Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. — Ex. 2014, p. 1

`.\»'lit:ros0I‘t Press
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`One Microsoft Wu_\-'
`RE.'Lll]'I0[lCl. Wzisliiiigtoit 98052-6399
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`Acquisitions Editor: Kim Fryer
`Projcct Editors: Nluiirecn Willitttns Zinnnermait. Anne Tiiussig
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`Kurt Nlcyer. Robert Lyon. Roslyn l.1.l[sCI‘t

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`dc.~::'g11L-Ll to hm-ak. or hum like Ll
`I'LL-ac. wlu-r1 :1 rul-
`'.1u'\‘cl_\' h1'_s,=l1 current is applied. Ratllur 1h;m pm1c(:r—
`;:;:,.1in.-=l cxcwse.-aixr L'1l]'l'L']‘l1
`ilmv. Fn.-1-ihlc
`[Il1'{IlIl1 :ImcE1'1'iL':1{it3n in Ella‘
`lmlc.-4 \\'u1'L--
`ll:-it.’(i in ]’R("J_\1 thipré. and 1115)‘

`:3. The file <.’X[L‘11:ii0I'l that 't«:ier1ti—
`' _jpg \tlt')t—_l‘1’—G'\
`fie,-5 gratpltie i.I'I1;1§:t‘fi
`in the _]1’I~‘.t"u File
`In1t:t'L‘lt'.t11ge }’t11‘I1t'.tt.
`21>: LJt'igtI1;I|I§‘ .~spt:‘t'ii‘ieLl hi‘ the
`joint l’i1()[(}f_{1':i]l|‘|i(' 1-'.xpL‘t"{5 {_'rI‘nLt]1 (_}|’I’.G). Inline
`f..{mpitie.\' on \V-"t)t'1d \\I"ttie \\’eh pages are oltett
`,jpg i"tIe.s,
`.‘§Ll{_‘h as etm1gr:t1ui1ie_§pg. See (rim .[I’t-‘.(?
`t'del"m'ttitm 2).
`Jughcad \jLt;:'|teti\ rt. _»\et'(:n}-'nt i'n:'_]tirtzy'.~a Univer-
`.-aal G(}1)i1Cl' I-Iierztrehy EX(_'e!\':I'li(1]‘l and Di.-aplay. An
`lfl[t.‘1'n(_’T.SL’l'\'i('i:1i‘t:.iEt:l’t:!i)it:>i:d Lt:-aet'[n]tir_‘:1le (li1‘et'—
`'lE)l'iL'E-'- in (}(Jp11L'1‘E-ip2iL‘(_’
`lil1'( an gh :1 keyword .~se:trt‘I1.
`.-\ _]ughe:td h‘t_‘1‘\'I._’]'
`ir1cie.xe.«s 1<et-'\\'ni‘d.~s :1 ppe:1i-ittg in
`direettiry titles
`in 1::p—]e\-'el
`t't‘tt_‘I‘tLI.‘£ hut
`time»; not index the fiieri within the Liit'L‘£_'[()]'iL’.h'. To
`21CL'L‘h‘5_]I.1_‘_{i1tféttI. Ll?-3L‘1‘.‘§
`I'l'lL!h'l point their ('_}opher eli-
`ents to :t ‘]l]gi'l{.‘2l{i .'~'et'\-'et‘.
`.$'t?r.’ ctfsu Gnpilei‘. ('}t)pher—
`.‘ip;.tL'L'. Ctmtp.:tr‘e _=’\1‘chie= \-'t:1‘ttt1i(::t.
`illktibux \jtT=k'|)U]<.\'\ 1:. 5-3t)f'[\\':iI't_' that is (I-t‘.‘iig[]('_’(_l
`[(1 plat}-".1 ii:-31 ttfriotlnti file}; in :1 L1:<eI'—:ipeL't'i'ie(l tJt'L'IeI'
`jnkeI)n_~<e:< used to play \-"tnyi
`1'f;‘.(_'U1‘(_i:<. See mist; (_'.|')-I'<O:\-I jttkt:hn,\'.
`it‘. The Lul-
`Julian calendar \i:?)‘lE--.311 k:i|'an—t|:n-\
`intrtitlttced 17)-'_ILI]it1>; C:te.-am‘
`in -I'('t H.(Z.
`the lLIt‘t'.t1‘ Ce1|en(|.‘.11‘_ The _]LI]izlt‘t L'}l]{!I‘lLiE11‘
`|‘;m\'iLled fut‘ :! yeatl‘ 01‘ 5(3‘3 d;I].'S with '.-l ieup yeztr
`L‘\'e1*_v -J years. or an 1! \'et-ztge year length 0!" 565.
`t’aeeztLt.~:e the .~;<J!:It' is Hligilll)-'Si1()t'lL'I'. the
`_|Ll]i;1n {.I}1ll;‘l1(.i11l' g]'Ll(iLILlii)" mtwecl out of plltise \\'i1h
`the. .~'.e:t.~atm.~a and \\.-'L1.‘\'
`.‘§LI|’}L’r.‘-i{.'(i£-.‘<.| by the Gregm-i-_tt't
`in[!‘U(.i.Llt_'L'd hf." Pope C‘.t'e;;tm; XIII.
`hctre (_iregui‘i;tn eztlentizir.
`ii‘. 1. A dztte expt'e.~a.~seti
`Julian date \j<Tt't'lC1—ati d:'nt‘\
`:19 the number of Lluyre elapsed .~;'tm:e _]-.1rtLt:Ir§'
`"i""1_'% IS.(''.. {on the _htli;an caieticltti-l—f'c>t' exatrttple.
`3.-I5[3.{}00 I‘t)r
`(')L.‘tt;hL‘1' 9. 199": (C‘-t'eg01'i:in}. _]t1li:1t‘t
`0'-ltL‘.~a are useful fni‘ fiittiing elap.-sed times he1\\'et:n
`‘:‘\'en1H [hut 111113‘ be m:t1't}' _\‘eL1t':-: ;1p;1i'L.
`in :1.‘it1'0n-
`‘l‘he SL(ll‘Li1‘i_£_’, point
`is the hegitmiitsz of the
`Jttlizttt ]’et'ir)d_ Lielirtecl
`in 17385 ht‘ lln:-aL‘ph 3'ie;Ilig1e.t'
`zln the t‘t)i11{.‘‘.l1('t;‘ n1'.~'e\'er:t1 {'}'L'lt_'.'-3 In-.t.setl on the
`_ILIJi'.1n L‘;tlt_-n(1:tr_ A£'!'<)h‘\]‘J'i‘F."H) (_[—l)').
`5%0I'i:1n e;tlemi;u'. _lLt]i;tn L':t|et‘icl:1:'. 2. Often {hut
`;1 time t.‘.X])I'L‘E-L‘-3t_‘(.|
`:15 the year ztnd the
`ntlttthet-o1'dzt}'s el:t]:.~:et'I >'ir1ee1he i)t.'§_I,1'I'tI1iI13_‘,()i"li1t‘
`.\'ez1I'——f'01‘exzttttpie. 91.1}: for _I:l[!ll:1 §,-' 15. I991.
`jumper \ium'pm'\ ta. A mtztll }3iL|§_',i)]'\\'il'L‘.'li1;1[ cam
`l1t;r«:'mtneL‘ied |)et\\-‘een <iiffa._‘1‘L‘1‘tL ]')(!iI1lH in an elecv
`11't)t‘ti<_‘ circuit in m‘t1ei‘ tn) Lliter ;tt‘t :i.<pet‘I of L1 h;i|'d—
`\\".t1‘e c0nfif..=,Lt1':t[it:n. See the illtistrzttitm.
`DIP .H\\"i'|(.'l].
`hi [1 1 pet‘
`jumper. A group flfj1f!JlfJ£!'S is referred to as :1
`_,lmnpeI' block.
`jump instruction \jump'
`the How tn" exeeut'mn
`irtittt {me Htzitement
`i1‘t:-311‘I.1L‘{i011 to :1nt:theI'. See
`mko (}()'J‘(.) .H'l:i1t;.‘II'I&_’I'lI'. II"'.11’t.‘if(_‘.1'§i[:t[trmt:nE.
`.S‘r,=t-3 (_|i.\'})L1Et’._‘il lithle.
`jump table \jttmp' tft‘h!\ 1:.
`junction \jtJn1s ':+i1.‘n‘t\ 1:. 1. .-\I‘l‘\" point dL\\'|1i(.'itl\\-‘(J
`01' more L‘iL‘<_‘li'iL'Lli {.‘()lll|)(}I'tL‘I'tI.‘\' Lll‘L’ etmtttrelui. 2.
`The t‘t':nt;1et het\\'ec*1t twn types of .~aett1ie<.m(ittt.'—
`It)r3-i. aueh ‘(LS N4}-'pe and |’—ty'pe .‘§t_‘l‘['liI‘._'L)['|{.i1ll.‘[tJ]'.H'.
`See m’.~'r:
`;V—t§'pe .~ae111ie<mdt1e1tit'. P-13-'pe.
`dttettm 51'L.'t11tL't)T't(i1|.L_‘T.(J]'.
`t':';. 1. To align Vertically. 2. To
`justify \jtt:s'tn—ii‘\
`:il'tgn ]'tne.~'. of text t‘.\'{’1‘li_\' Ltltmg i)[)1]1 the left and
`right t11:tr3J,in.w't)1';i {'(JiLlI'I'lI] by in.~at:t'tit‘t§z extra space
`hf.i[\J\'t_’L‘I‘l the \\‘(1rd.-'
`in e:t('h line.
`if‘ the .~ep:tt'irtg iri
`it am he rethtce.Ll ht‘ ['L’\\-'1'ilil'lg at h_\-'
`ht'pJ1en:tti'ng \\'c>t'd~;
`'.1[ the ends of line.«;. Sec (tfsri
`align t-:1:-rt‘iititi<m H. (."t;ntpm'er:tg.
`1. 1)e.~aerih'tng :1
`i[}(_iLIh'[I'iI1i pI‘:i<itt(:-
`.‘1'_\':‘iL{‘I11 (ii-1'I‘t'\'L‘!11LJ["\" v;'ut‘t1t‘ni
`lion [‘{1:!IT.l_E_’,l_’II1(*1‘tI
`i)LL‘iL‘(.i cm the _]'.tp:1i‘te.~at.- Lectttbctrt
`.‘i_\ ‘tent.
`.~aj.-'.-'[em. wu1']<et'.~a
`receive m-.1tet'iaIs front .‘6UppitL_‘1'.‘~'
`in time" for
`to take pluee. Line
`\\'I1ri-\'<:1‘E-'- §zL‘1]e1';tH_\' :-tigtitti
`thztl Ihe_\'
`t'eq1.Ii1‘e m;tlert'—
`:11.» by means (If ;i L‘LEI'Li or El mt1iptItet'i7.ed l’(.‘[]1l(.’.‘§1
`(_l‘l—'l"}_ 2. De.~serihe.«;
`<_‘(Jt11p't1eI' Ihttt
`I‘._‘{}1']1|'}iiL.'.‘§ _l:1\'zI U11 the fly. See cte'.\'r)
`_];t\':t. on the fly.

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