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`Computer Science Technical Reports
`Department of Computer Science
`The Flat File Database Generator Ffg
`Douglas E. Comer
`Purdue University,
`Report Number:
`Comer, Douglas E., "The Flat File Database Generator Ffg" (1981). Computer Science Technical Reports. Paper 306.
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`Symantec 1030
`Symantec v. Finjan

`The Flat File Database Generator Ffg
`Douglas Gomer
`Computer Science Department
`Purdue University
`West Lafayette, IN 47907
`September 1981
`It consists of a
`A fiat file is the simplest possible database.
`single. unformatted text file in which each line corresponds to a
`record. k-l occurrences of a separator character divide each
`record into k variable length fields;
`the separator character does
`not otherwise appear in the file. Unlike most database systems,
`the fiat file system is not a single. large program.
`it con(cid:173)
`sists of a set of small,
`independent programs. called primitives.
`that each perform one basic operation. The user composes a sub(cid:173)
`set of the primitives by directing the output of one to the input of
`the next in order to perform complex retrieval or update opera(cid:173)
`tions. Because
`they arc
`modified or replaced, and one can add programs to the set of prim(cid:173)
`itives. Both the selection of primltives as well as their implementa(cid:173)
`tion are discussed.

`1. Introduction
`A fiat flle is the simplest possible database.
`It consists of a single text file.
`F. containing zero or more lines, where each line is thought of as a record.
`Records are further divided into k fields, f l , f 2, "',(k by k·l occurrences of a dis(cid:173)
`tinguished separator character. S. Although k is fixed over all records,
`length of indlvtdual fields is not. The fiat file generator, fig, is a database system
`that provides facilities to create, query. and modify a flat file database.
`Unlike most commercial database systems that consist of one or two large
`programs to process queries and modify the stored data (see DATE75. ULLMBO),
`ffg consists of many small programs, called primitives, that each perform one
`basic operation. A user composes a subset of the primitives by directing the
`output of one to the input of the next in order to perform a complex task.
`Because the primitives each perform one basic operation, selecting an appropri(cid:173)
`ate combination is
`straightforward and natural. Because primltives are
`independent programs. they can be modified or replaced. and one can add pro(cid:173)
`grams to the set. The ease of extension and modification is important in achiev(cid:173)
`ing fiexibility because it allows one to tailor fig for each application.
`Constructing systems as a set of primitives is not new. Kernighan and
`Plauger [KEPL76] describe primitives for program and text manipulation; Han(cid:173)
`son [HANS79] extends them. Borden et. al.
`[BOGS79] describe an electronic
`mail preparation and reading system implemented in primitives.
`lnterestingly enough, most of the experiments with primitives have their
`roots in the UNIX operating system [RITH7B,KEMA79]. Unlike most systems
`which encourage one to build large integrated programs, UNIX encourages ona
`to build independent programs and connect them together. It pro~ides fl simple
`and efficient mechanism for passing data between running programs.
`includes a convenient and simple notation for describing a composition.

`- 3-
`treats 110 to files, devices (like terminals), and other programs uniformly, so
`bne does not need to know how a program will be used when writing it. UNIX
`contains sets of primitives for text processing and language development.
`The next section or
`this paper describes pertinent parts of
`the UNIX
`environment in more detail, and gives the reader some appreciation of haw UNIX
`influenced the fiat file design. The following sections describe the fiat file primi(cid:173)
`tives, give an example of using fiat files, and discuss their implementation. The
`paper concludes by discussing the merits of systems constructed from primi(cid:173)
`2. The UNIX Environment
`UNIX contains a large set of independent primitives, called commands, and
`a- mechanism for composing them. called a shell. The UNIX shell [BOUR78] is a
`simpie programming language that can be used interactively (as a command
`interpreter would be). or invoked to read input from a file (as a programming
`language interpreter would be). Shell programs are called shell scripts. or just
`If one tries to execute a file that contains a shell script. ,the system
`automatically invokes th~ shell to interpret it. Thus, a shell script functions just
`like a compiled program.
`In tact, some of the system commands are imple w
`mented as shell scripts.
`The shell has facilities to invoke commands, direct the output of one com(cid:173)
`mand to the input of the next, or direct the input (output) of a command to a
`file or I/O device. Control statements (e.g.. while, JOT, iJ, etc.) prOVide indefinite
`iteration, conditional execution, and definite iteration much like conventional
`programming languages. Unlike conventional languages, the shell only supports
`one data type -
`that of character string.
`It relies on commands to evaluate
`numeric expressions. test file status and accessibll1ty. and handle complex com(cid:173)
`pulations. 1 One learns qUickly that the art of constructing shell programs lies in
`IOther shells, like the C-9hell written at U,C. Berkeley, evaluate expressioIUI directly.

`- 4-
`composing and invoking commands, not in using the shell exactly as one would
`use Algol 60 or PascaL.
`UNIX includes a mechanism for composing primitives called a pipe. Pipes,
`denoted by "I" in shell scripts. connect the output from one program to the
`input of another. One writes
`to invoke programs a. and b with the output from a. connected to the input of b.
`The line
`a argl I b arg2 arg31 c
`specifies a pipeline connecting the output of program a to the input of program
`b and connecting the output of program b to the input of program c. Program a
`has one argument (argl), program b has two (arg2 and arg3). while program c
`has none.
`fl., b. and c, could be the names of shell scripts or compiled programs.
`UNIX contributed to the construction of fig in several other ways:
`1. All system services are avallable at the command level. One cnn create
`illes, change protectlon modes, trap exceptions. and perform other tasks
`directly from the shell in UNIX. On many systems such tasks require
`special programs, often in assembler language.
`2. UNIX provides a rich set of text manipulation primitives that fig uses
`3. UNIX is a late binding system. There is little distinction between data
`and program; one can write a file and invoke the shell to run it as a
`The UNIX environment is not perfect, but it contrLbuted nicely to the exper(cid:173)

`3. Evolution of Flat me- Primitives
`Recall that. a fiat file consists of a single. unformatted text tlle where each
`Une corresponds to a record. and that each record is divided into variable length
`fields by occurrences of a separator character.. The operations that one typi(cid:173)
`cally perro~ms on a fiat file include:
`new records to the file.
`record(s) from the file having certain characteristics,
`record(s) from the file having certain characteristics,
`field(s) on specified record(s),
`the file for human consumption,
`the records according to the contents of some field(s)
`Our local version of UNIX contains many fiat files. One of the more well
`/etc /passwd contains a record for each user; it assocIates a symbolic
`name, encrypted password, and other information with the user's login id.
`Another flat file contains inventory 'information for computer terminals.
`The- terminal inventory database is significant for two reasons. First, it pro(cid:173)
`vided the early motivation and testbed for the fiat file experiment; it will be used
`here to illustrate the process or choosing primitives. Second, it demonstrates
`how the flat file system can be extended to each application.
`In particular, the
`historlcal narrative that tollows shows how the flat file primitives evolved, and
`how they have been extended for the terminal inventory application.
`The first terminal inventory database consisted of two fiat files -- one for
`"termlnals" and the" other for "ports", Both were maintained by hand, using a
`text editor. The former contained a record for each computer terminal. giving
`its type. seriai nwnber, physical location, and connection to the machine. The
`latter contained a record for each machine connection (port). giving, among

`- 6-
`other things, the terminal that was connected to it. When the number of ports
`and terminals grew to more than a handful. keeping the information in the two
`files accurate and consistent became difficult.
`It was decided that a program
`could be written to help with the maintenance. Unfortunately,
`thinking of the
`data as two separate files with many cross references made a program to mani-
`pulate it both highly specialized and cumbersome.
`The first step toward a fiat file database system occurred when the two data
`files were combined into one, called termin/a. Records in the termin.i'o file
`corresponded either to a port or to a terminal: those with a null "terminal" field
`corresponded to 110 ports on the machine that were not connected to a term!-
`nal, those with a null "port" field corresponded to terminals that were not con-
`nected to the machine, and those with data for both "port" and "terminal" fields
`corresponded to a connection. The point here is that the basic operations
`worked on connections (terminal,port) rather then on terminals or ports;
`process of identifying those primitive operations brought this out.
`Terminfo became the source of all information about terminals and ports
`throughout the system. All system files are generated from it automatically,
`eliminating the need to change them by hand every time a terminal is moved.
`For example, the system expects the llle /etc/ttys to contain a Hne for each
`port on the system, with a code indicating whether that port is connected to a
`terminal or not (Le. allows user login). A utility program was built to scan ter-
`minfo and extract the information for /etc/ttys. Other utility programs were
`built to extract information for other files. Whenever terminfo changes, the util-
`ity programs are run to correct other files throughout the system.
`The set of utility programs to manipulate terminfo grew quickly, but there
`was little or no attempt
`to maintain unlformity or to make them work well
`together. There was a program called lookup to retrieve the record for a termi-

`nal with a given serial number, and one called format to write the database in a
`n~atly formatted fashion. The move toward a consistent, uniform set of
`lives began when lookup and format were modified to work in conjunction with
`each other. Using the modified versions, a user could type
`lookup -terminal 53 I format -
`to obtain a neatly formatted listing (including headings) of the data for terminal
`53. The change to the format primitive was simple: given a minus sign (".11) as an
`argument. it formatted its input: otherwise, it formatted the entire terminfo file .
`. Although a general purpose format primitive was a good idea, forcing the user to
`distinguish when it was used in a pipeline was not. Often, one forgot the argu-
`rnent as in:
`lookup -terminal 53 Iformat
`and received a listing of the entire file.
`In spite of the problems with the utilities, others began to copy and modify
`the set of programs to create their own databases. Mter some experience with
`termlnfo and related databases,
`the set of primitives were redesigned com-
`pletely to achieve several goals:
`1. The primitives should supply the ability to retrieve, sort, format, delete.
`replace. and edit any database stored as a fiat file.
`2. All fields in the flle should be named; one should not have to specify a
`field by its relative position as in the early version and in some of the
`UNIX commands.
`3. The database system should work from a single descriptor file that
`... j
`described the fieids. their names. and their format.

`- B -
`4. All programs should work together in a simple, uniform. and automatic
`way. For example,
`it should be possible to retrieve a subset of the
`records, sort them, and format them. One should not have to type spe-
`cial names or arguments to use the programs in a pipeline.
`5. The system should protect against loss of information.
`6. The system should be implemented as a set of primitives.
`The redesign resulted in a flat me generator called fig. The next section
`describes the fig primitives in detail and shows how they work together.
`4. Primitives in Ffg
`The set of fig primitives includes the following (see Appendix A for a detailed
`description of the parameters for each primitive).
`Omit specified records, write out the others.
`Allow the user to invoke a text editor on the database directly.
`Edit makes a backup of the database for the undo primitive.
`Interactively enter records one at a time.
`Change the contents of specified fields on specified records.
`Format the data for human consumption.
`Retrieve records satisfying given criteria. Lookup is shorthand
`for simple retrieval requests.
`Retrieve records satisfying given criteria.
`showtlelds Display the fields description file (usually as an aid for users who
`forget field names).
`Sort the input according to one or more fields.
`. ,

`~ 1
`- 9 -
`Restore the entire database to its previous value.
`Replace the database by the file given as input.
`Verify the internal consistency of the data.
`Ffg achieves most of the design goals listed above. The above primitives all
`expect their arguments to contain symbolic field names as specified in a fields
`desGription file that the user supplies when creating the database. They work
`together. and automatically detect whether their input is connected to the out-
`put of another program. reading from the database if it is not. The system is
`implemented as a set of primitives, and the system does have a limited form of
`protection. The follOWing dlscussions show, in more detail. how the flat file prim-
`itives achieve these goals.
`The fig primitives depend on a :fields description (FD) file to relate symbolic
`field names to relative positions. The FD :file contains k lines, one line for each of
`the k fields in the flat file. Each field is described by giving its relative position,
`its name.
`its sort type (e.g .. numeric.
`to be placed in descending order), its
`length on a formatted listing. and two lines of heading information to be printed
`'on formatted listings. The six items for each field are terminated by colons. For
`example. the FD :file:
`1:1ast::20: Last Naroe:-------------:
`2:flrst::20: First name:--------------·---;
`3:phone:n: 13:Phone Number:----------:
`describes the three :fields for records in a phone book. The first. field, named
`"last", holds a last name, the seconq field, named "first" holds a first name, and
`the third field, named "phone", holds a phone number. For purposes of sorting,
`(\' J _\
`the third field is considered numeric:
`the first
`two are sorted in dictionary
`order. When a fiat file is formatted using this description file, it will look like:

`- 10 -
`Last Name
`First Name
`Phone Num.
`where the actual data for last names, first names and phone. numbers appears
`in place of nUll,
`tIfIff, and pppppp. Fields longer than the number of columns
`allocaled in the listlng are truncated, and fields shorter than the number of
`columns allocated are padded with blanks;
`the user can specify whether the
`padding is to the right or left.
`The retrieve primitive is especially interesting because it illustrates the
`power of the flat file system. Retrieve takes as an argument a Boolean expres~
`sion, B, and retrieves all records that satisfy B. The expression can contain
`comparative operators less than. «), greater than. (»; equal to (==). not equal
`to (!=), etc.. logical operators and (&&). DT (11), and not (!), arithmetic operators
`(+. -.•, I, etc.). and pattern matching operators matches (expr...... /pattern/), and
`does not match (expr! ...... /paltern/).2 One can ask questions like "find all records
`where the last name starts with the letter C and contains the letter r"
`retrieve ·last...... / ....C,·r.·I'
`Dr "find all records where the tax field is greater than 50 and the department
`field is equal to cs or where the manager is smith and the department is not cs"
`retrieve '(tax>50&&dept=="cs") II (manager=="smith"&&dept!="cs")'
`It Is lmportant to note that one can only ask for intra-record comparisons, not
`fDr inter-record ones. Thus, one cannot ask for records with salary field greater
`than the previDus one. nor can one ask for all records where the salary field is
`greater than the salary field Df the 2nd record.
`2See Appendix 8 for details o! expression synlW[.

`- 11 -
`The flat file primitives work well together, and automatically read from the
`database when their input is not. connected to another program. For example,
`l;>nce the field description tlle and database are in place, one merely types:
`~o obtain a formatted listing of the data with headings. Typing
`sortby phone Iformat
`instead. causes format to read and format the output of ,the sortby primitive. ]n
`this example, the will be sorted by phone number. Similarly, typing:
`retrieve last=="comer" I sortby phone I format
`causes the retrieve primitive to select. all records with last name equal to the
`string "comer" ,. pass the results to the sortby primitive which will order them by
`phone number before passing them to format. where they will be formatted.
`One need not specify the origin of the data as a parameter.
`Ffg helps prevent the loss of information through the update primitive. To
`make a permanent change to the data, one must create the new file and pipe it
`into update. Thus,
`to sort the example database according to last name, one
`sortby last I update
`. Update saves a copy of the old file before replacing it. so one can recover the
`previous state of the database by typing:
`3The shell syntax a.ctually requires that the quotes be escaped by typing a be.cblash in front
`of them.

`- 12 -
`Update 1s more sophisticated than one might expect.
`It actually unlocks, writes,
`and then relocks the database so that under usual circumstances even the
`owner cannot write directly to the file. Keeping the data flle unwritable is espe(cid:173)
`cially important in UNIX where it is easy to direct the output of a program to· a
`file, or to accidently pass a file name as an argument to a command. Update
`also maintains a mutual exclusion among processes that wish to update the
`database. The most common way to enter records interactively is by invoking
`the primitive enter which prompts for each field:
`enter I update
`Due of the chief advantages of the primitives-based approach is that it
`allows users to intermix their own primitives with those that are supplied. For
`example, our fig version of the terminfo database has a command to move a ter(cid:173)
`minal from one port to another because terminals are moved frequently.
`another application. a primiUve called "gather" has been added to gather statis(cid:173)
`tlcs on program use and write them into a flat file. The fig system itself does not
`need to know about moving terminals. gathering statistics, or any of the other
`special commands that users invent. Yet having the primitives from ffg do most
`of the work made both applications significantly easier to implement.
`The evolution of the fiat tile primitives took about 3 months -- much longer
`than expected. Most of the time went into testing. Several users built fiat file
`databases, but measurements showed that they spent most of their time doing
`simple retrieval and formatting. Gradually, they added thelr own primitives, and
`began exploring new ways to connect old ones. Of course, others suggested
`changes that were tried in later versions.
`From the experience.
`two observations can be made about the choice of

`- 13 -
`1. Ad hac extensions to a untlled set of primitives almost always result in
`disaster. For example, at one point we added a "delete" primitive that
`actually modified the database by retrleving records lJ; were not to be
`deleted and passing them to update (unlike other primitives that had to
`be composed with update explicitly). One had to remember that delete
`worked differently than other commands, and that it could not be corn·
`posed with them. Worst of all, composlng delete with update created two
`processes that tried to modify the database. so one of them gave the
`cryptic report: "database is locked while another process updates it".
`2. The greatest asset in the design of a clean, uniform set of primitives is a
`single person who has ultimate responsibility. This is akin to the chief
`programmer concept [BAKE72).
`3. Designs by a single individual are prone to gross omissions in functional-
`ity. This should not come as a surprise, but it did.
`5. The Implementation of Ffg Using UNIX
`If the primitives-based approach to computing works so welL why not use it
`to build the primitives themselves? This section answers that question by
`explaining how the fig system, includLng the primitives, are built from existing
`UNIX programs.
`It discusses the UNIX programs upon which the fiat file genera·
`tor are built, the generation of a database. and binding of names.
`The UNIX «;:ommand awk [AHKW79], forms the backbone of the fig retrieve
`and format primitives. Awk invokes an interpreter for a simple, but powerful
`string processing language. The interpreter reads an awk program, sometimes
`called an u'wk script, and then reads and processes. a texl
`file linc-by-line
`according to the program. Awk divides each line of the input file into fields
`based on occurrences of a separator character, and permits one to examine or

`'Write the contents of the Ith field.
`- 14-
`(To reference the Ith field of the current
`record, one writes $1 in the awk program). Awk supports assignment state-
`menU;:, fairly powerful arithmetic,
`logical, and string operators. and even for-
`matted output.
`In short, an awk script suffices for fiat file retrieval or format-
`ling provided Doe finds a way to translate field names inlo positional references.
`How can an expression containing field names be processed by awk which
`only understands positional references? One might expect the implementation
`of retrieve to solve the problem as follows:
`1. A user invokes retrieve, passing it an expression, B. that contains field
`2. Retrieve passes the expression to a program, T. that parses the exprcs-
`translates field names into positional
`references, merges
`modified expression with the skeleton of an awk program, and writes the
`result on file F.
`3. Retrieve invokes awk giving it F as input. The program contains only
`positional references.
`4. Interpreting the program on F. awk reads the database. evaluates the
`expression for each record, and writes out those that satisfy it.
`This design was not used because it meant writing a program to parse and
`translate expressions; the objective was to use existing programs.
`Retrieve turns the solution around, leaving the expression alone. but giving
`a.wk enough informati0Il: to evaluate it. To do so, retrieve introduces k variables
`into the awk program and assigns them the contents of the k fields with k
`aSSignment statements. The essential piece of the awk script is:

`- 15-
`field! =$1
`field 2=S2
`if ( EXPRESSION) write out the record
`where field
`denotes the Ith field name and EXPRESSION denotes the Boolean
`expression as typed by the user. When evaluating the expression, awk binds
`references to field names to the variables that have been assigned. the contents
`of the field. Making the extra assignments introduced some extra overhead;
`measurements are given in a later. section. Similar constructions were used in
`other commands.
`Implementing most of the remaining primitives from UNIX commands was
`not difficult, but a few problems arose. Processing minimal abbreviations for
`field names presented the worst challenge because no simple combination of
`UNIX commands produced the desired result. For example. if the set of possible
`field names are: "salary", "dept", "division", "dependents", and "name", one need
`only give sortby a pretlx of the field name that uniquely identifies it (this
`specification was made before the implementation was considered).
`It means
`that "0." suffices for "name", but nothing shorter than "depe" may be used to
`designate "dependents" because it does not distinguish "dependents" from
`·'dept". The shell supports pattern matching, so such abbreviations can be han-
`dled there. To do so, one must translate a list of field names like "salary",
`"dept", division", "dependents", and "name" into a list of patterns like "s·",
`"dept", "di.", "depe·", and "0..". Ffg performs these translation with an awk
`script, although it is more or less a conventional program. The result is Lhat CTg
`contains no compiled programs, but it does contain some programming.
`Fig is a more than a collection of shell scripts for the primitives; it is a fiat

`• 16 -
`file database generator as well. When lnvoked as a command, trg builds a Oat file
`database system. including a copy of the primitives. a field description file, and
`an access command. The user supplies information on the separator character,
`protection modes, fields description file, and the location of the access com,.
`mand: trg generates the necessary files.
`Each fiat file dalabase resides in a separate directory along with copies of
`the primitives and two subdirectories: "Specs" and ",system". The subdirectory
`Specs contains specifications like the fields descriptions
`that a user may
`change. Such changes are infrequent, however, so the information is kept out of
`the main directory. Additional files. that the user should not change, are kept in
`the .system subdirectory (e.g., mutual exclusion lock files).
`Each fiat file has an access command that one invokes to move to the data-
`base environment. When invoked, an access command changes the user to the
`database directory, records the user's presence, and invokes an interactiv:e
`shell that reads and processes commands. After the user finishes work and exits
`from the interactive shell,
`the access command returns to the environment
`from which it was invoked. Normally, only one user can gain access to a flat file
`at a time; the access command refuses to grant access to a database that is in
`use. One can obtain nonexclusive use, find the status of active users. when they
`began, and their system identification. One can also ask for the creation time,
`mode. and size of the database and backup files.
`li'fg oplimizes Lhe primitives by performing some bindings early. For cxo.m~
`ple, when trg constructs the retrieve primitive, it reads the field description tlle
`and binds field names into the shell script as described earlier in this secLion.
`This simple optimization improves performance dramatically because it elim-
`inates the need to open the field description file, build the awk program. and
`have awk read the program back in.
`It also means that the user must inform

`- 17-
`the system of changes in the description file. Whenever such a change occurs,
`U1e primitive rebuild will correctly recreate the primitives (including itself.
`necessary). One would expect such changes relatively infrequently, however,
`when compared to the other operations.
`UnUke most primitives which must be rebuilt manually, the format primi~
`live is capable of detecting new formats automatically. The user views format as
`a late binding command. one that searches a special directory for a named for-
`mat description file every time one invokes it. Actually, the names and format
`specifications. are botuld into the shell script to speed execution. The command
`searches for new formats only if the named file has not been bound previously.
`When it detects that a new file exists but has not been bound, format moves
`itself out of the way, uses rebuild to create a new version of itself, and then
`replaces the running version with the new one (i.e .. performs a UNIX exec). Sub-
`sequent uses of the new format run at high speed.
`6. Execution speed
`The obvious advantage of early binding is execution speed:
`the obVious
`disadvantage is user impact. As on most timesharing systems, performance is
`best measured by response time. Users gladly tolerate a response delay of a few
`seconds for retrieval from a ZOO-line database, but they will not wait 30 seconds
`for the same information. Without early binding. response times for a pipeline of
`five primitives approached 30 seconds on our moderately loaded system. On the
`other hand. the optimized versions of the primitives were able to handle much
`larger fUes. Table 1 shows response times for a database of 1900 records. In the
`lhe command "cat" is a UNIX program that copies a file to its output
`unchanged; one expects cat to run at the maximum possible speed. Another
`UNIX command. "grep", scans a file and prints those lines that match a pattern.
`Finally. the UNIX command "we" counts the lines, words, and characters in a file.

`- 18-
`awk (retrieve program
`called directly)
`awk (retrieve program
`positional references)
`format (output discarded)
`cat (output discarded)
`response time
`in seconds
`4(2.2 cpu)
`4(1.9 cpu)
`22(18.1 cpu)
`21(17.7 cpu)
`17(10.9 cpu)
`2:34(40.4 cpu)
`46(20.8 cpu)
`1:48(5.6 cpu)
`6(3.2 cpu)
`Table 1.
`Times for various fiat me primitives and UNIX commands
`on a file of 1923 lines, 101204 characters. Timings
`reported here are the mean from several funs. A large
`variation in. real time occurred with system load.
`Unfortunately. all times, especially the real time, varied under system load.
`Sl1ll, several observations can be made. First, the highly optimized "cat" com-
`mand copies a file to the user's terminal at roughly 937 characters/second (real
`time), while the fiat file primitive "format" displays a formatted version of the
`same file at 900 characters/second.
`In both cases, the system I/O speed, not
`the process speed limited the display speed (the terminal used for testing ran at
`9600 baud). Second. the Lntroduclion of variables and assignments in thc awk
`program during retrieval produced a measurable delay in processing. The aver-
`age real
`time required to process a 1900 line file increased from 17 to 22

`- 19-
`seconds (29%), but very few users notice any difference. Third,
`the time
`teqUired for the shell to parse the script, redirect the input and output. and
`start execution remained very small. We conclude that rewriting the primitives
`in a lower level language would produce little or no benefit to the user.
`7. Failures of Fig
`So far,
`the primitives-based implementation of fig has been described in
`glowing terms. But the primitives approach has its limitations as well. Prob(cid:173)
`lems can be separated into three main categories: error detection problems,
`optimization problems. and error propagation problems.
`Some of the error detection problems in fig are inherent in the approach,
`others arise from the implementation. Because a primltive cannot know what
`other primitives precede it or succeed it in a pipeline, detection of some errors
`is impossible. For example, typing:
`format I update
`will replace the entire database with a formatted versio

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