`INVENTORS: Touboul, Shlomo
`08 NOV 1996
`19 NOV 2014
`Symantec 1008
`IPR of U.S. Pat. No. 8,677,494

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`PATENT Arpucmv
`1Itc0N'fIuUING DA']_‘A**14*_itt*1t_Rkiu*it"k*kir**
`D-S58 I
`SUITE 200
`PALO>AL'I‘0 CA 94303
`that annexed hereto is a true cow from the records pf the Unitee States
`Thie is to certif
`Patent and Tra emark Office of the‘ application w ch isjdentlfied above.
`By authority 01 the
`Certifying Officer.

`_ FIO-1556

`Trademark Offlce; u.s. DEPARTM'EN]'I‘r(C),l4 A
`This = a request for filing a PROVISIONAL APPLICATION Fol: PATENT under 37 cm 1.53 .
`Docket No.D-558
`2 & 151 a 2 i .
`Type a plus sign (+)
`inside this box -—>
`TITLE OF INVENTION (280 characters msx)
`System and Method for Protecting a‘ Computer from Hostile Downloadables
`Eppa Hite
`Carr, DeFilippo & Ferrell LLP
`2225 East Bayshore Road, Suite 200
`Palo Alto
`Tel.:_ (415) 812-3428
`(415) 812-3444
`I-[ X] Specification
`‘ ENCLOSED APPLICATION PARTS (check all that a I .
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`The invention was made by an agency of the United States Government or under a contract with an agency of the
`United States Government.
`[X] No.
`] Yes, the name of the US. Government agency and the Govemrnent contract member are:
`Respectfully submitted,
`Shlomo Touboul
`Send To:
`Box Provisional Application
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, DC. 20231
`] Additional inventors are being named on separately numbered sheets attached hereto.
` %
`,Reg.No. 30,266
`Carr, DeFiIippo &: Ferrell LLP
`2225 East Bayshore Road, Suite 200 ‘
`Palo Alto, CA 94303
`. Tel.: (415) 812-3428
`Fax: (415) 812-3444

`Touboul, Shlomo
`On Even ‘Date Herewith
`System and Method fro protecting a_Computer from
`Hostile Downloadables
`- umaown
`"Express Mail" mailing label number jM
`Date of Deposit:
`I hereby certify that this paper or fee is being deposited with the United States Postal
`-Service "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service under 37 CFR 1.10 on the
`date indicated above and is addressed to Assistant Commissioner for Patents,
`Washington, D.C. 20231.
` (Signature of person ailing paper o1’-.fee)

`This invention relates generally to computer networks, and
`_more particularly to a system and method for protecting ‘computers
`from hostile Downloadables.
`2. mm
`The Internet is a collection of currently over 100,000
`individual computer "networks owned by governments, universities,
`nonprofit groups and companies, and is expanding at an accelerating
`rate. Because the Internet is public,‘ the Internet has become a major;
`source of many system damaging and system Afatal application
`programs, commonly referred to as “viruses.”
`Accordingly, ' programmers continue‘ to design computer. .
`security systems for blocking these viruses from attacking both
`these security‘
`individual and network computers.’ On the most part,
`systems have been relatively successful. However,
`these security 0
`‘systems’ are not configured to recognizecomputer viruses vvhichl
`have been attached to Downloadable application programs.

`commonly referred’ to as “applets” or ‘‘Downloadables.''
`‘ A
`Downloadable is an executable application" program which is”
`automatically downloaded from a source computer and run on the
`destination computer.
`Examples of Downloadables include applets
`designed for ‘use in the Java” distributing environment produced by
`‘Sun Microsystems or for use in the Active X distributing
`environment produced by Microsoft Corporation.
`Therefore, a
`system and method are needed to protect‘ computers from viruses’
`attached to these Downloadables.

`The present
`invention provides a system for protecting a
`computer from" hosti1e'Downloadables. YT_he system comprises an
`interface for receiving a iDown1oadab1e._ a first memory portion
`.p storing security policies and a second memory portion storing known
`hostile Downloadables§ The system further comprises a first
`comparator, coupled to the interface and to" the first memoryiportion,
`for discarding the received Downloadable when ‘it matches one of the A
`known hostile Downloadables.
`The system further comprises. a
`second comparator,‘ coupled “to. the _first comparator and to the second
`memory portion, for discarding the received Downloadable if it
`violates oneiof security policies.
`The present
`invention further provides a method for ‘protecting
`a computer from hostile Downloadables.
`5'IA‘he4 method comprises the
`steps oi‘ receiving a lDownloadab1e, discarding the received
`Downloadable when the received Downloadable matches a
`predetermined hostile Downloadable, i obtaining Downloadable
`security profile data on "the received Downloadable when the
`‘Downloadable does not match a predetermined hostile Downloadable
`and discarding the received Downloadable when the Downloadable
`security profile data violates a predetermined security policy.

`The system and method of the present
`invention provide
`computer protection from potentially hostile eomputer viruses which
`'have‘been attached to Downloadables.
`The system and method of
`the present
`invention advantageously identifies both ‘known hostile
`5 Downloadables and identifies potentially hostile commands by
`‘fdecomposingi unknown Downloztdables.

`is a block diagram illustrating a network” system in
`accordance -with the present
`FIG. '2“ is a block diagram illustrating the internal network
`security system of FIG. 1',
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating the security program of
`FIG. 2;
`FIG. 4 is a flow chart illustrating‘ an cicample security policy of‘
`FIG. 2;_
`FIG. 5 ?is a block‘ diagram illustrating the security management
`console of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating a method for protecting an
`internal. computer network from hostile Downloadables; and
`FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating the FIG. 6 method "for
`decomposing a Downloadable.

`is a "block diagram illustrating a network system 100 in _
`accordance with the present
`invention. Network system 100
`‘ includes an external computer network 1105, such as the ‘Wide Area 5
`Network (WAN)'con_1monly referred to as the Internet, coupled via a
`signal bus 125 to an internal network securityisystem 110.» Network
`system 100 further includes an internal computer network 115, such
`as a corporate Local Area Network (LAN), coupled via a signal bus
`130 to internal network computer system 110 and coupled via a
`signal bus 135 to a security management console 120."
`Internal network security system 110 examines Downloadablcs
`received from external computer network 105, and prevents all
`recognizably-hostile Down1oadables- from reaching internal computer
`network 115. A Downloadable is hostile ifnit threatens the integrity
`of an internal computer network 115‘ component. Security
`management console-120 enables modification of internal network
`security. system 110.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of 21
`internal network security system
`110 which includes a Central Processing Unit'(CPU) 205, such as- a
`Motorola Power PC“ microprocessor Intel Pentium“
`microprocessor, ‘coupled to a signal bus. 220.
`Internal network

`'A security system 110 further includes an external communications
`interface 210 coupled between signal bus 125 and ‘signal bus 220
`for receiving the- Downloadables from” externahcomputerii network
`105, and an internal communications interface‘-2l25 coupled between
`signal .bus 220 and signal bus p130 for forwarding -non-hostilev
`'Downloadables to internal computer network ‘115. Alternatively,
`external communications interface 210 and internal communications
`interface 225 maybe functional _components of an integral‘
`communications interface (not shown) for both receiving
`Dtownloadablesi from external computer network 105 and forwarding A
`non-hostile Downloadables to internal computer network l15t
`Internal network security system _110 further. includes
`interfa'ces215 such as a keyboard, mouse and
`._Cathode Ray Tube7(CRT) display, a data storage device 230 such» as I
`Read Only Memory (ROM) or magnetic disk, and a Random-Access
`' Memory (RAM) 235. each being coupledto signal bus ‘i220.’ Data
`"storage device 230 stores a security database 240 ‘which includes
`security policies ‘and Downloadable data on for determining whether
`a received Downloadable is hostile, and stores an events
`which includes the determination results for each Downloadable. An
`operating system 250 controls processing by CPU 2o5.':ma is
`typically stored‘ data storage device
`and loaded into
`' f‘.7_

`‘for execution. A security progra1n»25y5 controls operations of
`internal network security system 110, andpalso may "be stored in
`M data storage device 230 and loaded into RAM 235 ‘for execution by ‘
`CPU 205.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating details of security
`program 255.
`Security progrmn.25$ includes an ID generator 315, a
`firstvcomparator 320 coupled to ID generator 315A", a code scanner
`coupled to first comparator 320.
`second comparator 330 coupled to
`code scanner 325 and to first comparator,» 320, and‘ a record—keeping
`engine 335 coupled to first comparator 320t'and to second
`comparator M 330.
`Security program 255 operates in conjunction vvithisecurity
`database 240 and events log 245.
`Security database 240 ‘stores
`security policies 305. in a first data storage device V230! portion,
`lcnown Downloadables 307 in a second data storage device 23il
`portion and Downloadableisecurity Profiles (l)Sl’s) data ‘
`corresponding to the.'known.Downloadablesv:310 in a third data.‘
`storage device .230 portion. v_ Security policies 305 includea list of
`computer operations which are deemed to beifipotentially hostile to
`the integrity ofiinternal computer network 115‘.
`Potentially hostile
`operations ~may include READ/WRITE operations on a system

`configuration file; READ/WRITE operations on a document containing
`trade secrets, or any other operation that a user deems potentially‘
`hostile. Known Downloadables 307 may include Downloadables
`which Original Equiprnent Manufacturers (OEMs) know to be hostile,
`Downloadables which OEMs know to ‘be non-hostile, Downloadables
`which ‘second comparator 330 (described below) has previously
`determined to be hostile, and'Down1oadab1es which second}
`comparator 330 (described below) has previously determined to be
`non-hostile. DSP data 310 includes the fundamental computer
`operationsincluded in each known Downloadable 30'l', and may
`include IREADIS, AW_RITEs, file management operations, system
`management operations; memory management operations and CPU’
`allocation operations.
`ID generator 315 receives Downloadables from "external
`computer network 105 via external communications interface 210,
`and which generates a digital osignaturelfor each Downloadable. A
`l digital signature may include a Downloadable identification'nur'nber.
`the Downlondable type.
`the Downloadable source and the
`_Downloadable destination.
`First comparator‘ 320 receives and bit-wise compares the
`Downloadables from ID generator 315 withoknown Downloadables
`307 stored in securityldatabase 24(_)._ If first comparator» 320

`determines a received Downloadable is identical
`to a known hostile
`Downloadable 307,
`then first comparator» 320. discards the received
`Downloadable, and forwards a non-hostile Downloadable to the M
`intended destination toinform the user that
`internal network
`security system 110 discarded the Downloadable.
`If first
`comparator» 320 determines ‘that
`the received Downloadable is M
`to a known non-hostile Downloadable 307, "then first
`comparator 320 forwards the received Downloadable and the '
`corresponding DSP data 310 to second comparator 330.4 If first a
`comparator 320 determines that
`the received Downloadable does
`not match a known Downloadable (i.e., an “unknown Down1oadable”),
`then first comparator 320 forwards the received Downloadable to
`code scanner 325 (described below).
`In any case, first comparator
`320 then sends a status report‘ to record-keeping engine 335
`(described below).
`Code scanner 325 receives unknown Downloadables from first
`comparator 320 and uses conventional parsing techniques to
`decompose the byte code of the unknown Downloadable into DSP"
`data. Code scanner 325 then sends the Downloadable and the I
`corresponding ‘DSP data to._second comparator 350.
`Second comparator 330 receives the Downloadable and the
`correspondi_ng_ DSP data either from code scanner 325 or. from first

`comparator 320, and compares the DSP data against security policies
`3'05 stored in security database 305.
`If, from the DSP data. second
`comparator 330 determines that
`the-Downloadable includes a‘
`hostile operation,‘ then second comparator 330 prevents the
`Downloadable from passing to internal. computer network 115;
`Similarly to first comparator 320, second comparator 330 forwardspa
`non-hostile Downloadable to the intended destination to inform the
`internal network. security ‘system. 110 discarded the
`If second comparator 330 determines that
`. received Down1oadab1e_does not violate any security policy 305,
`‘then second comparator 330 forwards the received non—hostile
`Downloadable to internal computer networlg 115. ‘Further, it second
`comparator 330 received the non~hosti1e Downloadable
`scanner 325,
`then the non-hostile Downloadable is stored in known
`Downloadables 307. and its corresponding DSP data is stored in DSP‘
`In any case, second comparator 330 sends a status report
`to record-keeping engine 335 (described below).
`Record-keeping engine 335 receives status reports from first
`comparator'32O and from second comparator 330, and stores the
`reports in events ‘log 245 in data storage device 230.

`FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating an example security policy V
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating details" of security
`. management console 120, which includes a-security policy generator
`505 coupled to signal bus 135, an event
`log analysis engine 510
`coupled to signal bus 135-. a user notification engine 515‘ coupled to
`log analysis engine 510 and a Downloadable databaseireviewv
`engine 520 coupled to signal bus 135.
`Security management console
`120' further includes computer components similar
`to the computer
`components illustrated in FIG. 2.
`Security policy generator 505 uses an I/O interface similar to ’
`I/O interface 215 for enabling user modification of _ security policies
`’ 305.
`Further, security policy generator 505 enables the user to
`M provide multiple security levels,
`i.e., enables the storage of multiple
`sets of security policies 305 (wherein second comparator 330 can
`use only a particular set of security policies 305 ‘based on the
`destination of a received Downloadable).
`For example, security
`policies 305 may enable a corporate manager to receive_ selected
`Downlioadables but may prevent
`the corporate 'manager’s secretary
`from receiving those Downloadables.

`log analysis engine 510 examines the status reports
`stored in events log 245 of data storage device 230. Event log
`analysis engine 510 deterrninesif notification of the user (e'.g.—,
`V security system manager) is warranted.
`For example, event
`analysis engine 510 may warrant user notification whenever ten
`(10) hostile Downloadables have -been discarded by internal network
`V security system 110 within a thirty (30) minute period,"-thereby
`flagging a possible security ‘threat, Accordingly, event
`log analysis
`engine 510 instructs user notification engine 515 to: inform the-‘user.
`For example, user notification engine___515 may send an e-mailllviapl
`internal communications interface 220 or via {external
`comrnunications interface 210 to the user, or may display‘ a message. '
`on the user’s display device (not shown).
`Downloadable database review engine 520 enab1es_a user (e.g'.,,
`a network security manager)
`to. examine and modify lrnown
`Downloadables 307. and DSP data 310. Thus, if ‘for example a use; _
`learns of new hostile Downloadalbles,
`the user. can add them to
`known Downloadables 307 and the corresponding‘ VDSP data‘ to DMSP
`‘data 310.
`the user, can add new non-hostile b
`Down1oadables- to known Downloadables 3.07 and corresponding DSP
`. data to DSP data 310.

`FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating a method 600 for protecting an
`internal computer network 115 from hostile Downloadables.
`Method 600~begins with step 605 by ID generator 315 receiving a
`d Downloadable.
`ID generator 315 in step 610 generates a signature
`representing the received Downloadabies First comparatort320 in
`step 615 compares the received Downloadable with known
`Downloadables 307 previously-stored in security database 240.
`first comparator 320 in step 620 determines that the received
`Downloadable is the same ‘as a knownvhostile Downloadable 307,
`then ‘first comparator-320 in step 625 discards the received
`Downloadable and in step 63t)‘forwards a substitute non-hostile
`Downloadablevto the intended destination to inform the user.
`comparator 320 in step 635 instructs record-keeping‘ engine 335 to
`record the findings,
`i.e., a status report,
`in events log 245. Method'
`600_ then ends.
`‘If first comparator 320 in step 620 did not recognize the
`received Downloadable as a hostile Downloadable 307,
`then first
`comparator 320 in step 640‘ determines. whether the received
`Downloadable is a known non-hostile Downloadable 307.»
`If so.
`first comparator'320 in step 645 retrieves the DSP data 310
`corresponding to the known non-hostile ':Down1oadab1e and jurnpsto

`step 655. Otherwise,
`first comparator 320 forwards the received
`iDown1oadab1e to code scanner 325, which in step 650 decomposes
`‘M the received Downloadable into lDS_P data and then jumps to step
`iln step 655, second comparator 330 compares the DSP data,
`either retrieved by first comparator 320 fro'rn,security database 240
`or ‘ generated by code scanner 325, with security policies 310 stored
`in security database 240.
`If second comparator 330 in step 660
`determines that
`the DSP data violates a security policy 310,
`then '
`second comparator 330 proceeds to step 625. Otherwise, second
`comparator 330 in step .665" passes the received Downloadable ‘to
`internal computer network 115 as a non-hostile Dowriloadablep and
`proceeds to, step 635.
`‘ FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating details of method 650 for
`decomposing a Downloadable.
`9 Method '. 650 begins in step 705 with‘
`code scanner 325-disassembling the machine code of the
`Downloadabler Code scanners 325 in step 710. resolves a respective
`command in the machine code. Code scanner 325 in step 715
`determines whether the resolved command is a suspect command.
`-Examples" of suspect commands include a memory allocation

`command,‘ a loop command such as “goto”, “while”, “if”.,"-‘than” or the
`If not,
`then code scanner 325 returns to step 710.‘,
`Otherwise, code scanner 325 in step 720 decodes and registers
`the command and the command parameters as DSP data. Code
`scanner 325 in step 720 registers commands and command
`parameters into a format‘ based on command class. e.g., file "system
`class, networlc system class, memorysystem classand CPU system
`class). Code scanner 325 in step 725 determines whether. the
`machine code includes another command.
`If so,
`then code scanner
`32$ returns to step 710. Otherwise, method 650 ends.

`The foregoing description of the preferred embodiments of the
`invention is by way'of example only, and other variations of the
`above-described embodiments and methods are provided by the
`For example, although the invention has been
`present iinventionj
`described in a system for protecting an internal computer network,
`the invention can be embodied in a system for protecting an :
`individual computer. ‘Components of this invention may be
`implemented using _a programmed general purpose digital computer,
`using application specific integrated circuits,‘ or using a network of
`interconnected conventional components and circuits.
`embodiments described herein have been. presented for purposes of
`illustration and are not intended to be exhaustive or limiting. Many _
`Variations and modifications are possible in light of the foregoing-
`teaching. The system is limited only by the following claims.

`’ A computer-based method for determining whether '11
`Downloadable is hostile,.comprising the steps of:
`receiving a Downloadable; ‘
`decomposing. the Downloadable into Downloatdable security
`profile data; '
`‘comparing the Dovvnloadable security profile data against
`predetermined‘ security policies to determine if a security policy has
`beenviolated; and
`discarding the received Downloadable when a seeurity policy
`has been violated,
`. A computer-based method for protecting at computer from
`hostile Downloadables, comprising the steps of:
`receiving a Downloadable;
`‘discarding the received Downloadable when the received
`' Downloadable matches a predetermined hostile Downloadableg
`obtaining Downloadahle security profile. data on the received
`Downloadable when the Downloadableh does not match a
`predetermined hostile Downloadable; and

`discarding the received Downloadable when the’ Downloadah1e'.'

`security profile data violates a predetermined security policy.’
`A system for determining whether a Downloadable is hostile,
`- a security database storing security policies;
`an interface for receiving a current Downloadable;
`a code scanner, coupled to the interface; for decomposing the
`current Downloadable into Downloadable security profile data; and
`a comparator, coupled to the code scanner and to the security
`for. comparing the securityzpolicies against
`Downloadable security profile data to determine if a security policy
`has been violated.
`9A system for protecting a computer from hostile
`t Downloadab1es,‘ comprising:
`an interface for receiving a Downloadahle;
`M‘ a first memory portion storing securitypoliciesi;
`a _second‘ memory portion’ storing known hostile Downloadvables;
`a first comparator, coupled to the interface and to the first
`memory portion. for discarding the received Dovlirnloadablevwhen tit
`tnatches one of the known hostile Downloadables; and _

`a second comparator, coupled to the first comparator and to the
`second memory‘ portion, for discarding the received Downloadable if
`it violates one of security policies.‘
`A system for determining whether a«:Downloadable is hostile,
`pmeans for receiving a Downloadable;
`means for decomposing the.Down1oadab1e into Downloadable
`security profile data;_
`means for comparing the Downloadable security profile data
`against predetermined security policies to determine if a security
`policy has been violated; and
`means for discarding the received Downloadable when a
`security policy has been violated,
`, w
`A system for protecting a computer from hostile
`Down1oadab1es,. comprising: i
`means forureceiving a Downloadable;
`means for discarding the received Downloadable when the
`received Dovvnloadab.1e matches a ‘ predetermined hostile‘
`I Downloadable;

`means for obtaining Downloadable security profile data on the
`received_Downloadable when the Downloadable does not match a
`I predetermined hostile’Downloadable; and
`means for discarding the received Downloadable when the
`Downloadable security profile data violates a predetermined security
`"A computer-readable storage medium storing program code for"
`causing a -computer to perform the steps. of:
`a receiving a Dovvnloadable;
`decomposing the Downloadable into Downloadable security
`profile data;
`cornparing the Downloadable security profile data against
`predetermined security policies to determine if a security policy has
`been violated; and
`discarding the received Downloadable when a security policy
`has been violated.
`‘A computer-readable storage medium storing program‘ code for
`causing a computer to perform theisteps of:
`receiving a Downloadable;
`1 2 3

`discarding the receivcd_Downloadable when “the received
`Downloadable matches a predeteunined hostile’ Downloildztbllel-,i
`obtaining Downloadable security profile data on the received
`Downloadable when the Downloadable does not match a
`predetermined hostile Downloadable; and
`discarding the‘ received Downloadahle when the Downloadable
`security profile data violates a. predetermined secnrity policy.’

`TU .%14‘§B123444-*——--
`Arreu D l7K
`Gateway Level Corporate Security for the
`New World of Java” and Dowriloadables
`SurfinGate“' Means Business
`New downloadablei technologies including .lava'”" and ActiveXT’“ present today's enterprises with
`expanded intranet capabilities, but they also expose corporate computer resources to new kinds of
`security attacks Sui'i'inGate"”‘ addresses the new computing paradigm with corporate-level security at
`the gateway level for salt: use of Java and other liitcmcl tlownloadzihlcs. An intelligent security solution
`for companies with access to the lntcrnet. StirtiiiGatc lunctioiis at the corporate gateway, where it
`intelligently scans. digitally signs, and controls all downloadahles before they access the network.
`Sui-linGutc's powerful Ci11.C|‘pi'lSe-‘WldVC‘ security is combined with efficient, centralized control of the
`company’s Intranet computer users.
`Surfinfiale offers corporate security managers the ability to:
`Establish a security policy for use of Java applets and other lntemetdownioadables‘
`' -
`Prevent loading of suspicious Java applets or Activex entities at the gateway level
`Provide corporate users with safe Internet access without having to disable downloadable technology
`such as Java or Activex
`" Protect the corporate resources from darriage or unauthorized access by downloadahles
`Surfilnfiate addresses a new computing paradigm. where mini-applications called downtoadables are,
`automatically pushed into corporate Intranets unbeknownst to users. As ‘Intranet users access the on-
`line resources they need, the business enterprise is exposed to downloadable-transmitted risks like
`corporate espionage. e-mail fraud, or resource attacks. For the corporate security manager, the new
`pai'adigm's Java applets and ActiveX technologies represent serious new security threats that are
`simply not addressed by built-in security systems like the" Java Security Manager. SurfinGate offers
`sophisticated security at the outermost gateway lcvel. keeping potentially problematic applets
`completely outside ol'llie corporate environment.
`Surt'in(}ate functioiis:
`intelligently sns. analyzes, and controls automatically downloaded Java applets orActi'veX entities
`Specifically executes corporate security policy as defined by the security manager via Security
`Management Console (SMC), including:
`blocking out any applet that meets a suspicious applet profile
`positively identifying applets before allowing them into the system
`scanning applets tor unauthorized actions and assigning appropriate applet security profile

`TD‘ BB1'41;58123444-j-—--I FREE
`0 I
`intelligently deciding appropriate access based on security policy guidelines and_on'apple1
`security prpfile
`digitally signing acceptable applets before entry
`0 ‘Page 2/2

`1-DCT-1996 2148
`TD. Bat! 3123444---— P-99
`. C'ontrol and Securityfrom Three Dwérenl Perspectives
`The essence of SurlinCrate‘s protective powers is a_thrce-fold checks and balances process that includes
`. the profile generator, database, and Security Management Console. incoming applets or objects are
`first “x-rayed" to expose any potential problems and are assigned a security profile. That profile is then
`checked against known hostile applets in the database, and is evaluated yet again with inforrnation
`from the Security Management Console (SMC) to ensure that filtering precisely executes the
`company's security policy.)An integral part of SurfinGate, the SMC allows corporate security
`managers specific control“over business groups or departments, including what resources are available
`to which intranet users st what times.
`~SurfinGate features and benefits-
`easy customization and implementation of a corporate security policy for downioadables
`- if a layer oi security several steps away from critical resources
`‘extensive built—in database of potentially hostile or problematic ‘Java applets
`central control over Internet downloadable activity _
`case-specific downloadable security policy instead of total exclusion of ell downloadable technology
`protection against downloadablcs that is compatible with other security devices including firewalls
`simple sat-up of corporate hierarchy to develop appropriate user access
`Suri'in0ate is available from Finjan Software. the leading provider of muiti-layer security solutions for
`the new world oi" lnicrnct/lntrunct dowiiloadabies. The liinjan suite oi'suli_itions protect enterprise and
`stand-alonc computer resources from the potential risks ofdownloadablcs

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