Install-time Vaccination of Windows Executables to Defend Against Stack
`Smashing Attacks
`Avishai Wool
`Danny Nebenzahl
`November 4, 2003
`Stack smashing is still one of the most popular techniques for computer system attack. In this paper
`we present an anti-stack-smashing defense technique for Microsoft Windows systems. Our approach
`works at install-time, and does not rely on having access to the source-code: The user decides when
`and which executables to vaccinate. Our technique consists of instrumenting a given executable with
`a mechanism to detect stack smashing attacks. We developed a prototype implementing our technique
`and verified that it successfully defends against actual exploit code. We then extended our prototype
`to vaccinate DLLs, multi-threaded applications and DLLs used by multi-threaded applications, which
`present significant additional complications. We present promising performance results measured on
`SPEC2000 benchmarks: Vaccinatedexecutableswere no morethan 8% slower than their un-vaccinated
`1 Introduction
`1.1 Background
`Stack smashing attacks, which exploit buffer overflow vulnerabilities to take control over attacked hosts,
`are the most widely exploited type of vulnerability. About half of the CERT advisories in the past few years
`have been devoted to vulnerabilities of this type [CER02]. Stack smashing is an old technique, dating back
`to the late 1980’s. E.g, the Internet worm [Spa88, ER89] used stack smashing. However, this technique is
`still in current use by hackers: For instance, it is the underlying method of attack used by the MSBlast virus
`[CER03a, CER03b]. Stack smashing attacks are not even unique to general purpose OSes like Unix or
`Windows: Successful attacks were reported against specialized operating systems and hardware platforms
`such as Cisco’s IOS [CER03c]. In general, stack smashing works against a program that has a buffer
`overflow bug: A malicious attacker inputs a string that is too long for the buffer, thereby overwriting the
`program’s stack. Since the program keeps return addresses on the stack, the overwriting string can modify
`a return address — and when the function returns, the attacker’s injected code gets control. A detailed
`description of the stack smashing attack mechanism can be found in [BST00, CPM 98].
`Dept. of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel.
`School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel.
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`1.2 Related Work
`Various techniques have been developed to defend against stack smashing attacks. One way to classify
`these techniques is by the method they use to handle the vulnerability:
`Techniques ensuring that software vulnerabilities exploitable by stack smashing attacks do not exist:
`i.e., they attempt to eradicate buffer overflows.
`Techniques that prevent an attacker from gaining control over the attacked host: i.e., they assume
`that buffer overflows will continue to occur, and attempt to ensure that the attack code will not be
`executed successfully.
`Our tool is of the latter type. It does not detect buffer overflows, but defends against their exploitation.
`A second classification of anti-stack-smashing techniques is based on the stage in the software life
`cycle in which the counter-measures are deployed:
`Techniques that are deployed by the software developer at the software coding stage. These tech-
`niques include static code analysis and modified compilers.
`Techniques that are deployed by the software user, before, or while, using the vulnerable software.
`These techniques include wrappers, emulators and binary code manipulations.
`Our tool is a user tool: It does not require access to the source code.
`Note that anti-stack-smashing developer tools (static checkers, compilers) have the advantage of work-
`ing at a high level of abstraction, e.g., with access to the C source code. In contrast, user tools have little or
`no information about the language or techniques used to create the program—all they have to work with
`is the binary executable. However, we argue that user tools are extremely valuable: Typically, the user has
`no control over the bugs in the software. Thus having the ability to vaccinate software, at the user site, at
`the user’s discretion, is an important goal.
`The vast majority of anti-stack-smashing tools are Unix-based. This is because source code is readily
`available for the operating system, the compilers, and application software. We are not aware of any user
`tools that address the popular, and much more challenging, Microsoft Windows operating systems.1
`Following is a brief description of existing approaches to defend against stack smashing. Detailed
`surveys can be found in [WK03, BAF 03].
`1.2.1 Developer tools
`Probably the most influential anti-stack-smashing tool is StackGuard. StackGuard [CPM 98] is a compiler
`enhancement, that equips the generated binary code with facilities that can detect a stack smashing attack.
`StackGuard works by having each function’s entry code place a per-run constant, so called a canary, on
`the stack. The function’s exit code verifies the canary’s existence. The assumption is that a buffer overflow
`which overwrites the return address would also overwrite the canary. StackGuard has been commercialized
`by Immunix [Imm03] and has been used to produce a full hardened Unix system. A similar compiler option
`is now supplied as a standard feature in Microsoft Visual C++ .NET compilers [Mic01, HL02].
`1Recently Microsoft has deployed a compile-time anti-stack-smashing feature in its Visual C++ .NET compilers.
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`A different mechanism to detect stack smashing was implemented in StackShield [Sta00]. In Stack-
`Shield, the attack detection is based on tracking changes of the actual return address on the stack. Each
`function’s return address is recorded in a private stack upon function entry, and the function’s exit code
`verifies that the return address has not changed. This mechanism can detect attacks that try to modify the
`return address without touching the canary. StackShield is implemented as a compiler enhancement.
`Cyclone [JMG 02] is a dialect of the C programming language. It prevents buffer overflows by re-
`stricting the C language to a subset of the original language, that is less error prone, but also less powerful.
`Static source code analysis techniques have also been developed to detect software vulnerabilities that
`may be exploited by stack smashing attacks [GO98, DRS01, EL02, WFBA00]. The techniques exhibit
`a clear tradeoff between accuracy of detection and scalability: The more accurate techniques can handle
`functions comprised of only a few tens of lines, and the more efficient techniques tend to be less accurate
`Another compiler enhancement, suggested in [LC02], equips the generated binary code with type
`and buffer size information, and attempts to use this information in order to detect the event of a buffer
`1.2.2 User tools
`Libsafe [BST00] is a run time attack detection mechanism that can discover stack smashing attacks against
`standard library functions. It is implemented as a dynamically loaded library that intercepts calls to known
`vulnerable library functions, and redirects them to a safe implementation of these functions.
`The approach closest to ours is Libverify. Libverify [BST00] is an attack detection technique similar
`to StackShield, but in which the attack detection code is embodied into a copy of the executable image,
`which is created on the heap at load time. However, the authors only handled the simplest case (single
`threaded programs, no DLLs, on a Unix based system). Libverify needs to hook into the program loader—
`a difficult requirement to meet on a proprietary operating system—and also doubles the memory needed
`to run the program.
`Recently, a technique based on randomized instruction set emulation, employed at run time, has shown
`success in detecting various code injection attacks, including stack smashing attacks [KKP03, BAF 03].
`This technique has a high performance penalty because of the emulation overhead.
`Instrumenting Binaries
`Instrumenting binaries and binary translation has become an active area of research over the past few years.
`In [LB92] instrumentation has been implemented to add profiling measurements to a given binary file.
`The main issue is whether and how a binary can be instrumented without changing the original program’s
`semantics. One of the basic questions in this field is whether a program’s code can be distinguished from
`it’s data, given a binary file. Recent research [Cif96, CE01] shows that in most cases this can be done:
`Assuming that the code was generated by a compiler, data can be separated from code. Furthermore,
`assuming that the code is not self-modifying and does not reference code as data, the binary’s logic can be
`discovered. Thus, instrumentation, without changing the program’s semantics, is possible.
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`1.3 Contributions
`The contribution of our work is twofold. Our first contribution is that we created an anti-stack-smashing
`tool that works at install time, or whenever the software user wishes. Thus, our technique does not require
`access to the source code of the application and assumes nothing about the application beyond it being
`written in a high level compiled language. The main idea is to equip existing binary files with additional
`machine code that can detect a stack smashing attack.
`The second contribution is that we target the Microsoft Windows operating systems, running over
`Intel’s x86 architecture. The complexity of the x86 CISC architecture, and the details of the Windows
`OSes, make this a much more challenging target than Unix over RISC. To the best of our knowledge, ours
`is the first tool that has both features.
`We have built a working prototype implementing our approach, that can instrument Win32 applica-
`tions running on an x86 Intel Pentium platform. In addition to simple applications, our prototype properly
`handles the complexities of DLLs and multi-threaded applications. We vaccinated several Windows exe-
`cutables with known buffer overflows, and successfully defended them against real exploits. Our approach
`enjoys minimal overhead: In standard benchmarks we have not observed more than an 8% slowdown in
`the vaccinated program.
`Organization: In Section 2 we briefly introduce the structure of Win32 executables. In Section 3 we
`describe our solution architecture. Section 4 describes the implementation of our technique to vaccinate
`simple Windows applications. Section 5 describes the techniques used to vaccinate Windows DLLs. Sec-
`tion 6 describes the techniques used to overcome the challenges imposed by multi-threaded applications.
`In Section 7 we evaluate our solution.
`2 Win32 Executables
`Before delving into the details of our anti-stack-smashing technique, we first briefly introduce the structure
`of Win32 executables. The executable file format used in Microsoft operating systems from Win95 up to
`Windows 2000 and Windows XP is the PE file structure, where PE stands for Portable Executable. The
`specification of the PE file structure can be found in [Mic99].
`The PE file uses a uniform file structure that describes applications, DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries),
`drivers and object files.
`It supports memory allocation, dynamic linkage to other PE files, per-thread
`memory allocation and other advanced features. A general sketch of the PE file format can be seen in
`Figure 1. The main components of the PE file structure are as follows:
`MS DOS Header: A header for backward compatibility. Always contains a small program that prints
`a message in case the program is run in an MS-DOS environment.
`A PE Header: A header common to all PE files. This header contains information about the machine
`on which the binary is supposed to run, how many sections are in the executable, the time it was
`linked and whether it is an executable or a DLL.
`An Optional Header: An additional header containing more information about how the binary should
`be loaded. This is the area holding information such as the starting address, the amount of stack to
`reserve, and the size of the data segment. The trailer of the Optional Header is a structure called the
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`MS DOS Header
`PE Header
`Optional Header
`Data Directories
`Section Headers
`(Image Pages)
`Figure 1: The PE File Format
`Data Directories. The Data Directories contain pointers to data in the ‘sections’. If, for example, the
`binary has a function export directories (that is the case in DLLs), there should be a pointer to that
`directory in the Data Directory structure.
`Section Table: This is an array of entries describing the sections of the file. Each entry describes
`how the operating system should handle the section by supplying data such as the address the section
`is expected to be loaded to, what types of data it contains (such as initialized data or uninitialized
`data), and whether it can be shared.
`Sections: The actual binary data of the file. Sections may contain compiled code, data used by
`the program, structures used by the operating system to use the file, and other data. Sections may
`contain a mixture of the above mentioned items, however, this is non-standard. The PE file format
`specifies several section names that should contain specific data.
`A simple program written in C/C++, compiled with the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, would have the
`following sections:
`“.text” - containing code.
`“.rdata” - containing read-only initialized data.
`“.idata” - containing initialized data.
`“.reloc” - containing a relocation table, to support the loading of the program to various locations in
`the memory space.
`3 Solution Architecture
`3.1 The Basic Method
`Our anti-stack-smashing mechanism is based on instrumenting existing software. The instrumentation
`code is added at the function level—each function is instrumented with additional entry and exit code. The
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`Input PE
`IDA Pro
`Listing File
`Funtion List
`Classified funtions
`PE FIle
`Figure 2: The PE Instrumentation Process
`added entry code records the return address from the stack by pushing it onto a private stack. The added
`exit code tests whether the return address found on the stack just before returning from the function is
`identical to the one at the top of the private stack, the one that has been recorded upon the function entry.
`This is similar to the approach taken by StackShield. The differences are that we instrument the executable
`file, once (not on every load), our instrumentation is much more efficient, and we address the Windows
`operating system.
`If our instrumentation detects that the stack has been smashed, i.e., the return address has been over-
`written, we halt the program by using a deliberate illegal memory access. Halting the program is not the
`only possible option. Since we have the original return address in the private stack, we could return to
`the correct caller of the function. However, we believe this to be an inferior choice because continuing to
`run after detecting that the stack is corrupt will result in unpredicted behavior. Implementing a messaging
`mechanism to inform the user about the attack, or to log data about the attack, can also be dangerous, as
`noted in [Ric02].
`3.2 Instrumentation of Binaries
`We implemented our approach using static instrumentation: Our vaccination tool instruments the exe-
`cutable file, not its loaded image in memory. It should be noted that while this choice limits our solution
`to “normal” (i.e., non self-modifying) programs, it results in better performance than dynamic instrumen-
`tation. The process of instrumenting a binary consists of the following steps:
`1. binary disassembly.
`2. function discovery.
`3. function analysis and classification.
`4. function modification (the actual instrumentation).
`A diagram of the instrumentation process is shown in Figure 2. In the next sections we describe each of
`these steps in some detail.
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`Figure 3: Instrumentation of Simple Functions
`3.3 Disassembly
`Since the disassembly process is not in the core of our research, we chose to use a commercial disas-
`sembly package, the IDA Pro [IDA03]. We chose IDA Pro since it has been recognized as a very accu-
`rate disassembler that is capable of distinguishing between code and data [CE01]. Our own experience
`showed IDA Pro to be more accurate than a number of shareware and free open-source disassemblers (e.g.,
`[PED03, Cho00]). The input to IDA Pro is the binary to be disassembled and the output is a listing file of
`the disassembled program.
`3.4 Function Discovery
`The next step in our process is the discovery of function boundaries. To do this we wrote a parser for the
`IDA Pro listing file. We identify a function entry when we find an address that is called from some other
`address. Thus, the listing file is scanned to detect calls, and the called addresses are marked as function
`entry addresses. Each function is then scanned, building a tree emulating all possible branches in the
`function, until all RET commands (exit addresses) of the function are detected. Note that a function can
`have more than one entry point, and more than one exit point. Note also that our function discovery will
`miss “non-standard” functions — e.g., functions that are not called by the CALL instruction, or that do
`not return by the RET instruction. We believe that this is not a significant issue since compilers generate
`standard call sequences.
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`Entry Code
`Entry Code
`Function Body
`jmp 102
`pop eax
`pop ebx
`pop ecx
`pop edx
`Original Function
`Function Body
`jmp 102
`jmp to new
`Erroneously instrumented
`Figure 4: Erroneous Function instrumentation in a CISC Architecture. The original 5-byte, 5-instruction
`exit code was replaced by a single 5 byte jump instruction. The jump from address 80 now lands in the
`middle of an instruction.
`3.5 Function Analysis and Classification
`When instrumenting a function, it seems attractive to add additional entry-code before the entry address of
`the function, and additional exit-code after the end of the function. Unfortunately, in general, this method
`cannot work. One cannot assume that the addresses before or after a function are not used. Inserting
`code between functions is also a complicated solution since it may require the modification of all memory
`references in the binary. Therefore, our solution is to instrument a function by overwriting the entry-code
`of the function with a jump instruction to an area that is not used in the binary. The jump-to area includes:
`Our instrumentation code.
`The original entry code instructions that were overwritten by our jump instruction.
`A jump back to the rest of the original function.
`A similar solution is done for the instrumenting of the function’s exit-code. This instrumentation method
`is shown in Figure 3.
`However, in a CISC architecture, implementing this solution is not so simple. In a CISC architec-
`ture, different instructions may have different lengths. Replacing the original entry (or exit) code with
`a jump may replace several instructions of the original code with the one instruction of the added jump.
`Furthermore, the original program may include jumps to one of the instructions replaced by the added
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`jump. Therefore, simply replacing the original code with a jump may result in an erroneous program that
`includes jumps to illegal instructions, as shown in Figure 4. In order to avoid this problem, we classify
`functions into three categories:
`Simple functions. Simple functions have one entry point, one exit point and do not include jumps
`into the first or last instructions of the function. These functions are handled as mentioned above.
`Complicated functions. These functions may have more than one entry or exit point, and may have
`jumps into entry code or jumps into exit code. To instrument complicated functions, we copy them
`in full to an unused area. Their entry code areas are replaced with jumps to the new, instrumented
`copy of the whole function. If the function has more than one entry point, multiple instances of
`the function will be created, one for each entry point. Each copy is instrumented to handle a call
`sequence that enters through its entry point.
`Un-handled functions. Functions that include indirect jumps (jumps whose destination address is
`determined by a value in a register or by data). The difficulty with such jumps is that, a-priori,
`the jump destination is not known, and thus determining the function’s boundaries with certainty
`is impossible. Compilers use indirect jumps to efficiently implement C switch statements as
`jump tables. Although discovering jump tables in binary files is feasible, and done quite well by
`IDA-Pro [CE01], in our prototype we decided to not instrument such functions.
`In a real world
`product one should of course implement jump table discovery methods, such as the ones mentioned
`in [CE01, LB92]. In all of the programs we have instrumented, indirect jumps were used in less than
`4% of the functions.
`3.6 Updating the binary
`After detecting and classifying the binary’s functions, the binary is instrumented. The PE file is modified
`to include the bigger address space needed for the instrumentation code, the new entry and exit codes of
`each function are added, and the entry point of the binary is changed, so that the binary’s first instructions
`will consist of the initialization of the instrumenting code (initializing the private stack in which copies of
`return addresses are saved). Methods for adding code to a Win32 binary are described in detail in [c0v99].
`In general, we either extend the last section of the binary, or add a new section to the binary. These methods
`allow for adding significant and predetermined amounts of code to an existing binary.
`4 Instrumenting a Simple Win32 Application
`In our terminology, a simple Win32 application is a windows application that is not multi-threaded. Exam-
`ples of such applications are Notepad, RegEdt32, Calc etc. These applications are loaded into fixed virtual
`memory addresses, and the memory allocated to them is used solely by them. As mentioned above, our
`instrumentation code manages a private stack. In simple Win32 applications, we allocate the memory used
`for this stack, statically, at the end of the original binary. Thus, the address of the private stack in known at
`instrumentation time, and the instrumentation code can directly access the private stack. The initialization
`code added at the beginning of the program initializes the private stack, and the instrumentation code of
`each function manages the private stack.
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`In our prototype implementation the jump instruction added to each function’s entry or exit code takes
`5 bytes, and the added instrumentation code takes 29 bytes for each entry point and 41 bytes for each exit
`point of the function. We use a private return address stack of 768 bytes, which allows a function nesting
`of depth 192.
`To demonstrate the effectiveness of our instrumentation, we instrumented the RegEdt32 application.
`This application has a known buffer overflow [Bug03] for which exploit code is available. We first ver-
`ified that the exploit indeed successfully attacks the application. Then we instrumented the application
`and checked that the instrumented application still worked correctly. Finally, we verified that the exploit
`caused the instrumented application to halt, as described in Section 3. We also instrumented other simple
`Win32 applications (such as Notepad.exe, WinHlp32.exe, Calc.exe), against which we did not have exploit
`code. We verified that all these applications worked correctly after vaccination, to demonstrate that our
`instrumentation does no harm.
`5 Instrumenting a DLL
`DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) are PE files that contain function libraries that can be used by multiple
`applications simultaneously. The benefits of DLLs are:
`Software engineering — the ability to separately design, implement and debug function libraries and
`programs, without the need to recompile or relink when either of them changes.
`Increase of performance — the same function libraries can serve multiple applications running si-
`multaneously, thus saving memory and paging time. A DLL can be used simultaneously by multiple
`The use of DLLs is extremely common in the Microsoft windows family of operating systems: e.g., there
`are over 1000 DLLs in a typical Win2000 C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory.
`A DLL normally specifies a “preferred” virtual address in which it should be loaded. However, to
`handle situations in which the address space is already used by an application or another DLL, the Win32
`DLL loading mechanism supports relocation — the process of moving or copying a DLL to another address
`space. The relocation mechanism is supported by both the compiler and the PE file structure: The compiler
`creates a relocation table, which is part of the PE file. The relocation table is a list of all the addresses in
`the binary that need to be updated upon relocation.
`Instrumenting a DLL imposes two main problems: Allocating memory for the private stack, and han-
`dling DLL relocation. Since a DLL can be used by more than one process, in order to prevent race
`conditions, memory for our private stack should be allocated per process. Thus, the address of our private
`stack needs to be determined at run time, as new processes access the DLL. Handling relocation means
`that either our instrumentation code must not use direct addressing, or we need to update the relocation
`table so our instrumentation code will relocate correctly.
`We suggest a method to handle both problems simultaneously, based on an operating system paging
`policy named Copy-on-Write. The paging mechanisms of Win32 lets physical memory be shared by many
`processes. For example, multiple instances of the same program may use a single copy of code, thus
`saving memory. In order to correctly handle this sharing, the operating system must handle the situation in
`which some process updates this shared memory space (for example, a process updates its code). In such a
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`case, only the updating process should see the updated copy. The other processes in memory must remain
`untouched. Handling this situation is done by using a paging policy of Copy-on-Write. When a process
`updates a physical page shared with other processes, the page is first copied to a new physical location,
`and only the copy in the new location is updated. From this moment on, two copies of the original physical
`page exist, and the modified copy is viewed only by the modifying process.
`To use this feature we made the instrumented DLL into a self-modifying and self-relocating DLL.
`Upon loading or being attached to a process, the initialization code that we add at the entry point of
`the DLL determines where it is in memory, and updates the instrumented code so all references to the
`private stack will be to the correct addresses (thus handling relocation). This action, of rewriting part of
`the DLL in memory, causes the operating system to duplicate the rewritten pages. The rewritten pages
`contain the private stack and our instrumentation code (notice that only our instrumentation code accesses
`our private stack). Thus, by making the instrumentation self-relocating, and hence self-modifying, the
`operating system gives us for free a separate memory block to store the private stack for each process.
`However, our implementation did not completely escape the need to update the relocation table. Since
`we handle complicated functions by duplicating them, we must update the relocation table so the instruc-
`tions in the new copied functions (e.g., an access to a global variable) will relocate correctly.
`We implemented and tested a prototype utilizing this method. We first wrote a vulnerable DLL and
`our own exploit code, and checked that the exploit smashes the stack. Then we instrumented the DLL,
`and checked that it works correctly in a multi-process environment by deliberately causing race conditions
`between multiple processes that use the DLL. We tested our defense mechanism by causing a buffer over-
`flow in the DLL. Our instrumentation code did indeed catch the stack-smashing and halt. We have not yet
`tested our defense against a real exploit of a real DLL.
`6 Instrumenting A Multi-threaded Application
`Modern operating systems allow for multi-threading: Multitasking within a process. This creates a prob-
`lem similar to the one imposed by DLLs, i.e., the instrumentation code needs to allocate per process
`memory for the private stack. In order to prevent race conditions between threads in a multi-threaded
`application, there is a need for per thread private stack memory allocation.
`In contrast to
`In a multi-threaded environment, the process’s memory is shared between threads.
`multiprocess operation, in a multi-threaded application all the threads are allowed to change memory
`regions owned by the process, and it is the application’s responsibility to ensure its correct behavior —
`with little or no help from the OS. Thus, the Copy-on-Write trick we relied on for solving the per-process
`memory allocation problem (recall Section 5) is not applicable for the multi-threaded scenario: Memory
`that is shared by multiple threads of the same application is not considered to be “shared” as far as the
`operating system is concerned.
`Instead, we use another feature of the Windows operating system. Win32 has a memory allocation
`mechanism that is capable of allocating memory per thread, called Thread Local Storage (TLS). This
`mechanism facilitates defining memory structures (variables) that are allocated per thread. TLS allows the
`programmer to write simple code such as referencing a variable, and each thread will automatically access
`a different copy of the variable. Allocation of such memory can be defined in the PE file by adding a special
`section (the .tls section) that describes the per-thread allocation and initialization functions. Accessing a
`TLS variable is a much more complicated task than accessing a standard variable, since at compile time the
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`Thread Descriptor
`TLS Array Pointer
`Memory Block
`TLS Array
`Index into TLS Array
`Memory Block
`Memory Block
`Memory Block
`Data Item
`Memory Block
`FS x86
`TEB Pointer
`.data Segment
`(Global Variables)
`TLS Variable
`Associated with buffer
`Contains a
`TLS Index
`Memory Block
`Figure 5: Accessing the TLS variable void *buffer at offset OFFSET
`address of the variable is not known. Instead, when a programmer defines a TLS variable (using a special
`C language extension), another hidden variable is created. This added variable is set by the operating
`system to a value called the tls index. When accessing a TLS variable, the hidden variable is accessed
`in order to retrieve the tls index. The thread descriptor (A variable maintained by the operating system
`storing information about each thread) is accessed in order to retrieve the address of a table of pointers.
`This table is accessed using the tls index to retrieve a pointer to the actual TLS variable. This run time
`access sequence is shown in Figure 5.
`We solve the need for per-thread private stack memory allocation by defining the private stack as a TLS
`variable. The allocation is done by a

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