Supplemental Declaration of Aviel Rubin
`Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 8,141,154
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Finjan, Inc.
`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`Filing Date: June 14, 2010
`Issue Date: March 20, 2012
`Title: System and Method for Inspecting
`Dynamically Generated Executable Code
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-01979
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1045
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Supplemental Reply Declaration of Aviel Rubin
`Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 8,141,154
`I, Aviel Rubin, declare as follows:
`I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this supplemental
`declaration, and could and would testify to these facts under oath if called upon to
`do so.
`I have been retained by counsel for Palo Alto Networks, Inc. (Petitioner) in
`this case as an expert in the relevant art. I am being compensated for my work at
`the rate of $688 per hour. No part of my compensation is contingent upon the
`outcome of this petition.
`I was asked to study U.S. Patent 8,141,154, its prosecution history, and the
`prior art, and to render opinions on the obviousness or non-obviousness of the
`claims of the ’154 patent in light of the teachings of the prior art, as understood by
`a person of ordinary skill in the art in the 2005 timeframe. I previously executed a
`declaration in support of Palo Alto Networks’ Petition for Inter Partes Review (Ex.
`1002). This supplemental declaration addresses positions and testimony raised by
`Finjan in its Patent Owner Response.
`In addition to the material and information I reviewed and considered in
`connection with my previous declaration and my own expertise in the field, this
`declaration is based on the following information:
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1045
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Supplemental Reply Declaration of Aviel Rubin
`Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 8,141,154
`Exhibit No.
`Description of Document
`Medvidovic deposition transcript, IPR2015-01979, Nov. 21, 2016.
`Nebenzahl & Wood, Install-time Vaccination of Windows
`Executables to Defend Against Stack Smashing Attacks, Technical
`Report EES2003-9, Nov. 4, 2003.
`It is my opinion that, based on the disclosures in Khazan, it would
`have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in 2005 how to instrument
`applications using techniques disclosed in Khazan and techniques that were well
`known in the art.
`The Khazan reference broadly describes that its instrumentation
`techniques can be applied to many different types of programs and code:
`[0114] It should be noted that the foregoing techniques are applied in
`to binary machine executable codes. However,
`foregoing techniques may be characterized as extensible and generally
`applicable for use with any one of a variety of different types of
`binary and machine-executable programs, as well as script programs,
`command program, and the like. (Ex. 1003 at 25 [114]; see also id. at
`26 [0118].)
`Khazan describes instrumenting libraries and executable applications,
`such as Win32 EXE files, for example:
`[0042] In this embodiment, prior to executing the application
`executable 102, an analysis may be performed by the static analyzer
`104 to examine and identify calls or invocations made from the
`application executable 102 to a predetermined set of target functions
`or routines. An embodiment may also identify additional information
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1045
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Supplemental Reply Declaration of Aviel Rubin
`Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 8,141,154
`about these functions, such as, for example, particular locations within
`the application from which the calls to these functions are made,
`parameter number and type information for each call, the values that
`some of these parameters take at run-time, and the like. For example,
`in one embodiment, it may be determined that the target function calls
`to be identified are those that are external to the application 102, such
`as those calls that are made to system functions. (Ex. 1003 at 18
`In the passage cited above, Khazan discloses, as part of the
`instrumentation process, scanning an executable file in order to find function calls.
`The passage also describes the case in which function calls to external libraries are
`found. The reason that Khazan breaks external function calls out as a special case
`is because calls to functions inside of an application may be treated differently than
`calls to a function external to the application. Khazan then describes instrumenting
`these functions using, in one example, code included in the Microsoft Detours
`package. (Ex. 1003 at 21[0079], 23 [0091].)
`Khazan describes that Detours may be used to instrument an
`application by replacing “the first few instructions of the target function with an
`unconditional jump to a user provided wrapper or stub function.” (Ex. 1003 at 23
`[0091].) A person of ordinary skill at the time would have known that Detours
`could be used to instrument an application. This is shown, for example, in the
`Detours paper, published
`in 1999, which describes applying Detours
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1045
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Supplemental Reply Declaration of Aviel Rubin
`Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 8,141,154
`instrumentation to Win32 portable executable files, which are applications. (Ex.
`1012 at 3-4.)
`Khazan also teaches that: “Win 32 API functions are instrumented for
`the purpose of being intercepted although an embodiment may monitor or intercept
`any one or more different functions or routines.” (Ex. 1003 at 21 [79].)
`Khazan gives examples of how these calls may be implemented in
`assembly language in an application binary:
`[0046] The particular type of target calls and their form may vary in
`accordance with each embodiment. For example, in one embodiment,
`the binary representation of the application executable 102 may
`include a jump instruction, a call instruction, or other types of
`instructions transferring control from the application as may be the
`case for various routines being monitored.” (Ex. 1003 at 18 [0046];
`see also id. at 19 [0048].)
`Thus, Khazan discloses how to recognize any functions that are within
`the application executable and how to find their locations in the executable.
`In another example, Khazan also describes how to find such call
`instructions using the Ida Pro disassembler:
`“[0045] An embodiment may examine the application executable 102
`using any one of a variety of different techniques to look for any calls
`to one or more predetermined functions or routines. The static
`analyzer 104 may examine the binary code of the application
`executable 102 to look for predetermined call instructions, or other
`type of transfer instructions associated with calls to target functions.
`One embodiment uses the IDA Pro Disassembler by DataRescue
`( and Perl scripts in performing
`the static analysis of the application executable 102 to obtain the list
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1045
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Supplemental Reply Declaration of Aviel Rubin
`Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 8,141,154
`of targets and invocation locations 106 associated with the invocations
`of the Win32 API functions, which is described in more detail
`elsewhere herein.” (Ex. 1003 at 18 [0046].)
`10. Based on the foregoing passages in Khazan, and the disclosures of
`Khazan generally, a person of ordinary skill would have known how to apply the
`teachings of Khazan to instrument an executable application.
`11. To the extent that one might argue that Khazan’s disclosure does not
`provide enough detail to allow a person of ordinary skill to accomplish
`instrumentation of an application, as I understand Dr. Medvidovic testified, I also
`note that techniques for instrumenting Win32 EXE files, like those disclosed in
`Khazan, were widely known and well understood by those in the art before 2005.
`12. For example, in November 2003, Nebenzahl and Wool described and
`implemented a method for instrumenting Win32 EXEs using the IDA Pro
`disassembler discussed in Khazan by disassembling the executable and discovering
`functions therein as early as 2003. (Ex. 1044.)
`The next step in our process is the discovery of function boundaries.
`To do this we wrote a parser for the IDA Pro listing file. We identify a
`function entry when we find an address that is called from some other
`address. Thus, the listing file is scanned to detect calls, and the called
`addresses are marked as function entry addresses. Each function is
`then scanned, building a tree emulating all possible branches in the
`function, until all RET commands (exit addresses) of the function are
`detected. Note that a function can have more than one entry point, and
`more than one exit point. Note also that our function discovery will
`miss “non-standard” functions — e.g., functions that are not called by
`the CALL instruction, or that do not return by the RET instruction.
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1045
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Supplemental Reply Declaration of Aviel Rubin
`Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 8,141,154
`We believe that this is not a significant issue since compilers generate
`standard call sequences. (Ex. 1044 at 7.)
`In my opinion, this disclosure is consistent with a person of ordinary
`skill’s understanding of how an executable application could be instrumented using
`the IDA Pro disassembler specifically identified in Khazan. (Ex. 1003 at 18
`I reviewed the transcript of the deposition of Dr. Medvidovic taken in
`this proceeding. (Ex. 1038.) I disagree with Dr. Medvidovic’s testimony that
`Khazan does not teach instrumenting applications for the reasons set forth above
`and based on my knowledge as a person of ordinary skill in the 2005 timeframe.
`(See, e.g., Ex. 1038 at 10-11 (34:16-38:9), 39 (150:8-16.).)
`It is my opinion that, based on the disclosures of Khazan, it would
`have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in 2005 to instrument an
`application using techniques disclosed in Khazan and techniques that were well
`known in the art as set forth above.
`I reserve the right to offer opinions relevant to the invalidity of the
`’154 patent claims at issue or offer testimony in support of this Supplemental
`Declaration and my original Declaration. (Ex. 1002.)
`In signing this Supplemental Declaration, I recognize that the
`Supplemental Declaration will be filed as evidence in a contested case before the
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1045
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Supplemental Reply Declaration of Aviel Rubin
`Inter Partes Review of Patent No. 8,141,154
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. I
`also recognize that I may be subject to cross-examination in the case. If required, I
`will appear for cross-examination at the appropriate time.
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are
`believed to be true and, further, that these statements were made with the
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or
`imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001.
`Dated: October 28, 2016
`Respectfully submitted,
`Aviel Rubin
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1045
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

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