`Websense® TRITON® APX

`Delivers Data
`Theft Prevention
`Protecting your data from advanced threats and data theft demands
`powerful solutions to these challenges:
`• Rapidly changing technology and threat landscape
`• Explosive growth of off-network users and cloud data
`• Growing insider threat and security professional skills gap
`Organizations need to respond with a strategy that coordinates technology,
`policies and processes to maximize their security posture. Data Theft
`Prevention is that strategy.
`How Websense® leads the way in Data Theft
`Prevention with TRITON APX
`Deploy Adaptive Security
`• Defend your data against rapidly changing threats
`• Safely adopt new technologies to innovate and grow
`• Protect with confidence across the Kill Chain
`Protect Everywhere
`• Secure data on and off your network
`• Empower users and partners wherever they are
`• Centralize control and visibility with the unified TRITON architecture
`Raise the Security IQ
`• Get actionable intelligence for your IT team
`Improve employee security awareness and best practices
`• Proactively identify high-risk trends
`TRITON APX delivers unified Data Theft Prevention so you can
`safely “BRAvE ThE NEw wORlD.”
`Websense® TRITON® APX

`A Unified Solution with
`Deployment Flexibility
`The beauty of TRITON APX lies in its
`deployment flexibility. Choose which
`products or components you want to
`deploy. Rest assured that when you
`decide to add an additional product, it
`will work seamlessly with the already
`deployed product, thanks to the unified
`architecture of TRITON. With TRITON APX
`you can protect users anywhere, anytime.
`Real Time Analysis for Advanced
`Threat Protection
`TRITON AP-WEB goes beyond anti-
`virus defenses by using eight defense
`assessment areas in a composite scoring
`process that uses predictive analysis with
`the Websense ACE (Advanced Classification
`Engine). Multiple real-time content engines
`analyze full web page content, active scripts,
`web links, contextual profiles, files and
`Enterprise Class DlP
`Industry-leading data theft defenses
`detect and intercept data theft attempts
`and provide regulatory compliance for data
`loss prevention (DLP). These capabilities
`can be deployed as a stand-alone solution
`and can integrate directly with the TRITON®
`AP-WEB and TRITON® AP-EMAIL products.
`Examples of these capabilities include
`detection of custom encrypted uploads,
`password file data theft, slow data leaks
`(drip DLP), optical character recognition
`OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
`of text within images and geolocation
`destination awareness.
`Unified Protection Anywhere, Anytime
`Complex, uncoordinated, multi-vendor
`security deployments increase security
`risk and IT complexity. TRITON APX
`provides a single, unified solution for
`complete Web, Email, Data, and Endpoint
`protection and threat intelligence across
`the Kill Chain, on-premise, remote and in
`the Cloud.
`Protect Against Advanced Threats
`Many of today’s security solutions can’t
`address Advanced Threats in real time.
`TRITON APX and its core products are
`powered by advanced, real-time threat
`Stop Data Theft
`Most stand-alone DLP solutions are
`too complex to deploy. TRITON APX
`offers industry-leading DLP technology
`protection against data loss over Web,
`Email and Endpoint channels.
`TRITON® APX Enterprise Core Bundle
`Secure all attack surfaces, across the Kill
`Chain, with TRITON® AP-WEB, AP-EMAIL,
`AP-DATA, and AP-ENDPOINT defenses.
`Safely embrace new technologies and
`solutions to help your organization grow
`and innovate with confidence. Learn more
`Websense® TRITON® APX

`TRITON® APX components
`Advanced Threats involve sophisticated,
`multistage attacks with built-in techniques to
`evade detection, even while stealing sensitive
`data. TRITON AP-WEB provides complete
`protection against Advanced Threats and
`data theft across the entire Kill Chain in
`a unified solution for on-premise, remote,
`mobile, and cloud users.
`Advanced Threats blend web and email
`elements throughout multistage cyber-attacks
`in Kill Chains, presenting multiple opportunities
`to stop attacks before possible breaches
`occur. TRITON AP-EMAIL identifies targeted
`attacks, high risk users and Insider threats while
`empowering mobile workers and safe adoption
`of new technologies like Office 365.
`TRITON AP-DATA enables you to discover and
`protect sensitive data wherever it lives – on
`endpoints, in the Cloud or on premise. Secure
`personal data, intellectual property, or meet
`compliance use cases quickly with custom or
`out-of-the-box policies, applying unique DLP
`capabilities to control data theft.
`TRITON AP-ENDPOINT protects roaming users
`against data theft while on and off the network.
`Secure personal data, intellectual property, and
`meet compliance use cases quickly with custom
`or out-of-the-box policies, and apply unique
`DLP capabilities to control data theft on Mac
`OS X or Windows systems.
`Websense® TRITON® APX
`Websense® TRITON® APX

`TRITON® APX protects across the Kill Chain
`Cybercriminal attacks succeed by following the Staged-Attack model to bypass traditional defenses
`and steal data. These advanced attacks happen too frequently for signatures to be developed,
`rendering traditional standalone defenses unable to respond.
`Organizations need three key security requirements to defend across the 7-Stage Kill Chain
`• Real-time, in-line defenses that can identify Zero-day, signature-less threats and APTs.
`Integrated Web, Email and Data security solutions powered by real-time intelligence.
`• Advanced outbound containment defenses to protect against data theft and data loss.
`websense® TRITON APX is the first platform to combine all three requirements into a single,
`unified solution
`1. TRITON APX is powered by Websense ACE (Advanced Classification Engine), with powerful
`real-time defenses informed by global threat intelligence.
`2. TRITON APX provides unified Web, Email, Data and Endpoint security — all powered by ACE.
`3. TRITON APX incorporates data loss prevention (DLP) technology at the core of web and email
`security — and advanced containment defenses that can protect against data leaving your
`4. TRITON APX also enables organizations to equally protect their headquarters, branch and
`mobile workers by deploying security on appliances, in the Cloud or a hybrid of both platforms.
`with TRITON APX, your organization, employees and valuable data are protected against all
`7 stages of the Kill Chain
`Websense® TRITON® APX

`The power behind
`TRITON® solutions
`ACE (Advanced Classification Engine)
`Websense ACE provides real-time, inline contextual defenses for Web,
`Email, Data and Mobile security by using composite risk scoring and
`predictive analytics to deliver the most effective security available. It also
`provides containment by analyzing inbound and outbound traffic with
`data-aware defenses for industry-leading data theft protection. Classifiers
`for real-time security, data and content analysis — the result of years of
`research and development — enable ACE to detect more threats than
`traditional anti-virus engines every day (the proof is updated daily at
` ACE is the primary defense behind
`all Websense TRITON® solutions and is supported by the Websense
`ThreatSeeker® Intelligence Cloud.
`Integrated set of defense assessment
`capabilities in 8 key areas.
`Real-time Data
`A T
` D A
`W E B A
`C K S
`10,000 analytics
`available to support
`deep inspections.
`• Predictive security
`engine sees several
`moves ahead.
`Inline operation not
`only monitors, but
`blocks threats.
`Websense® TRITON® APX

`ThreatSeeker® Intelligence Cloud
`The ThreatSeeker Intelligence Cloud, managed by Websense
`Security Labs™, provides the core collective security intelligence
`for all Websense security products. It unites more than 900 million
`endpoints, including inputs from Facebook, and, with Websense
`ACE security defenses, analyzes up to 5 billion requests per day.
`This expansive awareness of security threats enables the
`ThreatSeeker Intelligence Cloud to offer real-time security updates
`that block Advanced Threats, malware, phishing attacks, lures
`and scams, plus provides the latest web ratings. The ThreatSeeker
`Intelligence Cloud is unmatched in size and in its use of ACE real-
`time defenses to analyze collective inputs. (When you upgrade to
`Web Security, the ThreatSeeker Intelligence Cloud helps reduce
`your exposure to web threats and data theft.)
`TRITON® Architecture
`With best-in-class security and a unified architecture, Websense
`TRITON offers point-of-click protection with real-time, inline
`defenses from Websense ACE. The unmatched real-time defenses
`of ACE are backed by Websense ThreatSeeker Intelligence Cloud
`and the expertise of Websense Security Labs researchers. The
`powerful result is a single, unified architecture with one unified
`user interface and unified security intelligence.
`TRITON APX provides many key benefits to organizations interested
`in deploying the best possible protection against Advanced Threats
`across the 7-Stage Kill Chain. They can be summarized in these
`three statements:
`• Deploy Adaptive Security- Deploy adaptive security solutions
`for rapidly changing technology and threat landscapes.
`• Protect Everywhere- The perimeter is the data. Protect critical
`information from theft whether on-premise, in the cloud or on
`mobile devices.
`• Raise the Security IQ- Combat the cyber security skills shortage
`by providing predictive actionable intelligence across the entire
`threat lifecycle.
`Websense® TRITON® APX

`© 2015 Websense, Inc. All rights reserved. Websense, the Websense logo, TRITON and TheatSeeker, are registered
`trademarks of Websense, Inc. in the United States and various countries. All other trademarks are the property of their
`respective owner. [DTP-TRITON® APX-BROCHURE-USEN-04MAY15]
`Websense® TRITON® APX

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