United States Patent [191
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`May 6, 1997
`[75] Inventor: Shigenori Miyauchi. Tokyo. Japan
`[73] Assignee: Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki Kaisha.
`Tokyo. Japan
`[21] Appl. No.: 580,410
`[22] Filed:
`Dec. 28, 1995
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Jan. 31, 1995
`Japan .................................. .. 7-014030
`[51] Im. Cl.6 ................................................... .. CllC 13/00
`[52] us. (:1. .............. .. ass/185.33; 365/218; 365/230.03
`[58] Field ofSearch ............................. .. 365/185.33.218.
`365/2385. 230.03
`References Cited
`5,065,364 11/1991 Atwood ............................ .. 365/185.33
`522780 1/1993 European Pat. 05..
`527924 2/1993 Japan.
`Primary Examiner—Terrell W. Fears
`Attorney, Agent, or F irm-Leydig. Voit & Mayer
`A semiconductor disk device comprising a ?ash memory
`having a plurality of blocks. and a CPU for converting a
`logical sector address into a physical-logical block number
`and its offset value. for searching for a block and a data
`memory area in the ?ash memory based on the physical
`logical block number and oifset value. and for reading the
`content of the data memory area when no chain data is stored
`in an update data chain information memory area. The block
`comprises a physical-logical block memory area. a plurality
`of data memory areas for storing data. data status ?ag
`memory areas. one disposed corresponding to each of the
`data memory areas. for storing a data status ?ag that
`indicates Whether the data memory area stores data. and
`update data chain information memory areas. one disposed
`corresponding to each of the data memory areas. for storing
`chain information indicative of the destination of data.
`The address conversion table for memory management is
`dispensed with and. accordingly. the data areas are
`9 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets
`I 4
`5 ____
`I 6
`/ 7
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0001

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 1 0f16
`QM m
`<m \ w \ w \ m
`12: 26% |
`65200 3%
`Eosmz m
`1 m
`E C
`>92 55 m
`£98m m FDQHDO C
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0002

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 2 of 16
`5/ 9A
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0003

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 3 of 16
`FIG. 3
`/"‘\__ J 22
`21 *-
`/”\._/ 22
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0004

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 4 0f 16
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0005

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 5 of 16
`_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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`_ u n
`_ m Div :6
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0006

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 6 0f 16
`@ FIG. 6
`N 37
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0007

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 7 0f 16
`@ FIG. 7
`igggggs A240
`AREA ExIsTs ?
`FROM 000 TO 001
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0008

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 8 0f 16
`mm M
`mm \ w \ v \ m
`1211 50% |
`405200 3%
`E052 m
`mohmw ..
`Ed; 65 zQwE>zoo m
`Eia T
`5&8 m5: w
`wwmmcnz m
`C m
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0009

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 9 of 16
`FIG. 9
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0010

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 10 of 16
`m W
`w \ w \ v x m
`E< mQma
`19$ 50% |
`SE28 I 3%
`n \ m \ m
`Eosmz m
`\ m
`Biz 6% $295 509 m
`wwwmg .u. Q58 zgmmwzso T mosmm
`5&8 50mm .595 m
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0011

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 11 0f 16
`FIG. 11
`3 h
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0012

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 12 0f 16
`FIG. 12
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0013

`U.S. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 13 of 16
`FIG. I3
`1 1“?
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0014

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 14 0f 16
`wmco 9:82
`cigrcum --,Q'
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0015

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 15 0f 16
`FIG. 15
`1 A 1 4 D 4
`8 B 2 6
`7 C 310
`4 5
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0016

`US. Patent
`May 6, 1997
`Sheet 16 6f 16
`FIG. 16
`1 A 14 D 4
`5 B 2
`3 B 2 6
`7 c 310
`LSA 28A
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0017

`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a semiconductor disk
`device such as a semiconductor disk card that uses a ?ash
`memory as its storage medium.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`In the personal computer ?eld. today. magnetic storage
`media such as hard disks are in widespread use to store
`relatively large amounts of data. Although the power con
`sumption of hard disk drives are large. they o?'er excellent
`cost performance.
`Semiconductor disk drive apparatuses have been intro
`duced which drive a semiconductor memory such as a ?ash
`memory in a manner similar to the manner in which the hard
`disk drive apparatus drives a hard disk. Unlike the hard disk
`drive. the semiconductor disk drive contains no mechanical
`parts such as a motor. Although the semiconductor disk
`device is outperformed by the magnetic storage medium
`system in cost performance. the semiconductor disk device
`presents advantages in power consumption and reliability
`over the magnetic storage system. Thus. the demand for the
`semiconductor disk device is growing. in particular. in the
`portable information terminal ?eld
`The ?ash memory has the following features. First. the
`?ash memory is a non-volatile memory electronically pro
`grammable and erasable. Second. the ?ash memory accepts
`no data overwriting on a memory cell that is already
`programmed with data (thus. a programming operation is
`always associated with an erasing operation). Third. the unit
`of erasing ranges from a few bytes to tens of K bytes. Fourth.
`there is a limitation on program/erase cycles.
`Referring to FIGS. 10 through 13. a prior art semicon
`ductor disk device is discussed. FIGS. 10 through 13 show
`a known semiconductor disk device disclosed in Japanese
`Patent Laid-Open 5-27924. FIG. 10 is a block diagram
`showing generally the prior art semiconductor disk device.
`FIG. 11 shows the internal construction of an address
`conversion table of the device of FIG. 10. FIG. 12 shows the
`internal construction of the ?ash memory of the device of
`FIG. 10. FIG. 13 shows the internal construction of the block
`of the ?ash memory of FIG. 12.
`As shown in FIG. 10. the prior art semiconductor disk
`device 2 comprises an interface circuit 3. CPU 4. an address
`conversion table 5. a ?ash control circuit 6. a data input!
`output sector buffer 7. and a ?ash memory 8. CPU 4 is
`construded of MCU. ROM. RAM. I/O port and the like.
`The host system 1 that is connected to the semiconductor
`disk device 2 is typically a notebook computer or a portable
`information terminal. Most of the semiconductor disk
`devices 2 are currently of a removable-card type. The
`interface circuit 3 performs information exchange with the
`host system 1. CPU 4 controls data input and output and
`issues instructions to the ?ash memory 8.
`The logical sector/physical sector address conversion
`table 5 is a table that converts a logical sedor address (LSA)
`into a physical sector address (PSA). LSAis a sector address
`the host system 1 speci?es to the semiconductor disk device
`2. PSA is an address in the ?ash memory 8 used in the
`semiconductor disk device 2.
`The ?ash control circuit 6 performs simple data process
`ing for the ?ash memory 8. For example. simple data
`exchange is accomplished by the ?ash control circuit 6. and
`the rest of the processing is accomplished by CPU 4. The
`data input/output sector buffer 7 is used to output data from
`the ?ash memory 8 through the interface circuit 3 or input
`data through the interface circuit 3 into the ?ash memory 8.
`In FIG. 11. the address conversion table 5 is constructed
`of an LSA storage section and a PSA storage section.
`The LSA storage section stores the logical sector
`addresses. Their contents are ?xed. The PSA storage section
`stores arbitrary sector numbers (1 through n in FIG. 11) for
`the ?ash memory 8. The use of the address conversion table
`5 allows data to be written on the physical sector addresses
`in a way convenient for internal data management. without
`the need for paying attention to the logical address speci?ed
`by the host system 1. The address conversion table 5 is
`typically constructed of an SRAM. because it is frequently
`programmed and erased.
`The capacity of the address conversion table 5 is deter
`mined as follows. Assuming that a ?ash memory 8 of 20
`megabytes is used and that the unit of data for input and
`output (sector) is 512 bytes. the number of sectors in the
`semiconductor disk device 2 is calculated as follows:
`Number of sectors in the semiconductor disk device 2:20 mega
`bytes I512 bytes=40960 sectors
`The number of bits required to express 40960 in binary is
`as follows:
`ln 40960011 2:153
`To express 40960. 16 bits are required.
`The necessary capacity of the address conversion table 5
`is 40960x16=655360 bits. In conclusion. the necessary
`capacity is 80 kilobytes.
`In FIG. 12. the ?ash memory 8 is constructed of a
`plurality of blocks 9 and a plurality of backup blocks 9.
`The ?ash memory 8 is a non-volatile memory electroni
`cally programmable and erasable. Because of its non
`volatility. the ?ash memory 8 requires no backup battery.
`unlike DRAM and SRAM. Since the ?ash memory 8 has an
`electronically erasable capability. data modi?cation is per
`formed without detaching the ?ash memory 8 ?'om its board.
`unlike EPROM. Since a single cell stores one bit data. the
`manufacturing cost required is lower than that for an
`EEPROM. These are advantages of the ?ash memory 8. Its
`disadvantages: the maximum erase cycles permitted is
`somewhere between 100000 and 1000000 times; each write
`operation must be associated with an erase operation (data
`overwriting onto a cell that has already stored data is not
`permitted); and erasing operation is performed by block and
`the block, namely. the unit of erasing ranges from a few
`kilobytes to tens of kilobytes.
`As shown in FIG. 13. each block 9 has a block informa
`tion memory area 10 on its header. a plurality of data
`memory areas 11 and a plurality of LSA memory areas 12.
`The erase information memory area 10 stores the current
`block erase count. Each of the data memory areas 11 is
`typically 512 bytes (=one sector) large. Bach sector is
`associated with an LSA memory area 12. When writing data.
`the LSA memory area 12 stores the LSA speci?ed by the
`host system 1. If the logical sector/physical sector address
`conversion table 5 is made of an SRAM. data will be lost
`when power is cut off. When power is back on. the SRAM
`table 5 is reconstructed by searching all sectors in the LSA
`memory areas 12.
`Referring to FIGS. 14. 15 and 16. the operation of the
`prior art semiconductor disk device is discussed FIG. 14 is
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0018

`an explanatory diagram showing the read operation by the
`prior art semiconductor disk device. FIGS. 15 and 16 are
`explanatory diagrams showing the write operation by the
`prior art semiconductor disk device.
`Unlike the hard disk system. the semiconductor disk
`device 2 employing the ?ash memory 8 is unable to over
`write data. Thus. the SRAM stores the address conversion
`table 5 that indicates the logical sector address of the data
`sent from the host system 1 and which physical sector
`address in the ?ash memory 8 is used for storage of the data.
`The use of the table 5 permits an e?icient use of the memory
`areas of the ?ash memory 8.
`Referring to FIG. 14. the data read operation of the
`semiconductor disk device 2 is discussed. The host system
`1 sends to the semiconductor disk device 2 the sector address
`of the data to be read. The address data sent from the host
`system 1 is arranged in two kinds of format: LSA and CHS.
`The LSA format speci?es each sector by a serial number
`from 1 through 11. The CHS format speci?es each data area
`by a combination of three data. namely. of a cylinder. a head
`and a sector used in the hard disk system. The semiconductor
`disk device 2 employs the LSA/PSA address conversion
`table 5. When the host system 1 sends the CHS formatted
`data. the interface circuit 3 converts it into LSA formatted
`data before next processing step.
`CPU 4 address converts the LSA speci?ed by the host
`system 1 into the PSA. referring to the address conversion
`table 5. Finally. the data corresponding to the PSA is read
`from the ?ash memory 8.
`When the LSA speci?ed by the host system 1 is 2. for
`example. the address conversion table 5 converts it into a
`PSA of 6. Accordingly. the data. A. is read. The LSA
`memory area 12 of the PSA. 6. stores 2 as its LSA.
`The write operation of the semiconductor disk device 2 is
`discussed referring to FIGS. 15 and 16. Suppose that data.
`A. B. and C are stored. respectively. in PSAs 1. 3. and 7 in
`the initial condition of the device. It should be noted that the
`?ash memory 8 permits no data overwriting in its write
`operation. In the above initial condition. PSAs 1. 3 and 7 are
`prohibited from overwriting.
`When the host system 1 speci?es an LSA with no data
`written. CPU 4 writes data on any appropriate empty area
`(PSAs 2. 4 through 6. and 8 through 12). and updates the
`data in the address conversion table 5. FIG. 15 shows that
`the host system 1 instructs the writing of data D onto the
`LSA 4. Data D and the LSA speci?ed by the host system I
`are written on the PSA 4. and the PSA. 4. is written on the
`address corresponding to the LSA 4 in the address conver
`sion table 5.
`When the host system 1 instructs the writing onto the area
`having data (for example. writing is attempted under the
`same ?le name already existing). the data to be written is
`written onto an empty area in the ?ash memory 8. and the
`address conversion table 5 is updated. FIG. 16 shows the
`result of the writing of LSA 2. Update data B‘ is written onto
`the empty PSA 5. and the PSA area corresponding to the
`LSA 2 in the address conversion table 5 is changed to 5. The
`CPU 4 in the card should know that the PSA 3 is the data
`already used.
`In the above described semiconductor disk device. the
`address conversion table 5 needs the memory area for
`storing a single PSA on the basis of a sector (the unit of data
`for data management). As the capacity of the ?ash memory
`8 increases. the capacity of the address conversion table 5
`must be increased accordingly.
`The present invention has been developed with a view to
`the above-described problem. It is an object of the present
`invention to provide a semiconductor disk device that
`requires no address conversion table for memory manage
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`semiconductor disk device having a reduced-capacity
`address conversion table.
`The semiconductor disk device according to the present
`invention comprises a non-volatile. electronically program
`mable and erasable ?ash memory that is erased by the unit
`of block. interface means for exchanging data and address
`with an external system. ?ash control buffer means for
`performing data exchange between the ?ash memory and the
`interface means. and access means for converting the logical
`sector address coming in from the external system into a
`logical block number and for accessing the ?ash memory
`according to the logical block number.
`In the semiconductor disk device according to the present
`invention. said ?ash memory comprises a plurality of
`blocks. each block comprising a physical-logical block
`number memory area for storing a physical-logical block
`number and a plurality of data memory areas for storing
`data. and said access means converts the logical sector
`address coming in from the external system into the
`physical-logical block number and its o?‘set value and
`searches the block having the same physical-logical block
`number to access target data.
`The address conversion table for memory management is
`thus dispensed with. and the data area is accordingly
`The semiconductor disk device according to the present
`invention further comprises an address conversion table for
`converting a logical block number into a physical block
`number. whereby said ?ash memory comprises a plurality of
`blocks. each block comprising a physical-logical block
`number memory area for storing a physical-logical block
`number and a plurality of data memory areas for storing
`data. and said access means converts the logical sector
`address coming in from the external system into the
`physical-logical block number and its offset value. converts
`said converted physical-logical block number into a physical
`block number referring to the address conversion table. and
`accesses target data based on the physical block number and
`the offset value.
`The address conversion table for memory management is
`thus reduced in size. and the data area is accordingly
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing generally the con
`struction of embodiment 1 of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 shows the internal construction of the ?ash
`memory of embodiment 1 of the present invention.
`FIG. 3 shows the construction of the block in the ?ash
`memory according embodiment 1 of the present invention.
`FIG. 4 shows the block information memory area in the
`erase block according to embodiment 1 of the present
`FIG. 5 is an explanatory diagram showing the data read
`operation according to embodiment 1 of the present
`FIG. 6 is a ?ow diagram showing the data read operation
`according to embodiment 1 of the present invention.
`FIG. 7 is a ?ow diagram showing the data write operation
`according to embodiment 1 of the present invention.
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram showing generally the con
`struction of embodiment 2 of the present invention.
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0019

`FIG. 9 shows the construction of the address conversion
`table according to embodiment 2 of the present invention.
`FIG. 10 is the block diagram showing the prior art
`semiconductor disk device.
`FIG. 11 shows the construction of the address conversion
`table of the prior art semiconductor disk device.
`FIG. 12 shows the construction of the ?ash memory of the
`prior art semiconductor disk device.
`FIG. 13 shows the block in the ?ash memory of the prior
`art semiconductor disk device.
`FIG. 14 shows the data read operation of the prior art
`semiconductor disk device.
`FIG. 15 shows the data write operation of the prior art
`semiconductor disk device.
`FIG. 16 shows the data write operation of the prior art
`semiconductor disk device.
`Embodiment 1
`content is already copied to other memory area for update
`there and ready for erasing).
`Each state is expressed by a combination of bits. For
`example. 000 for an empty memory area. 001 for an occu
`pied memory area (without chain data). 011 for an occupied
`memory area (with chain data). and 111 for used memory
`area. Since the ?ash memory 8A is incapable of overwriting.
`such bit combination is used (bits 010 cannot be used).
`The chain data is used when the host system 1 issues an
`overwrite instruction on the same memory area. Since the
`?ash memory SA has no overwrite capability. data is written
`in another memory area that is empty when data overwriting
`is instructed. In this case. the update data chain information
`memory area 23 stores as the chain data the destination
`memory area of the data so that the destination memory area
`is searched for through the data area prior to transfer.
`In FIG. 4. the block information memory area 20 is
`constructed of an erase count memory area 24. a physical
`logical block number memory area 25. and a memory area
`26 for storing other information.
`The erase count memory area 24 stores the count of erase
`operations that have been performed up until now. Since the
`?ash memory SA has the maximum erase cycles of 100000
`to 1000000 times. the erase count memory area 24 having a
`memory capacity of 3 bytes or so is su?icient enough. The
`physical-logical block number memory area 25 stores a
`physical-logical block number. Unlike the physical block
`number (PEN). the physical-logical block number (PLBN)
`tags each block and each physical-logical block number will
`never be duplicated. Thus. one-to-one correspondence is
`assured between a physical block number and a physical
`logical block number to be used for memory management.
`To manufacture a semiconductor disk card of 20 MB. for
`example. each physical-logical block number needs 2 bytes
`because the number of blocks is 320 or so.
`The address calculation method in the embodiment l is
`now discussed. The address the host system 1 issues is in
`either the CH8 format or LSA format. When an address is
`sent in the CH5 format. the interface circuit 3 converts it into
`an LSA format address. Next. it is associated with a PSA.
`Specifically. a determination is made of which data memory
`area in which block is handled.
`In a storage medium having data overwriting capability
`and with the erase count being of no interest. no problem
`arises at all even if memory management is performed in
`one-to-one correspondence (for example. when an LSA is 1.
`the corresponding PSA is also 1). The LSA is divided by the
`number of data areas within a management block (namely.
`an erase block). The address calculation is performed based
`on the resulting quotient as a physical block number and the
`remainder as an offset value within the physical block. The
`PSAs of read/write data are thus easily determined.
`The ?rst embodiment uses the method of equalizing the
`erase count in each block without using the logical/physical
`address conversion table. To this end. each block 9A has its
`own physical-logical block number (PLBN). The LSA sent
`from the host system 1 is divided by the number of the data
`block in the management block (namely. the erase block).
`The resulting quotient is used as a PLBN and the remainder
`as the o?’set value in the PLBN. In this way. the erase count
`in each block 9A is equalized by rewriting the physical
`logical block number memory area 25 in the block 9A
`without using the address conversion table.
`The operation of the ?rst embodiment is discussed refer
`ring to FIGS. 5 through 7. FIG. 5 shows the read operation
`of the ?rst embodiment. FIG. 6 is the ?ow diagram showing
`The ?rst embodiment of the present invention is now
`discussed referring to FIGS. 1 through 4. FIG. 1 is a block
`diagram showing generally the construction of the ?rst
`embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 2 shows the
`internal construction of the ?ash memory in the device of
`FIG. 1. FIG. 3 shows the internal construction of the block
`in the ?ash memory of FIG. 2. FIG. 4 shows the internal
`construction of the block information memory area of the
`erase block of FIG. 3. Identical or similar parts are desig
`nated by the same reference numerals throughout the ?g
`In FIG. 1. the semiconductor disk device 2A of the ?rst
`embodiment comprises an interface circuit 3. CPU 4. a ?ash
`control circuit 6. a data input/output sector buffer 7. and a
`?ash memory 8A. CPU 4. constituting the access means.
`comprises MCU. ROM. RAM and an I/O port. The ?ash
`control circuit 6 and the data input/output sector buffer 7
`constitute ?ash control buffer means.
`One of the di?erences between the semiconductor disk
`devices 2 and 2A is that the semiconductor disk device 2A
`has no logical sector/physical sector address conversion
`table. Accordingly. the capacity of the ?ash memory 8A is
`In FIG. 2. the ?ash memory 8A is constructed of a
`plurality of blocks 9A and a plurality of baclmp blocks 9A.
`The ?ash memory 8A as the main memory is of a block
`erase type ?ash memory (the unit of erase block is 64
`kilobytes). The construction of the internal blocks in the
`?ash memory remains unchanged from the prior art.
`In FIG. 3. each block 9A comprises a block information
`memory area 20 at its header portion. a plurality of data
`memory areas 21. data state ?ags 22. one for each data
`memory area 21. and update data chain information (chain
`data) memory areas 23. Each update data chain information
`memory area 23 stores the logical block number of a
`destination to which data is transferred for update. and its
`o?set value (sector address in the block). Each of the data
`memory areas 21 is typically 512 bytes large (=one sector).
`Each data state ?ag 22 stores the data indicative of the
`state of the respective data memory area 21. Four states of
`the data memory area 21 are contemplated: empty memory
`area. occupied memory area (with chain data). occupied
`memory area (without chain data). used memory area (its
`EXHIBIT 1007 - PAGE 0020

`the read operation of the first embodiment. FIG. 7 is the flow
`diagram showing the write operation of the first embodi-
`The data reading from the semiconductor disk device 2A
`is first discussed referring to FIGS. 5 and 6. As shown in
`FIG. 5. for convenience of explanation. the blocks 9A in the
`flash memory 8A are numbered with physical-logical block
`numbers (0 through 5) at the header portions; each of the
`blocks 9A has 3 data memory areas 21; and physical-logical
`blocks 4 and 5 are baclmps for data saving. If viewed from
`the host system 1. therefore. the capacity of the semicon-
`ductor disk device 2A is 512 bytesx3><4=6 kilobytes. LSAs
`sent from the host system 1 is 0 through 11.
`The semiconductor disk device 1 receives the sector
`information of the data to he read (step 30). This information
`is in either the LSA format or the CH5 format To standard-
`ize the formats to the LSA fomrat. the sector information
`sent in the CH3 format is converted into LSA format data
`(steps 31-32). This conversion may be performed by CPU 4
`in the semiconductor disk device 2A or by a dedicated circuit
`disposed in the semiconductor disk device 2A. The LSA
`format data is then converted into PLBN data (step 33). The
`calculation method for this conversion is as already
`described. This conversion may be also performed by CPU
`4 or a dedicated circuit.
`The above process results in the PLBN and its otfset
`value. Which block 9A in the flash memory 8A the PLBN
`finally obtained corresponds to is determined (step 34
`through 36). First. which block 9A’s infomtation memory
`area 20 in the flash memory SA houses the target physical-
`logical block number is determined.
`Suppose that the data. LSA=5.
`is input from the host
`system 1. According to PLBN conversion. the physical-
`logical block number=5/3:1. and the oflset va1ue=5-(l><3)
`=2. Both are expressed as (l. 2). hereinafter. Furthermore.
`the chain information is read from the update data chain
`information memory area 23 (steps 37-38). No chain infor-
`mation is stored. and the data to be read is A (step 39).
`When the data. LSA=6. is input from the host system 1.
`PLBN conversion results in (2. O). The update data chain
`information memory area 23 at the address (2. 0). storing 40.
`means that the data is transferred to the ofiset 0 at the
`physical-logical block number 4. Accordingly. the data to be
`read is found to be B‘ (steps 38. 34. 35. 37 through 39).
`In the semiconductor disk device having a flash memory
`of 20 megabytes (the size of block 64 kilobytes).
`maximum number of blocks to be searched is equal to the
`number of blocks in the semiconductor disk device. thereby
`being 20 megabytes/64 lcilobytes=320. The maximum num-
`ber of blocks is 320. Files are usually written over continued
`disk areas. and a next search starts with the current block 9A.
`The number of files to be searched.
`in practice. is thus
`dramatically reduced
`In the embodiment 2. this action is performed according
`to a table. In this case. the size of the table is approximately
`one-two-hundred-twenty-seventh (1/227) that of the prior art
`logicallphysical address conversion table. If the table is
`constructed of an SRAM. however. data is lost when power
`is interrupted Thus. the RAM table should be reconstructed
`by making CPU check the correspondence between the
`physical-logical block number and the physical block
`number. when the semiconductor disk device is turned on
`The data writing to the semiconductor disk device 2A is
`now discussed referring to FIG. 7. Steps 40 through 46 in
`FIG. 7 are identical to steps 30 through 36 in FIG. 6. and
`their explanation will not be repeated. When the data status
`flag 22 read is 000. data is written onto the data memory area
`21. causing its data status flag to change to 001 (steps 47
`through 50).
`When the data status flag 22 is not 000 at step 48. namely.
`when the host system 1 instructs overwriting (updating) onto
`the data memory area 21 that has its data already written.
`data is written onto any other data memory area 21 that is
`empty in the same block 9A. and its corresponding data
`status flag 22 is set to 001. The data status flag 22 of the data
`memory area 21 that has the data already written is shifted
`from 001 to 011. The physical-logical block number and its
`ofiset value to which the data is newly written are written on
`the update data chain information memory area 23 (steps 48.
`51 through 54). Thus. by tracing the chain. the latest data is
`When no empty data memory areas 21 are available in the
`same block 9A. a block 9A that contains many data status
`flags 711 is searched for. The data status flag 111 is written
`by a delete instruction. Transfer of blocks 9A is involved
`(steps 52.55 through 58). The erase count is also taken into
`First. data in the source. namely. in the block 9A that has
`been found to meet the above condition in the search action
`is transferred to a destination block 9A that is empty. The
`data that has been rendered unnecessary in the course of
`writing is not transferred The oflset value of the data to be
`transferred in the source block 9A is set to agree with the
`otfset value in the destination source block 9A Chain data.
`if any. is also written at the same time. When the transfer of
`the data is completed. the physical-logical block number in
`the source block is written onto the physical-logic

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