`Edltor 1n Chlef
`David B. Guralnik
`Editor in Chief Emeritus
`Petitioner Ciena Corp. et al.
`Exhibit 1015-1

`22!} .Z}az,2zk:fv E, Gsm;zim1;§t
`z‘ei:::sl6a2gr*z;ipfaimz3 12':.e}rsa£»:9z" :;:zm:i f}"éer32.::§
`Eécééfian V
`$995, ,3.994,:_1891¢ 1983 by 8i1’rzaI.;-3:, ‘S>z:i1z,2:=ater.,
`‘Wr.:rZ<}l I9ik:1ti(rrI£E7:Y®;
`r«a~visio1mef “’§’?»*%*:;€11:21fer’:;'Z*s’e9za::
`aditmn E3 21
`5Y~€ewnd'Cuiiggg fifiéfizinn, cg3g:a:é*§*§gh,I§i{‘-E’ 119538? 19524;, 1z:a.2;13s9, isms),
`Z378, i1E}‘?5, ‘W74, 39’I"2, 1;*9?%?:b;: Simon
`Schusten inc.
`T L W
`3%” rahraéwtinrs
`incimiing thefrigii
`A“ .in 'wh;:»3é :21‘ 131 part‘ if; 3313?“ farm
`M, i*1izi}}a2r1L{§¢2:3L(é1;z1i 'Ref,¢33‘z'ei1ce
`V Amiriian 82: Sztimsfmr §s«iacmil1a;v1.f3z>mpany
`V g
`N:mYgrk,VNY 3.90L19Ȥs77-3:3
`L A Webséei-"5 VNME wmam Ems;
`rzeggixutereci €::':»1de:1Ixark ‘M?ae:.mi'fla1:, Iéxc;
`3‘eg,i.:-zterzaci ivrademazsiz; sf Simnn 8: Schustger, inc.
`i7i::i21{:n;zr~y §§i:£itm?z'g:'z3, £7;ff7‘iegzs:‘
`Maw /ié‘Vah‘Id 1:3i:I:!J1£$I!£§.i‘ie?S
`850 Em:iidAvenz1e
`{.7ZeL~eZa21d,.— tfifzfio {M21-4
`iE§.BN O»G2~E§81€>?.%"§~?i
`Library of Cmgress Cataluging-inézubncatinn Iaata
`Wvrfixgl wiézage ,<?;ici;§.enary, 1’ Vicwria Nza12?e§d?:, esfiiiior in
`:“:h,ief, Da*vid E3. £§um.imk, eiiiiay 2:; (I}L§E5f%}1'}.E3'1“if£1§.
`ASSN 0:~(}2»£%£i1€S?3~1 »{_{h%3.311E~inc1sxedh}.
`--~ KSBN 0-§J2~8€’r.?;674-X i‘§€3€1i}h;€fT1‘{¥‘3ff3}
`3; English language »»— B:£ctie>n;1r}ies.
`ll“ ffrurakxik, David Be::'naird’, 39%}-—
`423». dc§Z1..
`L 'Z‘4I£suf23k“it, V§»::é.m**;a..
`§Jatabi:&e~s'«:3z*2rice and gzrincépaé typesetting-by Iemzp, 11219., I§:.‘:<:?_.*;:’,-:2}. {}h‘i{§a
`Mamziactursad in the 4Ui1}:’§;€‘:(i Stzmzs «ixf ,A.mer:m'a.
`Petitioner Ciena Corp. et al.
`Exhibit 1015-2

`, as E Easy,
`F-iiifi mu’
`ax, Ma ch :4 9p«ec:E";m£ Euzsd M
`3-zwvme 6:69" “'19 2312 mix.
`czmr 1:’
`f‘@tS1LE?9 of radared am:
`spawned rate
`-’<'éaWi\€‘.& (flab 1
`...i‘ i.
`xmarrmzze ::'e§-Efilawf an Lsfiemwr wseci
`ami Eur cerning gqoais. bags,
`-kmwice \‘:‘.‘?’1fri8!’}£;£§ an ems;
`:t;x22r'a;:4sa<=1‘a!x:, empic,sw.:r<~2,
`em.-V swim: man by 33:2 ;';e=r:Aera=. p:;%:.;
`, mg the xr~z\,:, sf um >.~._ne
`semce téfia 9 Eilsrtdbezii L.§'I4,‘
`vv:5"r»111 V1.-‘rméu the semar nmst am xi 2 7‘
`we knew pmmiel an me
`:15 wimsh 21 :L.=:rVesd Laii xxxwai mm W.
`ks» 4.h:« mun
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`:9“. pi, —rnesn‘
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`Svgsanrkxg &0zm:‘J.«:rzg fa rsstiie .\'en;:z m::rz,’:
`:4 smruéca man
`asap/ice mark a sxvmiwl. design‘ wan}, Mist. rxlugsm, ah:
`supplier 3: :3 --er» Ac, as>rt;m«>r.. Emxzadry, ate.
`:0 my
`$129 &€.~:L
`frz.-an that ::-2‘ 3 comgveeimr: umaily registered and pm-
`rsued by law 2:”. 1‘;;xn.»a:M.«.ay.
`wwim .!"!<3d%.s§I‘3 a mrupn, e 1 mi’ r:¢r*.;3in g_m;rsu:r2.i'* ‘hat wzazapns
`-«—'krinvLv,,: support sysaezxa
`2d 525 erwzz :s)céget— enggizx
`‘L £5 .v.+"par2xf,.
`émxn the L‘x'.V.\/:.
`~'D lamb
`A‘ before nw:t.:j.>
`ervice aimion 7 3 :2 22:29 prev:
`37, rnmmenmxuse su*n'z:t:,
`ssippfzesa. em 3
`r n:er:hnn’m<;£ nr »:‘lf¢Ct"‘L&‘,n[ equv.;mzw«* 12 3 mace pr’
`wdinz sash S‘:x‘V§€?8. and .wl!i,ng gawlnw. 23:}, 913.. in: x:uzt.(zr vchza.
`rcmwice stripe as amp-2, <1: any or Live ggxemiisi ziiagr mi
`23:1 :11: ieft.
`. e ofza ;nifnrm ht;
`i::-"£u..n~;- V/I:-£X:‘E =«
`,- rbva .
`service {(88 >18?
`pm »{ as!‘-s. sme
`{BE yfp «
`‘;'. >::z.rf2r;.i <' $42 Eaasc: ’1mr«, Mr
`rxsd. rfijdss’
`1 F1 Exxrfmean mrsurn
`1,531: 45:12
`>r1‘.vu.c £i0>71?:~'t!}':::x Iwuving M11911. Eéfiile f1‘.:£t 2 ga Flurupe,-an
`mmznmm ah. (ha? Mid service zrea {._“»'w!::.¢ sarmiyvafim,
`rm’r.;ar ha
`§'éarv\v¢'~@'£‘£e '.:mr‘":{> M’) R. 3%‘ I .’uEFr < .~erm: sin
`rm « um»,
`t.ubE{e nepzzin
`sseweie {53ur’*.':93
`.§ME < £..:a=rr:"-‘
`\:.v2.r!,;s,.»‘, ~‘.E.’«.v
`S mi‘ 9 saizwé L:
`a“re:=. 2 Ijke. mm.
`«'1? ml:-xv-33
`m’L;‘ 3 .駻:~"
`(I-I‘ ch;1rz2m,m;9<£ir :3!
`agiectlai E;-‘Mfr adv] avid W1 slaw: J, ram‘, {ta-2:
`§ar’véIe§y acre,
`:-as viiégxy gas: mg (1 :1-J-, pi. viaiesmr.
`—~ ser's;'§fe«ne:e:ss
`ilelping, at
`the act of nme sv'n<> zenes 2
`a:a:r.r~1ng {mr‘s'in’x r2,
`at nrxmxble tax in 1);; fear? in :5
`séngfss paw 3u'1,e;:f<><1d «--
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`,c:9rc:'(our OF:
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`z2r’v3 {far} :2.
`4w.u{.her; .
`L wry W, to .w:zz=.‘E§j a peraon \.=:h<) wit“
`amt, ax, zormeriy. :. Edie:
`aerxvifizde <Is::sr'v:a I»
`n. 3MB «: M!~‘r
`<2 1, smm: ‘
`wrvzzs. slam:
`e mndztiur. of 2a aiave ;en“, 0! the Lse:
`wbgnsctinn :4’; u ?J!z39§f£:n:
`.<§‘a-wry ur émn<i:4ge ’‘
`2:54 imposed as pun»
`i.<-hmen‘-.‘ for -crime 3 Law the burden gzoiaced amnzn the {:1-(2-p>2~rL_v sf :3
`saw: h}; 3 specified right rmoirmr has in £25 219:;
`¢.'£'VN —- :er:'\nI!:.:d?: retfvrra m «g §.'.uu3.
`‘ may or
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`§.<zi»u:- x':np.w2*J 3:2 5'».-v‘,i:«lm‘.e:uL fizz
`' slayer] i
`29.»; 5:
`-%!iU5.}‘li‘1' ;x: m vsim owns and u
`gist,»-15 <,l.n1t>:}~x ;,
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`'i'\t:(n- of R Lwr! Ewend to ‘me aw
`:9:-.<£: hm "M:W impiika any w1x«£It1:vIi
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`Madam. flberty
`aerivo «am-’»-0) n. 2‘! was after: fir: 1.seavm.rr;r':::2.xxse.: 2 ::aavo.w,\-
`7*.‘-.\’. -«$16/. of. pezrterinirxg tn, irxxt-zrgxsxalixxg, rzr mzxtwiied by $2 serm-
`mek’e r1iz.’2+m) n.
`+ D-H-_‘x"H4..“~J7‘:\'1\13
`an au€<7ma€:i.2' mmrul ‘
`stem in which 322 mmgxtlt 19 <:<msm,r.
`" .:armii.ten '
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`‘at 35:‘
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`serfvcrmmor {
`" ’
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`9 Fr rrmL:'::,r_ Mm‘~!)n § a d .
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`mnand device v.31 luw puwex, :25 m ii
`sasmme €363‘; me’) :1.
`jT_alt,er(-,d (mil. hv UH «/ earlier .s.v.»:a.:na <, I,
`zzmzzm wsavna «; Gr .~..‘mrn<,«rz, at. mé. ark,
`Akkstizlsun drzzraan
`, mmnn” mi of p?anL‘«2‘
`1 a {mam {33emm.nrn xrxdacum} v-‘huge flai
`9:. ds
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`0 ae‘.m.i.'5_ 1
`imam-mom ‘
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`. Lie. gnasérag; m-
`mhapéd H54? fix ae aun.
`'1 “exicfiorxs. .15 at a _§m:zz., ur my
`smsfii bfiues xiftveiisp
`e nos/e M :7. sum 2 bane or
`‘ff eertairz smm
`kwrp, Jzwéfi
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`e .~:e:M;—)
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`fha mt.
`rt) maze ta- is far
`- 1 c '3
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`,.,+l> .
`\d of
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`;3r~-1w~:«r‘»var_v or its Lmzr’.
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`us‘ ' Lu -3 um.-,r aimnem r mciirsak
`,ne.. (gen. ;)<*zfi3)‘ n mcvr j
`sma‘ of words 3 mum, at charurterzwd by E
`:2‘ 3:. sm
`§§E'}’_5‘3fE§?§;i§_!”';9AV7 35*
`—n.. a Kong «mr-=i
`ses‘a::ui«32e 63%
`wk, pp, u{s;ede,~c ti’.-1~‘}‘(‘j
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`5‘1»“i§Cfi£”%C|‘.i}':,~‘«/ ma. Embt
`3:} perxnr‘
`' zgzmr‘ '
`‘V I:
`gadicei 0;?
`atzachaefl _im:e~..y $9 the main
`an-~:n. as she flrnves‘ and leaves oz :1 tr mm pianz
`!';tea$z’“ ‘
`;"/IE 4
`«mm c
`:2; the
`Nfirxg ~:
`rxxeamzxg M’
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`eieiaén -*2. 8 we _
`<27‘ nmivvity of 3123/ kmd L: 5?:
`win €mssmn<_x:.1‘xc-;asiyr
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`5563-53mm ma
`’arw;. Rage: §fi:m‘:m§:::n) Z8E7’>}§98.i>‘ 11.5. Csnmpnaw
`mwterca he ‘tu2's‘= 1?, EL ‘
`rtertams {m.'mm:v.s',":, 50:,
`:5; terzaa/.9. iwn
`and a imif. .
`,:2nmr.> 2 ~s
`! in mine ac zwu anti za huh" assesfé as ‘$312
`{forum} win, wig,
`iafef -if 111333» at mpprcr, equai 1:: §
`smsktey-taum mus mmze am, -mam) 21.. pi
`ancia-nh Rurxm
`‘ 5:? mt my gyms-.§a msnetaryunxt
`:3!‘ sestc-, sixth
`same! Vrrrz
`U, ws":c;"‘;
`2 C2? the finai six E
`1 _‘,«:'!;.v..
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`‘»’ unmet 5» :2 paw n or M232
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`e} i:., p ~ as :1: wéne Mm} -_:_it
`»< w‘
`gzresng an eiaiwrzate vera‘
`xx zei.
`fisxe status md 21 1;-2'-‘air
`the 3:16 ~.v(;reL=. <3?’ fie %.,
`;s:m;z.=a ‘II? repeated. :5: ‘/arryirxg mmh;x:a~
`t.ic2>§ in the umer rm; .3/lax mg and
`. WI} in .<mx::lem, ’1‘}:::»a::«, um. my Heliespom. uppumte
`E‘; 9!. set set"-iimj} KME 52:5.’ 3 < {IE xxeimrs (:.:!<iz: Eu Ger .w::M
`nix i§\:«s.1"
`2.9 mt.”
`1 Ln W:-Race In 23 523631,; p+.;z-mun: c:-sxzsfs KG 351:; <23: 2 0} En
`cause Ea fmvik in sii an eggs in :m:2'e.r in h
`h 22191::
`ti’; pm *
`under 3 fawi or in ms inmbawr ta E?..s.tar‘n eham 3 :0 pm in a
`phgce qr pusizion, v-zzusa 5:: be. fie, s.(*.ax1é. mm in A g , 1: {sea the ‘rsm‘x
`she .ab£:—:.1 4 in put in 17m; praper aw fie
`nzzwi pigs: {$3 an: <3
`m 3 1 axis] 5 to put at max/e ’ par: «:5 H19 baflvi inizx or M‘: 3
`ea {in .5 ,1 {out an Earns} 5 In '
`nethang) into
`cuniact with szxxnethirzg eise ,
`311 mg a max}: 1.27
`‘ 7 It} i.’ cchrsing '
`k *0 gm, A»: affix a-max
`ignzztxxre. sea}. A
`4131-19 La) be in emzrva condi-
`8 7,:
`€i.r.= art’ revlmimz. spa-xii.‘ or) in var ate :3 be 0; bemme [so
`In Eumafi on
`mzzi 5) :0 amt 43:12 rmin p"
`f.*,:; w: 2; b ck (SH end} 9
`m'2ditu>:x; pm in zdcr: arrange;
`.3 in 5,! pm .
`. _n Ir; match
`3 M1,, map, 9
`ii) in 2 -,»<mu»,n to cats): me wind c; to put (2:
`In Ki) fix x
`«man 5
`gar: uh: de\':<'B) 5:“; pg '
`iorx an wurk [ta wt 3 firuxacic an » klfusf d} :0
`‘set an :2< ta; bee in 1 {haired §3¢; for use: rvgfxslamg‘
`'» av: Pi raziio
`ad, a elm‘
`. a ihemzs mat. em] a») $4: piaxe: {rmeaelfi 3;; readiness for
`;.-.<:ziam 1') i
`pm. an edge on {:5 knife, ragzcvr, e=u:"¥ 9) 1:: ;xo*1;':.'9t. 4: Ram?
`by ” gin‘,
`erflecting aimrmana t¢=,Lh in uppmtizrg ifiri.-(TlICIl'1b .":) tit
`52, 1-. gzitw Mud Ma naai, screw, em; it law a surface 1'} to ammgx» fn
`minis) with imives, vkyrka. plums. etc. for a meal
`3'? 1:: put {a L‘iisI4)—
`:..a*»sed dim ur 1‘:-sutured 'mne) m*...:, zmrmai p aimm H)? heaiireg,
`mending, etc. 10 try SGUSQ to be 1:) 42 5:11 Eed or 5:11;: pxxsxrmn; spcrif,
`:1; has put, at ;3:e5s mm a fxeei or ngid paséixon [110 set 0129352 jaw;
`5:; cause mzm'.»: mmd. purpose, etc) M he fixed, zmyie-Zsiing.
`mined, em :7? to cause tu hemxzie mm m‘ hard in cexzxsixtency g‘pe«r~
`min sea:
`:2!) Lu make (a color} 7125; m rivcmg er 9 mount.
`embed, 9)‘
`x {gems} in rinpgs. bracelets.
`. F 6:: - war, wancrugt. nr
`(JIEGTQ ‘Matches, eta) xvii}; cums 5 L0 5'
`x.TII".!'§’ in 3 fzarrxe
`f the glass: in the winds.-W} H) 2:‘; arm gs (harm in the d 'red szyh
`vvzéh Em‘
`ham-p§n:1. am and Eat
`L5 :4: mznspianc ‘:3 shngt,
`11 t-
`.1 Lake 2 pam'm.:£a: duet.-tzon; rpec‘a:‘,, air to cause us
`move :1-3
`; p .xpc§ who gurrenz mi
`1.32-wvnn wzmwardj
`ii} 2:;
`point, \3K"€\
`nr fa
`’ c» 533!
`'m«a‘s fa
`rd hmnei m
`M; ciirt-0: innefia xi
`, peg, Ewan, emf: with B?:z$}L!5£3tL€|1€i{)l!
`me: king)
`12’ if zapp(>in1., esiaaiytish, grrlaiaa. etc;
`specif., :2) in 5,’
`, or _
`:1 cm ur certas
`’c:s [tn wz
`5)) ‘*0 plaw in ‘.1 p:<n;xzmn pk di.£§hé'»’2X.jv‘ F
`E2.) um: .t=:}
`J3 {Q [3 M nppumt 5.; i.ime) far some"
`- 1 §"":1:.‘Iav gm we <ieaci}ine1! 9) tr: m a time £222‘
`41 z ewni} "
`bmzh is Regulation. law; remni aux} ur ptezwxxire M In:
`ctr.) g} xx; give or fumisfx el 1 e~x>x:zxg\£e paziern, 22:2,) _ 1: u
`m i!1Ll‘¢>dW<_‘€=
`.-‘tyie. etc} :1 o asiluf, m av.-sign :2: £35?‘
`i:>~.~mn, em} for myth Kl? rsmdy
`tn fax 33 mote‘ as of wurk) Eur u
`‘iwn psnceci M to begin m appl,
`to 2;
`(axis, my
`$3 ‘
`0!: fix; piace mésrzzallyz agm .
`'1) ix; fax {the axfliitilkt ax’ .
`Fm {$2 on;
`, fine. etc.) at :2 :s;.>¢2cEr“::><3‘ mI;.'mnt. E5
`mnsxéev U: value ‘'10 set at man
`ail tlmtome has won]
`{I} !.n fix
`1 mtzsixaita [m re: iittle suture by stxmmne]
`.54 Kim? -g m
`net! :ioL:gl1)
`'": 15 Hr
`' e in grave at :’nm.>"~: appo-
`sn (Making meér bid ‘£6 ffuniirrg in pcairw, toward ‘me yams}-
`d (via dug $7 .'v!2w..': Ls.» wrne: nr 52 (emrclza tr; razuxain
`0 an xv.-;re£,,>
`“W I’>r}m'zr2g' M to zxrrnzuge (type?) for prixxzing in
`mi H.-':,;;w,§-:»:e ;"pr§;st£2d 72 met) bv mmpuucr or phomvonr
`4 J us put (3 piece of writixigi lnm win: W Tfzmser .-2,! hr
`x’ m} in a of
`‘srals F)’ m :51 kg up «"-
`S‘: g0,
`‘{"P4‘»‘~"‘£!' wzzwls.
`:3 :5
`:19 in n .g mg)
`ihizi, rm»;
`fmnx wmrsh

`5:! fmm;
`See zmsido mm and back woven
`Petitioner Ciena Corp. et al.
`Exhibit 1015-3

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