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`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2024, p. 1

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`Acquisitions Editor: Kim Fryer
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`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2024, p. 2

`(right to left) and performs any stack cleanup; this
`permits a varying number of arguments to be
`passed to a given routine. In the Pascal calling
`sequence, the calling routine pushes any included
`arguments on the stack in the order in which they
`appear (left to right), and the called routine is
`expected to clean up the stack. See also argument,
`call, stack.
`CALL instruction \k'a1’ in—struk\shan\ 11. A type of
`programming instruction that diverts program exe-
`cution to a new area in memory (sequence of
`directives) and also allows eventual return to the
`original sequence of directives.
`CALS \kalz, C‘A—L~S’\
`V1. Acronym for Computer-
`Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support. A
`Department of Defense standard for electronic
`exchange of data with commercial suppliers.
`CAM \kam, C‘A—M’\ V1. 1. Acronym for cornputer—
`aided manufacturing. The Lise of computers in
`automating the fabrication, assembly, and control
`aspects of manufacturing. CAM applies to the
`manufacture of products ranging from small—scale
`production to the use of robotics in full—scale
`assembly lines. CAM relates more to the use of
`specialized programs and equipment than it does
`to the use of microcomputers in a manufacturing
`environment. See also CAD/CAM,
`I—CASE. 2. See
`Common Access Method.
`In publish-
`camera-ready \karn’ar~a—red‘e\ adj.
`ing, of or pertaining to the stage at which a docu-
`ment, with all typographic elements and graphics
`in place, is suitably prepared to be sent to a print-
`ing service. The printing service photographs the
`camera—ready copy and then uses the photograph
`to make plates for printing. Some applications are
`advertised as being able to bring documents to the
`camera—ready stage, eliminating the need for man-
`ual layout and pasteup of elements onto boards.
`campuswide information system \kam‘pus~wId
`in—far—mz't'sh:3n si‘stom\
`11. Information and ser-
`vices distributed on a college or university campus
`through computer networks. Campuswide infor-
`mation system sewices typically include student
`and faculty directories,
`calendars of campus
`events, and access to databases. Acronym: CWIS
`11. A control character used in
`Cancel \kan’sal\
`communication with printers and other c.omput—
`It usually
`ers, commonly designated as CAN.
`means that the line of text being sent should be
`canceled. In ASCII, which is the basis of character
`sets used by most microcomputers, this is repre
`sented internally as character code 24.
`for cancel
`cancelbot \kan’sal—bot‘\
`n. Short
`robot. A program that identifies articles in news-
`groups based on a set of criteria and cancels the
`distribution of those articles. Although the criteria
`for cancellation is set by the owner of the cancel-
`bot, most cancelbots exist to identify and eliminate
`spam messages posted to dozens or hundreds of
`newsgroups. See also spam.
`cancel message \kan’sol mes‘9j\ n. A message
`sent to Usenet news servers indicating that a cer-
`tain article is to be canceled, or deleted, from the
`server. See also article, news server, Usenet.
`candidate key \kan’d9«dEtt
`n. A unique
`for a tuple (row) within a relation
`(database table). The candidate key may be
`either simple (a single attribute) or composite
`(two or more attributes). By definition, every
`relation must have at
`least one candidate key,
`but it is possible for a relation to have more than
`one candidate key. If there is only one candidate
`key, it automatically becomes the primary key for
`the relation. If there are multiple candidate keys,
`the designer must designate one as the primary
`key. Any candidate key that is not the designated
`primary key is an alternate key. See also key (defi-
`nition 2), primary key.
`canned program \kand\ pr6’gram\ n. See canned
`canned routine \l<.and‘ r6_o—tén’\ n. A previously
`written routine that is copied into a program and
`used as is, without modification. See also library
`n. Off<the—
`canned software \kand‘
`shelf software,
`such as word processors and
`spreadsheet programs.
`canonical form \ka-non‘a—kal form’\ n. In math-
`ematics and programming, the standard or proto-
`typical form of an expression or statement.
`capacitance \ka~pas’a—t:)ns‘\
`n. The ability to
`store an electric charge. Capacitance is measured
`in farads. A capacitance of 1 farad will hold I cou-
`lomb of charge at a potential of 1 volt. In practical
`use, a farad is an extremely large amount of
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2024, p. 3

`The Macintosh operating system, OS/2, and Win-
`dows NT use a flat address space. MS—DOS uses a
`segmented address space,
`in which a location
`must be accessed with a segment number and an
`offset number. See also segmentation. Compare
`segmented address space.
`72. A plotter in
`flatbed plotter \flat’bed plot‘or\
`which paper is held on a flat platform and a pen
`moves along both axes, traveling across the paper
`to draw an image. This method is slightly more
`accurate than that used by drum plotters, which
`move the paper under the pen, but requires more
`space. Flatbed plotters can also accept a wider
`variety of media, such as vellum and acetate,
`because the material does not need to be flexible.
`See also plotter. Compare drum plotter, pinch—
`roller plotter.
`11. A scanner
`flatbed scanner \flat’bed skan‘ar\
`with a flat transparent surface that holds the image
`to be scanned, generally a book or other paper
`document. A scan head below the surface moves
`across the image. Some flatbed scanners can also
`reproduce transparent media, such as slides. See
`the illustration. Compare drum scanner, handheld
`scanner, sheet—fed scanner.
`Flatbed scanner.
`flat file \flat’ fil\ n. A file consisting of records of
`a single record type in which there is no embed—
`ded structure information that governs relation—
`‘ ships between records.
`flat-file database \flat‘fil da’ta—b:‘1s\ n. A database
`that takes the form of a table, where only one table
`can be used for each database. A flat—file database
`can only work with one file at a time. Compare
`relational database.
`n. A
`fil’ dor—ek‘tsr—é\
`flat file directory \flat‘
`directory that cannot contain subdirectories but
`-es of bits 01111110, used to start and end a
`, mission frame (message unit). See also HDLC.
`\flam\ 11. An abusive or personally insult-
`5, 3 e—mail message or newsgroup posting.
`, ... \flam\ vb. 1. To send an abusive or per-
`sonally insulting e—mail message or newsgroup
`‘posting. 2. To criticize personally by means of e-
`. mail messages or newsgroup postings.
`.1» ebait \flam’ bat\
`1/1. A posting to a mailing
`list, newsgroup, or other online conference that is
`to provoke
`flames, often because
`*'i expresses a controversial opinion on a highly
`emotional topic. See also flamel, flame war. Com—
`pare troll.
`71. A series of inflammatory
`E flamefest \fl'Zun’fest\
`messages or articles in a newsgroup or other
`online conference.
`flamer \fla’mor\ n. A person who sends or posts
`abusive messages via e—mail,
`in newsgroups and
`other online forums, and in online chats. See also
`chatl (definition 1), newsgroup.
`flame War \flam’ wor\ n. A discussion in a mail-
`ing list, newsgroup, or other online conference
`that has turned into a protracted exchange of
`flames. See also flarnel.
`11. A type of
`flash memory \flash’ mem\or—e\
`nonvolatile memory. Flash memory is
`to EEPROM memory in function but
`it must
`be erased in blocks, whereas EEPROM can be
`erased one byte at a time. Because of its block-
`Oriented nature, flash memory is commonly used
`as a supplement to or replacement for hard disks
`in portable computers.
`ln this context,
`memory either is built
`into the unit or, more
`is available as a PC Card that can be
`plugged into a PCMCIA slot. A disadvantage of
`the block—oriented nature of flash memory is that
`it cannot be practically used as main memory
`(RAM) because a computer needs to be able to
`Write to memory in single~byte increments. See
`also EEPROM, nonvolatile memory, PC Card,
`PCMCIA slot.
`flash ROM \flash’ rom, R—O—M‘\ 11. See flash mem-
`flat address space \flat‘ a’dres spas‘, 9—dres’\ n.
`An address space in which each location in mem-
`ory is specified by a unique number. (Memory
`addresses start at 0 and increase sequentially by 1.)
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2024, p. 4

`ing part of adjacent blocks in such a case. Acro-
`11ym.- IRG (I\R—G’). Also called gap, interblock gap.
`interrogate \in—tar"9—g2'tt\ vb. To query with the
`expectation of an immediate response. For exam-
`ple, a computer may interrogate an attached termi-
`nal to determine the terminals status (readiness to
`transmit or receive).
`11. A request for attention
`interrupt \in’t;>r—ttpt\
`from the processor. When the processor receives
`an interrupt,
`it suspends its current operations,
`saves the status of its work, and transfers control
`to a special routine known as an interrupt handler,
`which contains the instructions for dealing with
`the particular situation that caused the interrupt.
`Interrupts can be generated by various hardware
`devices to request service or report problems, or
`by the processor itself in response to program
`errors or requests for oper-ating—system services.
`Interrupts are the processors way of communicat-
`ing with the other elements that make up a com-
`puter system. A hierarchy of interrupt priorities
`determines which interrupt request will be han-
`dled first if more than one request is made. A pro-
`gram can temporarily disable some interrupts if it
`needs the full attention of the processor to com-
`plete a particular task. See also exception, external
`interrupt, hardware interrupt,
`software interrupt.
`interrupt—driVen processing \in‘tar—u pt—driv—en
`11. Processing that takes place only
`when requested by means of an interrupt. After
`the required task has been completed, the CPI,‘ is
`free to perform other tasks until the next interrupt
`Interrupt—driven processing is usually
`employed for responding to events such as a key
`pressed by the user or a floppy disk drive that has
`become ready to transfer data. Se) also interrupt.
`Compare autopolling.
`interrupt handler \in’tar—upt hand‘l9r\ 11. A spe-
`cial routine that is executed when a specific intcr—
`rupt occurs. Interrupts from different causes have
`different handlers to carry out the corresponding
`tasks, such as updating the system clock or read-
`ing the keyboard. A table stored in low memory
`contains pointers, sometimes called vectors, that
`direct the processor to the various interrupt han-
`dlers. Programmers can create interrupt handlers
`to replace or supplement existing handlers, such
`11. See
`as by making a clicking sound each time the key-
`board is pressed.
`interrupt priority \in’t9r—upt pri—6r‘9—té\
`interrupt request line \in‘tar—upt
`11. A hardware line over which a device such as an
`input/output port, the keyboard, or a disk drive
`can send interrupts (requests for service) to the
`CPU. Interrupt request lines are built into the com~
`puter’s internal hardware and are assigned differ-
`ent levels of priority so that the CPU can determine
`the sources and relative importance of incoming
`service requests. They are of concern mainly to
`programmers dealing with low—level operations
`close to the hardware. Acro11y111.- IRQ (I‘R—Q’).
`interrupt vector \in‘tor-upt vek’tor\ 11. A memory
`location that contains the address of the interrupt
`handler routine that is to be called when a specific
`interrupt occurs. See also interrupt.
`interrupt vector table \in‘t9r-upt vek’tor
`11. See dispatch table.
`intersect \in‘tar—sekt’\ 11. An operator in relational
`algebra, used in database management. Given two
`relations (tables), A and B, that have correspond-
`ing fields (columns) containing the same types of
`values (that is, they are union-compatible), then
`INTERSECT A, B builds a third relation containing
`only those tuples (rows) that appear in both A and
`B. See also tuple.
`intranet \in’tr9—net‘\ n. A network designed for
`information processing within a company or orga— ’
`nization. Its uses include such services as docu-
`ment distribution, software distribution, access to
`databases, and training. An intranet is so called
`because it usually employs applications associated
`with the Internet, such as Web pages, Web brows-
`ers, FTP sites, e—mail, newsgroups, and mailing
`lists, accessible only to those within the cornpany
`or organization.
`11. Groupware or middle-
`intraware \in’tr9—war‘\
`ware for use on a company’s private intranet.
`Intraware packages typically contain e—mail, data‘
`base, workflow, and browser applications. 596 61150 g’
`groupware, intranet, middleware.
`11. A font CFYPC
`intrinsic font \in—trin’2ik font‘\
`size and design) for which a bit image (an exa: 5
`pattern) exists that can be used as is, without 511
`modification as scaling. Co111pa1'e derived font-
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2024, p. 5

` I
`7 l
`‘l “J 1)evcloper’s Kit
`programming language built into it. Most current
`Web browsers are Java—compliant. See also Java,
`Web browser.
`ava Developer’s Kit \jii‘va da—vel’9—p9rz kit‘\
`A set of software tools developed by Sun Microsys~
`tems, Inc., for writing Java applets or applications.
`The kit, which is distributed free, includes a Java
`compiler, interpreter, debugger, viewer for applets,
`and documentation. Acronym: JDK (J‘D—K’). See
`also applet, Java, Java applet.
`Java Management Application Programming
`Interface \ja‘v9
`pr6‘gram—éng in’t9r—fas\ n. A set of application
`programming interface specifications, proposed
`by Sun Microsystems, Inc., to enable the Java lan-
`guage to be used for network management. Acm—
`JMAPI O’map‘e,
`See also
`application programming interface, Java.
`Javascript \ja’va—skript‘\
`14. A scripting language
`developed by Netscape Communications and Sun
`Microsystems, Inc. that is loosely related to Java.
`Javascript, however, is not a true ol,ject—oriented
`language, and it is limited in performance com-
`pared with Java because it is not compiled. Basic
`online applications and functions can be added to
`Web pages with JavaScript, but the number and
`complexity of available application programming
`interface functions are fewer than those available
`with Java. JavaScript code, which is included in a
`Web page along with the HTML code, is generally
`considered easier to write than Java, especially for
`novice programmers. A JavaScript—compliant Web
`browser, such as Netscape Navigator, is necessary
`to run JavaScript code. See also application pro-
`gramming interface, HTML, scripting language.
`Compa re Java.
`Java terminal \ja’va t9r‘m3—nal\ n. A type of per-
`sonal computer with a reduced number of compo-
`nents that is built primarily to provide an access
`terminal to the Web, including downloadable Java
`applets. Typically, such machines will not have
`locally addressable hard disks or installable pro-
`grams but will obtain any necessary materials,
`including Java applets, for the user from some-
`where on the network. Centrally obtained soft-
`ware is generally less expensive to administer but
`usually requires some download delay before
`usage may begin. Java terminals, currently under
`development by Sun Microsystems, Inc., are simi-
`lar in concept to NetPCs. See als0Java, Java applet,
`network computer. Compare NetPC.
`JCL \J‘C—L’\ n. Acronym forjob Control Language.
`A command language used in IBM OS/560 main-
`frame systems. JCL is used to launch applications
`and specifies information on running time, pro-
`gram size, and the program files used for each
`application. See also command language.
`JDK \J‘D—K’\ 11. SeeJava Developers Kit.
`jewel box \jcTo’sl boks,
`jo'T)l’\ n. A clear plastic
`container used to package and store a compact
`disc. See the illustration. /1150 called jewel case.
`.jfif \dot‘J—F—I—F’\ n. The file extension that identi»
`fies graphic image files in the JPEG File Inter-
`change Format. See also JPEG.
`JIT \J‘I—T’\ n. See just—in—time.
`jitter \jit’9r\ n. 1. Small vibrations or fluctuations
`in a displayed video image caused by irregularities
`in the display signal. Jitter is often visible in the
`form of horizontal lines that are of the same thick»
`ness as scan lines. 2. A rough appearance in a fax
`caused by (lots that are incorrectly recorded during
`the scanning process and thus wrongly positioned
`in the output. 3. In digital communication, distor-
`tion caused by lack of synchronization of signals.
`.jm \dot\J4M’\
`11. On the Internet, the major geo-
`graphic domain specifying that an address is
`located in Jamaica.
`71. See Java Manage-
`JMAPI \J’map‘é, J‘M—A—P<l’\
`ment Application Programming Interface.
`.j0 \dot‘J—O’\
`21. On the Internet, the major geo-
`graphic domain specifying that an address is
`located in Jordan.
`job \job\
`72. A specified amount of processing
`performed as a unit by a computer. On early
`Dsystemg’ Inc-
`P0ITable, and
`9 more robust
`Java was also
`ieutral (mean
`1) through the
`Ed into byte-
`code and are
`{es it a useful
`an)’ types of
`‘Pmad use of
`rlications, or
`96 also byte-
`class that is
`§.lava apph;
`’Pl€f viewer.
`« run by any
`ava, such as
`T, and Hot.
`to add mul-
`Web pages,
`video dis-
`my require
`Ch as click—
`1150 applet,
`tation on a
`1 machine
`ed in V6”,
`3“C€S. See
`am brou;
`F the Java
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2024, p. 6

`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2024, p. 7Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2024, p. 7
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2024, p. 7

`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2024, p. 8Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2024, p. 8
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2024, p. 8

`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2024, p. 9Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2024, p. 9
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2024, p. 9

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