` Petitioner § Case IPR2015-01984
`VS. § Patent 8,434,020 B2
`S.A.R.L. § Case IPR2015-01985
` Patent Owner § Patent 8,713,476 B2
` Deposition of
` Austin, Texas
` Tuesday, October 25, 2016
` 9:00 a.m.
` Job No.: 125671
` Pages: 1 - 115
` Reported by: Micheal A. Johnson, RDR, CRR
`3 4
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` Deposition of V. THOMAS RHYNE, Ph.D., held
` at the location of:
` Greenberg Traurig, LLP
` 300 West 6th Street, Suite 2050
` Austin, Texas 78701
` (512) 320-7200
` Pursuant to Notice, before Micheal A.
` Johnson, Registered Diplomate Reporter and Certified
` Realtime Reporter.
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Nicholas A. Brown
` 4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 3000
` San Francisco, California 94111-5983
` (415) 655-1300
` Herbert H. Finn
` 77 West Wacker Drive, Suite 3100
` Chicago, Illinois 60601
` (312) 456-8400
` Wayne Helge
` 8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
` McLean, Virginia 22102
` (571) 765-7708
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` October 25, 2016
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`8 9
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` October 25, 2016
`Exhibit A Random House Webster's 55
` Computer & Internet
` Dictionary - Third Edition
`Exhibit 1001 ......................... 25
`Exhibit 1002 ......................... 35
`Exhibit 1010 ......................... 11
`Exhibit 1011 ......................... 12
`Exhibit 1012 ......................... 14
`Exhibit 1013 ......................... 15
`Exhibit 1014 ......................... 16
`Exhibit 1015 ......................... 7
`Exhibit 2007 ......................... 92
`Exhibit 2009 ......................... 60
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` having been first duly sworn,
` testified as follows:
` Q. Morning, Dr. Rhyne.
` A. Good morning.
` MR. HELGE: Nick, just for a quick
` housekeeping matter, I believe you had filed your
` reply and reply evidence on September 30th. And we
` had filed objections to that reply of evidence on
` October 7th, which is within the five business days.
` By my calculation, ten business days from those
` objections was last Friday and I did not receive any
` supplemental evidence from you on that date; is that
` correct?
` MR. BROWN: I believe that's correct.
` MR. HELGE: Okay.
` MR. BROWN: Well, not as to all the dates.
` As to -- those I don't remember, but as to not
` serving supplemental evidence, that is correct.
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` MR. HELGE: Okay. Thank you. And then just
` for confirmation as we've done before, we've got
` Dr. Rhyne here for two cases and my understanding is
` that we'll be filing the same transcript in both
` cases; is that correct?
` MR. BROWN: Yes.
` MR. HELGE: And if you can't hear me, please
` just let me know.
` Q. Dr. Rhyne, I'm going to hand you two
` documents identified as Exhibit 1015. And you can
` see on the bottom, one is marked in the case
` IPR2015-1984. Do you see that, Dr. Rhyne?
` A. I haven't found that yet, but I'll find it
` eventually.
` Q. Very bottom line on both pages there.
` A. Okay. Way down here. Okay. Yeah.
` Q. Now, I printed this version out in -- you
` know, two sheets per page.
` A. That's fine.
` Q. And I also have a copy of Exhibit 1015 from
` the 1985 case. And that's what this document is.
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` A. Okay. So one of them is -- they both deal
` with the '020?
` Q. Well, so that's one of my questions for you.
` Both of these documents show on the cover page that
` they're dealing with patent number 8,434,020. But I
` see in a variety of the paragraphs in here, you
` refer to both the '020 patent and the '476 patent.
` A. Right. I think in the initials of what's
` called the application section, I made the point
` that essentially my opinions are pretty much the
` same for the -- for the two different patents.
` There's some differences, particularly in some of
` the dependent claims that -- depending on whether
` they refer to a function or a data type, but
` basically, that -- in relation to Blanchard,
` et cetera, that they're pretty much the same
` opinions.
` MR. HELGE: Nick, is this correct that
` there's only one copy of the declaration that
` applies to both patents?
` MR. BROWN: Yes.
` MR. HELGE: Okay. Thank you.
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` Q. So, Dr. Rhyne, if you would prefer that we
` use the larger font, we can do that or we can use
` the smaller font, whichever you prefer.
` A. I don't care. I mean, I guess I'm confused.
` Are these two different documents or the same
` document in different printing?
` Q. Well, did you prepare two declarations or --
` A. I don't think I did.
` Q. Okay. So you prepared one declaration?
` A. I thought so. I mean, it's been a while
` since I did it, but obviously -- at least on the
` bottom of the first page, which I didn't create,
` okay, I mean, I did everything but this footer, one
` of them is 1985 and one -- the other one is 1984,
` but I think I only did one.
` Q. Okay. Well, I think, then --
` MR. HELGE: Nick, do you agree that we can
` say for the record that this is the same document
` that was filed in both cases?
` MR. BROWN: Yes.
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` Q. Okay. So, Dr. Rhyne, if we talk about
` either one of these, we're going to be talking about
` your testimony that applies to both cases; is that
` right?
` A. All right. I gather that to be the case.
` Q. Okay. Dr. Rhyne, if you were to take a look
` at page 2, which you can see on that cover sheet of
` the one you're looking at, paragraph 3, you mention,
` "In preparing this rebuttal declaration, I have
` considered the following materials" -- and then you
` go on to list a variety of documents that you looked
` at in preparing your declaration. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review all of these documents again
` in preparation for this deposition?
` A. You mean like in the last day or two?
` Q. Yes, sir.
` A. I believe I did. Let me just run down the
` list to be sure.
` Q. Of course.
` (Witness reviews document.)
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` A. I did not review the patent owner's response
` regarding the '476 patent in the last few days.
` (Witness reviews document.)
` A. I did not review the deposition of
` Mr. Denning -- or Dr. Denning.
` (Witness reviews document.)
` A. Otherwise, I did review them all. And I'm
` speaking only about the last few days. I have
` reviewed them in the past.
` Q. Understood. Dr. Rhyne, I'm going to hand
` you what's been marked as Exhibit 1010. Dr. Rhyne,
` do you remember reviewing this reference?
` A. Yes. I actually have it in color in a PDF,
` but I do remember it.
` Q. When did you first see this document?
` A. I don't remember exactly. Somewhere during
` the preparation of the rebuttal declaration.
` Q. Okay. And how did you obtain this document?
` A. It was provided to me by the attorneys
` representing LG.
` Q. Have you seen this document before the
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` attorneys representing LG gave it to you?
` A. I used to subscribe to Popular Science, so
` maybe I had or maybe I hadn't. But I don't have any
` clear recollection of seeing this particular one.
` Q. So you don't remember reading this
` particular issue of Popular Science back in 1999?
` A. I do not.
` Q. Dr. Rhyne, I'm going to hand you what's been
` marked as Exhibit 1011. Dr. Rhyne, do you recognize
` this document?
` A. I do. It's one of the two user guides for
` the Ericsson R380 smartphone that I have.
` Q. When did you first see Exhibit 1011?
` A. I probably saw it back when I was doing my
` original declaration in this case. I remember that
` there were two of them. So I think it's that far
` back.
` Q. So when you were preparing your original
` declaration, was that in the year 2015?
` A. I believe it was last year, yes, sir.
` Q. Had you seen a copy of this document prior
` to 2015?
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` A. Before 2015?
` Q. Yes, sir.
` A. Like in 2014?
` Q. Or earlier, yes.
` A. I don't have any recollection of seeing it
` that far back, no.
` Q. And how did you acquire this document?
` A. I think, again, it was provided to me; maybe
` I was only provided the URL where it could be found
` on the Internet. I don't remember precisely. But I
` did not search it out. I think it was provided in
` one way or another by the attorneys representing LG.
` Q. Dr. Rhyne, is it your testimony that this
` document is available on the Internet?
` A. I don't have a clear recollection of whether
` it is or not. I just noticed a URL here. I don't
` know for sure.
` Q. Okay. So you don't know if this copy of
` Exhibit 1011 was downloaded from the Internet; is
` that right?
` A. I don't understand the difference between
` the two questions. I don't know. It may be that
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` this thing -- this document was available on the
` Internet, but I don't know for sure where it
` originally came into this case.
` Q. And you don't know because this copy was
` provided to you by counsel, correct?
` A. The original -- the PDF for this user
` guide -- I actually was provided two user guides and
` both of them were provided to me by counsel.
` Q. You can set that aside as well, Dr. Rhyne.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Dr. Rhyne, I'm going to hand you what's been
` marked as LG Exhibit 1012. Dr. Rhyne, do you
` recognize this document?
` A. I do.
` Q. And when did you first see this document?
` A. I would think during the preparation of my
` rebuttal declaration.
` Q. And when you say that, you mean maybe
` September of this year, of 2016?
` A. Sometime in the last several months.
` Q. Had you seen this document before you were
` preparing your rebuttal declaration for this case?
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` A. I don't think so.
` Q. And how did you get a copy of this document?
` A. I know for a fact that this one is available
` on the Internet because, among other things, I
` looked for it yesterday using my own computer. So I
` don't remember -- I think some -- it was just
` provided to me as a PDF document by the attorneys
` representing LG as a way of proving up the dating on
` the Ericsson R380 smartphone -- phone, let's just
` call it.
` Q. Okay, Dr. Rhyne, we can set this one aside
` as well. I'm going to hand you a copy now of what's
` been marked as LG Exhibit 1013. And, Dr. Rhyne, do
` you recognize this document?
` A. I do.
` Q. And when was the first time you saw this
` document?
` A. During the pendency of my writing the
` rebuttal declaration.
` Q. And so the first time you saw this document
` was within the last three or four months; is that
` right?
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Had you seen the document before then?
` A. I have no recollection of seeing it before.
` Q. And how did you obtain a copy of this
` document?
` A. It was provided to me as a PDF electronic
` version by the attorneys representing LG.
` Q. You can set that one aside as well.
` Dr. Rhyne, I'm going to hand you also now what's
` been marked as LG Exhibit 1014. And do you
` recognize this document?
` A. I do.
` Q. When was the first time you saw this
` document, Dr. Rhyne?
` A. Do you mean the specific pages or the
` general document?
` Q. Let's go with the specific pages first.
` When was the first time you saw the specific pages?
` A. I probably had looked at some of the
` definitions in other cases where issues such as
` system software or something had come up. I don't
` know for sure that I had looked up in the -- my
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` personal copy of this dictionary all of the
` definitions that are represented on this subset of
` pages.
` Q. So, Dr. Rhyne, you said a moment ago that
` you have a personal copy of this dictionary; is that
` correct?
` A. Yes. I copied all these pages for my
` personal copy.
` Q. Okay. So this document you generated; is
` that right?
` A. This subset, yes, I did.
` Q. Okay. So, Dr. Rhyne, if we look at page 2,
` there is a copyright date of 2000. Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. And so this is the version of the IEEE
` dictionary that you own?
` A. I own about ten different versions of it.
` I've been on the standards committee for the IEEE
` for a number of years and one of the perks for that
` is that they -- at least they used to send me copies
` of each issue of this particular standard
` dictionary.
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` Q. Sure. So, Dr. Rhyne, let's take a look at
` page 3.
` A. All right.
` Q. Do you see the definition there for
` "application"?
` A. I see a number of definitions for
` application.
` Q. Okay. How many definitions do you see?
` A. Five, I think, for that one word by itself.
` Q. Let's take a look at the end of each
` definition. Do you see that there are a series of
` numbers and letters appearing at the end of each
` definition for application?
` A. I do.
` Q. And what do those numbers and letters
` represent?
` A. Every definition that's found in the IEEE
` Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms is
` taken from IEEE, or in some cases ANSI, from a
` variety of standards. And those identify the
` specific standards, or standards in some cases,
` which -- from which the particular definition of a
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` term was taken, and the letters tell you the
` technical domain that the standard addresses.
` Q. So can you tell me what the letter "C"
` represents at the end of definition No. 1?
` A. Yes. It's computers.
` Q. And what does "C-PA" represent at the end of
` definition 2?
` A. I think it means it's computers, but more
` specifically, portable apparatus.
` Q. And then what about "PE/SUB"?
` A. That's one I probably wouldn't consider to
` be relevant to this case because that's power
` engineering/substations.
` Q. So, Dr. Rhyne, take a look at the numbers at
` the end of definition 5. Do you see that there?
` A. Still on page 3?
` Q. Yes, sir.
` A. I do.
` Q. Do you see it looks like a "C" in
` parentheses, and you said that stands for
` "computers," correct?
` A. That means that the standard that this came
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` from, in the front of each standard it usually
` defines the technical domain for the standard, but
` it said that it was dealing with computer issues.
` Q. Okay. And what does 1003.5-1999 mean?
` A. That's the name of the standard. In fact,
` if you look into the back of the dictionary, there's
` a glossary of all of the standards and it usually
` has a little paragraph taken out of the standard
` that explains what this standard was about, but
` that's -- I believe that's an IEEE standard 1003.5
` and that it was promulgated in 1999 by the group of
` people who were working on that standard.
` Q. And do you know what 1003.5, the standard --
` I'll rephrase that question.
` Do you know if there's a specific topic that
` the standard 1003.5 deals with?
` A. There will be a name for the standard.
` Without having the dictionary here and looking to
` the back, I don't remember. I don't know. I just
` know that it is a relevant standard and that it
` deals with computers.
` Q. Did you ever look up the name of the
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` standard referred to here as 1003.5 technical --
` A. I think I did. I just don't remember it.
` Q. Did you mention it in your declaration?
` A. I don't think I did. The main thing I was
` interested in was the dating. Given that I had the
` C, which places it as something relevant to
` computer, and the 1999 means that it was an
` appropriate time frame.
` Q. Dr. Rhyne, if we stay on page 3 --
` A. Okay.
` Q. -- if you look to the bottom right corner --
` A. I see it.
` Q. -- there is a definition -- actually, two
` definitions on the bottom right corner for
` "application software." Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. And I'm going to ask you this: Do
` you see the letter "C" at the end of the first
` definition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And do you see number 610.12-1990?
` A. Yes.
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` Q. Do you know the name of the standard
` associated with the 610.12-1990?
` A. I do in general. I know that the 610
` standards were all essentially glossaries. They
` were collections of terms and the definitions of
` those terms in particular fields related to
` computers, but I don't remember the exact name of
` the 610.12 standard. Again, it's there in the
` dictionary at the back of it. I think it would
` be -- the title would begin something like standard
` glossary of terms for some aspect of computing.
` Q. And do you know what aspect of computing
` that would be?
` A. I don't remember what the dot 12 is for.
` Q. Well, when you -- that's not exactly my
` question. My question was, do you know what aspect
` of computing the 610.12 standard would be relevant
` to?
` A. I thought -- I don't understand the
` difference between that and what I just answered. I
` don't remember what the particular focus of 610.12
` is. I know that it's -- it's a standard glossary of
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` terms relating to computers in some area. Some
` subarea, I guess is the right way to phrase it. If
` you look up a little bit to see like "application
` program" on that same page, you will see that's
` 610.5. The whole family of 610 standards -- and I
` worked on a number of them -- further up there's a
` 610.7, they each have a focus within the general
` domain of computing.
` Q. Did you look up standard 610.12-1990 while
` preparing your rebuttal declaration?
` A. I did. I just don't remember the details of
` it. I went -- I always do that if I'm going to cite
` to a dictionary definition or a standard definition,
` I want to make sure that I think it's appropriate in
` the context of what I'm -- what I'm citing it for,
` so I did.
` Q. So in this case, you felt that 610.12-1990
` was appropriate for these cases; is that right?
` A. I did.
` Q. And you also felt that under the definition
` of application, 1003.5-1999 was appropriate for this
` application -- or for this case?
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` A. I did. It's in the domain of computers.
` That's what the "C" means. And the date is 1999.
` Q. You told me a moment ago that the fourth
` definition for application is not relevant to this
` case; is that right?
` A. I wouldn't say that, necessarily, but I'm
` just saying because it deals with power engineering
` and substations -- I'm not saying it's wrong. I
` just -- it's not a standard -- it's okay. Looking
` at the actual wording of the definition is fine.
` It's just, power engineering substations, I think,
` is not as applicable as computers or portable
` apparatus or microprocessors and microcomputers,
` things like that. It's not to say that it's wrong,
` however.
` Q. Do you believe that the topic of power
` engineering substations is applicable to this case?
` A. Not directly, but that's not to say that a
` group of engineers working on a power engineering
` standard would not be able to come up with an
` appropriate definition of what an application is. I
` think they did here. It's just fine.
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` Q. Dr. Rhyne, I'm going to hand you a copy of
` the '020 patent, and this is marked as LG
` Exhibit 1001. This is specific to the 1984 case,
` but I think you know the specifications of the -- of
` the '020 patent and the '476 patent are pretty
` similar, so if you have any questions or want to
` compare this with the '476, please let me know.
` Dr. Rhyne, let's take a look at column 5.
` And I'm going to direct you specifically to lines 20
` through 24.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Dr. Rhyne, that first sentence, do you see
` that there, beginning in line 20 going down into
` line 21?
` A. I do.
` Q. It refers to systems which do not have a
` concept of separate applications as such. What kind
` of systems would those be?
` A. I think it's something that maybe Mr. --
` excuse me, Dr. Denning referred to as like a
` monolithic system. It basically just has one piece
` of software in it that serves as the -- implements
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`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` all of the functionality that the device or the
` system would provide without any distinctions as to
` here's a modular code or something, that this is an
` application system. It's just a collection of
` software.
` Q. So do you read this sentence to mean that
` the present invention of the '020 patent can be used
` in a system having no applications?
` A. Well, it certainly wouldn't have its
` functionality broken out as separate applications.
` You might think of the whole thing as one big
` application. I really hadn't thought about it much
` one way or the other, but I don't -- I think it says
` what it says. It wouldn't have a concept of
` separate applications that do particular sets of
` tasks.
` Q. So in a system without a concept of separate
` applications, would that include a system having
` just one application?
` A. Well, I said you could think of the whole
` ball of software as an application if -- I guess you
` could say that. I probably wouldn't use that term.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2011
`Page 26 of 121

`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` I would just say that it -- it did -- whoever wrote
` the code didn't partition the code with an eye
` toward having separate applications that could be
` identifiable within the software.
` Q. You said a moment ago you could think of the
` whole ball of software as an application, and then
` you said, "I probably wouldn't use that term." What
` term would you use?
` A. I'll go with the monolithic or some type
` of -- I think we're talking about spaghetti code.
` It's just one big chunk of software.
` Q. Well, let's come up with a term that we can
` both agree on for that type of scheme. Would you
` prefer to use spaghetti code or would you prefer to
` use monolithic software?
` A. Spaghetti code is kind of a pejorative term.
` I'm comfortable with monolithic, with the
` understanding that it needs to -- whoever wrote the
` code, either an individual or a group of
` individuals, wrote one big set of code. Monolithic
` is fine.
` Q. And that monolithic code, would that --
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2011
`Page 27 of 121

`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` would that code be able to perform system functions?
` A. It would have to.
` Q. Dr. Rhyne, as of, let's say -- well, let's
` say as of July 2000, would a person of ordinary
` skill in the art have known how to write monolithic
` code?
` A. I think so. Either a person or a group of
` people. And, again, I've managed a lot of software
` development and the scope of writing one set of code
` to do all of the functionality that, for example, is
` described in these two patents, the '020 and the
` '476, is significant. I don't know that I would
` have assigned it to a single individual, but I
` think, sure, they just write code. It's more of a
` project planning concept. You wouldn't have
` barriers or boundaries between separate
` applications; you'd just say here's the -- go write
` the code.
` Q. What other software schemes were available
` or known to a person of ordinary skill in the art as
` of July 2000 for implementing functions in a mobile
` phone?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2011
`Page 28 of 121

`Deposition of V. Thomas Rhyne, Ph.D.
`Conducted on October 25, 2016
` A. Well, for sure there's the concept of having
` an operating system with an application programming
` interface, which you then wrote individual
` applications to do particular sets of functionality
` atop that application programming interface, also
` called an API. I think those two concepts, the one
` you were asking me about before and what I just
` described to you, are specifically identified in --
` I don't know how to pronounce it, oh-men, Oommen, in
` that reference.
` MR. HELGE: That's O-o-m-m-e-n.
` Q. Dr. Rhyne, let's come up with a term for
` that type of programming scheme. How would you
` characterize that?
` A. I would say you have separate

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