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`Docket Number:
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`This is a request for filing a PROVISIONAL APPLICATION FOR PATENT under 37 CFR 1.53 (c).
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`~OGiven Name (first and middle [if any])
`Family Name or Surname
`Nimrod ltzhak
`Yigal Mordechai
`David R.
`Residence (City and either State or Foreign Country)
`Moshav Mismeret #81, Goosh Tei-Mond 40695, Israel
`Hashikma 11, POB 1115, Pardesia 42815, Israel
`1233 Klee Court, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
`J Additional inventors are being named on page 2 attached hereto
`TITLE OF THE INVENTION (280 characters max)
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`SEND TO: Box Provisional Application, Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, DC 20231
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`Symantec 1005
`IPR of U.S. Pat. No. 8,677,494

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`DOCKET NO. 40492.00013
`Please direct communications to:
`600 Hansen Way
`Palo Alto, CA 94304-1043
`( 650) 856-6500
`Express Mail Number: EL515156294US

`Computer Network Malicious Code Run-time Monitoring
`(Patent Application)
`Nimrod V ered, Director Product Management
`Yigal Edery, Director R&D
`Dave Kroll, Director of Marketing
`A network security content-inspection server with a sandbox agent that performs runtime
`monitoring of application programs (e.g. Executables (.exe files) or ActiveX controls)
`received over the Internet or an Intranet. Static scanning at the network server level (e.g.,
`HTTP proxy server or plug-in to an existing Proxy or Firewall server) identifies
`application programs and wraps the application programs with a sandbox agent. During
`runtime of the program at the client computer, the sandbox agent self-extracts and
`modifies certain programs running in the memory, thereby creating a sandbox
`environment that monitors for security policy violations. Execution of an instruction is
`prevented in the event of a policy violation.
`A method of detecting application programs while arriving through the Internet or
`Intranet (e.g. SMTP, HTTP or FTP traffic) and wrapping them with a sandbox
`The method of claim 1, wherein the computer network includes a server and client
`computers, and wherein the wrapping takes place at the server, wherein the
`executing the application program takes place at the client.
`The method of claim 1, wherein the sandbox agent contains the code needed to
`create the sandbox environment without instrumenting the original application
`The method of claim 1, further using a white list to create exception list of those
`application programs that are not to be wrapped with the sandbox agent.
`The method of claim 4, wherein the identification of those specific application
`programs that are not to be wrapped will be done using either MD-5 hash for all
`the users or all the application programs for a specific user or a group of users.
`A method of creating a sandbox environment for a secure execution of an
`application program on a client computer while no installation of a software
`module is taking place.
`The method of claim 6, wherein the sandbox agent checks the specific client
`computer security policy before starting the execution of the application program.
`The method of claim 6, wherein the sandbox agent facilitates a filtering layer
`where all of the application programs calls are compared in to the given security
`The information contained herein is proprietary to Finjan Software Ltd. (Finjan) and may not be stored, reproduced,
`translated, or transmitted in any from or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Fin jan.

`9) The method of claim 8, wherein if the application program violated the security
`program it will be either automatically stopped from running or the user will
`manually stop it from running. In both cases a message will be presented to the
`computer user.
`Field of Invention
`The invention pertains to computer network security and specifically to secure execution
`of program applications.
`The rapid development of the Internet brought the concept of distributed computing,
`where small application programs 'travel' over the Internet from Web servers to client
`computers and execute on the clients, saving the processing resources of the servers. This
`concept is now being implemented by busineses worldwide, especially in the era of e(cid:173)
`commerce. Because of the connectivity that the Internet provides, computer users are
`sharing and opening more programs voluntarily.
`In addition, there are active Web
`programs run automatically in Web browsers without user permission. Hackers are taking
`advantage of technologies and techniques to develop malicious code for attacking
`unsuspecting and protected computer users.
`Executable programs (.exe) are a popular technology used to create self-contained
`programs for commercial use as well as for hacking purposes. An example of commercial
`usage of executables is in thee-greeting card/e-games market where tens of thousands of
`small executable programs are sent between users every day. An example of a popular
`hacking tool that is delivered as an executable is Back Orifice, a remote access tool used
`to take control of PCs. There are many tools available freely on the Internet that allow
`hackers to combine or "bind" a benign e-greeting card and a malicious attack together so
`only the greeting card will be visible to the user.
`However, no products exist that monitor the behavior of executable programs during
`runtime. Many computer users have been attacked while running executables that they
`trusted. Often, as with a computer worm attack, malicious code arrives from a spoofed e(cid:173)
`mail source, which the user might trust without knowing that the e-mail was spoofed.
`Executable files are written in a low-level computer language and cannot be scanned by a
`gateway server because its behavior can only be determined at the time it runs on a
`specific computer. In fact, its behavior might change from computer to computer or may
`have instructions only to execute on a specific date or at a specific time
`Hence programs that will be able to monitor application programs during runtime are
`The information contained herein is proprietary to Finjan Software Ltd. (Finjan) and may not be stored, reproduced,
`translated, or transmitted in any from or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Fin jan.

`~ Finjan
`At least three products that provide security for computer networks are available
`commercially: Trend Micro's AppletTrap, Security-7's SafeAgent (now owned by CA),
`and Aladdin's E-Safe Gateway.
`AppletTrap provides static scanning for Java applets while instrumenting suspicious code
`with additional code so when it runs inside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of a given
`browser it will be protected by this Java agent. AppletTrap cannot instrument ActiveX
`controls or executable programs (i.e., application program code). AppletTrap uses black
`lists to block specific known malicious ActiveX controls or executables. Furthermore,
`protecting the user's computer from malicious Java applets from within the JVM, which
`itself is vulnerable, extends the same vulnerability to the protecting Java agent.
`SafeAgent provides only static scanning for Java applets with no regard to the connection
`between the different classes of the given Java applet. SafeAgent cannot protect from
`malicious executables.
`E-Safe Gateway provides only blocking capabilities to known malicious attacks, it does
`not provide static scanning nor runtime monitoring of application program.
`Technical Description of the Sandbox Agent
`The incoming program file is directed to a wrapper (sandbox agent) that is attached to
`executable files (or ActiveX controls) at the gateway level on their way to a user's
`computer. When the user invokes the executable at the desktop computer, the wrapper
`runs the original executable in a sandbox environment, where all of its operations are
`monitored during runtime.
`The sandboxing technology is based on the technology that already exists in another
`Finjan Software product called SurfinShield. The sandbox agent is a small win32
`executable that has the ability to do the following:
`• Extract the original executable from the wrapped file
`• Extract the policy from the wrapped file
`Inject itself into the memory space of the original executable
`Install operating system level hooks (probes) on any system API call. This is used
`for monitoring all of the file, registry and network operations done by the original
`executable, as well as other operations that have the potential of being used for
`violating the policy.
`• Compare (at run time) every attempt to perform a probed operation, with the
`policy that was packed inside the wrapped file, and stop any forbidden operations.
`• Completely stop the original executable (kill the entire process) in case it violates
`the policy.
`The information contained herein is proprietary to Fin jan Software Ltd. (Finjan) and may not be stored, reproduced,
`translated, or transmitted in any from or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent ofFinjan.

`The two main technologies that are used to implement the sandbox agent are wrapping
`and in-memory API hooking (also called memory injections).
`When the server detects an executable being downloaded or received from the Internet or
`Intranet, it will wrap the executable with the sandbox agent. Wrapping at the gateway
`level means bundling together (into one file) the following code objects:
`• The sandbox agent itself,
`• A structure containing the policy for this specific executable. The policy depends
`on the permissions/settings for the specific user who will receive the executable,
`• The original executable.
`After the executable arrives at the desktop and is launched, the sandbox agent (being the
`first code object in the chain) will be activated, and will then extract the security policy
`ahd the original executable. After creating the sandbox environment by using in-memory
`API hooking, the security policy will be enforced on the running executable.
`API Hooking technology
`This technology enables the sandbox agent to monitor each and every system API call
`that the original executable performs, without the need to pre-install software code on the
`desktop (such as pre-fixed system hooks, filter drivers, etc.).
`When the sandbox agent is ready to run the original executable in the sandbox
`environment, it loads the executable into the computer memory (by starting the process in
`suspended mode), scans the process' import table pointers in memory, looking for any
`pointers to API call that need to be trapped, and modifies these pointers to point to a
`function within the wrapper. This function, in tum, will call the original function after
`deciding if this API call is valid or not, according to the given security policy.
`White Lists and Black Lists
`White lists are used to allow "trusted" executables to run outside the sandbox (without
`being monitored). The white list is created for executables based on a unique MD-5 hash
`for each program. The list contains the MD-5 hash for those executables that the
`administrator wants to allow to run. Each time a new executable passes through
`SurfinGate an MD- 5 hash is generated for it. Once the administrator chooses to white list
`a particular executable, he/she only needs to add the MD-5 hash to the white list.
`Another way to use the white list is to use the SurfinGate URL List to "white list" a
`specific URL, which will enable the administrator to specify a Web site from which
`approved executables will be available for download (e.g., an internal server used to
`distribute software application executables).
`The information contained herein is proprietary to Fin jan Software Ltd. (Fin jan) and may not be stored, reproduced,
`translated, or transmitted in any from or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Finjan.

`Black listing an executable uses the same unique ID (Binary signature) to create a list of
`known executables that an administrator does not want to allow to run inside an
`organization's network.
`The information contained herein is proprietary to Finjan Software Ltd. (Fin jan) and may not be stored, reproduced,
`translated, or transmitted in any from or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent ofFinjan.

`Executable is
`requested by a
`given computer
`Executable arrives"!
`and M D-5 hash is I
`created for it. j
`Is the
`allowed for IM!}-~--Nol
`specific user/
`group or all?
`/' -···-·--···-·--'---- \
`Wrap the
`xecutable with the I
`sandbox agent
`- - - , - - - - - - /
`Send executable
`to the requesting
`sandbox agent
`Send executable
`to the requesting
`computer WITH
`the sandbox
`Figure 1: Flow chart of executable when it arrives to the network computer
`Figure 2: Original executable inside a Sandbox agent wrapper
`The information contained herein is proprietary to Finjan Software Ltd. (Finjan) and may not be stored, reproduced,
`translated, or transmitted in any from or by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent ofFinjan.

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