`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Finjan, Inc.
`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 7,647,633
`Filing Date: June 22, 2005
`Issue Date: January 12, 2010
`Title: Malicious Mobile Code Runtime Monitoring System and Methods
`Inter Partes Review No. 2015-01974

`Table of Contents
`III. LEGAL STANDARDS .................................................................................. 4
`IV. BASIS FOR RELIEF REQUESTED ............................................................. 5
`The Petition offers a detailed explanation of how Shin discloses
`three specific “determining” methods and, in particular, looking
`for a “magic byte sequence.” ................................................................ 5
`The ’633 Patent specification expressly identifies Shin’s “magic
`byte sequence” method as an example of the claimed
`“determining” step. ............................................................................... 7
`CONCLUSION ............................................................................................. 10

`Table of Authorities
`Cutsforth, Inc. v. MotivePower, Inc.,
`Case No. 2015-1316, 2016 WL 279984 (Fed. Cir. Jan. 22, 2016) ............. 4, 5, 10
`In re Sang-Su Lee,
`277 F.3d 1338 (Fed. Cir. 2002) ........................................................................ 4, 5
`Stevens v. Tamai,
`366 F.3d 1325 (Fed. Cir. 2004) ........................................................................ 3, 4
`35 U.S.C. § 325(d) ................................................................................................. 1, 3
`Administrative Procedure Act, Pub. L. No. 404, § 8(b) (1946) ................................ 4
`Other Authorities
`37 C.F.R.
`§ 42.71(c) .............................................................................................................. 1
`§ 42.71(d) .............................................................................................................. 4


`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.71(c), Petitioner Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`(“Petitioner” or “PAN”) moves for rehearing of the Patent Trial & Appeal Board’s
`(“Board”) Decision (hereafter the “Decision”) denying institution of inter partes
`review of claims 1-4, 6-8, and 13 of U.S. Patent No. 7,647,633 (“the ’633 patent”).
`(Paper 7.) Rehearing of the Board’s denial of institution is warranted because the
`Decision was based on the clearly erroneous conclusion that the teachings of Insik
`Shin & John C. Mitchell, “Java Bytecode Modification and Applet Security,” (Ex.
`1009) are substantially the same as the teachings of U.S. Patent No. 5,983,348 to Ji
`(Ex. 2006). (Decision at 9-11.)
`Petitioner Palo Alto Networks respectfully moves for rehearing because the
`Board misapprehended Shin’s teachings, and its denial of institution under §
`325(d) resulted from clearly erroneous findings regarding the similarity of the
`teachings in the Shin and Ji prior art references.
`Grounds 1 and 3 of the Petition rely on Shin’s teaching of searching for a
`Java class header called a “magic byte code sequence” to satisfy the limitation in
`the ’633 patent claims that requires “determining . . . whether the downloadable
`information includes executable code”. (Petition at 4, 29-30, 48-50.) The ’633
`patent specification specifically identifies the very same method Shin teaches—
`searching a Java class header—as one embodiment that satisfies the “determining”


`limitation. (Petition at 29-30, 48 (“File-reader 502 can, for example, be configured
`to analyze a received potential-Downloadable for a file header, which is typically
`included in accordance with conventional data transfer protocols, such as a
`portable executable or standard “.exe” file format for Windows OS application
`programs, a Java class header for Java applets, and so on for other applications,
`distributed components, etc.”) (emphasis added); see also Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002,
`at ¶¶ 111, 114.)
`The Board overlooked Shin’s express disclosure of searching for a Java class
`header, and the ’633 patent’s disclosure that searching for a Java class header
`satisfies the “determining” limitation, when it erroneously concluded that Shin’s
`teachings are substantially the same as Ji’s teachings. The Board’s factual finding
`is incorrect. Shin’s teaching expressly matches the ’633 patent’s disclosure for the
`“determining” limitation. In contrast, the Board found in a related proceeding
`concerning Finjan’s ’822 patent that Ji’s method of scanning for <applet> tags to
`determine whether a downloadable includes executable code does not satisfy the
`“determining” limitation. (Ex. 2002 at 4-6.) A prior art teaching that expressly
`matches an embodiment of a claim element described in the specification of a
`challenged patent cannot, as a matter of law, be “substantially the same as” a
`teaching in another prior art reference that fails to disclose a key claim element.


`The Board’s sole basis for denying institution of claims 1-4, 6-8, and 13 of
`the ’633 patent under Grounds 1 and 3 was its determination that Shin’s teachings
`and Ji’s teachings are substantially the same with respect to the “determining”
`limitation. That fact finding is clearly erroneous, so the denial of institution as to
`those claims and grounds warrants rehearing and institution of inter partes review
`on those claims and grounds. Stevens v. Tamai, 366 F.3d 1325, 1329 (Fed. Cir.
`2004) (holding that clearly erroneous findings of fact or law warrant rehearing).
`The Board denied institution of ’633 patent claims 1-4, 6-8, and 13, 28, and
`34 under 35 U.S.C. § 325(d) in light of the FireEye ex parte reexamination after
`concluding that the Petition presents substantially the same prior art and arguments
`concerning two issues: (1) whether detecting an applet satisfies the “determining”
`limitation; and (2) whether a Java file consisting of the instrumented applet code
`satisfies the “sandboxed package” limitations.
`The second basis for denial—the “sandboxed package” limitation—is only
`found in ’633 patent claims 28 and 34, which were challenged in Grounds 2 and 4
`of the Petition. While Petitioner respectfully disagrees with the Board’s denial of
`institution on claims 28 and 34, it does not seek rehearing on those claims.
`Therefore, this motion for rehearing does not address the Board’s second finding


`regarding the “sandboxed package” limitation, which solely concerned claims that
`are not at issue in this motion for rehearing.
`Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board reconsider its denial of
`institution of claims 1-4, 6-8, and 13 under Grounds 1 and 3 because it
`misapprehended Shin’s disclosure regarding the “determining” limitation.
`A request for rehearing “must specifically identify all matters the party
`believes the Board misapprehended or overlooked, and the place where each
`matter was previously addressed in a motion, an opposition, or reply.” 37 C.F.R. §
`42.71(d). Clearly erroneous fact findings and erroneous conclusions of law are
`abuses of discretion that warrant reconsideration. Stevens v. Tamai, 366 F.3d 1325,
`1329 (Fed. Cir. 2004).
`“[T]he Board must articulate its reasoning for making its decision,” as well
`as “develop and explain the basis for its findings.” Cutsforth, Inc. v. MotivePower,
`Inc., Case No. 2015-1316, 2016 WL 279984, at *3 (Fed. Cir. Jan. 22, 2016)
`(reversing the Board’s Final Written Decision where it did not provide enough
`explanation to support its finding of obviousness); In re Sang-Su Lee, 277 F.3d
`1338, 1342-45 (Fed. Cir. 2002) (reversing denial of a patent application and
`remanding so that the Board could provide “reasoned decisionmaking”); see also
`Administrative Procedure Act, Pub. L. No. 404, § 8(b) (1946). “Broad, conclusory


`statements are not enough to satisfy the Board’s obligation to provide reasoned
`explanation for its decision.” Cutsforth, 2016 WL 279984, at *3 (citing In re Sang-
`Sue Lee, 277 F.3d at 1343-45).
`The Board erroneously concluded that Shin’s teachings regarding the
`“determining” limitation are substantially similar to the teachings in the Ji patent
`that was considered during reexamination. (Decision at 9-11.) In fact, Petitioner
`and its expert, Dr. Rubin, explained that Shin discloses precisely what was found
`to be missing in Ji—that is, determining whether or not downloadable information
`includes executable code by scanning for a magic byte sequence in the file header.
`(Petition at 29-30, 48; Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶¶ 109-14, 125, 127.)
`A. The Petition offers a detailed explanation of how Shin discloses
`three specific “determining” methods and, in particular, looking
`for a “magic byte sequence.”
`During the preliminary proceeding, the Board and Patent Owner addressed
`only one of Shin’s “determining” methods—looking for <applet> tags. As
`explained in the Petition, Shin also discloses searching a Java class header for a
`“magic byte sequence” to determine whether downloadable information includes
`executable code. The Petition establishes that Shin discloses not only looking for
`<applet> tags, but also looking for a “magic byte sequence that is required at the
`beginning of every [Java] class file”:


`“A few techniques are considered to try to block Java applets at the
`firewall. . . . Another idea is to detect Java class files at the firewall by
`a magic byte sequence that is required at the beginning of every class
`file or by their name which will end in .class.” (Ex. 1009 at 17-18.)
`(Petition at 29; see also Petition at 26.) Dr. Rubin explained that this magic byte
`sequence corresponds to a specific Java class sequence that appears at the
`beginning of every Java class file:
` “In downloading or receiving information, firewalls and proxy
`servers receive an incoming stream of data bytes. (Ex. 1075 at 6, col.
`1, “Firewall Design”; Ex. 1009 at 17-18.) The firewall disclosed in
`Shin scans this incoming data stream for a ‘magic byte sequence,’ a
`specific sequence of bytes that is known to appear in Java applets.
`(Ex. 1009 at 17-18.) Therefore, when Shin’s firewall scans for this
`known ‘magic byte sequence,’ it is scanning the downloadable-
`information to determine whether it includes a Java applet or
`executable code.”
`(Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶ 111.) Dr. Rubin further clarifies that the “magic byte
`sequence” disclosed in Shin corresponds to “a Java class header” that is known to
`appear in Java applets:
`“Shin discloses at least one of the same techniques for detecting
`executable code that are disclosed in the ’633 patent, namely looking
`for ‘a Java class header for Java applets,’ which is the ‘magic byte
`sequence’ discussed above. (Ex. 1075 at 12; Ex. 1001 at 14:60-65
`(‘File-reader 502 can, for example, be configured to analyze a


`received potential-Downloadable for a file header . . . such as . . . a
`Java class header for Java applets.’) (emphasis added).)”
`(Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶ 114 (bolded emphasis added); see also id. at ¶ 111.)
`Accordingly, the Petition and Dr. Rubin established that Shin discloses looking for
`a Java class header—the magic byte sequence—in Java applets. (Petition at 29-30,
`48; Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶¶ 111, 114, 125, 127.)
`The ’633 Patent specification expressly identifies Shin’s “magic
`byte sequence” method as an example of the claimed
`“determining” step.
`As explained in the Petition and by Dr. Rubin, the ’633 patent specification
`provides examples of “determining” methods used by the claimed system to
`determine whether downloadable information includes executable code. (Petition
`at 29-30; see also id. at 48; Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶ 114.) Petitioner and Dr.
`Rubin cite directly to the patent for their assertion that detecting a “magic byte
`sequence” known to be in Java applets—that is, a Java class header, (Rubin Decl.,
`Ex. 1002, at ¶ 114)—satisfies the “determining” limitation:
`“File type detector 502 receives and determines whether the potential-
`Downloadable (likely) is or includes an executable file type. File-
`reader 502 can, for example, be configured to analyze a received
`potential-Downloadable for a file header, which is typically included
`in accordance with conventional data transfer protocols, such as a
`portable executable or standard “.exe” file format for Windows OS
`application programs, a Java class header for Java applets, and so


`on for other applications, distributed components, etc. (Ex. 1001 at
`15:3-8; emphasis added.)”
`(Petition at 29-30; see also id. at 48; Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶ 114.) The Petition
`explained that Shin’s disclosure of looking for the “magic byte sequence” in the
`beginning of a Java class file corresponds to the ’633 patent’s express example:
`“Shin’s disclosure regarding how to detect Java class files exactly
`matches one of the examples provided in the ’633 patent for
`determining whether or not downloadable information includes
`executable code . . . .”
`(Petition at 29; see also Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶ 114.)
`Dr. Rubin, a doctor of computer science and engineering, with more than
`twenty years of experience in Internet and computer security, explained and cited
`supporting evidence that Shin discloses “at least one of the same techniques for
`detecting executable code that are disclosed in the ’633 patent, namely looking for
`‘a Java class header for Java applets,’ which is the ‘magic byte sequence’
`discussed above.” (Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶ 114; see also id. at ¶ 111, 125, 127.)
`Shin’s disclosure regarding specific “determining” methods, and the “magic byte
`sequence” method in particular, is the very reason Petitioner relied on Shin rather
`than any Poison Java-related reference for the “determining” limitation. Shin’s
`disclosure is the key difference that sets it apart from the Ji reference and makes it
`non-cumulative prior art.


`Patent Owner did not address Petitioner’s evidence concerning Shin’s
`teaching to search for the Java class header in its Preliminary Response. (Patent
`Owner Preliminary Response (“POPR”) at 17-18, 21-22, 30-32.) Patent Owner
`highlighted the key feature missing in Ji: “Ji receives and instruments applets
`without ever determining whether downloadable-information includes executable
`code.” (POPR at 18.) Ignoring Shin’s teaching of searching the Java class header,
`Patent Owner then argued that Shin was “substantially the same” as Ji, because it
`teaches “discriminating Java applets from non-applets.” (POPR at 21-22, 30-32.)
`Patent Owner’s characterization was misleading and incomplete. Shin does
`precisely what Ji failed to do, which is to disclose a specific method of
`“determining” that unambiguously satisfies the limitation even in the form it was
`construed by the Board in the ’822 patent FireEye reexamination. (Petition at 29-
`30, 48-50.) Patent Owner never addressed Shin’s disclosure of examining a Java
`class header for a magic byte sequence because that method of satisfying the
`“determining” step is expressly tied to the ’633 patent specification. (Petition at 29-
`30, 48; Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶¶ 111, 114.) Accordingly, Petitioner’s proof that
`Shin discloses the “determining” limitation by examining the Java class header for
`a magic byte sequence is uncontested.
`Despite the lack of Patent Owner’s response (or possibly because of), the
`Board overlooked or misapprehended Shin’s disclosure of a “determining” method


`that matches an express example of “determining” provided by the ’633 patent.
`The APA and Federal Circuit precedent require that the Board “develop and
`explain the basis for its findings.” Cutsforth, 2016 WL 279984, at *3. In
`concluding that Shin is substantially similar to Ji, the Board only considered one of
`Shin’s three methods of determining whether a downloadable contains executable
`code. (Decision at 9-11.) The Board only addressed Shin’s disclosure of detecting
`applets by looking for <applet> tags, which is the only “determining” method that
`was specifically contested by Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response. (Decision at
`10-11; POPR at 21-22, 30-32.) The Board then concluded that Shin’s teachings are
`substantially similar to Ji’s teachings, without addressing Shin’s uncontested
`“magic byte sequence” teaching, or the fact that searching a Java class header for a
`magic byte sequence is an embodiment of “determining” described in the ’633
`patent. (See Decision at 9-11.) The Board’s conclusion that Shin’s teachings are
`substantially the same as Ji’s teachings is contradicted by the ’633 patent itself.
`(Petition at 29-30, 48; Rubin Decl., Ex. 1002, at ¶¶ 111, 114, 125, 127.)
`Petitioner presented uncontested evidence that Shin’s disclosure of searching
`a Java class header for a magic byte sequence satisfies the “determining” limitation
`of the ’633 patent. This evidence is uncontested and uncontestable because it
`matches the disclosure of the ’633 patent.


`The Board abused its discretion by failing to credit or by misapprehending
`Shin’s disclosure of the “magic byte sequence” method of “determining . . .
`whether the downloadable information includes executable code”. The Board’s
`findings of fact on that limitation were the sole basis for its denial of institution of
`inter partes review of Grounds 1 and 3 on claims 1-4, 6-8, and 13 of U.S. Patent
`No. 7,647,633. Palo Alto Networks therefore respectfully requests that the Board
`reconsider its Decision and institute inter partes review on those claims and
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Orion Armon/
`Orion Armon
`Reg. No. 65,421
`Lead Counsel for Petitioner
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Dated: April 12, 2016
`ATTN: Patent Group
`1299 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 700
`Washington, DC 20004
`T: 720 566 4119
`F: 720 566 4099


`Pursuant to 37 CFR §§ 42.6(e)(4) and 42.105(b), the undersigned certifies
`that on April 12, 2016, a complete and entire copy of this Request for Rehearing
`Under 37 C.F.R. § 42.71(c) was provided via email to the Patent Owner by serving
`the correspondence email address of record as follows:
`James Hannah (
`Jeffrey H. Price (
`Michael Kim (
`/Orion Armon/
`Orion Armon
`Reg. No. 65,421
`DATED: APRIL 12, 2016
`ATTN: Orion Armon
`Patent Docketing
`1299 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
`Suite 700
`Washington, D.C. 20004
`T: 720 566 4119
`F: 720 566 4099

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