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`Friyeey ihci Siteierhehi
`The firivecy her er rare {FL 93-52%} requires ihei yeu be given cerieiri iriicrmeiiuri in ceririeeiierr with
`your euhrrriesicri cf the eiieched ierrri reieiec to a peiehi eppiieeiicri er rieierai. Acceruingiy. pureueni to
`the requirerriehie cf the Act, pieeee he advised that: ii) the geherei euihcriiy for the ceiieciich cf this
`iriierrriaiicrr is; 35 i.,§.S.C. 2{h}(23; (2) furnishing of the iriicrrrieiien eciiciieu is veiuniery; and (hi the
`ririrzcipei purpcee for which the irrierrrieiieh is ueersi by the LES. i'3eterit emu Trerierrieri: flrfiee is re preceee
`eriuicr exerhirie yeur euhrriieeieh reieieri re a patent eripiiceiiuc er patent. if you dc cur iumieh the
`requested ihiermeiieri. ihe L13. Peieru end Treriernerir Qrfiee may rici he ehie re prcceee ehriicr examine
`yeur euhmieeich. which may recuii in iermineiicri er proceedings or ehehdcnmehi ei ihe eppiiceiieh cr
`exeireiicn ci’ the eeierii,
`The iriicririeiicrr prcyiued by yeu in ihie ierrc wiii he cuhjeci ie the ieiicwirsg reuiirie uses:
`‘E, The ihferrheiicri en this icrrh wiii he ireetee ccnfiuehiieiiy ie the eiriersi eiicweri uriuerihe
`Freericrc ci iriicrmeiicn Aci (5 i..i.S,€;ti 552) end the i-irivecy Act (5 i.i.,$,C 552a). Reccrcis
`irerri this eyeiem cf recerue may he disciueeri ic the Department cf Jueiice is determine
`whether discicsure ci ‘iheee recerus is reuuireri izy the Freeucrii ui information Act.
`A recerri frurrs ihie eyeierri cf reccrrie may he uiecicseu, era a routine use, in ihe course of
`presenting evidence ic e euuri, rrregieirete, cr administrative irihu hei, iriciucirrg disciceuree
`re cepraeihg cuuhsei in the ccuree cf eeiiierherii hegeiieiiehs.
`A reccrd in this system cf reccrcie may he riiscieseu, es e reuiirie use. it: a Member 0?
`Qerigreee submitting e reuueei irwcivirig en ihuiyiriuei, ic whcrr: the reccru grerieirie, when
`the ihriiviciuei has reuueeieci eeeieiehce from the ivierrscer wiih reeeecr ‘re the subject matter
`cf the record.
`A record in this system of reecrric may he uiscieseu, ee ‘e rcutirie use, re e currirecier cf the
`Agency haying need for the iniurmeiiera in crrier re pericrm e ccriirecii Recipients cf
`inicrrrseiicra ehaii be required re cemgceiy with the requiremenie car use hriyacy Act or 19?’-ii, es
`errieririe-ci, pursuant re 5 5.18.3. Sfizeirhi.
`A reccrc reiaieci ie an ihierrieiicriei Apuiiceiieh fiieu uricier the Patent ficupereiieh Treeiy in
`ihie system cf records may he riiecieeeci‘ er; a rcuiihe use. to the iriterrreiirmei Sureeu cf
`the Wcrie irrieiieciuei Prcperiy Grganizeiiurr, pureueni its the Patent Ceeuereiicri Treaty,
`A reccrci in this system ui reccruc may he riieciceeri, as e reuiine uee, ic erieiher federei
`agency for riurpceee cf Neiicriei Securiiy review (35 Li.S.C. *i8'i} and fur review pursuant ic
`ihe Aterraic Energy Act (42 i..i.S.i3. 21 3{£3}}.
`A reccrri ‘ircm this system cf reccrrie may he ciieciceeci, as e rcuiirse uee, re the
`Adrnirsieiraicr. Geherei $em‘cee, er hieiher ueeignee, during an inepeciich :3‘? reccrds
`ceririucieri by GSA es pert cf ihei egericye reepcrieiiuiiity ic recemrrierid imereverriehte in
`records meriegerrieui practices arid programs, under euiherity mi‘ 44 iJ.S.i3. 2954 end 2906.
`Such riieciceure sheii be rrierie in ecrrcruariee with ihe SSA reguieiiehe geverhing
`iriepeciicri cf records for this rzurccse, and any ether reieverii: {i.e., GSA er Ccmrrierce}
`riireciiye. Ssueh ciisciusure eheii not he used he make eeierrraiheiiuhe ehcui ineiviuueie.
`A recerd irum this eyeiem cf reccrrie may he uieciceeci, as e rcuiihe use, ie the pursiic after
`either uuisiiceiieri cf the euciiceiiuh hureuerii re 35 ii,S.C. ‘i22{h} er ireuerice :3? a parent
`uureuani ie 35 iJ.S.£‘2. °i5‘i, Further, a reccrri they be riieciceed, euhieci re the iimiieiicrae ref
`3'? CFR iiti, as e reuiirie use, he the uubiic ii the reccrd was ‘iiieai in en eeeiiceiiurr which
`became ahenuuheri er in which the prcceeriirige were termiheieri eriri which eppiiceiicrs is
`referenced by either e puhiieheri eppiiceiiori, an ecpiicaiieh eperi te puhiic ihecmiien cr er:
`iesueri rzeiehi.
`A recere fresh ihis system of reecrue may he uiecieeeri, as e rcuiirie use, ie 22 Ferierei,
`State‘ er icuei iew eriicrcerrierri agericy, ii the i.,38P“i£3 heccmee ewere ci‘ e yicaieiieri er
`rzacieriiiei yicieiieri ei iew er reguieiicri.

`Pro/stares (<>?~<>e)
`Annreveci far use ihrougr-. E}“:'i3‘ii2G‘.2. C:-M5 0651-0931
`U.S. Patent and Tradrsrraeria; Office; UK EP.r\F:TiV:Ei”»iT 0." -§0i\«'iiviEERCE
`ht? to 3 cniieotien of in-r'r,.«:'rn.=.«tie,n tii}5f5‘¥.\'.*‘:'3{ e‘
`'3 vniid OMB.‘-3 edntroi mzmiae-r.
`LEm_~:er tire Peri-::ira-.=e:‘i; F-3-:3-r.i u-ztion Act of it heft r.:~:<rer;rs.a.< sir:-3 r.-3r.1sri'i\.~.»:i ta-
`\wash\\\\\\v¢~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ,,
`§j3;g§§_ggenr Linnea at are mere;
`Appggcant;pagen{0w_,~!e§~: Yoshirni, Creeniu I Kenemi Gaining, Erie.
`Anpiieation Na.fPatent Ne:
`Tti d:
`i 8
`"é%’a’r;;iI£é;;§;e mare:
`§:i;ir:§_:i:s_ri:_§._=_i: 9. 2r>ié'é'IrA3é"%¥‘ié'éE§r i_§:j_.__gi;ajr_ '
`:if10nr.-irrii Gaining, inc.
`stat-aethat it is:
`R 3
`53e.rtn;r::~ 1;).etc. KKKK“
`the eeaignee efthe entire right. tiiie, and interest in;
`2. C]
`en assignee (if less than the entire right, tiiie, and interest in
`(The extent (by percentage) of iie ownership interest is
`if/Er}; er
`the aesignee cf an undivided inte-r‘est in the entirety of {a carnr:-iete szsaignrnent from ene at the joint inventors was made)
`the patent apnlicationinateni identified above, by virtue of either:
`Ah assignment from the inventerisi of the patent appiidatienlpatent identified above. The easzignrneni was recnrded in
`the United States Patent and Tradaniark Office at Rea!
`Frame \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘‘, er fer which a
`aepy therei‘<3re is attached.
`A chain at title from the inveniarisi, of the patent appiicationipaterii identified abnve. to the current essignee as fdiiowe:
`TQ: Kenarni Auatraiia
`i. From: Ycshimi. G$_g:_a_ri_‘ja__L_e___
`The document was rerzorcieci in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Ree: §‘i??'88
`Frame 3934
`or for which a many thereof is attached.
`T0: ifeharnigarning. inc.
`2, Frern: Konarni Austraiia Pty Ltd
`The cieeurnent was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Otfice at
`er forwhich ea canythereetis ettashed.
`The document was recur-tried in the United Staiee Patent and Trademark Crffice at
`or far which a er;-py thereof is attached..

`Aciditionaai documents in the chain of iitie are iissted on e euppiernentai ehaetiei.
`@ As required by 3?‘ CFR 3f’3{b)(‘i)(E). the decumehtary evidence ef the chain of titie from the originei owner to the easzignee wee.
`or edncurreniiy is ibeing, eubrniited fer redordaatieri pursuant to 37 CPR 3.1i.
`{NOTE: A separate copy (:'.e., a true copy of the eriginai asei-grirneni decumentiei) must be euhrniite-1 te Assignment Division in
`eecerdence with 3? CFR Part 3, ts) recerd the assignment in the records of the USPTQ. _$_g2__e iy‘iPi-I-Ii” 302.38}
`Nevemieer 14. 2012
`N H
`The trnutereigrrierf
`suripiiea heiew) is authorized to act on taehaif cf the aeeigrree.
` °
`This cc-iieciinn of information 555- required by 3?’ CF53 3.7'3(t3). The informeiirsri is required to obtain er retain a. iseriefit by ihe pubiic which is in rite (and by ihe USPTO 1-:
`ram“ :53) an egiriiicaiaeri. Ccnfi-:iv:«r:tia.ii=,= is governed by 35 Li.S.C. 122 and 33' CPR Hi and 1,141‘ This -zeiiectisn is estimated to take 12 minutes to complete, imziuding
`gathering, preparing, and suismitting the rtempieied appiiczaiicen farm 1-22 the USPTCL Time wiii vary depending upor: the i.’rdiVid1.ié3E case. Any cernrnersts en the amount cnf time
`you rec~._uire in cornpi-at-zi this form andior suggesiiens fer red-wing this i’I2-i.Ei‘-.'.‘iF.?i":, enouid be sen: to the Chief inferrnatien C:-f‘, l.i.S, Patent and Trademark Office, 5.3.5.
`Depenment er Commerce,
`Bax 1450, Aiexandria, VA 22313-1450, DO NGT -SEND FEES OR Ci?-i‘JiPi.E":”EE3‘ FORMS TO 'E'riiS ADDRESS‘ $Ei'-ii? T0: Gommiasioner
`for Patents, F20. Sex 1459, Alexandria, VA 22C3‘i3~t4§S€P.
`:‘f_-my need assistance in compieiing the form, (set! 1~"G(3~F’?‘0-9f99 and select caption 2,

`Privacy Act Statement
`The Privacy Act oi‘ *i9?st {P.i... 9?s«5'?$} requires that you be given certain information in connection
`with your submission oi the attached form reisted to a patent aopiicaticn or patent. Accordingiy.
`pursuant to the requirements of the Act, pieese he advised that: {ii the generai authority for the
`coiiection of this information is 35 iJ.S.C. 2(i>)(2); (2) furnishing oi‘ the information soiicited is voiuniary;
`and (3) the principai purpose for which the information is used by the US. Patent and Trademark
`Citfiee is to process andior examine your submission reiaied to a patent appiicetion or patent it you do
`not furnish the requested information, the US. Patent and Trademark Qtfice may not he ahie to
`process endlcr examine your submission‘ which may resuit in termination of proceedings or
`abandonment of the eppiication or expiration of the patent
`The information provided by you in this form wiii he subject to the toiiowing routine uses:
`1. The inforrnetion on this term wiii he treated confidentiaiiy to the extent aiiowed under the
`‘Freedom of information Act (5 UISEGI 552) and the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C 552a). Records from
`this system of records may he disciosed to the iiliepartment of Justice to determine whether
`diseiosure oi these records is reouired by the Freedom of information Act.
`2. A record from this system of records may he disciosed, as a routine use, in the course of
`presenting evidence to a court, magistrate. or administrative trihunai. inciuding disciosures to
`opposing counsei in the course or‘ settiernent negotiations.
`to a iviemher oi
`3. A record in this system of records may he discicsed, as a routine use,
`Congress suhrnitting a request inyoiving an indiyiduai, to whom the record pertains, when the
`individuai has requested assistance from the itiiemher with respect to the suhiect matter of the
`4. A record in this system of records may he oisciosed, as a routine use. to a contractor of the
`Agency having need for the information in order to oertorrn a contract. Recipients oi
`iniorrnation shsii he required to ccmpiy with the requirements or the Privacy Act of iS‘"i‘xi, as
`amended. pursuant to 5 iJ.S.C. 552a(m).
`5. A record reiated to an ihternationai Appiication dried under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in
`this system of records may he disciosed, as a routine use. to the internaticnai Bureau of the
`Worid inteiiectuai Property Organization, pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
`6, A record in this system or records may be disoiosed, as a routine use. to another tederai
`agency for purposes of hiationai Security review (35 U.S.C.‘:r 'i8‘i) and for review pursuant to
`the Atomic Energy Act (42 tJ.S.€Z3. 2‘i8{c)),
`A record from this system of records may he disciosed. as a routine use. to the Administrator,
`Generai Services. or hisiher designee. during an inspection of records conducted by GSA as
`part of that agency's resoonsihiiity to recommend irnprovernents in records management
`practices and programs, under authority of 44 U.S.(3. zsozr and 2935. Such disciosure shaii
`he made in accordance with the GSA reguiations governing inspection of records for this
`purpose, and any other reievant (i.e., GSA or Commerce) directive. Such disciosure shaii not
`he used to make determinations about individoais.
`$3. A record from this system of records may he disciosed, as a routine use‘ to the puhiic after
`either puhiication oi‘ the eppiicatien pursuant to 35 iJ.S.C. 122th) or issuance or‘ a patent
`pursuant to 35 t.i.S.(3. 151a Further, a record may he disciosed, subject to the iimitations of 37'
`CPR its, as a routine use, to the puhiic if the record was flied in an appiicstion which
`became abandoned or in which the proceedings were terminated and which apciication is
`referenced by either a puhiiehed apoiication, an eppiiccticn open to puhiic inspection or an
`issued patent.
`A record irorn this system of records may he disciosed, as a routine use, to a Federai, State,
`or iecai iew enforcement agency, if the USPTO becomes aware of a vioiation or ootentiai
`vioiation of iaw or reguieticn.

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