ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`Technical Specification
`Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);
`Location Services (LCS);
`Service description, Stage 1
`(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
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`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`Digital cellular telecommunications system,
`Global System for Mobile communications
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`No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.
`The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
`© European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2000.
`All rights reserved.
`Apple Inc. Exhibit 1006 Page 2

`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................ 5
`Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
`Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
`References ................................................................................................................................................ 6
`Definitions and abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 7
`Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
`Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
`Functional Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 8
`Location Information ......................................................................................................................................... 8
`Geographic Location .................................................................................................................................... 8
`Quality of Service .............................................................................................................................................. 8
`Horizontal Accuracy .................................................................................................................................... 8
`Vertical Accuracy ......................................................................................................................................... 9
`Response Time ............................................................................................................................................. 9
`Priority ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
`Timestamp ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
`Security ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
`Privacy ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
`Roaming Target MS ......................................................................................................................................... 11
`Support for all MSs .......................................................................................................................................... 11
`Support for Unauthorized MSs ........................................................................................................................ 11
`Periodic Location Reporting ............................................................................................................................ 11
`MS-Based Location Calculation ...................................................................................................................... 11
`Mobile Originating Location ........................................................................................................................... 12
`Logical Description ................................................................................................................................ 12
`Logical Reference Model ................................................................................................................................. 12
`Functional Entities ........................................................................................................................................... 13
`LCS Client .................................................................................................................................................. 13
`LCS Server ................................................................................................................................................. 13
`Positioning Function .................................................................................................................................. 13
`Target MS .................................................................................................................................................. 13
`Functional Interfaces ........................................................................................................................................ 14
`LCS Client / LCS Server Interface ............................................................................................................. 14
`Location Service Request ..................................................................................................................... 14
`Location Service Response ................................................................................................................... 14
`Location Service Request Report ......................................................................................................... 14
`Service Provision ................................................................................................................................... 15
`Identification of a Target MS ........................................................................................................................... 15
`Location Information Provided to the LCS Client ........................................................................................... 15
`LCS Client Subscription .................................................................................................................................. 16
`Target MS Subscription ................................................................................................................................... 16
`Privacy Subscription Options ..................................................................................................................... 16
`Privacy Exception List ............................................................................................................................... 16
`Privacy Override Indicator ......................................................................................................................... 17
`Subscription to Mobile Originating Location ............................................................................................. 17
`Security ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
`Charging .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
`Provisioning and Administration ........................................................................................................... 17
`Procedures for an LCS Client .......................................................................................................................... 17
`Provisioning ............................................................................................................................................... 17
`Withdrawal ................................................................................................................................................. 18
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`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`Invocation ................................................................................................................................................... 18
`Procedures for a Target MS ............................................................................................................................. 18
`Provisioning ............................................................................................................................................... 18
`Withdrawal ................................................................................................................................................. 18
`Interactions with Bearer and Teleservices and Other GSM Services .................................................... 18
`Annex A (Informative): USA FCC Wireless E911 Rules ........................................................................... 20
`Annex B (Informative): Status of Technical Specification ......................................................................... 21
`History .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
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`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`Intellectual Property Rights
`IPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information
`pertaining to these essential IPRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found
`in SR 000 314: "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect
`of ETSI standards", which is available from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web server
`Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee
`can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server)
`which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document.
`This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by the Special Mobile Group (SMG).
`The present document defines the stage 1 Service Aspects of Location Services (LCS) within the digital cellular
`telecommunications system (Phase 2/Phase 2+).
`The contents of this TS are subject to continuing work within SMG and T1P1 and may change following formal SMG
`and T1P1 approval. Should SMG or T1P1 modify the contents of this TS, it will then be republished by ETSI with an
`identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
`Version 7.x.y
`indicates release 1998 of GSM Phase 2+;
`the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates,
`the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specification.
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`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
` 1
`The present document provides the Stage One description of Location Services (LCS) on Global System for Mobile
`communications (GSM) networks. A Stage One description provides an overall service description, primarily from the
`service subscriber's and user's points of view, but not dealing with the details of the Man Machine Interface (MMI). This
`GTS includes information applicable to network operators, service providers and terminal, base station system, switch
`and data base manufacturers.
`NOTE: Location Services may be considered as a network provided enabling technology consisting of
`standardized service capabilities which enables the provision of location applications. This application
`may be service provider specific. The description of the numerous and varied possible location
`applications which are enabled by this technology are outside the scope of this specification. However,
`clarifying examples of how the functionality being specified may be used to provide specific location
`services is included in various sections of the specification.
`The present document contains the core requirements for the LCS on GSM to an extent sufficient to derive a complete
`definition of the LCS at the service level. However, the present document also documents some additional
`requirements which may suggest in a non-normative manner certain ways the system may be implemented to support the
`LCS feature.
`LCS can be offered without subscription to basic telecommunication services. LCS is available to the following
`categories of LCS clients:
`Value Added Services LCS Clients – use LCS to support various value added services. These clients can include GSM
`MS subscribers as well as non-subscribers to other GSM services.
`PLMN Operator LCS Clients – use LCS to enhance or support certain O&M related tasks, supplementary services, IN
`related services and GSM bearer services and teleservices.
`Emergency Services LCS Clients – use LCS to enhance support for emergency calls from GSM subscribers.
`Lawful Intercept LCS Clients – use LCS to support various legally required or sanctioned services.
`LCS is applicable to any target MS whether or not the MS supports LCS, but with restrictions on choice of positioning
`method or notification of a location request to the MS user when LCS or individual positioning methods, respectively,
`are not supported by the MS.
`It is envisioned that the specification of Location Services will be accomplished in a series of
`phased releases. These phases are described in GSM 10.71 [2]
`LCS will be developed in phases. Phase 1 includes provision of the following:
`LCS Phase 1.
`This is the initial default phase of LCS. It provides a generic flexible architecture capable of
`supporting all positioning methods. Specific support is provided for Time Of Arrival (TOA),
`Enhanced Observed Time Difference (E-OTD) and Global Positioning System (GPS) based
`positioning methods. Support is provided for emergency services, value added services and PLMN
`operator services.
`The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
`• References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
`• For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
`• For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies.
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`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`• A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same
`• For this Release 1998 document, references to GSM documents are for Release 1998 versions (version 7.x.y).
`GSM 01.04 (ETR 350): "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Abbreviations and
`GSM 10.71: “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Project scheduling and open
`issues; Location services (LCS)”.
`Definitions and abbreviations
`For the purposes of the present document, in addition to GSM 01.04 [1], the following abbreviations apply:
`Location Service
`North American Emergency Services Routing Digits
`North American Emergency Services Routing Key
`North American Numbering Plan
`In the present document, acronyms are used in the text as if they are read either in their fully expanded
`form or in their alphabet names with no consistent principle.
`For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply:
`Current Location: after a location attempt has successfully delivered a location estimate and its associated time stamp,
`the location estimate and time stamp is referred to as the ‘current location’ at that point in time.
`Deferred location request: location request where the location response (responses) is (are) not required immediately.
`Immediate location request: location request where a single location response only is required immediately.
`Initial Location: in the context of an originating emergency call the location estimate and the associated time stamp at
`the commencement of the call set-up is referred to as ‘initial location’.
`Last Known Location: current location estimate and its associated time stamp for Target MS stored in the LCS Server
`is referred to as the ‘last known location’ and until replaced by a later location estimate and a new time stamp is referred
`to as the ‘last known location’.
`LCS Client: software and/or hardware entity that interacts with a LCS Server for the purpose of obtaining location
`information for one or more Mobile Stations. LCS Clients subscribe to LCS in order to obtain location information.
`LCS Clients may or may not interact with human users. The LCS Client is responsible for formatting and presenting
`data and managing the user interface (dialogue).
`NOTE: The LCS Client may reside inside or outside the PLMN.
`LCS Client Access barring list: optional list of MSISDNs per LCS Client where the LCS Client is not allowed to
`locate any MSISDN therein.
`LCS Client Subscription Profile: collection of subscription attributes of LCS related parameters that have been agreed
`for a contractual period of time between the LCS client and the service provider.
`LCS Feature: capability of a PLMN to support LCS Client/server interactions for locating Target MSs.
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`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`LCS Server: software and/or hardware entity offering LCS capabilities. The LCS Server accepts requests, services
`requests, and sends back responses to the received requests. The LCS server consists of LCS components which are
`distributed to one or more PLMN and/or service provider.
`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`Location Estimate: geographic location of an MS and/or a valid Mobile Equipment (ME), expressed in latitude and
`longitude data. The Location Estimate shall be represented in a well-defined universal format. Translation from this
`universal format to another geographic location system may be supported, although the details are considered outside
`the scope of the primitive services.
`North American Emergency Services Routing Digits (NA-ESRD): telephone number in the North American
`Numbering Plan (NANP) that can be used to identify a North American emergency services provider and its associated
`LCS client. The ESRD also identifies the base station, cell site or sector from which a North American emergency call
`North American Emergency Services Routing Key (NA-ESRK): telephone number in the North American
`Numbering Plan (NANP) assigned to an emergency services call by a North American VPLMN for the duration of the
`call. The NA-ESRK is used to identify (e.g. route to) both the emergency services provider and the switch in the
`VPLMN currently serving the emergency caller. During the lifetime of an emergency services call, the NA-ESRK also
`identifies the calling mobile subscriber.
`PLMN Access barring list: optional list of MSISDN per PLMN where any LCS Client is not allowed to locate any
`MSISDN therein except for certain exceptional cases.
`Privacy Class: list of LCS Clients defined within a privacy exception class to which permission may be granted to
`locate the target MS. The permission shall be granted either on activation by the target MS or permanently for a
`contractual period of time agreed between the target MS and the service provider.
`Privacy Exception List: list consisting of various types of privacy classes (i.e. operator related, personal etc.). Certain
`types of classes may require agreement between the service provider and the target MS.Target MS: The MS being
`Target MS Subscription Profile: profile detailing the subscription to various types of privacy classes.
`Functional Requirements
`Location Information
`4.1.1 Geographic Location
`Provision of the geographic location of a target MS is applicable to all LCS services.
`Quality of Service
`Horizontal Accuracy
`For Value Added Services and PLMN Operator Services, the following is applicable:
`Accuracy is application driven and is one of the negotiable Quality of Service (QoS) parameters.
`The precision of the location shall be network design dependent, i.e., should be an operator’s choice. This precision
`requirement may vary from one part of a network to another.
`The LCS shall allow an LCS Client to specify or negotiate the required horizontal accuracy. The LCS shall normally
`attempt to satisfy or approach as closely as possible the requested or negotiated accuracy when other quality of service
`parameters are not in conflict.
`For Emergency Services (where required by local regulatory requirements) the following requirements shall be met:
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`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`- The LCS Server shall attempt to obtain the horizontal location of the calling MS, in terms of universal latitude
`and longitude coordinates, and shall provide this to an Emergency Service Provider. The accuracy shall be
`defined by local regulatory requirements. Annex A shows such requirements as exist in the United States.
`NOTE: The LCS Server provides the location service capabilities but the mechanism by which location is
`reported to an emergency service provider is outside the scope of this service.
`Vertical Accuracy
`For Value Added Services, and PLMN Operator Services, the following is applicable:
`The LCS Server may provide the vertical location of an MS in terms of either absolute height/depth or relative
`height/depth to local ground level. The LCS Server shall allow a LCS Client to specify or negotiate the required vertical
`accuracy. The LCS Server shall normally attempt to satisfy or approach as closely as possible the requested or
`negotiated accuracy when other quality of service parameters are not in conflict.
`For Emergency Services (where required by local regulatory requirements) there is no requirement for the support of
`vertical positioning.
`Response Time
`For Value Added Services, and PLMN Operator Services, the following is applicable:
`Response Time is one of the negotiable QoS parameters. Support of response time by a Public Land Mobile Network
`(PLMN) is optional. The LCS Server may allow a LCS Client to specify or negotiate the required response time (in the
`context of immediate location request, see table 1) either at provisioning or when the request is made. The LCS Server
`may optionally ignore any response time specified by the LCS Client that was not negotiated. If response time is not
`ignored, the LCS Server shall attempt to satisfy or approach it as closely as possible when other quality of service
`parameters are not in conflict.
`For immediate location request response time options are as follows:
`a) “no delay”: the LCS Server shall return either Initial or Last Known Location of the Target MS. If no estimate is
`available, the LCS Server shall return the failure indication and may initiate procedures to obtain a location
`estimate (e.g. to be available for a later request).
`b) “low delay”: the LCS Server shall return the Current Location with minimum delay. The LCS shall attempt to
`fulfill any accuracy requirement, but in doing so shall not add any additional delay.
`c) “delay tolerant”: the LCS Server shall obtain a Current Location with regard to fulfilling the accuracy
`For Emergency Services (where required by local regulatory requirements) there may be no requirement to support
`negotiation of response time. The network shall then provide a response as quickly as possible with minimum delay.
`Response time supervision may be implementation dependent.
`For Value Added Services, and PLMN Operator Services, the following is applicable:
`The LCS Server may allow different location requests to be assigned different levels of priority. A location request with
`a higher priority may be accorded faster access to resources than one with a lower priority and may receive a faster,
`more reliable and/or more accurate location estimate.
`For Emergency Services (where required by local regulatory requirements) the location request shall be processed with
`the highest priority level.
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`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`For Value Added Services, and PLMN Operator Services, and Emergency Services (where required by local regulatory
`requirements), the LCS Server shall timestamp all location estimates provided to a LCS Client indicating the time at
`which the estimate was obtained.
`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`The LCS Client may be authorized by the LCS Server. Existing security mechanisms as well as security mechanisms of
`the LCS Server shall be used for authorizing the LCS Client and its request for location information.
`For Value Added Services, the following is applicable:
`Only authorized LCS Clients shall be able to access the LCS Server. Before providing the location of a Target MS to
`any authorized LCS Client, the LCS Server shall verify both the identity and authorization privileges of the LCS Client .
`Once the LCS Server has verified that a particular LCS Client is authorized to locate a particular Target MS, any
`location estimate requested shall be provided to the LCS Client in a secure and reliable manner, such that the location
`information is neither lost, corrupted nor made available to any unauthorized third party.
`For PLMN operator services, location information shall be provided in a secure and reliable manner. The ability to
`obtain location information shall depend on local regulatory laws and requirements in conjunction with requirements for
`MS privacy.
`For Emergency Services (where required by local regulatory requirements) the following requirements shall be met:
`Position information shall be provided to the Emergency Services Network as an authorized LCS client. Target MS
`authorization checks normally performed for value added services are not applicable (privacy is over-ridden). The
`position information shall be provided to the Emergency Services Network in a secure and reliable manner, such that the
`location information is neither lost, corrupted, nor made available to any unauthorized third party.
`Unless required by local regulatory requirements, or overridden by the target MS User, the target MS may be positioned
`only if allowed in the MS subscription profile.
`For Value Added Services, the following is applicable:
`The Target MS Subscriber shall be able to restrict access to the location information (permanently or on a per attempt
`basis). The LCS Client access shall be restricted unless otherwise stated in the Target MS Subscription Profile. The
`home network shall have the capability of defining the default circumstances in which the Target MS’s location is
`allowed to be provided - as required by various administrations and/or network requirements.
`If indicated in the subscription profile, where a target MS supports the LCS, the target MS user shall be notified of each
`location request for which there is no restriction in the MS subscription profile and be enabled to accept or reject it. The
`default treatment, in the absence of an indication from the MS user, is to accept.
`The target MS subscriber may also subscribe to notification for each location request that is restricted in the MS
`subscription profile and be enabled to accept or reject it – the default treatment in the absence of an indication from the
`MS user being to reject. Where a target MS does not support LCS, a location request for which there is no restriction in
`the MS subscription profile shall be denied where required by local regulatory requirements and allowed otherwise. In
`the latter case, the LCS server may maintain a record of each location request including the result and the identity of the
`LCS client.
`For PLMN operator services, the target MS subscriber may be able to restrict access to location information used to
`enhance or support particular types of service. The LCS client access shall be restricted unless stated otherwise in the
`Target MS subscription profile. The target MS user shall not be notified of any authorized location attempt.
`For Emergency Services (where required by local regulatory requirements) Target MSs making an emergency call may
`be positioned regardless of the privacy attribute value of the GSM subscriber associated with the Target MS (or ME)
`making the call.
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`27T(GSM 02.71 version 7.2.0 Release 1998)
`For Lawful Interception Services (where required by local regulatory requirements), target MSs may be positioned
`under all circumstances required by local regulatory requirements. The target MS user shall not be notified of any
`location attempt.
`ETSI TS 101 723 V7.2.0 (2000-02)
`Roaming Target MS
`For Value Added Services, the following is applicable:
`Provided that a roaming agreement exists, the LCS feature shall allow any properly authorized LCS client to request and
`receive the location of a particular Target MS when the Target MS is either located in its Home PLMN (HPLMN) or
`Visited PLMN (VPLMN). Any PLMN not supporting the LCS feature shall return a suitable error response to any other
`PLMN from which an LCS request is received: the requesting PLMN shall then infer that the LCS feature is not
`supported and provide a suitable error response in turn to the requesting LCS Client.
`For PLMN Operator Services, location of any roaming target MS shall be supported in the VPLMN as allowed by both
`local regulatory requirements and considerations

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