce the effect desired without unfavor(cid:173)
`able effe<::ts. organ tolerance d., in radlology, that amount
`of rndi.atlo.n whtch can be adminlatered withc>ut appreciable.
`damage to " normal organ; abbreviated OTD. permissi ble
`d., that amount of ionizing radiation that, in th e light of current
`knowledge. is not expected to letid to appreciable bodily injury and

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