Scalable Performance Analysis: The Pablo Performance
`Analysis Environment
`Daniel A. Reed~
`Phillip C. Roth'
`1:1.uth A. Aydt'
`Keith A. Shields'
`Luis F. Tavera'
`Roger J. Noe'
`Bradley W. Schwartz'
`Department of Computer Science
`University of Illinois
`Urbana, Illinois 61801
`Developers of application codes for massively paral(cid:173)
`lel computer ~y~terws face daunting performance tun(cid:173)
`ing and optimization problems that must be solved if
`massively parallel systems are to fulfill their promise.
`Recording and analyzing the dynamics of applica(cid:173)
`tion program, system software, and hardware inter(cid:173)
`actions is the key to understanding and the prerequi(cid:173)
`site to performance tuning, but this instrumentation
`and analysis must not unduly perturb program execu(cid:173)
`tion. Pablo is a performance analysis environment de(cid:173)
`signed to provide unobtrusive performance data cap(cid:173)
`ture, analysis, and presentation across a wide variety
`of scalable parallel systems. Current efforts include
`dynamic statistical clustering to reduce the volume of
`data that must be captured and complete performance
`data immersion via head-mounted displays.
`As computational science becomes an equal partner
`to theory and experiment, there is growing consen(cid:173)
`sus that massively parallel systems are the only tech(cid:173)
`nically and economically viable approach to achiev(cid:173)
`ing the computing power needed to effectively study
`the "Grand Challenge'1 problems (e.g., ocean and cli(cid:173)
`mate modeling, computational fluid and combustion
`'"Supported in part by the Adv-anced Research Projects
`Agency under ARPA Contract No. DAVT63~91~C~0029, by
`the National Science Foundation under grants NSF IRI 92~
`12976 and NSF CDA87~22836, by the National Aeronautics and
`Space Administration under NASA Contract Number NAG~l~
`613, and by a collaborative research agreement with the Intel
`Supercomputer Systems Division.
`dynamics, or computational drug design) [3]. Sev(cid:173)
`eral vendors huve begun delivery of massively purullel
`systems with peak performance of a few hundred gi(cid:173)
`gaflops, and all have clear performance growth paths
`to multiple teraflops within three years.
`Unfortunately, the developer of an application code
`for a massively parallel system faces many of the same
`difficulties one encounters when developing a man(cid:173)
`agement structure for a large, human organization -
`information acquisition problems and communication
`delays can limit performance. In a parallel system, the
`interactions occur on a much smaller time scale and
`the potential information volume is much greater.
`Given this complexity, the key to optimizing the
`performance of parallel application codes is under(cid:173)
`standing the dynamic interactions of application pro(cid:173)
`gram, system software, and hardware. By recording
`the dynamic pattern of software and hardware inter(cid:173)
`actions, one can identify and remove performance bot(cid:173)
`tlenecks. To gain insight from this data and to tune
`soitware, the data must be processed and presented in
`ways that not only show trends but also allow detailed
`exploration of small scale behavior.
`The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
`In §2-§4, we describe the design philosophy and soft(cid:173)
`ware components of Pablo, a performance analysis en(cid:173)
`vironment designed to provide performance data cap(cid:173)
`ture, analysis, and presentation across a wide variety
`of scalable parallel systems. In §5, we describe an ap(cid:173)
`proach to dynamic statistical clustering that promises
`to dramatically reduce the volume of performance
`data that. must. be captured, while still providing accu(cid:173)
`rate, dynamic performance metrics. This is followed in
`§6 by a description of high-modality data presentation
`techniques that can immerse a performance analyst in
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1028 Page 1

`a virtual world of dynamic performance data. Finally,
`§7 summarizes the current soitware state and suggests
`avenues for further research.
`with massively parallel systemsj these are the subject
`oi §5 and §6.
`3 Pablo Software Overview
`2 Pablo Design Philosophy
`The precursor to performance optimization is in(cid:173)
`~ight -
`one mu~t under~tand not only the eirecb of
`potential optimizations, but also how and why they af(cid:173)
`fect the system. Traditional, static performance mea(cid:173)
`sures specify what happened (e.g., processor utiliza(cid:173)
`tion was low), but they reveal frustratingly little about
`the more important issues: why and how it happened.
`To understand these issues, one must capture and ana(cid:173)
`lyze the dynamics of application, system software, and
`hardware interactions. Hardware designers use logic
`analyzers to capture and display transient signals in
`different portions of a hardware designj designers of
`parallel application codes and system software need
`comparable tools.
`Drawing on the logic analyzer analogy 1 an ideal per(cid:173)
`formance analysis environment should support inter(cid:173)
`active insertion of instrumentation points 1 as well as
`data analysis, reduction, and display. Moreover, the
`environment should be portable across a range of par(cid:173)
`allel architectures, its performance and data analysis
`capabilities should be scalable v:ith the size of the sys(cid:173)
`tem being studied, and it should be eztensible, allow(cid:173)
`ing users to add environment functionality as needed.
`The motivations for performance environment porta(cid:173)
`bility and extensibility are Similar to those for all large
`software systems -
`one wants an environment that
`can be used in multiple contexts and that can grow
`with the user's sophistication. Less obvious is the fact
`that as parallel system scale in size and performance,
`the performance environment must scale commensu(cid:173)
`Performance environment scalability not only im(cid:173)
`plies that the environment must be capable of cap(cid:173)
`turing and analyzing data from very large numbers of
`processors, it must also be capable of presenting that
`data in ways that are intuitive and instructive. Cur(cid:173)
`rent graphical techniques often represent the states
`of individual processors (e.g., by a colored square for
`each processor), and they do not scale to thousands of
`processors. For a massively parallel system, processor
`behaviors often form a small number of equivalence
`classes; it frequently suffices to see aggregate behavior
`with detail for equivalence class representatives and
`outliers. Hence, ne'N data capture and display idioms
`are needed if performance environments are to scale
`( ' '
`The design of the Pablo performance analysis en(cid:173)
`vironment draws on the lessons learned from the de-
`~1gn, uup1en1en~auon anu u~e 01 ~wo prev1ou~ gener-
`ations of performance analysis software [6, 7]. Based
`on this experience, the bulk of the Pablo environment
`design effort has centered on supporting portability,
`scalability, and extensibility. Pablo is best viewed as
`a toolkit for the construction of performance analy(cid:173)
`sis environments. As such, it consists of two primary
`components: (1) portable software instrumentation,
`and (2) portable performance data analysis, with a
`performance data meta-format coupling the instru(cid:173)
`mentation with the data analysis. The instrumenta(cid:173)
`tion, data format, analysis environment, and display
`options are briefly described belowj for greater detail,
`see [9, 5, 8].
`Pablo's portable software instrumentation has been
`designed to support interactive specification of source
`code instrumentation points. The software instrumen(cid:173)
`tation can be used to gather performance data about
`either system or application codes, though our initial
`target is the latter .... A ... s part of the instrumentation,
`we have developed and are continuing to develop three
`pieces of software: a graphical interface for instrumen(cid:173)
`tation specification, modified C and Fortran parsers
`that emit instrumented source code, and a library
`of data capture templates whose members can cap(cid:173)
`ture performance data generated by the instrumented
`source code when it is executed on distributed memory
`parallel systems. Our initial architectural targets are
`the Thinking Machines CM-5 and the Intel Paragon
`XP /S systems.
`The performance analysis component of Pablo con(cid:173)
`sists of a set of data transformation modules that can
`be graphically interconnected, in the style of AVS [10],
`to form an acyclic, directed data analysis graph. Per(cid:173)
`formance data flows through the graph nodes and is
`transformed to yield the desired performance metrics.
`Each performance data transformation module con(cid:173)
`sists of a data transformation core (i.e., the actual
`data transform) and a system-provided data access
`"wrapper" that can read and write a self-documenting
`data stream meta-format that includes internal defi(cid:173)
`nitions of data types, sizes, and names, but does not
`include embedded semantics. The -..•:rapper's data ac(cid:173)
`cess methods permit access to data field information
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1028 Page 2

`without a priori knowledge of the data stream struc(cid:173)
`ture, and associated soitware supports data replication
`and distribution to other modules.
`Although performance analysis occasionally re(cid:173)
`quires knowledge of architecture-specific data seman(cid:173)
`tics, the Pablo design philosophy presumes that em(cid:173)
`bedding this information in either the trace data for(cid:173)
`mat or the analysis software modules will preclude
`module reuse on differing architectures or applica(cid:173)
`tion software environments.
`For this reason,
`performance data format has no embedded seman(cid:173)
`tics (i.e., there are no predefined event types or data
`sizes). Similarly, most data transformation modules
`provide architecture-neutral data reductions (e.g., av(cid:173)
`erages or histograms) on user-specified data stream
`components. Thus, one can write a data transforma(cid:173)
`tion module that maintains a running average without
`knowing the range of data values, their semantic in(cid:173)
`terpretation1 or their storage scheme.
`The performance data analysis software is based
`on an object-oriented design, written in c++) and by
`virtue of the performance data meta-format and the
`architecture-neutral data reductions, designed to be
`easily ported to new machine architectures. Also, be-
`cause the data analysis modules communicate solely
`via message passing, individual modules can poten(cid:173)
`tially execute m parallel, allowmg the construction of
`scalable data analysis graphs.
`In addition to dynamic X window graphics ior the
`display of performance data, Pablo supports the use
`of sonic data presentation via the replay of sampled
`sounds on a Sun SparcStation audio port or the use of
`a sound synthesizer via the Musical instrument Digital
`Interface (MIDI).
`4 Scalable Software Instrumentation
`Historically, performance measurement and instru(cid:173)
`mentation techniques have included profiling, event
`counting, and event tracing. Event tracing subsumes
`both profiling and countingj each trace event includes
`information on where, what, and whenj from this
`trace, one can construct both execution profiles and
`descriptions of tern poral behavior. Data associated
`with each trace event typically include the identity of
`the event (i.e., what happened), the time the action
`occurred (i.e., when it happened), and information
`about where the event occurred (e.g., the processor
`and task). The conceptual simplicity of event tracing
`belies its difficulty. A data capture library implemen-
`tation must balance event data rates against undue
`perturbation of the instrumented codej the only thing
`more disheartening than inadequate data is a large
`volume 01 aata whose accuracy is suspect. Below,
`we describe the design of the Pablo instrumentation
`library and our approach to limiting the volume oi
`captured data and its perturbation.
`4.1 Software Components
`As Figure 1 suggests1 the three components of the
`Pablo instrumentation software are a graphical inter(cid:173)
`face for interactively specifying source code instrumen(cid:173)
`tation points, parsers that emit source code with em(cid:173)
`bedded calls to a trace capture library, and a data
`capture library that records the performance data.
`This approach is necessarily a com promise to maxi-
`mize portability. Our intent is that the three indepen(cid:173)
`dent, though cooperating, instrumentation software
`components can be quickly ported to a new parallel
`system or the individual components can be replaced
`by machine-specific versions.
`The parsers accept source code to be instrumented
`and produce the parse tree information needed by the
`graphical instrumentation interface. The graphical in(cid:173)
`terface, based on X and Motif, interprets the parse
`tree data information and allows the user to graphi(cid:173)
`cally specify source code instrumentation points.
`Although the data capture library supports the
`instrumentation and capture of data from the man(cid:173)
`ual instrumentation of arbitrary source code points,
`at present, the graphical instrumentation interface
`supports only the interactive instrumentation of en(cid:173)
`tryjexlt points for procedure calls and outer loops.
`This limitation is intentionalj it is the most detailed
`level of instrumentation possible without precluding
`major optimizations by the compiler. Moreover, it
`strikes the right balance of detail and flexibility -
`additional instrumentation excessively perturbs the
`computation and generates masSive amounts of per-
`formance data.
`, .
`\JlVeU ~Ue ~peClHCaHOU 01 l!l~HUllleU~aHOU p011H~ 1
`the parsers emit modified source code with embedded
`instrumentation. At execution time, the inserted in(cid:173)
`strumentation code invokes routines supplied by the
`data capture library, producing performance data in a
`standard event data format [9, 1].
`Instrumentation Options
`To balance the countervailing needs of detailed data
`and minimal perturbation, the Pablo instrumenta-
`tion sofh•1are supports three class of instrumentation
`events: tracing, counting, and time intervals. Each of
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1028 Page 3

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`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1028 Page 4

`Moreover, in the hands of a novice, event tracing can
`produce prodigious volumes oi inaccurate data. Users
`instrument procedures without a priori knowledge of
`procedure invocation frequency, which can lead unin(cid:173)
`tentionally to large data volumesj see §5.
`The Pablo trace library has been designed to reduce
`the likelihood of malignant perturbations by monitor(cid:173)
`ing and dynamically altering the volume, frequency,
`and types of event data recorded. If events with rel(cid:173)
`atively large amounts of associated trace data occur
`at rates higher than the user desires 1 the trace library
`will automatically substitute less invasive data record(cid:173)
`ing (e.g., periodic event counts rather than complete
`event traces). If the event rate returns to more mod(cid:173)
`est levels, the trace library v:ill resume recording of all
`Pablo;s implementation of adaptive instrumenta(cid:173)
`tion control associates a user-specified maximum trace
`level with each event. Each of the three event classes
`(tracing, counting, and time intervals) has an asso(cid:173)
`ciated, internal event threshold. If the user-specified
`trace level for an event of a particular class does not
`fall below the threshold for the class, the event data
`are recorded in the performance data file. Other(cid:173)
`wise, the class of the event is reduced (i.e., trace and
`time interval events are converted to count events). If
`the event 1s user-specified trace level is too low even
`for count events 1 the Pablo data capture library will
`silently record the occurrence of the event, but will
`not produ('.e a. performa.n('.e data. re('.ord. By ('.hoosing
`appropriate trace levels, it is possible to completely
`exclude certain events from the performance data file.
`In addition to instrumentation control via user(cid:173)
`specified trace levels, the Pablo instrumentation soft(cid:173)
`ware will dynamically adjust event trace levels within
`the user-specified range (i.e., the instrumentation soft(cid:173)
`ware may reduce the trace level below the user(cid:173)
`specified point, but it will not increase it beyond that
`point). Event trace levels vary dynamically based on
`each event's rate of occurrence. The adaptive instru(cid:173)
`mentation control software associates user-specified
`low water and high water marks with each event. If
`successive occurrences of a particular event occur in a
`time interval less than the low water mark, the instru(cid:173)
`mentation software responds to this high event rate by
`reducing this event's current trace level. Should this
`high rate persist, the trace level will eventually drop
`below one or more of the event trace level thresholds,
`reducing the volume of recorded event data. Con(cid:173)
`versely, if successive occurrences of a particular event
`occur in a time interval greater than the high 'Na(cid:173)
`ter mark, the instrumentation software increases the
`V"l: .1.
`~ 25M
`• v >.
`; -
`20M j
`I 128 PEs
`"" • "' v
`j 15M 1
`• 10M j
`• Cl mj
`I /
`.~ j um I I ~and 128 PEs (Clusters) I
`Time (seconds)
`Figure 2: Performance Data Rates
`event's current trace level, perhaps increasing the vol(cid:173)
`ume of recorded data.
`The Pablo data capture library also monitors the
`aggregate event rate using a similar algorithm. To(cid:173)
`gether, the event thresholds and the global threshold
`allow the Pablo instrumentation software to balance
`event data volume against application perturbation 1
`maximizing the amount of useful trace data.
`5 Dynamic Statistical Clustering
`Altnough semantic aata compression and throttles
`on performance data rates can both reduce the vol(cid:173)
`ume of captured performance data, for systems with
`thousands of processors, they are not sufficient. As
`an illustration, .Figure 2 shows the volume of perfor(cid:173)
`mance data captured during the execution of a ray
`tracing code on 64 and 128 processor Intel iPSC/860
`hypercubesj the code was instrumented to record both
`the pattern of procedure entries and exists and all
`message transmissions and receipts. Even for a triv(cid:173)
`ial 128 X 128 pixel image, the unthrottled event data
`rate approached 10 megabytes/second, and the total
`event volume was nearly 22 metabytes. For a thou(cid:173)
`sand processor system and a more realistic image size,
`the data volume would be several gigabytes, even for
`a code that executes for just a few minutes. Clearly, a
`different approach is required -this volume of perfor(cid:173)
`mance data is prohibitive. Without dedicated perfor(cid:173)
`mance monitoring hardware, extracting the data from
`a parallel system 'Nould so perturb program execution
`that the data would be of little value.
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1028 Page 5

`single-program-multiple data
`(SPNiD) and data parallel programming models are
`the most commonly used on massively parallel sys(cid:173)
`tems. In both cases, the same code executes on ail pro(cid:173)
`cessors, with local, data-dependent branches. Hence,
`despite the large numbers of processors, there are only
`a few equivalence classes of processor behavior.
`The n dynamic performance metrics for each pro(cid:173)
`cessor define a group of evolving, n-dimensional
`points. Most points are closely clustered because they
`correspond to processors with similar behavior.
`one could identify representatives of these equivalence
`classes and only record data from those representa(cid:173)
`tives, one would obtain detailed performance metrics
`without ('.a.pturing gigabytes of data..
`Statistical clustering [4] is one of the standard tech(cid:173)
`mques for identifying data equivalence classes.
`clustering techniques are either hierarchical or parti(cid:173)
`uonal. Hierarchical techniques initially assign each
`point to a singleton cluster and then combine clusters
`to produce a sequence oi hierarchical clusters. In con(cid:173)
`trast, partitional techniques divide the group of points
`into some number of independent clustersj no hierar(cid:173)
`chical relationship is presumed.
`Because both program and processor behaviors
`change during execution, the number of clusters, their
`sizes and their shapes will vary. Hence, any effective
`clustering technique must adapt to these changes by
`identifying clusters and cluster representatives dynam(cid:173)
`ically (i.e., as the parallel application executes).
`A host of thorny research issues must be resolved
`before the efficacy of dynamic statistical clustering is
`establishedj these include identifying good clustering
`algorithms, choosmg clustering frequencies, selecting
`cluster representatives and representative weights, as(cid:173)
`sessing the computation costs oi clustering, and quan(cid:173)
`tifying the relation between data volume and perfor(cid:173)
`mance prediction accuracy. Simply put, any dynamic
`clustering algorithm must track changes in program
`behavior by adaptively identifying new behavioral
`equivalence classes, selecting representatives from each
`class, saving data from those representatives, and not(cid:173)
`ing representative weights, while not unduly perturb(cid:173)
`ing program execution.
`As an early assessment of the feasibility of clus(cid:173)
`tering to reduce data volumes, we have developed a
`prototype implementation that uses dynamic perfor(cid:173)
`mance metrics to cluster processor behavior. Figure
`2 shows that the volume of captured data with clus(cid:173)
`tering is nearly an order of magnitude smaller than if
`data from all processors is captured. In addition, the
`performance metrics computed from the reduced data
`are encouragingly similar to those obtained using data
`from all the processors. Because the number oi behav(cid:173)
`ioral equivalence classes generally is small compared to
`the number oi processors, we believe the data reduc(cid:173)
`tion should be even larger for systems with hundreds
`or thousands of processors.
`6 Performance Data Immersion
`On a massively parallel system, the volume of cap(cid:173)
`tured performance data is potentially very large. Al(cid:173)
`though statistical clustering techniques can reduce the
`volume of data that must be captured, and the Pablo
`performance analysis software supports both graphi(cid:173)
`cal and sonic data presentation, the human-computer
`interface remains bandwidth-limited.
`Fortunately, new technologies now make it possible
`both to soni('.ally and visually immer.<:~e a. user in data..
`From a sensory perspective, the computer need not be
`simply the medium of interaction beh•1een user and
`dataj instead, users can interact directly with the data
`(e.g., moving their heud to chunge their visual field of
`view or using their hand to rotate or transform the
`data). Data immersion provides a reality perceived
`by the senses, albeit a simulated or "virtual reality."
`The user is no longer an external observer of data, but
`rather an active participant with the data.
`Using this technology, one can immerse users and
`performance analysts in a virtual world that is based
`on dynamic performance data from massively paral(cid:173)
`lel systems. Through a head-mounted display, three(cid:173)
`dimensional sound cues, and direct data manipulation,
`the user can explore and viscerally experience the dy(cid:173)
`namic behavior of application and system software on
`a massively parallel system. Below, we describe our
`current approach to performance data immersion.
`6.1 Data Implications
`Although performance data presentation
`niques share many attributes with more traditional
`scientific visualization,
`the nature of performance
`data does necessitate different data presentation
`metaphors. Because massively parallel systems con(cid:173)
`tain hundreds or thousands of processors, each po(cid:173)
`tentially with 5-10 associated, dynamic performance
`metrics drawn from multiple system levels, perfor(cid:173)
`mance data occupy a very sparsely populated, high(cid:173)
`dimensional space. Moreover, some met.rics are dis(cid:173)
`crete, others are continuous, and their dynamic ranges
`can differ by multiple orders of magnitude. In con(cid:173)
`sequence, performance data presentation techniques
`PALO ALTO NETWORKS Exhibit 1028 Page 6

`share many of the problems common to statistical
`aata anruys1s l-'J, ana most tecnmques Ior v1suanzmg
`grid-based data (.e.g., volume visualization) are not
`directly applicable.
`6.2 Presentation Metaphors
`' .
`, .
`The projection of a circle from three to two dimen(cid:173)
`sions is an ellipse; the eccentricity is determined by the
`viewing perspective and the orientation of the circle.
`Inferring that the perceived ellipse is, in fact, a circle,
`is only possible if one can view multiple projections.
`Similarly, understanding the "shape'1 of multiple per(cid:173)
`formance data metrics in a high-dimensional space is
`only possible if one can examine multiple projections.
`As we saw in §5, if each point in the space represents
`a. pro('.essor, all pro('.essors have similar performa.n('.e if
`the points are all clustered in the space whose dimen(cid:173)
`sions are defined by the performance met:cics; outliers
`are likely candidates for further study.
`Using dynumic performance dutu captured -..vith
`the Pablo instrumentation library, we have imple(cid:173)
`mented a performance data presentation metaphor
`that shows all the possible three-dimensional projec-
`Hon~ 01 a ~par~e1y popu1a~eu 1 n-uuueuswuat ~pace.
`This metaphor is a generalization of a two-dimensional
`scatterplot matrix [2].
`Two-dimensional scatterplot matrices contain an
`array of x-y scatterplots that collectively represent all
`n 2 -n combinations of two of then variables; then de(cid:173)
`generate cases where both variables are identical lie on
`the diagonal of the scatterplot matrix. Although the
`two-dimensional projections allow one to see the rela(cid:173)
`tionship between variable pairs, it is difficult to gen(cid:173)
`eralize the relationship to three or more variables. To
`exploit our kinematic and spatialization senses, higher
`dimensional projections are needed.
`Our three-dimensional extension of a scatterplot
`matrix contains n 3 cubes, each of which is a three(cid:173)
`dimensional scatterplot (i.e. 1 each of the three cube
`axes represents one of the n performance metrics). If
`one imagines a.n nxnxn ('.ube ofs('.a.tterplot ('.ubes, and
`labels each of the cubes along each axis with a different
`one of then performance met:cics, then each individual
`cube represents a projection of the performance data
`from n to three dimensions. Just us u t-..vo dimensional
`scatterplot matrix has n degenerate combinations, a
`three-dimensional scatterplot array has
`it contains all the one(cid:173)
`ray is three-fold degenerate -
`dimensional projections and all data values n lie on
`the diagonal of the respective cubes. Similarly, there
`are three cube planes that each contain n 2 - n two(cid:173)
`fold degenerate cubes -
`each of these cubes are two(cid:173)
`dimensional projections and all data values in each of
`these cubes lie in a diagonal plane.
`Although many of the cubes are redundant (i.e.,
`they are simply transpositions of other cubes), and
`some are degenerate, they provide symmetry and mul(cid:173)
`tiple perspectives as one moves about the array of
`cubes. Inside an individual scatterplot cube, each dis(cid:173)
`played point corresponds to a processor, and its spa(cid:173)
`tial position is determined by the value of the perfor(cid:173)

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