Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 1
` 3 ----------------------------------------------
` 4 For the parties working with realtime and rough
` 5 draft transcripts, understand that if you choose
` 6 to use the realtime rough draft screen or the
` 7 printout, that you are doing so with the
` 8 understanding that the rough draft is a
` 9 noncertified copy.
` 10
` 11 Case: Palo Alto Networks v Finjan, Inc.
` and Symantec Corp, Blue Coat
` 12 Systems, Inc. v Finjan, Inc.
` 13 Witness: John Hawes
` 14 Date: 11-30-16
` 16 The rough draft transcript should not be cited at
` 17 any time since this deposition has been realtimed
` 18 and is in rough draft form. There will be a
` 19 discrepancy regarding page and line number when
` 20 comparing the realtime screen, the rough draft,
` 21 rough draft disk, and the final transcript.
` 22
` 23 Also please be aware that the realtime screen and
` 24 the noncertified rough draft transcript may
` 25 contain untranslated steno, reporter notes,
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 2
`Page 1
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 1

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 2 misspelled proper names, incorrect or missing Q/A
` 3 symbols or punctuation, and/or nonsensical English
` 4 word combinations. All such entries will be
` 5 correct on the final, certified transcript.
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 3
` 2
` 3 JOHN HAWES, called as a witness,
` 4 having been duly sworn on November 30, 2016,
`Page 2
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 2

` 5 by a Notary Public, was examined and
`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 6 testified as follows:
` 7 Virus Bulletin Limited
` 8 The Pentagon
` 9 Abingdon Science Park
` 10 Abingdon Oxon UK
` 11 (Business)
` 12
` 14 Q. Good morning
` 15 A. Hi.
` 16 Q. May I ask you to state your name for
` 17 the record, please.
` 18 A. My name is John Hawes.
` 19 Q. Thank you, Mr. Hawes.
` 20 Do you understand why you're here
` 21 today?
` 22 A. I think so.
` 23 Q. Have you been deposed before?
` 24 A. I have.
` 25 Q. And how many times?
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 4
` 2 A. Once.
` 3 Q. In what context?
` 4 A. The first piece of evidence that I
` 5 provided for this case, the scan of the paper, the
` 6 Morton Swimmer's 1995 paper in the various
` 7 bulletin conference.
`Page 3
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 3

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 8 Q. So as you know from your first
` 9 deposition, I'll be asking you some questions.
` 10 If there's anything that you need
` 11 clarity on, I ask that you ask for clarification
` 12 and if not, I'll -- the mutual understanding would
` 13 be that you have no questions about what my
` 14 question is asking you.
` 15 A. Okay.
` 16 Q. Is there any reason you feel that you
` 17 cannot give your best and most accurate testimony
` 18 today?
` 19 A. No.
` 20 Q. When were you first contacted about
` 21 having to give this deposition today?
` 22 A. I guess it was mid-October I think.
` 23 Q. Of this year?
` 24 A. Yes.
` 25 Q. Who contacted you?
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 5
` 2 A. Brian.
` 3 Q. What did he tell you about this
` 4 deposition?
` 5 A. That I might be required to give
` 6 another deposition.
` 7 Q. And when you were contacted initially
` 8 to work on these cases, who contacted you?
` 9 A. Brian.
` 10 Q. And what did he tell you your
`Page 4
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 4

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 11 assignment was?
` 12 A. I was asked to provide a scan of the
` 13 Morton Swimmer paper. That was the initial thing,
` 14 the first thing I was asked to do.
` 15 Q. When did he contact you about that?
` 16 A. Early this year I think.
` 17 Q. Did you meet with anyone to prepare
` 18 for your deposition today?
` 19 A. Not really. We had a brief
` 20 conversation while we were waiting for you guys to
` 21 arrive.
` 22 Q. For clarification, who is "we"?
` 23 A. Myself, Brian, and I'm sorry -- Alex.
` 24 (Whereupon, Exhibit 1 was marked at
` 25 this time.)
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 6
` 2 Q. You have been handed what's been
` 3 marked as Exhibit 1. Do you recognize this
` 4 document?
` 5 A. Yes.
` 6 Q. And what is this document?
` 7 A. I think this is the second -- yes,
` 8 this is a piece of paper that I signed in Denver
` 9 declaring that some of the documents that I
` 10 provided were what they claim to be.
` 11 Q. If I could direct your attention to
` 12 the third page of this document. Is that your
` 13 signature?
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`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 5

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 14 A. Yes, it is.
` 15 Q. So, if I could direct your attention
` 16 to Paragraph 2 of this declaration, it states that
` 17 you are the chief of operations of Virus Bulletin.
` 18 Is that your current position?
` 19 A. Yes.
` 20 Q. What does your role entail that in
` 21 position?
` 22 A. I essentially run the company. I set
` 23 budgets, I manage the team, I decide strategy and
` 24 direction.
` 25 Q. How long have you held that position?
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 7
` 2 A. Since mid 2014.
` 3 Q. Were you at Virus Bulletin before
` 4 2014?
` 5 A. Yes.
` 6 Q. What positions did you hold?
` 7 A. I was originally technical consultant
` 8 and subsequently team director.
` 9 Q. During what time frame did you hold
` 10 those positions?
` 11 A. I started with VB in 2006 and I think
` 12 they made me test team director in around 2010.
` 13 Q. What -- where did you work prior to
` 14 2006?
` 15 A. I worked at Sophos.
` 16 Q. In what capacity?
`Page 6
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 6

` 17 A. I was a test engineer.
` 18 Q. What did that role entail?
`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 19 A. Testing anti-virus products, QA.
` 20 Q. So when you were contacted about this
` 21 declaration in front of you, what specifically
` 22 were you asked to do?
` 23 A. I was asked -- I had previously been
` 24 asked to provide scans of several documents and
` 25 then I was asked to sign this piece of paper
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 8
` 2 confirming that they were scans of those
` 3 documents.
` 4 Q. And that was with respect to your
` 5 first declaration or second?
` 6 A. The second one -- well, they're both
` 7 pretty much the same process.
` 8 Q. What did you understand the purpose
` 9 was of scanning those documents?
` 10 A. To provide supporting evidence that
` 11 the original document, that the Morton Swimmer
` 12 paper was published by us.
` 13 Q. And the documents that you provide
` 14 with this declaration here, those could have been
` 15 located with your first declaration during that
` 16 time frame?
` 17 MR. EUTERMOSER: Object to the form.
` 18 A. Sorry, could have been located?
` 19 Q. They could have been -- let me
`Page 7
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 7

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 20 retract.
` 21 So you mentioned that you scanned in
` 22 documents in connection with this declaration,
` 23 correct?
` 24 A. Yes.
` 25 Q. And the scanning of those documents
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 9
` 2 could have been performed for example at the time
` 3 frame when you submitted your first declaration in
` 4 these proceedings?
` 5 A. Could have been.
` 6 Q. Now could you direct your attention
` 7 back to paragraph 2 in the declaration in front of
` 8 you?
` 9 A. Okay.
` 10 Q. It states towards the end that Virus
` 11 Bulletin has run an annual international
` 12 conference on malware, antimalware and related
` 13 subjects since 1999.
` 14 A. 1991.
` 15 Q. Sorry.
` 16 A. 1991.
` 17 Q. Oh 1991, excuse me. Thank you.
` 18 Have you ever attended any of these
` 19 annual conferences?
` 20 A. Yes I've attended every one since
` 21 2005.
` 22 Q. In what capacity have you attended
`Page 8
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 8

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 23 those conferences?
` 24 A. In 2005 in Dublin I was an employee
` 25 of Sophos so I was a delegate at the conference
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 10
` 2 and at the subsequent, 11 I think, I've been an
` 3 employee of Virus Bulletin so I have been helping
` 4 to run the conference.
` 5 Q. Then in Paragraph 2 you also mention
` 6 that Virus Bulletin is an online magazine. When
` 7 did it first become an online magazine?
` 8 A. Currently we are entirely online.
` 9 Previously we had published paper editions. I
` 10 think we stopped publishing the paper editions in
` 11 2006 --
` 12 Q. When did you -- sorry.
` 13 A. By that point we were already
` 14 publishing everything online as well so there was
` 15 a period of overlap.
` 16 Q. When did you first -- when did Virus
` 17 Bulletin start publishing the magazine in general,
` 18 not online just in paper?
` 19 MR. EUTERMOSER: Object to the form.
` 20 A. Off the top of my head I'm not sure
` 21 but it was the first thing we did so it was before
` 22 the conference started, so before 1991.
` 23 Q. The online magazine today, who has
` 24 access to it?
` 25 A. It's freely available to anybody on
`Page 9
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 9

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`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 11
` 2 the Internet.
` 3 Q. Prior to the magazine being online,
` 4 who had access to it when it was in print?
` 5 A. We had areas of the website which
` 6 were available only to paying subscribers and
` 7 likewise the print edition was only available to
` 8 paying subscribers.
` 9 Q. What's the basis of your knowledge
` 10 for this?
` 11 A. My working for the company.
` 12 (Whereupon, Exhibit 2 was marked at
` 13 this time.)
` 14 Q. You have been handed what's marked as
` 15 Exhibit 2. Do you recognize this document?
` 16 A. Yes.
` 17 Is this not the same one?
` 18 Q. What is this document?
` 19 It's not a trick. I just want to
` 20 confirm unless would you like to state on the
` 21 record that the same was submitted in both
` 22 proceedings, whatever.
` 23 A. The piece of paper that I signed in
` 24 Denver.
` 25 Q. Okay. Is this -- again, Mr. Hawes,
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

`Page 10
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 10

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 12
` 2 this is not a matter of trickery. This is just a
` 3 matter of course to confirm that it's the same
` 4 declaration.
` 5 Can you confirm that the Exhibit 2
` 6 that's been handed to you is the same as the first
` 7 three pages of Exhibit 1 that's been handed to
` 8 you?
` 9 A. It certainly looks to be, yes.
` 10 Q. So if I could direct your attention
` 11 back to Exhibit 1, in particular Paragraph 3.
` 12 A. Yes.
` 13 Q. Where you reference Exhibit A, which
` 14 is I believe Page 4 or 5.
` 15 A. Uh-huh.
` 16 Q. What is Exhibit A?
` 17 A. That's the first declaration that I'd
` 18 signed previously.
` 19 Q. And then in Paragraph 4 of Exhibit A,
` 20 your most recent declaration, you state that in
` 21 your October 15th, 2015 declaration the paper
` 22 entitled "Dynamic Detection and Classification of
` 23 Computer Viruses Using General Behavior Patterns"
` 24 was published and couple of lines down it says,
` 25 "September 1995."
` U.S. Legal Support Company
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` 13
` 2 What is the basis for your knowledge
`Page 11
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 11

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 3 of this statement?
` 4 A. The records of my company.
` 5 Q. What are those records?
` 6 A. We keep copies of all the conference
` 7 books that we have produced for each conference
` 8 going back to the very beginning in 1991.
` 9 They're stored in an archive which we
` 10 reference quite regularly.
` 11 Q. How do you known, as you state in
` 12 Paragraph 4 of your declaration, that the paper
` 13 you reference was "published to all 163 attendees
` 14 of the conference in September 1995?"
` 15 A. It's our standard business practice
` 16 that we produce a book of the proceedings that's
` 17 provided to everybody that attends the conference.
` 18 Q. Did you attend that conference in
` 19 September 1995?
` 20 A. I did not.
` 21 Q. Did you speak with anyone who did
` 22 attend that conference?
` 23 A. I spoke to many people who attended
` 24 that conference.
` 25 Q. Specifically about that conference?
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 14
` 2 A. I -- yes, I would say it's very
` 3 likely that I've spoken to people who attended
` 4 that particular conference.
` 5 Q. Did you speak with any of them in
`Page 12
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 12

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 6 preparing this declaration?
` 7 MR. EUTERMOSER: Object to the form.
` 8 A. I wasn't really -- in preparing this
` 9 declaration I mentioned to some of them that I had
` 10 been asked to give a declaration about that
` 11 particular conference.
` 12 Q. The last sentence of Paragraph 4 of
` 13 your declaration you state that "The paper was
` 14 subsequently made available for purchase by Virus
` 15 Bulletin."
` 16 A. Yes.
` 17 Q. What does that mean for a paper to be
` 18 available for purchase?
` 19 A. So after the conference is over, we
` 20 keep several copies of the book because people who
` 21 were unable to attend or for whatever reason,
` 22 quite often want copies of it so we make it
` 23 available for people to purchase separate from
` 24 attending the conference.
` 25 It's also considered to be cheaper
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 15
` 2 than attending the conference just to buy the
` 3 book.
` 4 Q. Do you know anyone who purchased the
` 5 proceedings book that you referenced in your
` 6 Paragraph 4 of your declaration?
` 7 A. No, I don't.
` 8 Q. What exactly is a proceedings book?
`Page 13
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 13

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 9 A. So, the conference mainly consists of
` 10 a number of presentations, somewhere around 50 at
` 11 the moment.
` 12 It varies from year to year depending
` 13 on the setup and each of those the main
` 14 presentations accompanied by a paper and those are
` 15 all collected in book form which may be a ring
` 16 bound or fully bound book.
` 17 It also contains other information
` 18 about the conference, location and so on.
` 19 Q. Who prepares the proceedings book?
` 20 A. The Virus Bulletin team.
` 21 Q. Do you know who prepared the
` 22 proceedings book for the specific conference in
` 23 September 1995 that you reference?
` 24 A. I do not. I know within three or
` 25 four people but I could not say which one in
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 16
` 2 particular did all the work.
` 3 Q. You didn't speak with anyone in
` 4 particular about the preparation of the
` 5 proceedings book in connection with this
` 6 declaration?
` 7 A. No.
` 8 (Whereupon, Exhibit 3 was marked at
` 9 this time.)
` 10 Q. You've been handed what's marked as
` 11 Exhibit 3.
`Page 14
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 14

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 12 A. Uh huh.
` 13 Q. Do you recognize this document?
` 14 A. Yes.
` 15 Q. What is it?
` 16 A. It's the first declaration that I
` 17 signed relating to the Morton Swimmer paper.
` 18 Q. The second page of that document, is
` 19 that your signature?
` 20 A. Yes, it is.
` 21 Q. And is that the same declaration
` 22 that's included as Exhibit A to Exhibit 1 of this
` 23 deposition?
` 24 A. Yes, it is.
` 25 Q. Okay. Thank you. I'm still going to
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 17
` 2 direct your attention back to Exhibit 1, then in
` 3 particular Paragraph 5?
` 4 A. Okay.
` 5 Q. You state in the first sentence that
` 6 "A copy of the Swimmer paper including this
` 7 Exhibit A is part of the conference proceedings
` 8 book that was prepared by Virus Bulletin employees
` 9 in 1995."
` 10 Again, you did not attend the
` 11 conference in 1995, correct?
` 12 A. Correct.
` 13 Q. You testified earlier that you have
` 14 -- you did not speak with any of the employees
`Page 15
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 15

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 15 that prepared the proceedings book for that 1995
` 16 conference, correct?
` 17 MR. EUTERMOSER: Objection
` 18 mischaracterizes his testimony.
` 19 A. I spoke to them. I did not question
` 20 them about the preparation of the book.
` 21 Q. So you testified earlier you did not
` 22 speak with them in connection with your
` 23 preparation of this declaration?
` 24 MR. EUTERMOSER: Object to the form.
` 25 A. I spoke to them in connection with
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 18
` 2 the declaration because, as I said, I mentioned to
` 3 them that I was being -- I had been asked to give
` 4 a declaration.
` 5 Q. Okay. But do you know exactly who
` 6 the employees are who prepared the proceedings
` 7 book for the 1995 conference?
` 8 MR. EUTERMOSER: Object to the form.
` 9 A. I know who the employees were at that
` 10 time. I don't know which of them were involved in
` 11 that particular. I can -- I would assume it would
` 12 be the editor who did most of the work which is
` 13 how it has been for at least for the last twelve
` 14 years.
` 15 Q. Then you also state at the end of the
` 16 first sentence in Paragraph 5 of your declaration
` 17 that "The proceedings book has been kept at Virus
`Page 16
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 16

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 18 Bulletin's offices ever since."
` 19 What do you mean by it's been kept at
` 20 the offices?
` 21 A. So after the conference is over, we
` 22 bring home any spare copies of the book.
` 23 We actually -- we tend to print 10 to
` 24 20 percent over what we expect we will need
` 25 because we want to have some available to -- for
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 19
` 2 people that want them later. We take those copies
` 3 home.
` 4 We have a couple of master copies
` 5 that we keep in our main office for reference and
` 6 we keep the spares in storage in the same
` 7 building.
` 8 Q. Who monitors the storage, if anyone?
` 9 MR. EUTERMOSER: Object to form.
` 10 A. At the moment it would be my
` 11 colleague, Allison Sketchly who who maintains all
` 12 our archives.
` 13 Q. How long has she been in that
` 14 position?
` 15 A. Around 10 years.
` 16 Q. Do you know who held that position
` 17 prior to her?
` 18 A. Yes. Her name is Bernadette.
` 19 Q. Did Bernadette oversee the storage of
` 20 the records and the proceedings book during that
`Page 17
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 17

` 21 time?
` 22 A. Yes.
`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 23 Q. Then at the end of the paragraph 5 of
` 24 your declaration you reference "Virus Bulletin's
` 25 regularly conducted business activity."
` U.S. Legal Support Company
` (877) 479-2484

` 20
` 2 What do you mean?
` 3 A. Well, we hold a conference every year
` 4 and that produces the proceedings book every year
` 5 so every year we take those books and we look
` 6 after them.
` 7 Q. Direct your attention to Paragraph 6
` 8 of your declaration. You reference an Exhibit B?
` 9 A. Uh-huh.
` 10 Q. What is Exhibit B? It starts on Page
` 11 21.
` 12 A. Yes, it's a list of the attendees of
` 13 the conference.
` 14 Q. When did you retrieve this document?
` 15 A. Shortly after the previous
` 16 declaration.
` 17 I was asked during the declaration
` 18 who had attended the conference and I said I
` 19 didn't know but I could find out and I was
` 20 interested so I went and found out.
` 21 Q. You stated you were asked during the
` 22 declaration, did you mean you were asked during
` 23 your deposition?
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`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2042, p. 18

`Hawes ROUGH - 113016.txt
` 24 A. Yes.
` 25 Q. Were you directed later to then
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` (877) 479-2484

` 21
` 2 retrieve th

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