Network Working Group R. Srinivasan
`Request for Comments: 1831 Sun Microsystems
`Category: Standards Track August 1995
` RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2
`Status of this Memo
` This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
` Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
` improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
` Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
` and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
` This document describes the ONC Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC
` Version 2) protocol as it is currently deployed and accepted. "ONC"
` stands for "Open Network Computing".
` 7.1 RPC Programs and Procedures 6
` 7.2 Authentication 7
` 7.3 Program Number Assignment 8
` 7.4 Other Uses of the RPC Protocol 8
` 7.4.1 Batching 8
` 7.4.2 Broadcast Remote Procedure Calls 8
` 9.1 Null Authentication 13
` 11.1 An Example Service Described in the RPC Language 13
` 11.2 The RPC Language Specification 14
` 11.3 Syntax Notes 15
` Security Considerations 18
` Author’s Address 18
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` This document specifies version two of the message protocol used in
` ONC Remote Procedure Call (RPC). The message protocol is specified
` with the eXternal Data Representation (XDR) language [9]. This
` document assumes that the reader is familiar with XDR. It does not
` attempt to justify remote procedure calls systems or describe their
` use. The paper by Birrell and Nelson [1] is recommended as an
` excellent background for the remote procedure call concept.
` This document discusses clients, calls, servers, replies, services,
` programs, procedures, and versions. Each remote procedure call has
` two sides: an active client side that makes the call to a server,
` which sends back a reply. A network service is a collection of one
` or more remote programs. A remote program implements one or more
` remote procedures; the procedures, their parameters, and results are
` documented in the specific program’s protocol specification. A
` server may support more than one version of a remote program in order
` to be compatible with changing protocols.
` For example, a network file service may be composed of two programs.
` One program may deal with high-level applications such as file system
` access control and locking. The other may deal with low-level file
` input and output and have procedures like "read" and "write". A
` client of the network file service would call the procedures
` associated with the two programs of the service on behalf of the
` client.
` The terms client and server only apply to a particular transaction; a
` particular hardware entity (host) or software entity (process or
` program) could operate in both roles at different times. For
` example, a program that supplies remote execution service could also
` be a client of a network file service.
` The ONC RPC protocol is based on the remote procedure call model,
` which is similar to the local procedure call model. In the local
` case, the caller places arguments to a procedure in some well-
` specified location (such as a register window). It then transfers
` control to the procedure, and eventually regains control. At that
` point, the results of the procedure are extracted from the well-
` specified location, and the caller continues execution.
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` The remote procedure call model is similar. One thread of control
` logically winds through two processes: the caller’s process, and a
` server’s process. The caller process first sends a call message to
` the server process and waits (blocks) for a reply message. The call
` message includes the procedure’s parameters, and the reply message
` includes the procedure’s results. Once the reply message is
` received, the results of the procedure are extracted, and caller’s
` execution is resumed.
` On the server side, a process is dormant awaiting the arrival of a
` call message. When one arrives, the server process extracts the
` procedure’s parameters, computes the results, sends a reply message,
` and then awaits the next call message.
` In this model, only one of the two processes is active at any given
` time. However, this model is only given as an example. The ONC RPC
` protocol makes no restrictions on the concurrency model implemented,
` and others are possible. For example, an implementation may choose
` to have RPC calls be asynchronous, so that the client may do useful
` work while waiting for the reply from the server. Another
` possibility is to have the server create a separate task to process
` an incoming call, so that the original server can be free to receive
` other requests.
` There are a few important ways in which remote procedure calls differ
` from local procedure calls:
` 1. Error handling: failures of the remote server or network must
` be handled when using remote procedure calls.
` 2. Global variables and side-effects: since the server does not
` have access to the client’s address space, hidden arguments cannot
` be passed as global variables or returned as side effects.
` 3. Performance: remote procedures usually operate one or more
` orders of magnitude slower than local procedure calls.
` 4. Authentication: since remote procedure calls can be transported
` over unsecured networks, authentication may be necessary.
` Authentication prevents one entity from masquerading as some other
` entity.
` The conclusion is that even though there are tools to automatically
` generate client and server libraries for a given service, protocols
` must still be designed carefully.
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` The RPC protocol can be implemented on several different transport
` protocols. The RPC protocol does not care how a message is passed
` from one process to another, but only with specification and
` interpretation of messages. However, the application may wish to
` obtain information about (and perhaps control over) the transport
` layer through an interface not specified in this document. For
` example, the transport protocol may impose a restriction on the
` maximum size of RPC messages, or it may be stream-oriented like TCP
` with no size limit. The client and server must agree on their
` transport protocol choices.
` It is important to point out that RPC does not try to implement any
` kind of reliability and that the application may need to be aware of
` the type of transport protocol underneath RPC. If it knows it is
` running on top of a reliable transport such as TCP [6], then most of
` the work is already done for it. On the other hand, if it is running
` on top of an unreliable transport such as UDP [7], it must implement
` its own time-out, retransmission, and duplicate detection policies as
` the RPC protocol does not provide these services.
` Because of transport independence, the RPC protocol does not attach
` specific semantics to the remote procedures or their execution
` requirements. Semantics can be inferred from (but should be
` explicitly specified by) the underlying transport protocol. For
` example, consider RPC running on top of an unreliable transport such
` as UDP. If an application retransmits RPC call messages after time-
` outs, and does not receive a reply, it cannot infer anything about
` the number of times the procedure was executed. If it does receive a
` reply, then it can infer that the procedure was executed at least
` once.
` A server may wish to remember previously granted requests from a
` client and not regrant them in order to insure some degree of
` execute-at-most-once semantics. A server can do this by taking
` advantage of the transaction ID that is packaged with every RPC
` message. The main use of this transaction ID is by the client RPC
` entity in matching replies to calls. However, a client application
` may choose to reuse its previous transaction ID when retransmitting a
` call. The server may choose to remember this ID after executing a
` call and not execute calls with the same ID in order to achieve some
` degree of execute-at-most-once semantics. The server is not allowed
` to examine this ID in any other way except as a test for equality.
` On the other hand, if using a "reliable" transport such as TCP, the
` application can infer from a reply message that the procedure was
` executed exactly once, but if it receives no reply message, it cannot
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` assume that the remote procedure was not executed. Note that even if
` a connection-oriented protocol like TCP is used, an application still
` needs time-outs and reconnection to handle server crashes.
` There are other possibilities for transports besides datagram- or
` connection-oriented protocols. For example, a request-reply protocol
` such as VMTP [2] is perhaps a natural transport for RPC. ONC RPC
` uses both TCP and UDP transport protocols. Section 10 (RECORD
` MARKING STANDARD) describes the mechanism employed by ONC RPC to
` utilize a connection-oriented, stream-oriented transport such as TCP.
` The act of binding a particular client to a particular service and
` transport parameters is NOT part of this RPC protocol specification.
` This important and necessary function is left up to some higher-level
` software.
` Implementors could think of the RPC protocol as the jump-subroutine
` instruction ("JSR") of a network; the loader (binder) makes JSR
` useful, and the loader itself uses JSR to accomplish its task.
` Likewise, the binding software makes RPC useful, possibly using RPC
` to accomplish this task.
` The RPC protocol provides the fields necessary for a client to
` identify itself to a service, and vice-versa, in each call and reply
` message. Security and access control mechanisms can be built on top
` of this message authentication. Several different authentication
` protocols can be supported. A field in the RPC header indicates
` which protocol is being used. More information on specific
` authentication protocols is in section 9: "Authentication Protocols".
` The RPC protocol must provide for the following:
` (1) Unique specification of a procedure to be called.
` (2) Provisions for matching response messages to request messages.
` (3) Provisions for authenticating the caller to service and
` vice-versa.
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` Besides these requirements, features that detect the following are
` worth supporting because of protocol roll-over errors, implementation
` bugs, user error, and network administration:
` (1) RPC protocol mismatches.
` (2) Remote program protocol version mismatches.
` (3) Protocol errors (such as misspecification of a procedure’s
` parameters).
` (4) Reasons why remote authentication failed.
` (5) Any other reasons why the desired procedure was not called.
`7.1 RPC Programs and Procedures
` The RPC call message has three unsigned integer fields -- remote
` program number, remote program version number, and remote procedure
` number -- which uniquely identify the procedure to be called.
` Program numbers are administered by a central authority
` ( Once implementors have a program number, they can
` implement their remote program; the first implementation would most
` likely have the version number 1. Because most new protocols evolve,
` a version field of the call message identifies which version of the
` protocol the caller is using. Version numbers enable support of both
` old and new protocols through the same server process.
` The procedure number identifies the procedure to be called. These
` numbers are documented in the specific program’s protocol
` specification. For example, a file service’s protocol specification
` may state that its procedure number 5 is "read" and procedure number
` 12 is "write".
` Just as remote program protocols may change over several versions,
` the actual RPC message protocol could also change. Therefore, the
` call message also has in it the RPC version number, which is always
` equal to two for the version of RPC described here.
` The reply message to a request message has enough information to
` distinguish the following error conditions:
` (1) The remote implementation of RPC does not support protocol
` version 2. The lowest and highest supported RPC version numbers
` are returned.
` (2) The remote program is not available on the remote system.
` (3) The remote program does not support the requested version
` number. The lowest and highest supported remote program version
` numbers are returned.
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` (4) The requested procedure number does not exist. (This is
` usually a client side protocol or programming error.)
` (5) The parameters to the remote procedure appear to be garbage
` from the server’s point of view. (Again, this is usually caused
` by a disagreement about the protocol between client and service.)
`7.2 Authentication
` Provisions for authentication of caller to service and vice-versa are
` provided as a part of the RPC protocol. The call message has two
` authentication fields, the credential and verifier. The reply
` message has one authentication field, the response verifier. The RPC
` protocol specification defines all three fields to be the following
` opaque type (in the eXternal Data Representation (XDR) language [9]):
` enum auth_flavor {
` AUTH_NONE = 0,
` AUTH_SYS = 1,
` /* and more to be defined */
` };
` struct opaque_auth {
` auth_flavor flavor;
` opaque body<400>;
` };
` In other words, any "opaque_auth" structure is an "auth_flavor"
` enumeration followed by up to 400 bytes which are opaque to
` (uninterpreted by) the RPC protocol implementation.
` The interpretation and semantics of the data contained within the
` authentication fields is specified by individual, independent
` authentication protocol specifications. (Section 9 defines the
` various authentication protocols.)
` If authentication parameters were rejected, the reply message
` contains information stating why they were rejected.
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
`7.3 Program Number Assignment
` Program numbers are given out in groups of hexadecimal 20000000
` (decimal 536870912) according to the following chart:
` 0 - 1fffffff defined by
` 20000000 - 3fffffff defined by user
` 40000000 - 5fffffff transient
` 60000000 - 7fffffff reserved
` 80000000 - 9fffffff reserved
` a0000000 - bfffffff reserved
` c0000000 - dfffffff reserved
` e0000000 - ffffffff reserved
` The first group is a range of numbers administered by and
` should be identical for all sites. The second range is for
` applications peculiar to a particular site. This range is intended
` primarily for debugging new programs. When a site develops an
` application that might be of general interest, that application
` should be given an assigned number in the first range. Application
` developers may apply for blocks of RPC program numbers in the first
` range by sending electronic mail to "". The third group
` is for applications that generate program numbers dynamically. The
` final groups are reserved for future use, and should not be used.
`7.4 Other Uses of the RPC Protocol
` The intended use of this protocol is for calling remote procedures.
` Normally, each call message is matched with a reply message.
` However, the protocol itself is a message-passing protocol with which
` other (non-procedure call) protocols can be implemented.
`7.4.1 Batching
` Batching is useful when a client wishes to send an arbitrarily large
` sequence of call messages to a server. Batching typically uses
` reliable byte stream protocols (like TCP) for its transport. In the
` case of batching, the client never waits for a reply from the server,
` and the server does not send replies to batch calls. A sequence of
` batch calls is usually terminated by a legitimate remote procedure
` call operation in order to flush the pipeline and get positive
` acknowledgement.
`7.4.2 Broadcast Remote Procedure Calls
` In broadcast protocols, the client sends a broadcast call to the
` network and waits for numerous replies. This requires the use of
` packet-based protocols (like UDP) as its transport protocol. Servers
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` that support broadcast protocols usually respond only when the call
` is successfully processed and are silent in the face of errors, but
` this varies with the application.
` The principles of broadcast RPC also apply to multicasting - an RPC
` request can be sent to a multicast address.
` This section defines the RPC message protocol in the XDR data
` description language [9].
` enum msg_type {
` CALL = 0,
` REPLY = 1
` };
` A reply to a call message can take on two forms: The message was
` either accepted or rejected.
` enum reply_stat {
` };
` Given that a call message was accepted, the following is the status
` of an attempt to call a remote procedure.
` enum accept_stat {
` SUCCESS = 0, /* RPC executed successfully */
` PROG_UNAVAIL = 1, /* remote hasn’t exported program */
` PROG_MISMATCH = 2, /* remote can’t support version # */
` PROC_UNAVAIL = 3, /* program can’t support procedure */
` GARBAGE_ARGS = 4, /* procedure can’t decode params */
` SYSTEM_ERR = 5 /* errors like memory allocation failure */
` };
` Reasons why a call message was rejected:
` enum reject_stat {
` RPC_MISMATCH = 0, /* RPC version number != 2 */
` AUTH_ERROR = 1 /* remote can’t authenticate caller */
` };
` Why authentication failed:
` enum auth_stat {
` AUTH_OK = 0, /* success */
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` /*
` * failed at remote end
` */
` AUTH_BADCRED = 1, /* bad credential (seal broken) */
` AUTH_REJECTEDCRED = 2, /* client must begin new session */
` AUTH_BADVERF = 3, /* bad verifier (seal broken) */
` AUTH_REJECTEDVERF = 4, /* verifier expired or replayed */
` AUTH_TOOWEAK = 5, /* rejected for security reasons */
` /*
` * failed locally
` */
` AUTH_INVALIDRESP = 6, /* bogus response verifier */
` AUTH_FAILED = 7 /* reason unknown */
` };
` The RPC message:
` All messages start with a transaction identifier, xid, followed by a
` two-armed discriminated union. The union’s discriminant is a
` msg_type which switches to one of the two types of the message. The
` xid of a REPLY message always matches that of the initiating CALL
` message. NB: The xid field is only used for clients matching reply
` messages with call messages or for servers detecting retransmissions;
` the service side cannot treat this id as any type of sequence number.
` struct rpc_msg {
` unsigned int xid;
` union switch (msg_type mtype) {
` case CALL:
` call_body cbody;
` case REPLY:
` reply_body rbody;
` } body;
` };
` Body of an RPC call:
` In version 2 of the RPC protocol specification, rpcvers must be equal
` to 2. The fields prog, vers, and proc specify the remote program,
` its version number, and the procedure within the remote program to be
` called. After these fields are two authentication parameters: cred
` (authentication credential) and verf (authentication verifier). The
` two authentication parameters are followed by the parameters to the
` remote procedure, which are specified by the specific program
` protocol.
` The purpose of the authentication verifier is to validate the
` authentication credential. Note that these two items are
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` historically separate, but are always used together as one logical
` entity.
` struct call_body {
` unsigned int rpcvers; /* must be equal to two (2) */
` unsigned int prog;
` unsigned int vers;
` unsigned int proc;
` opaque_auth cred;
` opaque_auth verf;
` /* procedure specific parameters start here */
` };
` Body of a reply to an RPC call:
` union reply_body switch (reply_stat stat) {
` accepted_reply areply;
` case MSG_DENIED:
` rejected_reply rreply;
` } reply;
` Reply to an RPC call that was accepted by the server:
` There could be an error even though the call was accepted. The first
` field is an authentication verifier that the server generates in
` order to validate itself to the client. It is followed by a union
` whose discriminant is an enum accept_stat. The SUCCESS arm of the
` union is protocol specific. The PROG_UNAVAIL, PROC_UNAVAIL,
` GARBAGE_ARGS, and SYSTEM_ERR arms of the union are void. The
` PROG_MISMATCH arm specifies the lowest and highest version numbers of
` the remote program supported by the server.
` struct accepted_reply {
` opaque_auth verf;
` union switch (accept_stat stat) {
` case SUCCESS:
` opaque results[0];
` /*
` * procedure-specific results start here
` */
` struct {
` unsigned int low;
` unsigned int high;
` } mismatch_info;
` default:
` /*
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` * Void. Cases include PROG_UNAVAIL, PROC_UNAVAIL,
` */
` void;
` } reply_data;
` };
` Reply to an RPC call that was rejected by the server:
` The call can be rejected for two reasons: either the server is not
` running a compatible version of the RPC protocol (RPC_MISMATCH), or
` the server rejects the identity of the caller (AUTH_ERROR). In case
` of an RPC version mismatch, the server returns the lowest and highest
` supported RPC version numbers. In case of invalid authentication,
` failure status is returned.
` union rejected_reply switch (reject_stat stat) {
` struct {
` unsigned int low;
` unsigned int high;
` } mismatch_info;
` case AUTH_ERROR:
` auth_stat stat;
` };
` As previously stated, authentication parameters are opaque, but
` open-ended to the rest of the RPC protocol. This section defines two
` standard "flavors" of authentication. Implementors are free to
` invent new authentication types, with the same rules of flavor number
` assignment as there is for program number assignment. The "flavor"
` of a credential or verifier refers to the value of the "flavor" field
` in the opaque_auth structure. Flavor numbers, like RPC program
` numbers, are also administered centrally, and developers may assign
` new flavor numbers by applying through electronic mail to
` "". Credentials and verifiers are represented as variable
` length opaque data (the "body" field in the opaque_auth structure).
` In this document, two flavors of authentication are described. Of
` these, Null authentication (described in the next subsection) is
` mandatory - it must be available in all implementations. System
` authentication is described in Appendix A. It is strongly
` recommended that implementors include System authentication in their
` implementations. Many applications use this style of authentication,
` and availability of this flavor in an implementation will enhance
` interoperability.
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
`9.1 Null Authentication
` Often calls must be made where the client does not care about its
` identity or the server does not care who the client is. In this
` case, the flavor of the RPC message’s credential, verifier, and reply
` verifier is "AUTH_NONE". Opaque data associated with "AUTH_NONE" is
` undefined. It is recommended that the length of the opaque data be
` zero.
` When RPC messages are passed on top of a byte stream transport
` protocol (like TCP), it is necessary to delimit one message from
` another in order to detect and possibly recover from protocol errors.
` This is called record marking (RM). One RPC message fits into one RM
` record.
` A record is composed of one or more record fragments. A record
` fragment is a four-byte header followed by 0 to (2**31) - 1 bytes of
` fragment data. The bytes encode an unsigned binary number; as with
` XDR integers, the byte order is from highest to lowest. The number
` encodes two values -- a boolean which indicates whether the fragment
` is the last fragment of the record (bit value 1 implies the fragment
` is the last fragment) and a 31-bit unsigned binary value which is the
` length in bytes of the fragment’s data. The boolean value is the
` highest-order bit of the header; the length is the 31 low-order bits.
` (Note that this record specification is NOT in XDR standard form!)
` Just as there was a need to describe the XDR data-types in a formal
` language, there is also need to describe the procedures that operate
` on these XDR data-types in a formal language as well. The RPC
` Language is an extension to the XDR language, with the addition of
` "program", "procedure", and "version" declarations. The following
` example is used to describe the essence of the language.
`11.1 An Example Service Described in the RPC Language
` Here is an example of the specification of a simple ping program.
` program PING_PROG {
` /*
` * Latest and greatest version
` */
` void
` PINGPROC_NULL(void) = 0;
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` /*
` * Ping the client, return the round-trip time
` * (in microseconds). Returns -1 if the operation
` * timed out.
` */
` int
` } = 2;
` /*
` * Original version
` */
` version PING_VERS_ORIG {
` void
` PINGPROC_NULL(void) = 0;
` } = 1;
` } = 1;
` const PING_VERS = 2; /* latest version */
` The first version described is PING_VERS_PINGBACK with two
` no arguments and returns no results, but it is useful for computing
` round-trip times from the client to the server and back again. By
` convention, procedure 0 of any RPC protocol should have the same
` semantics, and never require any kind of authentication. The second
` procedure is used for the client to have the server do a reverse ping
` operation back to the client, and it returns the amount of time (in
` microseconds) that the operation used. The next version,
` PING_VERS_ORIG, is the original version of the protocol and it does
` not contain PINGPROC_PINGBACK procedure. It is useful for
` compatibility with old client programs, and as this program matures
` it may be dropped from the protocol entirely.
`11.2 The RPC Language Specification
` The RPC language is identical to the XDR language defined in RFC
` 1014, except for the added definition of a "program-def" described
` below.
` program-def:
` "program" identifier "{"
` version-def
` version-def *
` "}" "=" constant ";"
` version-def:
` "version" identifier "{"
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`RFC 1831 Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 August 1995
` procedure-def
` procedure-def *
` "}" "=" constant ";"
` procedure-def:
` type-specifier identifier "(" type-specifier
` ("," type-specifier )* ")" "=" constant ";"
`11.3 Syntax Notes
` (1) The following keywords are added and cannot be used as
` identifiers: "program" and "version";
` (2) A version name cannot occur more than once within the scope of a
` program definition. Nor can a version number occur more than once
` within the scope of a program

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