Apple Exhibit 1033
`Apple v. Core Wireless
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`Apple Exhibit 1033
`Apple v. Core Wireless
`Page 00001

`“S/fbld .
`NEW YORK, N.Y. 10020
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`fiflll Hliliun
`Sybil P. Parker
`Editor in Chief
`New York
`New Delhi
`McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`San Francisco
`Washington, D.C.
`San Juan
`Mexico City
`Page 00004
`Page 00004

`On the cover: Photomlcrograph of crystals of vitamin B1.
`(Dennis Kunkei, University of Hawaii )
`Included in this Dictionary are definitions which have been published previously in the following works: P. B.
`Jordain, Condensed Computer Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. J.
`Markus, Electronics and Nucleonics Dictionary, 4th ed., Copyright © 1960, 1966, 1978 by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`All rights reserved. I. Quick, Artists’ and Illustrators’ Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All
`rights reserved. Blakiston’s Gould Medical Dictionary, 3d ed., Copyright © 1956, 1972 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All
`rights reserved. T. Baumeister and L. S. Marks, eds., Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 7th ed.,
`Copyright © 1958, 1967 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`In addition, material has been drawn from the following references: R. E. Huschke, Glossary of Meteorology,
`American Meteorological Society, 1959; U.S. Air Force Glossary of Standardized Terms, AF Manual ll-1, vol.
`1, 1972; Communications-Electronics Terminology, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 3, 1970; W. H. Allen, ed., Dictionary
`of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use, 1st ed., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965; J. M.
`Gilliland, Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary ofTerms and Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Tech-
`nical Report 67158, 1967; Glossary ofAir Trafiic Control Terms, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary ofRange
`Terminology, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, National Bureau of Standards, AD 467-424; A DOD
`Glossary ofMapping, Charting and Geodetic Terms, 1st ed., Department of Defense, 1967; P. W. Thrush, comp.
`and ed., A Dictionary ofMining, Mineral, and Related Terms, Bureau of Mines, 1968; Nuclear Terms: A Glossary,
`2d ed., Atomic Energy Commission; F. Casey, ed., Compilation of Terms in Information Sciences Technology,
`Federal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; Glossary ofStinfo Terminology, Office of Aerospace Research,
`U.S. Air Force, 1963; Naval Dictionary ofElectronic, Technical, and Imperative Terms, Bureau of Naval Person-
`nel, 1962; ADP Glossary, Department of the Navy, NAVSO P-3097.
`Fifth Edition
`Copyright © 1994, 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
`States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
`may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without
`the prior written permission of the publisher.
`ISBN 0-07-042333—4
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`McGraw—Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terrnsl
`Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief..—5th ed.
`ISBN 0—07—042333-4
`1. Science—Dictionaries.
`1. Parker, Sybil P.
`2. Technology—Dictionaries.
`Copyright © 1994. Exclusive rights by McGraw-Hill, Inc. for manufacture and export. This book cannot be re-
`exported from the country to which it is consigned by McGraw—Hill. The International Edition is not available in
`North America.
`When ordering this title, use ISBN 0-07-113584—7.
`Page 00005-'
`Page 00005

`envelope soliton
`eolian sand
`{ in:vi-om:mcnt-oi brai-
`a numerical model for weather forecasting in which it is assumed
`that mountain passes and valleys are filled mostly with stagnant
`air, thus increasing the average height of the model mountains
`and enhancing the blocking effect.
`{ ‘en-v9,1op o'rag-me ]
`envelope soliton
`[PHYS] A rapidly oscillating wave that
`propagates with a characteristic constant shape, and can be pic-
`tured as cut off by a smoothly modulating envelope.
`va,lop ‘sail-o,tan ]
`envenomatlon [MATER] The process by which the surface of
`a plastic close to or in contact with another surface is deterio-
`{ in,ven-a‘ma-shon }
`[COMPUT SCI] The computer system in which
`an applications program is running, including the hardware and
`system software.
`[ECOL] The sum of all external conditions
`and influences affecting the development and life of organisms.
`[ENG] The aggregate of all natural, operational, or other con-
`ditions that affect the operation of equipment or components.
`[PHYS] The aggregate of all the conditions and the influences
`that determine the behavior of a physical system.
`[ in‘vi-arrr
`mom or in'vi-ran-mcnt }
`environmental biology See ecology.
`°'jé 1
`environmental cab [ENG] Operator’s compartment in earth-
`movcrs equipped with tinted safety glass, soundproofing, air
`conditioning, and cleaning units.
`[ inlvi-omlment-ol 'kab }
`environmental control
`[ENG] Modification and control of
`soil, water, and air environments of humans and other living
`l injvi-omjmant-91 kon'trol }
`environmental control system [ENG] A system used in a
`closed area, especially a spacecraft or submarine, to permit life
`to be sustained; the system provides the occupants with a suit-
`ably controlled atmosphere to permit them to live and work in
`the area.
`[ ir1:vi-9rn}mant~o1kan'trol ,sis-tom }
`environmental engineering
`[ENG] The technology con-
`cemed with the reduction of pollution, contamination, and de-
`terioration of the surroundings in which humans live.
`{ in}vi-
`omlmant-alen-jo'nir-ir_1 ]
`[IND ENG] Predetermina-
`environmental impact analysis
`tion of the extent of pollution or environmental degradation
`which will be involved in a mining or processing project.
`{ in:vi-am}mant-ol’im,pakta,nal~a-sos ]
`environmental Impact statement
`[ENG] A report of the
`potential effect of plans for land use in toms of the environ-
`mental, engineering, esthctic, and economic aspects of the pro-
`posed objective.
`[ infiviomfimant-91 'im,pa.kt ,stat-mom ]
`environmental lapse rate [METEOROL] The rate of decrease
`of temperature with elevation in the atmosphere. Also known
`as atmospheric lapse rate.
`{ infivi-ernlmont-91 ‘laps ,rat }
`environmental pathology [MED] Abranchofpathologycon-
`cemed with abiotic enviromncntal agents that influence human
`[ in,vi-amlment-ol pa'thiil-9-jé }
`environmental protection [ENG] The protection of humans
`and equipment against stresses of climate and other elements of
`the environment.
`{ infvi-omfiment-ol pro‘tek-shon }
`environmental radioactivity [NUCLEO] Radioactivity that
`originates from natural and anthropogenic sources.
`omjment-ol ,rad-é,o-ak'tiv-ed-é }
`The range of environment
`environmental range
`throughout which a system or portion thereof is capable of
`operation at not less than the specified level of reliability.
`{ inlvi-omlmant-ol 'ranj I
`environmental resistance [ccor] The effect of physical and
`biological factors in preventing a species from reproducing at
`its maximum rate.
`{ in,vi-emjmen-tolri'zis-tans }
`environmental stress cracking [MECH] The susceptibility
`of a material to crack or craze in the presence of surface-active
`agents or other factors.
`[ inlvi-omimant-91 'stres ,krak~ir_) }
`environmental test
`[ENG] A laboratory test conducted to
`determine the functional performance of a component or system
`under conditions that simulate the real environment in which
`the component or system is expected to operate.
`omjmant-al ‘test ]
`environmental variance [GEN] That portion of the pheno-
`typic variance caused by differences in the environments to
`which the individuals in a population have been exposed.
`{ in:vi-om,ment-cl 'ver-E-ans }
`envlronmenl division [compur scr] The section of a pro-
`gram wrltten in COBOL which defines the hardware and files
`to be used by the program.
`{ in:vi-omjmont di'vizh-an }
`environment of sedimentation [GEOL] A more or less de-
`structive geomorphologic setting in which sediments are depos-
`ited as beach environment.
`| in:vi-omjmont ov ,sed-o-rnen't2'i-
`shon }
`[comrur SCI] 1. A component of a task
`environment pointer
`descriptor that designates where the instructions and data code
`for the task are located. 2. A control component element be-
`longing to the stack model of block structure execution that
`points to the current environment.
`{ inlvi-crnimant ,point-or }
`environment simulator
`[ENG] Any machine or artificial de-
`vice that simulates all or some of the attributes of an environ-
`ment, such as the solar simulators with artificial suns used in
`testing spacecraft.
`{ inivi-omimont 'sim-yo,laid'ar}
`enzootic [VET MED]
`1 . A disease affecting animals ina limited
`geographic region. 2.Pertaining to such a disease.
`{ {en-zo:iid-
`ik l
`enzyme [moor-mm] Any of a group of catalytic proteins that
`are produced by living cells and that mediate and promote the
`chemical processes of life without themselves being altered or
`[ ‘en,zim }
`enzyme Induction [MICROBIO] The process by which a mi-
`crobial cell synthesizes an enzyme in response to the presence
`of a substrate or of a substance closely related to a substrate in
`the medium.
`'en,zimin'dok-shan }
`enzyme inhibition [rzrocrrnwr] Prevention of an enzymic pro-
`cess as a result of the interaction of some substance with the
`enzyme so as to decrease the rate of reaction.
`'en,zim ,in-9'
`'bish-an }
`enzyme repression [nrocnam] The process by which the
`rate of synthesis of an enzyme is reduced in the presence of a
`metabolite, often the end product of a chain of reactions in which
`the enzyme in question operates near the beginning.
`{ 'en,zim
`ri'presh-an l
`[BIOCHEM] The amount of an enzyme that will
`enzyme unli
`catalyze the transformation of 10 ‘ 6 mole of substrate per minute
`or, when more than one bond of each substrate is attacked, 10“
`of 1 gram equivalent of the group concerned, under specified
`conditions of temperature, substrate concentration, and pH num-
`'en,zim ,yii-not }
`enzymology [BIOCHEM] A branch of science dealing with the
`chemical nature, biological activity, and biological significance
`of enzymes.
`,en-ze‘méil-o-jé }
`Pertaining to the thick sequences of
`strata conformably underlying Lower Cambrian fossils. Also
`known as Infracambrian.
`,6-o'kam-bré-on }
`[rNv zoo] An order of the Acanthoce-
`phala characterized by the presence of a small number of giant
`subcuticular nuclei.
`{ {é-o{kan-tho‘sef-9-l9 }
`Eocene [GEOL] The next to the oldest of the five major epochs
`of the Tertiary period (in the Cenozoic era).
`{ 'é~9,sén )
`Eocrlnoidea [PALEON] A class of extinct cchinoderms in the
`subphylum Crinozoa that had biserial brachioles like those of
`cystoids combined with a theca like that of crinoids.
`kra'noid-é-o }
`EOD See explosive ordnance disposal.
`EOF gap See end-of-file gap.
`{ {é:o'ef , gap }
`Eogene See Paleogene.
`{ ‘E-o,jén ]
`[PALEON] The earliest, primitive horse, included
`in the genus Hyracotherium; described as a small, four—toed
`{ ,é-o'hip-as 1
`eolatlon [GEOL] Any action of wind on the land.
`shon ]
`eolian [Mr~:TEokoL] Pertaining to the action or the effect of
`the wind, as in eolian sounds or eolian deposits (of dust). Also
`spelled aeolian.
`{ é‘6l-yon ]
`eolian anemometer
`[ENG] An anemometer which works on
`the principle that the pitch ofthe eolian tones made by air moving
`past an obstacle is a function of the speed of the air.
`{ E’ol-yen
`an-:)'miim-ad-or I
`eolian dune
`[GEOL] A dune resulting from entrainment of
`grains by the flow of moving air.
`{ é'6l-yon 'diin I
`eolian erosion [GEOL] Erosion due to the action of wind.
`{ 6'61-yen o'ro-zhon }
`[GEOL] A sedimentary rock consisting of clastic
`material which has been deposited by wind.
`{ c‘:'o1-y9,nit }
`eolian ripple mark [GEOL] A mark made in sand by the wind.
`{ é‘ol~yon ‘rip-ol ,mark }
`eolian sand [GEOL] Deposits of sand arranged by the wind.
`{ é'6l-yon ‘sand }
`Page 00006
`— 0.08
`Displacement of the water surface
`showing the evolution of an
`envelope soliton at (a) 20 feet (6
`meters) and (b) 98 feet (30
`meters) downstream of the maker.
`The quantity kg measures the
`displacement in units of
`A chart showing the position of
`the Eocene epoch in geologic
`Page 00006

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