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`3e°°"'~“ College Edition
`American Heritage
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1027
` v. Vivint

`I NTR()Dt
`t .ee Pet
`U sage at
`‘flh’2 Mat
`Henry F
`Si -Y I E M
`rOUR- i E
`Words that are believed to lie iegi’tered trademarks
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`Library of Congress Catalnging in t’uhlication Data
`Main enii v aider title:
`Amei can Heritage ttictiiinai y.
`Rev. ed. csf: American Heritiige dicticintiry of the
`English language. New college ed. c1976,
`English language—Dictionaries.
`I. Morris.
`William, 1913—
`ISBN 0-395.32943-4
`ISBN 0-395-32944.2 (thumb index)
`ISBN 11-395-33959.6 (deluxe editioni
`Manufactured in the tlnited States of America
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1027

`gemma generation
`fe codiac. Lit. < p1. of gi’ni;iu.v.
`lun. 2. The third sign of
`ttem’mae (jhin’e) An asexual icpro.
`gemma (jem’n) it., pl
`ductive structure, as n liverworts or he Ii ydt a consisiing of
`cell or group 01 cells capable of developing into a new
`ado dual, bud. NLat. < Lit., bud.]
`gem-mate (jctn’at’) adj.
`I laying or riproducitif, by f.eniinac.
`—mire. -mated, -mating, -mates. lo produce feiflmae or
`reproduce by means of gerntnae. 1< Cat. lenimnri’,ecni,nn(
`to bud < gi nt,nii. bud.] —gem’ma’ceous fjc.its,i’shas) nd/.
`—gemma’tlon Uc-m,i’shan) n.
`gemmlparous lje—rnip’ ni/j Reprndtirtttf; h buds or
`gemmae. ]N Cat. ,gernnupnricc
`I_it. gi’nt,,in, bud + L;it . pa
`to bring forth.] —gum’mlp’a’rous•Iy ni/e.
`gemmobo’gy Oe-inol’a-Jc) it Variant iii gemulogy.
`gemmula’tlon (jum ya l.i’shan) ii. Production of or ri-pi
`duction by gemmules.
`gem-mule tjern’yiibl) n. 1. A swill femma or similar struc
`ture, esp. a reproductive sit ucture in sonte sponges ihai re
`tttiins clormatti tltrouglt tlte u’i titer and Ititer develops in to a
`new rndis dual. 2. A hypothetical particle of heredity JOStLO
`] Fr. < I_at. i’i’mmula, di it.
`kited in the ilteory of pangeuesis
`of i;intmn, bud.] —gem’mu’Iif’er’oun t—yftwlil’ar-as) nUt
`gem-my (jhm’u) aUj 1. Full of or set with treins. 2. Like a
`gem glitiering.
`thc study cif
`gem’ol•o-gy or gemmot’Dgy (ik-mdt’a- t-) ii
`gems. —gemo’tog’t’cal Oern’a’loi’i-kal) iidi —gem’oI’o’glnt
`ge-mot also ge-mote (ga-inoi’) it A public meeting hr local
`tidicial assembly in Citgltind prior
`to the Norman k’on—
`quest. 01- ginnit
`ye .
`gemsbok (gcrnUhok’) ii
`‘tn antelope. 0, vs ,t:u.i’lln. iii arid
`regions of southern Afric,,,
`lt,,vi ng Ii n’.
`slttirp, strtiigh I
`a l)u. < U. Gimohncd
`Gci;i ii-, chamois -+
`Itorns, ]Afr
`Buck, buck ‘. 0)10 fiat.]
`it A precious cii sentipria ioiis siotie
`gemmtone Uem’ston )
`Utah may be used is ,i esvcl when cui ,tttd polished.
`ge-mutlIch (ga—ntiit’liusi) au Fltivmg a reel itig iif svartttili
`(i. < 1’i’,,tid. spirit.]
`or congeni Itlity. friendl -
`ge-müt—Ilch—kelt (ga.nrcsoi’litcii—kit’) it. C reird..iitti—
`cahility. 0. < genidilii-It. gernuthich.
`—gen or —gene .iuff 1. Pi oduccr n,idrai’e,, 2. One
`I r. —gene ‘_ Uk. genii, bciru
`produced: phosgi’n,
`gendarme (ehin’da rm’l
`1 - A member of a I- renelt
`tionid police orgiinization c cinsti citing a hr,ine)t of
`law enforce.
`artned forces with respotisihili ty for
`itten of
`] Fr. < gins Unrnie.,.
`went. 2. A policeman.
`gen-Uar’merle also gen’darniery (than dañna re) ii A
`hcidy of gend.irnies. ]Fr < ge,idarnii 1rnc),iriue
`gen-der (teudar) it. 1. Grim a. A set of two or more c,t icgo—
`ries, as ,ieiscul inc. feminine, and ten tee, into w)tich winds
`are divided according iii sex, ott. psyc)tiilo’:cttl as to—
`ciations, cir some oUter harictenstic, and thai deterntine
`igreeinent Wi lb ot
`the selection of modifiers, referents.
` forms b. One c ategciry of such a set c. flte
`,,rnmttti il fornt in such ti cite—
`assificatirtn of a u ord or
`gory d. The distinguishing form or fitrms used. 2. C lassift
`c,,iion of sex —Ire.
`-dered. during.
`01— r , U xci v Cat.
`] Mt 1;i’ndri’
`,tio I
`gene ljfn) ii. A functional
`liercditars unit
`that occupies
`fixed locattoit on a cm oitiosoitie, fills a specific i ifluence iii
`tiltenotype, and is capable cf
`to various al lelic
`for Pnni-cn
`forms. 0. Gin, short
`Gk pn,i,
`-gi’ni1i. born.]
`—gene .0)/I Vari,int of -gun.
`gene’aI-ogy jk’nk.ol’a-jv, -l’a-jt. j/n’e-) ii. 1I -gtes. 1. A
`record or tUnIc of the dcseetst of a (,itttily. group, or persiii I
`fri,tii an
`from an inc esior or ancestors. 2. Di reel dcsce,tt
`.incestor. lineage 3. The study cif ftutsi ly histories ] Mt ye
`ni’nlngh’ < OFr. C LLat. gevs’nlogin C Uk .
`laitti 15
`-/ugix, -logy.] —go’ne’a’log’t’cat (-ti-lcij’i’k.nh) CU), —qofln’a’
`log’i’catty ado —ge’ne’ai’o’glst ii.
`gen-er-a (jkn’ac’a) it. Plural of genus.
`gen’er’a’ble tjen’ ndj. Capable of heiu1; getter,,ted.
`Mb,’rcihii/ C Cat. gi’ni’rulu!i.i < geiti’ritri’,
`to produce
`genici-, birth
`gen-er-al ljeit’ar-al) oUt. 1. Relating to. concerited with, or
`applicable to tlte ivhole or every member of a dim or cite-
`gory. 2. Affecting or ehiar,tctenstic of die niajiirity of those
`cc gi’nernl
`involved; prevalent:
`th.ceonie,ii. 3. Being usually
`the misc;
`true or applicable tn most instances hut xiii
`4. a. Not limited in scope, area, or .ippl,cution. us a gi-iu’raf
`ru/i’. b. Not I itnited to one class of things
`gent-rn! ii,,diei
`5. Involving only the ntain fe.iturcc of someihing r,iiher
`than deituls or pariicuiars. 6. Highest or superior in rank.
`di,- general ntottnger —it. 1. a. An officer tn the Cl,S. Army.
`Air Force, or Marine Corps holding a rank above colotiel
`b. In l-ngland. Canada. and certitin other countries, a nih
`tank Just below field in,irshil.
`tary officer holding a
`2. Something, as a condition, principle, or f,ict,
`thai em
`braces or is applicable to die whole. 3. Arc/inn
`the public:
`‘lilac caviar,’
`to the ge,,eral” (Shakespeare) —idiom,
`general. Generally. [ME C Cat. gi-itentfis C geitto. kind.]
`—goner-al-non ii.
`general anesthetic it. An anesthettc th,it anesthetices the
`entire body and induces unconsciciusness.
`is-i iii hi, o,id
`to a
`general assembly u. I. A legisiatise body. csp. .i U.f..staie
`le,ishti tu ic 2. General Assembly.
`l’)ie pin ,teip.,l deli heriiiive
`body cif die United N,iinuis
`3. lIe upecme fovernini:
`body of sci,ne religicms deuoitti n,itions.
`General Court n 1. A Coloin al
`lel’isiiiis’e bcidy iv,i)i rndi’
`ciii plovers. 2. The si,iti
`leg slat ure of Mtiss,icltusei ts .ini)
`I iampshtre.
`general court—martial n. A clint t-itt,iriial consisti nm; of
`least five officei s fo, t y up i ntijor offenses.
`gen-er-al-cy fjeit’ar-al-se) ii.. p/.
`-clew the rank. appoint.
`cent, nit hority, or tenure of ti fenettil.
`general delivery ii 1. A cleptir inlett t of
`posi ciffice whit Ii
`holds rntiii for .iddressees tmtil it is e.,lled foi 2. Mtul sent
`to m’ delivers.
`i,,vols-ii,1; ntost
`general electIon ii. An c-let-ti,’,,
`,ir till c,i,i—
`stit,ienc,es of a suite ‘Sr naiion in
`lie choice cif etind,clates.
` (ieu’ar-a-his’a’titi’h u., ph -max. The corn
`mmdcc in chief of all thii’ a, flit-il forces iii cci t,,u, ci,tintries.
`I superl. of ,i;enernh’, a m;eneral
`-— Cat.
`i’c’,icrahi. m;
`t;eniec, kind.]
`generalist )jen’ai-- a hit h u.A pe ‘aim,
`,i,iic’iedt’e anti skills ii, sever,,l
`gen’er-aI’i-ty lJ/it’’i -ir ) n., ph. —tIe’s. 7. The comtdihioit or
`qti.,ltiy cif being general. 2. A ;;cne,.ili.-titioii )-ense 2) 3. A
`stitement i,r ide,,
`tb,,u is iuipruicc ui vague 4. TIme greairr
`pinion or uuiuihur:
`1. Au tilt or in
`gen-et’-ah’i’za-tion ))en ar-a-la-,’,i’sliaii) ii
`stt,nce nh geiter,ihi,.ing 2 A prieiphe. st;iteiiiettt ir ideti hay—
`iii); pt’ applic.itiitn.
`generalize fjen’ar-a lii’)
`1. a 1 o reduce to .i l’eucrtil Ui in, class, or hiss’. b. ‘I’,,
`i endei
`aic)chiiiite or uitspeeihic. 2. a.’Io infer Ironi itiiny p.irticu—
`hats. b. To dttisv infcri’nces lie a mend c,iticlusio,s from.
`3. a. To ittt,ke gene .illy tin ummiscesally apph,c,ihhe. B. ‘to
`popu Itirize,
`1. a. ‘ii,
`I itibuetively.
`i ctneept
`B. -fri foriti general uoiion.s or cone lusi,ins 2.
`I ci spe.ik or
`ihtaik iii
`i’e,iertihitics: spe,k s-.i1:uely. 3, Ati
`ihtni,ut;lt the body I.’sei) of t,,il)y localized dtsntise
`gen’er-al’lzed )ji:it’ar.a—)ietl’ I
`i/j. Not we) I
`spi-cific etlviri,itnicni or funciion - niiiliffei enti,itetl
`gen-er-al-ly (icn’ar’a-li-) nile. 1.
`I or the most il ri. widely
`.t:eneral(e kn,i,i’it. 2. As ti
`ru Ii’. ust,ilty. 3. in di regard of
`I nsi.ittccs tutU clettuls
`i:,’ni-ruh/eipc’n/ ni.
`general oflicer ii. A nih tars’ otficei
`r,imml, np ibm e c olinel.
`General of the Ale Force ii A :emier,l
`)i,,s’iiig ihie highest
`Ito fly, Al,
`rtink in
`t-,,rc’e ,otcl lit,si,t,
`in iustgni,i oh five
`General of the Army t.Agc nerd hi_i,
`tip iii,’ hi1’lie it rank
`it, the tl.S. At nit t,ud lt,is’iitg ,,,t
`,usigiiiti s,I fisc’’t,,i
`general paresis ii. A tire it oh ss pluS t,e unpin, eltar’
`ticieri,,,,) by inent,il cIt-i ‘north
`ii, speech, ilisIiit bt,i,ces, ,itid
`progressis-e inuscuhtir svet,k,tess
`general praclhtioner is. A p)iysieitiit ii,h,t, clots nit spec iliac
`ii,, ttmrtieti).r ire., hut tre,its I, vuiiety of ei,-da-,,l priiyleins
`gen’er-al-pur’pose (lCYi’’pas)
`I l,ivi,ttt
`t),,in i,nc’ use.
`general relativity it
`‘I he )-,eo,i,etrii- the,,t ut gels it,,iion
`I ii,steii,,
`developn’d by All,eri
`liii) , xteeding
`I twill P,,tai,nm;
`ihe speei.,l theory of relativi iy
`ii aei:clerti ic,l fr,iines of refer
`inirodueutg tl,e Pt iticiple hit h’ravH,iiai,it,l and
`ni’, hil foices tue eq,iiv,ilei,t.
`general semantics ,i
`fui,’iI ,,‘ith a nt,ig. fir p1 i-i-rb) A doe
`ieine pritpirsed by Al fret) K ortiyhsit i (I hi?’)
`t)ta i pres—
`cuts a i,tetl,u,d of
`itutneovi em; hru,t,,in hel,as’i,le ihteough, a
`itiore eli itc,d use of words arid syit,lio)s
`gen-er’al’shlp (len’ar—al—shttp I ii. 1.
`i’)me r.itik , office, iii len
`we of a gener,il 2. t.c.ideriltip or skill
`itt die ui,iiil,iet of
`is’ ir. 3. Skillful ettintipeliretti or hi’alersitip.
`general staff
`n A group of
`,vhio are
`tisitit al y
`iii fi cci
`if a ills sHut or
`chitirged wiihi as-.isliri): die c’,i,r,,mi,t,id,’r
`Ing)uur unit i,t pltiiaei,g site) suflctvi
`lint rtlttott’,.
`general store n A reiti,i store, c,yutilt v Ii cited in a small
`t)tai sells a wide e.iiiety iii nieicli,r,m,l,se hut in
`not subdis dud I ho cleptirttneats
`general term ii. A mmt,iihiernitietil esprisssiiti I
`I epresenis
`I )te .sticcessive teenis of .n sequence u,r sines by v ,inc eombi
`ration of vt,ri,ihles ,uid co,tstint,ts wInch
`n lieu successive
`rim tepees ire substi itited for otto of m hi’
`,,riahles, yields hack
`lie sequence cir series.
`gen-er-ate Oi’n’o-r.nt’) ir i’. -aPed, —at’hng, —aleS. 1, ‘to bring
`into exisience; produce 2, to e,tgeitdcr fofl’,pring): he1;ei.
`3. ‘to form (a );eotiru’inic figure) hiy describing a curve or
`sueftmce. 4. C untput,’r Sn. ‘to produce a pi og rim by Instruct
`ing a computer to follciw p,iveit pt,r.ltmteiers ivithi
`-, skehetoti
`pi (thrum. ] Lit. gc’ni’eimru-,,,;,-,,ernt.. ho produc’ -
`‘entcu, birth,]
`—gen’er’a’tlve fjEu’a-r.i’tiv, —ar-a-i iv) ndj
`gen-er-a’tlon (jen’a-r.i’sltams) n. 1. ‘ll,e ic i or process of pen
`ee,iitng, esp. originition, pi odueiion, c,r procre.liion. 2. Off
`spring brtiving ti common ptmrent or p.irents tilici eonstlttiiing
`sittgle sttige of descent. 3. A class ,rf objects derived from
`precedittg cht,ss- rhi’ ire-n’ gi’nernrio,r siJ’imuumiur,’ c’imnpuieri,
`4. a. A group of conientporaneous otdieiduttls. B. A group
`of individuals regtirded as civic); i, eonrme,ti, mire or less
`con iempor,ineous cultural or soc til
`rI bitte 5. ‘t)te aver
`,ige titmie inierval heiss ecu ihe l,irthm of paren is
`nd die birth
`f their offspring. 6. Cuu,pt,ti’r S
`lung peogrants. _gun’er-a’ltofl’t
`lIe dmfferenm
`generatIon gap i,.
`between one gener.itioit and time
`,dcilescents timid ihat of thtemr p,mr
`generatIve grammar mm. A systet
`t hr ss-ehi—fo, nicil sentenc
`sInce till
`lexicon, esp. such
`plied to
`‘enertiteul sctccessi
`iomponeni is
`siruction of phi ,,ses coni.uning a
`structimi e) tumid by rulrs for time pr
`i omponeni (surftmee sit uciure) b
`ut,tic,,h sirimcture nio another i
`qen’er-a-tor fjttn’a-ia’tar) ii. 1. 0-
`t tine mliii converts im,,ct,l em
`tipp.irat us lImit generics
`trw. 5. Cumpnter So. A toutine
`men’er-a-tnix Oen’a.ri’triks) t. p1
`-ar-a tti’secl. A geometric elernct
`nc figure, csp,,i str.i,pltt hut,,’
`I ,isltioim,
`movnmmg in ., sped fieil
`a- nerS k) ad) 1. Ifelut
`call, c group or ch-,ss peiti’riI.
`t t,,de,n,ir
`genus. 3. Net having it
`‘cmxii, Kmrid.] —u’n
`gen-er-os-l’iy (cii ‘a—rOs’i—teb
`Ii herahi is
`2 Nobility of ihcium;lmt or )ri’),,lvi
`lade or ,ihrittd,erce 4, A ‘eniero,
`gefl-eroUs UeIt’zr-as) nil,). 1. (‘hr
`torhe,irtmiicei n i hrrw’lmt or hel,,,s
`it os in; (in diii I ni; 3. Gb
`tirtiple 4. Rich- flts sired, as wint
`ic. of ncible birth
`ii, ui m,
`101 r
`hitth ] ——gene, -ous-ly t,,ie —ge
`ii.. ph
`gen’e’sls Uemr’i-sis)
`being c,f someih,mtg - orrp in, 2. C
`Lam. < c;k.]
`—genesIs us/f Origin: pioduct
`Cmi C C ik - breth, on/slit
`gene- sptic-ing fjcn’splt’sini’) it
`beanie flis levitt tIne rn ,ni,re di
`.ini) m.ide to funmchion ‘vi
`ta—ni-I’) n. Auy ,if
`germ-ut’ (a vii
`titus ma mtils of time menus Urn
`f,mn wIt), dark spois,
`grrietC’ C OFr C Ar. Jima,’! I
`germ-eta (ii it’ll i mm. Var limit of Ii’nt
`ge-ttet-lc lja-nei’ihth mIso ge-nut
`this otigin or
`2 a. 01 ,,t mm t.i,mr,mrg iti penn
`by gnu’s ]‘. ml yi 515.] —qe’nel’i
`genetic code ii Thin iuf,i, ini,,iio
`hide sei)tiencsof F N A and Dl’
`acid sccpii-tice Sm ilmc- vyti mltcsis ci
`heredity is bayed. —genetic cur
`genetic counseling it. Time cou
`cuts on thu jimol, ihil,hi,’s of nh,
`offs1,n nip inch out die di ignunsi 5
`- genetic cnun’ir’ion iC.
`genetic engineering ii
`lluc ni
`fletic rni,lteri:i I on t’cne controhi,
`antelicirate heredi ttnry defects.
`ge—net-l’cisi (; ;,—mtet’i si si) is. One
`ge’net’ics p net’ik s) in. 1. (nii’il
`opy cf Itereelily. csp this’ study
`t,ns) vaniahion of
`-,‘r/i). ‘thie pen
`2. (Hull im,fli it ph.
`s’idual. group, or el,uss
`Ge-ne-va bands IJa.II!-’vah “
`hanging, from the of some
`]Afti-r (un, in. hiss ,timtl.ind.]
`Geneva Convention mi. An a);
`an ri ternt,ticintil convention heft
`I 564. cit ahh,s)tl n); rules for dry it
`ens tied the sick lie wounded
`Geneva cross it, A red Greek
`white peuiuiil used is a symbol
`sigit oh necitrtility
`Geneva gown it A loose bltmcht
`iS wuhc’ sleeves ]After Gu’xm’s’u
`Gene-van f;n-ne’vari)
`trlso Ge
`1. Of or reh,itl t( 1(5 Ge’
`- uilj
`rel,,tr ii; to Gcttcv,n dun itg tlc him
`1. A n,iiive or in),librl html of Gei
`gen-lal’ )jc’n’yalI au/i’. 1. tl.iviuig.
`si tion or mrttinner, kindly 2. (.i
`‘‘Ike genial o,,mi!
`cone fort, mild :
`nh/i’ /iød,’ li-it/i ai ,,uir,nit/i ‘‘ (Jae
`cost Ic of or reltittng to genu
`isaplitil. ]Lat, gensiabi
`S pat / S pay / Sr care / S father / b bib / eh church / d deed / e pci / e he / f fife ‘g gag / h hat / 1mw which / f pit / h pie / in pier /
`judge / k luck / I lid, needle / m mum / n no, sudden / ng thing / U pot / U ion / U paw, for / oi noise! ou out / dt tc,ok / uTh boot /
`p pop! r ro,ir / s sauce / sh ship, d
`cIt i-,’acsn / it about, item,,, edible
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1027

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