` ____________
` ____________
` Petitioners
` V.
` Patent Owner
` Inter Partes Review No. IPR2015-01823
` TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016
` 8:58 A.M.
`Job No. 117278
`Pages 1 - 145
`Reported by: Anne M. Torreano, CSR, RPR, CCRR, CLR
`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 1

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` Deposition of JOEL R. WILLIAMS, held at
`the offices of:
` 975 Page Mill Road
` Palo Alto, California 94304
` 650.856.3700
` Pursuant to Notice, before Anne M. Torreano,
`California Certified Shorthand Reporter #10520,
`Registered Professional Reporter, California Certified
`Realtime Reporter, Certified LiveNote Reporter.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`3 4 5
`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 2

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 650.320.7725
` 617.342.4000
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 3

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` EXHIBIT 1 Petitioners' Amended Notice of 6
` Deposition of Joel R. Williams
` EXHIBIT 2 Petition for Inter Partes Review 62
` EXHIBIT 3 Decision, Institution of Inter 78
` Partes Review
` EXHIBIT 4 ETSI TS 123 060 V3.3.0 Technical 90
` Specification
` EXHIBIT 5 Excerpts: "Mobile Handset Design" 96
` by Sajal Kumar Das
` M2M
` EXHIBIT 2011 Expert Declaration of Joel R. 12
` Williams
` EXHIBIT 2012 International Standard 7816-3 56
` EXHIBIT 1001 International Publication Number 108
` WO 99/49680
` EXHIBIT 1004 ETSI TS 100 977 V7.4.0 Technical 56
` Specification
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`5 6 7
`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 4

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016; 8:58 A.M.
` having been duly sworn to tell the truth,
`testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Williams. Thank you for
`coming in today. Can you please state your full name
`for the record?
` A. Yeah, Joel Robert Williams.
` Q. And where do you live, Mr. Williams?
` A. I live in San Jose.
` Q. Can you give a precise address in San Jose?
` A. It's 1240 McKendrie Street, San Jose,
` Q. Okay. I'm going to hand you -- or the court
`reporter will hand you the first exhibit.
` Q. So the court reporter has handed you
`Deposition Exhibit 1, which is Petitioners' Amended
`Notice of Deposition of Joel R. Williams.
` Have you seen this document before?
` A. I have.
` Q. Okay. Have you testified at trial before?
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 5

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` A. I have.
` Q. And how many times?
` A. Three.
` Q. And were those all patent cases?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And have you been deposed before?
` A. I have.
` Q. Approximately how many times have you been
` A. Probably ten or twelve.
` Q. And of those approximately ten or twelve
`depositions, how many of them related to patent cases?
` A. Most of them. Probably -- maybe all. I don't
` Q. And --
` A. Actually, not all of them but most of them.
` Q. And how many of those related to validity of a
` A. I don't recall off the top of my head.
` Q. Can you provide an estimate?
` A. Just off -- just rough would be somewhere
`around half.
` Q. Okay. You understand today that you're under
` A. I do.
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 6

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` Q. And I'll be asking you a series of questions
`today. The court reporter will be transcribing our
`conversation, as you know. In order for her to create
`an accurate record, there should be a clear
`back-and-forth. So please give verbal answers, and
`also please wait until I finish my question before
`answering, and likewise, I'll wait until you finish
`your answer before asking my next question.
` Is that okay?
` A. That's okay.
` Q. If you don't hear or understand me, please let
`me know. If you answer, I will assume you heard and
`understood the question.
` Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Counsel may object. After the objection you
`can answer, unless counsel instructs you not to answer.
` Is there any reason why you can't give full,
`accurate and truthful testimony today?
` A. No.
` Q. When were you first retained to -- for this
` A. It was in this March or April of this year.
` Q. And was that the first time you had heard of
`the case?
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 7

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` A. Well, I discussed the case before I was
`engaged, so I'm not sure --
` Q. Approximately how much time before you were
`engaged did you --
` A. It was probably a week, maybe two weeks. I
`don't recall.
` Q. And were you retained to prepare a declaration
`in this case?
` A. I was engaged to review the case and give my
`opinion and later asked to prepare a report. I don't
`remember exactly when the discussion of our first
`report came in.
` Q. And when you say you were engaged to review
`the case, what did you do to review the case?
` A. Well, certainly I read the patents and -- read
`the patent I mean, and did some of my own I'd call
`homework of refreshing my memory on some of the
`standards and what they were talking about in the
`patent. And then after I was engaged, I was given the
`information on the -- on the -- I guess the petitions,
`was given the petition and the appendices that went
`with the petition.
` Q. So you were provided with a copy of the
`exhibits to the petition?
` A. Yes.
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 8

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` Q. And were you provided with a copy of the
`patent office board's institution decision?
` A. Yes. The grant decision? Is that what you
`call the grant? I'm not sure. Yeah.
` Q. What did you do to prepare for your deposition
` A. I reviewed the report, I reviewed the material
`at issue in my report, and I met with the attorney
`for -- for the patent.
` Q. And when you said you met with an attorney for
`the patent, are you referring to Mr. Henschke?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. And how long did you meet with Mr. Henschke?
` A. I met with him on Sunday for a few hours and
`yesterday for a few hours.
` Q. Did you review documents with Mr. Henschke to
`prepare for your deposition?
` A. We reviewed -- yes, we reviewed my report and
`reviewed some of the references cited in my report.
` Q. Which references did you review with
`Mr. Henschke?
` A. I don't recall all of them, but the primary
`reference would be the SIM spec and the SAT spec, the
`patent, the -- is that me? Let me turn it off. Forgot
`I had it.
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`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` Sorry about that.
` Q. That's okay.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Did you review any other documents on your own
`apart from the ones you reviewed with Mr. Henschke?
` A. In preparation for this?
` Q. Correct.
` A. I don't recall. I may have reviewed some of
`the other documents that are cited in my report.
` Q. Did you review the deposition transcript of
`Dr. Negus in preparation for your deposition today?
` A. I did look at it. I did not read every word
`of it.
` Q. What specifically did you look at in that
` A. I think it was the part where he was talking
`about -- I'm not even sure I remember which parts I
`looked at. As I sit here, I don't recall which parts I
`looked at.
` Q. What was the purpose of looking at Dr. Negus's
`deposition transcript?
` A. To understand his position.
` Q. And what specifically were you trying to
`understand about his position?
` A. This business of sending a packet over -- a
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 10

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
`SMS-PP packet over GPRS.
` Q. And do you agree with Dr. Negus's opinion?
` A. No.
` Q. And why not?
` A. Well, we've got to go through what's in my
`report, and I think it's in my report.
` Q. And so your report outlines the different
`areas in which you disagree with Dr. Negus?
` A. Well, no. I did -- like I said, I did not go
`through everything in his deposition, so I'm not
`sure -- I'm not prepared to talk about everything in
`his deposition and take a position opposite everything
`in his deposition. I'm prepared to talk about the
`positions in my report, and the report talks about
`particular ones of his particular positions he's taken.
` So we can go through what's in the report.
` Q. So specifically with respect to sending an SMS
`over a GPRS network, do you disagree with Dr. Negus's
` A. Let's go through my report --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- and the details. It's a broad question.
` Q. The court reporter has handed you Exhibit 2011
`to the IPR proceedings.
` Have you seen this document before?
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 11

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` A. Yeah, it appears to be a copy of my report.
` Q. And the report is referred to as the expert
`declaration of Joel R. Williams; is that correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And when did you prepare this declaration?
` A. So May 25th, 2016.
` Q. When did you first begin preparing your expert
` A. I don't recall when I started exactly.
` Q. Approximately how much time did you spend
`preparing your declaration?
` A. I haven't divided up the time I spent
`declaring the declaration, the actual document from the
`time I've spent on the case. I didn't divide things up
`that way.
` Q. How much time have you spent on the case?
` A. The time -- well, the time spent specifically
`on the case until this report -- until this was -- are
`you asking about from the time of today or from the
`time that this was prepared and submitted?
` Q. The time from when you were first retained
`until the time that the expert declaration was
` A. It would be somewhere 80 to 100 hours, that
`time frame. I don't have an accurate number.
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 12

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` Q. And during that 80-to-100-hour time period,
`you reviewed the '717 patent, the IPR petition, the
`Board's institution decision, the various documents
`cited and your expert declaration, and prepared your
` A. I don't understand that question. Did I
`review my declaration?
` Q. Did you review the documents cited in your
`declaration, the '717 patent, the IPR petition and
`prepare your expert declaration during that time
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review any documents related to the
`litigation pending in the Delaware District Court
`during that time period?
` A. I don't -- I may have seen a court
`construction. Don't recall exactly where that was
` Q. Did you review the preliminary infringement
`contentions M2M served to Sierra Wireless?
` A. I did see some contentions. I don't know
`where they were from.
` Q. Did those contentions influence your opinions
`in this case?
` A. I would say they were a starting point or an
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 13

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
`input to my analysis. I wouldn't -- I would say -- I
`wouldn't use the word "influence." They were an input.
` MR. HENSCHKE: I should state for the record
`at this point so there's no confusion about what
`contentions we're referring to that Mr. Williams has
`never been provided or seen the infringement
`contentions in the '717 patent litigation.
` Q. Are you familiar with the name Dr. Nettleton?
` A. I am familiar with the name Dr. Nettleton.
` Q. Have you reviewed any materials that
`Dr. Nettleton has prepared?
` A. I believe I got an excerpt of something that
`he wrote. And I do know Dr. Nettleton.
` Q. How do you know Dr. Nettleton?
` A. I worked with him on another case unrelated to
`this. Cellular stuff.
` Q. Are you familiar with Mr. Konchitsky?
` A. No.
` Q. No?
` A. I'm sorry. Who?
` Q. Alon Konchitsky.
` A. I know who he is.
` Q. Did you review any materials that
`Mr. Konchitsky has prepared in relation to this case?
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 14

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` A. I have not.
` Q. If you turn to page 3 of your declaration --
` A. That's interesting. There's now two pages in
`here. When you say "page 3," is it the --
` Q. The upper number.
` A. The upper number? This one?
` Q. Correct. There's a section called "Materials
`Relied Upon"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it starts at paragraph 12 and it continues
`to paragraph 13. Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. And are these the materials that you reviewed
`in preparation of your expert declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in paragraph 13 you refer to other
`materials to confirm your understanding.
` Do you see that?
` A. I do see that.
` Q. And how did you use these materials cited in
`paragraph 13 to confirm your understanding?
` A. Generally I would say they were background
`information or -- to help confirm my -- what I was
`looking at and specs and other material.
` Q. And why did you look at these materials?
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 15

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` A. Some of them because I had them on my
`bookshelf and they were readily available. Some of
`them -- it just was -- just helpful to me.
` Q. In what way were they helpful to you?
` A. As I said, they confirmed my understanding of
`what I was -- of the technology I was looking at and
`the issues.
` Q. And if you turn to page 1 of your declaration,
`there's a section called "Qualifications."
` See that?
` A. I do see that.
` Q. And here you provide a summary of certain
`background that you think pertains to your
`qualifications for providing expert testimony in this
`matter; is that correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And you describe some past consulting
`assignments. Do you see that at paragraph 9?
` A. I see that.
` Q. And you include there T-Mobile.
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. What specifically did you do for T-Mobile?
` A. I did two major things that had to do with
`integration of Wi-Fi and cellular so that you could,
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 16

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
`for example, make a telephone call on one cellular and
`then move into an area where there was Wi-Fi, and the
`phone would just transfer over and use your Wi-Fi
`instead of the cellular network. And that handoff or
`moving back and forth was a new technology that I
`worked on.
` And I should further add, in paragraph 10
`where I talk about industry standards, I realize I left
`one off there that I should talk about in connection
`with my T-Mobile thing. There was a consortium or
`group of companies, including T-Mobile, called
`Unlicensed Mobile Alliance, UMA for short. And they
`were setting the cellular standards for this
`technology, this Wi-Fi integration stuff that I was
`talking about, and I was involved with that group
`through my work with T-Mobile.
` And the other -- so that was part of what I
`did with T-Mobile. And the other part I did with
`T-Mobile is work with handset vendors that were making
`the -- and also the people making the equipment in the
`network to -- that were designing this capability and
`worked with them on the designs of how they were going
`to do it and how the network was going to work. It
`went beyond what was in the specifications.
` And the third thing I did with them and
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 17

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
`related to that was I did specify testing, a test plan
`basically, a testing criteria, acceptance testing, and
`I developed a test lab at T-Mobile up near Seattle --
` Q. And --
` A. -- for doing that testing. And I worked with
`the vendors and the -- the different vendors in getting
`that stuff to work.
` Q. So the testing related to whether devices
`complied with the handoff standards that this
`consortium had designed?
` A. Yes. Well, that was the main thrust. And
`that, of course, bled over to a lot of other areas of
`cellular, GSM and cellular technology.
` Q. Which other areas are those?
` A. Well, the one that we'll probably get to in
`here was relating to the SIM card. One of the problems
`with that or one of the challenges in that technology
`is maintaining the security when you go into a Wi-Fi
`network that's unsecured from a cellular network that
`is secure. And there are a lot of issues in how to
`handle the details of the technology, and my
`involvement with the SIM was, you know, what security
`was provided and how to handle that in the Wi-Fi world.
`And that's probably the first time I worked with a SIM
`application or was involved with.
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 18

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` Q. And the security on the SIM card that you were
`working with related to the authentication of the
`devices on the network?
` A. Yes. Loosely, yes.
` Q. What do you mean by "loosely"?
` A. Well, again, it was going from the network to
`Wi-Fi -- from the cellular network to the Wi-Fi
`network, so it was the -- it was how to keep
`basically -- how can I summarize this? How to keep the
`cellular world happy when you switch over to Wi-Fi. So
`how to maintain compatibility.
` Q. And the network at T-Mobile that you were
`working with, that was the GSM?
` A. It included the GSM network, yes.
` Q. Did it include the GPRS network?
` A. I believe they supported GPRS. My involvement
`with it did not include GPRS.
` Q. During your work experience and consulting
`experience, have you had any other experience with GSM?
` A. In what sense?
` Q. Either consulting or working on products or
`network issues related to GSM.
` A. Well, yeah. I mean, I have used products that
`had cellular modems in them that were GSM capable.
` Q. And which products are those?
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 19

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` A. I don't think they're listed in here, but let
`me think off the top of my head. I worked with a
`company called Natis that does wireless monitoring of
`power equipment, what we would today call the E-GRID or
`IoT stuff for power control.
` I have to go back and think. There's other
`projects I work with cellular modems.
` Q. And what time period were you working with
` A. That would have been after this -- the
`priority date. It would be in the 2008 time frame
`probably. I don't recall exactly. There's other
`projects I don't recall off the top of my head I've
`used over the years.
` Q. And you don't recall those sitting here today?
` A. No.
` Q. In your experience, have you done any work
`related to the delivery of SMS messages over a GPRS
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have any experience with the design of
`mobile handsets?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In what sense?
` A. Again, going back to my T-Mobile experience, I
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 20

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
`worked with Motorola, with Samsung and with Nokia on
`the design of their handsets. I had design reviews
`with them of how they work, what they were doing, and
`I've visited their sites, their labs.
` Q. And the work you did with Motorola, Samsung
`and Nokia, did that relate to the integration of Wi-Fi
`and cellular and the handoff issues we talked about
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you have any experience with the design of
`programmable communicators?
` A. Can you be specific by what you mean by
`"programmable communicator"?
` Q. What is your understanding of a programmable
` A. Are you asking me in the context of the '717
`patent or just in general industry?
` Q. I'm asking as a person of skill in the art,
`what is your understanding of a programmable
` A. It's not a typical term of art, typical term.
`It is a term that's used in the patent. It's clear
`what they mean, though.
` Q. And what do they mean?
` A. I would characterize it as an embedded device,
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 21

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
`and today we would the call it a -- IoT device is a
`popular name for it. It's an embedded device with a
`cellular capability in it. And the example of the
`Natis system that I worked with would be very much like
`the devices at issues in this patent.
` Q. Did you have any involvement with the GSM
` A. In what sense?
` Q. Did you participate in any meetings related to
`the GSM standards?
` A. The UMA group that I worked with, as I
`mentioned before, was adopted and folded into the GSM
`standard. It's now called -- part of something called
`GAN. It's a generic access network. I did not attend
`the specific meetings of the GSM standards organization
`where that happened. I attended the meetings of the
`UMA group that contributed those.
` And I should be clear that those standards,
`those written -- well, they weren't written by a group
`of the GSM standards committee. They were written very
`much by the same people involved and was written to the
`same level of -- same style and requirements so that
`they could just be basically adopted in whole and
`folded in, which is what happened.
` Q. What is the purpose of a standards document?
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 22

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` A. Of a standard? Sorry.
` Q. So, for example, the UMA, what is the purpose
`of the documents that they prepared?
` A. Well, the purpose of standards is to set a set
`of rules by which products from different companies can
`interoperate. That's the high-level, ten thousand-foot
`view. It sets a framework so that everybody can design
`to the same rules and have some hope that they might
`work together.
` Q. And those rules provide a standard set of
` A. Yeah, that's the standard. Right. I used the
`word "rules" loosely.
` Q. And so it describes the standard features that
`the devices need to have to interoperate with one
` A. It may.
` Q. What do you mean?
` MR. HENSCHKE: Ms. Hayes, I'm going to
`certainly allow you some leeway to ask Mr. Williams
`about his background and experience, but I would
`caution you about starting to get into areas where
`you're trying to elicit opinions from him on topics
`that aren't part of his declaration here in this
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 23

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` THE WITNESS: So would you repeat the
` Q. The standards documents describe the standard
`features that the devices need to have to interoperate
`with one another?
` MR. HENSCHKE: Asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah, the answer is maybe.
` Q. And what do you mean by "maybe"?
` A. They don't -- standards have a lot of parts to
`them. They're not all required. There are some that
`are optional, and so that's why I say "maybe."
` Q. Is the programmable communicator described in
`the '717 patent a mobile station?
` A. Could I see the '717 patent, please?
` MR. HENSCHKE: While we have a moment here,
`I'm going to object to that question as being outside
`the scope of anything that Mr. Williams has opined upon
`in his declaration and also because it's unclear what
`is meant by the term "mobile station."
` THE WITNESS: I was looking for where the
`patent says "mobile station," and maybe you could point
`me to it.
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 24

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` Q. Well, I'm asking is your understanding that
`the programmable communicator described in the '717
`patent is a mobile station?
` MR. HENSCHKE: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: You know, I think I'm going to
`go with the -- I'm going stick to what's in my report.
`If you can show me in my report where I talk about
`that, I'd be happy to respond.
` Q. You have no opinion as to whether the
`programmable communicator is a mobile station?
` MR. HENSCHKE: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not -- I'm not rendering an
` Q. Is the programmable communicator described in
`the '717 patent a wireless subscriber terminal system?
` MR. HENSCHKE: Objection as calling for
`opinions outside the scope of Mr. Williams' declaration
`in this matter and also because of its lack of clarity
`in terms of the terminology being used.
` THE WITNESS: Same answer.
` Q. So you have no opinion?
` A. I'm not providing an opinion at this time.
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`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 25

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` Q. Do you understand what a wireless subscriber
`terminal system is?
` A. I don't know the context that you're using
`that in.
` Q. You've never heard of that phrase before?
` A. Wireless -- what is it again?
` Q. Wireless subscriber terminal system.
` A. In any particular context? Any particular
`patent or just in the term of art?
` Q. A term of art.
` A. It's not a common term of art. It's pretty
`obvious that it has to do with wireless and it's a
`terminal, but beyond that, it's not something that's a
`familiar term.
` Q. And what is a terminal?
` A. It's an end device on the cellular network.
`Or a terminal is anything in the context of a cellular
`terminal. It's something that you can connect to or --
`it's an end node in a network.
` Q. Do you have an electrical engineering degree?
` A. I have an associate's degree in electrical
`engineering and a bachelor's degree in computer
` Q. So you do not have a bachelor's degree in
`electrical engineering?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Sierra Wireless EX 1022 p 26

`Deposition of Joel R. Williams
`Conducted on July 26, 2016
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have work experience designing wireless
`subscriber systems?
` A. I have design experience in desi

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