`January 4, 2016
`Frank M. Sacks
`129 Leonard Street, Belmont, Massachusetts 02478
`PLACE OF BIRTH: Jersey City, New Jersey
`Biology, Sc.B. Brown University
`1970-1972 Music, New England Conservatory of Music
`M.D. Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons
`Internship and Residency:
`Resident in Surgery, University Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin
`Research Fellowship:
`Research Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and
`Women's Hospital
`2000- Professor of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Department of Nutrition,
`Harvard School of Public Health
`2004- Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
`2004- Senior Physician, Channing Division of Network Medicine, Department of
`Medicine, Brigham & Women’s Hospital
`1992-2004 Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
`Physician, Brigham and Women's Hospital
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`1993-2000 Associate Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of
`Public Health
`1992-1993 Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of
`Public Health
`1982-1991 Associate Physician, Brigham and Women's Hospital
`1984-1993 Assistant in Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston
`1984-1992 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
`Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School
` Research Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School
` Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Practice, University of Wisconsin
` School of Medicine
` Staff Physician, Migrant Health Services, Wild Rose, Wisconsin
` Attending Physician, St. Mary's Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin
`Rockefeller Foundation Award for teaching philosophy of science in the
`Department of Humanities, New England Conservatory of Music
`Annual Prize for Predoctoral Research, Society for Epidemiologic
`Individual Postdoctoral Research Award, United States Public Health
`Clinician Scientist Award, American Heart Association,
`Jan Breslow-Preceptor; Edward Kass-Sponsor
`Travenol Award Lecture, American College of Nutrition
`Established Investigator Award, American Heart Association,
`Eugene Braunwald, Sponsor
`Pierre Bois Lecturer, McGill University and the University of Montreal
`Myant Lecturer, British Hyperlipidemia Society
`2011 Research Achievement Award of the American Heart Association for
`lifetime research accomplishments
`Kelly West memorial lecture, University of Oklahoma Medical School
`Don Chapman memorial lectureship, Baylor College of Medicine,
`National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Chair, Design and Analysis
`Committee, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Trial, a
`multicenter trial on dietary patterns and blood pressure.
`1996-2000 National Institutes of Health. Nutrition Study Section
`1997-2001 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Chair, Steering Committee, the
`Dietary Patterns, Sodium Intake and Blood Pressure trial (DASH2), a
`multicenter trial.
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`Organizing Committee and Co-Chair, Lipoprotein Kinetics Conference,
`Satellite Meeting to the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular
`Biology Council Meeting, American Heart Association.
`National Cholesterol Education Program, Adult Treatment Panel III,
`Reviewer of Year 2002 guidelines
`NIH, NHLBI: Speaker, Workshop on Lipoprotein (a)
`NIH, NHLBI: Workshop participant, Diet and Congestive Heart Failure
`NIH, NHLBI: Chair, Committee on 5-year nutrition research agenda
`NIH, NHLBI: Member, Committee on 5-year obesity research agenda
`NIH, NHLBI: Member, DSMB, Gene Environment Interaction Project
`NIH, NHLBI: Working group on future clinical research directions on
`omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease.
`NIH, NHLBI: Consultant group on clinical trial design for lipid drugs
`American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Associate Editor
`American Heart Association, Nutrition Committee, Member
`American Heart Association, Nutrition Committee, Chair
`American Heart Association, Leadership Committee, Nutrition Physical
`Activity and Metabolism Council
`NCEP ATP-IV: NHLBI Clinical Guidelines for Cardiovascular Risk
`Reduction, National Cholesterol Education Program ATP-IV Expert Panel
`Lifestyle Working Group member, NHLBI Clinical Guidelines for
`Cardiovascular Risk Reduction.
`Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, consultant on
`dietary treatments for hypertension.
`Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, panel on salt
`reduction; presented position of the American Heart Association.
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`United States Dietary Guidelines Panel, invited presentation on diet
`treatment of obesity and sodium reduction goals.
`Residual Risk Reduction Institute: Trustee
`Endocrine Society, Guidelines Panel on treatment of high triglycerides
`American Heart Association: Sodium Advisory Task Force, Co-Chair
`NIH, NHLBI: Co-Chair of Workshop on Diet and Heart Failure
`NIH, NHLBI: Co-Chair of Workshop on Mediterranean Diet trial
`Journal of Clinical Lipidology (Associate Editor, Editorial Board)
`Journal of Lipid Research (Editorial Board)
`American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Associate Editor)
`Human lipoprotein metabolism: Metabolism of lipoprotein particles that are likely to
`protect against or to promote atherosclerosis. Effects of diet, apolipoproteins CIII and E.
`Identification of metabolic pathways in plasma and cells affected by human lipoproteins.
`Identification of dysfunctional HDL metabolism in humans.
`Epidemiology of lipoprotein risk factors for cardiovascular disease: Studies of new
`lipoprotein subfractions based on content of apolipoproteins C-III and E in populations to
`improve the prediction of cardiovascular disease. These epidemiological studies are
`linked in scientific scope to the metabolism studies.
`Nutritional control of blood pressure and lipid levels: multi-center NIH-NHLBI diet trials.
`Chair of the DASH-Sodium Steering Committee: “Effects of dietary patterns and sodium
`intake on blood pressure.” Co-Chair, “Macronutrients and Cardiovascular Risk” (OMNI
`Heart), a trial of protein, carbohydrate and unsaturated fat to optimize cardiovascular risk
`factors. Chair of Omni-CARB: “Carbohydrate, type and amount affecting risk of CVD
`and diabetes”.
`Dietary treatment of obesity. PI of multicenter NIH trial (POUNDS LOST) that compared
`dietary strategies for weight loss.
`2003-2009, NIH: 1 UO1 HL073286, F Sacks, PI. Dietary macronutrients and weight loss.
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`2007-2012, NIH: 1R01 HL084568, F Sacks, PI. Carbohydrate amount and type affecting
`risk of CVD and diabetes.
`2010-2015: NIH, Dietary Fat and HDL Metabolism in Humans. F Sacks, PI.
`2009-2010: Harvard University Catalyst Program: CTSC NIH award for innovative and
`translational research: Human HDL metabolism in obesity and dyslipidemia
`2009-2012: R3i Foundation grant for an international case-control study of dyslipidemia
`and both macrovascular and microvascular disease.
`2011-2012: Harvard University Research Accelerator Program: To support human studies
`on differentiating HDL into protective and nonprotective components.
`2012-2013: Harvard-Roche Academic Collaboration: Grant to continue research on HDL.
`2014-2018: NIH-NHLBI, F Sacks PI. HDL proteins and cardiovascular disease
`1984-2010 Attending Physician, Hyperlipidemia Clinic, Cardiovascular Division,
`Brigham and Women's Hospital.
`1983- Fellow, Council on Arteriosclerosis, American Heart Association
`1983- Fellow, Council on Epidemiology, American Heart Association
`1994- Fellow, American Society of Clinical Nutrition
`2000- Fellow, Council on Nutrition, Metabolism and Physical Activity, American Heart
`The Science of Human Nutrition; Nutritional Biochemistry (NUT202);
`Course director
`Scientific Writing (IS 206), Course director
`(HMS = Harvard Medical School; BWH = Brigham & Women’s Hospital)
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`Cardiovascular Division Clinic, BWH: clinical teaching of treatment of
`hyperlipidemia to students, house staff, cardiology fellows and
`endocrinology fellows
`BWH General Internal Medicine residents and faculty: Lectures on
`BWH CME: Office Practice of Primary Care; Lectures on hyperlipidemia
`2005-09, 2012, 2015 Harvard School of Public Health and Culinary Institute of
`America, “World of Healthy Eating”, workshop for management in the
`food industry, St.Helena, California
`BWH, Cardiovascular Grand Rounds: Apolipoproteins and CVD
`BWH, Cardiovascular Grand Rounds: Diet composition to treat obesity
`National Lipid Association clinical conference, Lecture on apoC-III
`American Heart Association, Lipoprotein kinetics workshop, Lecture on HDL metabolism
`American Heart Association, ATVB Council Scientific Sessions, HDL workshop, Lecture on
`HDL subspecies and metabolism.
`International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Amsterdam, Lecture on apoC-III
`International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium, Toronto, Lecture on glycemic index
`Cardiometabolic Diseases Conference, Quebec City, Lecture on diet and obesity
`American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Lecture on apoE and apoC-III controlling
`lipoprotein metabolism; and on apoC-III as a target for treatment.
`Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center, lecture on glycemic index
`U. Connecticut, lecture on apoC-III
`Cardiometabolic Conference, Boston, Lecture on diet to prevent heart disease and obesity
`Translational Medicine Academy, HDL Science Workshop, Lecture on HDL metabolism
`Beaumont Hospital, Michigan, Medical Grand Rounds on dietary treatment
`American Heart Association, Scientific Sessions, Lecture on diet for weight loss
`American Heart Association, Scientific Sessions, Lecture on dietary pattersn for cardiovascular
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`health: Mediterranean, Vegetarian, and Paleo
`American Heart Association, ATVB Council Scientific Sessions, Lecture on human HDL
`Baylor College of Medicine, Don Chapman Memorial Lecture on apoC-III, lipoprotein
`metabolism, CVD
`University of Utah, Pathology Grand Rounds, Lecture on apolipoproteins and CVD
`Utah Atherosclerosis and Lipid Society: Lecture on apolipoproteins
`University of Cincinnati Medical Center: Lecture on apolipoproteins and CVD
`University of Oklahoma Medical School: Kelly West Memorial Lecture on apolipoproteins and
`American Heart Association Epidemiology-Nutrition Councils Scientific Sessions, Lecture on
`trial of carbohydrate and CVD and diabetes
`American Heart Association, Lipoprotein Kinetics Workshop, Lecture on HDL metabolism
`NIH, NHLBI, Workshop on Diet and Heart Failure, Lecture on sodium trials
`American Heart Association Workshop on Sodium and health, Lecture on sodium studies
`Tokyo Medical and Dental University: Lecture on apoC-III and cardiovascular disease
`National Defense Medical University, Tokorozawa, Japan: Lecture on diet and CVD
`Japan Hypertension Society, Nagoya, Japan: Lectures on diet and hypertension
`Great Wall Congress on Cardiology, Beijing, China: Lecture on lipids and vascular disease
`Singapore National University School of Public Health: Lecture on diet and CVD
`National University Hospital of Singapore: Lecture on lipids and CVD
`ASEAN Society of Cardiology meeting, Singapore: Lecture on lipids and CVD
`Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation: Lecture on apolipoproteins and CVD
`University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Lecture on diet and CVD
`American Heart Association, Industry Nutrition Advisory Panel meeting: Lecture on the
`scientific basis for the AHA sodium reduction goals.
`Tokyo Medical and Dental University: Lecture on diet and cardiovascular disease
`National Defense Medical University, Tokorozawa, Japan: Lecture on apoC-III
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`National Lipid Association, New York: Lecture on diet and weight loss
`Gordon Conference on Atherosclerosis, Newport, RI: Lecture on apoC-III
`Great Wall Cardiology Conference, Beijing. Lecture on lipoproteins.
`AHA Scientific Sessions, Lecture on HDL function
`AHA Scientific Sessions, Lecture on diet and vascular aging
`AHA Scientific Sessions, Lecture on global hypertension control
`Keystone Conference on Triglycerides: Lecture on apolipoprotein C-III
`Quebec Lipidology Society: Lecture on dyslipidemia and residual risk
`Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan: Lecture on diet to prevent CVD
`American Heart Association Conference on Added Sugars: Lecture on added sugar
`Japan Diabetes Association, Okayama, Japan: Lecture on lipid risk factors in diabetes
`Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden: Lecture on diet and cardiovascular disease
`Nagoya University, Japan: Lecturer, Conference on Sodium and Hypertension
`Medstar CRT symposium, Washington DC, lecture on hypertriglyceridemia
`MSDA conference, Berlin, Germany: lecture on apolipoproteins
`International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Boston: lectures on nutrition and obesity
`School of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Columbia: visiting professor
`European Society of Cardiology, Barcelona: lecture on lipoprotein risk factors
`Metabolic Syndrome Institute conference, Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston
`Bari, Puglia, Italy: Conference on Mediterranean diet and health; Lecture on recent science
`The Roundtable on genetic markers of cardiovascular risk and response to theapy
`Northeast Lipid Association annual meeting, Lecture on hyperlipidemia
`American College of Cardiology annual meeting, Lecture on hyperlipidemia
`American Diabetes Association annual meeting, Lecture on hyperlipidemia
`University of Sydney, Australia, NHMRC clinical trials unit, Lecture on hyperlipidemia
`American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Lecture on postprandial lipoproteins
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`American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, presenter
`Australian Atherosclerosis Society annual meeting, Perth, visiting lecturer
`Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism conference, New York City, speaker
`Metabolic Syndrome Institute meeting, St Petersburg Russia, speaker
`University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, visiting professor
`National Lipid Association annual meeting, speaker
`European Atherosclerosis Society meeting, Helsinki, speaker
`Metabolic Syndrome Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Congress, Lisbon, speaker
`American Heart Association, Arteriosclerosis Council meeting, abstract presentation
`Insulin Resistance conference, International Diabetes Federation, Barcelona, speaker
`American College of Cardiology, annual meeting, speaker
`American Heart Association, Epidemiology Council meeting, speaker
`Ottawa Heart Institute, grand rounds
`St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, grand rounds
`University of California Davis, cardiology grand rounds
`National Institutes of Health, inter-institute endocrine grand rounds
`American Heart Association, Obesity Conference, 1/2006, speaker
`IBC Life Sciences, Metabolic Syndrome Conference, Boston, 3/2006, speaker
`University of Washington, Seattle, Cardiovascular Grand Rounds, 4/2006
`Columbia University, conference on hypertriglyceridemia, speaker, 4/2006
`American Heart Association, Arteriosclerosis Council meeting, presenter, 4/2006
`International Atherosclerosis Society meeting, Rome, speaker, 6/2006
`European Society of Cardiology meeting, Barcelona, speaker, 9/2006
`Biomarkers conference, U Montreal and FDA, Bethesda, panel discussant, 9/2006
`NIH, NHLBI, Cardiovascular Knowledge Networks meeting, participant, 9/2006
`American Heart Association, Trans Fat conference, Washington, speaker, 10/2006
`Cleveland Clinic, conference on obesity, speaker, 10/2006
`Cardiometabolic Institute conference, Boston, speaker, 10/2006
`American Heart Association, Scientific Sessions, speaker, 11/2006
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`NIH, NHLBI, Lipid Advisory Panel, participant, 11/2006
`American College of Cardiology conference, NYC, speaker, 12/2006
`New York Lipid and Vascular Biology Club annual meeting, speaker, 12/2006
`Peer-Reviewed Journals:
`Sacks FM, Rosner B, Kass EH. Blood pressure in vegetarians. Am J Epidemiol
`Zinner SH, Martin LF, Sacks FM, Rosner B, Kass EH. A longitudinal study of blood
`pressure in childhood. Am J Epidemiol 1974;100:437-442.
`Sacks FM, Castelli WP, Donner A, Kass EH. Plasma lipids and lipoproteins in vegetarians
`and controls. New Engl J Med 1975; 292:1148-1151.
`Sacks FM, Donner A, Castelli WP, Gronemeyer J, Pletka P, Margolius HS, Landsberg L,
`Kass EH. Effect of ingestion of meat on plasma cholesterol of vegetarians. JAMA
`Sacks FM, Breslow JL, Wood PG, Kass EH. Lack of an effect of dairy protein (casein) and
`soy protein on plasma cholesterol of strict vegetarians. An experiment and a critical
`review. J Lipid Res 1983; 24:1012-1020.
`Sacks FM, Marais GE, Handysides G, Salazar J, Miller L, Foster JM, Rosner B, Kass EH.
`Lack of an effect of dietary saturated fat and cholesterol on blood pressure in
`normotensives. Hypertension 1984; 6:193-198.
`Sacks FM, Wood PG, Kass EH. Stability of blood pressure levels in vegetarians receiving
`dietary protein supplements. Hypertension 1984; 6:199-201.
`Sacks FM, Salazar J, Miller L, Foster JM, Sutherland M, Samonds KW, Albers JJ, Kass
`EH. Ingestion of egg raises plasma low density lipoproteins in free-living subjects. Lancet
`Sacks FM, Ornish D, Rosner B, McLanahan S, Castelli W, Kass EH. Plasma lipoprotein
`levels in vegetarians. The effect of ingestion of fats from dairy products. JAMA
`10. Sacks FM, Handysides GH, Marais GE, Rosner B, Kass EH. The effect of a low fat diet on
`plasma lipoproteins in normal adults. Arch Intern Med 1986;146:1573-1577.
`11. Sacks FM, Breslow JL. Very low density lipoproteins stimulate cholesteryl ester formation
`in U937 macrophages. Heterogeneity and biologic variation among normal humans.
`Arteriosclerosis 1987;7:35-46.
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`12. Sacks FM, Stampfer MJ, Munoz A, McManus K, Canessa M, Kass EH. Effect of linoleic
`and oleic acids on blood pressure, blood viscosity and erythrocyte cation transport. J Am
`College Nutr 1987;6:179-185.
`13. Sacks, FM, Rouse IL, Stampfer MS, Bishop LM, Lenherr C, Walther RJ. Effect of dietary
`fats and carbohydrate on blood pressure of mildly hypertensive patients. Hypertension
`14. Sacks FM, Kass EH. Low blood pressure in vegetarians. The effects of specific foods and
`nutrients. Am J Clin Nutr 1988;48:795-800.
`15. Kushi LH, Samonds KW, Lacey JM, Brown PT, Bergan JG, Sacks FM. The association of
`dietary fat with serum cholesterol in vegetarians: the effect of dietary assessment on the
`correlation coefficient. Am J. Epidemiol 1988;128:1054-64.
`16. Figge HL, Figge J, Souney PF, Sacks FM, Shargel L, Janosik J, Kaul AF. Comparison of
`excretion of nicotinuric acid after ingestion of two controlled release nicotinic acid
`preparations. J Clin Pharmacol 1988; 28:1136-40.
`17. Sacks FM, Creager MA, Gallagher SJ, Loscalzo J, Dzau VJ. Effects of alpha- and beta-
`adrenergic antagonists on plasma apolipoproteins and forearm blood flow in patients with
`mild hypertension. Am J Med 1989;86(1B):8-13.
`18. Alderman JD, Pasternak RC, Sacks FM, Smith HS, Monrad ES, Grossman W. Effect of a
`modified, well-tolerated niacin regimen on serum total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein
`cholesterol and the cholesterol to high density lipoprotein ratio. Am J Cardiol 1989;64:725-
`19. Reis GJ, Boucher TM, Sipperly ME, Silverman DI, McCabe CH, Baim DS, Sacks FM,
`Grossman W, Pasternak RC. Fish oil for the prevention of restenosis after coronary
`angioplasty: results of a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 1989;2:177-181.
`20. Witteman JC, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Sacks FM, Rosner B, Speizer FE,
`Hennekens CH. Dietary calcium and magnesium and hypertension; a prospective study.
`Circulation 1989;80:1320-1327.
`21. Hankinson SE, London SJ, Chute CG, Barbieri RL, Jones L, Kaplan LA, Sacks FM,
`Stampfer MJ. Effect of transport conditions on the stability of biochemical markers in
`blood. Clin Chem 1989;35:2313-2316.
`22. Swain JF, Rouse IL, Curley CB, Sacks FM. Comparison of the effects of oat bran and low
`fiber wheat on serum lipoproteins and blood pressure. New Engl J Med 1990;332:147-152.
`23. Witteman JC, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Sacks FM, Rosner, B, Speizer FE,
`Hennekens CH. Relation of moderate alcohol consumption and risk of systemic
`hypertension in women. Am J Cardiol 1990;65:633-637.
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`24. Reis GJ, Silverman DI, Boucher TM, Sipperly ME, Horowitz GL, Sacks FM, Pasternak
`RC. Effects of two types of fish oil supplements on serum lipids and plasma phospholipid
`fatty acids in coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 1990: 66:1171-1175.
`25. Silverman DI, Reis GJ, Sacks FM, Boucher TM, Pasternak RC. Usefulness of plasma
`phospholipid n-3 fatty acid levels in predicting dietary fish intake in patients with coronary
`artery disease. Am J Cardiol 1990:66:860-862.
`26. Silverman DI, Ware JA, Sacks FM, Pasternak RC. Comparison of the absorption and effect
`of platelet function of a single dose of n-3 fatty acids given as fish or fish oil. Am J Clin
`Nutr 1991;53:1165-70.
`27. Stampfer MJ, Sacks FM, Salvini S, Willett WC, Hennekens CH. A prospective study of
`lipids, apolipoproteins and risks of myocardial infarction. New Engl J Med 1991;325:373-
`28. Walsh BW, Schiff I, Rosner B, Greenberg L, Ravnikar V, Sacks FM. Effects of
`postmenopausal estrogen replacement on the concentrations and metabolism of plasma
`lipoproteins. New Engl J Med 1991;325:1196-1204.
`29. London SJ, Sacks FM, Caesar J, Stampfer MJ, Siguel E, Willett WC. Fatty acid
`composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue and diet in postmenopausal US women. Am J
`Clin Nutr 1991;54:340-345.
`30. Sacks FM, Pfeffer MA, Moye L, Brown LE, Hamm P, Cole TG, Hawkins CM, Braunwald
`E. Rationale and design of a secondary prevention trial of lowering normal plasma
`cholesterol levels after acute myocardial infarction. The Cholesterol and Recurrent Events
`Trial (CARE). Am J Cardiol 1991;68:1436-46.
`31. Hunter DJ, Rimm EB, Sacks FM, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Litin LB, Willett WC.
`Comparison of measures of fatty acid intake by subcutaneous fat aspirate, food frequency
`questionnaire, and diet records. Am J Epidemiol 1992;135:418-427.
`32. Gibson CM, Sandor T, Stone PH, Pasternak RC, Rosner B, Sacks FM. Quantitative
`angiographic and statistical methods to assess serial changes in coronary luminal diameter
`and implications for atherosclerosis regression trials. Am J Cardiol 1992;69:1286-1290.
`33. Caine YG, Bauer KA, Barzegar S, ten Cate H, Sacks FM, Walsh BW, Schiff I, Rosenberg
`RD. Coagulation activation following estrogen administration to postmenopausal women.
`Thrombosis Haemostasis 1992;68:392-395.
`34. Ascherio A, Rimm EB, Giovannucci EL, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC, Sacks FM,
`Stampfer MJ. A prospective study of nutritional factors and hypertension among US men.
`Circulation 1992;86:1475-1484.
`35. Morris MC, Taylor JO, Stampfer MJ, Rosner B, Sacks FM. The effect of fish oil on blood
`pressure in mild hypertensives: a randomized clinical trial. Am J Clin Nutr 1993;57:59-64.
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`36. Gibson CM, Diaz L, Kandarpa K, Sacks FM, Pasternak RC, Sandor T, Feldman C, Stone
`PH. The relationship of vessel wall shear stress to atherosclerosis progression in coronary
`arteries. Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis 1993;13:310-315.
`37. Stone PH, Gibson CM, Pasternak RC, McManus K, Diaz L, Boucher T, Spears JR, Sandor
`T, Rosner B, Sacks FM. The natural history of coronary atherosclerosis using quantitative
`angiography: implications for clinical trials of coronary regression. Am J Cardiol
`38. Campos H, Sacks FM, Walsh BW, Schiff I, O'Hanesian MA, Krauss RM. Differential
`effects of estrogen on low density lipoprotein subclasses in healthy postmenopausal
`women. Metabolism 1993;42:1153-1158.
`39. Walsh BW, Sacks FM. The effect of low dose oral contraceptives on very low density and
`low density lipoprotein metabolism. J Clin Invest 1993;91:2126-2132.
`40. London SJ, Sacks FM, Stampfer MJ, Henderson IC, Maclure M, Tomita A, Wood WC,
`Remine S, Robert NJ, Dmochowski JR, Willett WC. Fatty acid composition of the
`subcutaneous adipose tissue and risk of proliferative benign breast disease and breast
`cancer. J Nat Cancer Inst 1993;85:785-793.
`41. Morris MC, Sacks FM, Rosner B. Does fish oil lower blood pressure? A meta-analysis of
`controlled trials. Circulation 1993;88:523-533.
`42. Ridker PM, Vaughan DE, Stampfer MJ, Sacks FM, Hennekens CH. A cross-sectional study
`of endogenous tissue plasminogen activator, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and
`apolipoproteins A-I, A-II, and B-100. Arterioscler Thromb 1993;13:1587-1592.
`43. Sacks FM, McPherson R, Walsh BW. Effect of postmenopausal estrogen replacement on
`plasma lipoprotein(a) concentrations. Arch Intern Med 1994;154:1106-1110.
`44. Sacks FM, Hebert P, Appel LJ, Borhani NO, Applegate WB, Cohen JD, Cutler JA,
`Kirchner KA, Kuller LH, Roth KJ, Taylor JO, Hennekens CH for the TOHP Collaborative
`Research Group. The effect of fish oil on blood pressure and high density lipoprotein
`cholesterol levels in Phase I of the Trials of Hypertension Prevention (TOHP). J Hypertens
`45. Gann PH, Hennekens CH, Sacks FM, Grodstein F, Giovanucci E, Stampfer MJ. A
`prospective study of plasma fatty acids and risk of prostate cancer. J Nat Cancer Inst
`46. Walsh BW, Li HJ, Sacks FM. The effect of postmenopausal estrogens on the metabolism of
`apolipoprotein A-I. J Lipid Res 1994;35:2083-93.
`47. Sacks FM, Pasternak RC, Gibson CM, Rosner B, Stone PH for the Harvard Atherosclerosis
`Reversibility Project (HARP) Group. The effect on coronary atherosclerosis of decrease in
`plasma cholesterol concentrations in normocholesterolemic patients. Lancet
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`48. Sacks FM, Obarzanek E, Windhauser MM, Svetkey LP, Vollmer WM, McCullough M,
`Karanja N, Lin PH, Steele P, Proschan MA, Evans MA, Appel LJ, Bray GA, Vogt TM, and
`Moore TJ for the DASH Investigators. Rationale and design of the dietary approaches to
`stop hypertension trial (DASH): A multicenter controlled feeding study of dietary patterns
`to lower blood pressure. Ann Epidemiol 1995;5:108-18.
`49. Whelton PK, Buring J, Borhani NO, Cohen JD, Cook N, Cutler JA, Kiley JE, Kuller LH,
`Satterfield S, Sacks FM, Taylor JO for the TOHP Collaborative Research Group. The effect
`of potassium supplementation in persons with a high normal blood pressure: Results from
`the Phase I of the Trials of Hypertension Prevention (TOHP). Ann Epidemiol 1995;5:85-
`50. Yamamoto ME, Applegate WB, Klag MJ, Borhani NO, Cohen JD, Kirchner KA, Lakatos
`E, Sacks FM, Taylor JO, Hennekens CH for the TOHP Collaborative Research Group. Ann
`Epidemiol 1995;5:96-107.
`51. Sacks FM, Rouleau JL, Moye LA, Pfeffer MA, Warnica JW, Arnold MJ, Nash DT, Brown
`LE, Sestier F, Rutherford J, Davis BR, Hawkins CM, Braunwald E for the CARE
`investigators. Baseline characteristics in the Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE) trial
`of secondary prevention in patients with average serum cholesterol levels. Am J Cardiol
`52. Sacks FM, Stone PH, Gibson CM, Silverman DI, Rosner B, Pasternak RC for the Harvard
`Atherosclerosis Reversibility Project (HARP) Group. Controlled trial of fish oil for
`regression of human coronary atherosclerosis. J Am Coll Cardiol 1995;25:1492-8.
`53. Guillar E, Hennekens CH, Sacks FM, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ. A prospective study of
`plasma fish oil levels and incidence of myocardial infarction in U.S. male physicians. J Am
`Coll Cardiol 1995;25:387-394.
`54. Sacks FM, Brown LE, Appel L, Borhani N, Evans D, Whelton P. The effect of
`combinations of dietary potassium, calcium and magnesium on blood pressure in mildly
`hypertensive patients. Hypertension 1995;26:950-956.
`55. Sacks FM, Gibson CM, Rosner B, Pasternak RC, Stone PH. The influence of pretreatment
`LDL cholesterol concentrations on the effect of hypocholesterolemic therapy on coronary
`atherosclerosis in angiographic trials. Am J Cardiol 1995;76:78C-85C.
`56. Sacks FM, Krukonis GP. The influence of apolipoprotein E on the interactions between
`normal human VLDL and U937 macrophages: heterogeneity among persons. Vascular
`Medicine 1996;1:9-18.
`57. Wilt TJ, Davis BR, Meyers DG, Rouleau JL, Sacks FM. Prevalence and correlates of
`symptomatic peripheral atherosclerosis in individuals with coronary heart disease and
`cholesterol levels less than 240 mg/dl: Baseline results from the Cholesterol and Recurrent
`Events (CARE) study. Angiology 1996; 47:533-40.
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`58. O'Hanesian MA, Rosner B, Bishop LM, Sacks FM. Inherent dietary responsiveness of
`plasma lipoproteins, and the contribution of random dietary variation to day to day
`variations of plasma lipoproteins. Am J Clin Nutr 1996;64:53-59.
`59. Ascherio A, Hennekens CH, Willett WC, Sacks FM, Rosner B, Manson J, Witteman J,
`Stampfer MJ. A prospective study of nutritional factors, blood pressure, and hypertension
`among US women. Hypertension 1996; 27:1065-72.
`60. Stampfer MJ, Krauss RM, Ma J, Blanche PJ, Holl LG, Sacks FM, Hennekens CH. A
`prospective study of triglycerides, LDL particle diameter, and risk of myocardial infarction.
`JAMA 1996;276:882-8.
`61. Moye LA, Davis BR, Sacks FM, Cole T, Brown L, Crawford B, Hawkins CM. Decision
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