(12) United States Patent
`Blanchard et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,415,164 B1
`Jul. 2, 2002
`(75) Inventors: Harry Edward Blanchard, Rumson;
`Chylinski, BridgeWater;
`David R. Dempski, BricktoWn; Steven
`M. Herbst, Chester; Nicholas II. Katis,
`Aberdeen; Susan A. Palermo,
`Oceanport; Susan L, Tuttle, East
`Windsor, an of N] (Us)
`(73) Assigneej Lucent Technologies, Inc,’ Murray
`Hill, NJ (Us)
`5,373,551 A * 12/1994 Baals et al. ............... .. 379/457
`5,392,337 A * 2/1995 Baals et al. ............... .. 379/457
`5,412,713 A * 5/1995 Baals et al. ............... .. 379/457
`5,543,781 A * 8/1996 Gancheau, Jr. et al. . 340/825.44
`5,552,806 A * 9/1996 Lenchik .................... .. 345/156
`5,657,378 A * 8/1997 Haddock et al. .
`5,705,995 A * 1/1998 La?in et al.
`5,737,394 A * 4/1998 Anderson et al. ...... .. 379/88.11
`5,761,610 A * 6/1998 Sorensen et al. ........... .. 455/89
`5,774,540 A * 6/1998 Davidson et al.
`5,809,415 A * 9/1998 Rossmann
`5,890,053 A * 3/1999 Hino et al. ..
`.. 455/186.1
`6,021,193 A * 2/2000 Thomas .................... .. 379/387
`6,125,287 A * 9/2000 Cushman et al. ......... .. 455/566
`6,145,569 A1 * 2/2001 Frederiksen .............. .. 455/566
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154 b b 0 da s.
`( ) y
`* 5/1998
`21 A 1. No.: 09/271 036
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 17, 1999
`* cited by examiner
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) 5101151513510“ of apphcatlon N°~ 08/775,316, ?led on D60
`Primary Examiner—Vivian Chin
`Assistant Examiner—Charles N. Appiah
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Priest & Goldstein, PLLC
`(51) Int. c1.7 .......................... .. H04B 1/38; H04B 1/18;
`A H04M 1/09
`(52) US‘ Cl‘ """"""" " 455/566’ 455/158'4’ 37394349730117’
`(58) F M f S
`379/355 4157
`37998101354, 93-17; 455% 145> 1584
`566’ 564’ 550’ 412’ 414’ 90; 345/146’ 173’
`333, 353, 352, 356, 357, 661, 810, 848
`earc ............................... ..
`References Cited
`An arrangement for dynamically varying hoW space on a
`small display is allocated for presentation of various types of
`user information is provided. The arrangement optimizes
`t l
`11 d l
`b d
`ll -
`Lilia 1E1; 5511031512 rip alienytat?at?tclalui Zr
`headegr-t e informationpasyWell is menu item-t e infor
`mat1on. The arrangement con?gures the display such that
`lines therein are dedicatable in any combination to display
`ing these tWo types of information.
`5,371,788 A * 12/1994 Baals et al. ............... .. 379/396
`21 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`f 330
`I 320
`r 210
`Phone Book
`Service Name
`r - Voiceiisgttlth
`— View All
`oText iisglOO]
`oReoall Entry
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`cAdd Entry
`0 View Own Mum
`Ht ,331
`Ht ,321
`H ,211
`Phone Book
`Service Name
`Q Voice MsglOO]
`12/31 02:15p
`, :- o View All
`Flext Msgl071
`Q Last Nlmber
`— Recall Entry
`0 Call lotgg
`— View Own Num
`0 Add Eniry
`H [332
`H [322
`mew/$0 ora-IetzwQ
`. PhoneSettngs
`. Phone Locks
`cCall Options
`oCall Blocks
`0 Service
`0 PL“ "
`Ht [351
`Ht ,341
`: 0 Phone Locks
`:‘ j o PhoneSetlngs
`‘:Col I Blocks
`FCal l ‘Opt ions
`Q PhBookgccess
`H [342
`H [352
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`— 0 5312119100:
`' 4 Fl’ext MsglOOi
`- Call Lggg
`— O ztgttelkttok
`7 I; Recall Entry
`Q Add Entry
`Ht [323
`Phone Book
`7 0 Edit Entry
`0 Delete En ry
`Ht ,324
`@- l‘? a 19 Y
`Phone Book
`—-Q Edit Entr
`‘ .Delele Entry
`—‘ ~ 0 EggttzSettngs
`~— 0 léggxlttcks
`7 I; Cut lloptlons
`7 FCall Blocks
`. Serv Ice
`. PhBookAccess
`Ht [353
`Ht [343
`cilbox Access — Tl: Display Opts
`oChange Codes
`Ht [344
`mm o syn
`—-c>ltbox Access —
`' -Change Codes
`LG Exhibit 1002, Page 1
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Core Wireless Licensing S.A.R.L.

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 2, 2002
`Sheet 1 of3
`US 6,415,164 B1
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`FIG. 2
`LG Exhibit 1002, Page 2
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Core Wireless Licensing S.A.R.L.

`LG Exhibit 1002, Page 3
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Core Wireless Licensing S.A.R.L.

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 2, 2002
`Sheet 3 of3
`US 6,415,164 B1
`FIG. 4
`Service Name
`_12/31 02:15p
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`Missed [05]
`I: Losi Number
`"1? [411
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`LG Exhibit 1002, Page 4
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Core Wireless Licensing S.A.R.L.

`US 6,415,164 B1
`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`08/775,316, ?led Dec. 31, 1996.
`information and tWo lines also to menu items. Thus,
`enhanced ?exibility and efficiency are provided through use
`of this arrangement.
`This invention and its mode of operation Will be more
`clearly understood from the folloWing detailed description
`When read With the appended draWings:
`1. Technical Field
`This invention is directed to telephone terminals and,
`more particularly, a telephone terminal con?gurable for
`accessing features available on the terminal through an
`interactive display arrangement.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`With the advent of numerous features noW available at
`many telephone terminals, displays having selectable menu
`options are being commonly employed to aid users in
`accessing the features associated With these options. The
`display technology employed in most telephone displays
`today is character-based liquid crystal device (LCD) dis
`plays. These displays are con?gured in various array siZes
`such as, for example, a 2-line by 10-character LCD display,
`a 3-line by 12-character LCD display and a 4-line by
`12-character LCD display. In order to be aesthetically pleas
`ing When incorporated into a telephone housing, these
`displays tend to be small, typically on the order of one inch
`in height. Also, in order to provide a reasonable number of
`characters for information such as caller-ID information and
`directory access information, a small font siZe for the
`characters is generally used. Thus, the numerous available
`features unfortunately require large amounts of information
`to be presented on very small displays.
`For optimiZing the utiliZation of space on small displays,
`some telephone terminals use soft key user interfaces. While
`soft key approaches can increase the ?exibility of managing
`access to numerous features, they require that a portion of
`the display be dedicated exclusively to this purpose. For
`example, many telephone terminals dedicate the bottom roW
`of the display for presentation of label screen prompts Which
`correspond to a set of hard keys. Although these screen
`prompts do improve someWhat the ease With Which one uses
`the display, such a design constrains the amount of space
`available for presentation of non-menu items, and also
`constrains the number of soft key choices Which may be
`shoWn at any given time. Further, existing terminal screen
`designs typically constrain the maximum number of char
`acters available for menu labels.
`The prior art problems are solved in accordance With the
`present invention Which provides an arrangement for
`dynamically varying hoW space on a small display is allo
`cated for presentation of various types of user information.
`This arrangement is more ?exible in organiZing and pre
`senting information than existing arrangements.
`In accordance With an aspect of the invention, the arrange
`ment optimiZes utiliZation of space on small displays by
`dynamically allocating lines on the display for presentation
`of status or header-type information as Well as menu item
`type information. The arrangement con?gures the display
`such that lines therein are dedicatable in any combination to
`displaying these tWo types of information. By Way of
`example, on a terminal With a 4-line display, one line may
`be dedicated to status information, and three lines to menu
`items; or alternatively, tWo lines may be dedicated to status
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a Wireless telephone terminal
`and a base unit, the telephone terminal being usable for
`incorporating the present invention;
`FIG. 2 illustrates the telephone terminal of FIG. I includ
`ing a user interactive display displaying a ?rst menu screen
`accessible in accordance With the present invention; and
`FIGS. 3 and 4 are ?oW charts illustrating some of the
`display screens provided by the circuitry shoWn in FIG. 1
`and produced in an interactive display shoWn in FIG. 2 in
`accordance With the invention.
`Throughout the draWing, the same elements When shoWn
`in more than one ?gure are designated by the same reference
`Referring noW to FIG. 1, there is shoWn an illustrative
`block diagram of a Wireless telephone terminal 100 useful
`for describing the operation of the present invention. The
`terminal includes an input/output (I/O) interface unit 110
`Which connects to a radio frequency (RF) transceiver 111
`containing a transmitter and receiver for providing commu
`nications in, by Way of illustrative example, a cellular radio
`Various types of cellular radio systems are knoWn in the
`art and have been otherWise described. Once such system is
`described in The Bell System Technical Journal, Volume 58,
`January 1979, Number 1, particularly in papers entitled
`“Advanced Mobile Phone Service: Introduction, Back
`ground and Objectives” by W. R. Young and “The Cellular
`Concept” by V. H. MacDonald.
`The RF transceiver 111 may also provide communications
`suitable for operating in a cordless telephone system. Such
`a cordless telephone system is described in US. Pat. Nos.
`4,706,274 and 5,044,010, for example.
`This I/ O interface unit 110 contains sWitching and control
`circuits required by the terminal 100 for establishing, main
`taining and terminating RF communications connections
`betWeen terminal 100 and base unit 120. Through these
`circuits and via antennas 115 and 125, the terminal 100 thus
`sends to and receives the appropriate signals from the base
`unit via the RF transceiver 111.
`The terminal 100 also includes a program memory 112
`Which provides instructions to a central processor unit
`(CPU) 113 for controlling the various operating features and
`functions originating at the terminal. This program memory
`112 contains data for interpreting a plurality of codes
`representative of various control signals received from the
`base unit 120 and for generating codes to be transmitted to
`the base unit 120. A data memory 114 is utiliZed by the CPU
`113 for storing and accessing data associated With perform
`ing the various functions and features programmed in the
`program memory 112. In the described embodiment, CPU
`113 is a microprocessor, program memory 112 is read-only
`memory (ROM) and data memory 114 is a random-access
`These components are readily available
`from a number of semiconductor manufacturers such as
`Intel, Motorola, AMD and NEC. Connected to the interface
`LG Exhibit 1002, Page 5
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Core Wireless Licensing S.A.R.L.

`US 6,415,164 B1
`unit 110 is a user interface 200, the physical aspects of Which
`are shown in greater detail in FIG. 2.
`With reference noW to FIG. 2, the user interface 200
`comprises a user interactive display 210 Which includes a
`number of Icon screen display symbols. Such screen display
`symbols include a battery level symbol 211, a signal strength
`symbol 212, a Home symbol 213, a Phone Book symbol
`214, a Mailbox symbol 215, a Lock symbol 216 and a Tools
`symbol 217.
`The battery level symbol 211 consists of four battery
`icons or symbols for shoWing the battery poWer level. At full
`charge, all symbols are ?lled-in. As the battery loses poWer,
`the ?lled-in part of each one of the symbols is removed from
`top to bottom leaving only the symbol outline. When only
`one ?lled-in symbol remains, it is an indication to the user
`to recharge the battery. The signal strength symbol 212
`provides an indication of the received signal strength. The
`radiating portion of this symbol appears largest When the
`received signal is strong and becomes smaller as the
`received signal becomes Weaker.
`Also shoWn in the user interface 200 is a set of menu keys
`or buttons Which provides, in accordance With the disclosed
`embodiment, quick access to all of the features of the
`telephone terminal With just a feW key presses of these menu
`keys. The menu keys include a “Left” arroW key 221, a “Up”
`key 222, a “Right” arroW key 223, a “DoWn” arroW key 224,
`a “Home” key 225 and a “Select” key 227 Which are
`functionally descriptive in moving betWeen menu screens.
`These directional keys provide a dual axis of control for a
`user in navigating among a plurality of these menu screens.
`The Select key 227 selects the feature Which is being
`displayed along the side of the ?lled-in oval outline. The
`Home key 225 is used to return a user to the original starting
`screen in the plurality of display screens. Other Well-knoWn
`keys or buttons: a “Talk” or send key 229, an “End” key 226
`and a “PoWer” key 228, as Well as others illustrated in the
`form of a dial pad, are also part of the telephone terminal
`shoWn in FIG. 2 but are conventional keys and need not be
`described in detail herein, except to indicate that, in a
`cellular system, the Talk key 229 and the End key 226 are
`used to respectively send a just-entered or stored telephone
`number to a base unit and to terminate an established
`The screen display changes dynamically as the user
`performs functions and makes selections via the Select key
`227. ShoWn in the display 210 is just one menu screen in the
`hierarchically arranged menu. The illustrated entry is one of
`possible original starting screens or the “Home Screen”
`Which is conveniently provided for a user Whenever the
`telephone terminal is turned ON from an OFF state or
`returned to its standby state after the user presses the End
`key 226, terminating a telephone call.
`The Icon Home symbol 213, the Icon Phone Book symbol
`214, the Icon Mailbox symbol 215, the Icon Lock symbol
`216 and the Icon Tools symbol 216 are associated With
`parent menu screens Which are at the top level in the
`hierarchical display. When the Wireless terminal is turned on
`With the poWer key 228, the Home symbol 213 and its tWo
`selectable features from this level are provided in the Home
`Screen display or display 210. Also shoWn in this display is
`the name of the service provider that provides the user With
`cellular service and, optionally, time and date information.
`The Phone Book symbol 214 is associated With a parent
`screen display for sub-menu displays in Which telephone
`numbers are added or deleted, vieWed or retrieved as appro
`priate by a terminal user. The Mailbox symbol 215 is
`associated With a parent screen display for sub-menu dis
`plays in Which voice messages, test messages and call logs
`(incoming and outgoing) are accessed. The Lock symbol
`216 is associated With a parent screen display for sub-menu
`displays through Which security is provided for the terminal
`device. Display screens such as Phone Locks, Call Blocks,
`Phone Book Access and Mailbox access are accessed from
`this parent screen. The Tools symbol 217 is associated With
`a parent screen display for sub-menu displays through phone
`settings, call options and service options Which are set by a
`user or representative of the service provider, as appropriate.
`A user easily and intuitively advances among the parent
`menu screens by using the Right and Left arroW keys 223
`and 225. As the user cycles among these screens, the Icon
`screen display symbol that is associated With the selected
`parent screen is ?lled-in or darkened thereby informing the
`user just Which one of the top menu options is active. From
`either of the parent menu screens at the top level in the
`hierarchical display, the DoWn arroW key 224 moves doWn
`through the selectable sub-level menu choices and cycles at
`the bottom, back to the ?rst entry of the sub-level menu
`choices. In order to access one of the sub-level menu
`choices, the user must select into the desired sublevel menu
`choice, With the Select key 227. While in a sub-level menu
`choice, should the user desire to move directly up in this
`menu choice, the Up arroW key 222 is used to take the user
`up through this choice and back to the parent screen. The
`simplicity of the user interface is that all features illustrated
`by the display screens herein are accessible through the use
`of the directional keys and the select key. Although all are
`not shoWn, each one of the equal level menu choices
`represented by menu screen displays 210, 320, 330, 340 and
`350 provide a number of selectable optional screens that
`may be selected by the user of the telephone terminal 100.
`The user interactive display 210 also includes a menu
`level indicator 218. This menu level indicator includes both
`upper and loWer brackets and also a plurality of symbols
`comprising elliptical or oval shaped outlines enclosed in the
`brackets and aligned in a column on a side of the screen
`display. Selective use of the brackets advantageously pro
`vide an indication to the user that all selectable choices are
`available on the displayed screen or that one or more
`selectable choices are not shoWn on the displayed screen.
`Speci?cally, an open or missing bracket at the bottom of the
`menu level indicator 218 provides an indication to the user
`that there are additional choices off-screen and that the user
`may scroll doWn to these choices With the DoWn arroW key
`224. An example of the menu level indicator With an open
`bracket at the bottom is shoWn in the display screen 210. An
`open or missing bracket at the top of the menu level
`indicator 218 provides an indication to the user that there are
`additional choices off-screen and that the user may scroll up
`to these choices With the Up arroW key 222. Aclosed bracket
`indicates that the display screen includes all of the selectable
`The Menu options or selectable features accessible for
`display and other information, to be described later herein,
`are provided by the ?lled-in oval shaped outline. When
`selectable menu options are being displayed on the menu
`screen, only one oval shaped outline is ?lled in for indicating
`to the user the one option that Will then be selected When the
`Select key 227 is pressed. The level indicator 218 thus
`informs a user just Which one of the menu options is
`currently active and may be selected by the dark or ?lled-in
`oval shaped outline next to a menu screen option. As shoWn
`in screen display 210, for example, a user may select the last
`number dialed by depressing the Select key 227 since the
`LG Exhibit 1002, Page 6
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Core Wireless Licensing S.A.R.L.

`US 6,415,164 B1
`?lled in oval 219 is adjacent to the “Last Number” screen
`display option. Auser may also advance to the “View OWn
`Num” screen display option by depressing ?rst the DoWn
`arroW key 224 and then the Select key 227. Once the user of
`the telephone terminal has decided Which menu choice he or
`she Wishes to explore, the directional arroW keys 221, 222,
`223 and 224 are used to place the darkened oval neXt to that
`choice on the display and the Select key 227 is then pressed
`to select that menu choice.
`While the embodiment of the present invention is illus
`tratively described as incorporated into a Wireless telephone
`terminal, it should be recognized that the present command
`operated terminal could be utiliZed in other program
`controlled systems such as Wired telephone terminals. Since
`such systems utiliZe a variety of hardWare and programming
`techniques, no attempt is made to describe the details of the
`program used to control the telephone terminal. HoWever,
`the present invention must be blended into the overall
`structure of the system in Which it is used and must be
`tailored to mesh With other features and operations of the
`system. Thus, in order to avoid confusion and in order to
`enable those skilled in the art to practice the claimed
`invention, this speci?cation Will describe the operation of
`the present invention using the telephone terminal 100
`shoWn in FIG. 1; the display screen shoWn in FIGS. 2; and
`the display screen How diagrams of FIGS. 3 and 4 Which,
`taken together, describe the logical steps and the various
`parameters required to implement the present invention.
`FIG. 3 shoWs a How chart for illustrating some of the
`display screens provided by the circuitry in FIG. I and
`produced in the interactive display in the same manner as
`illustratively shoWn in display 210 in FIG. 2. These display
`screens, along With those shoWn in FIG. 4, are illustratively
`embodied in a 4-line by 12 character LCD display. The
`sequence in Which these display screens are provided is
`indicated by the How chart, and is shoWn in suf?cient detail
`to permit one skilled in the art to duplicate the circuitry of
`FIG. 1, either by programming a microprocessor or by
`special purpose logic circuitry such as is available in a
`digital signal processor.
`The display screens shoWn in FIG. 3 are of the ?ve parent
`screens 210, 320, 330, 340 and 350 or main areas on the top
`level of the menu. For general navigation on this top level
`of the menu, the user uses the Right or Left arroW keys 223
`or 221 to move across the ?ve main areas of the display,
`Which are, the Home screen, Where manual calls are placed,
`the Phone Book, Mail BOX, Lock, and Tools.
`For ease of understanding the How charts shoWn in both
`FIGS. 3 and 4 and movement betWeen the display screens
`shoWn therein, ?lled-in or darkened directional triangles,
`Which respectively represent the four directional arroW keys,
`are employed. Thus, by Way of eXample, movement betWeen
`the display screen 210 and display screen 320 may be
`accomplished by pressing the right arroW key 223, Which
`also has an image of a right-facing triangle located thereon.
`Similarly, movement betWeen the display screen 320 and
`display screen 210 may be accomplished by pressing the left
`arroW key 225, Which also has an image of a left-facing
`triangle located thereon. Movement betWeen display screen
`320 and display screen 321 is achieved in a similar manner,
`only using up-facing and doWn-facing triangles Which
`respectively correspond to the up arroW key 222 and the
`doWn arroW key 224. For further ease of understanding,
`these directional triangles are positioned near interconnect
`ing lines that eXtend to those display screens betWeen Which
`the user is able to navigate.
`When navigation betWeen screens requires that the user
`press the Select key 227, a ?lled-in elliptical or oval shaped
`outline is positioned near the interconnecting line that
`requires this key press. Thus, for eXample, to move from
`menu screen 331 to menu screen 401 requires pressing the
`Select key 227. And this ?lled in oval shaped outline is
`conveniently provided on the top surface of the Select Key
`With reference noW to navigating in the parent screens,
`and starting from the Home display screen 210, the user can
`press the Right arroW key 223, for eXample, to move across
`to the Phone Book screen 320 and see the ?rst three
`selectable features of the Phone Book. Here the Up and
`DoWn arroW keys 222 and 224 can be used to move the
`darkened elliptical cursor to any of the Phone Book features
`as shoWn in screens 320 through 323 and the Select key 227
`can then be used to choose a feature. The Right arroW key
`223 again alloWs movement to the neXt area of the interface,
`the Mail BOX screen 330 Where the three features of the
`MailboX screen can be vieWed and accessed. Another press
`of the Right arroW key moves the user to the Locks screen
`340 Where features shoWn in screens 340 through 344 are
`accessed. Yet another press of the Right arroW key moves the
`user to the Tools screen 350 Where features shoWn in the
`screens 350 through 353 are accessed. One last press of the
`Right arroW key moves the user to the home screen 210 once
`again. As the user moves to each of the parent screens, the
`outline of the Icon associated With that parent screen is
`darkened. Thus the user alWays knoWs Which main area is
`being accessed.
`Referring neXt to FIG. 4, there is shoWn, in accordance
`With the disclosed embodiment, a How chart Which illus
`trates hoW the allocation of space on a small display may be
`dynamically varied for presentation of various types of user
`information. Either Home screen 210 or Home screen 410,
`Which shoWs an alternative initialiZation screen, is presented
`to the user When the user poWers-up the telephone terminal.
`As illustrated in Home screen 210, the ?rst or upper tWo
`lines of the display are used to present status information to
`the user. The uppermost line identi?es the service provider
`and the second line from the top displays date and time
`status information. Also, on this screen, the third and fourth
`lines of the display are used to present selectable menu
`choices or item type information to the user. The user may
`press the Select key 227 to activate one of these options
`When the darkened oval is positioned neXt to the desired
`option. By Way of example, in screen 210, pressing the
`Select key 227 redials the last number previously dialed.
`The alternative Home screen 410 provides an indication
`to a user that missed calls have been attempted to the
`telephone terminal. Missed calls are those Wherein a caller
`has attempted to place a call to the telephone terminal, but
`for some reason, typically that the telephone Was turned off,
`the call Was not completed. So that a user is informed of
`these one or more missed calls, a status indication indicative
`of these missed calls is presented to the user on the third line
`of the display as shoWn in screen 410. To accommodate this
`additional status information line appearing in the display,
`the selectable menu items, i.e., “Last Number” and “View
`OWn Num,” are shifted doWn in the display. One conse
`quence of this is one or more selectable menu items may no
`longer appear on the display but rather have to be cycled to
`using the DoWn arroW key. Thus if the user Wished to vieW
`his or her oWn number, the DoWn key 224 must be pressed
`to generate screen 411 Where the user’s number may be
`In achieving this advantageous operation, the terminal
`includes suitable coding for assigning a priority to either the
`status or header-type information or to the menu type-item
`LG Exhibit 1002, Page 7
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Core Wireless Licensing S.A.R.L.

`US 6,415,164 B1
`information. In response to this priority coding Which is
`assigned for each of the display screens, the desired infor
`mation is suitably displayed in each of the display screens.
`The advantage of this arrangement is that it provides a very
`?exible manner in organiZing and presenting information.
`If the user presses the Right arroW key When vieWing the
`Home screen 210, or the alternative Home screen 410 (and
`also screen 411), the Phone Book menu screen 320 Will be
`displayed. In this screen, the top line is dedicated to status
`information Which is, in this case, the title of the menu. The
`last three lines of the display are dedicated to selectable
`menu choices. As the user presses the DoWn arroW key to
`step through the menu choices, When he or she arrives at the
`bottom of the menu the user may vieW one or tWo blank lines
`after the last menu choice. By Way of illustrative eXample,
`in this Phone Book parent menu screen there are ?ve
`selectable menu choices, three being shoWn in the ?rst three
`screens, 320 through 322, and the last tWo being shoWn in
`screens 323 and 324. Thus, the user is readily made aWare
`by the appearance of both the blank line or lines appearing
`after the last menu choice that all of the possible selectable
`choices in a doWnWard direction have been accessed. Such
`blank line or lines supplement the information provided to
`the user by the brackets (earlier described herein) also
`provided to the user in these displays.
`What has been described is merely illustrative of the
`present invention. Other applications to telephone, computer
`or other user-interactive systems other than the disclosed
`system are contemplated as being Within the knoWledge of
`one skilled in the art. Thus it is to be understood that the
`disclosed user interface may be utiliZed in displays and
`applications, other than those speci?cally described herein,
`Without departing from the spirit and scope of the present
`We claim:
`1. An arrangement for con?guring a telephone terminal
`for displaying selectable information at the terminal, the
`arrangement comprising:
`means for providing a ?rst type of information comprising
`status or header type information available for display
`at a predetermined position in each one of a plurality of
`selectable display screens in the telephone terminal;
`means for providing a second type of information com
`prising menu type information available for display at
`said predetermined position in each one of said plural
`ity of selectable display screens in the telephone ter
`minal; and
`means for assigning a priority to said ?rst or said second
`type of information for displaying in said predeter
`mined position, said priority being determined by a
`selected one of said selectable display screens in Which
`said information is displayed.
`2. The arrangement of claim 1 Wherein the ?rst type of
`information is status type information.
`3. The arrangement of claim 2 Wherein the second type of
`information is menu-item type information.
`4. The arrangement of claim 1 Wherein said information
`type Without said assigned priority is assigned to a second
`predetermined position for display in said selected one of
`said selectable screens.
`5. The arrangement of claim 4 Wherein each of said
`display screens comprise a 4-line display.
`6. The arrangement of claim 5 Wherein responsive to said
`assigning means one of said four lines in said 4-line display
`is con?gured With said ?rst type of information and three of
`said four lines in said display are con?gured With said
`second type of information.
`7. The arrangement of claim 5 Wherein responsive to said
`assigning means tWo of said four lines in said 4-line display
`are con?gured With said ?rst type of information and tWo of
`said four lines in said display are con?gured With said
`second type of information.
`8. The arrangement of claim 5 Wherein responsive to said
`assigning means three of said four lines in said 4-line display
`are con?gured With said ?rst type of information and one of
`said four lines in said display is con?gured With said second
`type of information.
`9. The arrangement of claim 8 Wherein the ?rst type of
`information is status type information.
`10. The arrangement of claim 9 Wherein the second type
`of information is menu-item type information.
`11. A method of con?guring a telephone terminal for
`displaying selectable information at the terminal, the method
`comprising the steps of:
`providing a ?rst type of information comprising status or
`header type informat

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