` Petitioner
` vs.
` Patent Owner
` Case IPR 2015-01898
` Patent 8,434,020 B2
` Deposition of DR. BRAD A. MYERS
` Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
` Thursday, November 3, 2016
` 9 a.m.
`Job No.: 125961
`Pages: 1 - 131
`Reported by: Keith G. Shreckengast, RPR
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
` Deposition of DR. BRAD A. MYERS, held at
`the offices of:
` 301 Grant Street
` One Oxford Centre - Suite 4300
` Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219
` (888) 433-3767
`Pursuant to Notice, before Keith G. Shreckengast,
`Registered Professional Reporter and Notary Public
`in and for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
` Washington, DC 20006-6807
` (202) 508-4600
` S.A.R.L.:
` 8300 Greensboro Drive - Suite 500
` McLean, Virginia 22102
` (571) 765-7700
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
` C O N T E N T S
` By Mr. Davis 5
` E X H I B I T S
` (No deposition exhibits were marked.)
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
`Having been first duly sworn/affirmed, was examined
`and testified under oath as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Myers.
` A Good morning.
` Q Welcome back, so to speak that is. My
`name is Walter Davis, as I told you a second ago. I
`met you during your earlier deposition in this
`matter. At that point my partner, Mr. Helge, was
`asking you the questions. Today I'll ask you
`questions. Okay?
` A Okay.
` Q Do you understand, Dr. Myers, that you're
`here to provide additional testimony in two IPRs?
` A Yes.
` Q And those, I'm sure you don't necessarily
`know the IPR numbers off the top of your head, but I
`think the last four digits for each are 1898 and
`1899. Does that sound about right to you?
` A Sure.
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
` MS. RAYMOND: These are just, for the
`record, these are just clean copies of his reports.
` MR. DAVIS: That's great. I have other
`clean copies. He'll be able to use those, or these,
`or whatever.
` Q Obviously you've been through this
`before, you've been deposed before, right?
` A Yes.
` Q And I now know that you've been deposed
`in an IPR before?
` A Yes.
` Q You generally understand the deposition
`rules, or the rules of deposition, but I'll remind
`you of a couple of things. Today I'll be asking you
`any number of questions, probably perhaps more than
`you would like. But when I ask you a question, and
`you respond, if you could just please provide an
`audible response. In other words, don't simply nod
`or shake your head or grunt, sort of whatever other
`noise. Sound okay?
` A Yes.
` Q And as is natural in a deposition,
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
`sometimes it becomes a bit of a back and forth, a
`bit of a discussion. What I would like to avoid,
`though, to help out the court reporter, is if we
`could not talk over each other. Sound good?
` A Okay.
` Q And today we can and will take breaks.
`My understanding from your counsel is that we will
`need to -- well, she has a meeting, a conference
`call I guess I should say, at 11. That's in about
`an hour and 20 minutes. So we'll see how it's
`going, but perhaps we'll just push straight through
`to that time.
` A Okay.
` Q And if you decide at some point, whether
`it's in an hour, or 45 minutes, if you need a break
`at any time, just let me know, and we can break.
` A Okay.
` Q Okay? If we do break, however, the one
`thing I would ask is if I have a question
`outstanding for you, please provide me an answer
`before the break. Does that sound fair?
` A Okay.
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
` Q Okay. Dr. Myers, is there any reason,
`medical or otherwise, that you cannot provide
`truthful testimony today?
` A No.
` Q Dr. Myers, what did you do to prepare for
`your deposition today?
` A I reread my reports, and the primary
`materials that I referenced. And I reread my
`deposition from the last -- my transcript from the
`last deposition. And I reread the -- well, patents
`at issue of course. And Mr. Denning's rebuttal
`report, or whatever it was called. And I met with
`counsel for about six hours yesterday.
` Q Okay. When you say that you reread your
`reports, are you referring to both your original
`declarations and your rebuttal declarations?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. So four declarations total, right?
` A Of mine, yes.
` Q Yeah, right, of yours. And then the
`single Denning declaration which covered both
`matters, right?
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
` A Correct.
` Q And you met with counsel yesterday for
`six hours?
` A Approximately.
` Q Okay. One other thing I should mention
`in terms of my question asking, despite what I like
`to think, my questions definitely are not always
`clear. So if I ask you a question and you don't
`understand it, please let me know, and I'll ask it
`in a more clear way hopefully. All right?
` A Yes.
` Q Is that fair? Okay. So let's just jump
`right into it. Dr. Myers, we have now referenced
`multiple declarations that you have prepared in this
`matter. And two of those declarations are the
`rebuttal declarations in the 1898 matter and 1899
`matter. And what I'll do is I'm just going to put
`them in front of you right now. Because we're going
`to be referencing them throughout the day.
` MR. DAVIS: And counsel, these have of
`course already been given an exhibit number in the
`matter, so I don't think we need to include it in
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
`the deposition packet or separately mark it.
` MS. RAYMOND: That's fine.
` MR. DAVIS: So we don't need a sticker.
` Q So I'm handing you your two rebuttal
`declarations, one from matter 1898 and one from
`matter 1899. Those are your rebuttal declarations,
` A Yes.
` Q And also because you have two
`declarations in two different matters, there's a lot
`of common subject matter. And at times that may
`become confusing as to which matter we're
`discussing. To the extent that a question I am
`asking quite specifically refers to one of the
`matters, I will try to make that clear. Okay?
` So let's look at your rebuttal
`declaration in the 1898 matter for a second.
` A Okay.
` Q Specifically paragraphs 6 through 9. Are
`you there?
` A Yes.
` Q And in these paragraphs you provide a
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
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`number of, I believe you call them -- I think I saw
`the term claim interpretation, so I'm going to use
`that. You provide a number of claim term
`interpretations in these paragraphs, is that
` A Paragraph 6 and 7 are my interpretation
`of the meaning of application, and paragraphs 8 and
`9 are my understanding of the meaning of function.
` Q Okay, great. So let's look at
`application specifically in paragraph 7 there. And
`there's some text there, starting at the end of the
`third line, paragraph 7, that reads, in my opinion,
`such interpretation of the term application is a
`program or group of programs working together
`designed to provide access to functions and data.
`Did I read that correctly?
` A Yes.
` Q And that, Dr. Myers, is your opinion as
`to what the term application means?
` A That's my understanding of how a person
`of ordinary skill in the art, under the broadest
`reasonable interpretation standard, would understand
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
`the term as used in the -- particularly in the '020,
`but also in the '476 Patent.
` Q And that's a good reminder, in terms of
`the patent numbers. So there's the '020 Patent and
`the '476 Patent. The '020 corresponds to case 1898,
`and '476 corresponds to 1899. So still focusing on
`these paragraphs here, with your interpretations, if
`we could go to paragraph 8, in paragraph 8, towards
`the bottom of page 3 here right at the bottom, you
`wrote a sentence that reads, such interpretation of
`function includes an operation or command, and it's
`not limited to an action that a user is to perform
`within the corresponding application. Did I read
`that correctly?
` A Yes.
` Q And that, Dr. Myers, is your opinion as
`to what the term function means with respect to the
`'020 and '476 Patents?
` A Yes.
` Q And Dr. Myers, you provided similar
`opinions as to the meaning of those terms in 1899,
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
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` A I believe they're identical.
` Q So looking at the 1899 declaration, I
`believe you are correct, I believe they are
`identical, and in fact even the paragraph numbers.
`So paragraph 6 through 9 in the 1899 declaration,
`those paragraphs provide the same opinions as to the
`meanings of those terms?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And these opinions that you set
`forth in your two rebuttal declarations, you have
`not in this matter previously provided those
`interpretations, have you, before -- let me try that
`again. The first time you provided those
`interpretations for the terms application and
`function were in your rebuttal declarations in the
`1898 and 1899 cases, correct?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A Well, I think the -- your counsel asked
`me about these terms in my deposition.
` Q Sure.
` A And I provided my understanding of them
`as of that point. And I believe these
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
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`understandings are consistent with what I said in my
`original report. It seemed necessary to rebut the
`specific apparent constructions provided by Patent
`Owner's materials. So I wanted to give a much more
`specific interpretation that was carefully
`considered in this particular rebuttal report.
` Q I understand that. Thank you for
`providing your rationale. However, they are -- this
`is the first time that you provided these specific
`interpretations, correct?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` Q As written?
` A This particular -- these two reports are
`the first place I wrote down these specific
`constructions. But they are consistent with what
`I've been saying all along.
` Q Okay, thank you. Let's talk about
`function for a little bit. In paragraph 9 of both
`of your rebuttal declarations, you opine -- well,
`why don't you read that first sentence of paragraph
`9? It's quite lengthy. It's better you say it than
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
` A In my opinion, it would have been well
`understood that function includes displaying
`relevant information in a window of an application,
`because the specification discusses that when a
`function in the app snapshot, i.e. claimed
`application summary window, is selected, the device
`may display the relevant screen offering the
`relevant functionality.
` Q Display the relevant screen offering the
`relevant functionality, so there on the one hand is
`a displaying of a screen, right?
` A Correct. Yes.
` Q And also that screen has to offer
`relevant functionality, correct?
` A This particular quote from the patent
`identifies that the operation will display the
`relevant screen, and that screen would offer the
`relevant functionality.
` Q Okay. So that sentence has two concepts
`in there, display and functionality, at least two
`concepts, at least those two concepts, correct?
` A Yes.
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
` Q That would suggest, wouldn't it,
`Dr. Myers, that there is some functionality beyond
`merely displaying, right?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A No. I think the only action is the
`displaying. And the offering the relevant
`functionality part helps you understand which
`particular screen must be displayed. So what I
`think it's very clear that this means is that what
`happens is that a particular screen, in particular
`the relevant screen, is displayed. And how do you
`know which screen is relevant? It's the one that
`offers the relevant functionality.
` Q Now what -- let's think of an example,
`let's say you're displaying a list of names, okay?
`So those names are represented on a screen by text,
`right? They would be in my example.
` A Okay.
` Q So you understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q So text displayed on a screen, that text,
`the text that's simply displaying names, that text
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`doesn't have functionality, don't you agree?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A Not necessarily. The -- there's two
`different kinds of things that happen in the patent.
`The function it describes requires that -- well, I
`mean it's pretty clear. If the particular function
`was to, say, understand people who match a certain
`query, so say you typed in some search term, then a
`display of a list of names would actually be the
`answer to the search query. So actually just
`displaying that list of names in your hypothetical
`seems like it would be displaying the relevant
`screen offering the relevant functionality, which is
`understanding the results of a search.
` Q And in your response that you just gave,
`the function that you identified was understanding
`people who match a certain query. I'm actually
`reading it.
` A Yeah.
` Q Does that sound right?
` A So the idea in your hypothetical, I was
`coming up --
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
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` Q I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask a
`question. Sorry. So that's what you said, so now
`here's the question, I apologize. That's the user's
`understanding, correct?
` MS. RAYMOND: And if you could just
`finish his previous thought, if there was something
`you were trying to say.
` Q I actually -- there wasn't a question
`yet. That's why I apologize for cutting you off,
`but I wanted to make sure we focus on the questions
`I actually ask.
` MS. RAYMOND: I think there was a
`question. He was asking whether you asked whether
`something sounds right, so I just wanted to make
`sure that he can fully testify.
` A I'm okay. Maybe you could repeat the
`current question.
` Q Sure. So the function in your response
`was understanding -- the function was understanding
`people who match a certain query. And the question
`is that's -- that understanding is somebody that is
`actually using the system, correct? That's whose
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`understanding it is?
` A In the hypothetical we were just talking
` Q Right.
` A The person or the entity I was thinking
`of doing the understanding would be a user.
` Q Right. The system is not performing that
`understanding, right?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A The -- you know, the part that we're
`looking at, the system is doing the displaying.
` Q Right.
` A And it displays the relevant screen
`offering the relevant functionality. And the user
`is the one who looks at the screen.
` Q And performs the function of
`understanding the people who match a certain query?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection, form.
` A In your hypothetical.
` Q Okay. So if you had -- take the paper in
`front of you, and you see text on your report, or
`your declaration. In your opinion, that text is
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`performing a function, the text itself, performing a
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A It's certainly possible that this could
`be relevant functionality that -- or that displays a
`screen, if this was on a screen, it could certainly
`be the result of the displaying operation. And then
`the functionality might be, you know, find page 4.
` Q So my question now, you're referring to a
`physical piece of paper in front of you, not a
`screen, that text on that paper, in your opinion it
`has a function? I'm just trying to understand.
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection.
` Q So does the text on that paper in front
`of you have a function?
` A Of course.
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` Q And what function does it perform, what
` A Well, I'm not sure it's function in the
`same sense as the patent is using the words. But
`certainly in normal language you would say that the
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`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
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`function of this text is to communicate certain
`meanings to whoever is reading it.
` Q Would you say that that text on the paper
`in front of you performs an operation or command?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A Well, I think we're getting a little far
`from what the patent has in mind. But in the same
`sense that we were just discussing, the requirement
`is that the screen in the -- that you see as a
`result of this operation, lets the user perform the
`relevant functionality. User doesn't actually have
`to have already done the functionality, it just has
`to offer the relevant functionality. So the -- I
`think it's pretty clear that, you know, we're
`talking about a computer, where things on the screen
`are enabled to do operations and commands, whereas
`on pieces of paper, things on the screen aren't -- I
`mean on the paper don't necessarily allow you to do
`operations and commands. So I think applying this
`understanding of function that's pretty clear to a
`person of ordinary skill in the art in the context
`of this patent to a piece of paper doesn't
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`necessarily make sense.
` Q That aside, the text on the paper itself,
`it doesn't actually perform an operation or command,
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A I think it's perfectly plausible that you
`could imagine the text on the paper providing the
`ability for the user to do an operation like
`reading, or a command like crossing it out or
`underlining. So if you said can you, you know,
`bring up page 4 and underline the third line; and
`then this screen, or this piece of paper was offered
`to me, it would then offer the relevant
`functionality, it would allow me to do the command
`of underlining.
` Q It would allow you, the user, right?
` A Yes.
` Q And thinking about text displayed on a
`computer screen, simple text, not a hyperlink, just
`text, text displayed on the screen does not itself
`perform an operation or a command, correct?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
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` A Well, I don't think that's what we're
`requiring of the screen in this particular element
`that we're talking about, or particular words. The
`requirement is that what's displayed on the screen
`must offer the relevant functionality. And it could
`also be the result of performing the functionality.
`The text on the screen doesn't have to be the
`function. It just has to offer the relevant
` Q I'll ask the question again, because I
`think you answered a different question. And my
`question is, the text displayed on a computer
`screen, that text does not itself perform an
`operation or command, correct?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A I don't necessarily agree with that. I
`think the operation could be the same one that we
`just talked about, that if you asked me to underline
`something on the computer, and there was some text
`there, then that text would offer me the ability to
`do the underlining. So the screen offers, or the
`text that you were talking about offers the relevant
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`functionality. Certainly the text could be the
`result of going to a screen that answers an
`operation or command. So there's a variety of ways
`that that could match up.
` Q Is opening an application to its default
`screen the same thing as initiating a function of
`that application?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A I think the claim language requires that
`the application be launched. And I'd like to have
`the patent directly in front of me to quote the
`correct language.
` Q Sure, I can provide that to you. Here
`are the two patents at issue, '020 and '476.
` A Thank you.
` Q Do you need the question again?
` A No, I'm okay. So the actual patent
`language is -- and this is claim one of the '020
`Patent, launch the first application and initiate
`the selected function. So I think it's clear that
`there is two things going on there. And so
`launching the first application by itself doesn't
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`necessarily initiate the selected function.
` Q What do you mean by necessarily? You
`said necessarily, it doesn't necessarily initiate
`the selected function.
` A So the patent has a number of examples.
`And I think it's clear that if, for example, you
`click on enter chat room, which is in Figure 2, that
`the messages application of the patent would be
`launched, and the screen that you would see is the
`chat room screen.
` And, alternatively, if you clicked on, I
`don't know, 0 new messages, or 3 unread emails, you
`would launch the messages application and see a
`different screen. And it doesn't say what would
`happen if you just launched the messages application
`without clicking on either of those. Certainly a
`person of ordinary skill in the art would understand
`that clicking on the messages main menu item would
`launch the messages application and show some
`screen. And it's perfectly reasonable that it would
`be one of those screens that you would get to from
`clicking on, say, 0 new messages, or 3 unread
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`emails. It wouldn't make sense to be the default
`screen that you would see. And that's a perfectly
`reasonable way of understanding how this application
`would work.
` Q So let's focus on part of what you
`mention there. You mentioned a enter chat room.
`When a user clicks on enter chat room more than
`simply -- well, let me ask a different way.
`Clicking on enter chat room does more than simply
`open a window, right?
` A I believe that it would launch the
`messages application, and then enter the chat room
` Q And what does it mean to you when you say
`enter the chat room window?
` A That the messages application would bring
`the chat room window to the front.
` Q And what's happening when you enter the
`chat room window? Let me ask you this, do you agree
`that when you enter a chat room, that a
`communication session is started?
` A Not necessarily. The chat room certainly
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`could be a preexisting chat room that was the last
`one the user was participating in. So it might have
`already been open. Or it might have already been an
`active chat room that the user is entering. I mean
`obviously the messages application starts running,
`and the various code that's part of the messages
`application would start running. But nothing in
`particular necessarily happens as a result of
`bringing the chat room window to the front.
` Q I'm not sure I understand your response.
`It could be one that -- the chat room could be one
`that the user was already using, or are you at some
`point, when the user -- in order to enter that chat
`room, a communication session had to start, right?
` A No, I don't agree with that. I believe
`that the -- when you enter the chat room, that
`provides the -- what we were talking about before,
`that that provides the opportunity for the user to
`start typing, or to start chatting obviously. So
`the -- it brings up the relevant screen, offering
`the relevant functionality. So it brings up the
`chat room screen, which offers the opportunity for
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`IPR2015-01898 & IPR2015-01899
`Ex. 2014
`Page 27 of 131

`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
`the user to start chatting, to start communicating.
`By it doesn't necessarily cause any communication to
` Q When a user is in a chat room, what would
`the user see?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A Well, there's a lot of different
` Q Would you see chatting?
` A If something was happening in that chat
`room, then that could start being displayed. If
`nothing was happening, then obviously you wouldn't
`see anything in particular.
` Q So let's say something is happening, that
`there are other users that are on that chat room,
`okay, so when a user enters that chat room, the user
`is going to see those conversations that are
`occurring in the chat room even if the user does not
`type him or herself, correct?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection to form.
` A I think under that hypothetical when
`something is happening in a chat room, when the user
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`IPR2015-01898 & IPR2015-01899
`Ex. 2014
`Page 28 of 131

`Deposition of Dr. Brad A. Myers
`Conducted on November 3, 2016
`enters the chat room, the user would expect to start
`seeing the communications that are happening in the
`chat room.
` Q And in order for that to happen, there
`must be established a communication session with the
`chat room, correct, even if the user does not type
`text itself?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection.
` Q Or herself?
` MS. RAYMOND: Objection

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