02;. United States Patent
`Davis et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Us 7,053,080 B2
`May 30, 2006
`Inventors: Harry R. Davis. Berkeley lleighls, NJ
`(US): Rudyard J. Ross. Elemingtoil. NJ
`(US): John '1‘. Struny. Lebanon. NJ
`(US): Enrico P. Vcltri. Princeton, NJ
`(73) Assignee: Scliering (fnrpnratitin. Kenilworlli. NJ
`Subject to any d1scla1n1er_. the term 0111118
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. l54(b) by 295 days.
`( * _| Nottce:
`(21) Appl. No.:
`sep_ 19‘ 2002
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2[}()3fUl 19428 A1
`Jun. 26. 2003
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-n1-part 01 application No. 101166.942.
`filed 01111111. 11, 2002-
`l2’1]'o\:*z1(:;3Jln(11 application No. 607323.840, filed on bep.
`1111- CL
`/161K 3I/00
`A6IK 3}/7028
`A6IK 31/397
`C07H 17/00
`(523 U.S. (II.
`514,210.02; 514723; 514125;
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`514723. 210.02, 449; 536."l7.4
`4.260.743 A
`4.304.718 A
`4.375.475 A
`4.443.372 A
`4.444.784 A
`4-472-399 A
`4-479-999 A
`4'599'459 A
`4667195 A
`4.576.753 A
`4.581.170 A
`4‘_;g_-3532 A
`4.502.003 A
`4.602.005 A
`4.614.614 A
`4.616.047 A
`4.620.867 A
`4.626.549 A
`4.633.017 A
`4-643-903 A
`4.654.362 A
`4.675.399 A
`4.680.289 A
`4.680.391 A
`4.687.777 A
`4_;r39.1m A
`4.778.883 A
`4.134.734 .4
`4_?94J08 A
`4.300.079 A
`4.303.266 A
`4.314.354 A
`4.334.846 .4
`4.871.752 A
`4.-" 981 Bose
`12.-" 981 Kamiya
`9533 Willard
`4.-" 984 Ltlo
`4.-" 984 HolTm:1n
`984 K31""1lYa
`19"; 934 9“? ‘
`z''__ 985 5p1tZ"r
`-;: wait;
`1.1 986 Smhmu-a
`986 Kamiya
`4.-" 986 .\-"l1I¢l1C1'
`5.: 935 Milk,
`7.-' 935 3»1,1|im,w
`7.-" 986 Nlalinow
`9.-" 986 Ernest
`10.-" 986 Lafon
`11:" 986 Ltlo
`12.-" 986 Nlollltluy
`12.-" 986 .\-"l1I¢ CI‘
`2-"' 987 Dam
`3.-" 987 Lommcn
`6.-" 987 .\4i11ci'
`987 Applczwcig
`7-" 987 l'II'cSt0nc
`8.-" 987 .\4cgl1i'o ct a1.
`4; 933 Bourgognc
`10.-' 988 Yoshioka
`II.-" 988 Torii
`12:, 988 Kishimoto
`1:" 989 Boyer
`2.-" 989 Knwashiimr
`3.-' 989 Ghcbrc-Scllassic
`95:9 Abrmnson
`10.-" 989 Zcrinalter
`‘ W H
`i'()Rl‘.l(:I'N l"./\i l‘.Nl
`884722 A
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
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`4.235.890 A
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`10:" 963 Ugi
`It).-' 964 I-Ihrhant
`3-" 995 H¢I'|1h'|-US
`3" 953 Regnier
`9: 972 _\le1s0n
`2:" 973 _\lak;unuIa
`1?.-".973 Wittc
`4: 975 Phillips
`2-" 978 Abdulla
`3.-' 979 Koppel
`4-“.979 (jiudic-2111
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`I2". 979 M"“"'u°
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`2-“.981 Edwards
`1’rimari-‘ L:'.mi::iJ3er—.1z1n1es O. Wilson
`./Issisfaiit E.wm:'Jrer Ganapathy Krishnan
`(74)AHorrrct‘.Age.m'. 0rFirm—Mark W. Russel1:An11 Marie
`The present invention provides methods for tl1e treatment of
`obesity using stern] or 51:.-slanol absorption inhibitors and
`compositions and therapeutic combinations including sterol
`or Su.-slanol absorption inhibitors and at least one obesity
`I of 43
`35 Claims, No Drawings
`PENN EX. 2234

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`510 80,7 67 .s'\.
`5,030,773 A
`1 1.31999 Kliewer
`12-" 1999 Pal kowitz
`l2."1999 Sahoo
`2-""2000 Terracnl
`22000 Wilson
`22000 Mzleda e1 51.
`3..-"2000 Niikzuni
`3.-2000 Ridk-21'
`3.-""2000 Dominguez
`5.-""2000 Niilra
`5-"2000 Fevlg
`5.-""2000 Crezlsey
`5..-"2000 Gfegg
`5..-2000 Hickey
`639.000 Klein
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`7"'39°” Adm
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`39909 W"
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`112000 (1115;
`1 1.52000
`11.-2000 Ilauptman
`5,152,305 A
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`112001 Engh
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`372001 Man
`3..-"2001 Rolhman
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`0 H9559 A?
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`I-‘OREIGN 1=A'1LN'1‘ DOCUMljN'1‘S
`WO 94314433
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