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`perinatal _ peripatetic
`pcri~na.tal \-'na-el\ adj (1952): occurring in. concerned with, or being
`in the period around the time of birth (-- mortality) ( ......... care) - peri ..
`na-lal·ly \·t'I-(})e\ adv
`per.i-ne·um \.per_;,l_lne~dm\ n. pi .. nca \_Ine_;,\ [ME. fro LL perinaiol1,
`fro Ok, fro peri~ + inan to empty out; perh. akin to Skt hmdti he sets in
`motion] (I Sc): an area of tissue that marks externally Ole approximate
`boundary of the outlet of the pelvis and gives passage to the urinogeni(cid:173)
`tal ducts and rectum; also: the area between the anus and the posterior
`part of the external genitalia - per.i-ne .. al \-'ne"'~I\ adj
`peri.neu-ri.um \.per-;,l-'nur-e-;)m, ·'nyur-\ 11, pI-ria \-c-~\ [Nt, fr. peri-
`+ Gk ueurOl1 nerve - more at NERVE] (ca. 1842) : the connective:::
`tissue sheath that surrounds a bundle of nerve fibers
`'pe.ri·od \'pir-e-,d\ II [ME par/ode. fr. MF periode. fro ML, L, & Gk;
`ML periolius period of time, punctuation mark. fro L & Gk; L, rhetori(cid:173)
`cal reriod. fro Ok periodos circuit. period of time. rhetorical period, fr.
`peri- + Itodos way] (ca. 1530) 1: the completion of a cycle. a series of
`events, or a single action; CONCLusION 2 a
`.( I) : an utterance frorn
`one full stop to another: SENTENCE (2): a well-proportioned sentence
`of several clauses (3): PERIODIC SENTENCE b: a musical structure or
`melodic section usu. composed of two or more contrasting or comple(cid:173)
`mentary phrases and ending with a cadence 3 a: the fun pause with
`which the utterance of a scntcnce closes b: END. STor 4 obs: GOAt.
`PURPOSE 5 a: a point. used to mark the end (as of a declarative sen(cid:173)
`tence or an abbreviation) -
`often used interjectionally to emphasize
`that no more need be said (I don't remember --..-...) b: a rhythmical
`unit in Greek verse composed of a series of two or more cola 6 a: a
`portion of time determined by some recurring phenomenon b
`: the interval of time required for a cyclic motion or phenomenon to
`complete a cycle and begin to repeat itself (2); a number k that does
`not change the value of a periodic function f when added to the inde·
`pendent variable; esp: the smallest such number c: a fiingle cyclic
`occurrence of menstruation 7 9: a chronological division: STAGE b
`~r: d~v:S~O~t~ieg~r~~f:~r~lh:v\~I~g:~!}i~l~bi~ ;Fa~~lir~~i~~n~:ldd:ga~~ a~
`a: one of the divisions of the academic day b: one of the divisions of
`the playing time of a game
`syn PERIOD. EPOCH. ERA., AGE mean a division of time. l)ERIOD may des.
`ignate an extent of time of any length (periods of economic prosper~
`ity). EPOCH applies to a period begun or set off by some significant or
`striking quality, change, or series of events (the steam engine marked
`a new epoch in industry). ERA suggests a period of history marked by a
`new or distinct order of things (the era of global communications),
`AGE-is used freQucntly of a fairly definitc period dominated by a pr{)m~
`inent figure or feature (the age of Samuel Johnson).
`2period adj (t 905): of. relating to. or representing a particular histori(cid:173)
`cal period <~ furniture> <~ costumes>
`pe-rl.od·ic \,pir-e-'a-dik\ adj (1642) 1: occurring or recurring at
`regular intervals 2 a: consisting of or containing a series of repeated
`stages, proce..o;;ses. or digits: CYCLIC (.-... decimals) (a f"J vibration) b
`~ being a fUllction any value of which recurs at regular intervals 3
`: ex.pressed in or characterized by periodic sentences
`per.iod.ic acid \,por-(,)j·'ii-dik-\ II [ISV per· + iodie) (1836) : any of
`the strongly oxidizing acids <as H,IO, or ~1l04) that are the most
`highly oxidized acids of iodine
`'pe.rj.od.j.cal \,pir-c-'ii-di-kol\ adj (1601) 1: PERIODtc I
`I~shed .with a fixed. il~terval between the ~ssucs or nUmb 2
`. hshed In, charactenstlc of. or connected With a periodical crs
`lpcriodical n (1798): a periodical publication
`periodical cicada II (1890): SEVENTEEN· YEAR LOCUST
`. '
`pe.ri.od·i.cal.ly \,pir-c·'ii-di-k(o-)le\ adv (J 646) 1· at
`yal!~ of tim~ 2! fr~:)I'T~ tiT?~ to ti~e: FREQUENTLY
`regUlar irl\·)
`pe.n.od·ic.,4y \!plf·e-~- d,-so·te\ II (! 833) : the quality st.
`•. ate, or f "
`of being regularly recurrent or I~aving periods
`periodic law n (1872) : a law in chemistry: the elemen
`ranged in the order of their atomic numbers show a peno t:; When af
`die variatio;
`of atomic structure and of most of their properties
`periodi~ sentence. '! (ca. 1928) : a usu .. co~plex sentence
`suhordmate or trailing elements followmg Its principal Clthat has nl)
`"yesterday while I was walking down the street. I saw himlt)ause {as in
`periodic table n (t 895) : an arrangement of chemical elen
`on ~h.e.r.~riodlc;- law
`lents ba~
`. _
`, _
`pe-n-u .J.za-hon \.plr-c~;}Md~- za-sh;)n\ '1 <I938) : division (
`tory) into periods
`as of hi!,.
`peri-odon.tal \,per·e-6-ldaJ1~t:ll\ adj (1854) 1: investing 0
`ing a tooth 2: of or affecting periodontal tissues Or regi~ sur<rOllnd.
`ns ~ dh.
`cases) - peri-odon-tal.ly \_t31~e\ adv
`periodonta} membrane II (ca. 1903) : the fibrous connce .
`layer covermg the cementum of a tooth and holding it in Pltlve-.l1SStJt
`aCe In the
`peri·odon.tics \~'danMtiks\ II pi but sing 01' pi in COII.')lr [NL
`Hum periodontal tissue, fr. peri- + Gk odofJ.t-, odou!!. acioll ~ef/Odo~.
`more at TOOTH] (ca. 1944) : a branch of dentIstry that deals w~{)th
`eases of the supporting and investing structures of the teeth h Ijh ~h.
`the gums. cementum. periodontal membranes, and alveOlar ~CUdlng
`peri.odon-tist \-'dan-list\ 11
`one -
`perj.odon.tol.o.gy \.,diin-'tli.I,-je\ II (1914): PERIODONTICS
`period piece 11 (1940) : a piece (as of fiction. art, furnitur~ Or
`wh.ose speci!11 value lies~iI: i!s .ev~cation of an. historical period
`pen.onych ••• um \.per-e-o- l11~kc~~m\ fl, pi -Ja \-ke-a\ [NL ff e'
`Ok 0I1ycll-, DflyX nail - more at NAn.] (ca. 1879): the tiss~e b·~ll'. +
`the root and Sides of a fingernail or toenail
`peri·os·te.al \,per-e·'as-te~al\ adj (1830) 1: situated around 0
`du~d external to_bone 2: of. relati~g to. Or involving the perios~c~~
`perl·os·te.um \·te-om\ II. pI -tea \-te-,\ [NL, fr. LL periosteol! ff Ok
`neut. of periosteos around the bone. (r. peri- + osteon bone -
`vests all bones except at the articular surfaces
`OSSEOOS] (1597) : the membra.ne of connective tissue that c1oscl}' in.
`peri-os-ti.tis \-.as-ltf-t~H)\ n [NL] (1843) : inflammation or the perios.
`'peri.pa.tet.ic \,per-~-p'-'tc-tik\ /I (t 5c) 1 cap, a follower of Aris(cid:173)
`totle or adherent of Aristotelianism 2: PEDESTRIAN, ITINERANT 3 pI
`: movement or journeys hither and thither
`lperipatetic adj [MF & L; MF peripa/etique. fr. L peripatetic",. fr.Ot
`peripaletikos. fro peripawin to walk up and down, discourse while paci1lg
`(as did Aristotle), fro peri- + palein to tread; akin to Ski parha path(cid:173)
`more at FIND) (1566) 1 cap: ARISTOTELIAN 2 a: of, relating to. or
`given to walking b: movlng or traveling from place to place: !TINER .
`This is a common long fonn of the table. Roman numerals and leUers heading the vertical columns
`indicate the groups (there are differences of opinion regarding the leuer designations, those given here
`being probably the most generally used). The horizontal rows represent the periods, with two series
`removed from the two very long periods and represented below the main table. Atomic numbers are
`given above the symbols for the elements. Compare ELEMENT table.
`VIlB ~ IB
`I'~ .~
`': .
`. ;
`'1":' ".': .!
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`Lu ---103
`1 Group IA (excluding hydrogen) comprises the alkali metals.
`1 Group I1A comprises the alkaline-earth metals.
`3 Group VIlA (excluding hydrogen) comprises the halogens,
`~ Group Zero comprises the lIoble gases.
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