`This publication describes the Intel“) 8086 family
`of microcomputing components, concentrating
`on the 8086, 8088 and 8089 microprocessors. It is
`written for hardware and software engineers and
`technicians who
`understand microcomputer
`operating principles. The manual is intended to
`introduce the product line and to serve as a refer-
`ence during system design and implementation.
`Recognizing that successful microcomputer—based
`products are judicious blends of hardware and
`software, the User’s Manual addresses both sub-
`jects, although at different levels of detail. This
`publication is the definitive source for informa-
`tion describing the 8086 family components. Soft-
`ware topics,
`such as programming languages,
`utilities and examples,
`are given moderately
`detailed, but by no means complete, coverage.
`available from Intel’s
`Literature Department, are cited in the program-
`ming sections.
`1.1 Manual Organization
`The manual contains four chapters and three
`appendices. The
`remainder of
`describes the architecture of the 8086 family, and
`subsequent chapters cover
`the individual com-
`ponents in detail.
`Chapter 2 describes the 8086 and 8088 Central
`Processing Units, and Chapter 3 covers the 8089
`Input/Output Processor. These two chapters are
`identically organized and focus on providing a
`functional description of the 8086, 8088 and
`8089, plus related Intel hardware and software
`products. Hardware
`electrical characteristics,
`timing and physical
`interfacing considerations—for
`three pro-
`cessors is concentrated in Chapter 4.
`Appendix A is a collection of 8086 family applica-
`tion notes;
`these provide design and debugging
`examples. Appendix B contains complete data
`sheets for all
`the 8086 family components and
`system development aids; summary data sheets
`covering compatible components from other Intel
`product lines are also reproduced in Appendix B.
` w’# _
`1.2 8086 Family Architecture
`Considered individually, the 8086, 8088 and 8089
`are advanced third-generation microprocessors.
`these processors are elements of a
`larger design,
`that of
`the 8086 family. This
`systems architecture specifies how the processors
`and other components relate to each other, and is
`the key to the exceptional versatility of these
`The components in the 8086 family have been
`designed to operate together in diverse combina-
`tions within the systematic framework of the
`overall family architecture. In this way a single
`family of components can be used to solve a wide
`array of microcomputing problems. A compo-
`nent mix can be tailored to fit the performance
`needs of an application precisely, without having
`to pay for unneeded capabilities that may be
`bundled into more monolithic, CPU-centered
`architectures. Using the same family of com-
`ponents across multiple systems limits the learn-
`ing curve problem and builds on past experience.
`the modular structure of
`the family
`architecture provides an orderly way for systems
`to grow and change.
`The 8086 family architecture is characterized by
`three major principles:
`are distributed among
`System functions
`specialized components.
`2. Multiprocessing capabilities are inherent in
`the hardware.
`3. A hierarchical bus organization provides for
`the complex data flows required by high-
`systems without burdening
`simpler systems with unneeded capabilities.
`Functional Distribution
`Table 1-1 lists the components that constitute the
`8086 microprocessor family. All components are
`contained in standard dual in-line packages and
`require single +5V power sources.
`Symantec 1033
`|PR2015-01892 - Symantec v. Finjan
`Symantec 1033
`IPR2015-01892 - Symantec v. Finjan

`Table 1-1. 8086 Component Family
`8086 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
`bit general-purpose micro-
` 8/16
`processor; 16-bit external data path.
`HMOS 40
`8088 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
`bit general-purpose micro-
`processor; 8-bit external data path.
`Support Component
`Technology Pins
`Input/Output Processor(|OP)
`8/16 bit microprocessor optimized for
`high-speed I/O operations; 8-bit and
`16-bit external data paths.
`8259A Programmable lnterruptController(P|C)
`8282 Octal Latch
`20 Demultiplexes and increases drive of
`address bus.
`8283 Octal Latch (lnverting)
`8284 Clock Generator and Driver
` Bipolar
`8286 OctalBus Transceiver
`increases drive on data bus.
`8287 OctalBusTransceiver(|nverting)
`Provides time base.
`8288 Bus Controller
`20 Generates bus command signals.
`8289 Bus Arbiter
`20 Controls access of microprocessors
`to multimaster system bus.
`line are three
`the product
`the Core of
`microprocessors that share these characteristics:
`Standard operating speed is 5 MHZ (200 ns
`cycle time); a selected 8 MHZ version of the
`8086 CPU is also available.
`Chlps are housed 1“ reliable 40'p‘“ pa°kage5-
`PF0CesS0fs Opefate 0h b0th 3-and 16-bit data
`types; thtethal data Paths are at least 16 bits
`Up to 1 megabyte of memory can be
`addressed, along with a separate 64k byte
`1/O space.
`The address/data and status interfaces of the
`processors are compatible (the address and
`data buses are time—multiplexed at the pro-
`an address
`transmission is
`followed by a data transmission over a subset
`ofthe same physical lines).
`The 8086 and 8088 are third-generation central
`processing units (CPUs) that differ primarily in
`the” exterhat data Paths- The 3033 trahsters data
`between itself and other system components 8 bits
`at a time. The 8086 can transfer either 8 or 16 bits
`in one bus cycle and is
`therefore capable of
`throughput. Both processors have two
`operating modes, selectable by a strapping pin. ln
`minimum mode, the CPUs emit the bus control
`signals needed by memory and I/O peripheral
`In maximum mode, an 8288 Bus
`Controller assumes responsibility for controlling
`devices attached to the system bus. CPU pins no
`longer needed for bus control are then redefined
`10 PF0Vide signals that s11PP0Tt m111tiPF0CeSsh1g
`The 8089 Input/Output Processor (IOP) is an
`independent microprocessor whose design has
`been optimized for transferring data. The 8089

`typically runs under the direction of a CPU, but it
`executes a separate instruction stream and can
`operate in parallel with other system processors.
`The IOP contains two independent I/O channels
`that combine attributes of both CPUs and
`advanced DMA (direct memory access) con-
`trollers. The channels can execute programs and
`perform programmed 1/O operations similar to
`CPUs. They may also transfer data by DMA, at
`rates up to 1.25 megabytes per second (5 MHz
`version). The channels can support mixes of 8-
`and 16-bit I/O devices and memory. Combining
`speed with programmable intelligence,
`the 8089
`can assume the bulk of I/O processing overhead
`and thereby free a CPU to perform other tasks.
`Interrupt Controller
`The 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller
`(PIC) is a new, 8086 family-compatible version
`of the familiar 8259 that has been enhanced to
`operate with the advanced interrupt facilities of
`the 8086 and 8088 CPUs. The 8259A accepts
`interrupt requests from up to eight sources; up
`sources may
`accommodated by
`“cascading” additional 8259As. Each interrupt
`source is assigned a priority number that typi-
`cally reflects its “criticality” in the system. The
`8259A has
`several built-in, priority-resolving
`mechanisms that are selectable by software com-
`mands from the CPU. These modes operate
`somewhat differently, but in general the 8259A
`continuously identifies the highest-priority active
`request and generates an interrupt
`to the CPU if
`this request has higher
`priority than the request currently being pro-
`cessed. When the CPU recognizes the interrupt
`request, the 8259A transfers a code to the CPU
`that identifies the interrupt source.
`Bus Interface Components
`Components may be selected from this modular
`group to implement different system bus con-
`figurations. Except for the 8284, all components
`are optional; their inclusion in a system is based
`on the needs of the application. All of the bus
`interface components are implemented using
`bipolar technology to provide high-quality, high-
`drive signals and very fast internal switching.
`an external crystal or TTL signal by three and
`outputs the 5 MHz or 8 MHz processor clock
`signal. It also provides the microprocessors with
`reset and ready signals.
`8282 or 8283 Octal Latches may be added to a
`system to demultiplex the combined address/ data
`bus generated by
`family micro-
`processors. A demultiplexed
`separate stable address and data lines required by
`components. Two
`demultiplex 16 bits of the bus to provide an
`address space of up to 64k bytes, while three
`latches generate the full 20-bit (megabyte) address
`space. The latches also provide the high drive on
`the address lines needed in larger systems.
`8286 and 8287 Octal Bus Transceivers are used to
`provide more drive on data lines than the pro-
`cessors themselves are capable of providing. One
`or two transceivers may be used depending on the
`width of the data bus (8 or 16 bits).
`The 8288 Bus Controller decodes status signals
`output by an 8089, or a maximum mode 8086 or
`8088. When these signals indicate that the pro-
`cessor is to run a bus cycle, the 8288 issues a bus
`command that identifies the bus cycle as memory
`read, memory write, I/O read, l/O write, etc. It
`also provides a signal that strobes the address into
`8282/83 latches. The 8288 provides the drive
`levels needed for the bus control lines in medium
`to large systems.
`The 8289 Bus Arbiter controls the access of a pro-
`to a multimaster system bus. A multi-
`master bus is a path to system resources (typically
`shared by two or more
`(masters). Arbiters
`for each
`master may use one of several priority-resolving
`techniques to ensure that only one master drives
`the shared bus.
`Employing multiple processors in medium to
`large systems offers several significant advantages
`over the centralized approach that relies on a
`single CPU and extremely fast memory:
`system tasks may
`The 8284 Clock Generator and Driver provides
`special-purpose processors whose designs are
`time base
`the 8086
`family micro-
`optimized to perform certain types of tasks
`simply and efficiently;
`processors. It divides the frequency signal from
` m I-3
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` :
`very high levels of performance can be
`attained when multiple
`execute simultaneously (parallel processing);
`robustness can be improved by isolating
`system functions so that a failure or error in
`one part of the system has a limited effect on
`the rest of the system;
`the natural partitioning of
`promotes parallel development of
`systems, breaks the application into smaller,
`more manageable tasks, and helps isolate the
`effects of system modifications.
`The 8086 family architecture is explicitly designed
`to simplify the development of multiple processor
`systems by providing facilities for coordinating
`the interaction of the processors.
`The architecture supports two types of pro-
`independent processors
`coprocessors. An independent processor is one
`that executes its own instruction stream. The
`8086, 8088 and 8089 are examples of independent
`processors. An 8086 or 8088 typically executes a
`program in response to an interrupt. The 8089
`starts its channels in response to an interrupt-like
`signal called a channel attention;
`this signal
`typically issued by a CPU.
`The 8086 architecture also supports a second type
`of processor, called a coprocessor. Coprocessor
`“hooks” have been designed into the 8086 and
`8088 so that
`type of processor can be
`accommodated in the future. A coprocessor dif-
`fers from an independent processor in that
`obtains its instructions from another processor,
`called a host. The coprocessor monitors instruc-
`tions fetched by the host and recognizes certain of
`them. A
`coprocessor, in effect, extends the instruction set
`of its host processor.
`The 8086 family architecture provides built-in
`solutions to two classic multiprocessing coordina-
`tion problems: bus arbitration and mutual exclu-
`sion. Bus arbitration may be performed by the
`bus request/grant logic contained in each of the
`processors, by 8289 Bus Arbiters, or by a com-
`bination of the two when processors have access
`to multiple shared buses. In all cases, the arbitra-
`tion mechanism operates invisibly to software.
`For mutual exclusion, each processor has a
`LOCK (bus lock) signal which a program may
`activate to prevent other processors from obtain-
`ing a shared system bus. The 8089 may lock the
`bus during a DMA transfer to ensure that both
`the transfer completes in the shortest possible
`time and that another processor does not access
`the target of the transfer (e.g., a buffer) while it is
`being updated. Each of the processors has an
`instruction that examines and updates a memory
`byte with the bus locked. This instruction can be
`used to implement a semaphore mechanism for
`controlling the access of multiple processors to
`shared resources. (A semaphore is a variable that
`indicates whether a resource, such as a buffer or a
`is “available” or “in use”; section 2.5
`discusses semaphores in more detail).
`Bus Organization
`Figure 1-1 summarizes the 8086 family bus struc-
`ture. There are two different
`types of buses:
`system and local. Both buses may be shared by
`multiple processors,
`i.e., both are multimaster
`buses. Microprocessors are always connected to a
`local bus, and memory and I/O components
`usually reside on a system bus. The 8086 family
`bus interface components link a local bus to a
`system bus.
`Local Bus
`The local bus is optimized for use by the 8086
`family microprocessors. Since standard memory
`and I/O components are not attached to the local
`bus, information can be multiplexed and encoded
`to make very efficient use of processor pins (cer-
`tain MCS-85”‘ peripheral components can be
`directly connected to the local bus). This allows
`several pins to be dedicated to coordinating the
`activity of multiple processors sharing the local
`bus. Multiple processors connected to the same
`local bus are said to be local to each other; pro-
`cessors on different
`local buses are said to be
`remote to each other, or configured remotely.
`Both independent processors and coprocessors
`may share a local bus; on-chip arbitration logic
`determines which processor drives
`the bus.
`Because the processors on the local bus share the
`same bus interface components,
`the local con-
`figuration of multiple processors provides a com-
`pact and inexpensive multiprocessing system.

`r _ _ - 1
`.. 2..
`L _ _ _ .I L _ _ _ 4
`— — — — —
`L _ _ _ - _ _I
`I. _ _ — J
`'____1 E;
`_ _ _ .1
`I I I I
`|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J
`Figure 1-1 . Generalized 8086 Family Bus Structure
`System Bus
`A full implementation of an 8086 system bus con-
`sists of the following five sets of signals:
`address bus,
`The system bus design is modular and subsets
`may be implemented according to the needs of the
`application. For example, the arbitration lines are
`not needed in single-processor systems or
`multiple-processor systems that perform arbitra-
`tion at the local-bus level.
`data bus,
`control lines,
`interrupt lines, and
`arbitration lines.
`A group of bus interface components transforms
`the signals of a local bus into a system bus. The
`number of bus interface components required to
`generate a system bus depends on the size and
`complexity of the system;
`reduced application
`needs translate directly into reduced component
`counts. These main variables determine the con-
`These signals are designed to meet the needs of
`standard memory and I/O devices;
`the address
`figuration of a bus interface group: address space
`size (number of latches), data bus width (number
`and data buses are demultiplexed and traditional
`of transceivers), and arbitration needs (presence
`of a bus arbiter).
`read/write, etc.) are provided on the system bus.

`The 8086 family system bus is functionally and
`compatible with
`the MultibusTM
`multimaster system bus used in Intel’s iSBCT'V'
`line of single board computing products. This
`compatability gives system designers access to a
`wide variety of computer, memory, communica-
`tions and other modules that may be incorporated
`into products, used for evaluation or for test
`tention for use of the public system bus can be
`held to a minimum to ensure that
`resources are quickly available when they are
`In addition, processors
`modules can simultaneously fetch instructions
`from private memory spaces to allow multiple
`system tasks to proceed in parallel.
`Processing Modules
`The processor(s) and bus interface group(s) that
`are connected by a local bus constitute a process-
`ing module. A simple processing module could
`consist of a single CPU and one bus interface
`group. A more complex module would contain
`multiple processors, such as two IOPs, or a CPU
`and one or two IOPs. One bus interface group
`typically links the processors in the module to a
`public system bus. If there are multiple processing
`modules in the system, all memory or 1/0 con-
`nected to the public bus is accessible to all pro-
`cessing modules on the public bus. 8289 Bus
`Arbiters in each processing module control the
`access of the modules to the public bus and hence
`to the public memory and 1/0.
`Bus Implementation Examples
`This section summarizes the 8086 family bus
`organization by showing how components from
`the family can be combined to implement diverse
`bus configurations. The
`two examples
`illustrate special cases that extend the applicabil-
`ity of the 8086 family to smaller systems. The
`remaining examples add and recombine the same
`basic components to form progressively more
`complex bus configurations. Note that
`examples are intended to be illustrative rather
`than exhaustive; many different combinations of
`components can be tailored to fit the needs of
`individual applications.
`the 8088
`In its minimum mode configuration,
`time-multiplexes its 8-bit data bus with the lower
`eight bits of its 20-bit address bus (figure 1-2).
`This multiplexed address/data bus, and the bus
`control signals emitted by the 8088, are directly
`compatible with the multiplexed bus components
`of Intel’s 8085 family. These peripherals contain
`on-chip logic that demultiplexes a combined
`address/data bus.
`In addition, many of these
`are multifunctional,
`example, RAM, I/O ports and a timer on a single
`chip. By using these components, it is possible to
`build small (as few as four chips) economical
`systems that are nonetheless capable of perform-
`ing significant computing tasks.
`A second bus interface group may be connected
`to a processing module’s local bus, generating a
`second bus. This bus can provide the processing
`module with a private address space that is not
`accessible to other processing modules. Distri-
`buting memory and I/O resources in this manner
`can improve system robustness by isolating the
`effects of failures.
`It can also increase system
`throughput dramatically. If processor programs
`and local data are placed in private memory, con-
`Figure 1-2. 8088 Multiplexed Bus

`Combining 8282/83 latches with a minimum
`mode 8086 or 8088 produces a minimum mode
`system bus (figure 1-3). Two latches provide an
`address space of up to 64k bytes; adding a third
`latch provides access to the full megabyte of
`memory. An 8288 Bus Controller is not required
`for this implementation as the CPUs themselves
`emit the bus control signals when they are con-
`figured in the minimum mode. This demulti-
`plexed bus structure is compatible with the wide
`array of memory and I/O components that have
`been developed for the industry-standard 8080A
`CPU. Eight-bit peripherals may be connected to
`both the upper and lower halves of the 8086’s
`16-bit data bus. 8286/87 transceivers may be
`added to provide additional drive on the data
`lines, where required. Including an 8259A gives
`the CPU the ability to respond to multiple inter-
`rupt sources without polling. The minimum mode
`system bus configuration is well-suited to a
`variety of systems whose computational require-
`ments can be met by a single 8086 or 8088 CPU.
`'_ _ _ _ _ _ .1
`: PR(l)'?rlREIl\‘MMABLE | RUPT
`_ .. _ _ J
` B284
` I
`Figure 1-3. Minimum Mode System Bus
` j

`When an 8086 or 8088 is configured in maximum
`mode and an 8288 is added to control the system
`bus, one or two 8089s may be directly connected
`to the CPU (figure 1-4). The processors all share
`the same latches, transceivers, clock and bus con-
`troller, via the local bus. Arbitration logic built
`into the 8086, 8088 and 8089 coordinates use of
`the local bus, and thus of the system bus. This bus
`configuration enables the powerful [/0 handling
`capabilities of the 8089 to be incorporated into
`systems of moderate size and cost.
`The 8289 enables high-performance systems to be
`designed as a series of independent processing
`modules whose activities are coordinated via a
`shared system bus. Figure 1-5 shows the multi—
`master system bus interface; this bus structure is
`compatible with
`the Multibusm
`architecture used in Intel
`iSBCTM single-board
`computing systems.
`Several different combinations of processors may
`be attached to the local bus of a multimaster com-
`puting module:

`a single 8086 or 8088
`a single 8089
`two 8089s
`an 8086 or 8088 and one 8089
`an 8086 or 8088 and two 8089s
`I_ _ ._ _ _ 1
`Figure 1-4. Multimaster Local Bus

`Figure 1-5. Basic Multimaster Processing Module_
`All of the processors on the local bus obtain
`access to the system bus through a single set of
`interface components.
`One or two 8089s in a multimaster processing
`module may be configured with a private I/O bus
`as shown in figure 1-6.
`In this configuration,
`memory access commands are directed to the
`public multimaster system bus, while I/O com-
`mands use the private I/O bus. Memory, contain-
`ing the 8089’s programs, as well as I/O devices,
`may be connected to the private I/O bus. Taking
`this approach can greatly reduce the 8089’s use of
`the system bus as most memory and I/O accesses
`can be made to the private address space. The
`system bus is thus made available for use by other
`processors, and the 8089 can execute in parallel
`with other processors for extended periods. A
`limited private I/O bus may be implemented
`using the 8-bit multiplexed peripherals of the 8085
`family, eliminating the latches and transceivers
`shown in figure I-6.

` 5232,33
`-4:1>ztn0 E<rn:1tn
`I I
`Figure 1-6. Private [/0 Bus
`Adding a second 8288 to the local bus allows an
`8086 or 8088 in a processing module to divide its
`address space into system and resident sections
`(figure 1-7). A PROM or decoder is used to direct
`an address reference to the system bus or to the
`resident bus. The resident bus allows the CPU to
`run out of its own address space to minimize its
`use of the system bus. Since no other processors
`can access the private memory on the CPU’s resi-
`dent bus, operating system code and data in this
`space is protected from errors in other processor
`programs. lf a second 8289 is added to a resident
`bus module,
`the resident bus becomes a second
`multimaster system bus.
`" "*—”"‘—j‘oooo1o““ "— "'— ""

`F__ __1
`I I
`.-- __.I
`I E
`mm =
`E 3
`g 5
`5 3
`PROM on
` B288/B7
`I‘ _ _ _ _ _ ‘I
`I mm,
`Figure 1-7. Resident Bus
`As an alternative to the resident bus, a private
`read—only memory space can be implemented
`using the RD (read) signal provided by the CPUs
`in lieu of an 8288 Bus Controller.
`multimaster processing modules. (For clarity, bus
`interface components are not shown in figure
`1-8.) A supervisor module controls the system,
`primarily responding to interrupts
`and dis-
`patching other modules to perform tasks. The
`supervisor CPU, like the other processors in the
`system, executes code from private memory that
`is inaccessible to other modules. System memory,
`which is accessible to all the processors,
`is used
`only for messages, common buffers, etc. This
`helps to “protect” the processors from each other
`and to keep system bus contention at a minimum.
`The database module is responsible for maintain-
`ing all system files. Each of the three graphics
`modules supports a graphics CRT terminal. An
`8089 in each module performs data transfers and
`CRT refresh and calls upon an 8088 for intensive
`Figure 1-8 illustrates a hypothetical system in
`computational routines.
`which nine processors are distributed among five
`Multiprocessing systems of widely varying com-
`plexity can be constructed from multimaster pro-
`cessing modules. Each module can be designed
`and implemented separately and can be optimized
`to perform a given task. The modules can com-
`municate with each other by means of interrupts
`and messages placed in system memory. Addi-
`tional functions can be added to a system by
`incorporating the new functions into modules and
`connecting the modules to the system bus.
`00001 1
` ,_.-.... ._-_ .

`E W
`E 3
`E U,
`E 3
`Figure 1-8. Multimaster Design Example
`13 Development Aids
`system may be used to develop systems based on
`other lntel microprocessor families such as the
`8085 and the 8048.
`Intel provides the sophisticated tools needed for
`timely and economical development of products
`based on the 8086 family. The 8086 family system
`development environment
`focused on the
`lntellec® Series II Microcomputer Development
`System (figure 1-9). The lntellec system is a
`system that
`ISIS-ll, a disk-based operating system that has
`been proven in thousands of installations. The
`lntellec has built-in interfaces for a printer,
`a PROM programmer
`reader/punch. This same hardware and operating
`Three language translators support 8086 family
`programming. PL/M-86 is a high-level language
`for the 8086 and 8088 that supports structured
`compatible with PL/M-80, the most widely used
`high-level microprocessor language. ASM-86 may
`be used to write assembly language programs for
`the 8086 and the 8088 CPUs and gives the pro-
`grammer access to the full power of these CPUs.
`8089 programs are written in ASM—89, the 8089
`assembly language.

`The language translators produce compatible out-
`puts that can be manipulated by the software
`development utilities. LINK-86, for example, can
`combine programs written in ASM-86 with
`PL/M-86 programs. LIB-86 allows related pro-
`grams to be stored in libraries to simplify storage
`and retrival. LOC-86 assigns absolute memory
`addresses to programs. OH-86 changes the for-
`mat of an executable program for PROM pro-
`gramming or for loading into the RAM of a test
`The UPP-301 Universal PROM Programmer can
`burn programs
`into any of
`lntel’s PROM
`the UPP plugs
`into the lntellec®
`system and
`program data
`manipulated from the console before it
`is pro-
`grammed into the PROM.
`The SDK-86 is an (minimum mode) 8086-based
`prototyping and evaluation kit. It
`includes the
`CPU, RAM, I/O ports and a breadboard area for
`interfacing customer circuits. A ROM-based
`monitor program is
`supplied with the kit.
`Monitor commands may be entered from an on-
`board keypad or from a terminal;
`the monitor
`returns results to the SDK-86’s on-board LED
`display or
`to a terminal. Monitor commands
`allow programs to be entered, run, stopped, and
`single-stepped; memory contents can be altered as
`well as displayed. The SDK-C86 Software and
`Interface connects an SDK-86 to an
`lntellec® system. The software supplied with the
`cable enables programs to be transferred between
`the development system and the SDK-86 to allow
`users to develop programs using the text editor,
`translators and utilities of the lntellec system and
`then download the program to the SDK-86 for
`The iSBC 86/12”" board is a high-performance
`single board computer based on a maximum
`mode 8086 CPU. The board contains 32k of dual-
`port RAM that is accessible to the CPU via the
`on-board bus and to other processors via the
`built-in MultibusT"" interface. The board also has
`an asynchronous serial port, parallel ports with
`sockets for drivers and terminators,
`two timers
`and sockets for 16k of ROM.
`An iSBC 86/12”” can be linked to an lntellec®
`system using the iSBC 957"" lntellec-iSBC 86/12
`Interface and Execution Package. The package
`includes a ROM-based monitor for
`the iSBC
`86/12 board, software for the lntellec system and
`cabling to connect the two. The package supports
`data transfers between lntellec diskettes and iSBC
`86/12 memory, full speed execution of customer
`programs on the iSBC 86/I2 board, breakpoints,
`single-stepping, and data moves, replacements,
`and compares. All
`entered from the lntellec console.
`The lCE—86TM module is an in-circuit emulator
`for the 8086 microprocessor. A 40-pin probe
`replaces the 8086 in the system under test. This
`probe is connected to ICE-86 circuit boards that
`in turn plug into the Intellec@ chassis. The ICE-86.
`module emulates the 8086 in the system under test
`in response to commands entered through the
`lntellec console. These commands allow the user
`to debug the system by setting breakpoints, trac-
`flow of
`examining and altering memory and 1/0, etc. All
`references to program variables and labels are
`symbolic (i.e., their PL/M-86 or ASM-86 names).
`Software testing can also map “system under
`test” memory

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