From the University of Pennsylvania School
`of Medicine, Philadelphia (M.C., L.T.B.,
`P.O.S., D.M.K., M.L.W.,J.S.M., E.S.S., DJ.R.);
`H6tel Dieu de France Hospital, St. joseph
`University, Beirut, Lebanon (A.S.);Jikei Uni(cid:173)
`versity School of Medicine, Tokyo (K.I.);
`and Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuti(cid:173)
`cal Research Institute, Lawrenceville, NJ
`(R.E.G.). Address reprint requests to Dr.
`Rader at the University of Pennsylvania
`Medical Center, 654 BRBII/111 Labs, 421
`Curie Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19104, or at
`N Englj Med 2007;356:148-56.
`Copyright © 2001 Massachusetts Medical Society.
`~~~--------------o_R_r_G_r_N_A_L_A_R_T_rc_L_E ____________ ~II
`Inhibition of Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer
`Protein in Familial Hypercholesterolemia
`Marina Cuche!, M.D., Ph.D., LeAnne T. Bloedon, M.S., R.D.,
`Philippe 0. Szapary, M.D., Daniel M. Kolansky, M.D., Megan L. Wolfe, B.S.,
`Antoine Sarkis, M.D., johnS. Millar, Ph.D., Katsunori lkewaki, M.D.,
`EvanS. Siegelman, M.D., Richard E. Gregg, M.D., and DanieiJ. Rader, M.D.
`Patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia have markedly elevated
`cholesterol levels, which respond poorly to drug therapy, and a very high risk of
`premature cardiovascular disease. Inhibition of the microsomal triglyceride trans(cid:173)
`fer protein may be effective in reducing cholesterol levels in these patients.
`We conducted a dose-escalation study to examine the safety, tolerability, and effects
`on lipid levels of BMS-201038, an inhibitor of the microsomal triglyceride transfer
`protein, in six patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. All lipid(cid:173)
`lowering therapies were suspended 4 weeks before treatment. The patients received
`BMS-201038 at four different doses (0.03, 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 mg per kilogram of body
`weight per day), each for 4 weeks, and returned for a final visit after a 4-week drug
`washout period. Analysis oflipid levels, safety laboratory analyses, and magnetic reso(cid:173)
`nance imaging of the liver for fat content were performed throughout the study.
`All patients tolerated titration to the highest dose, 1.0 mg per kilogram per day.
`Treatment at this dose decreased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels by
`50.9% and apolipoprotein B levels by 55.6% from baseline (P<O.OOl for both com(cid:173)
`parisons). Kinetic studies showed a marked reduction in the production of apolipo(cid:173)
`protein B. The most serious adverse events were elevation ofliver aminotransferase
`levels and accumulation of hepatic fat, which at the highest dose ranged from less
`than 10% to more than 40%.
`Inhibition of the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein by BMS-201038 resulted
`in the reduction of LDL cholesterol levels in patients with homozygous familial
`hypercholesterolemia, owing to reduced production of apolipoprotein B. However,
`the therapy was associated with elevated liver aminotransferase levels and hepatic
`fat accumulation.
`JANUARY 11, 2007
`Page 1 of 9
`PENN EX. 2004

`terolemia is caused by loss-of-function
`mutations in both alleles of the low-den(cid:173)
`sity lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene.1-3 Patients
`with the disease have plasma cholesterol levels
`of more than 500 mg per deciliter (12.9 mmol per
`liter); if untreated, patients have cardiovascular
`disease before 20 years of age and generally do
`not survive past 30 years of age.l-3 Patients with
`homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia also
`have a poor response to conventional drug ther(cid:173)
`apy, 1"3 which generally lowers LDL cholesterol
`levels through up-regulation of the hepatic LDL
`receptor. The current standard of care for these
`patients is LDL apheresis. This procedure can
`transiently reduce LDL cholesterol levels by more
`than 50%4 •5 and may delay the onset of athero(cid:173)
`sclerosis, 6 "8 but it must be repeated frequently
`(every 1 to 2 weeks) and is not widely available.
`Thus, new therapies are needed for patients with
`homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, as
`well as for other patients with severe refractory
`hypercholesterolemia who are candidates for LDL
`A potentially effective therapy for homozy(cid:173)
`gous familial hypercholesterolemia would be to
`reduce LDL production. The microsomal triglyc(cid:173)
`eride transfer protein is responsible for transfer(cid:173)
`ring triglycerides onto apolipoprotein B within
`the liver in the assembly of very-low-density lipo(cid:173)
`protein (VLDL), the precursor to LDL.9 In the
`absence of functional microsomal triglyceride
`transfer protein, as in the rare recessive genetic
`disorder abetalipoproteinemia, the liver cannot
`secrete VLDL, leading to the absence of all lipo(cid:173)
`proteins containing apolipoprotein B in the
`Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Patients.
`plasma.10"12 Thus, the pharmacologic inhibition
`of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein might
`be a strategy for reducing LDL production and
`plasma LDL cholesterol levels.
`Preclinical studies in animal models lacking
`LDL receptors have shown that the inhibition of
`microsomal triglyceride transfer protein signifi(cid:173)
`cantly reduces serum cholesterol levels.13•14 We
`evaluated the cholesterol-lowering efficacy of the
`microsomal triglyceride transfer protein inhibi(cid:173)
`tor BMS-201038 in patients with homozygous fa(cid:173)
`milial hypercholesterolemia and determined the
`mechanism of cholesterol reduction, the tolerabil~
`ity, and the effects on hepatic fat, using magnetic
`resonance imaging (MRI).
`Six patients with homozygous familial hypercho(cid:173)
`lesterolemia (three men and three women), 18 to
`40 years of age, were enrolled in and completed
`the study. A diagnosis of homozygous familial
`hypercholesterolemia was suspected on clinical
`grounds and was confirmed by genetic analysis.
`Exclusion criteria were major surgery in the pre(cid:173)
`vious 3 months, congestive heart failure, history
`ofliver disease or aminotransferase levels of more
`than three times the upper limit of the normal
`range, a serum creatinine level of more than 2.5 mg
`per deciliter (221~-tmol per liter), cancer within
`the past 5 years, or history of alcohol abuse or
`drug abuse. 1\vo patients had known, clinically
`significant cardiovascular disease; both had un(cid:173)
`dergone prosthetic-valve replacement and were
`receiving anticoagulation therapy. Our study was
`Gene Mutations
`652deiGGT /652deiGGT
`*The body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
`t Patients 3 and 4 had symptomatic coronary artery disease that was confirmed by coronary angiography. Patients 1, 2, 5,
`and 6 had no symptoms of cardiovascular disease and were regularly evaluated with the use of noninvasive testing
`(and, if appropriate, coronoary angiography), without evidence of obstructive coronary disease.
`--------------------------------------- ·-·-······-··-·
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`PENN EX. 2004

`Table 2. Upid and Upoproteln Levels at Baseline, after Receipt of One of four Doses ofBMS-201038 for 4 Weeks, and after the 4-Week
`Washout Period.*
`Total cholesterol (mgfdl)
`Patient No.
`0.03 mg
`0.1 mg
`0.3 mg
`LDL cholesterol (mgfdl)
`0.03 mg
`0.1 mg
`0.3 mg
`1.0 mg
`VLDL cholesterol (mgfdl)
`Percent Change
`from Baseline
`0.03 mg
`0.1 mg
`0.3 mg
`1.0 mg
`Triglycerides (mgjdl)
`0.03 mg
`0.1 mg
`0.3 mg
`This was an open-label study to evaluate the
`approved by the institutional review board and
`the General Clinical Research Center of the Uni-
`safety, tolerability, and efficacy of BMS-201038
`for the treatment of patients with homozygous
`versity of Pennsylvania and was monitored by the
`Office of Human Research of the University of familial hypercholesterolemia. During an initial
`Pennsylvania. The study protocol was fully ex-
`screening visit, the eligibility of the six patients
`plained to all six patients, each of whom provid- was verified, their health status was evaluated,
`ed written, informed consent.
`and a very-low-fat diet was initiated. All lipid-
`lowering treatments, including apheresis, were
`suspended at least 4 weeks before the baseline
`The authors designed the study and generated, visit and continued to be suspended until the
`held, and analyzed the data. The study drug, EMS-
`study was completed. No other drug treatment
`201038, was provided by Bristol-Myers Squibb.
`was suspended. BMS-201038 was administered,
`JANUARY 11, 2007
`Page 3 of 9
`PENN EX. 2004

`Table 2. (Continued.)
`Patient No.
`Percent Change
`from Baseline
`Apolipoprotein B (mgfdl)
`0.03 mg
`0.1 mg
`0.3 mg
`1.0 mg
`HDL cholesterol (mgfdl)
`O.Q3 mg
`0.1 mg
`0.3 mg
`1.0 mg
`Apolipoprotein A-1 (mgfdl)
`0.03 mg
`0.1 mg
`0.3 mg
`1.0 mg
`*Plus-minus values are means ±SD. To convert values for cholesterol to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.02586. To convert values for
`triglycerides to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.01129. P values are for the levels during the study versus those at baseline.
`est dose and treatment proceeded per protocol.
`beginning at the baseline visit, at four increas-
`ing doses -
`0.03, 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 mg per kilo- Adverse events were judged by one of the inves(cid:173)
`gram of body weight per day- each for 4 weeks.
`tigators as not related to treatment with the study
`The patients returned to the General Clinical Re- drug, unlikely to be related, possibly related, prob(cid:173)
`search Center every 7, 14, and 28 days after the ably related, or definitely related, and these judg(cid:173)
`start of a new dose, and 28 days after the last ments were reviewed by a data and safety moni(cid:173)
`dose of the study drug, for safety and pharmaco-
`to ring board.
`dynamic evaluations.
`The most recent Common Terminology Crite- DIET
`ria for Adverse Events of the National Cancer In- All patients received detailed dietary counseling
`by a registered dietitian at the screening visit and
`stitute (initially version 2 and subsequently ver-
`sion 3) were used to assign a severity grade to all at all subsequent visits until after the study drug
`adverse events. According to protocol, if a patient was discontinued. The patients were advised to
`had a confirmed grade 3 (severe) adverse event, consume a diet containing less than 10% of en(cid:173)
`the dose was decreased to 1.5 times the previous ergy from total dietary fat while consuming ad(cid:173)
`dose for 4 weeks (with visits at 7, 14, and 28 days equate calories to maintain weight or promote
`during that period). If there was no evidence of growth. All patients received a standard multi(cid:173)
`adverse events of grade 3 or higher during that vitamin that supplied 100% of the reference di(cid:173)
`period, the dose was increased to the next-high-
`etary intake for all vitamins and minerals.
`Page 4 of 9
`PENN EX. 2004

`MRI of the liver was conducted at baseline, after
`4 weeks at each dose, and at 4 weeks after drug
`withdrawal, with the use of chemical-shift MRI
`techniques that have been shown to evaluate fat
`content of the liver accurately.15•16 All quantita(cid:173)
`tive MRI measurements of hepatic fat content
`were performed by a single radiologist, who was
`unaware of the patients' clinical status and liver(cid:173)
`function results.
`Blood was drawn at each visit, after a 12-hour
`fast. A standard metabolic panel, complete blood
`count, and standard urinalysis were also per(cid:173)
`formed at each visit. Plasma lipid and lipoprotein
`analyses were performed in a lipid laboratory stan(cid:173)
`dardized by the Centers for Disease Control and
`Prevention. Total cholesterol, high-density lipo(cid:173)
`protein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels
`were measured enzymatically on an autoanalyzer
`(Cobas Fara II, Roche Diagnostic Systems) with
`reagents from Sigma Chemical Co. VLDL and LDL
`cholesterol levels were determined with the use
`ofbeta-quantification and the standard Lipid Re(cid:173)
`search Clinics protocol as modified by Cole et
`al.17 Levels of apolipoproteins B and A-I were mea(cid:173)
`sured with the use of reagents from Wako Chem(cid:173)
`icals USA, and Lp(a) lipoprotein levels were mea(cid:173)
`sured with reagents from Diasorin on a Cobas
`Fara II autoanalyzer. Levels of lipoprotein sub(cid:173)
`classes were determined with the use of proton
`nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, as pre(cid:173)
`viously described.18
`Before the study began, three patients (Patients
`4, 5, and 6) had participated in a kinetics study to
`investigate the metabolism oflipoproteins contain(cid:173)
`ing apolipoprotein B in patients with homozygous
`familial hypercholesterolemia.19 To investigate in
`vivo the mechanism of action ofBMS-201038, we
`repeated the kinetic study in these patients at
`the end of the 4-week period at the highest dose
`(1.0 mg per kilogram per day), using identical
`methods (endogenous labeling with deuterated
`Statistical comparisons were performed with SAS
`software (version 8.2, SAS Institute). Continuous
`variables that were not normally distributed, such
`as fasting triglyceride levels, were appropriately
`transformed to meet the assumptions of subse(cid:173)
`quent statistical tests. Continuous variables were
`analyzed using paired t-tests for changes over
`time or the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, as appro(cid:173)
`priate. Percentages were analyzed using the chi(cid:173)
`square test or Fisher's exact test when expected cell
`counts were less than 5. For within-patient com(cid:173)
`parisons over time, we used McNemar's test, along
`with matched odds ratios and 95% confidence
`intervals. All P values were calculated from two(cid:173)
`tailed tests, and P values less than 0.05 were con(cid:173)
`sidered to indicate statistical significance.
`The characteristics of the six study patients at
`screening are shown in Table 1. Four patients
`(Patients 1, 3, 5, and 6) were found to be negative
`for the LDL receptor on the basis of homozygos(cid:173)
`ity for known loss-of..function LDL-receptor mu(cid:173)
`tations.1•2 A fifth (Patient 2) was found to be re(cid:173)
`ceptor-negative on the basis of phenotype and
`LDL-receptor activity in skin fibroblasts. The sixth
`patient (Patient 4) was found to have a defective
`LDL receptor on the basis of her LDL-receptor mu(cid:173)
`The mean doses of BMS-201038 at each of the
`four titration steps were 2.0, 6.7, 20.1, and 67.0
`mg per day. Table 2 shows the changes in lipid
`and lipoprotein levels during the study (addition(cid:173)
`al lipoprotein results are available in Table A in
`the Supplementary Appendix, available with the
`full text of this article at The mean
`total cholesterol level was 851 mg per deciliter
`(22.0 mmol per liter) at baseline. After 4 weeks
`of receiving the 0.3-mg-per-kilogram dose, the
`mean level was reduced to 601 mg per deciliter
`(15.5 mmol per liter), a 29.8% reduction from the
`baseline level (P<0.001). After 4 weeks of receiving
`the 1.0-mg-per-kilogram dose, the mean level was
`reduced to 349 mg per deciliter (9.0 mmol per li(cid:173)
`ter), a 58.4% reduction from baseline (P<0.001).
`The mean LDL cholesterol level was 614 mg
`per deciliter (15.9 mmol per liter) at baseline.
`After 4 weeks at the 0.3-mg-per-kilogram dose, the
`mean level was reduced to 465 mg per deciliter
`(12.0 mmol per liter), a 24.7% reduction from the
`Page 5 of 9
`PENN EX. 2004

`.. c:
`.. .. Gl
`.. .c:
`~ c:
`• Total cholesterol
`0 LDL cholesterol
`Y Apolipoprotein B
`Dose of BM5-201038 (mgfkgfday)
`Figure 1. Mean Percent Change from Baseline Levels
`ofTotal Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, and Apolipopro·
`tein B after Receipt of Four Doses of BMS-201038,
`Each for 4 Weeks.
`I bars indicate standard deviations.
`baseline level (P<0.001). At the 1.0-mg-per-kilo(cid:173)
`gram dose, the mean level was further reduced to
`303 mg per deciliter (7.8 mmol per liter), a 50.9%
`reduction from the baseline level (P<0.001).
`The triglyceride level was 283 mg per
`deciliter (3.2 mmol per liter) at baseline and was
`reduced to 165 mg per deciliter (1.9 mmol per liter)
`after 4 weeks at the 0.3-mg-per-kilogram dose,
`a 34.1% reduction from the baseline level (P=0.02).
`After 4 weeks at the 1.0-mg-per-kilogram dose, the
`mean level was further reduced to 88 mg per deci(cid:173)
`liter (1.0 mmol per liter), a 65.2% reduction from
`the baseline level (P<0.001).
`The mean apolipoprotein B level was 310 mg
`per deciliter at baseline and, after 4 weeks at the
`0.3-mg-per-kilogram dose, was reduced to 262 mg
`per deciliter, a 14.7% reduction from the baseline
`level (P=0.08). After 4 weeks at the 1.0-mg-per(cid:173)
`kilogram dose, the mean level was further reduced
`to 136 mg per deciliter, a 55.6% reduction from the
`baseline level (P<O.OOl).
`Despite a range of lipid levels at baseline,
`similar percent reductions were observed during
`the study in all the patients (Fig. 1). There were
`no clinically significant changes in the plasma
`levels ofHDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-1, or
`Lp(a) lipoprotein. Lipoprotein subclass levels,
`measured by nuclear magnetic resonance spec(cid:173)
`troscopy, were consistent with the plasma lipid
`and apolipoprotein levels (see Table A in the Sup(cid:173)
`plementary Appendix). Thus, inhibition of the
`A Patient 4
`i .:!. 1S
`! ·g
`.5 i
`B Patient 5
`~ .. .~ 20
`.:!. .. c:
`'0 10
`l s
`After 4 wk of BMS-201038
`(1.0 mgfkgfday)
`After 4 wk of BMS-201038
`(1.0 mgfkgfday)
`~ 0
`C Patient 6
`-~ 20
`.:!. .. c: ·o

`After 4 wk of BMS-201038
`(1.0 mgfkgfday)
`Figure 2. Levels of Newly Produced LDL Apolipoprotein B,
`Represented by the Deuterated Leucine Tracer, at Base(cid:173)
`line and after Receipt ofBMS-201038 in Patients 4, 5,
`and 6.
`microsomal triglyceride transfer protein markedly
`reduced plasma levels of apolipoprotein B-con(cid:173)
`taining lipoproteins across the spectrum.
`Lipoprotein kinetics studies, using endogenous
`labeling with deuterated leucine, were performed
`in three of the six patients before the trial began
`and again during the 4 weeks at the highest dose
`of BMS-201038 (1.0 mg per kilogram). As com(cid:173)
`pared with the pretreatment (baseline) kinetic data,
`the rate of production ofillL apolipoprotein B dur(cid:173)
`ing those 4 weeks at LO mg per kilogram was re(cid:173)
`duced by approximately 70% (Fig. 2). This finding
`Page 6 of 9
`PENN EX. 2004

`.. Patient 1
`• Patient 2
`• Patient 3
`• Patient 4
`• Patient 5
`o Patient 6
`iii 600
`0 c
`< .. 200
`c ·;:
`'" < 100
`0 1 2 3 4
`2 3
`4 1 2 3 4 1
`2 3 4
`1 2 3
`Dose (mgfkgfday)
`~ .. >
`Dose (mgfkgfday)
`Figure 3. Serum Levels of Alanine Aminotransferase (Panel A) and Percent(cid:173)
`age of Fat in the Liver (Panel B), as Measured by MRI at Baseline, after Re(cid:173)
`ceipt of Four Doses of BMS-201038 and after the 4-Week Washout Period.
`shows that the mechanism of the reduction in LDL
`cholesterol levels induced by the microsomal tri(cid:173)
`glyceride transfer protein is reduced production
`of apolipoprotein B.
`tients reported one or more episodes of increased
`stool frequency of mild or moderate intensity. All
`episodes were transient and in many cases were
`temporally linked to consumption of a relatively
`high-fat meal. The average caloric intake from fat
`during the entire study was 16.7%, but the range
`was less than 10% to approximately 30%, and fat
`intake may have influenced the gastrointestinal
`tolerability of the drug. By the end of the 4 weeks
`at 1.0 mg per kilogram of BMS-201038 per day,
`there was a trend toward a decrease in body weight
`as compared with baseline {mean [±SD] decrease,
`4.4±2.9%; P=0.06). Weight rebounded to base(cid:173)
`line values after the 4-week washout period.
`We observed elevated liver aminotransferase
`levels {Fig. 3A, and Table C in the Supplementary
`Appendix) in four of the six patients. In addition,
`hepatic fat {Fig. 3B) increased substantially in four
`patients in response to treatment with BMS-
`201038. 1\vo patients {Patients 1 and 4) did not
`have elevated aminotransferase levels and had only
`minimal increases in hepatic fat {less than 10%).
`In two other patients (Patients 2 and 5), the eleva(cid:173)
`tion in aminotransferase levels was dose-depen(cid:173)
`dent, and the hepatic fat content was 18 to 24%.
`In Patients 3 and 6, aminotransferase levels were
`elevated substantially, and the hepatic fat content
`increased to more than 30% at the highest dose.
`In particular, Patient 3 had a confirmed grade 3
`elevation in aminotransferase level 1 week after
`titration to the 0.3-mg-per-kilogram dose. As per
`protocol, the dose was reduced to 0.15 mg per ki(cid:173)
`logram for 4 weeks, with a consequent decrease
`in aminotransferase levels, and was then titrated
`back up to 0.3 mg per kilogram. The patient then
`completed 4 weeks of treatment at both the
`0.3-mg-per-kilogram and 1.0-mg-per-kilogram
`doses. Aminotransferase and hepatic fat levels re(cid:173)
`turned to baseline levels 4 weeks after the therapy
`was ceased in all the patients except Patient 3, in
`whom they did not return to the normal range
`until 14 weeks after cessation of therapy.
`In this study, we showed that treating patients
`A list of all adverse events reported during the
`study is given in Table B in the Supplementary who have homozygous familial hypercholesterol(cid:173)
`Appendix. No patients withdrew from the study emia with the microsomal triglyceride transfer
`owing to an adverse event. Adverse events judged protein inhibitor BMS-201038 was highly effective
`in reducing plasma LDL cholesterol levels, with a
`to be possibly or probably drug-related included
`primarily gastrointestinal adverse events, partie-
`reduction of more than 50% at the highest dose.
`ularly increased stool frequency. Five of the six pa- Plasma levels of all other apolipoprotein B-con-
`JANUARY 11, 2007
`Page 7 of 9
`PENN EX. 2004

`taining lipoproteins were similarly reduced by in(cid:173)
`hibition of the microsomal triglyceride transfer
`protein. We also established that the mechanism
`of this reduction in LDL cholesterol is a markedly
`reduced rate of production of LDL apolipopro(cid:173)
`tein B. Thus, inhibition of microsomal triglycer(cid:173)
`ide transfer protein is effective in lowering plasma
`levels of atherogenic apolipoprotein B-contain(cid:173)
`ing lipoproteins in patients lacking functional
`LDL receptors.
`Because the microsomal triglyceride transfer
`protein is expressed in the intestine and is required
`for chylomicron assembly and secretion,9 inhibi(cid:173)
`tion of the protein could cause steatorrhea. For
`this reason, we instructed patients in this study
`to follow a diet containing less than 10% of en(cid:173)
`ergy from fat In addition, we devised a dose-titra(cid:173)
`tion strategy that might allow the intestine to
`accommodate the increasing inhibition of micro(cid:173)
`somal triglyceride transfer protein. Under these
`conditions, all six patients tolerated the drug
`up to the highest dose (1.0 mg per kilogram per
`day), with relatively minor gastrointestinal side
`effects. The few episodes of frequent stools were
`dose-related, transient, and temporally associ(cid:173)
`ated with consumption of a relatively high-fat
`meal. Patients with abetalipoproteinemia, who
`completely lack microsomal triglyceride trans(cid:173)
`fer protein, learn early in life to consume a fat(cid:173)
`restricted diet in order to avert steatorrhea. 10•20-
`Thus, it may be possible to minimize the gastro(cid:173)
`intestinal side effects of microsomal triglyceride
`transfer protein inhibition through dietary fat
`restriction, dose titration and, when necessary,
`reduction of the dose.
`Accumulation ofliver fat is likely to be intrin(cid:173)
`sically linked to the mechanism of action of mi(cid:173)
`crosomal triglyceride transfer protein inhibitors,
`and such accumulation could present a serious
`barrier to the clinical use of this class of agents.
`In our small study, we noted substantial variabil(cid:173)
`ity among the six patients, in whom responses
`ranged from no elevation of aminotransferase lev(cid:173)
`els and minimal changes in hepatic fat content in
`two patients to substantial elevation of amino(cid:173)
`transferase levels and increases in hepatic fat con(cid:173)
`tent to more than 30% in two others. Of the latter
`patients, one had marked hypertriglyceridemia,
`and the other revealed that he had been drinking
`a substantial amount of alcohol during the study.
`Thus, these patients had metabolic perturbations
`associated with increased hepatic triglyceride syn(cid:173)
`thesis that might have predisposed them to great(cid:173)
`er increases in hepatic fat. In five of the six pa(cid:173)
`tients, hepatic fat content returned to baseline
`levels 4 weeks after the drug was withdrawn, but
`it did persist in the sixth patient.
`The clinical significance of hepatic fat accu(cid:173)
`mulation and the probability of its evolution to
`fibrotic liver disease are still debated, but substan(cid:173)
`tial elevation of aminotransferase levels and hepa(cid:173)
`tic steatosis are potentially serious adverse events
`that should not be underestimated. Studies of
`long-term therapy with microsomal triglyceride
`transfer protein inhibitors, under carefully mon(cid:173)
`itored conditions, will be required to fully deter(cid:173)
`mine the safety of this approach.
`In summary, the microsomal triglyceride trans(cid:173)
`fer protein inhibitor BMS-201038 was effective
`in reducing the levels of atherogenic apolipo(cid:173)
`protein B-containing lipoproteins by reducing
`their production in patients with homozygous
`familial hypercholesterolemia. These results es(cid:173)
`tablish proof of concept for microsomal triglyc(cid:173)
`eride transfer protein inhibition in such patients
`and provide support for further clinical investi(cid:173)
`gation of this therapy. However, our small study
`showed major effects on aminotransferase and
`hepatic fat levels. The effects of long-term inhibi(cid:173)
`tion of the microsomal triglyceride transfer pro(cid:173)
`tein on the liver will need to be carefully studied
`to determine the safety of this approach.
`Supported by a Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award from
`the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (to Dr. Rader) and grants
`(Kl2-RR017625 and M01·RR00040) from the National Center
`for Research Resources.
`Dr. Szapary reports being an employee of and having equity
`interest in Wyeth; Dr. Gregg, being an employee of and having
`equity interest in Bristol-Myers Squibb and holding patents on
`microsomal triglyceride transfer protein inhibitors (including
`BMS"it01038) and the use of microsomal triglyceride transfer
`protein inhibitors to lower plasma lipid and lipoprotein levels;
`Dr. Rader, receiving lecture fees, consulting fees, and grant sup·
`port from Bristol-Myers Squibb, as well as from other companies
`that manufacture lipid-lowering drugs, and having equity inter(cid:173)
`est in Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, which holds the license to de(cid:173)
`velop BMS-201038; and Ms. Bloedon, serving as a consultant for
`Aegerion Pharmaceuticals. No other potential conflict of inter(cid:173)
`est relevant to this article was reported.
`We thank ]essie Chittams and Qing Liu for statistical analy(cid:173)
`sis, Kathleen Yerger for recruiting and following the srudy pa(cid:173)
`tients, Anna DiFlorio and Linda Morrell for technical support,
`the nurses and registered dietitians at the General Clinical Re(cid:173)
`search Center for their help with patient care, and, especially, the
`six patients for their participation in this study.
`JANUARY 11, 2007
`Page 8 of 9
`PENN EX. 2004

`1. Goldstein }L, Hobbs HH, Brown MS.
`Familial hypercholesterolemia. In: Scriver
`CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, Valle D, eds. The
`metabolic and molecular bases of inher(cid:173)
`ited disease. 8th ed. New York: McGraw(cid:173)
`Hill, 2001:2863-913.
`2. Hobbs HH, Brown MS, Goldstein JL.
`Molecular genetics of the LDL receptor
`gene in familial hypercholesterolemia.
`Hum Mutat 1992;1:445-6.
`3. Rader D}, Cohen J, Hobbs HH. Mono(cid:173)
`genic hypercholesterolemia: new insights
`in pathogenesis and tr

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