`Encyclopedia 0
`Sybil P. Parker
`Editor in ‘Chief
`McGraw Hill Book Company
`New York St. Louis San Francisco
`Auckland Bogota Guatemala Hamburg
`Lisbon London Madrid Mexico Montreal
`New Delhi Panama Paris San Juan Sao Paulo
`Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto
`ARCllERPr@t=itlo7l?relr?é¥ lE>dll1°i-“bill? 1021, Page 1‘ of 7
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1021, Page 1 of 7

`All of the material in this volume has been published
`Copyright © 1982 by McCraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`Copyright © 1983 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`Printed in the United States of America.
`Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976,
`no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any
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`Philippines Copyright, 1983, by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`1234567890 KPKP 89876543
`I I
`SBN D-U7-UHSI-I6‘-I-l
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`McCraw-Hill encyclopedia of chemistry.
`“All of the material in this volume has been
`published previously in the McCraw-Hill encyclopedia
`of science & technology, fifth edition” —T.p. verso.
`Bibliography: p.
`Includes index.
`1. Parker, Sybil P.
`1. Chemistry — Dictionaries.
`III. McGraw—Hill
`II. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
`encyclopedia of science & technology.
`5th ed.
`ISBN 0-07-04-54-84--1
`Petitioners‘ Exhibit 1021, Page 2 of 7
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1021, Page 2 of 7

`C‘, \
`l Pct,
`rr \~
`l Pct,
`\ Q
`chloro-5-nitrophenyl ketoxime readily undergoes
`ring closure with elimination of hydrogen chloride
`under the influence of sodium hydroxide, whereas
`the other form gives the same product much more
`slowly. Therefore, it is concluded that the isomer
`which undergoes facile ring closure is the anti
`form and that the resistant
`isomer has the syn
`configuration. On rearrangement the anti and syn
`forms gave (I) and (II), respectively, thus providing
`a basis for the trans migration of the groups con-
`cerned and also providing a basis for the assign-
`ment of configuration from the nature of the prod-
`ucts of the Beckmann rearrangement.
`Cyclohexanone oxime rearranges to the lactam
`of 6-aminohexanoic acid (caprolactam), aprecursor
`of a polyamide of the nylon type (nylon 6) shown in
`notation (4).
`—[NH (CH,),CO]n—
`Aldoximes are dehydrated to nitriles by the
`action of acetic anhydride; oximes may be re-
`duced to primary amines. The lower aliphatic al-
`doximes find use as antiskinning agents in paints.
`A gaseous chemical element. 0. atomic number 8.
`and atomic weight 15.9994. Oxygen is of great in-
`terest because it is the essential element both in
`the respiration process in most living cells and in
`combustion processes. It
`is the most abundant
`element in the Earth’s crust. About one-fifth (by
`volume) of the air is oxygen.
`Oxygen is separated from air by liquefaction and
`fractional distillation. The chief uses of oxygen in
`order of their importance are (1) smelting, refining,
`and fabrication of steel and other metals; (2) manu-
`facture of chemical products by controlled oxida-
`tion; (3) rocket propulsion; (4) biological life sup-
`Petitioners‘ Exhibit 1021, Page 3 of 7
`oximes the prefixes syn and anti refer to
`tive positions of the hydroxyl group and the
`jacent to the prefix [notation (1).]
`syn-Tolyl phenyl
`‘. Phenyl tolyl
`ketoxime or anti-
`We ime or anti-
`‘ nyl ketoxime phenyl tolyl ketoxime
`_> "mes undergo the Beckmann rearrange-
`‘i erthe influence of acidic reagents. In this
`5 ment. the substituent anti to the hydrox-
`ign changes positions with the hydroxyl group
`formation of the lactim form of an amide
`fimmediately tautomerizes to the more sta-
`‘ am form. Thus, the oxime of acetophenone
`thyl phenyl ketoxime) yields the lactim
`? the stable acetanilide [reaction (2)].
`\ ether
`O\ /CH3
`HO\ /CH3
`:’ (I3
`enheimer assigned the presently accept-
`urations of the ketoximes largely on the
`iwt a study of ring-closure reactions involving
`halogen atoms. For example, as seen in
`(3). one isomer of the oxime of methyl 2-
`a group of chemicals derived from al-
`(RCH=NOH, aldoximes) or ketones
`>9‘ NOH. ketoximes) used for isolation and
`ation of carbonyl compounds. In general,
`_.a easily purified and have characteristic
`'7 points. The properties of certain oximes
`dc them industrially important.
`es have received considerable attention
`of their stereochemistry and their partici-
`the Beckmann rearrangement.
`'scovery of geometrical isomers involving
`‘Tn-nitrogen double bond demonstrated the
`j restricted rotation about such a bond. in a
`" analogous
`to that obtaining about
`. carbon double bond. However, relatively
`of geometric isomers of the oximes,
`_ are conventionally termed syn and anti iso-
`,alogous to the more familiar cis and trans
`.il used in carbon-carbon systems, have
`lated. This suggests that interconversion
`omers involves relatively little energy.
`-benzaldehyde oxime (H and OH in a cis
`ment with respect to the double bond) is
`ed to the anti (trans) form by ethereal hy-
`chloride solution; reversion to the syn form
`"accomplished by irradiation of a benzene
`,. of the anti form. See MOLECULAR 1SOM-
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1021, Page 3 of 7

`Illa Iva Va V|a VI1
`port and medicine; and (5) mining, production, and
`fabrication of stone and glass products.
`Uncombined gaseous oxygen usually exists in
`the form of diatomic molecules, 02, but oxygen
`also exists in a unique triatomic form, O3, called
`ozone. See OZONE.
`In 1774-, Joseph Priestley, an English clergyman
`who later immigrated to the United States and set-
`tled in Northumberland, Pa., observed that mer-
`curic oxide, on heating, yielded a gas that vigorous-
`ly supported the combustion of a candle. Priestley
`found that the gas would support respiration and
`called the gas dephlogisticated air. The name oxy-
`gen, meaning acid-former, was given the gas by a
`group of French chemists in 1787 in recognition of
`the ability of some oxides, such as the oxides of
`sulfur, to form acids.
`Oxygen is widely used in a variety of applica-
`tions. While the fraction of oxygen present in the
`atmosphere is sufficient for many purposes, higher
`concentrations are necessary to improve some
`Metallurgical uses. Oxygen is a component
`which is used in the metallurgical processes of
`smelting, refining, welding, cutting, and surface
`Smelting. Smelting of ore in the blast furnace
`involves the combustion of about 1 ton of oxygen
`for each ton of metal produced. When air is used,
`3% tons of nitrogen accompany each ton of oxygen
`and must be compressed, heated, and blown into
`the furnace. A large amount of heat is lost with the
`exhaust gases, which also carry powdered ore and
`coke away as dust and limit the capacity of the
`furnace. By removing some or all of the nitrogen,
`the furnace capacity can be increased, less expen-
`sive fuels can be used in place of some of the coke,
`and fuels can be used more efficiently.
`Metal refining. In refining copper and in making
`steel from pig iron various impurities such as car-
`bon, sulfur, and phosphorus must be removed
`from the metal by oxidation. If air is blown through
`the molten metal, as in the Bessemer converter,
`nitrogen is picked up, limiting the product quality.
`Nitrogen also carries away a great deal of the heat
`produced by the oxidation process. Better-quality
`steel and copper can be produced by injecting
`pure oxygen into the molten metal until the impuri-
`ties are completely removed. Oxygen injection can
`be utilized in the open hearth or electric furnaces.
`However, new steelmaking equipment has been
`developed which depends entirely on high-purity
`. El
`Petitioners‘ Exhibit 1021, Page 4 o
`oxygen. All the heat for the furnace operatiutt
`supplied by oxidation of carbon and other on
`ties. The technique is called the basic ox
`process. The most common form is known as _
`L-D process, named after the Austrian cities’
`Linz and Donawitz, where the procedure was
`used in 1951.
`Welding, cutting, and surface conditioning.
`high-temperature flame of the oxyacetylenet
`can be used in welding steel, although mostw
`ing is now done by the electric arc process.
`In cutting, the point of the steel at which the
`ting is to start is first heated by an oxygen-a
`lene flame. A powerful jet of oxygen is them
`on. The oxygen burns some of the iron in tli
`to iron oxide, and the heat of this combustion II .‘
`more iron; the molten iron is blown out of the
`by the force of the jet. By feeding powdered
`into the oxygen stream this cutting process c
`extended to alloys, such as stainless steelw
`are not readily cut by oxygen alone and to 5;
`pletely noncombustible materials such as
`Steel ingots normally have oxide inclusi
`other defects at the outer surface. Afterp
`nary rolling, the steel in slab or billet form
`surface skin removed to eliminate these at
`This can be most easily accomplished bys
`Streams of oxygen from many nozzles are
`on all sides of the billet at once. The oxygen
`off the surface defects and some of the steel
`spectacular shower of sparks. The billet
`ready for further rolling. Oxygen scarfing,-._'
`known as skinning, became a standard prac
`most steel mills.
`Chemical syntheses. Several syntheses
`chemical industry involve oxygen. These
`es are outlined.
`Partial oxidation of hydrocarbons. When
`ral gas or fuel oil is burned, the heat of com‘ ’
`first cracks the hydrocarbon molecules int
`merits. These fragments usually encounter
`molecules within a few hundredths of a see
`are oxidized to water and carbon dioxid
`ever, if the supply of oxygen is carefully (‘t
`and the passage of material through the r
`tion zone is very rapid, it is possible to fr’
`reaction at various stages of completion.
`In this manner natural gas (mostly
`CH4) can be converted to acetylene tC_3H,,
`lene (C._,H4), or propylene (C3H6). Ethylen ,
`in turn, can be partially oxidized to ethyle ,
`Syngas production. Reaction of carbon
`carbons with oxygen and steam yields a m",
`carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H:
`syngas. By use of suitable catalysts, syng
`recombined to form various organic co
`such as methanol (CH3OH), octane (C,"
`many others. In the presence of other e,
`carbon monoxide can combine with steam’
`more hydrogen and carbon dioxide. After
`of the carbon dioxide, the hydrogen can
`for chemical reactions, such as the manuf‘
`ammonia (NH3), hydrogenation of fats. rs.
`cracking of petroleum.
`Manufacture of pigments. Both titani
`white and carbon black are useful pri
`cause of the characteristics of their re
`cles. The size, shape, and surface activi
`‘ heal
`us d
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1021, Page 4 of 7

`shaping, and flame-polishing rough edges.
`Mining and quarrying. An oxygen-kerosine
`burner can be used to heat and shape some types
`of stone. Granite and similar rocks expand when
`heated rapidly by such a burner so that the surface
`cracks loose, or spalls. The hot combustion gases
`blow the fine chips of rocks away, presenting a
`fresh surface which is rapidly heated, continuing
`the process.
`in this manner the extremely hard taconite iron
`ore can be pierced for blast holes more effectively
`than by conventional drilling methods. Granite for
`construction and decorative purposes can be quar-
`ried by special burners equipped to cut channels
`through the rock. Slabs of granite can be cut to
`desired dimension and given an even and pleasing
`surface using still other burner designs. A rock
`surface fouled with paint or tarry materials can
`easily be cleaned by this technique. Artists have
`used flame shaping to produce statuary.
`Cement and kiln operations. In most kiln-type
`operations, such as manufacture of cement, roast-
`ing or sintering ore, and production of refractories,
`the essential reactions take place at rather high
`temperatures. When enough heat is provided at
`the high temperature to carry out the desired reac-
`tion, there is more than enough heat to raise the
`temperature of the fresh feed. Much heat is wasted
`at lower temperatures where it is not useful to the
`process. By using oxygen instead of air, the flame
`temperature is raised and much more heat is avail-
`able for the high temperature reaction from a given
`amount of fuel. Extensive tests have shown that
`large increases in capacity and reductions in
`fuel consumption are possible. However, certain
`changes in equipment are needed to achieve all
`the potential benefits.
`Occurrence. About 49.5% by weight of
`Earth’s crust,
`including the oceans and atmos-
`phere, is oxygen. Most of this oxygen is combined
`in the form of silicates, oxides, and water. Water is
`composed of 88.81% oxygen by weight.
`Oxygen also exists outside the atmosphere of
`the Earth, but since more than 98% of the matter
`in the visible universe (stars, nebulae, and inter-
`stellar space) is composed of hydrogen and he-
`lium, the cosmic concentration of oxygen is rela-
`tively low.
`Dry air contains 20.946% oxygen by volume, and
`this concentration has been found to be the same
`at any level between the surface of the Earth and a
`height of 40 mi. The atoms in atmospheric oxygen
`consist of three isotopes in the following atomic
`proportions: 99.759%, oxygen-l6; 0.037%, oxygen-
`17; and 0.204%, oxygen-18. The molecules of oxy-
`gen in the air, each of which has two atoms, consist
`of the statistically expected proportion of the pos-
`sible combinations of these isotopes,
`the most
`abundant molecules being ‘$0160, “C130, and
`‘5O”O. The isotopic composition of the oxygen in
`water is slightly different from that in air and var-
`ies slightly in samples from different bodies of
`water (lakes, oceans, and seas).
`Even though large quantities of oxygen from the
`air are continuously being used in respiration,
`combustion, and other oxidation processes,
`concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere re-
`mains very nearly constant, chiefly because oxy-
`gen is liberated in the process of photosynthesis.
`In this process carbohydrates are produced by
`Petitioners‘ Exhibit 1021, Page 5 of 7
`ay. and glass industry. Oxygen has a
`industries as described below.
`3 ufucture and fabrication. The glass
`large quantities of oxygen in the
`and shaping of glass. Oxygen addi-
`ecombustion temperature in the fur-
`g up and improving control over the
`ass and its raw materials. Oxygen is
`burners that heat glass for blowing,
`3 govern the ability of the material to per-
`operly as a pigment. bulking agent, or
`when blended into other materials. For-
`of titanium dioxide or carbon in a flame
`; produces very fine. useful particles. Care-
`utrolled addition of oxygen to such burner
`it scan improve yield and quality of the
`fuel rockets. In rocket engines liquid
`C» used as an oxidizer either with kerosine
`hydrogen fuels. While fluorine could theo-
`provide somewhat improved performance
`- of specific impulse, oxygen is very nearly
`is much cheaper and is easier to handle.
`" eled rockets, based on hydrocarbon poly-
`contain sufficient oxidizer to effect self-
`".v dominate the short-range military
`d-fueled rockets are expected to remain
`nspace work until the full development
`propulsion. The Saturn-Apollo launch
`afully loaded weight of about 3000 tons
`more than 2000 tons are liquid oxygen.
`gtlte liquid oxygen consumed by the aero-
`stry has been used in the development
`re testing of rocket engines mounted in
`2-‘ stands. The usage of oxygen in this test-
`en in excess of 1000 tons per day.
`cat applications. Oxygen is a fundamen-
`many biological processes. A few are
`eand diving. Oxygen is necessary for
`of animals of this planet. Whenever
`site to live or work in environments low
`1-: in oxygen, it is necessary to carry oxy-
`to supplement or substitute for the avail-
`sphere. High-altitude military aircraft
`vide oxygen for the aviators. Commer-
`must of course carry their entire
`gas requirements with them, which be-
`,of the larger load requirements for any
`" ission. Divers in shallow water are able
`transmitted to them from the surface.
`or deeper diving the special breathing
`ently are carried to the ocean bottom in
`ng bells.
`. in medical applications oxygen is
`tupatients in amounts up to 15 times
`. is usually done to reduce the work
`and lungs during the course of an
`‘: disease. during or after major surgery,
`cuvery from a heart attack.
`4 ment. Tests have shown that addition
`, waste treatment plants can assist the
`_ eatment process. Oxygen is sometimes
`ectly into rivers and streams that
`rwise be overloaded with contamina-
`the assistance of the extra oxygen, the
`eria are able to decompose the waste
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1021, Page 5 of 7

`example, sulfur forms sulfur dioxide (S0,)antl‘
`fur trioxide (S03). Among the most abundant ‘
`ry compounds of oxygen are water, H20. and
`ca, SiO2, the latter being the chief ingredie
`sand. Among compounds containing more ,_
`two elements, the most abundant are the
`which constitute most of the rocks and soil. 1.;
`widely occurring compounds are calcium c
`and marble),
`(gypsum), aluminum oxide (bauxite), and the 3
`ous oxides of iron which are mined as a sun ,:
`iron. Several other metals are also mined‘
`form of their oxides. Hydrogen peroxide.
`an interesting compound used extensn
`bleaching. See HYDROGEN PEROXIDE:
`green plants from carbon dioxide and water. The
`primary source of the free oxygen in the atmo-
`sphere is believed by some authorities to have been
`the decomposition of water vapor by ultraviolet
`radiation in the upper atmosphere. Almost all the
`hydrogen formed in this way escaped from the
`Earth’s gravitational field, but the oxygen mole-
`cules were too heavy to escape. They remained,
`therefore, in the atmosphere. This photochemical
`decomposition of water vapor to produce oxygen
`gas is still going on.
`The following radioactive isotopes of oxygen are
`known: "0, 150, and “O. These isotopes may be
`formed in particle accelerators, such as the cyclo-
`tron, or by neutron bombardment of the appropri-
`ate atomic species;
`for example, 190 is formed
`when the nucleus of an atom of stable 130 absorbs
`a neutron. All three of the radioactive isotopes of
`oxygen are very short-lived, the one with the long-
`est half-life, that of about 120 sec, being '50.
`Physical properties. Under ordinary conditions
`oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It
`condenses to a pale blue liquid, in contrast to nitro-
`gen, which is quite colorless in the liquid state.
`Oxygen is one of a small group of slightly paramag-
`netic gases, and it is the most paramagnetic of the
`group. Liquid oxygen is also slightly paramagnetic.
`Some data on oxygen and some properties of its
`ordinary form, O2, are listed in the table.
`Properties of oxygen
`Atomic number
`Atomic weight
`Triple point (solid, liquid, and
`gas in equilibrium)
`Boiling point at 1 atm pressure
`Cas density at 0°C and 1 atm
`pressure. g/liter
`Liquid density at the normal
`boiling point. g/ml
`Solubility in water at 20°C, ml
`oxygen (STP) per 1000 g water
`at 1 atm partial pressure of
`—2l8.80°C (54.35 K)
`—182.97°C (90.18 K)
`Before the mass spectrometer was invented and
`when nothing was known about isotopes, the aver-
`age weight of the oxygen atoms in oxygen obtained
`from water was selected by chemists as the stan-
`dard of weight for the atoms of all elements. This
`weight was assigned the value 16.0000. It is now
`known that isotopes exist and that the isotopic
`composition of many elements is subject to consid-
`erable variation. Consequently, there is no longer a
`good theoretical basis for the system of chemical
`atomic weights, based on the mixture of oxygen
`isotopes as they happen to occur in the Earth’s
`atmosphere. Chemists concluded that the single
`isotope "‘C = 12.0000 should be taken as the stan-
`chemical properties. Practically all-chemical
`elements except the inert gases form compounds
`with oxygen. Most elements form oxides when
`heated in an atmosphere containing oxygen gas.
`Many elements form more than one oxide; for
`Oxygen is produced on a large scale v,
`liquefaction and fractional distillation of
`little oxygen is also made by the electro _
`water, but oxygen produced in this way is,"
`expensive than oxygen distilled from air.
`trolysis of water is not used,
`therefore. -_
`there is some special reason, such as a
`the hydrogen that is also produced.
`The traditional methods of preparing or
`school chemistry courses are (1) heatingp '1
`chlorate with or without addition of all
`ganese dioxide or other catalyst: (2) hea
`curic oxide (Priestley’s original method"
`electrolysis of water to which an electr A
`been added. When oxygen is needed in the
`tory, however, it is usually obtained from -1
`der of compressed oxygen.
`Oxygen is
`commonly distributed
`(1) Most oxygen is piped directly '
`(2) about 10% is liquefied for transpona_
`storage in insulated tanks; and (3) atm ;
`compressed to high pressure (more than
`for transport in steel cylinders or tubeb
`Oxygen pipelines are usually short sinc
`material for air separation is readily av"
`industrial areas a single large plant m
`dozen consumers through a network of
`One such system operating in the heavy ‘
`area along the south shore of Lake Mic
`plies more than 5000 tons of oxygen daily.
`For smaller or intermittent uses nrr
`engines oxygen is produced and distrib
`liquid. In liquid form oxygen is about
`heavier than water. So long as it
`temperature, the liquid can be stored.t
`pumped, or handled much as any othe
`keep heat away from this very cold liqu
`age and transport tanks use the best
`lating techniques. Two concentric tan
`structed. The space between the tan
`with a powdered material of low ther
`tivity which is also opaque to radiant
`powder-filled space is then evacuated.
`nation of vacuum and insulating powder
`heat transfer by convection, conduction
`tion. The result is a container in which
`gen can be transported hundreds of u.:_
`tle or no loss. Large liquid oxygen tanks '
`mounted on trucks,
`trailers. and
`Smaller tanks can be wheeled around.
`Special lightweight liquid oxygen tanks‘
`Petitioners‘ Exhibit 1021, Page 6 of
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1021, Page 6 of 7

`initiated by an electric spark or other high-level
`energy source. Controlled decomposition to re-
`duce ozone to desirable low concentrations can be
`accomplished catalytically.
`Ozone is a more powerful oxidizing agent than
`oxygen, and oxidation with ozone takes place with
`evolution of more heat and usually starts at a lower
`temperature than when oxygen is used.
`In the
`presence of water, ozone is a powerful bleaching
`agent, acting more rapidly than hydrogen perox-
`ide, chlorine. or sulfur dioxide.
`Ozone is utilized in the treatment of drinking-
`water supplies. Odor- and taste-producing hydro-
`carbons are effectively eliminated by ozone oxida-
`tion. Iron and manganese compounds which dis-
`color water are diminished by ozone treatment.
`Compared to chlorine, bacterial and viral disinfec-
`tion with ozone is up to 5000 times more rapid.
`the residual chlorine content
`leaves a characteristic undesirable taste and odor.
`In addition, chlorine may yield chloroform and
`other trihalomethane (THM) compounds which are
`potentially carcinogenic.
`Plants that use oxygen in aerobic digestion of
`sewage can add ozone treatment at reduced cost.
`Ozone can be produced more economically from
`pure oxygen. By proper integration ofthe facilities,
`oxygen not transformed into ozone in its generator
`passes through the ozonization tank into the aero-
`bic digester with very high efficiency.
`Ozone undergoes a characteristic reaction with
`unsaturated organic compounds in which the dou-
`ble or triple bond is attacked, even at tempera-
`tures as low as ~l00°C, with the formation of ozon-
`ides; these ozonides can be hydrolyzed, oxidized,
`reduced, or thermally decomposed to a variety of
`compounds, chiefly aldehydes, ketones, or carbox-
`ylic acids. Double (C=C) bonds are almost always
`ruptured in this reaction. Commercially ozonolysis
`(ozonation followed by decomposition of the ozon-
`ide) is employed in the production of azelaic acid
`and certain chemical intermediates used in the
`drug industry. See OZONOLYSIS.
`Natural occurrence. Ozone occurs to a variable
`extent in the Earth’s atmosphere. Near the Earth's
`surface the concentration is usually 0.02-0.03
`ppm in country air, and less in cities except when
`there is smog: under smog conditions in Los Ange-
`les ozone is be formed by the action of
`sunlight on oxygen of the air in the presence of
`impurities, and on bad days the ozone concentra-
`tion may reach 0.5 ppm or more for short periods
`of time.
`At vertical elevations above 20 km, ozone is
`Some properties of ozone
`Density of the gas at 0°C. 1 atm pressure
`Density of the liquid
`Boiling point at 1 atm pressure
`Melting point of the solid
`Wavelength range of maximum
`absorption in visible spectrum
`Wavelength range of maximum
`absorption in the ultraviolet
`240 - 280 nm
`2.154 g/liter
`1.354 g/ml
`1.573 g/ml
`560-620 nm
`Petitioners‘ Exhibit 1021, Page 7 of 7
`7| actured to permit sick people to carry sever-
`' supply in a pack about the size of a binoc-
`nerally speaking, liquid transport is preferred
`gh-pressure gas containers because much
`g product can be carried per pound of total
`I. However, for some applications high gas
`ures are desired. For others the use is so in-
`'ttent that liquid supply would involve exces-
`'" losses during idle periods. For these applica-
`7 oxygen may be transported at high pressure
`_eel cylinders. Ordinary cylinders are about 9
`diameter, 4 ft in height, and about 150 lb in
`T5» twhen filled with 240 ft (20 lb) of oxygen.
`ual cylinders may be clustered and longer
`. may be mounted on trailers to achieve
`’ ercapacity.
`ction and quantitative analysis. The tradi-
`' aboratory test for oxygen gas is that it will
`E’ glowing wooden splinter to burst into
`ex this test does not distinguish between oxy-
`and nitrous oxide.
`boratory gas-analysis apparatus oxygen is
`- y determined by absorption in an alkaline
`t ion of pyrogallol or in an ammoniacal solution
`' per (1) chloride. The concentration of oxygen
`ygen tents and gas streams is readily deter-
`dwith oxygen meters that measure the con-
`, of the oxygen by its paramagnetism. Oxygen
`‘mixture of gases may be determined in a gas
`in atograph. There are a number of colorimet-
`ts for traces of oxygen. See CALORIMETRY;
`liography: E. A. Ebsworth et al., The Chem-
`.. of0xygen, 1975; J. W. Ciachino et al., Weld-
`ills and Practices, 5th ed., American Tech-
`Society, 1977; O. Hayaishi (ed.), Molecular
`inisms of Oxygen Activation, 1974-'; H. H.
`erman and R. W. Murray (eds.), Singlet
`'werfully oxidizing allotropic form of the ele-
`oxygen. The ozone molecule contains three
`3), while the more common oxygen mole-
`V liastwo atoms (02).
`2.4- oxygen is a colorless gas and condens-
`.» a very pale blue liquid, whereas ozone gas is
`edlyblue, and both liquid and solid ozone are
`aque blue-black color, similar to that of ink.
`’ at concentrations as low as 4%, the blue col-
`ozone gas mixed with air or other colorless
`V. a tube 1 in. (2.54 cm) or more in diameter
`ft (1.22 In) or more long can be seen by look-
`hwise through the tube.
`rties and uses. Some properties of ozone
`n in the table. Ozone has a characteristic,
`odor familiar to most persons because
`5 formed when electrical apparatus pro-
`parks in air. Ozone is irritating to mucous
`anes and toxic to human beings and lower
`. U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
`stration standards for industrial workers
`, dto ozone on a daily basis limit ozone con-
`ion to 0.1 part per million on the average,
`' maximum of 0.3 ppm for short exposures.
`ozone concentrations in liquid- and gas-
`' mixtures can decompose explosively when
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1021, Page 7 of 7

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