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`Case No. 14-cv-01197-WHO
`Re: Dkt. No. 58
`Plaintiff Finjan, Inc. alleges that defendant Sophos, Inc. has infringed eight of its patents
`relating to antivirus software. The parties have requested that I construe five claim terms or
`elements in four of the patents at issue: the 8,677,494 patent, the 7,613,926 patent, the 7,613,918
`patent, and the 6,154,844 patent. Based on the parties’ briefs and oral argument of counsel, I
`construe the disputed terms as set forth below.
`Claim construction is required only when there is a disagreement as to the meaning or
`scope of technical terms and words of art, which the court must resolve in order to determine the
`issues before it. Eli Lilly & Co. v. Aradigm Corp., 376 F.3d 1352, 1360 (Fed. Cir. 2004). When
`the parties raise a dispute regarding the proper scope of patent claims, the court and not the jury
`must resolve that dispute. Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc., 52 F.3d 967, 979 (Fed. Cir.
`1995) (en banc), aff’d 517 U.S. 370 (1996) (holding that claim construction is a matter of law).
`Terms of a claim are generally given their ordinary and customary meaning. O2 Micro
`Int’l Ltd. v. Beyond Innovation Tech. Co., 521 F.3d 1351, 1360 (Fed. Cir. 2008). “In some cases,
`the ordinary meaning of claim language . . . may be readily apparent even to lay judges, and claim
`construction in such cases involves little more than the application of the widely accepted meaning
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`of commonly understood words.” Id. at 1360. Words that are not technical terms of art may not
`need construction at all. Brown v. 3M, 265 F.3d 1349, 1352 (Fed. Cir. 2001). “In such
`circumstances, general purpose dictionaries may be helpful.” Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d
`1303, 1314 (Fed. Cir. 2005).
`The “ordinary and customary meaning” is “the meaning a term would have to a person of
`ordinary skill in the art after reviewing the intrinsic record at the time of the invention.” O2
`Micro, 521 F.3d at 1360. This includes “not only in the context of the particular claim in which
`the disputed term appears, but in the context of the entire patent, including the specification.”
`Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1313. Intrinsic evidence “is the most significant source of the legally
`operative meaning of disputed claim language.” Vitronics Corp. v. Conceptronic, Inc., 90 F.3d
`1576, 1582 (Fed. Cir. 1996).
` “However, in many cases, the meaning of a claim term as understood by persons of skill
`in the art is not readily apparent.” O2 Micro, 521 F.3d at 1360. Courts look to “sources available
`to the public that show what a person of skill in the art would have understood disputed claim
`language to mean.” Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1314 (internal citations and quotations omitted). In
`addition to the particular claim and the rest of the patent, these sources include “the prosecution
`history, and extrinsic evidence concerning relevant scientific principles, the meaning of technical
`terms, and the state of the art.” Id. However, extrinsic evidence should be considered only after
`consideration of intrinsic evidence, as it is less reliable and persuasive than intrinsic evidence.
`Vitrionics, 90 F.3d at 1582-84. In addition, “[c]ases about patent validity are authoritative on the
`issue of claim construction.” Markman, 52 F.3d at 996 n.7.
`Courts depart from the “ordinary and customary meaning” of a term in two circumstances.
`Thorner v. Sony Computer Entm’t Am. LLC, 669 F.3d 1362, 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2012). First, the
`court will disregard the ordinary and customary meaning of a term where “a patentee sets out a
`definition and acts as his own lexicographer.” Id. Second, the court will alter its interpretation of
`a term “when the patentee disavows the full scope of a claim term either in the specification or
`during prosecution.” Id. Embodiments from the specification generally should not be imported
`into the claims in order to limit the claims. Toshiba Corp. v. Imation Corp., 681 F.3d 1358, 1369
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`(Fed. Cir. 2012).
`In addition to the claims discussed, the parties also initially disputed the construction of the
`terms “security context” in the ’918 patent, “certificate creator” in the ’580 patent, and “protocol
`appender” in the ’580 patent. The parties now agree that “certificate creator” and “protocol
`appender” do not require construction, see Dkt. No. 60 at 17, and that “security context” should be
`construed as “an environment in which a software application is run, which may limit resources
`that the application is permitted to access or operations that the application is permitted to
`perform.” See id. at 14; Dkt. No. 62 at 14. I discuss the remaining terms at issue in turn.
`The ’494 and the ’926 patents are largely identical, as ’494 is a continuation of ’926. See
`’494 patent at 1:7-15 (Dkt. No. 58-9). The ’494 patent provides for “malicious mobile code
`runtime monitoring system and methods” and the ’926 patent protects a “method and system for
`protecting a computer and a network from hostile Downloadables.” Id. at 1; ’926 patent 1 (Dkt.
`No. 58-5). Both patents provide “[p]rotection systems and methods [] for protecting one or more
`personal computers (“PCs”) and/or other intermittently or persistently network accessible devices
`or processes from undesirable or otherwise malicious operations . . .” ’494 patent at 1; ’926 patent
`A. “Database” (’926 patent, claim 22;’494 patent, claims 1, 10)
`Finjan’s proposed
`Sophos’s proposed
`A collection of interrelated
`data organized according to a
`database schema to serve one
`or more applications
`No construction necessary
`Court’s construction
`A collection of interrelated
`data organized according to a
`database schema to serve one
`or more applications
`Finjan contends that its proposed construction is in line with the plain and ordinary
`meaning of the term “database.” It takes its language from the IBM Dictionary of Computing,
`which defines “database” in identical terms as “[a] collection of interrelated data organized
`according to a database schema to serve one or more applications.” See Dkt. No. 58 at 10.
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`Sophos contends that no construction of the term “database” is necessary. Dkt. No. 60 at
`2. It asserts that the ’926 and ’494 patents did not define the term or give it any special meaning.
`Id. As an alternative construction, Sophos also cites to the definition of “database” in the IEEE
`Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms as the plain and ordinary meaning of the
`term: “a collection of logically related data stored together in one or more computerized files.” Id.
`at 3; Tr. 5 (Dkt. No. 72).
`The parties do not appear to seriously dispute the definition of the term “database.”
`Although Finjan’s definition of the term is slightly broader than that of Sophos, requiring that the
`information in a database “serve one or more applications,” both parties agree upon the basic
`definition. Compare Dkt. No. 58 at 10 (Finjan’s definition of “database” as taken from the IBM
`Dictionary of Computing), with Dkt. No. 60 at 3 (Sophos’s contention that “database” connotes a
`“structured way to store data in a computer” (emphasis added)). During oral argument, counsel
`for Sophos indicated that it accepted the definition “a collection of interrelated data structures,”
`which was “almost identical” to Sophos’s proposed alternative construction. Tr. 15. Sophos also
`proposed an alternative construction, taken from the IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and
`Electronic Terms, of “a collection of logically related data stored together in one or more
`computerized files.” Dkt. No. 60 at 3.
`Ultimately, the parties’ disagreement centers on whether “database” includes “simple files,
`such as a log file.” Dkt No. 58 at 10. While Sophos contends that a log file is included within the
`definition of database, Finjan claims that it is not. According to Finjan, a log file is unstructured
`collection of data on a computer. Id. at 11. Sophos argues that a log file, such as the “events log”
`described in the patent, is a collection of logically related data stored together and thus a database.
`Dkt. No. 60 at 3.
`The term “database” should be construed because the parties dispute the categorization of
`“log file” as a “database,” and because the term is sufficiently technical in the context of this
`patent that a construction would aid the jury. Moreover, although at least one court has declined
`to construe the term “database,” see MOAEC, Inc. v. Pandora Media, Inc., No. 07-CV-654-BBC,
`2008 WL 4500704, at *6 (W.D. Wis. Sept. 30, 2008) (“I conclude that the term “database” . . .
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`does not need construction because its plain and ordinary meaning is easily discernible from the
`claim language”), many courts have chosen to construe the term. See, e.g., Select Retrieval LLC v.
`Amerimark Direct LLC, No. 1:11-CV-00812-RGA, 2014 WL 1092387, at *1 (D. Del. Mar. 14,
`2014) (rejecting argument that “database” need not be construed); see also Transcenic, Inc. v.
`Google Inc., 7 F. Supp. 3d 405, 411 (D. Del. 2013); Clear With Computers, LLC v. Hyundai
`Motor Am., Inc., No. 6:09 CV 479, 2011 WL 43454, at *6 (E.D. Tex. Jan. 5, 2011); Timeline, Inc.
`v. Proclarity Corp., No. C05-1013JLR, 2006 WL 6143242, at *11 (W.D. Wash. June 29, 2006);
`Soverain Software LLC v., Inc., No. 6:04-CV-14, 2005 WL 6225276, at *10 (E.D.
`Tex. Apr. 7, 2005).
`The specifications of the ’494 and ’926 patents are identical. Neither patent defines the
`term “database,” and there is no evidence that Finjan “disavow[ed] the full scope of a claim term
`either in the specification or during prosecution.” Thorner, 669 F.3d at 1365. Thus, the plain and
`ordinary meaning to a person skilled in the art should prevail.
`The claims at issue refer to a “database” of “Downloadable security profiles indexed
`according to Downloadable IDs.” ’926 patent at 22:26-28. A database manager uses the database
`to retrieve security profile data for an incoming Downloadable. Id. at 22:25-28. This language
`supports Finjan’s definition of the term “database.” The database indexes information according
`to a database schema (Downloadable IDs) and serves an application (a database manager) in the
`antivirus process.
`The specification mentions a “database” twice. First, it refers to a “protected destination
`set, such as a protected destinations list, array, database, etc.” where received information is sent.
`Id. at 9:54-55 (emphasis added).1 Second, it mentions “[a]ny suitable explicit or referencing list,
`database or other storage structure(s) or storage structure configuration(s)” that “can [] be utilized
`1 Although Sophos asserts that the ’926 specification compares a database to a “list or array,”
`indicating that it should be understood broadly enough to encompass simple files such as a log
`file, see Dkt. No. 60 at 3, I find this argument unpersuasive. The fact that a database is listed
`along with more simple files does not mean that the database includes or is equated with these
`types of files. In fact, one could argue that this list serves to further differentiate a database from
`simpler files. Because this argument goes either way, the first reference to “database” in the ’926
`patent does not provide significant guidance.
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`to implement a suitable user/device based protection scheme . . . or other desired protection
`schema.” Id. at 16:51-55 (emphasis added). These references indicate that a database is used as
`an information source that serves protection engines when they inspect Downloadables.
`The ’780 patent, of which the ’494 and ’926 patents are continuations, reflects the same
`understanding of database in its reference to a “security database.” It states that: “[t]he security
`program 255 operates in conjunction with the security database [], which includes security
`policies [], known Downloadables [], known Certificates []and Downloadable Security Profile
`(DSP) data []corresponding to the known Downloadables.” ’780 patent at 4:23-27 (Dkt. No. 58-
`3) (emphasis added). Essentially, the security database stores “security information for
`determining whether a received Downloadable is to be deemed suspicious.” Id. at 3:57-59. The
`‘780 patent also refers to an “event log,” stating that it “includes determination results for each
`Downloadable examined and runtime indications of the internal network security system.” Id. at
`3:62-64. Later on, the patent refers several times to the event log as storing status reports for
`subsequent review. Id. at 4:22-9:27.
`The patent’s language and context supports Finjan’s definition of a database. The
`specifications illustrate that a “database” serves applications, a characteristic that is not included in
`Sophos’s definition. The fact that a database assists applications also undermines Sophos’s
`argument that a log file is a database, because a log file is more properly understood as a passive
`record, instead of a storage device that interacts with an application. The ’780 patent also
`differentiates between log files and “databases” by referring to them separately.
`In addition, Finjan’s expert, Nenad Medvidovic, states that a person of ordinary skill in the
`art would understand “database” to mean “a collection of interrelated data organized according to
`a database schema to serve one or more applications.” Dkt. No. 58-12 at 13. Medvidovic further
`states that “[a] person would understand a simple log file is not a database because it is not
`structured like a database . . . A database, on the other hand, is a structured software component
`that allows user and other software components to store and retrieve data in an efficient manner.”
`Id. Sophos does not present a competing expert opinion. Medvidovic’s definition appears
`reasonable when compared to the language of the patent and the definitions from computing
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`dictionaries such as the IBM Dictionary of Computing and the IEEE Standard Dictionary of
`Electrical and Electronics Terms.
`The practical import of adopting the IEEE definition or the IBM definition cited by the
`parties is largely the same, as both definitions appear to exclude “log files.” The IBM definition
`requires that a database have a given structure or that it serve one or more applications. The IEEE
`definition requires that the data be “logically related” or accessible by users or programs via a
`database management system. By contrast, a log file records information independently of any
`logic. Similarly, a log file is not used by applications in performing functions, but is reviewed by
`a user or other program. As suggested by the language of the patents, the term “database” is not
`broad enough to include a log file.
`I am persuaded by Finjan’s assertion that “[t]he claim language of the asserted patents all
`relate to the storage of data within the database in the context of the security profile or the
`downloadable security profile. The system actively uses these security profiles to detect malware
`and manage the system, not just for archival storage.” Dkt. No. 58 at 11 (citations omitted).
`Therefore, I find that a log file does not qualify as a database in the context of this patent. Because
`Finjan’s definition appears to reflect both the context of the patent as well as a well-accepted
`definition of the term, I adopt Finjan’s construction of “database.”
`The ’918 patent describes a “system and method for enforcing a security context on a
`Downloadable.” ’918 patent at 1 (Dkt. No. 58-4). It provides a method for computer security,
`including receiving a Downloadable, deriving a security profile for it, and processing it in
`accordance with a security context. Id.
`A. “CODE-C” (’918 patent, claims 12, 22)
`Finjan’s proposed
`Sophos’s proposed
`Court’s construction
`Combined code
`Combined code created at the
`gateway computer
`Combined code
`As Finjan points out, “CODE-C is a term coined by Finjan for the ’918 Patent and has no
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`readily understood meaning outside the context of the ’918 Patent and claims.” Dkt. No. 58 at 8.
`Sophos seeks to limit the term as imposing a requirement that CODE-C be created at the gateway
`computer. Alternatively, Sophos states that it could “accept a construction with appropriately
`limiting language that is in accord with the intrinsic record, i.e., ‘CODE-C means combined code
`not created by the client computer.’” Dkt. No. 60 at 14. In support of its position, it argues that:
`(i) the purpose of the technology depends upon preventing viruses from entering a computer
`network to begin with, and that the process cannot take place on a client computer; (ii) the patent
`does not require that security software be installed on a client computer; and (iii) “every disclosed
`embodiment requires CODE-C . . . be created at a gateway computer,” thus expressing an
`intention to limit the claim scope. Id. at 11-13.
`Sophos’s first argument regarding the purpose of the technology misstates the language of
`the patent. In describing the creation of CODE-C, the patent abstract does not mention a gateway
`computer. ’918 patent at 1. Although it anticipates a computer network as opposed to a single
`computer, it does not strictly require that the patent be executed on a network of multiple
`Second, Sophos refers to the statement in the patent that “[t]he present invention has
`several advantages, including . . . [that] [t]he present invention does not require installation of
`security software on a client computer.” Id. at 11:12-19. But this language does not exclude the
`possibility of installation on a client computer, and the fact that a patent may have a certain
`advantage in one area does not require the Court to limit its application to that area.
`Sophos’s third argument, that the patent’s description expresses an intent to limit the scope
`of “CODE-C” to gateway and/or non-client computers, relies upon the principle “[c]laims must be
`read in view of the specification, of which they are a part.” SciMed Life Sys., Inc. v. Advanced
`Cardiovascular Sys., Inc., 242 F.3d 1337, 1340 (Fed. Cir. 2001) (internal citations and quotations
`omitted). In this case, the embodiments of the patent involve CODE-C being created at a
`computer separate from the destination or client computer – at a “gateway computer.” By this
`logic, the specification may limit the scope of the term “CODE-C.”
`At the same time, there is a competing construction principle that provides that “it is
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`axiomatic that without more the court will not limit claim terms to a preferred embodiment
`described in the specification.” SanDisk Corp. v. Memorex Products, Inc., 415 F.3d 1278, 1286
`(Fed. Cir. 2005). When examining the embodiments in the patent specification, it becomes clear
`that this case is more akin to cases where courts have declined to limit a patent claim to its
`embodiment than to the cases cited by Sophos, which find that patent descriptions and
`embodiments may limit a claim. In Sophos’s cases, the specification did not leave room for other
`embodiments of the invention or otherwise disavowed a broader construction of the term at issue.
`For example, in Toro Co. v. White Consolidated Industries, Inc., the court stated that “[t]he claim
`word . . . is not construed in a lexicographic vacuum, but in the context of the specification and
`drawings.” 199 F.3d 1295, 1301 (Fed. Cir. 1999). It noted that the specification at issue did “not
`describe an invention broader than this description [of the claim term]. . . Nowhere in the
`specification, including its twenty-one drawings, is the [broader definition of the term adopted].”
`Id.; see also Wang Labs., Inc. v. Am. Online, Inc., 197 F.3d 1377, 1383 (Fed. Cir. 1999).
`In this case, the patent repeatedly refers to a “preferred embodiment” and states that:
`[T]he invention has been described with reference to specific
`exemplary embodiments thereof . . . various modifications and
`changes may be made to the specific exemplary embodiments
`without departing from the broader spirit and scope of the invention
`as set forth in the appended claims. Accordingly, the specification
`and drawings are to be regarded in an illustrative rather than a
`restrictive sense.
`’918 patent at 11:39-46. The patent description does not contemplate only computer networks
`with a gateway computer. There is also no compelling indication that the patent description
`disavows the construction of the term “CODE-C” as it is defined in the claim. For these reasons, I
`disagree with Sophos’s argument that the patent exhibits a “clear intention to limit the claim
`scope.” Dkt. No. 60 at 13.
`In addition, the patentee may act as his own lexicographer. See Thorner, 669 F.3d at 1365.
`Claim 12 and the patent specification explicitly define CODE-C as “combined code.” Claim 22
`describes CODE-C as executable code consisting of “(i) wrapper executable code (“CODE-B”),
`(ii) potentially malicious executable code (“CODE-A”), and (iii) information about a computer
`account for CODE-A . . . .” ’918 patent at 13:42-45. These definitions do not require that CODE-
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`C be created at a gateway computer.
`The language of the claims undermines Sophos’s limitation of the term “CODE-C.” Claim
`22 states that CODE-C is “download[ed], by a computer . . .” Id. at 13:41. Although the patent
`drafter could have specified that this computer was a gateway computer or a non-client computer,
`as it did in Claim 12, it did not. See id. at 12:32 (referring to “[a] computer security system for a
`gateway computer.”).2
`For these reasons, the patent language supports Finjan’s and not Sophos’s construction of
`the term “CODE-C.” Nothing about the definition or discussion of CODE-C itself indicates that
`CODE-C cannot be created on the client computer. I adopt Finjan’s construction in accordance
`with both the specification and the patent’s own definition of the term.
`If a claim uses the word “means,” courts apply a presumption that a means-function
`analysis under section 112 ¶ 6, now 112(f), applies. Cross Med. Products, Inc. v. Medtronic
`Sofamor Danek, Inc., 424 F.3d 1293, 1303 (Fed. Cir. 2005). In this case, neither party disputes
`that section 112(f) applies. See Dkt. No. 58 at 12-13; Dkt. No. 60 at 9. 35 U.S.C. § 112(f) states
`that: “[a]n element in a claim for a combination may be expressed as a means or step for
`performing a specified function without the recital of structure, material, or acts in support thereof,
`and such claim shall be construed to cover the corresponding structure, material, or acts described
`in the specification and equivalents thereof.” 35 U.S.C.A. § 112(f).
`Claim construction of a means-plus-function limitation includes two steps. “First, the
`court must determine the claimed function.” Applied Med. Res. Corp. v. U.S. Surgical Corp., 448
`F.3d 1324, 1332 (Fed. Cir. 2006) (internal citations and quotations omitted). “The second step in
`the analysis is to look to the specification and identify the corresponding structure for that
`function. Under this second step, structure disclosed in the specification is ‘corresponding’
`structure only if the specification or prosecution history clearly links or associates that structure to
`2 During oral argument, Sophos argued for the first time that the patent’s prosecution history
`evinced an intent to limit CODE-C’s creation to a non-client computer. Tr. 7-9. But the cited
`language discusses a part of the claim that is distinct from the term CODE-C, and Sophos’s last-
`minute argument does not alter my construction.
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`the function recited in the claim.” Med. Instrumentation & Diagnostics Corp. v. Elekta AB, 344
`F.3d 1205, 1210 (Fed. Cir. 2003) (internal citations and quotations omitted). “The duty of a
`patentee to clearly link or associate structure with the claimed function is the quid pro quo for
`allowing the patentee to express the claim in terms of function under section 112, paragraph 6.”
`Id. at 1211.
`Section 112(f) “was intended to permit the use of means expressions in patent claims”
`without requiring the patentee to recite all possible structures that could be used as means in the
`claimed apparatus.” O.I. Corp. v. Tekmar Co., 115 F.3d 1576, 1583 (Fed. Cir. 1997). However,
`“[t]he price that must be paid for use of that convenience is limitation of the claim to the means
`specified in the written description and equivalents thereof.” Id. If the specification does not
`sufficiently identify the structure that corresponds to the function, then the claim fails for
`indefiniteness. Med. Instrumentation & Diagnostics Corp., 344 F.3d at 1211. “The requirement
`that the claims particularly point[] out and distinctly claim[] the invention is met when a person
`experienced in the field of the invention would understand the scope of the subject matter that is
`patented when the claim is read in conjunction with the rest of the specification.” Id. (internal
`citations and quotations omitted).
`The Federal Circuit has further stated that “[i]n cases involving a computer-implemented
`invention in which the inventor has invoked means-plus-function claiming, this court has
`consistently required that the structure disclosed in the specification be more than simply a general
`purpose computer or microprocessor.” Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. v. Int’l Game
`Tech., 521 F.3d 1328, 1333 (Fed. Cir. 2008). If the structure involves a computer or a
`microprocessor, the patent must disclose the algorithm that differentiates the microprocessor from
`others. Id. However, the algorithm need not always be “highly detailed.” Id. at 1338; see also
`Ergo Licensing, LLC v. CareFusion 303, Inc., 673 F.3d 1361, 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2012).
`The ’844 patent provides a “system and method for attaching a Downloadable security
`profile to a Downloadable.” ’844 patent at 1 (Dkt. No. 58-2). Claim 43 has three limitations that
`are means-plus-function limitations: (i) “means for receiving a Downloadable;” (ii) “means for
`generating a first Downloadable security profile that identifies suspicious code in the received
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`Downloadable;” and (iii) “means for generating a first Downloadable security profile that
`identifies suspicious code in the received Downloadable.”
`A. “Means for receiving a Downloadable” (’844 patent, claim 43)
`Finjan’s proposed
`Sophos’s proposed
`Court’s construction
`Function: receiving a
`Structure: Downloadable file
`Function: receiving a
`Structure: Downloadable file
`The parties do not dispute that the claimed function is “receiving a Downloadable.”
`Instead, the issue relates to the corresponding structure that performs the function. In its briefs,
`Sophos argued that “means for receiving a Downloadable” is indefinite. See Dkt. No. 60 at 8. It
`contended that Finjan’s proposed structure, a Downloadable file interceptor, is a general purpose
`microprocessor “programmed to perform an algorithm to ‘receiv[e] a downloadable.’” Id. at 6.
`Sophos asserted that the patent does not disclose any algorithm used by the Downloadable file
`interceptor to perform its function.
`At the Markman hearing, Sophos conceded for the first time that there was a structure
`corresponding to “means for receiving a Downloadable.” Tr. 21. However, it did not agree that
`that structure was a “Downloadable file interceptor.” Id. Sophos’s new argument during the
`hearing was inappropriate. Sophos itself acknowledged that waiver would apply if it “chang[ed]
`the scope of [its] argument” instead of simply “citing additional evidence.” Id. at 19. At the
`hearing, it apparently abandoned the argument it made in its briefs in favor of an entirely new
`argument. I will not consider these arguments. See Fujitsu Ltd. V. Belkin Int’l, Inc., No. 10-CV-
`0392-LHK, 2012 WL 368574, at *6 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 3, 2012 (“Ordinarily, the Court would find
`that any arguments not made in the claim construction briefing have been waived and may not be
`raised for the first time at the Markman hearing.”). However, I note that Sophos’s new argument
`is unpersuasive because the structure for “means for receiving a Downloadable” is unambiguous:
`the Downloadable file interceptor.
`The claim refers to the “means for receiving a Downloadable” as part of an “inspector
`Northern District of California
`United States District Court


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