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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0790

`JP 1998-105661 A5 2005.5.19
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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0791

`JP 1998-105661 A5 2oo5.5.19
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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0792

`JP 1998-105661 A5 2005.5.19
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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0793

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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0794

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`JP 1998-105661 A5 2005.5.‘l9
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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0796

`JP 1998-105661 A5 2005.5.19
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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0797

`JP 1998-105661 A5 2005.5.19
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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0798

`JP 1998-105661 A5 2005.5.‘|9
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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0799

`JP 1998-105661 A5 2005.5.'l9
`0Zfl¥Z)57§>67‘75§fi'19:3’L\ D¥tfi7b>&j‘@:ft?%1,7‘.:’r§fi5?&fli%E¢:i'~1‘L/\ =t<7‘/I~°2’;i‘i%1%é2" \1‘E§
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`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0800

`JP,10-105661,A [CLAIMS]
`JPO and INPIT are not responsible for any
`damages caused by the use of this translation.
`Page 1 of 5
`1.This document has been translated by computer. So the translation may not reflect the original
`2.* * * * shows the word which can not be translated.
`3.In the drawings, any words are not translated.
`[Claim 1] The step which detects the command from a predetermined user, and the 1st field which
`memorizes one or more users’ data, The step which processes said command using the storage section
`which is used by said one or more users memorized to said 1st field, and in which the 2nd field set as the
`free area which is not used as said 1st field is formed, The information processing approach
`characterized by having the step which outputs the result of said processing.
`[Claim 2] Said 2nd field is the information processing approach according to claim 1 which has one or
`more blocks and is characterized by memorizing the number corresponding to the block of the head of
`the field used by the user, and the number corresponding to the last block to said 1st field in said 2nd
`field as some said user's data.
`[Claim 3] The step which detects the command from a predetermined user, and the 1st field which
`memorizes one or more users’ data, The step which processes said command using the storage section
`which is used by said one or more users memorized to said 1st field, and in which the 2nd field set as the
`free area which is not used as said 1st field is formed, The transmission medium characterized by _
`transmitting a program equipped with the step which outputs the result of said processing.
`[Claim 4] A detection means to detect the input signal from the outside, and the 1st field which
`memorizes one or more users’ data, A storage means used by said one or more users memorized to said
`1st field by which the 2nd field set as the free area which is not used as said 1st field is formed, The
`information processor characterized by having a processing means to perform processing corresponding
`to said input signal using said storage means, and an output means to output the result of processing of
`said processing means outside.
`[Claim 5] Said 2nd field is an information processor according to claim 4 which has one or more blocks
`and is characterized by memorizing the number corresponding to the block of the head of the field used
`by the user, and the number corresponding to the last block to said 1st field in said 2nd field as some
`said user's data.
`[Claim 6] A detection means to detect the command from a predetermined user, and a processing means
`to process said command, An output means to output the result of processing of said processing means,
`and the 1st field which memorizes one or more users‘ data, In the information processing approach in an
`information processor equipped with a storage means used by said one or more users memorized to said
`1st field by which the 2nd field managed per physical block of predetermined magnitude is formed The
`step at which said processing means assigns a logical—block number to the data memorized by said
`physical block, The information processing approach characterized by equipping said storage means
`with the step which memorizes the new data which have a predetermined logical—block number to
`physical blocks other than the physical block the data which have the logical—block number are
`remembered to be.
`[Claim 7] Said 2nd field is the information processing approach according to claim 6 which has one or
`more physical blocks and is characterized by memorizing the number corresponding to the block of the
`head of the field used by the user, and the number corresponding to the last block to said 1st field in said
` web cgi ejie?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww4.ipdl.n... 2/28/2007
`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0801

`JP,10—105661,A [CLAIMS]
`Page 2 of 5
`2nd field as some said user's data.
`[Claim 8] The data memorized by said physical block have further the identification information which
`identifies the newness of data which has said same logical-block number. Said storage means The
`information processing approach according to claim 6 characterized by memorizing the new data which
`have a predetermined logical-block number with reference to the value of said identification information
`to physical blocks other than the physical block the newest data of the data which have said same
`logical-block number are remembered to be.
`[Claim 9] Said identification information is the information processing approach according to claim 8
`characterized by being the value of the counter at the time of the data storage which has the time of day
`or said logical-block number at the time of the data storage which has the value of the counter showing
`the number of updating of the data which have said logical-block number, and said logical-block
`[Claim 10] A detection means to detect the command from a predetermined user, and a processing
`means to process said command, An output means to output the result of processing of said processing
`means, and the 1st field which memorizes one or more users‘ data, Are used by said one or more users
`memorized to said 1st field. In the transmission medium which transmits the program used for an
`information processor equipped with a storage means by which the 2nd field managed per physical
`block of predetermined magnitude is formed The step at which said processing means assigns a logical-
`block number to the data memorized by said physical block, The transmission medium characterized by
`transmitting the program said whose storage means is equipped with the step which memorizes the new
`data which have a predetermined logical-block number to physical blocks other than the physical block
`the data which have the logical-block number are remembered to be.
`[Claim 11] A detection means to detect the command from a predetermined user, and a processing
`means to process said command, An output means to output the result of processing of said processing
`means, and the 1st field which memorizes one or more users‘ data, In an information processor equipped
`with a storage means used by said one or more users memorized to said 1st field by which the 2nd field
`managed per physical block of predetermined magnitude is formed Said processing means assigns a
`logical-block number to the data memorized by said physical block. Said storage means The information
`processor characterized by memorizing the new data which have a predetermined logical-block number
`to physical blocks other than the physical block the data which have the logical-block number are
`remembered to be.
`[Claim 12] Said 2nd field is an information processor according to claim 11 which has one or more
`physical blocks and is characterized by memorizing the number corresponding to the block of the head
`of the field used by the user, and the number corresponding to the last block to said 1st field in said 2nd
`field as some said user's data.
`[Claim 13] It is the information processor according to claim 11 which the data memorized by said
`physical block have further the identification information which identifies the newness of data which has
`said same logical-block number, and is characterized by for said storage means to memorize the new
`data which have a predetermined logical-block number with reference to the Value of said identification
`information to physical blocks other than the physical block the newest data of the data which have said
`same logical—block number are remembered to be.
`[Claim 14] Said identification information is an information processor according to claim 13
`characterized by being the Value of the counter at the time of the data storage which has the time of day
`or said logical-block number at the time of the data storage which has the Value of the counter showing
`the number of updating of the data which have said logical-block number, and said logical-block
`[Claim 15] A detection means to detect the command from a predetermined user, and a processing
`means to process said command, An output means to output the result of processing of said processing
`means, and the 1st field which memorizes one or more users‘ data, In the information processing
`approach in an information processor equipped with a storage means used by said one or more users
`memorized to said 1st field by which the 2nd field managed per block of predetermined magnitude is
`—bin/tran web cgi ejje?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww4.ipdl.n... 2/28/2007]
`EXHIBIT 1102 - PAGE 0802

`JP,10—105661,A [CLAIMS]
`Page 3 of 5
`formed The data of a predetermined block of said 2nd field The information processing approach
`characterized by having a recognition number, comparing the recognition number which said command
`with which said processing means was supplied by said user has with the recognition number which said
`data have, and having the step which processes said command corresponding to the comparison result.
`[Claim 16] Said 2nd field is the information processing approach according to claim 15 which has one
`or more blocks and is characterized by memorizing the number corresponding to the block of the head
`of the field used by the user, and the number corresponding to the last block to said 1st field in said 2nd
`field as some said user's data.
`[Claim 17] A detection means to detect the command from a predetermined user, and a processing
`means to process said command, An output means to output the result of processing of said processing
`means, and the 1st field which memorizes one or more users’ data, Are used by said one or more users
`memorized to said 1st field. In the transmission medium which transmits the program used for an
`information processor equipped with a storage means by which the 2nd field managed per block of
`predetermined magnitude is formed The data of a predetermined block of said 2nd field It is the
`transmission medium characterized by having a recognition number, and for said processing means
`comparing the recognition number which said command supplied by said user has with the recognition
`number which said data have, and transmitting a program equipped with the step which processes said
`command corresponding to the comparison result.
`[Claim 18] A detection means to detect the command from a predetermined user, and a processing
`means to process said command, An output means to output the result of processing of said processing
`means, and the 1st field which memorizes one or more users‘ data, In an information processor equipped
`with a storage means used by said one or more users memorized

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