`Umted States Patent [19]
`Baals et a1.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Feb. 21, 1995
`Inventors: Kimberly A. Baals, Matawan;
`Kathleen J. Chylinski, Bridgewater;
`Darren A. Kall, Highland Park; Gary
`C. Smith, Freehold; Susan L. Tuttle,
`East Windsor, all of NJ.
`Assignee: AT&T Corp., Murray Hill, NJ.
`Appl. No.: 428
`Jan. 4, 1993
`Int. Cl.6 ................ .'. .... .. H04M 1/27; 6096 3/20
`US. Cl. .................................... .. 379/96; 379/110;
`379/356; 379/368; 379/396; 345/123
`Field of Search ............. .. 379/355, 356, 357, 368,
`379/387, 388, 389, 396, 201, 96, 110, 111, 142;
`340/712; 345/ 123, 124, 130, 146, 168, 169, 172,
`902, 903
`References Cited
`4,293,855 10/1981 Perkins .............................. .. 340/712
`4,644,339 2/ 1987 Ruder ........ ..
`4,776,002 10/ 1988 Kammerl
`4,786,895 11/1988 Castaneda
`4,794,386 12/ 1988 Bedrij et a1.
`345/ 123
`4,841,454 6/1989 Awazu .................. ..
`345/ 123
`4,860,339 8/1989 D’Agosto, III et a1.
`4,885,580 12/1989 Noto et a1. ............ ..
`379/ 396
`4,908,853 3/ 1990 Matsumoto ....................... .. 379/355
`4,916,731 4/ 1990 Brisson ................................ .. 379/96
`4,967,190 10/ 1990 Fujisaki et a1. .
`5,067,150 ll/ 1991 Satomi et a1. ..................... .. 379/ 396
`“Twin or Clone‘l, Inter-Tel’s Magni?cent Screens
`Come in Two Flavors” Teleconnect Aug. 1987.
`Canon Navigator Desktop Office “The World’s First
`Desktop Of?ce is Here” Conar, Inc. 1990; Dec. 30,
`Primary Examiner-James L. Dwyer
`Assistant Examiner--Scott L. Weaver
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Samuel R. Williamson
`A telephone terminal provides display screens of infor
`mation messages which are selectively arranged to be
`time-speci?c in accordance with the complexity con
`tent of the information in each message. The amount of
`text in an information message, the complexity of words
`in the message and whether any user action should
`follow the text presented in the message are factors used
`in optimizing the duration of the display screens for the
`messages timed speci?c to their content. A plurality of
`user selectable options for the duration of the display
`screens also are available. These selectable options alter
`the duration time of all the display screens as a set.
`Within each selected set the variable time accorded
`each display screen, in accordance with the time-spec?c
`information messages, provides for optimum viewing of
`each message by a user of the telephone terminal.
`16 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2007
`Page 1 of 8

`US. Patent
`Feb. 21, 1995
`Sheet 1 of 3
`FIG. 1
`Ill 1
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`3 W
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`it I I
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`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2007
`Page 2 of 8

`US. Patent
`Feb. 21 1995
`Sheet 2 of 3
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2007
`Page 3 of 8

`US. Patent
`Feb. 21, 1995
`Sheet 3 of 3
`FIG. 4
`' ENE
`FIG. 5
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2007
`Page 4 of 8

`should follow the text presentation provided in a partic
`ular display screen.
`This invention and its mode of operation will be more
`clearly understood from the following detailed descrip
`tion when read with the appended drawing in which:
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a telephone terminal
`useful in describing the present invention;
`FIG. 2 illustrates the telephone terminal of FIG. 1
`including a user interactive display, in accordance with
`the present invention;
`FIG. 3 illustrates the telephone terminal of FIG. 1
`with a timed display message.
`FIG. 4 is a ?ow diagram of the invention model, and
`FIG. 5 is a ?ow diagram of a procedure for optimiz~
`ing presentation speeds of screen information.
`1. Technical Field
`This invention is directed to interactive display ar
`rangements and more particularly to an apparatus and a
`method for enabling a user to vary the time of display
`for messages on such display arrangements.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`Current trends in the design of telephone terminals
`indicate that more of telephone functionality increas
`ingly is being integrated into the telephone display asso
`ciated with the terminal. For example, information as to
`the features available on the display has migrated from
`LEDs to the display, and local additions such as direc
`tories, status information, incoming caller information,
`etc. are all migrating to the display.
`By incorporating a display, which typically com
`prises alphanumeric characters, into a telephone termi
`nal, a considerable amount of information may be con
`veyed to a user of the telephone terminal. Different
`users of a telephone terminal generally assimilate infor
`mation at different rates, however. Also when a new
`user of a telephone terminal is becoming familiar with
`the features and options available at the terminal, he or
`she will assimilate the information provided in the tele
`phone display at a different rate from that which he or
`she reads the information after some exposure to both
`the telephone terminal and the display.
`Some current telephone terminals in the art employ
`displays that keep a screen of information static. In such
`a terminal, the information is retained on the screen
`until the user actuates a button or switch on the terminal
`for releasing the displayed information and advancing
`to the next screen of information. This type of display
`has the disadvantage or requiring the user to initiate a
`“move on” action on the telephone terminal. Other
`current telephone terminals in the art employ displays
`which present timed screens of information to a user.
`These timed screens of information, unfortunately, may
`appear too fast for the novice user and too slow for the
`experienced user of the telephone terminal.
`The prior art problems are solved in accordance with
`the invention by providing an interactive display ar
`rangement for enabling a user to control a telephone
`display which provides screens of information messages
`on a telephone terminal.
`In accordance with one aspect of the invention, the
`length of time for the presentation of the display screens
`is a variable which is controllable by a user of the tele
`phone terminal. The user of the terminal is thus able to
`set the length of time for presentation of a display mes
`sage appropriate to the rate at which he or she desires
`without having to prompt the screen to move on to the
`next screen or, conversely, without having to stop the
`screen from moving on to the next screen.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention,
`the display screens are selectively arranged to be time
`specific in accordance with the contents of the display
`message. Duration options available to a user are advan
`tageously obtained based upon the complexity of the
`text presentation and also whether any user action
`Referring now to FIG. 1, there is shown an illustra
`tive block diagram of a telephone terminal 100 useful
`for describing the operation of the present invention.
`The terminal includes an input/output (I/O) interface
`unit 110 which connects to a telecommunication switch
`111, such as the SESS ® central of?ce (CO) switch or
`the DEFINITY @ private branch exchange (PBX)
`switch, via lines 101. This I/O interface unit 110 con
`tains switching, control, and line circuits required by
`the terminal 100 for establishing, maintaining and termi
`nating communication connections between the termi
`nal and the CO or PBX switch 111. Through these
`circuits, the terminal 100 thus sends to and receives
`from the CO or PBX switch 111 switching and control
`The terminal also includes a program memory 112
`which provides instructions to a central processor unit
`(CPU) 113 for controlling the various operating fea
`tures and functions originating at the terminal. This
`program memory 112 also contains data for interpreting
`a plurality of codes representative of various network
`information received from the switch 111 and for gener
`ating codes to be transmitted to the switch 111. A data
`memory 114 is utilized by the CPU 113 for storing and
`accessing data associated with performing the various
`functions and features programmed in the program
`memory 112. In one embodiment, CPU 113 is a micro
`processor, program memory 112 is read-only-memory
`(ROM) and data memory 114 is a random-access-mem
`ory (RAM). These components are readily available
`from a number of semiconductor manufacturers such as
`Intel, Motorola, AMD and NEC. Connected to the
`interface unit 110 is a user interface 200, the physical
`aspects of which are shown in greater detail in FIG. 2.
`With reference to FIG. 2, and in accordance with the
`invention, the user interface 200 allows a user of the
`telephone terminal 100 to access an interactive tele
`phone display 210 for controlling the way in which this
`display provides screens of information messages for a
`telephone terminal. The interface 200 also allows the
`user of the telephone terminal 100 to access local and
`network-based features at the terminal.
`The user interface 200 comprises the user interactive
`display 210, switch administered keys or buttons 212,
`call appearance keys or buttons 213, multiple hard keys
`214 through 217, an “Exit” key 221 and softkeys 226
`through 229. Other well-known keys or buttons also are
`illustrated as part of the telephone terminal shown in
`FIG. 2 but are not further described herein.
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2007
`Page 5 of 8

`The multiple hard buttons 214 through 217 are re
`completed by the user pressing the softkey button 229
`spectively labeled “Menu”, “Dir”, “<Prev”, and
`below the word “Done”.
`“Next> ”. The Menu button 214 is used to con?gure the
`The user selectable speed options alter the presenta
`terminal to the local softkey state. Similarly, the Dir
`tion speed of screen information as a set. i.e., selecting a
`presentation speed changes the length of time for pre
`button 215 also con?gures the terminal to the local
`softkey state, and also gives the user quick access to a
`sentation of all timed information screens. Within the
`local directory stored in the terminal with the ?rst few
`set, however, and in further accordance with the inven
`tion, the presentation speed of the display messages
`entries appearing on the display. The <Prev and
`comprising the screen information is arrangeable to be
`Next> buttons 216 and 217 are used to access addi~
`time speci?c for optimum viewing by a user of the
`tional menu items in both the local softkey state and in
`telephone terminal in accordance with the contents of
`a network-based or switch feature state. In the local
`the display message.
`softkey state, for example, names and telephone num
`A number of procedures are employed in optimizing
`bers may be entered into a personal directory (not
`the presentation speed of the screen information, in
`shown) or this directory may be accessed by these but
`accordance with the invention. In a ?rst optimization,
`tons for editing with the softkeys 226 through 229. Also
`text complexity is considered. The text complexity is
`the next button 217 could be used in the switch feature
`determined by l) the amount of information in a display
`state, for example, to display the next entry in the direc
`message presented on the screen, 2) any action required
`tory query feature.
`by the user at the terminal after presenting the informa
`The labels and functions of the softkeys 226 through
`tion, and 3) the complexity of words involved. Shown
`229 appear on the associated display 210. The label or
`in the display screen 210’ of FIG. 3 is, for example, a
`function for each of these keys changes dynamically as
`display message of screen information that requires the
`the user performs functions and makes selections via
`user to take some action after the information is pres
`these softkeys.
`While the embodiment of the present invention is
`The total set of messages are advantageously sepa
`described as being incorporated into a telephone termi
`rated into, for example, two groups, simple and com
`nal, it should be recognized that the present command
`plex. It is to be understood that although only two
`operated terminal could be utilized in a computer or
`groups are selected and illustrated herein, the principles
`other program-controlled system. Since such systems
`are applicable to other than this speci?c number and
`utilize a variety of hardware and programming tech
`such teaching is intended.
`niques, no attempt is made to describe the details of the
`In the process of determining appropriate times for
`program used to control the telephone terminal. How
`presentation of the display screens, certain procedures
`ever, the present invention must be blended into the
`are implemented and followed. By way of example,
`overall structure of the system in which it is used and
`screens with more words, those suggesting a user action
`must be tailored to mesh with other features and opera
`should follow, or those containing complex (technical)
`tions of the system. Thus, in order to avoid confusion
`words, are seen as more complex than those with fewer
`and in order to enable those skilled in the art to practice
`words, those having no suggestion for action, and those
`the claimed invention, this speci?cation describes the
`containing simple words or language. Within this
`operation of the present invention using the telephone
`framework, messages are categorized and the three
`terminal 100 shown in both FIGS. 1 and 2 together with
`speeds, Slow, Med and Fast, for each group of messages
`the interactive display 210 of FIG. 2 and the interactive
`are selected. Empirical results show that optimum times
`display 210' of FIG. 3 which, taken together, describe
`for the simple group messages employed in the display
`the logical steps and the various parameters required to
`210 are Fast=2 seconds, Med=4 seconds, and Slow=8
`implement the present invention.
`seconds. And the optimum times for the complex group
`The length of time for the presentation of the display
`messages are Fast=3 seconds, Med=5 seconds, and
`screens on the display 210 is a variable which is control
`Slow=9 seconds. Thus, in accordance with the inven
`lable by a user of the telephone terminal, in accordance
`tion, the display times for both the simple and complex
`with the invention. Thus the user of the terminal is able
`group messages are advantageously determined for the
`to set the length of time for presentation of a display
`user without the need for direct knowledge by the user
`message appropriate to the rate at which he or she de
`of the complexity of the text of the information being
`sires without having to prompt the screen to move on to
`presented in the display screens. As a result, the user,
`the next screen or, conversely, without having to stop
`after making an initial selection display speed, is gener
`the screen from moving on to the next screen.
`ally able to use the telephone terminal easier and more
`Control over the length of time for the presentation
`fully very quickly. As the user becomes more familiar
`of the display message is provided as a softkey option in
`with the operation of the terminal, he or she also is able
`the telephone terminal. In accordance with the inven
`to adjust the display in accordance with his or her
`tion, the user has the option to select one of, for exam
`needs. In addition, a user may elect to exit the timed
`ple, three presentation speeds, illustrated as “Slow”,
`information screen display process by pressing any soft
`“Med” and “Fast” in the display 210 of FIG. 2. In the
`key button.
`process of selecting a presentation speed, the user
`The model for the invention may be stated thusly: l)
`presses one of the softkey buttons 226, 227 or 228 which
`assess complexity content of information to be dis
`respectively corresponds to presentation speeds of
`played modi?ed by technology of display; 2) optimize
`Slow, Med or Fast in accordance with the rate at which
`variable timed displays with sample users; and 3) install
`he or she wants the display messages to be shown. Once
`control of variable time in either discrete or continuous
`the appropriate softkey button from the group 226
`ranges in an appropriate number of steps to cover the
`through 228 is pressed, the display screen shows the
`results of the sample users needs.
`display message rate selected in the right portion on the
`Other models are expected to become known to those
`upper line in the display. Lastly, the selection process is
`skilled in the art. Such models may be utilized without
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2007
`Page 6 of 8

`departing from the spirit and scope of the present inven
`tion. By way of example, the usable selectable presenta
`tion screen speed options may be con?gured to be se
`lectable on a message by message basis thereby allowing
`users the advantage of adjusting speci?c messages for
`their needs.
`Any embodiments of devices that display information
`messages and have the potential for the text in the infor
`mation message being generated faster than people can
`read such text could employ the present invention.
`Applications directed to telephones, photocopy ma
`chines, computers, visual pagers, automatic teller ma
`chines, calculators, electronic tickertapes, video games
`or other user interactive arrangements other than the
`disclosed arrangement are contemplated as being within
`the knowledge of one skilled in the art.
`We claim:
`1. A method of displaying screens of information
`messages in a display device at a telephone terminal
`connectable to a telecommunication switch, the method
`comprising the steps of:
`generating in the telephone terminal a set of informa
`tion messages, the information messages varying in
`amount of textual contents;
`preselecting by a user of the telephone terminal one
`of selectable time periods for determining a length
`of time of display for each of the information mes
`sages on a screen of the display device; and
`controlling in the telephone terminal the user prese
`lected time period for which each of the informa
`tion messages is displayed on the screen of the
`display device, said controlling step varying the
`user preselected time period for displaying each of
`said information messages for a period of time de
`termined in accordance with the amount of the
`textual contents of each of the information mes
`2. The method of claim 1 further comprising the step
`of displaying each of the information messages grouped
`according to the amount of the textual contents of each
`of the information messages, a ?rst set of the informa
`tion messages having a ?rst amount of textual words
`being grouped together and a second set of the informa
`tion messages having a second amount of textual words
`being grouped together, said second amount of textual
`words being fewer than said ?rst amount of textual
`3. The method of claim 2 further comprising the steps
`of displaying said ?rst set of the information messages
`for a ?rst time period and said second set of the informa
`tion messages for a second time period, said ?rst time
`period being longer than said second time period.
`4. The method of claim 1 wherein the controlling step
`further comprises the step of selectively displaying each
`of the information messages for a period of time deter
`mined in accordance with speci?c textual contents of
`each of the information messages.
`5. The method of claim 4 further comprising the step
`of displaying each of the information messages grouped
`according to said speci?c textual contents of each of the
`information messages, a ?rst set of the information mes
`sages having predetermined complex words being
`grouped together in said ?rst set of the information
`messages and a second set of the information messages
`having predetermined simple words being grouped
`together in said second set of the information messages,
`said complex words being predetermined to be more
`complex than said simple words.
`6. The method of claim 5 further comprising the steps
`of displaying said ?rst set of the information messages
`for a ?rst time period and said second set of the informa
`tion messages for a second time period, said ?rst time
`period being longer than said second time period.
`7. The method of claim 6 wherein the controlling step
`further includes the step of variably controlling the ?rst
`and second time periods, said variably controlling step
`providing a plurality of third and fourth proportioned
`time periods respectively selectable as the ?rst and sec
`ond time periods.
`8. The method of claim 7 wherein each one of the
`plurality of third time periods is associated with one of
`the plurality of fourth time periods, the associated one
`of the plurality of third time periods being longer than
`the associated one of the plurality of fourth time peri
`9. An arrangement for displaying screens of informa
`tion messages in a display device at a telephone terminal
`connectable to a telecommunication switch, the ar
`rangement comprising;
`means for generating a set of information messages in
`the telephone terminal, the information messages
`varying in amount of textual contents;
`means for a user preselecting at the telephone termi
`nal one of selectable time periods for determining a
`length of time of display for each of the informa
`tion messages on a screen of the display device; and
`means in the telephone terminal for controlling the
`user preselected time period for which each of the
`information messages is displayed on the screen of
`the display device, said controlling means varying
`the user preselected time period for displaying each
`of said information messages for a period of time
`determined in accordance with the amount of the
`textual contents of each of the information mes
`10. The arrangement of claim 9 further comprising
`means for displaying each of the information messages
`grouped in accordance with the amount of the textual
`contents each of the information messages, a ?rst set of
`the information messages having a ?rst amount of tex
`tual words being grouped together and a second set of
`the information messages having a second amount of
`textual words being grouped together, said second
`amount of textual words being fewer than said ?rst
`amount of textual words.
`11. The arrangement of claim 10 further comprising
`means for displaying said ?rst set of the information
`messages for a ?rst time period and said second set of
`the information messages for a second time period, said
`?rst time period being longer than said second time
`12. The arrangement of claim 9 wherein the control
`ling means further includes means for selectively dis
`playing each of the information messages for a period of
`time determined in accordance with speci?c textual
`contents of each of the information messages.
`13. The arrangement of claim 12 further comprising
`means for displaying each of the information messages
`grouped in accordance with said speci?c textual con
`tents of each of the information messages, a ?rst set of
`the information messages having predetermined com
`plex words being grouped together in said ?rstset of the
`information messages, and a second set of the informa
`tion messages having predetermined simple words
`being grouped together in said second set of the infor
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2007
`Page 7 of 8

`mation messages, said complex words being predeter
`mined to be more complex than said simple words.
`14. The arrangement of claim 13 further comprising
`means for displaying said ?rst set of the information
`messages for a ?rst time period and said second set of 5
`the information messages for a second time period, said
`?rst time period being longer than said second time
`15. The arrangement of claim 14 wherein the control
`ling means further includes means for variably control
`ling the ?rst and second time periods, said variably
`controlling means providing a plurality of third and
`fourth proportioned time periods respectively select
`able as the ?rst and second time periods.
`16. The arrangement of claim 15 wherein each one of
`the plurality of third time periods is associated with one
`of the plurality of fourth time periods, the associated
`one of the plurality of third time periods being longer
`than the associated one of the plurality of fourth time
`* * * *
`IPR2015-01984 & IPR2015-01985
`Ex. 2007
`Page 8 of 8

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