Case No. IPR2015-01935
`Patent No. 8,096,869
`Paper No. 8
`Patent Owner.
`Case No. IPR2015-01935
`Patent No. 8,096,869
`UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 42.10(c)

`Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board recognize Christopher B. Hadley
`as counsel pro hac vice during this proceeding.
`Section 42.10(c) states as follows:
`The Board may recognize counsel pro hac vice during a proceeding
`upon a showing of good cause, subject to the condition that lead
`counsel be a registered practitioner and to any other conditions as
`the Board may impose. For example, where the lead counsel is a
`registered practitioner, a motion to appear pro hac vice by counsel
`who is not a registered practitioner may be granted upon showing
`that counsel is an experienced litigating attorney and has an
`established familiarity with the subject matter at issue in the
`The Board has stated that motions for pro hac vice admission under 37 C.F.R.
`§ 42.10(c) must be filed in accordance with the “Order – Authorizing Motion for Pro
`Hac Vice Admission” entered in Case IPR2013-00639, Paper No. 7 (“Unified Patents
`Order”). In accordance with the Unified Patents Order and the Order Authorizing
`Motion for Pro Hac Vice in this proceeding (Paper No. 4), this motion is being filed
`no sooner than twenty-one (21) days after service of the petition.
`The Unified Patents Order requires that such motions (1) “[c]ontain a
`statement of facts showing there is good cause for the Board to recognize counsel pro

`hac vice during the proceeding;” and (2) “[b]e accompanied by an affidavit or
`declaration of the individual seeking to appear attesting to the following”:
`membership in good standing of the Bar of at least one State
`or the District of Columbia;
`no suspensions or disbarments from practice before any court
`or administrative body;
`no application for admission to practice before any court or
`administrative body ever denied;
`no sanctions or contempt citations imposed by any court or
`administrative body;
`the individual seeking to appear has read and will comply with
`the Office Patent Trial Practice Guide and the Board’s Rules
`of Practice for Trials set forth in part 42 of 37 C.F.R.;
`the individual will be subject to the USPTO Rules of
`Professional Conduct set forth in 37 C.F.R. §§ 11.101 et. seq.
`and disciplinary jurisdiction under 37 C.F.R. § 11.19(a);
`all other proceedings before the Office for which the
`individual has applied to appear pro hac vice in the last three (3)
`years; and
`familiarity with the subject matter at issue in the proceeding.
`As required by the Order Authorizing Motion for Pro Hac Vice (Paper No. 4),
`the following statement of facts show that there is good cause for the Board to
`recognize Mr. Hadley pro hac vice. These facts, supported by the attached Declaration

`of Christopher B. Hadley in Support of Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission (Exhibit 1
`(“Hadley Decl.”)), establish the required good cause.
`Petitioners’ lead counsel, Robert C. Ryan, is a registered practitioner
`(Reg. No. 29,343), has been actively practicing before the USPTO since achieving
`registration in 1979, and has had substantial participating roles in more than twenty
`USPTO appeals and reexamination proceedings. (Exhibit 2 (“Ryan Decl.”) at ¶¶ 1-2).
`While Mr. Ryan is the lead attorney for Petitioner in this matter, Mr. Hadley has been
`intimately involved in preparing the Petition and its supporting documents, and
`Mr. Ryan plans on having Mr. Hadley similarly involved going forward in this matter.
`(Id. at ¶ 3). It would be helpful to have Mr. Hadley admitted in this matter and
`available to communicate with the Board and USPTO regarding this matter. (Id. at ¶
`2. Mr. Hadley is an experienced litigation attorney. Mr. Hadley has been a
`litigating attorney for 6 years and a litigation law clerk for nearly 3 years before
`admission to a bar. (Hadley Decl. at ¶ 1). During that time, Mr. Hadley has been
`principally litigating patent cases. (Id.). Mr. Hadley has litigated or participated in
`patent cases
`involving a wide range of
`technologies from software and
`semiconductors to medical devices and firearms before the various federal district
`courts, the International Trade Commission and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
`Federal Circuit. (Id.).

`3. Mr. Hadley is a member in good standing of the State Bar of Utah, as
`well as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the U.S. District Court for the
`Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the U.S. District Court for the Central District
`of Utah. (Id. at ¶ 2).
`4. Mr. Hadley has not been suspended or disbarred from practice before
`any court or administrative body. (Id. at ¶ 3).
`5. Mr. Hadley has never had an application for admission to practice before
`any court or administrative body denied. (Id. at ¶ 4).
`No sanctions or contempt citations have been imposed against
`Mr. Hadley by any court or administrative body, and no such motions or requests
`have ever been sought against Mr. Hadley. (Id. at ¶ 5).
`7. Mr. Hadley has read and will comply with the Office Patent Trial
`Practice Guide and the Board’s Rules of Practice for Trials set forth in part 42 of 37
`C.F.R. (Id. at ¶ 6).
`8. Mr. Hadley has read and understands that he is subject to the USPTO
`Rules of Professional Conduct set forth in in 37 C.F.R. §§ 11.101 et. seq., and
`disciplinary jurisdiction under 37 C.F.R. § 11.19(a). (Id. at ¶ 7).
`9. Mr. Hadley has applied to appear pro hac vice before the Office in Case
`IPR2015-01112, AGS, LLC, IN BET GAMING, INC. and IN BET, LLC, v.
`GALAXY GAMING, INC. This case was instituted on November 6, 2015. Mr.

`Hadley applied to appear in IPR2015-01112 on June 6, 2015, and his application is
`currently pending. (Id. at ¶ 8).
`10. Mr. Hadley has substantial experience with U.S. Patent No. 8,096,869
`(the “‘869 Patent”), the patent at issue in this proceeding, and the subject matter
`related to the ‘869 Patent. (Id. at ¶ 9-10). Mr. Hadley is counsel in the district court
`action between Petitioner High 5 Games, LLC and Patent Owner Konami Gaming,
`Inc., in Konami Gaming, Inc. v. PTT, LLC d/b/a High 5 Games, Case No. 2:14-cv-01483-
`RFB-NJK (USDC Nevada), which also involves the ‘869 Patent. (Id. at ¶ 9). Mr.
`Hadley has been actively involved in all aspects of the district court case, including the
`issue of invalidity of the ‘869 Patent. (Id.). Mr. Hadley is admitted pro hac vice in the
`District of Nevada for purposes of the district court proceedings. (Id.). Mr. Hadley
`has established extensive familiarity with the ‘869 Patent, its file history, and the prior
`art at issue through preparation of the inter partes petition including factual research,
`prior art searching, drafting the invalidity claim charts, interfacing with the Petitioner’s
`expert (William Bertram), and providing his expertise in developing the Petition and
`related documents, among other activities. (Id. at ¶ 9-10).
`Patent Owner Konami Gaming, Inc., has indicated that this Motion will
`not be opposed.
`The facts contained in the Statement of Facts above, and supported by the
`Declarations of Robert C. Ryan and Christopher B. Hadley attached hereto, establish

`that there is good cause to admit Mr. Hadley pro hac vice in this proceeding pursuant to
`37 C.F.R. §42.10. Lead counsel is a registered practitioner, Mr. Hadley is an
`experienced litigation attorney, and Mr. Hadley has established familiarity with the
`subject matter at issue in this proceeding. The Petitioners and Messers. Ryan and
`Hadley therefore believe that it would be helpful to have Mr. Hadley admitted and
`available to communicate with the Board and USPTO in this matter.
`For the foregoing reasons, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board admit
`Christopher B. Hadley pro hac vice in this proceeding.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Robert C. Ryan/
`Robert C. Ryan
`Registration No. 29,343
`Counsel for Petitioners
`5441 Kietzke Lane, Second Floor
`Reno, Nevada 89511
`Tel.: (775) 327-3000
`Fax: (775) 786-6179
`DATED: January 6, 2016

`I hereby certify, pursuant to 37 C.F.R section 42.6, that a complete copy of the
`ADMISSION, including all exhibits and related documents, is being served via UPS
`Overnight Mail on the 6th day of January, 2016, the same day as the filing of the
`above-identified document in the United States Patent and Trademark Office/Patent
`Trial and Appeal Board, upon the attorneys of record for the patent owner:
`Kristopher K. Hulliberger
`USPTO Registration No. 53,047
`450 W. Fourth Street
`Royal Oak, MI 48067
`Tel: 248 723-1483
`Fax: 248 645-1568
`James R. Yee
`USPTO Registration No. 34,460
`3800 Howard Hughes #1000
`Las Vegas, NV 86169
`Tel: 702 667-4802
`Fax: 702 567-1568
`Christopher J. Worrel
`USPTO Registration No. 70,213
`450 W. Fourth Street
`Royal Oak, MI 48067
`Tel: 248 723-1483
`Fax: 248 645-1568

`/Robert C. Ryan/
`Robert C. Ryan
`5441 Kietzke Lane, Second Floor
`Reno, NV 89511
`Tel.: (775) 327-3000
`Fax: (775) 786-6179

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