`Petitioners' Exhibit 1027, Page 1 of 150

` Case IPR2015-01838
` Petitioners, Patent 8,865,921
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
` May 25, 2016
` Archer-Daniels-Midland Company
` 4666 Faries Parkway
` Decatur, Illinois
` 8:57 a.m.
` Barbara A. Glover: CSR #084-001223
`3 4 5 6
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1027, Page 2 of 150

`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`Appearing for Petitioners:
` Blank Rome, LLP
` Dipu A. Doshi and Jonathan W. S. England
` 1825 Eye Street NW
` Washington, DC 20006-5403
` (202) 420-2604
`Appearing for Patent Owner:
` Kenyon & Kenyon, LLP
` Michael W. Glynn
` One Broadway
` New York, New York 10004-1007
` (212) 425-7200
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`3 4
`8 9
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1027, Page 3 of 150

`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` I N D E X
` By: Mr. Glynn 4
` E X H I B I T S
`No new exhibits marked.
`Exhibit 1001 U. S. Patent No. 8,865,921 99
`Exhibit 1002 Patent application 72
`Exhibit 1003 Article 72
`Exhibit 1009 Declaration 96
`Exhibit 1021 Excerpt from McGraw-Hill 121
` Encyclopedia of Chemistry
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`4 5 6
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1027, Page 4 of 150

`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` 8:57 A.M.
`the deponent herein, called as a witness, after
`having been first duly sworn, was examined and
`testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Martin.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. I'm Michael Glynn.
` MR. DOSHI: Show the appearances?
` MR. GLYNN: I represent the patent
`owner, Furanix Technologies.
` MR. DOSHI: And Dipu Doshi and Jon
`England for petitioner -- petitioners, I should
` Q. Dr. Martin, have you had your
`deposition taken before?
` A. I have not.
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`6 7
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1027, Page 5 of 150

`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Q. You have not. First time?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. You understand, though, that
`you're under oath?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And that your testimony will be
`used in this proceeding. The Board of Judges
`will be able to see your testimony.
` A. Correct.
` Q. It's testimony under oath for the
`proceeding. Okay. Good.
` I'll be asking you a series of
`questions. If you don't understand one of my
`questions or it's unclear, please ask me to
`clarify it. I'll do my best to rephrase the
`question in a way that you understand.
` If you have to take any breaks, let me
`know. We'll try to break periodically.
`Hopefully, we can kind of power through this and
`get out of here early, but whenever you need a
`break, feel free to let me know.
` A. All right.
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Q. Okay. Describe for me your education,
` A. I'm sorry?
` Q. Describe for me your education,
` A. In terms of my college education?
` Q. Please, yes.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Post high school.
` A. After a year at a community college, I
`moved to the University of North Carolina at
`Charlotte where I obtained a bachelor's degree in
`chemistry in 1980.
` Upon completion of that, I was
`accepted for graduate school, graduate studies at
`Michigan State University in inorganic chemistry,
`which I completed in 1986, defended my
` For two years plus after that I was a
`post-doctoral researcher at Texas A & M
`University, again, in inorganic chemistry.
` Q. What is inorganic chemistry?
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` A. Inorganic chemistry is the study of
`molecules and reactions of all elements as
`opposed to organic chemistry which is focused on
`the compounds of carbon.
` Q. Inorganic chemistry includes carbon?
` A. It can, yes.
` Q. Usually not?
` A. There's another branch called
`organometallic chemistry which covers the
`intersection of the two.
` The particular studies -- areas that I
`was involved in were materials for catalysis
`which is catalysis of organic reactions, so, in
`that regard, they also intersect.
` Q. Okay. And in your doctorate research
`you did a thesis?
` A. I did.
` Q. What did that involve?
` A. The topic?
` Q. Yeah.
` A. The title of the dissertation is --
`oh, my gosh, I forgot the title of the
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Q. That's okay. Just a general
`description is fine.
` A. I characterized inorganic materials,
`hydroxide, metal hydroxide materials and then
`used them for catalytic reactions.
` Q. What type of catalytic reactions?
` A. We were looking at halide replacement
`reactions, organic halides.
` Q. And how about your post-doctorate
` A. Post-doctorate research involved
`characterization of layered phosphate materials
`and phosphate-related materials.
` Q. Did that have an organic component to
` A. The phosphates were, yes, they had an
`organic -- they were organic phosphates.
`Phosphonates they are called.
` Q. And, briefly, since your post-doc I
`take it, then -- after your post-doc, you entered
`into -- so you left academia?
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` A. Correct.
` Q. So describe just briefly your career
`in the industry.
` A. I first started with Texaco in their
`research labs in Beacon, New York, in
`synthesizing, characterizing catalysts, running
`organic reactions, using them, operation
` After that, I worked for a company
`called Nepera Chemicals. It's a pyridine
`manufacturer. In that position my main
`responsibility was for oxidation of pyridine
`derivatives, ammoxidation, actually, which
`involves ammonia as well as oxygen, and then
`since I've been at -- since I've been at ADM I've
`been mainly focused on our glycerol to propylene
`glycol plant which is just up the street here.
` That was -- that was under
`construction when I arrived, and I helped in
`getting the catalyst made for that, getting it
`commercialized and extensive testing in the lab
`of the reactions.
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Since then, I've also been involved in
`a number of other projects.
` Q. For example?
` A. For example, sorbitol -- reactions of
`sorbitol which is a sugar derivative.
` I worked with the integrated
`biorefinery with a Department of Energy grant
`which involved sourcing corn stover, corn stalks,
`turning them into chemicals, so a lot of
`separations, hydrogenation, oxidation reactions.
` Q. And the education and work that you
`just described, did any of that involve the
`catalytic oxidation of heterocyclic aromatic
` A. All of my work at Nepera on
`ammoxidation of pyridine derivatives, since
`pyridine is a heterocyclic organic aromatic
`compound, the answer is I have pretty extensive
`experience in that.
` Q. And at ADM have you done work like
` A. I have not directly. I have not
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`performed oxidations of materials.
` Q. Not directly. How about indirectly?
` A. I've been -- I'm aware that they were
`going on in the building. As a manager no one --
`let me be careful. No one who reported to me was
`doing these.
` Q. Okay. So what are you aware of in
`regards to what's going on at ADM involving the
`catalytic oxidation of heterocyclic aromatic
`compounds? Even, for example, methods for the
`preparation of FDCA.
` MR. DOSHI: What's the question?
` MR. GLYNN: Dr. Martin had said that
`he was aware of certain work being done at ADM,
`and I'm now asking what he's aware of about this
`work, and just to make it more specific,
`specifically with regards to ADM's development of
`methods for preparing FDCA.
` MR. DOSHI: The question, I think,
`might implicate -- we can talk without him, with
`him. It's up to you. We need to get a
`protective order. I don't believe we have a
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`protective order in this case.
` MR. GLYNN: And you're aware that that
`would divulge confidential information?
` MR. DOSHI: I'm not aware. I think it
`could. That's what I'm saying.
` MR. GLYNN: Okay. Well, we can always
`move for a protective order if that becomes
`necessary, and we, of course, would support that.
` MR. DOSHI: Okay.
` THE WITNESS: As you can read in the
`patent literature, we have received IP protection
`on oxidation of HMF, HMF derivatives to FDCA and
`FDCA derivatives.
` Q. Okay. So there's patents involved.
`So there's work being done here on developments
`of methods for FDCA, that you're aware of?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Do you know when that work
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have just a general idea? Ten
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`years ago? Five years ago?
` A. I arrived here nine years ago.
` Q. At that point had it already started?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Okay.
` A. It was not a part of my
`responsibilities at that time.
` Q. At some point over the past nine years
`you became aware of these efforts?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When was that?
` A. I don't remember.
` Q. Was it five years ago? Less than
` A. I don't remember.
` Q. Okay. Do you know why ADM is pursuing
`methods for manufacturing FDCA?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` Q. Just generally.
` MR. DOSHI: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: It's my understanding
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`Petitioners' Exhibit 1027, Page 14 of 150

`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`that the company operates to make money, so I
`assume that they perceive an opportunity to do so
`with this product.
` Q. Okay. So they believe that there's a
`market demand for making FDCA?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` Q. Is that right?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I haven't been involved
`in those discussions.
` Q. Okay. Do you understand -- do you
`have an understanding of what parameters are
`being used in the process that's being developed
`here at ADM?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: In what sense?
` Q. Temperature, pressure --
` A. Are you asking me for specific
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Q. Do you know the specific numbers?
` A. I do not.
` Q. Do you know general ranges?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I know what I read in
`the patent literature.
` Q. So your knowledge is just based on
`what's also publicly available in the patents?
` A. That's incorrect.
` Q. Okay. I misinterpreted that then.
` So in addition to what's in the patent
`literature, you have some information about ADM's
`process that's not available in the patent
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. So that's what I'm asking you
` So you have some general knowledge
`about ADM's process, that is -- that's not in the
`patents? Do you know, for example, what
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`temperature is being used?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know the
`specific temperature.
` Q. Okay. Do you have a range?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` Q. Is it between 100 and 200 degrees C?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` Q. Since it's become an issue, the court
`reporter needs a verbal answer so that she can
`record it, so nods and things like that is not an
`easy way for her to record it, so just be sure
`that you know your answers are out loud as
`opposed to nods and things like that or shaking
`of the head.
` So back to the question, temperature
` A. I have a general idea of what the
`temperature range is.
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Q. What is that?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I have an idea that it's
`protected, as it's confidential information.
` Q. Okay. Which it certainly may be
`confidential information, and as we just
`discussed -- I discussed with counsel, if we
`discuss what petitioners believe to be
`confidential information during the deposition,
`we can protect this transcript by moving for a
`protective order, so that if that is okay with
`you, then I'd like you to go ahead and answer my
` MR. DOSHI: Okay. So there is no
`protective record in this case, and I get what
`you're saying in terms of moving together as --
`for a protective order.
` Would you agree to, at least this
`specific question, being under attorneys' eyes
`only? In other words, you represent a
`competitor, and you're asking him about these
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` MR. GLYNN: I see what you mean. That
`our client wouldn't have access to that
` MR. DOSHI: Correct.
` MR. GLYNN: Yeah.
` MR. DOSHI: Okay. All right. And,
`okay, so we've got that agreement.
` I'm going to allow you some leeway
`here, but I think what you're asking for are the
`efforts by ADM in its FDCA preparation. Is that
` MR. GLYNN: That is correct, yes.
` MR. DOSHI: Okay. Now, you've been --
`you've previously said that that is additional
`discovery. In a paper here you say -- it says
`patent owner's list of proposed motions. Patent
`owner may file a motion for discovery pursuant to
`37 CFR 4251 regarding petitioners' efforts to
`develop methods for preparation of
`2,5-Furandicarboxylic acid by methods of the
`invention claimed in the U. S. patent.
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Such a motion hasn't been filed yet.
` MR. GLYNN: Okay.
` MR. DOSHI: So --
` MR. GLYNN: I don't think that that
`precludes me from asking questions of Dr. Martin
`along these lines. He's put forward his opinion
`that the claims in the patent are obvious, and
`I'm asking him questions that go to the
`non-obviousness of the claims in the patent.
` I don't see where that requires
`additional discovery, as we sit right here.
` As far as getting documents and things
`like that that we have not done, I'm not
`requesting that we go get any documents.
` MR. DOSHI: Sure. But in his opinions
`he does not address the ADM process. He
`discusses publically-disclosed processes, and
`your questions are specific to ADM's confidential
` MR. GLYNN: Well, my questions are
`specific to secondary considerations, which it
`does discuss.
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` MR. DOSHI: But the secondary
`consideration relating to the invention was also
`something that you raised with the Board under
`additional discovery, at least in the conference
`call but did not raise thereafter, and I'm
`reading from paper --
` What paper is this?
` Proposed motions is what I'm reading
` MR. ENGLAND: Paper 14.
` MR. DOSHI: Paper 14.
` Q. All right. While it's true that we
`did not seek additional discovery as far as
`seeking documents along these lines, I'm still
`simply asking Dr. Martin questions relating to
`secondary considerations.
` He opined on secondary considerations
`in his report. I don't intend to spend a lot of
`time on this, but I think our argument is taking
`up more time...
` MR. DOSHI: Just for the record, I
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`mean in the paper, the proposed motions, which is
`paper No. 14, it wasn't limited to documents. In
`fact, it says, "This discovery will be in the
`nature of requests for admissions, requests for
`production of documents, which is what you are
`referring to, depositions, and any other
`appropriate means of discovery," so I understand
`that you're not asking for documents and that
`you're asking for deposition testimony, but I
`believe that this was something that you raised
`with the Board and didn't move on.
` MR. GLYNN: I just don't see how that
`precludes me from asking questions of the witness
`that you put in front of me.
` At the time there was no way for me to
`-- well, actually, there was, but at the time --
`you know, he's an ADM employee. He's sitting
`right here. He's your expert, and he has
`knowledge of what ADM, at least generally, did to
`try to develop such a process which can go
`directly to secondary considerations, so that's
`the situation we're at.
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` MR. DOSHI: But you haven't provided
`any evidence that --
` MR. GLYNN: I'll tell you what. I
`don't want to spend an hour on this right now, so
`let's discuss it offline later, and maybe we'll
`come back to this.
` In the meantime, let's move on.
` MR. DOSHI: Okay.
` Q. All right. Okay. You are aware that
`ADM is partnering with petitioner Dupont in order
`to develop a process for the manufacture of FDCA.
` A. Yes.
` Q. What's the nature of that partnership?
`Do you know?
` A. My understanding is that Dupont brings
`oxidation expertise to the table along with
`polymer, their polymer science, since it's
`ultimately intended to make a polymer.
` ADM brings a large source of
`carbohydrates and expertise in making HMF, HMF
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`derivatives as a starting material.
` Q. Okay. So ADM brings the expertise in
`making the H -- ADM is bringing the expertise in
`making HMF from sugars from crops, things like
`that? If I say something a little inexact,
`please feel free to correct me on that. You're
`the expert.
` A. It's from a sugar.
` Q. From sugars. What's the source of the
` A. Corn.
` Q. Corn. Okay. Do you know when this
`partnership began?
` A. I don't know the exact date.
` Q. Generally?
` A. Within the past five years is my
`memory, but I don't know the exact date.
` Q. So was it about five years ago,
`between four and five?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Between three and four?
` A. I don't know.
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Q. Certainly less recent than two?
` A. Public announcement was made last
`year, I believe.
` Q. Okay. I think I've seen the press
`reports, but the partnership goes back further
`than that?
` A. Correct, and, as I say, I don't
`know -- I don't know the exact date.
` Q. Okay. Let's move on.
` In the process of making FDCA from
`HMF, for example, and esters of HMF, there are a
`number of reaction conditions that can be varied
`that can -- that can ultimately affect yields.
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. What kind of reaction
`conditions would be different that can affect the
` A. Temperature, pressure, catalyst
`concentration, specific composition of the
`catalyst, HMF concentration, time of reaction.
` Q. Anything else?
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` A. I'm sure there are, but I have not
`made a study of them.
` Q. Gotcha. Those are the ones that come
`to mind right now?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. Fine. All right. So let's
`start with temperature. How does temperature
`affect yield?
` A. In general, temperature affects
`conversion by increasing conversion. Temperature
`has an effect on yield through -- with a
`catalytic system through potentially changing
`mechanism, changing the pathway of reactions,
`changing the amount of ultimate product, final
`product that you generate as opposed to
` Q. And it was your testimony that
`generally as temperature increases, yield
` A. For situations in which at lower
`temperatures you see intermediate products.
` Q. Okay. So I would be incorrect in
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`saying that just generally as temperature
`increases, yield increases then?
` MR. DOSHI: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: It depends on the
` Q. It depends on the system. Well, the
`system here we're talking about is the process
`for making FDCA from HMF and esters of HMF.
` A. It's a question that you can't answer
`without consideration of all the other parameters
`that we've listed, because the effect changes.
` Q. Okay. Let's leave the other
`parameters for now constant and just talk about
`temperature, so I'm not changing other
` A. I don't think I can answer that if I
`don't have the details of what else is there.
` Q. Okay. And you said that temperature
`affects conversion. What does that mean?
` A. In general, a reaction -- the extent
`of the reaction of your starting material is a
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
`function of the temperature, and that higher
`temperature, the more converts.
` Q. Converts to?
` A. Products.
` Q. Products. Not just the product you
`want, though?
` A. Correct.
` Q. It could convert to other products
`that would be considered undesirable side
`reactions. Correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And the rate of those reactions would
`increase with temperature too. Right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. The rate of degradation of your
`final product could increase with temperature
`too. Right?
` A. Depending on the stability of your
`product, yes.
` Q. Depending on the temperature and
`stability, yeah, at what point it's unstable,
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Okay. And you mentioned that the
`change in temperature could change the mechanism
`of the reaction. What did you mean by that?
` A. Change in temperature can affect
`the -- perhaps, mechanism was a misstatement.
`Can change the preferred pathway of the reaction.
` Q. Okay. And that you had mentioned as
`well the pathway, so...
` So in this context, the context of
`converting FDCA -- or converting HMF -- you know,
`let's just -- when I say HMF, you, of course,
`understand that to be 5-hydroxymethylfurfural,
`but we'll be mostly using the shorthand for HMF,
`so that won't be so bad, but that's
` When I say that, you know that I mean
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And for FDCA, when I say that,
`you know that what I mean is
`2,5-furandicarboxylic acid?
` A. As I declared earlier, yes.
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` Q. I just want to make sure. And at
`times that's also abbreviated in some of the art
`as FDA?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So if we use any of those terms, we
`know they're interchangeable?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And so to the extent it comes up, I'll
`do a couple more.
` When I say AMF, that would be
` A. Correct.
` Q. Did I say that correct? And that's an
`ester of HMF?
` A. Acetic acid ester of HMF.
` Q. And -- okay. If we run across any
`other ones, we'll make sure we clarify what the
`abbreviations are.
` All right. So where was I?
` Oh, pathway, so you said the
`temperature can change the pathway. What do you
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`Deposition of Kevin J. Martin
`Conducted on May 25, 2016
` A. Well, let me give you an example from
`my earlier career in Nepera, if I could?
` Q. Okay.
` A. Oxidation reaction, the cataly

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