TThT T0!
`1.1. out.)
`Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers
`Boston, Mass, USA
`20-22 September I995
`I Symantec 1047
`Symantec v. Finjan
`___ |PR2015-01392
`Symantec 1047
`Symantec v. Finjan

`Thursday 2! September
`Friday 22 September
`Ian Whalley, Virus Bulletin Ltd, UK
`Opening address
`John “CA1-ee‘ USA
`Keynote address
`Paul Robinson. Secure Computing
`Magazine, UK
`A testing time
`Robin Kinney, Varian Oncology
`Systems, USA
`Virus protection as part of the overall
`software development process
`Righard Zwienenberg, Computer
`Security Engineers Ltd, The
`Nether 3“ 5
`Heuristic scanners; artificial intelligence?
`Sarah Gordon, Command
`Software Systems, USA
`The aritl~virus strategy system
`jonathan Lettvin, Lotus
`Development Corporation. USA
`The PC boot sequence, its risks and
`Frans Velciman. ESaSS GmbH,
`The Netherlands
`l L00
`Speaker to be announced
`Government Cam-ficmvon cyan, software
`Igor Grebert, l“|cAfee Associates,
`Netware vulnerability
`Glenn Coates. Staffordshire
`University. UK.
`Virus detection: the ‘brainy’ way
`Paul Ducklin, Sophos Plc, UK
`Byessmgs in disguise: bu,-‘id,-ng out of
`disaster - virus distribution on the
`Neville Bulsara, Quantum System
`Software, India
`Securing DOS
`Morton Swimmer. University of
`Hamburg Virus Test Center, Germany
`Dynamic detection of computer viruses
`using general behaviour patterns
`jean Hitchings. University of
`Nottingham, UK
`Dmitry Mostovoy,
`DialogueScience Inc, Russia
`The human dimension of computer
`Modern methods of detecting and
`eradicating known and unknown viruses
`jakub Kaminski. Cybec Pty Ltd,
`Flash BIOS - a new security loophole
`Mike Lambert, Frontier
`Corporation, USA
`Viruses in the enterprise environment:
`are the solutions they’re selling what we
`really need?
`Shane Coursen. Symantec
`Corporation — Peter Norton Group.
`Windows NT and Windows 95
`Ferenc Leitold, Hunix Ltd.
`Automatic virus analyser system
`Judy Edwards, Illinois State
`University, USA
`l-"ending off viruses in the university
`setting: case study of the Macintosh
`virus threat
`Pavel Lamacl<a_ HT Computer
`Accidents Research Center, Slovakia
`Harmless and useful viruses can hardly
`Roger Riordan, Cybec Pty Ltd.
`Data security problems associated with
`high capacity lDE hard disks
`Allan Dyer, ‘fui Kee Company Ltd.
`Hong Kong
`john Morar. IBM T] Watson
`Research Center. USA
`Fridrik Skulason, Frisk Software
`International, Iceland
`Recent viruses, virus writers and routes
`of virus spread in Hong Kong and China
`OSl2 and Warp vulnerability
`Latest trends in polymorphism
`Luciian Caric, Qubis d.o.o..
`Case study of virus control in a large
`Richard Ford, NCSA. USA
`Boot sector W-ms remom; under N1 092’
`Windows 95, Unix and Netware servers
`Dmitry Gryaznov, 5&5 International
`Plc. Ul(
`Scanners of the year 2000.’ heuristics
`T E A
`Steve White, IBM TJ Watson
`Research Center, USA
`Computer viruses — a global perspective
`Jim Bates, Computer Forensics Ltd.
`Catching the virus writers
`David Stang, Norman Data Defense
`Systems Inc. USA
`Behaviour blockers
`S P E A K E R
`S P A N E L S E S S I O N
`I L45
`|S.45 Wes Ames, Boeing Corporation,
`Following on from Mike l.ombert’s talk,
`this session will be run as a discussion
`forum on problems encountered by the
`computer security managers of medium
`to large corpwme Drgumscm-ms and
`liavv developers of anti-virus solutions
`address them.
`T E A
`Peter Radatti. Cybersoft Inc, USA
`Um-x minembm-I},
`Igor Muttik, Moscow State
`University, Russia
`The problems in creating goat files
`Scott Gordon, McAfee Associates.
`Evaluating distributed anti-virus
`protection software
`David ‘Aubrey-Jones, Reflex
`Magnems Ltd' UK
`Automatic testing of memory resident
`anti-virus software
`Black tie (tuxedo) gala dinner and cabaret
`The organisers reserve me right to alter the oonferente programme

`5th Annual
`and Exhibition
`Welcome to VB’95 - the forum for anti-virus and information security
`education. For the first time. this highly successful two and a half day
`conference is being held outside Europe, convening in Boston. Mass. USA,
`on 20-22 September, I995.
`VB’9.'i is designed to benefit everyone involved in system security.
`The programme comprises three parallel tracks of technical and
`non-technical presentations. as well as a table-top exhibition of security
`software and hardware solutions. Each of the 36 talks focuses on a
`contemporary issue (eg. Windows NT and 95 vulnerability and virus
`distribution on the Internet) and delegates are free to move between
`sessions. matching the programme to their professional interests.
`Comprehensive notes on all presentations are contained in the conference
`The conference is complemented by a packed social programme, offering
`an excellent opportunity for informal discussion of the day's events with
`speakers, colleagues and exhibitors.
`‘‘ The VB
`C°"f*‘-‘"9959 Nd‘-'35
`the issues which
`Professionals face
`every day. ,,
`Peter Thompson,
`British Gas
`’ Data Processing I-1-lanagel-5
`F Security managers
`F office automation specialists
`p LAN managers
`D Security consultants
`IT strategists
`'_ PC support Sufi
`AS 3 Pl"El|_IClE ‘E0 the main CDHTEFEFICE
`programme. on Wednesday 10 September
`between I600 and 18.00. Dr Jan Hruska
`Pic. UK
`'II b
`h Id‘
`infifoctlljctor-y sis)s:f:|>ii «Sn s'.c:)l'l‘llrF1IElZaEnl' viruses.
`The presentation is aimed at those delegates
`who are either new to computer security or
`who have not attended previous VB
`conferences. Dr Hruska's talk will discuss
`methods of virus infection, examine virus
`prevalence and show some of the more
`common viruses live.

`agoisrnnrion -FEE.
`._ .-'
`Standard reglstratlon fee
`Vi"-'5 3“ll3~'-in 5Ul35‘3'"ll3*‘-‘l"5' fee
`(Conference registrations are exempt from tax]
`istration fee includes:
`Admlsslon to all conference sesslons
`Admission to the exhibition
`The conference Proceedings
`Lunch and mid-session refreshments on both days
`Cocktail F€CEPtlDT‘| 0" Wedfl€5d3Y 20 September
`Black tie (tuxedo) gala dinner and cabaret on
`Thursday 2 I September
`Registrations for groups of four or more people
`from the same organisation, booking at the same
`time. are eligible for 21 £50.00 discount per person.
`Representatives from bona fide educational antllor
`charitable organisations are eligible for the
`discounted registration fee of £300.00 per person.
`Please contact Virus Bulletin to arrange reduced
`registration fees.
`_ __
`Our payment terms are 30 days and we accept
`Mastercard. VISA or American Express. as well as
`cheque or bankers‘ order. When paying by credit
`card, please include the billing address as it appears
`on your monthly statement.
`The registration fee must be paid in full before the
`start of the conference.
`_'_iE_‘iE'coNEERE'NcE VENUE
`The elegant Park Plaza Hotel is situated in the heart
`of Boston’: Back Bay, adjacent to Boston Common
`and the Public Gard ens, and within easy reach of the
`city’s historic attractions. The hotel was built in I927
`and is now a role model for the hospitality industry.
`being the only hotel to win the President’: Gold
`Medal for Environmental Achievement.
`Virus Bulletin is holding a limited number of rooms at
`the Pork Pioza at the preferential rates of $ I 24.00
`(single) and $|40.00 (doubleltwin). Delegate
`reservations will be assigned on a first come, first
`sewed basis and must be received by 23 August
`I995. After this date, reservations will be confirmed
`on space and rate availability; early booking is
`recommended. Please call the hotel direct on
`+l 6 I 7 457 2500 or contact Virus Bulletin for a
`booking form.
`Information on alternative hotels can be obtained
`from the Greater Boston Convention and Visitors
`Bureou, tel +| 6|? 536 4|00, fax +| 6|? 424 7664.
`'socihi. rnoksitiiimuie -
`Throughout l/3'95. you will have every opportunity
`to meet the industry experts and speakers at the
`conference. The conference social programme
`features a cocktail party on the evening of
`Wednesday 20 September and a spectacular black
`tie (tuxedo) gala dinner and cabaret on
`Thursday 2| September. Both the cocktail party and
`the gala dinner are included in the delegate
`registration fee. Tickets for accompanying partners
`can be booked at a cost of El 5.00 per head for the
`cocktail party and £40.00 per head for the gala
`dinner. See the registration form for details.
`The exhibition will be open at the following times:
`Wedn35d3Y 20 September
`Thursday 2| September
`“-00 ‘ la-DO
`I L00 « l6.00
`Friday 22 September
`I L00 — l6.00
`Throughout lr'B’95, the leading anti-virus software and
`hardware vendors will be present at the conference
`exhibition. The exhibition is open exclusiveiy to
`conference deiegates and provides an excellent
`opportunity to discuss solutions for virus protection
`with manufactutm

`PARTNERS.’ _'P_'Ro.c'RAM'_“i§
`' QUERIES ‘-.....
`Should you have any questions regarding the
`conference. please contact:
`Petra Dumeid
`Vi,-Us Bulletin Conference
`21 The Quadrant
`Q)(|4 3Y5
`Tel +44 ‘I135 555 I 39
`Fax +44 I235 53 W39
`A full day partners’ programme has been organised
`for Thursday 2| September. The tour will leave the
`Park Plaza at 09.30 and travel by old town trolley bus
`to some of Boston’s most popular attractions. Lunch
`will be served at the Union Oyster House. the oldest
`restaurant in the State. after which the party will visit
`d1e lsabella Stewart Gardner Museum - a breathtaking
`personal collection of paintings. sculptures. furniture
`and books - returning to the Park Plaza at I730.
`The partners’ programme costs £45.00 per person
`and is inclusive of transport, a guide service.
`admission to all attractions and a three course lunch.
`Ta:-(is are readily available at the airport
`(fare: $| 0.00 - S I 5.00) and an airport shuttle bus
`service stops at the Park Plaza every half hour
`($150 one way). In good traffic, the iourney to the
`Park Plaza takes 20-25 minutes. However. during
`rush hours. it may be quicker to take the ‘T’ subway
`service (blue line) which stops close to the hotel at
`‘Arlington’ (approximately $0.85}.
`Substitutions may be made at any time. Provided
`written notice of cancellation is received by
`I8 August I995 {faxes are acceptable). the
`conference lee, less :1 I093 administration charge, will
`be refunded. Cancellations received after this date
`will be liable for the full registration fee.
`in'iRi=‘~ur~IAei_E To A1'rEN‘__ti""
`Copies of the proceedings from ‘/8'95 will be
`available after the conference for £50.00 plus
`postage and packing. To order. piease tick the box
`on the registration form.

`0% '4
`FAXTO +44 I235 53|889
`Company VAT registration no
`D Please register me for 'ifB'95
`[I I plan to attend the conference with my partner
`Please book
`_ p|ace{s} at the conference cocktail reception on
`Wednesday 20 September @ {I500 each.
`Standard registration fee
`J Virus Bulletin subst:ribers'fee*
`* One IIiS(.'CILl1tI'.‘I:
`r.a|1Ir!1'I::nITC 'egistration per '.-'3 sulzsctlp-"Jon
`_ placets] on the partners’ programme tour on Thursday 2| September
`@ £45.00 each.
`_ p|ace[s] at the gala dinner on Thursday 2| September
`@ £40.00 each,
`U Proceedings (included in registration fee) £50.00 (plus p&p)
`placets) at lunch on Thursday 2| September @ £20.00 each.
`D I enclose :1 cheque payable to Virus Buii'etin Ltd
`DI Please invoice my company quoting PO. number
`:I Please charge my credit card
`:I V|SAJ'I"IasLerCard
`_ place{s} at lunch on Friday 22 September @ £20.00 each.
`Please indicate any special dietary or access requirements
`i am interested in exhibiting at V3 '95
`Card ml der
`Billing address
`D Please send me subscription information and a free copy of Virus Bulletin
`I understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out in the
`conference programme.
`Expiry date _

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