Case 5:13 -cv- 04398 -BLF Document 105 -8 Filed 09/23/14 Page 1 of 24
`PAUL J. ANDRE (State Bar No. 196585)
`LISA KOBIALKA (State Bar No. 191404)
`lkobialkana,kramerlevin. com
`JAMES HANNAH (State Bar No. 237978)
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Telephone: (650) 752 -1700
`Facsimile: (650) 752 -1800
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`FINJAN, INC., a Delaware Corporation,
`Case No.: 13 -CV- 04398 -BLF
`WEBSENSE, INC., a Delaware Corporation,
`November 21, 2014
`9:00 a.m.
`Courtroom 3, 5th Floor
`Hon. Beth Labson Freeman
`$4491:.v movie-
`Date (CIa)Rptr.
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Case 5:13 -cv- 04398 -BLF Document 105 -8 Filed 09/23/14 Page 2 of 24
`I, Nenad Medvidovic, declare:
`I make this Declaration based upon my own personal knowledge, information, and
`belief, and I would and could competently testify to the matters set forth herein if called upon to do so.
`I received a Bachelor of Science ("BS") degree, Summa Cum Laude, from Arizona
`State University's Computer Science and Engineering department.
`I received a Master of Science ( "MS ") degree from the University of California at
`Irvine's Information and Computer Science department.
`I received a Doctor of Philosophy ( "PhD ") degree from the University of California at
`Irvine's Information and Computer Science department. My dissertation was entitled, "Architecture -
`Based Specification -Time Software Evolution."
`I am employed by the University of Southern California ( "USC ") as a faculty member
`in the Computer Science Department, and have been since January 1999. I currently hold the title of
`Professor with tenure. Between January 2009 and January 2013, I served as the Director of the Center
`for Systems and Software Engineering at USC. Since July 2011, I have served as my Department's
`Associate Chair for PhD Affairs.
`I am very familiar with and have substantial expertise in the area of software systems
`development / software engineering, software architecture, software design, and distributed systems.
`I have over twenty years of research experience that has spanned a wide range of issues
`pertaining to large, complex, distributed software systems. This research has included security and
`trust as significant components. As one example, my research has resulted in a new technique that
`deploys a software system on a set of distributed computers in a manner that optimizes that system's
`"non- functional" characteristics, including efficiency, scalability, resource consumption, reliability, as
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
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`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

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`well as security. As another example, motivated by the frequent vulnerability of distributed systems to
`malicious adversaries, I have developed, published, and eventually patented a novel technique for
`ensuring system security and data privacy in open computer networks. I have co- authored a widely
`adopted textbook on software system architectures, in which several chapters deal with the issue of
`security and one entire chapter is specifically dedicated to security and trust.
`Materials Reviewed
`I have reviewed in detail U.S. Patent Nos. 7,058,822 ( "the `822 Patent "); 7,647,633
`( "the `633 Patent "); 8,141,154 ( "the `154 Patent "); 8,225,408 ( "the `408 Patent "); and 8,677,494 ( "the
``494 Patent ") (collectively "Finjan Patents "). I have also reviewed the prosecution history of the
`Finjan Patents.
`I understand that I am submitting this Declaration to assist the Court in determining the
`proper construction of certain terms used in the claims in the Finjan Patents. I have reviewed the Joint
`Claim Construction and Pre -Hearing Statement Pursuant to Patent Local Rule 4 -3, which I understand
`Finjan and Websense jointly submitted and set forth their respective proposed claim construction and
`support therefore. I have also reviewed the terms that understand were selected by Finjan and
`Websense for construction.
`Construction of the Terms
`I have reviewed Finjan's and Websense's proposed constructions for the terms in the
`claims of the Finjan Patents. I agree with Finjan that many of the terms for which Websense provides
`a construction do not need construction because a person of ordinary skill in the art would readily
`understand the terms. My understanding of a person of skill in the art is a person with a bachelor's
`degree in computer science or related field, and either (1) two or more years of industry experience
`and /or (2) an advanced degree in computer science or related field.
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

`Case 5:13 -cv- 04398 -BLF Document 105 -8 Filed 09/23/14. Page 4 of 24
`Construction of the Terms of the `822 Patent and `633 Patent
`I address the terms for the `822 Patent and `633 Patent together, as the patents are
`related and share a specification. I understand that Finjan and/or Websense have disputes regarding
`the constructions for the claims terms listed in the tables below:
`information- destination of the downloadable- information
`Claim Term
`information- destination of the
`downloadable- information
`(`822 and `633 Patents)
`Finjan's Proposed
`No construction
`Websense's Proposed
`Based on my professional experience, a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`understand the meaning of the term "information- destination of the downloadable- information" as this
`term is used in the claims of the `822 and `633 Patents and in view of the `822 and `633 Patents. The
`terms are self -describing and include no specialized language. The "information- destination of the
`downloadable- information" is just that, the destination where the downloadable- information is going.
`As such, a person of skill in the art, or a layperson, understands the term and it needs no construction.
`I disagree with Websense's proposed construction. Websense's proposed construction
`is unnecessary and limits the meaning of the claims. For example, the `822 and `633 Patent use the
`term "client" throughout the specification, but also use the term "information- destination," indicating
`that the terms were not identical. Furthermore, a person of skill in the art understands that the term
`"client" is used in relationship with the term "server " -as in a client -server relationship. See 822
`Patent, Col. 6, 11. 59 -63. However, the claims where this term occurs in do not use the term "server,"
`creating ambiguity if Websense's proposed construction of "client" is adopted for this term. See Claim
`1 of the `822 Patent. The `822 and `633 Patents state that there are a number of different additional
`configurations possible, including peer -to -peer, routers, proxy servers, networks, converters, gateways,
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
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`services, network reconfigurations elements in accordance with the particular application. See `822
`Patent, Col. 6,1. 65 -Col. 7, I. 2.
`Furthermore, the patent also describes that the "information- destination" can be server
`in some contexts, stating, "[a]dditional server /information- destination device security or other
`protection is also enabled ...." `633 Patent, Col. 2, 11. 55 -57. Construing "information- destination" to
`be a client, would then eliminate these examples disclosed in the specification. The'822 and `633
`Patents also provide a broad understanding in the Abstract of the system being protected, stating that
`"[p]rotection systems and methods provide for protecting one or more personal computers ( "PCs ")
`and /or other intermittently, or persistently network accessible devices or processes from undesirable or
`otherwise malicious operations." `633 Patent, Abstract. This example shows that a broad
`understanding of the "information- destination" is appropriate, as each of the devices listed can be a
`client, server or other network device depending on the requirements of the system.
`mobile protection code
`Claim Term
`mobile protection code
`(`822 and `633 Patents)
`Finjan's Proposed
`code capable of
`monitoring or
`malicious code
`Websense's Proposed
`runtime code for
`detecting, preventing,
`or modifying
`malicious mobile code
`operations without
`modifying the mobile
`Based on my professional experience, a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`understand the meaning of the term "mobile protection code" in view of the specification of the `822
`and `633 Patents as "code capable of monitoring or intercepting potentially malicious code." While
`mobile protection code is not a term typically used in the art, the meaning of the term is described in
`the `822 and `633 Patents. The `822 and `633 Patents describe mobile protection code as protecting
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
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`computers and systems from malicious code by monitoring or intercepting it. For example, the `822
`and `633 Patents state that: "[t]he sandboxed package includes mobile protection code ... for causing
`one or more predetermined malicious operations or operation combinations of a Downloadable to be
`monitored or otherwise intercepted." `822 Patent, Col. 3, 11. 6 -10; `633 Patent, Col. 3, 11. 7 -11.
`Finjan's proposed construction is correct because it requires the intercepting to be of "potentially
`malicious code," consistent with the purpose of the mobile protection code for protection and security.
`See `822 and `633 Patents, Abstract ( "[p]rotection systems and methods provide for protecting one or
`more personal computers ( "PCs ") and /or other intermittently or persistently network accessible devices
`or processes from undesirable or otherwise malicious operations ... "). As shown, mobile protection
`code is properly defined as "code capable of monitoring or intercepting potentially malicious code,"
`and this is the definition that one of ordinary skill in the art would apply.
`.I disagree with Websense's proposed construction for this term. First, Websense's
`proposed construction incorrectly adds the requirement that MPC be "runtime code" to the
`construction. While MPC can operate at "runtime," MPC can be statically created on a separate
`gateway or computer before any executable is run. `822 Patent, Col. 10, 11. 52 -54; Col. 20,11. 21 -32.
`17. Websense's proposed construction states that it is "without modifying the mobile code."
`However, this is contrary to the intrinsic record where the mobile code is modified in several
`examples. The specification specifically discloses examples where the executable code is modified in
`order for the MPC to protect the computer. For example, the `822 Patent teaches that a server receives
`Downloadable that includes executable code. `822 Patent, Col. 2, 1. 37 -Col. 4, 1. 40. In order to
`protect the destination from harm, the server modifies the executable code with the MPC and delivers
`the modified Downloadable as a single protected package to the destination. The destination is
`protected because the MPC will prevent and /or intercept harmful operations and stop them from
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
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`executing. The `822 and `633 Patents also disclose that the import address table (known at the "IAT ")
`is "modified so that any call to an API can be redirected to a function within the MPC." `822 Patent,
`Col. 18,11. 1 -3.
`Claim Term
`determining executable code terms
`determining whether the downloadable-
`information includes executable code
`(`822 Patent)
`Finjan's Proposed
`No construction
`determining, by the computer, whether the No construction
`downloadable- information includes
`executable code
`(`633 Patent)
`Websense's Proposed
`parsing the entire
`downloadable and
`actively analyzing the
`result for indicators of
`binary information and
`patterns of executable
`parsing the entire
`downloadable and
`actively analyzing the
`result for indicators of
`binary information and
`patterns of executable
`Based on my professional experience, a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`understand the meaning of the phrases "determining whether the downloadable- information includes
`executable code" and "determining, by the computer, whether the downloadable- information includes
`executable code" as these phrases are used in the claims of the `822 and `633 Patents and in view of
`the `822 and `633 Patents. In fact, a layperson would easily understand the phrases based on their
`plain language. Importantly, the claim language explicitly does not limit the determination to a
`specific embodiment and allows for a broad range of techniques to determine whether the
`downloadable- information includes executable content.
`I disagree with Websense's proposed construction for these phrases. The phrases have
`a clear meaning and Websense's proposed constructions are unnecessary. First, it is inappropriate that
`Websense changes the term "downloadable- information" to " downloadable." "Downloadable-
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

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`information" is code not yet been detected as a "Downloadable," and what the specification refers to as
`a "potential -Downloadable." The "determining" steps in the claims of the `822 Patent and `633 Patent
`determine if the "downloadable- information" has executable code and is therefore a "Downloadable."
`See `822 Patent, Col. 5, 11. 34 -39 ( "Embodiments provide, within one or more `servers' ... for
`receiving downloadable- information and detecting whether the downloadable- information includes one
`or more instances of executable code. "); see also `822 Patent, Col. 12,11. 18 -22 ( "Detection engine 402
`includes code detector 421, which receives a potential -Downloadable and determines ... whether the
`potential -Downloadable includes executable code and is thus a `detected -Downloadable. "').
`Websense's proposed construction eliminates this aspect of the claim by changing "downloadable-
`information" to "downloadable."
`The `822 and `633 Patents disclose parsing as a technique for determining whether
`content such as downloadable- information includes executable code, but is not required to be the sole
`technique. For example, claim 12 of the `633 Patent is a dependent claim which requires the content
`inspection engine to use a parser to parse the downloadable- information for determining whether one
`or more downloadable- information elements of the downloadable- information correspond with
`executable code elements. This necessarily implies that the independent claim could use other
`techniques besides a parser to determine whether the downloadable includes executable code.
`Furthermore, the `822 and `633 Patents describes in Figure l0A detecting if the potential -
`downloadable (downloadable- information) has executable code without parsing the downloadable-
`information. Sée `822 Patent, Col. 19, 11. 44 -48 ( "In step 1001, the protection engine determines
`whether the potential -Downloadable indicates an executable file type, for example, by comparing one
`or more included file headers for file type indicators (e.g. extensions or other descriptors) ").
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

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`Furthermore, Websense's proposed construction requires the unnecessary limitation that
`the "entire" downloadable- information be parsed, that it "actively analyze the result" and for
`"indicators of binary information and patterns of executable code." The claim language and
`description provided in the specification do not require these limitations. First, it would not make
`sense to parse the "entire" downloadable- information in certain contexts. For example, part of a
`downloadable- information is likely to be data or other non -executable content that would not be parsed
`or otherwise analyzed. This is described in the specification of the `633 Patent, where only the "file
`header" of the downloadable- information is analyzed to determine if there is executable code. `822
`Patent, Col. 15, 11. 5 -9 ( "File type detector 502 receives and determines whether the potential -
`Downloadable (likely) is or includes executable file type. File- reader 502 can, for example, be
`configured to analyze a received potential -Downloadable for a file header, which is typically included
`... "); id., Col. 16, 11. 31 -34 ( "Regarding the remaining detection engine elements illustrated in FIG.5,
`where content analysis is utilized, parser 502 can also provide a Downloadable or portions thereof to
`content detector 505. "). Second, it is unclear what "actively analyzing" means in this context, and as
`discussed with the limitation "entire," it would not make sense to parse the entire downloadable-
`information. Websense is taking a term that has a clear meaning and redefining it using a term -
`"actively analyzing" -that does not have a clear meaning. Third, Websense's proposed construction
`seems to require both looking at indicators of binary information and patterns of executable code.
`Websense's definition limits the term to detecting indicators of binary information. This is contrary to
`the examples described in the specification. For example, Figure 5 shows a Binary Detector, Pattern
`Detector and Other within the Content Detector:
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

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`Parser -y-
`File Type
`Detector Iv 551 505
`Detector N 552
`Other V\
`The specification states, "Content detector 505 can then provide one or more content
`analyses. Binary detector 551, for example, performs detection of binary information; pattern detector
`552 further analyzes the Downloadable for patterns indicating executable code, or other detectors can
`also be utilized." `822 Patent, Col. 16, 11. 34 -39. Thus, the Content Detector can use "indictors of
`binary information" but it could also not use Binary Detector.
`I also disagree with Websense's proposed construction because it reads out the ability
`of the system to determine whether there is executable code when the code is combined, compressed,
`or otherwise encoded. Websense has equated "downloadable- information" with "downloadable,"
`while "downloadable- information" is understood to be broader and includes situations when it is
`unknown whether the "downloadable- information" includes executable code.
`indicates a level of downloadable- information characteristic and executable
`code characteristic correspondence
`Claim Term
`indicates a level of downloadable-
`information characteristic and executable
`code characteristic correspondence
`(`822 Patent)
`Finjan's Proposed
`Plain and ordinary
`meaning. To the
`extent a construction
`is required, "a level"
`should be construed
`as "an amount."
`Websense's Proposed
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`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
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`Based on my professional experience, a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`understand the meaning of the phrase "indicates a level of downloadable- information characteristic and
`executable code characteristic correspondence" as this is used in the claims of the `822 Patent and in
`view of the '822 Patent. This understanding would be that phrase describes a level, or amount, of
`correspondence between characteristics of the downloaded -information and the characteristics that are
`understood to be typical in one or more types of executable code. This is demonstrated in the
`specification which includes Figure 4 for determining if the downloadable- information includes
`executable code using the Detection Engine 402 that uses inspection parameters 422
`The inspection parameters are further described in Figure 6a of the `822 Patent, to
`include several different types of parameters that can be used (611 -632), some that are general (601)
`and some that are specific to the information- destination (602):
`601 {
`602 {
`Executable File Parameters
`Executable Code Parameters
`Pattern Parameters
`User Parameters
`System Parameters
`General Parameters
`Interface Parameters
`Furthermore, the majority of this claim language is used in other claims, such as claim 1
`in the `822 Patent. See `822 Patent, Claim 1 (reciting "a correspondence is detected between a
`CASE NO. 13 -cv- 04398 -BLF
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`downloadable- information characteristic and at least one respective executable code characteristic. ")
`The tern "level" simply refers to the "amount" of correspondence between characteristics of the
`downloaded information and the characteristics typical of executable code. This understanding is
`further shown in the use of the term "level" within the specification of the `822 Patent, which states
`that determining whether "the potential -Downloadable more likely includes executable code (e.g. via
`weighted comparison of the results with a suitable level indicating the inclusion or exclusion of
`executable code)." `822 Patent, Col. 19, 11. 64 -67 (emphasis added). This usage demonstrates the
`meaning and usages of the term and shows that a suitable synonym is "amount." As such, a person of
`ordinary skill in the art would understand and be able to apply this claim language.
`Receiving, by the computer, one or more executable code characteristics of
`executable code that is capable of being executed by the information -
`Claim Term
`receiving, by the computer, one or more
`executable code characteristics of
`executable code that is capable of being
`executed by the information- destination
`(`633 Patent)
`Websense's Proposed
`Finjan's Proposed
`Plain and ordinary
`meaning. To the
`extent a construction
`is required,
`"executable code
`should be construed
`as "executable code
`Based on my professional experience, a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`understand the meaning of the phrase "receiving, by the computer, one or more executable code
`characteristics of executable code that is capable of being executed by the information- destination" as
`this is used in the claims of the `633 Patent and in view of the `633 Patent. The phrase describes
`receiving characteristics related to executable code by the "information- destination" component of the
`system. As such, a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand and be able to apply this claim
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`From claim 11 of the `633 Patent, on which claim 7 depends, we know that "the
`computer" recited is the same computer that is determining whether the "downloadable- information"
`includes executable code (see also Detection Engine 402 in Figure 4 above). The computer receives a
`set of characteristics that describe executable code that is actually able to be executed by the
`information -destination to which the information will go and can be seen in 602 of Figure 6a
`(reproduced above). This claim term describes a situation where the eventual destination of the
`information changes the characteristics that are looked for to determine if there is executable code. For
`example, different characteristics may be used if the information- destination is an Apple Macintosh
`computer, as opposed to a Windows PC or a Linux computer. The characteristics for executable code
`specification to the destination are described in the specification:
`Executable parameters 601 comprise, in accordance with the above
`type parameters 611, executable code
`examples, executable
`parameters 612 and code pattern parameters 613 (including known
`indicators header /code
`executable file type
`indicators and patterns
`respectively, where code patterns are utilized). Use parameters 602
`further comprise user parameters 621, system parameters 622 and general
`parameters 623 corresponding to one or more users, user classifications,
`user -system correspondences or destination system, device or processes,
`etc. (e.g. for generating corresponding MPCs /policies, providing other
`protection, etc.). The remaining parameters include interface parameters
`631 for providing MPC /policy (or further) configurability in accordance
`with a particular device or for enabling communication with a device user
`(see below), and other parameters 632.
``633 Patent, Col. 16, 11. 50 -64 (emphasis added).
`Data fetcher 501 provides for retrieving a potential -Downloadable or
`portions thereof stored in buffer 407 or parameters from storage 404, and
`communicates such information or parameters to parser 502. Parser 502
`receives a potential -Downloadable or portions thereof from data fetcher
`1. A computer processor -based method, comprising: receiving, by a computer, downloadable-
`information; determining, by the computer, whether the downloadable- information includes
`executable code; and based upon the determination, transmitting from the computer mobile protection
`code to at least one information- destination of the downloadable- information, if the downloadable-
`information is determined to include executable code.
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`501 and isolates potential -Downloadable elements, such as file headers,
`for use by further processing
`source, destination, certificates, etc.
``633 Patent, Col. 14, 11. 50 -57 (emphasis added).
`In this example, the aforementioned detection processor is also included as
`pre- detection processor or, more particularly, a configurable file inflator
`504. File inflator 504 provides for opening or "inflating" compressed files
`in accordance with a compressed file type received from file type detector
`503 and corresponding file opening parameters received from data fetcher
`501. Where a compressed file (e.g. a meta file) includes nested file type
`information not otherwise reliably provided in an overall file header or
`other information, inflator 504 returns such information to parser 502.
`File inflator 504 also provides any now -accessible included executables to
`to be separately
`control 506 where one or more included files are
`packaged with an MPC or policies.
`'633 Patent, Col. 15,11.21 -33 (emphasis added).
`The `633 Patent discloses that these can be at least received from the security system
`408, as shown in Figure 4:
`Detection Engine
`inspecU Parent 22 421
`Code Detector
`Pod cy/
`t Authentication
`Authentication rer
`482 I 481
`403 f
`As such, a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand and be able to apply this
`claim language. While a person of ordinary skill in the art understands the term "executable code
`characteristics," they would also understand that the term to be the same as "executable code
`parameters." This understanding is consistent with the use of the term "executable code
`characteristics" in the patent, which are synonymous with "executable code parameters." As such, a
`person of ordinary skill in the art understands the meaning of the phrase.
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`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1039
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2015-01979

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`Construction of the Terms of the `154 Patent
`I understand that Finjan and/or

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