esp@cenet document view
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`Publication number: W02006046623
`Publication date:
`- international:
`A61K47102; A61K9114; A61K9/20; A61K311225;
`A61K45/00; A61K47104; A61K47130; A61K47132;
`A61K47/36; A61K47/38; A61K47/42; A61P3/04;
`A61P3106; A61P3/10; A61P9110; A61P9112;
`A61 P43/00; C07C237130; A61 K9/14; A61 K9/20;
`A61K31/21; A61K45/00; A61K47/02; A61K47/30;
`A61K47/32; A61K47/36; A61K47/38; A61K47/42;
`A61P3/00; A61P9/00; A61P43/00; C07C237/00;
`A61 K9/16K2; A61 K9/00M18D; A61 K9/16H2;
`A61 K9/16H68; A61 K9/16H6F; A61 K9/16K;
`A61K9/20H6B; A61K9/20H6F2; A61K31/225
`Application number: W02005JP19744 20051020
`Priority number(s): JP20040310254 20041025; US20040631894P
`- European:
`Also published as:
`CA2582767 (A 1)
`AU2005297923 (A 1)
`I EP1806149 (A1)
`I JP57206612
`Cited documents:
`. JP2001172180
`. . JP2003321424
`Report a data error here
`Abstract of W02006046623
`A solid medicinal preparation to which improved solubility has been imparted, while maintaining
`preparation stability, by taking a formulation contrivance on a sparingly water-soluble chemical substance
`as an active ingredient for the medicine. The solid preparation comprises a sparingly water-soluble
`chemical substance as an active ingredient, a water-soluble polymer, and an inorganic porous substance
`and has improved water solubility. It is characterized in that (1) the sparingly water-soluble chemical
`substance forms a solid dispersion together with the water-soluble polymer, (2) the water-soluble polymer
`as a component of the solid dispersion is in the form of fine pieces, and (3) the fine pieces of the water(cid:173)
`soluble polymer are held on the surface of the inorganic porous substance in the state of being adsorbed
`on and/or adherent to the surface. The solid preparation can be produced by dissolving a sparingly water(cid:173)
`soluble chemical substance as an active ingredient and a water-soluble polymer in an organic solvent,
`mixing the resultant solution with an inorganic porous substance with stirring, subsequently granulating
`the mixture, and then drying the granules.
`Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
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`PENN EX. 2115

`(12) .. lfin:b•dsl::&-:SL\"(~Dn~ntdi!IOWll
`(19) ttuuntit.Jm:fi*41111
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`A61K 47HJ4 (2006.01)
`A61K 4780(2006.01)
`A61K 4782 (2006.01)
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`A61K 47138 (2006.01)
`A61K 47141(2006.01)
`A61P .il1U (2006.01)
`A61P 3lll6 (2006.01)
`A61P 3110(2006.01)
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`A61P9/11 (2006.0 I)
`A61P43/00 (2006.01)
`C07C 23780 (2006.01)
`(21) llllQWJlle.q.:
`(22) llllOWBB:
`200' ~10 il:ZO B (20.10.2005)
`(25) 11119WJll(1)1U!:
`(26) li!IO~lm(1)~8:
`. . . 2004-3102,4
`2004~10112' B <2'.10.2004)
`2004 ~111'130 B (30.11.2004) US
`(71) Wllil.A. (:*~~- < ~"CO)fDJE!.111::-::>L'"C): B*f:
`It~ lU~•:it*tt (JAPAN TOBACCO JNc.) [JP/JP];
`1It1-liJ- B*t.:lt~il&•:it*tt Sill8t!ifilf~ffi
`~ Osaka(JP).111• 1tX(YAMANE,mroruml)[JP/JP);
`== (30) {IS'i:-7-~:
`= 60/631,894
`= 'i' IM-8422 JkJ;CU ill! dU M=T1!112 It 1-ij-Tokyo
`(JP). = (72) ftlVJ•; "3J:tl
`= MANE, Shogo)[JP/JP]; "i',69-112' j;:llillf aWifi f.tlllr
`(75) ftlVJ./tl:llli.A.(:*1111::-::>L'"CO)h): w• i!i!f(YA(cid:173)
`(10) mlll~ltft·~
`WO 2006/046623 Al
`,.,69-112' 1;:111iJff aam ttlBJ 1 ti.1 -liJ- a;4tt:1tt
`••·:it~tt llU\U'tt!ifilf~Hf~ Osaka{JP). AlfJ :iE
`ta (SUNAMI, Muald) [JP/JP]; 'i',69-1125 ~lliJff iall
`filf1'ffi~ Osaka (JP).
`(74) ttJ:!l!.A.: ~-•st (DAITO, Tel'Uo)i·'i'108-0074 JID1C
`fm ill! it&ta=.T8 2 1e4 O-IJ J;(fDI• t:Ji,.. 218
`(81) ti:i'.111 (tf~O)f.i:L'll ':J. ~"C(1)all(1)Eil~fiiib<
`iiJtB): AE, AO. AL, AM. AT. AU, AZ. BA. BB, BG, BR.
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`DZ, EC. EE, EG, ES. FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR. HU,
`ID, Il... IN, IS, JP, KE. X.G, KM, KP, KR. X.Z, LC. UC, LR,
`LS. LT, LU, LV, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX,
`MZ. NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU,
`SC, SD, SE, SG, SK. SL, SM. SY, TJ, TM, lN, TR, IT,
`Tz, UA, UO, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA. ZM;ZW.
`(84) !D:i'.111 (lll~O)f,i:L 'II ':.I. ~"((1)flll(1)JAJlltilliJ(iiJ
`Ill): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM. KE. LS. MW, MZ. NA, SD,
`SL, SZ, Tz, UG, ZM. ZW), . i - 7 ~ 7 (AM. AZ, BY,
`KO, X.Z, MD, RU, TJ, TM);· 3-D<·;11( (AT, BE, BG,
`CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES. Fl, FR, GB, GR; HU, IE,
`IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT. RO, SE, Sl, SK, TR),
`OAPI (BF, BJ, Cf, CG, CI, CM. GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML,
`MR. NE, SN, TD, TG).
`2x•::r- t:1ltlft!i(1)fl38!1::-::>L'"Clt.
`ftPCTfli!-, t-(1)(Ulll::m•~.ti."(L\Q r::r- t:cllH!
`(1)#-'( 'f':;X/- t-J ~·IKlo
`- (S4)•1VJ(1)~~:M~tt1ltl~JEtt(1)~-~.tL~~~--1ltl~(1)-~n~
`= bility, by taking a formulation contrivance on a sparingly water-soluble chemical substance as an active ingredient for the medicine.
`= The solid preparation comprises a sparingly .water-soluble chemical substance as an active ingredient, ·a water-sOluble polymer, and
`== an inorganic porous substance and has improved water solubility. It is characterized in that (I) the sparingly water-soluble chemical
`(57) Abstract: A solid medicinal preparation to which improved solubility has been imparted. while maintaining preparation sta(cid:173)
`~ substance forms a solid dispersion together with the water-soluble polymer, (2) the water-soluble polymer _as'a component of the
`.JtA solid dispersion is in the form of fine pieces, and (3) the fine pieces of the water-soluble polymer arc held on the surface of the in(cid:173)
`~ organic porous substance in the state of being adsorbed on and/or adherent to the surtilce. The solid preparation can be pro!f uced by
`"" dissolving a sparingly water-soluble chemical substance as en active ingredient and a water-soluble polymer in en organic solvent.
`M mixing the resultant solution with an inorganic porous subslance with stirring. subsequently granulating the mixture. and then dJying
`\C the granules.
`~ (57) JU~: *•1VJ1t. 15.M~~liUH: L. "C (1)*11Mtt(1)it~4*Jfll::llMtltJI~~1JI~ Q ~ c 1:: J:-::> "C •. llMO)fiJk
`= ft. 7JC.ilttliistT-4*Jl!l1ltl••f.TLtt••~~cmi~•*'l't!ifb-::> "(. (l)M*BMtt(l)it*tifliJClll*i&tta:StT-
`t1dl cc t.l=mt~stlai*~B- L. "Ci.l"J. (2)11lm!~stla~~B-T Q*MttiastT-tiJlfJf.ll!Jttt't!ab-::>"C. iJ'
`0 L 'g ~ c ~4tlt c T g7JC.MMttfJf~lt ~ .ti.t:~BllM't! abQo ~.ti. i;, ~~•m1:. m•~tiJ•st- c L. "C (1)*1tMtt
`.:;;;.... (1)it*4tltrl c *ilttiast=f#JJ'l£~f1Mill::M• L. "Cfii;,.tl.gMlflc •l!f.Tt.tttta• £tl#ilit!i L. t.:fi. iifil.. ·

`2 of 119
`PENN EX. 2115

`WO 2006/046623
`BJH4115 ·
`*~~~ .. ~-~h~~Mttl:.~~tt~WTg~~•M&~~©~
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`~ ~ fit L.. "'(' !> 1.J ..
`fJ' '?
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`a n t= au/ x 1;t ti• L.. t= tt Iii~•~ ~ n -c 1.' Q ~ c. ~ ~ • c. -; Q *.;'
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`T P: microsomal triglyceride transfer protein) R!W.fif#f::
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`ao ~~~ .. a!RIJ~~m .. ~~~ .. -~fix~alfn~~©•••x~~~•
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`3 of 119
`PENN EX. 2115

`WO 2006/046623
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`4 of 119
`PENN EX. 2115

`WO 2006/046623 .
`1 - 2. IUitt•1flJ © ~Mi!?Jl'.51::-::> t.'-r
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`it tt fifi 11 * t=. .w. w ~ tL -r t.' ~ t. \ 0
`ft~ tt ©•~©:3M tt ak ~ .:f-11 I:: L. -r l!J f* 91lt i* ( Sol id·
`io Dispersion > fJ<Jt. < ilm ~ *1. .. ~ < ©ft·~ttlH~fJ<liJf*9ftif*lt1fllc
`L -r mm it ~ ti -r • t= o mil i* 9 at i* r~ ..
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`5 of 119
`PENN EX. 2115

`WO 2006/046623
`•M*74B .. 74B7l'f*~~A .. 74BY~i~B7l'f*~?A,
`I- ~ 7 4 BY Jt, i ~ B 7l 'f * ~?A .. 7 4 It Y Jt, i = ? A 71 'f * ~ ? k. ..
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`s Q~c£M•~T~ .. 4~5~~~~~&U•8~Rtt~K~~&fJ.~
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`~tic 1;;1:;J1J r:: .. 4 ~ 5 ~ -r ~ -J" c 7.l<~ttif< •J 7 ( - ~ •c~-8-#J e~~
`fie l. \ "C itt al Mt Ml L tfj ~ tit= ;m tf ~ £ • it T Q n ~ t, ti i5- ~ -
`~ L tfj L L ..
`(ill x ref .. !ft ilf }t lit 4 # P.ft ) o
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`(B) ;:&•~
`al•:~ 1;;1: .. •~cm i* T! ~ Q *altti\l9=f- e ~ ftal·1l!Jtfi(J) aJ•£P r::
`~A; L t=fll:: ai• ~-~ L -C mli*9rdci* ~ l'!iiiT g 1Jjl-1: &:> Q o *llj:fi
`tt • t>;J £ aUI EP T! al M T i> ~ c r:: J: 1.J .. • !f6A fJ( ~~ A • it L ..
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`i! Jt, CJ -A. ~O) ~9=f-~1f!J c £ ~ ll;3fti1 T! ;3A; Lt= ;a£ II.Ill~. ft: tM :L -C
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`.Q =F $ fJ( ~ ; n -c l. \ .Q 0 L fJ\ L ~ fJt ; .. ~ (]) J: ? ~ n ~ '/J( II :i tt it ~ (])
`~-c r::~J;&iiJtm fJ. v it i: :t fJ. < .. *' t=H:itt•t;J(f) t'J.Jtt ~ "••= ~n L
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`:t fJ. ~ n -c L' .Q c 911 x ref .. M i'f :st ilt a ~ m > o
`3 0
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`WO 2006/046623 .
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`7 of 119
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`WO 2006/046623
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`8 of 119
`PENN EX. 2115

`WO 2006/046623
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`9 of 119
`PENN EX. 2115

`WO 2006/046623
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`10 of 119
`PENN EX. 2115

`WO 2006/046623
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`11 of 119
`PENN EX. 2115

`WO 2006/046623
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