`Michael Mayersohn, Ph.D.
`Date of Birth:
`Place of Birth:
`Marital Status:
`April 22, 1944
`New York, New York
`Married (Sally), two children (Scott, Barbara)
`College of Pharmacy
`The University of Arizona
`Tucson, AZ 85721
`(520) 626-1938
`FAX: (520) 626-4063
`(520)490-7250 (cell)
`Residence: 4394 W. Butterfly Mountain Drive
`Marana, AZ 85658
`(520) 721-7498
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University, New York
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University, New York
`School of Pharmacy, State
`University of New York at Buffalo
`Dissertation Advisor: Milo Gibaldi, Ph.D.
`9/64 - 6/66
`9/66 - 6/67
`6/67 - 9/67
`9/67 - 10/70
`10/70 - 6/75
`6/75 - 6/76
`Research Assistant
`Harry Taub and Plaut
`Fellow in Pharmacy
`Research Trainee
`Fellow of the American
`Foundation for Pharma-
`ceutical Education.
`Assistant Professor
`Associate Professor
`Department of Pharmaceutics
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University, New York, NY.
`Department of Pharmaceutics, College
`of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Columbia
`University, New York, NY.
`Pharmaceutical Research and Develop-
`ment Division, CIBA Pharmaceutical
`Co., Summit, New Jersey
`Department of Pharmaceutics, School
`of Pharmacy, State University of
`New York at Buffalo, NY.
`Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
`Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
`Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
`Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (1 of 38)

`6/76 - 6/83
`6/83 - Present
`7/1 - 12/30/86
`8/93 - Present
`8/93- Present
`8/93 - Present
`7/8 - 7/19/96
`Research training and experience have been in the general area of pharmaceutical sciences with a specialty in
`pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics. These specialty areas involve: an examination of the
`relationship between the physical chemical characteristics of a drug and its dosage form and the fate and
`performance of that drug in the body; the use and development of analytical procedures to quantitate drugs and
`metabolites in biological fluids and from these data the development of rigorous mathematical models to quantitate the
`kinetic processes of drug absorption distribution, elimination and response; the design of rational drug dosing
`regimens based upon analytical, mathematical and clinical data. Research projects have involved investigations in
`each of these areas.
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University
`College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`Columbia University
`Rho Chi Award
`Henry Pfeiffer Scholarship
`Block Memorial Scholarship
`American Foundation for Pharma-
`ceutical Education Scholarship
`Harry Taub Fellowship
`Plaut Memorial Fellowship
`Rho Chi Pharmaceutical
`Honor Society
`Associate Professor
`Visiting Professor
`Visiting Professor
`College of Pharmacy, The University
`of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
`College of Pharmacy, The University
`of Arizona, Tucson Arizona.
`Department of Pharmaceutical Research,
`F. Hoffmann-La Roche and Co.,
`Basel, Switzerland.
`Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in
`Pharmacology and Toxicology, The University
`of Arizona
`Center for Toxicology, The University of
`Southwest Environmental Health Sciences
`Center, The University of Arizona
`Sandoz Pharmaceutical Corporation,
`East Hanover, New Jersey
`Arizona Center for Phytomedicine Research
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (2 of 38)

`1968-1970 School of Pharmacy, State University
`of New York at Buffalo.
`1971-1975 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Alberta
`Faculty of Pharmacy, University of British Columbia
`College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University
`College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona
`American Pharmaceutical Association
`American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
`College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona
`College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona
`1997-1998 University of Arizona
` 1998
` College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona
`Fellow of the American Foundation
`for Pharmaceutical Education
`Medical Research Council of Canada,
`Visiting Professor
`Basic Science Educator of the Year
`Fellow, Academy of Pharmaceutical
`Fellow, American Association of
`Pharmaceutical Scientists
`Basic Science Educator of the Year
`Basic Science Educator of the Year
`Dean’s Teaching Scholar
`Basic Science Educator of the Year
`Graduate Advisor of the Year
` 2002
`Basic Science Educator of the Year
`Graduate Advisor of the Year 2002
`Mortar Board Citation Award 2002
` 2000
` Graduate and Professional Student Council, University
` College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona
` of Arizona
` Graduate and Professional Student Council, University
` of Arizona
` Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society,
` University of Arizona
`Basic Science Educator of the Year
`Fellow, American College of Clinical
`Extraordinary Faculty Award
`Basic Science Educator of the Year
`Honorary Alumnus Award
` 2005
` College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona
` 2005
` American College of Clinical Pharmacology
` 2008
` The University of Arizona Alumni Association
` 2009
` College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona
` 2011
` The University of Arizona, Alumni Association
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (3 of 38)

`Book Chapters
`M. Mayersohn, "Physiological Factors that Modify Systemic Drug Availability and Pharmacologic
`Response in Clinical Practice," chapter 8 (pp. 211-273) in Principles and Perspectives in Drug
`Bioavailability, J. Blanchard, R. Sawchuk, and B.B. Brodie, eds., S. Karger, New York, 1979.
`M. Mayersohn, "Principles of Drug Absorption," chapter 2 (pp. 23-85) in Modern Pharmaceutics, G.S.
`Banker and C.T. Rhodes, eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1979.
`M. Mayersohn, "Basic Concepts in Drug Disposition: Fundamental Principles of Pharmacokinetics,"
`chapter 1 (pp. 3-28) in Drug Therapy for the Elderly, K.A. Conrad and R. Bressler, eds., C.V. Mosby, St.
`Louis, 1982.
`M. Mayersohn, "Effects of Aging on Pharmacotherapeutics: Drug Disposition," chapter 2 (pp. 31-63) in
`Drug Therapy for the Elderly, K.A. Conrad and R. Bressler, eds., C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, 1982.
`M. Mayersohn, "Special Pharmacokinetic Considerations in Elderly," Chapter 9 (pp. 229-293), in Applied
`Pharmacokinetics: Principles of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 2nd ed., W.E. Evans, J.J. Schentag, and
`W.J. Jusko (eds.), Applied Therapeutics, San Francisco, 1986.
`M. Mayersohn, "Principles of Drug Absorption," Chapter 2 (pp. 23-89), in Modern Pharmaceutics, 2nd
`ed., G.S. Banker and C.T. Rhodes (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1989.
`M. Mayersohn, "Special Pharmacokinetic Considerations in Elderly," Chapter 9 (pp. 9-1-9-43) in Applied
`Pharmacokinetics: Principles of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 3rd ed., W.E. Evans, J.J. Schentag, and
`W.J. Jusko (eds.), Applied Therapeutics, Vancouver, Washington, 1992.
`M. Mayersohn, "Principles of Drug Absorption," Chapter 2 (pp. 21-73), in Modern Pharmaceutics,
`3rd ed., G.S. Banker and C.T. Rhodes (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1995.
`M. Mayersohn, “Toxicokinetics: Measurement of Disposition Half-Life, Clearance and Residence
`Times”, Chapter 5-3 in Current Protocols in Toxicology, M. Maines, editor-in-chief, John Wiley and Sons,
`New York, 2000, pp. 5-3.1 – 5-3.29
`10. M. Mayersohn, "Principles of Drug Absorption," Chapter 2, in Modern Pharmaceutics, 4thed.,G.S.
`Banker and C.T. Rhodes (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002.
`11. M. Mayersohn, “Principles and Applications of Pharmacokinetics”, Chapter 79 in: Medical Toxicology, 3rd
` ed., RC Dart (ed.), Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, New York, 2004, pp. 282-337.
`12. M. Mayersohn, “Principles of Drug Absorption”, Chapter 2, in Modern Pharmaceutics, Volume 1: Basic
` Principles and Systems, 5th ed., A.T. Florence and J. Siepmann (eds.), Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.,
` New York, 2009, pp. 23-80.
`Book Chapters: Symposia
`D. Alberts, H.S. Chen, R. Liu, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier, T. Moon, J. Gross, A. Broughton and S.E.
`Salmon, "Disposition Kinetics of Intracavitary Bleomycin in Man," Chapter 11 in "Bleomycin: Current
`Status and New Developments" (pp. 131-142), S.K. Carter, S.T. Crooke, and H. Umezawa, eds.,
`Academic Press, New York, 1978.
`F.I. Marcus, D. Perrier and M. Mayersohn, "Effect of Jejunoileal Bypass on the Bioavailability of Digoxin
`in Man," chapter 14 in "Cardiac Glycosides" (pp. 167-180), G. Bodem, and H. J. Dengler, eds., Springer-
`Verlag, New York, 1978.
`J.R. Woodworth, S.M. Owens and M. Mayersohn, "Phencyclidine Disposition Kinetics In Dogs:
`Preliminary Findings," in "Phencyclidine and Related Arylcyclohexylamines - Present and Future
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (4 of 38)

`Applications," J.M. Kamenka, E.F. Domino, and P. Geneste, Eds., NPP Books, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
`M. Mayersohn, J.R. Woodworth and S.M. Owens, "Phencyclidine Disposition in Animals," in
`"Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Psychoactive Drugs," G. Barnett and N. Chiang, eds.,
`Biomedical Publications, Foster City, CA, 1985, pp. 28-47.
`M. Mayersohn, "Rational Approaches to the Treatment of Drug Toxicity: Some Recent Considerations
`and the Application of Pharmacokinetic Principles," in "Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of
`Psychoactive Drugs," G. Barnett and N. Chiang, eds., Biomedical Publications, Foster City, CA, 1985,
`pp. 120-142.
`S.M. Owens and M. Mayersohn, "Modulation of Phencyclidine (PCP) Pharmacokinetics with PCP-
`Specific Fab Fragments," In Phencyclidine-An Update," D.H. Clouet, ed., National Institute on Drug
`Abuse Research Monograph Series, volume 64, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.,
`1986, pp. 163-173.
`M. Mayersohn, "Vitamin C Bioavailability," in "Proceedings of the First International Congress on
`Vitamins and Biofactors in Life Science," T. Kobayashi, ed., Center for Academic Publications, Tokyo,
`Japan, 1992, pp. 446-449.
`Research Publications
`A.H. Goldberg, M. Gibaldi, J.L. Kanig and M. Mayersohn, "Increasing Dissolution Rates and Gastrointestinal
`Absorption of drugs via Solid Solutions and Eutectic Mixtures-IV," J. Pharm. Sci., 55, 581-583 (1966).
`M. Mayersohn and M. Gibaldi, "New Method of Solid State Dispersion for Increasing Dissolution Rates," J.
`Pharm. Sci., 55, 1323-1324 (1966).
`M. Mayersohn, S. Feldman and M. Gibaldi, "Bile Salt Enhancement of Riboflavin and Flavin Mononucleotide
`Absorption in Man," J. Nutr., 98, 288-296 (1969).
`M. Mayersohn and M. Gibaldi, "Drug Transport-I. Effect of Potassium ion on the In Vitro Transfer of Several
`Drugs Across the Rat Intestine: Preliminary Observations," J. Pharm. Sci., 58, 1429-1430 (1969).
`M. Mayersohn and M. Gibaldi, "Drug Transport-II. The Effect of Various Cations on the Passive Transfer of
`Drugs Across the Everted Rat Intestine," Biochimica Biophysica Acta, 196, 296-304 (1970).
`M. Mayersohn and M. Gibaldi, "Drug Transport-III. Influence of Various Sugars on Passive Transfer of Several
`Drugs Across the Everted Rat Intestine," J. Pharm. Sci., 60, 225-230 (1971).
`M. Mayersohn and M. Gibaldi, "Drug Transport-IV. Influence of Hypotonic and Hypertonic Solutions on
`Passive Drug Transfer Across the Everted Rat Intestine," J. Pharm. Sci., 60, 326-327 (1971).
`M. Mayersohn, M. Gibaldi and B. Grundhofer, "Drug Transport-V. Mechanism of Potassium-Ion Inhibition of
`Passive Transfer of Solutes Across Everted Rat Intestine," J. Pharm. Sci., 60, 1813-1817 (1971).
`M. Mayersohn, "Ascorbic Acid Absorption in Man - Pharmacokinetic Implications," Eur. J. Pharmacol. 19,140-
`142 (1972).
`10. M. Mayersohn and K. Suryasaputra, "Transport Cell for Examining Solute Transfer Across Biologic
`Membranes," J. Pharm. Sci., 62, 681-683 (1973).
`11. C. B. Tuttle, M. Mayersohn and G. C. Walker, "Biological Availability and Urinary Excretion Kinetics of Oral
`Tolbutamide Formulations in Man," Canad. J. Pharm. Sci., 8, 31-36 (1973).
`12. M. Mayersohn and L. Endrenyi, "Relative Bioavailability of Ampicillin Formulations in Man," Canad. Med. Assn.
`J., 109, 989-993 (1973).
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (5 of 38)

`J. Cobby, M. Mayersohn and G. C. Walker, "The Influence of Shape Factors on the Dissolution Rate of Slow-
`Release Tablets: I-Theoretical Development," J. Pharm. Sci., 63, 725-732 (1974).
`J. Cobby, M. Mayersohn and G. C. Walker, "The Influence of Shape Factor on the Dissolution Rate of Slow
`Release Tablets: II-Experimental," J. Pharm. Sci., 63, 732-737 (1974).
`J. Cobby, M. Mayersohn and M.E. Farlinger, "The Dissolution of Drug Particles under Sink Conditions," Canad.
`J. Pharm. Sci., 9, 91-96 (1974).
`16. W.A. Mahon, M. Mayersohn and T. Inaba, "An Examination of the Disposition Kinetics of Two Oral Forms of
`Quinidine in Man," Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 19, 566-575 (1976).
`J. Cobby, M. Mayersohn and S. Selliah, "The Rapid Reduction of Disulfiram in Blood and Plasma," J.
`Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 202, 724-731 (1977).
`18. M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier and A.L. Picchioni, "The Evaluation of a Charcoal Sorbitol Mixture as an Antidote for
`Oral Aspirin Overdose," Clin. Toxicol., 11, 561-567 (1977).
`19. D. Perrier, M. Mayersohn and F.I. Marcus, "Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Digitoxin," Clin. Pharmacokin., 2, 292-
`311 (1977).
`J. Cobby, M. Mayersohn and S. Selliah, "Methyldiethyldithiocarbamate, A Metabolite of Disulfiram in Man," Life
`Sci., 21, 937-942 (1977).
`K.D. Gierke, D. Perrier, M. Mayersohn and F.I. Marcus, "Digoxin Disposition Kinetics in Dogs Before and
`During Azotemia," J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 205, 456-464 (1978).
`J. Cobby, M. Mayersohn and S. Selliah, "The Disposition Kinetics in Dogs of Diethyldithiocarbamate, A
`Metabolite of Disulfiram," J. Pharmacokin. Biopharm., 6, 369-387 (1978).
`23. D. Alberts, H.S. Chen, R. Liu, K. Himmelstein, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier, J. Gross, T. Moon, A. Broughton and
`S.E. Salmon, "Disposition Kinetics of Bleomycin in Man. I. Intravenous Administration," Cancer Chemother.
`Pharmacol., 1, 177-181 (1978).
`J. Dickerson, D. Perrier, M. Mayersohn and R. Bressler, "Dose Tolerance and Pharmacokinetic Studies of
`L(+)Pseudoephedrine Capsules in Man," Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 14, 253-259 (1978).
`25. R.D. Okada, W.D. Hager, P.E. Graves, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier and F.I. Marcus, "Relationship Between
`Plasma Concentration and Dose of Digoxin in Patients With and Without Renal Impairment," Circulation, 58,
`1196-1203 (1978).
`S. Yung, M. Mayersohn and J.B. Robinson, "Ascorbic Acid Elimination in Man After Intravenous
`Administration," J. Pharm. Sci., 67, 1491-1492 (1978).
`27. M. Mayersohn and D. Perrier, "Kinetics of Pharmacologic Response to Cocaine," Res. Comm. Chem. Path.
`Pharmacol., 22, 465-473 (1978).
`28. W. D. Hager, P. Fenster, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier, P. Graves, F.I. Marcus and S. Goldman, "Digoxin-
`Quinidine Interaction: Pharmacokinetic Evaluation," N. Engl. J. Med., 300, 1238-1241 (1979).
`29. D.S. Alberts, H.S. Chen, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier, T. Moon and J. Gross, "Bleomycin Pharmacokinetics in
`Man. II. Intracavitary Administration," Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 2, 127-132 (1979).
`30. M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier, P. Fenster and F.I. Marcus, "Steady-State Plasma Concentrations of Quinidine and
`Propranolol" (Letter to the Editor), Amer. Heart J., 97, 678 (1979).
`P. Fenster, D. Perrier, M. Mayersohn and F.I. Marcus, "Kinetic Evaluation of the Propranolol-Quinidine
`Combination," Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 27, 450-453 (1980).
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (6 of 38)

`K.D. Gierke, P.E. Graves, D. Perrier, F.I. Marcus, M. Mayersohn and S. Goldman, "Metabolism and Rate of
`Elimination of Digoxigenin Bisdigitoxoside in Dogs Before and During Chronic Azotemia," J. Pharmacol. Exp.
`Ther., 212, 448-451 (1980).
`P.D. Walson, T. Mimaki, R. Curless, M. Mayersohn and D. Perrier, "Once Daily Doses of Phenobarbital in
`Children," J. Ped., 97, 303-305 (1980).
`S. J. Appelbaum, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier and R.T. Dorr, "Allopurinol Absorption from Rectal Suppositories"
`(Letter to the Editor), Drug Intell. Clin. Pharm. 14, 789 (1980).
`E.-G. Giardina, P.E. Fenster, J.T. Bigger, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier and F.I. Marcus, "The Efficacy, Plasma
`Concentrations and Adverse Effects of a New Sustained-Release Procainamide Preparation," Amer. J.
`Cardiol., 46, 855-862 (1980).
`36. D. Jung, M. Mayersohn and D. Perrier, "Gas Chromatographic Assay for Thiopental in Plasma with Use of a
`Nitrogen-Selective Detector," Clin. Chem., 27 113-115 (1981).
`37. D. Jung, M. Mayersohn and D. Perrier, "The Ultra-Free Technique Compared with Equilibrium Dialysis for
`Determination of Unbound Thiopental Concentrations in Serum," Clin. Chem., 27, 166-168 (1981).
`S. Yung, M. Mayersohn and J.B. Robinson, "Ascorbic Acid Absorption in Man: Influence of Food and Divided
`Dose," Life Sci., 28, 2505-2511 (1981).
`39. W. D. Hager, H. J. Pieniaszek, Jr., D. Perrier, M. Mayersohn and V. Goldberger, "Assessment of Beta
`Blockade with Propranolol," Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 30, 283-290 (1981).
`40. M. Mayersohn, "Area Under the Plasma Concentration - Time Curve Resulting from Constant Rate Drug
`Input," J. Pharm. Sci., 70, 1296-1297 (1981).
`S. Goldman, M. Olajos, H. Pieniaszek, D. Perrier, M. Mayersohn and E. Morkin,"Beta-Adrenergic Blockade
`with Propranolol in Conscious Euthyroid and Thyrotoxic Calves: Dosage Requirements and Effects on Heart
`Rate and Left Ventricular Performance," J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap., 219, 394-399 (1981).
`42. W.D. Hager, M. Mayersohn and P.E. Graves, "Digoxin Bioavailability During Quinidine Administration," Clin.
`Pharmacol. Ther., 30, 594-599 (1981).
`43. D. Jung, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier, J. Calkins and R. Saunders, "Thiopental Disposition in Lean and Obese
`Patients Undergoing Surgery," Anesthesiol., 56, 269-274 (1982).
`44. D. Jung, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier, J. Calkins and R. Saunders, "Thiopental Disposition as a Function of Age in
`Female Patients Undergoing Surgery," Anesthesiol., 56, 263-268 (1982).
`S. Yung, M. Mayersohn and J.B. Robinson, "Ascorbic Acid Absorption in Man: A Comparison Among Several
`Dosage Forms," J. Pharm. Sci., 71, 282-285 (1982).
`S. J. Appelbaum, M. Mayersohn, D. Perrier and R.T. Dorr, "Allopurinol Kinetics and Bioavailability: Intravenous,
`Oral and Rectal Administration," Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 8, 93-98 (1982).
`47. M. Mayersohn, "The 'Xylose Test' to Assess Gastrointestinal Absorption in the Elderly: A Pharmacokinetic
`Evaluation of the Literature," J. Gerontology, 37, 300-305 (1982).
`48. D. Perrier and M. Mayersohn, "Noncompartmental Determination of the Steady-State Volume of Distribution for
`Any Mode of Administration," J. Pharm. Sci., 71, 372-373 (1982).
`S.M. Owens, J.R. Woodworth, and M. Mayersohn, "Radioimmunoassay for Phencyclidine (PCP) in Serum,"
`Clin. Chem., 28, 1509-1513 (1982).
`50. D. Perrier and M. Mayersohn, "Determination of a Loading Dose for a Multiple Dosing Regimen" (Letter to the
`Editor), Drug Intell. Clin Pharm., 16, 780-781 (1982).
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (7 of 38)

`51. M. Mayersohn, K.A. Conrad and R. Achari, "Creatinine Clearance and Urine Flow" (Letter to the Editor), Drug
`Intell. Clin. Pharm., 17, 131 (1983).
`F. Kogan, R. Sampliner, M. Mayersohn, R. Kazema, D. Perrier, W. Jones and U. Michael, "Cimetidine
`Disposition During Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis," J. Clin. Pharmacol., 23, 252-256 (1983).
`S. Goldman, W.D. Hager, M. Olajos, D. Perrier and M. Mayersohn, "Effect of the Ouabain-Quinidine Interaction
`on Left Ventricular and Left Atrial Function in Conscious Dogs," Circulation, 67, 1054-1058 (1983).
`54. R. Achari, M. Mayersohn and K. A. Conrad, "HPLC Analysis of Creatinine in Human Plasma and Urine," J.
`Chromatographic Sci., 21, 278-281 (1983).
`55. M. Mayersohn, K.A. Conrad and R. Achari, "The Influence of a Cooked Meat Meal on Plasma Creatinine
`Concentration and Creatinine Clearance," Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 15, 227-230 (1983).
`J.R. Woodworth, S.M. Owens and M. Mayersohn, "Phencyclidine (PCP) Disposition Kinetics in Dogs:
`Preliminary Observations," Res. Commun. Substance Abuse, 4, 49-58 (1983).
`S.M. Owens, M. Mayersohn and J.R. Woodworth, "Phencyclidine Blood Protein Binding: Influence of Protein,
`pH and Species," J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap., 226, 656-660 (1983).
`J.R. Woodworth, M. Mayersohn and S.M. Owens, "Quantitative Analysis of Phencyclidine and Metabolites by
`Capillary Column Gas Chromatography," J. Anal. Toxicol., 8, 2-6 (1984).
`S. Johnson and M. Mayersohn, "Quantitative Analysis of D-xylose in Plasma and Urine by Capillary Column
`Gas Chromatography," Clin. Chim. Acta, 137, 13-20 (1984).
`60. R. Achari and M. Mayersohn, "Analysis of 4-methylpyrazole in Plasma and Urine by Gas Liquid
`Chromatography with Nitrogen-Selective Detection," J. Pharm. Sci., 73, 690-692 (1984).
`S.L. Johnson, M. Bliss, M. Mayersohn and K.A. Conrad, "Phloroglucinol-Based Colorimetry of Xylose in
`Plasma and Urine Compared with a Specific Gas Chromatographic Procedure," Clin. Chem., 30, 1571-1574
`K.A. Conrad, M. Mayersohn and M. Bliss, "Cimetidine Does Not Alter Ibuprofen Disposition," Brit. J. Clin.
`Pharmacol., Brit. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 18, 624-629 (1984).
`S.L. Johnson and M. Mayersohn, "Comparison of Fitting Methods for the Analysis of Plasma Concentration-
`Time Data Resulting from Constant Rate Intravenous Infusion," Biopharm. Drug Dispos., 6, 313-323 (1985).
`S.L. Johnson, M. Mayersohn and K.A. Conrad, "Gastrointestinal Absorption as a Function of Age: Xylose
`Absorption in Healthy Adult Subjects," Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 38, 331-335 (1985).
`J.R. Woodworth, S.M. Owens and M. Mayersohn, "Phencyclidine Disposition Kinetics in Dogs as a Function of
`Dose and Route of Administration," J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 234, 654-661 (1985).
`66. M. Mayersohn, S.M. Owens, A. Lopez Anaya, M. Bliss and R. Achari, "4-methyl-pyrazole Disposition in the
`Dog: Evidence for Saturable Elimination," J. Pharm. Sci., 74, 895-896 (1985).
`67. R. Achari and M. Mayersohn, "Modified Liquid-Chromatographic Method for Creatinine Determinations: A
`Rebuttal" (Letter to the Editor), Clin. Chem., 31, 1918 (1985).
`S.M. Owens and M. Mayersohn, "Phencyclidine-Specific Fab Fragments Alter Phencyclidine Disposition in
`Dogs," Drug Metab. Disposition, 14, 52-58 (1986).
`69. M. Bliss and M. Mayersohn, "HPLC Analysis of Cefamandole in Serum, Urine and Dialysis Fluid," Clin. Chem.,
`32, 197-200 (1986).
`A. Lopez Anaya, M. Mayersohn, K.A. Conrad and D.C. Dimmitt, "The Influence of Sucralfate on Ibuprofen
`Absorption in Healthy Adult Males," Biopharm. Drug Disposition, 7, 443-451 (1986).
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (8 of 38)

`S.L. Johnson, M. Mayersohn and K.A. Conrad, "Xylose Disposition in Humans as a Function of Age," Clin.
`Pharmacol. Ther., 39, 697-702 (1986).
`72. R. D'Angio, M. Mayersohn, K.A. Conrad and M. Bliss, "Cimetidine Absorption in Humans During Sucralfate
`Coadministration," Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 21, 515-520 (1986).
`73. W.N. Jones, K.B. Kern, J.P. Rindone, M. Mayersohn, M. Bliss and S. Goldman, "Digoxin- Diltiazem Interaction:
`A Pharmacokinetic Evaluation," Europ. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 31, 351-353 (1986).
`74. M. Bliss, M. Mayersohn, T. Arnold, J. Logan, U.F. Michael and W. Jones, "Disposition Kinetics of Cefamandole
`During Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis," Antimicrobial Agents Chemother., 29: 649-653 (1986).
`S. Campbell, P.E. Nolan, M. Bliss, R. Wood and M. Mayersohn, "Stability and Compatability of Amiodarone
`Hydrochloride in Intravenous Preparations," Amer. J. Hosp. Phcy., 43: 917-921 (1986).
`76. M. Bliss, M. Mayersohn and P. Nolan, "High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Amiodarone and
`Desethylamiodarone in Serum," J. Chromatogr., 381, 179-184 (1986).
`J.R. Woodworth, M. Mayersohn, and S.M. Owens, "Disposition Kinetics of the Monohydroxy Metabolites of
`Phencyclidine in the Dog," J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 238, 900-904 (1986).
`T.R. Navin, C.M. Dickinson, S.R. Adams, M. Mayersohn, and D.D. Juranek, "Effect of Azotemia in Dogs on the
`Pharmacokinetics of Pentamidine," J. Infect. Dis., 155, 1020- 1026 (1987).
`L.J. Schaaf, S.C. Campbell, M. Mayersohn, T. Vagedes, and D.G. Perrier, "Influence of Smoking and Gender
`on the Disposition Kinetics of Metoprolol," Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 33, 355-361 (1987).
`A. Lopez-Anaya and M. Mayersohn, "Quantification of Riboflavin, Riboflavin-5'- Phosphate and Flavin Adenine
`Dinucleotide in Plasma and Urine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography," J. Chromatogr., 423, 105-113
`A. Lopez-Anaya and M. Mayersohn, "Simultaneous Quantification of Ascorbic and Dehydroascorbic Acids in
`Biological Fluids by Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection and Comparison with a Colorimetric
`Assay," Clin. Chem., 33, 1874-1878 (1987).
`82. M. Mayersohn, "Drug Absorption," J. Clin. Pharmacol., 27, 634-638 (1987) (Submitted by Editorial Invitation).
`83. M.P. Schoerlin, M. Mayersohn, A. Korn, and H. Eggers, "Disposition Kinetics of Moclobemide, a MAO-A
`Inhibitor: Single and Multiple Dosing in Normal Subjects," Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 42, 395-404 (1987).
`84. M.P. Schoerlin, M. Mayersohn, B. Hoevels, H. Eggers, M. Dellenbach, and J.-P. Pfefen, "Effect of Food Intake
`on the Relative Bioavailability of Moclobemide (Ro 11-1163)," J. Neural Transmission, 26 (Supplement), 115-
`121 (1988).
`85. N.B. Egen, M. Bliss, M. Mayersohn, S.M. Owens, L. Arnold, and M. Bier, "Isolation of Monoclonal Antibodies to
`Phencyclidine from Ascites Fluid by Preparative Isoelectric Focusing in the Rotofor," Anal. Biochem., 172, 488-
`494 (1988).
`86. M.P. Schoerlin, F. F. Horber, F. J. Frey, and M. Mayersohn, "Disposition Kinetics of Moclobemide, a New
`MAO-A Inhibitor, in Subjects with Impaired Renal Function," J. Clin. Pharmacol., 30, 272-284 (1990).
`K. Stoeckel, J.P. Pfefen, M. Mayersohn, M.P. Schoerlin, C. Andressen, E.E. Ohnhaus, F. Frey, and T.W.
`Guentert, "Absorption and Disposition of Moclobemide in Patients with Advanced Age or Reduced Liver or
`Kidney Function," Acta Psychiatr. Scand., Suppl 360, 94-97 (1990).
`88. M.P. Schoerlin, M. Mayersohn, B. Hoevels, H. Eggers, M. Dellenbach, and J.P. Pfefen, "Cimetidine Alters the
`Disposition Kinetics of the MAO-A Inhibitor, Moclobemide," Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 49, 32-38 (1991).
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (9 of 38)

`89. H. Abdallah and M. Mayersohn, "The Preparation and Evaluation of a Tablet Dosage Form of Cyclosporine in
`Dogs," Pharm. Res., 8, 518-522 (1991).
`S.P. Khor and M. Mayersohn, "Potential Error in the Measurement of Tissue to Blood Distribution Coefficients
`in Physiological Pharmacokinetic Modeling-Residual Tissue Blood. I. Theoretical Consideration," Drug Metab.
`Dispos., 19, 478-485 (1991).
`S.P. Khor, H. Bozigian and M. Mayersohn, "Potential Error in the Measurement of Tissue to Blood Distribution
`Coefficients in Physiological Pharmacokinetic Modeling-Residual Tissue Blood. II. Phencyclidine Distribution in
`the Rat," Drug Metab., Dispos., 19, 486-490 (1991).
`92. H.Y. Abdallah, M. Mayersohn, and K.A. Conrad, "The Influence of Age on Salicylate Pharmacokinetics in
`Humans," J. Clin. Pharmacol., 31, 380-387 (1991).
`S.P. Khor, S.L. Johnson, and M. Mayersohn, "Area-Based Estimation of the Initial Volume of Distribution and
`Elimination Rate Constant Following an Intravenous Bolus Injection," J. Pharm. Sci, 80, 1042-1050 (1991).
`94. H.-H. Chow, A. Hutchaleelaha and M. Mayersohn, "Inhibitory Effect of 4-Methylpyrazole on Antipyrine
`Clearance in Rats," Life Sci., 50, 661-666 (1992).
`95. H.J. Pieniaszek, Jr., C.M. McEntegart, M. Mayersohn and U.F. Michael, "Moricizine Pharmacokinetics in Renal
`Insufficiency-Reevaluation of Elimination Half-Life," J. Clin. Pharmacol, 32, 412-414 (1992).
`96. H.-H. Chow, Y. Cai, and M. Mayersohn, "Amphotericin B Disposition Kinetics in Rats: The Influence of Dose,"
`Drug Metab. Disposition, 20, 432-435 (1992).
`J.L. Burgess, R.C. Dart, N.B. Egen and M. Mayersohn, "The Effect of Constriction Bands on Rattlesnake
`Venom Absorption," Annals Emergency Med.21, 1086-1093 (1992).
`98. M. Mayersohn, G. Roncari and G. Wendt, "Disposition Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Aniracetam in
`Animals," Drug Investigation, 5 (Suppl. 1), 73-95 (1993).
`99. W. Zheng, S.M. Winter, M. Mayersohn, J.B. Bishop and I.G. Sipes, "Toxicokinetics of Sulfasalazine
`(Salicylazosulfapyridine) and its Metabolites in B6C3F1 Mice," Drug Metab. Disposition, 21, 1091-1097 (1993).
`100. M. Mayersohn and R. Hamilton, "The Relationship Between the Terminal Disposition Half-Life and Mean
`Residence Time in Multicompartment Models," Drug Metab. Disposition, 21, 1172-1173 (1993).
`101. T.W. Guentert and M. Mayersohn, "Clinical Pharmacokinetic Profile of Moclobemide and Its Comparison with
`Other MAO-Inhibitors," Rev. Contemp. Pharmacother., 5, 19-34 (1994).
`102. K.M. Hurlbut, R.M. Maiorino, M. Mayersohn, R.C. Dart, D.C. Bruce and H.V. Aposhian, "Determination and
`Metabolism of Dithiol Chelating Agents. XVI. Pharmacokinetics of 2,3-Dimercapto-1-Propanesulfonate After
`Intravenous Administration to Human Volunteers," J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 268, 662-668 (1994).
`103. A. Hutchaleelaha, J. Sukbuntherng, H.H. Chow and M. Mayersohn, "Disposition Kinetics of d- and 1-
`amphetamine Following Intravenous Administration of Racemic Amphetamine to Rats," Drug Metab.
`Disposition, 22, 406-411 (1994).
`104. R.C. Dart, K.M. Hurlbut, R.M. Maiorino, M. Mayersohn, H.V. Aposhian and L.V. Boyer-Hassan,
`"Pharmacokinetics of Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic Acid (DMSA) in Patients with lead poisoning and in
`Healthy Adults," J. Pediatrics, J. Pediatrics, 125, 309-316 (1994).
`105. H.J. Pieniaszek, Jr., A.F. Davidson, C.M. McEntegart, C.Y. Quon, R. Sampliner and M. Mayersohn, "The Effect
`of Liver Disease on the Disposition of Moricizine in Humans," Biopharm. Drug Disposition, 15, 243-252 (1994).
`106. A. Hutchaleelaha, A. Walters, H.H. Chow and M. Mayersohn, "Sensitive Enantiomer Specific HPLC Analysis of
`Methamphetamine and Amphetamine from Plasma Using Precolumn Fluorescent Derivatization," J.
`Chromatogr., 658, 103-112 (1994).
`CFAD Ex. 1029 (10 of 38)

`107. M. Mayersohn, “Pharmacokinetics in the Elderly”, Environ. Health Perspect., 102 (Suppl 11), 119-124 (1994).
`108. E.D. Park, D.V. Lightner, N. Milner, M. Mayersohn, D.L. Park, J.M. Gifford and P.A. Bell, "Exploratory
`Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetic Studies of Sulfadimethoxine and Ormetoprine in Penaeid Shrimp,
`Penaeus Vannamei", Aquaculture, 130, 113-128 (1995).
`109. J. Sukbuntherng, A. Hutchaleelaha, H.H. Chow and M. Mayersohn, "Separation and Quantitation of the
`Enantiomers of Methamphetamine and Its Metabolit

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