(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2001/0018858 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Sep. 6, 2001
`US 20010018858A1
`(52) US. Cl. .............................................................. .. 84/609
`(76) Inventor: Norman S60“ DWek, Deal, NJ (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`33;“;600 l
`_ A
`N W
`Washington’ D C 2 000 4 (Us)
`ennsy Vania venue, .
`(21) APPL NO;
`09 $28,168
`(22) Filed:
`Apr. 9, 2001
`Related U‘S‘ Apphcatlon Data
`A system and method for delivering multimedia content to
`computers over a computer network, such as the Internet,
`includes a novel media player WhlCh may be downloaded
`onto a user s personal computer. The media player includes
`a user interface Which alloWs a listener to search an online
`database of media selections and build a custom playlist of
`exactly the music selections desired by the listener. The
`multimedia content delivery system delivers advertisements
`Which remain visible on a user’s computer display screen at
`(63) Continuation of application NO 09/516 768 ?led on
`Mar 1 2000 HOW Pat NO 6 48 946 ’
`Publication Classi?cation
`(51) Int. Cl.7 ..................................................... .. G10H 1/26
`all times When the application is open, for example, While
`music selections are being delivered to the user. The adver
`tisements are displayed in a WindoW Which alWays remains
`on a topmost level of WindoWs on the user’s computer
`display screen, even if the user is executing one or more
`other programs With the computer.
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`Page 1 of 23
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1011

`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2001 Sheet 1 of 11
`US 2001/0018858 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2001 Sheet 2 0f 11
`US 2001/0018858 A1
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`Sep. 6, 2001 Sheet 3 of 11
`US 2001/0018858 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2001 Sheet 4 0f 11
`US 2001/0018858 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2001 Sheet 5 0f 11
`US 2001/0018858 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2001 Sheet 6 0f 11
`US 2001/0018858 A1
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`FIG. 4A
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2001 Sheet 7 0f 11
`US 2001/0018858 A1
`FIG. 4B
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`Patent Application Publication
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`US 2001/0018858 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2001 Sheet 10 0f 11
`US 2001/0018858 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 6, 2001 Sheet 11 0f 11
`US 2001/0018858 A1
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`US 2001/0018858 A1
`Sep. 6, 2001
`[0001] 1) Field of the Invention
`[0002] This invention pertains to the ?eld of multimedia
`content distribution, and more particularly, to a system and
`method for delivering multimedia content from a central
`database or repository to remotely distributed users over a
`network, such as the Internet.
`[0003] 2) Description of the Related Art
`[0004] Multimedia applications have become an important
`driver for the groWth of both the personal computer market
`and the Internet, indicating their popularity With users. It is
`apparent that many people enjoy listening to music or
`Watching video programs via their computers, either in a
`standalone mode or, often, While performing other functions
`With the computer.
`[0005] In the office environment, an increasing number of
`people Work With a personal computer (PC). In that case,
`While Working at their computers some Workers may play
`music selections from a compact disc (CD), using the
`CD-ROM drive and audio processing components present in
`most neW PCs. Also, someone Working at home on their
`personal computer may listen to music While they Work.
`Moreover, as more home computers are equipped and con
`nected With hi-?delity speaker systems, people may use a
`home computer as a audio music system, even When they are
`not using the computer for any other purposes.
`[0006] HoWever, it is sometimes the case that a person
`Wants to hear one or more particular songs for Which they do
`not presently have a copy of the recording. Also, it is often
`the case that a person Wants to hear one or more music
`selections from a particular recording before making a
`purchase decision. And sometimes an individual may just
`Want to hear a collection of songs from one particular artist.
`In other Words, listeners desire the freedom and ?exibility to
`choose exactly What songs they hear, in the order they
`choose, and at times of their oWn choosing.
`[0007] Of course radio stations play music selections to
`Which an individual may listen. Some PCs are equipped With
`radio tuners so that an individual may listen to broadcast
`radio stations via his or her PC. Moreover, many broadcast
`radio stations also transmit their broadcast audio signal over
`the Internet. And other specialiZed “Internet radio stations”
`have been developed Which transmit a radio-like audio
`signal over the Internet only from a Web site to Which
`listeners connect. Thus, individuals may listen to many radio
`stations via a personal computer Which is connected to the
`[0008] For example, one advertisement-sponsored Inter
`net Web site knoWn to the inventors, SPINNER.COM,
`alloWs a computer user to select from and listen to multiple
`Internet radio stations each of Which is tailored to a particu
`lar musical format. SPINNER.COM uses its oWn doWnload
`able music player for listeners to connect over the Internet
`With streaming audio servers associated With the SPINNER
`.COM radio stations. SPINNER.COM earns revenue to
`support its music service from Internet “banner ads” Which
`appear in the music player WindoW. Although a user may set
`the SPINNER.COM music player to remain on a topmost
`level of WindoWs displayed on the user’s computer display
`screen, the user may also alloW the SPINNER.COM music
`player to be minimiZed or covered With other open WindoWs
`on a user’s computer display screen, so that the advertise
`ments may not actually be vieWed by the listener. In other
`Words, the display of advertisements on the user’s computer
`display screen is fully Within the user’s control. So the value
`of the advertisements to the advertisers is diminished.
`[0009] But With Internet radio stations, as With AM and
`FM radio stations, the songs Which are played are chosen by
`a program director and can not be tailored to each individual
`listener’s choices. Neither broadcast nor Internet radio sta
`tions meet the desire for total ?exibility of music choice by
`a listener.
`[0010] Other Internet music services have been developed
`Which alloW a listener more freedom to choose the music
`selections Which he or she Wants to hear. Internet music
`services such as RADIO SONICNET and RADIO
`MOI.COM alloW a listener a limited capability to program
`his or her oWn “customized” radio station.
`[0011] RADIO SONICNET alloWs a listener to select and
`rank musical artists and musical categories of interest to the
`listener to create a customiZed radio station. RADIO SON
`ICNET then provides the listener With a list of musical
`artists Whose music Will be played on the radio station.
`Individual song selections, play frequency, and song order
`are all determined by the RADIO SONICNET music service
`Without any direct listener control. To create a “custom”
`radio station, a listener interacts With musical preference
`forms supplied to his or her computer’s existing Internet
`Web broWser over an Internet connection With the RADIO
`SONICNET Web site. All songs are delivered from the
`RADIO SONICNET server(s) to the listener’s computer
`over an Internet connection With the listener’s Web broWser,
`and are played on the listener’s computer by one or more
`plug-ins or helper applications associated With the Web
`broWser. RADIO SONICNET earns revenue to support its
`music service from Internet “banner ads” Which are dis
`played in the listener’s broWser WindoW on the user’s
`computer display screen While music selections are streamed
`to his or her computer. HoWever, the user’s Web broWser
`may be minimiZed or covered With other open WindoWs on
`the computer display screen, so that the ads may not be
`vieWed by the user. So, once again, the value of the
`advertisements to the advertisers is diminished.
`[0012] MeanWhile, RADIOMOI.COM alloWs a listener to
`search a database of available songs by song title, artist, etc.,
`and to add particular songs to a playlist for a “custom” radio
`station for that listener. The database of songs is divided into
`non-interactive and interactive songs. Once the listener has
`completed his or her playlist, he or she must submit it to the
`RADIOMOI music service for approval. The music service
`then checks the playlist against a predetermined set of rules
`and informs the listener Whether the playlist has been
`approved or rejected. Aplaylist of only interactive songs is
`automatically approved. If the playlist is approved, then the
`listener may request that the music service begin streaming
`the songs on the playlist to the listener’s computer via the
`Internet. HoWever, the playlist may be rejected by the music
`service for one or more reasons, such as having too many
`consecutive songs by a same artist or from a same album or
`Page 13 of 23

`US 2001/0018858 Al
`Sep. 6, 2001
`CD recording. In that case, the listener must edit his or her
`playlist to conform to the RADIOMOI music service’s rules
`or to contain only interactive songs.
`[0013] To create a “custom” radio station With RADIO
`MOI, a listener interacts With song and artist selection forms
`supplied to his or her computer’s existing Internet Web
`broWser over an Internet connection With the RADIO
`MOI.COM Web site. All songs are delivered from the
`RADIOMOI.COM server(s) to the listener’s computer over
`an Internet connection With the listener’s Internet Web
`broWser, and are played on the listener’s computer by one or
`more plug-ins or helper applications associated With the Web
`broWser. RADIOMOI.COM earns revenue to support its
`music service from Internet “banner ads” Which are dis
`played in the Internet broWser WindoW on the user’s com
`puter display screen While music selections are streamed to
`his or her computer. HoWever, as With RADIO SONICNET,
`the user’s Web broWser may be minimiZed or covered With
`other open WindoWs on a user’s computer display screen, so
`that the ads may not be vieWed by the listener.
`[0014] Accordingly, all of these previous multimedia
`delivery systems and methods suffer from several disadvan
`tages. For example, none of the previous systems is Well
`adapted to providing an effective advertisement vehicle to
`support a free Internet music service. In these previous
`systems, the music player or Internet broWser through Which
`the music is being delivered can be minimiZed or covered on
`a user’s computer display screen by other WindoWs Which
`are open for other active programs. So any ads Which are
`being delivered for display through the music player are not
`necessarily visible to the user and may not be vieWed by the
`user. This diminishes the value of the advertisements to
`sponsors, and therefore reduces the amount a sponsor Will
`pay to have the advertisement delivered. In turn, the reduced
`advertising revenues limit the available funds for purchasing
`music licensing rights, distribution bandWidth, hardWare,
`and other resources for supporting a free Internet music
`[0015] Accordingly, it Would be advantageous to provide
`a system and method of multimedia content delivery over a
`computer netWork Which provides increased value to adver
`tisers. It Would also be advantageous to provide a system and
`method of multimedia content delivery over a computer
`netWork Which provides increased ?exibility to users. It
`Would still further be advantageous to provide such a system
`and method Which can deliver multimedia content over the
`Internet. Other and further objects and advantages Will
`appear hereinafter.
`[0016] The present invention comprises a system and
`method for delivering multimedia content to computers over
`a computer netWork, such as the Internet.
`[0017] In one aspect of the invention, a multimedia con
`tent delivery system includes a novel media player Which
`may be doWnloaded onto a user’s personal computer. The
`media player comprises a user interface Which alloWs a user
`to search an online database of media selections and build a
`custom playlist.
`[0018] In another aspect of the invention, a multimedia
`content delivery system delivers advertisements Which
`remain visible on a user’s computer display screen at all
`times While a music player is open on a computer user’s
`computer display screen. The advertisements are displayed
`in a WindoW Which alWays remains on a topmost level of
`WindoWs on the user’s computer display screen even if the
`user is executing one or more other programs With the
`[0019] FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram of a preferred
`embodiment of an online music delivery system;
`[0021] FIGS. 3A-C shoW a preferred embodiment of a
`user interface for a music player;
`FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of a music
`[0022] FIGS. 4A-C are a ?oWchart of a process of open
`ing, closing, siZing and resiZing user interface panes in a user
`interface of a music player;
`[0024] FIGS. 6A-B shoW a ?oWchart of a process for
`establishing and maintaining a user interface at a topmost
`WindoW on a computer display screen.
`FIG. 5 is a player toolbar for a music player;
`[0025] For ease of explanation, the preferred embodiments
`described herein pertain to the delivery of musical content
`from a central music library to a plurality of users via the
`Internet. Nevertheless, it Will be understood that the inven
`tion is not limited to the delivery of music, but could be used
`to deliver video or other streaming multimedia content.
`Also, delivery does not have to occur via the Internet but
`could also be accomplished over an intranet or a dedicated
`dial-up netWork.
`[0026] Apreferred embodiment of an online music deliv
`ery system 100 is shoWn in FIG. 1. The online music
`delivery system 100 may be used by an online music
`provider to provide an online music service delivering music
`selections to one or more users. The online music delivery
`system 100 includes an online music library 110 and one or
`more music players 120 operating on one or more personal
`computers 130 connected to the online music library 110 via
`Internet connections 140.
`[0027] The online music library 110 preferably consists of
`a client interface server 112, an online music database 114
`of available songs or music selections, a plurality of song ?le
`servers 116 and a plurality of translation/streaming servers
`[0028] The client interface server 112 provides an Internet
`home page through Which a neW user may establish a
`connection With the online music delivery system 100. For
`example, a neW user may register With the online music
`service and doWnload an installation ?le for installing a copy
`of the music player 120 onto the user’s computer. Also, the
`client interface server 112 may alloW a user to access the
`online music database 114 of available music selections. In
`that case, the client interface server 112 interfaces With the
`music player 120 for alloWing the user to broWse or search
`the online music database 114 and to implement various
`Page 14 of 23

`US 2001/0018858 A1
`Sep. 6, 2001
`features of the online music delivery system 100 as
`described in more detail below.
`[0029] The online music database 114 lists all of the songs
`or music selections available through the online music
`delivery system 100. Preferably, the online music database
`114 indexes the music selections to alloW users to access
`music in a variety of Ways. For example, in a preferred
`embodiment, each music selection is indeXed by song title,
`musical artist, album or compact disc (CD) title, one or more
`corresponding musical genres, and/or year the recording Was
`[0030] The song ?le servers 116 contain all of the song
`?les available through the online music delivery system 100.
`Preferably, each music selection is stored in an individual
`song ?le in a basic, uncompressed raW format. In that case,
`all translation, compression, and other formatting is per
`formed by the translation/streaming servers 118 as described
`in more detail beloW.
`[0031] The translation/streaming servers 118 provide the
`interface points for one or more users to access the music
`selections of the song ?le servers 116 through the user’s
`music player 120. The translation/streaming servers receive
`song ?les in a raW uncompressed format from the song ?le
`servers 116, then compress the song ?les, and stream the
`compressed song ?les across the Internet connection 140 to
`the user’s music player 120.
`[0032] FIG. 2 shoWs a preferred embodiment of a music
`player 120. Preferably, the music player 120 is doWnloaded
`from the online music library 110 across the Internet con
`nection 140 to a user’s computer When the user registers
`With the online music system 100. The music player 120 has
`several components, including an Internet interface 210, a
`streaming music interface 220, a decompressor 230, an
`audio interface 240, and a user interface 250.
`[0033] When a user opens or launches the music player
`120 Which is resident on his or her computer, the Internet
`interface 210 establishes an Internet connection 140 betWeen
`the user’s computer and the online music library 110. The
`Internet interface 210 may establish a connection With an
`online Internet service provider (ISP) through Which the
`Internet interface 210 is connected by a TCP/IP or UDP
`connection With the online music library 110. Preferably, the
`Internet interface 210 may include a dial-up dialog boX to
`alloW a user to specify his or her protocol, including for
`eXample an access number, for establishing an Internet
`connection 140 through an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
`[0034] The streaming music interface 220 receives com
`pressed song ?les as data packets from the Internet interface
`210 and formats the data packets into a streaming com
`pressed song ?le.
`[0035] The decompressor 230 receives the streaming com
`pressed song ?le from the streaming audio interface and
`decompresses the ?le on-the-?y to provide a song ?le in a
`general purpose format playable by the audio processing
`components of the personal computer.
`[0036] The audio interface 240 interfaces the decom
`pressed song ?le from the decompressor 230 to the audio
`processing components of the personal computer.
`[0037] FIGS. 3A-C shoW a preferred embodiment of a
`user interface 250 for a music player 120. As shoWn in FIG.
`3A, the user interface 250 includes a player toolbar 310 and
`an interactive WindoW 315 comprising one or more user
`interface panes 320, one or more toggles or handles 330
`associated With the user interface panes 320, and a close
`panes boX 335.
`[0038] In one embodiment, the user interface 250 may
`have a “lego-like” structure, such that a user may rearrange
`the appearance of various components on the user’s com
`puter display screen. For eXample, the user may grab and
`drag various panes appearing in the user interface to various
`areas of the user’s computer display screen as desired by the
`[0039] The player toolbar 310 comprises one or more tools
`alloWing a user to interact With aspects of the online music
`delivery system 100, preferably including user controls for
`controlling the audio playback of music selections delivered
`through the online music delivery system 100. Other fea
`tures of the player toolbar 310 Will be described in more
`detail beloW With respect to the preferred embodiment
`shoWn in FIG. 5.
`[0040] The user interface panes 320 Within the interactive
`WindoW 315 display various information to the user and
`alloW the user to affect the operation of the music player 120.
`In a preferred embodiment, the user interface panes 320
`include a search pane 320a, a library pane 320b, a playlist
`pane 320c, a channels pane 320a', and a features pane 3206.
`The user interface panes 320 may be closed by a user by
`selecting or “clicking” the close panes boX 335.
`[0041] One or more of the user interface panes 320 may be
`displayed at a given time, depending upon the state of the
`associated handles 330. A user interface pane 320 may be
`displayed or hidden by a user selecting or “clicking” on the
`associated handle 330. Preferably, When the associated
`handle 330 is in a ?rst “open” position (i.e., When the lever
`icon is horiZontal) then the corresponding user interface
`pane 320 is displayed to the user. When the handle is in a
`second “closed” position (i.e., When the lever icon is verti
`cal) then the corresponding user interface pane 320 is
`minimiZed. Further details regarding the operation of the
`handles 330 and the display of the user interface panes 320
`Will be described beloW With respect to FIG. 5.
`[0042] In a preferred embodiment, the search pane 320a
`includes a search terms entry boX 341, a search parameter
`selection boX 342, a search button 343, a search results
`display subpane 344, a play button 345, a shoW selection
`button 346, an add button 347, and horiZontal and vertical
`scrollbars 348, 349.
`[0043] The search pane 320a provides an interface With
`the client interface server 112 for alloWing the user to
`broWse or search the online music database 114 to locate a
`particular music selection Which may be referenced by song
`title, artist, album or CD title, musical genre, etc. When the
`user Wants to locate one or more music selections in the
`online music database 114, he or she enters the search
`criteria into the search terms entry boX 341 and selects a
`search category through the search parameter selection boX
`342. Search criteria generally consist of keyWords in a
`song’s title, an artist’s name, etc. Search parameters may
`include, for eXample, the song title, CD title, recording artist,
`or all of these parameters. The user activates the search by
`pressing, selecting or “clicking” on the search button 343,
`through depressing a mouse button, for eXample.
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`US 2001/0018858 A1
`Sep. 6, 2001
`[0044] When the search button 343 is selected, the music
`player 120 communicates a search request across the Inter
`net connection 140 to the online music library 110. The
`online music library 110 performs a search of the online
`music database 114 and returns search results across the
`Internet connection 140 to the music player 120. All music
`selections Which satisfy the search criteria are displayed in
`the search results display subpane 344.
`[0045] In a preferred embodiment, the search parameter
`selection box 342 includes an Internet search category for
`searching the Internet for song ?les. When the user selects
`the Internet search category and activates the search button
`343, the music player 120 communicates a search request
`across the Internet connection 140 to the online music
`library 110. In that case, the online music library 110
`includes or is linked to an Internet search engine Which
`performs a search of the Internet for song ?les matching the
`search criteria. The online music library 110 returns the
`search results across the Internet connection 140 to the
`music player 120. All song ?les Which are found by the
`search engine Which the satisfy the search criteria are
`displayed in the search results display subpane 344.
`[0046] At that point, the user may highlight a music
`selection in the search results display subpane 344 and select
`the play button 345. If the user selects the play button 345,
`then the music player 120 Will transmit a request to the
`online music library 110 to begin streaming the correspond
`ing compressed song ?le immediately across the Internet to
`the music player 120. Upon receiving the compressed
`streaming song ?le, the music player 120 Will decompress
`the song ?le and play the music selection back through the
`user’s computer.
`[0047] Advantageously, in this Way a listener may select
`any music selection available and play it at once, Without
`any reference to any other music selections Which are
`currently playing or Which have previously been requested.
`That is, by searching for and playing music selections in an
`online music delivery system 100 according to the present
`invention, a listener is provided the total ?exibility to select
`any songs from the music database to be played in any order
`as desired by the user.
`[0048] Alternatively, if the user highlights one or more
`music selections in the search results display subpane 344
`and selects the add button 347, then the highlighted music
`selection(s) may be added to a playlist of music selections to
`be delivered to the user’s music player 120. At this point, the
`playlist pane 320c is opened (if it Was closed) and the user
`selects a playlist to Which the highlighted music selection(s)
`Will be added, as described in more detail beloW.
`[0049] Advantageously, in this Way a listener may select
`any music selections available via the online music delivery
`system 100 and add them to one or more playlists in any
`order, Without any reference to any other music selections
`Which are already included in the playlist. That is, a listener
`or user is provided the total ?exibility to select a list of any
`songs, or entire compact disc recordings, from the music
`database to be played in any order as desired by the listener.
`[0050] If the user highlights a music selection in the search
`results display subpane 344 and selects the shoW selection
`button 346, then the library pane 320b opens (if it Was
`closed), displaying the highlighted music selection.
`[0051] In a preferred embodiment, the library pane 320b
`includes a favorites button 351, a database display subpane
`354, a play button 355, an information button 356, an add
`button 357, and horiZontal and vertical scrollbars 358, 359.
`Via the database display subpane 354, the library pane 320b
`provides a hierarchical vieW into the online music database
`[0052] In a preferred embodiment, at a topmost hierarchi
`cal level a list of musical genres is provided in the database
`display subpane 354, for example, classical music, country
`music, shoW tunes, rock music, jaZZ music, etc. A list of
`subgenres may also be provided at a next topmost hierar
`chical level, for example, Within the rock music genre, there
`may be several subgenres, such as oldies rock, classic rock,
`heavy metal, grunge rock, etc. At successive loWer hierar
`chical levels, music selections may be classi?ed by record
`ing artist, CD or album title, and song title. Auser may select
`or “click” on an expansion box to vieW or hide various
`hierarchical levels.
`[0053] Upon broWsing the online musical database 114
`and locating one or more music selections of interest, a user
`may mark the music selection(s) for more easy retrieval in
`the future. In a preferred embodiment, the library pane 320b
`includes a favorites button 351 indicating the location of
`particular music selections Which have been previously
`marked by the user.
`[0054] In a preferred embodiment, the database display
`subpane 354 also shoWs a directory structure for one or more
`mass storage devices associated With the user’s computer.
`Thus, the user may vieW and select one or more song ?les
`stored on the mass storage devices. Preferably, the music
`player 120 can retrieve and play music selections stored onto
`a mass storage device in a variety of compressed audio
`formats, such as MP3, REALAUDIO®, LIQUID AUDIOTM
`etc. Also, the music player 120 may retrieve and play music
`selections stored on a compact disc, or doWnloaded onto a
`hard disk drive of a user’s computer, in an uncompressed
`audio format.
`[0055] Upon one or more music selections being displayed
`in the database display subpane 354, the user may highlight
`a music selection and select the play button 355. If the
`highlighted music selection is stored on a mass storage
`device of the user’s personal computer, then the music
`player 120 Will retrieve and play the music selection. HoW
`ever, if the highlighted music selection is stored in the online
`music library 110, then the music player 120 Will transmit a
`request across the Internet 140 to the online music library
`110 to begin streaming the corresponding compressed song
`?le immediately acros

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