Good A<
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`J U xta pi d (lomitapide) MTP lnh1b1tors
`LOMITAPIDE is used in combination with diet and other medicines to lower blood cholesterol levels in patients with a genet1c disorder that results 1n
`high blood cholesterol levels
`Juxtapid Prices What is Juxtapid? Side Effects
`Images Latest News (1)
`Prices and coupons for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 5mg (brand)
`9 Get drug prices near you
`Compare Similar Drugs
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`• save to My Rx
`Specialty medication
`This drug is considered a specialty medication, which means·
`It i s very expensive. A typical fill can cost $31,576 or more for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 5mg.
`Patients 1n need of th1s drug Will usually find most of the cost paid by an Insurance company,
`government or non profit organization. If you are uninsured or need help with your co-pay, the
`manufacturer may also offer assistance_ Learn more >>
`Most retail pharmacies will not stock this medication. The manufacturer may offer more
`information on how to fill this prescription Learn more»
`Learn more about specialty medications.
`• 5mg
`0 Membership warehouse
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`A Can't find your local pharmacy?
`GoodRx adheres to quality standards established by a nat1onally-recogn1zed
`professional organization that works to ensure the public health and patient safety.
`As such, GoodRx only displays the names and locations of pharmacies that have
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`0 About Goo<IRx Pnces a nd Juxtapld coupons
`GoodRx's cash pnces are basOO on multiple sources, including published price lists, purchases, claims records, and data provided by pharmacies. Our discount
`and coupon prices are based on contracts between a pharmacy {or pharmacy purchasing group) and a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), whO provides pnces
`to us. The pnces we show are our best est1mate; while we believe our data to be generally accurate. we cannot guarantee ttlat tne pnce we display Will exactly
`match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact ltle pharmacy. (Please keep In mind that the pharmacy will require ttle
`information shown on the GoodRx coupon/discount to confirm the discount pnce.)
`1. Depression Medications
`2. Cholesterol Drugs
`3. Cholesterol Level Chart
`4. High Cholesterol Treatment
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`6. How to Lower Cholesterol
`81!1: by Yahool
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`owners and nghts holders and are used sotery to represent the products of these rtghts holders Tllis mformatk>n is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for
`professional medical adviCe. diagnosis or treatment GoociRx Is not offering advice. recommending or endorsing any speeifK: presc.nption drug, pharmacy or other Information on the site
`GoodRx provk:les no warranty for any of the pnc1ng data or other lnformallon. Please seek medical advtce before starting, changing or terminating any medical treatment
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`Good A<
`Q, search Drug PriCeS
`How GoodRx Works
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`[See Who We AreJ
`J U xta pi d (lomitapide) MTP lnh1b1tors
`LOMITAPIDE is used in combination with diet and other medicines to lower blood cholesterol levels in patients with a genet1c disorder that results 1n
`high blood cholesterol levels
`Juxtapid Prices What is Juxtapid? Side Effects
`Images Latest News (1 )
`Prices and coupons for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 1 Omg (brand)
`Compare Similar Drugs
`~ Share •
`• save to My Rx
`9 Get drug prices near you
`Specialty medication
`This drug is considered a specialty medication, which means·
`It i s very expensive. A typical fill can cost $32,890 or more for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 10mg.
`Patients 1n need of th1s drug Will usually find most of the cost paid by an Insurance company,
`government or non profit organization. If you are uninsured or need help with your co-pay, the
`manufacturer may also offer assistance_ Learn more >>
`Most retail pharmacies will not stock this medication. The manufacturer may offer more
`information on how to fill this prescription Learn more»
`Learn more about specialty medications.
`• Juxtapid (brand)
`• 10mg
`30 capsules
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`0 About Goo<IRx Pnces a nd Juxtapld coupons
`GoodRx's cash pnces are basOO on multiple sources, including published price lists, purchases, claims records, and data provided by pharmacies. Our discount
`and coupon prices are based on contracts between a pharmacy {or pharmacy purchasing group) and a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), whO provides pnces
`to us. The pnces we show are our best est1mate; while we believe our data to be generally accurate. we cannot guarantee ttlat tne pnce we display Will exactly
`match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact ltle pharmacy. (Please keep In mind that the pharmacy will require ttle
`information shown on the GoodRx coupon/discount to confirm the discount pnce.)
`1. Depression Medications
`2. Cholesterol Drugs
`3. Cholesterol Level Chart
`4. High Cholesterol Treatment
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`6. How to Lower Cholesterol
`81!1: by Yahool
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`GoodRx ts not sponsored by or affihated with any of the pharmacieS idenlified 1n rts priCe comparisons All trademarks. brands. k>gos and copyright 1mages are property of their respecUve
`owners and nghts holders and are used sotery to represent the products of these rtghts holders Tllis mformatk>n is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for
`professional medical adviCe. diagnosis or treatment GoociRx Is not offering advice. recommending or endorsing any speeifK: presc.nption drug, pharmacy or other Information on the site
`GoodRx provk:les no warranty for any of the pnc1ng data or other lnformallon. Please seek medical advtce before starting, changing or terminating any medical treatment
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`Juxta pi d (lomitapide) MTP lnh1b1tors
`LOMITAPIDE is used in combination with diet and other medicines to lower blood cholesterol levels in patients with a genetic disorder that results in
`high blood cholesterol levels.
`Juxtapid Prices What is Juxtapid? Side Effects
`Images Latest News (1)
`Compare Similar Drugs
`Prices and coupons for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 20mg (brand)
`Ej' Share ...
`• Save to My Prescriptions
`Specialty medication
`This drug is considered a specialty medication, which means:
`• It is very expensive. A typical fill can cost $33,660 or more for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 20mg
`• Patients in need of this drug will usually find most of the cost paid by an insurance company,
`government or non profit organization If you are uninsured or need help with your co-pay, the
`manufacturer may also offer assistance Learn more >>
`• Most retail pharmacies will not stock this medication. The manufacturer may offer more
`information on how to fill this prescription. Learn more »
`Learn more about specialty medications
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`• Juxtapid (brand)
`... Dosage
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`... Quantity
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`Sams Club
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`Add My Medicare Plan
`Kroger Pharmacy
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`0 Membership warehouse
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`CVS Pharmacy
`View store details
`A Can't find your local pharmacy?
`GoodRx adheres to quality standards established by a nationally-recognized
`professional organization that works to ensure the public health and patient safety
`As such, GoodRx only displays the names and locations of pharmacies that have
`been approved by this organization.
`However, we can provide you with this coupon to pay S34,045.56 - S34,822.27 at
`most independent pharmacies near you.
`0 About GoodRx PriCes and Juxtapld Coupons
`CFAD Ex. 1024 (5 of 12)

`GoodRx's cash prices are based o n multiple sources, including published price lists, purchases, claims records, and data provided by pharmacies. our discount
`and coupon prices are based on contracts between a pharmacy {or pharmacy purchasing group) and a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), who provides prices
`to us. The prices we s how are our best estimate; while we believe our data to be generally accurate, we cannot guarantee that the price we d isplay will exactly
`match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact the pharmacy. (Please keep in mind that the pharmacy will require the
`information shown on the GoodRx coupon/discount to confirm the discount price.)
`Other High Cholesterol Drugs
`For Business
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`Questran Light
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`GoodRx Top 10's
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`Copyright ©2015 GoodRx, Inc
`What is Juxtapid? -
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`Patient Assistance
`Face book
`GoodRx is not sponsored by or affiliated wrth any of the pharmacies identified 1n rts price comparisons. All trademarks, brands, logos and copyright images are property of the1r respective
`owners and rights hoklers and are used so5ety to represent the products of these rights hoklers. This information is for informational purposes onty and is not meant to be a substitute for
`professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. GoodRx is not offenng advice, recommending or endors1ng any specifiC prescription drug, pharmacy or other information on the site.
`GoodRx provides no warranty for any of the pricing data or other information. P5ease seek medical advice before starting, changing or terminating any medical treatment.
`http:l'-.good!X.comi"JI .. UCiapxlOiinfil!.e r-locaiXIn=&cootds =&labe!=Juxtapld&fonn=capsule&s!J"ength=20mg&quanL--ty=custom&qty-custom=30 Mon Jul Otl 2015 10:16:18 GMT-0500 {CE-ntral Dayight Tfile)
`CFAD Ex. 1024 (6 of 12)

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`Good~ C\. search Drug PriCes
`How GoodRx Works
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`Juxta pi d (lomitapide) MTP lnh1b1tors
`LOMITAPIDE is used in combination with diet and other medicines to lower blood cholesterol levels in patients with a genetic disorder that results in
`high blood cholesterol levels.
`Juxtapid Prices What is Juxtapid? Side Effects
`Images Latest News (1)
`Compare Similar Drugs
`Prices and coupons for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 30mg (brand)
`Ej' Share ...
`• Save to My Prescriptions
`Specialty medication
`This drug is considered a specialty medication, which means:
`• It is very expensive. A typical fill can cost $33,660 or more for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 30mg
`• Patients in need of this drug will usually find most of the cost paid by an insurance company,
`government or non profit organization If you are uninsured or need help with your co-pay, the
`manufacturer may also offer assistance Learn more >>
`• Most retail pharmacies will not stock this medication. The manufacturer may offer more
`information on how to fill this prescription. Learn more »
`Learn more about specialty medications
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`• Juxtapid (brand)
`... Dosage
`() 5mg
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`• 30mg
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`... Quantity
`View store deta1ls
`Sams Club
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`Add My Medicare Plan
`Kroger Pharmacy
`View store deta11s
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`0 Membership warehouse
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`CVS Pharmacy
`View store details
`A Can't find your local pharmacy?
`GoodRx adheres to quality standards established by a nationally-recognized
`professional organization that works to ensure the public health and patient safety
`As such, GoodRx only displays the names and locations of pharmacies that have
`been approved by this organization.
`However, we can provide you with this coupon to pay S34,045.56 - S34,822.27 at
`most independent pharmacies near you.
`0 About GoodRx PriCes and Juxtapld Coupons
`CFAD Ex. 1024 (7 of 12)

`GoodRx's cash prices are based on multiple sources, including published price lists, purchases, claims records, and data provided by pharmacies. our discount
`and coupon prices are based on contracts between a pharmacy {or pharmacy purchasing group) and a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), who provides prices
`to us. The prices we show are our best estimate; while we believe our data to be generally accurate, we cannot guarantee that the price we d isplay will exactly
`match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact the pharmacy. (Please keep in mind that the pharmacy will require the
`information shown on the GoodRx coupon/discount to confirm the discount price.)
`Other High Cholesterol Drugs
`For Business
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`Questran Light
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`GoodRx en Espanol
`GoodRx Top 10's
`Good Rx Preferred Formulary
`Copyright ©2015 GoodRx, Inc
`What is Juxtapid? -
`Zoe or
`Help& FAOs
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`Patient Assistance
`Face book
`GoodRx is not sponsored by or affiliated wrth any of the pharmacies identified 1n rts price comparisons. All trademarks, brands, logos and copyright images are property of the1r respective
`owners and rights hoklers and are used so5ety to represent the products of these rights hoklers. This information is for informational purposes onty and is not meant to be a substitute for
`professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. GoodRx is not offenng advice, recommending or endors1ng any specifiC prescription drug, pharmacy or other information on the site.
`GoodRx provides no warranty for any of the pricing data or other information. P5ease seek medical advice before starting, changing or terminating any medical treatment.
`http:l'-.good!X.comi"JI .. UCiapxlOiinfil!.e r-locaiXIn=&cootds =&labe!=Juxtapld&fonn=capsule&s!J"ength=30mg&quanL--ty=custom&qty-custom=30 Mon Jul Otl 2015 10:16:48 GMT-0500 {CE-ntral Dayight Tfile)
`CFAD Ex. 1024 (8 of 12)

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`Good~ C\. search Drug PriCes
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`Juxta pi d (lomitapide) MTP lnh1b1tors
`LOMITAPIDE is used in combination with diet and other medicines to lower blood cholesterol levels in patients with a genetic disorder that results in
`high blood cholesterol levels.
`Juxtapid Prices What is Juxtapid? Side Effects
`Images Latest News (1)
`Compare Similar Drugs
`Prices and coupons for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 40mg (brand)
`Ej' Share ...
`• Save to My Prescriptions
`Specialty medication
`This drug is considered a specialty medication, which means:
`• It is very expensive. A typical fill can cost $33,660 or more for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 40mg
`• Patients in need of this drug will usually find most of the cost paid by an insurance company,
`government or non profit organization If you are uninsured or need help with your co-pay, the
`manufacturer may also offer assistance Learn more >>
`• Most retail pharmacies will not stock this medication. The manufacturer may offer more
`information on how to fill this prescription. Learn more »
`Learn more about specialty medications
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`Sun<" ~
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`• Juxtapid (brand)
`... Dosage
`() 5mg
`0 10mg
`() 20mg
`0 30mg
`• 4Dmg
`0 GOmg
`... Quantity
`View store deta1ls
`Sams Club
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`Add My Medicare Plan
`Kroger Pharmacy
`View store deta11s
`View store details
`View store details
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`0 Membership warehouse
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`CVS Pharmacy
`View store details
`A Can't find your local pharmacy?
`GoodRx adheres to quality standards established by a nationally-recognized
`professional organization that works to ensure the public health and patient safety
`As such, GoodRx only displays the names and locations of pharmacies that have
`been approved by this organization.
`However, we can provide you with this coupon to pay S34,045.56 - S34,822.27 at
`most independent pharmacies near you.
`0 About GoodRx PriCes and Juxtapld Coupons
`CFAD Ex. 1024 (9 of 12)

`GoodRx's cash prices are based on multiple sources, including published price lists, purchases, claims records, and data provided by pharmacies. our discount
`and coupon prices are based on contracts between a pharmacy {or pharmacy purchasing group) and a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), who provides prices
`to us. The prices we show are our best estimate; while we believe our data to be generally accurate, we cannot guarantee that the price we d isplay will exactly
`match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact the pharmacy. (Please keep in mind that the pharmacy will require the
`information shown on the GoodRx coupon/discount to confirm the discount price.)
`Other High Cholesterol Drugs
`For Business
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`GoodRx en Espanol
`GoodRx Top 10's
`Good Rx Preferred Formulary
`Copyright ©2015 GoodRx, Inc
`What is Juxtapid? -
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`Contact Us
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`The GoodRx Presc ription Savings Blog
`Patient Assistance
`Face book
`GoodRx is not sponsored by or affiliated wrth any of the pharmacies identified 1n rts price comparisons. All trademarks, brands, logos and copyright images are property of the1r respective
`owners and rights hoklers and are used so5ety to represent the products of these rights hoklers. This information is for informational purposes onty and is not meant to be a substitute for
`professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. GoodRx is not offenng advice, recommending or endors1ng any specifiC prescription drug, pharmacy or other information on the site.
`GoodRx provides no warranty for any of the pricing data or other information. P5ease seek medical advice before starting, changing or terminating any medical treatment.
`http:l'-.good!X.comi"JI .. UCiapxlOiinfil!.e r-locaiXIn=&cootds =&labe!=Juxtapld&fonn=capsule&s!J"ength=40mg&quanL--ty=custom&qty-custom=30 Mon Jul Otl 2015 10:17:13 GMT-0500 {CE-ntral Dayight Tfile)
`CFAD Ex. 1024 (10 of 12)

`lfl<:ebpsge Screenshot
`Good~ C\. search Drug PriCes
`How GoodRx Works
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`Juxta pi d (lomitapide) MTP lnh1b1tors
`LOMITAPIDE is used in combination with diet and other medicines to lower blood cholesterol levels in patients with a genetic disorder that results in
`high blood cholesterol levels.
`Juxtapid Prices What is Juxtapid? Side Effects
`Images Latest News (1)
`Compare Similar Drugs
`Prices and coupons for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 60mg (brand)
`Ej' Share ...
`• Save to My Prescriptions
`Specialty medication
`This drug is considered a specialty medication, which means:
`• It is very expensive. A typical fill can cost $33,660 or more for 30 capsules of Juxtapid 60mg
`• Patients in need of this drug will usually find most of the cost paid by an insurance company,
`government or non profit organization If you are uninsured or need help with your co-pay, the
`manufacturer may also offer assistance Learn more >>
`• Most retail pharmacies will not stock this medication. The manufacturer may offer more
`information on how to fill this prescription. Learn more »
`Learn more about specialty medications
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