`(12) United States Patent
`Watson, Jr. et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,898,254 B2
`*Nov. 25, 2014
`MUl.'l‘ll’l..l?I l’R0'l‘()(.‘0l, F.N('§I:\‘lCS
`t\’1emor_y Integrity, LLC, Wilmington,
`D13 (US)
`lnventors: Charles Edward Watson, 11:, Austin,
`TX (US); R-ajesli Kata, Austin, TX
`(US); David Brian Glasco, Austin, TX
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term oftliis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. l54(b) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`App1.No.: 14/021,984
`Sep. 9, 2013
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2014/0013079 Al
`Jan. 9, 2014
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation ofapplication No. 13/327,483, filed on
`Dec. 15, 2011, now Pat. No. 8,572,206, which is a
`continuation of application No. 10/289,492, filed on
`Nov. 5, 2002, now Pat. No. 8,185,602.
`Int. Cl.
`0/16)’ 15/16
`00617 15/80
`G06)’ 15/] 73
`H041. 29/06
`U.S. C1.
`CPC ........ .. G061’ 15/80 (2013.01); G06F 15/17337
`(2013.01); H114/L 69/18 (2013.01); H041. 69/12
`709/217; 709/212; 709/238; 370/230;
`370/474; 370/235; 370/338; 370/352
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC ........ .. 709/212, 238; 370/230, 474, 235, 338,
`See application tile for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5,560,027 A
`5,634,043 A
`5,682,512 A
`5,859,975 A
`5,950,226 A
`5,961,592 A *
`9/1996 Watson et .11.
`5/1997 Sclfet .11.
`10/1997 Tetrick
`1/1999 Brewer et :11.
`9/1999 1‘1.'igCI'S1'€l‘l€fIi1.
`10/1999 Hsin
`.. 709/217
`FOREIGN 1’A'1'1iN'l‘ DOC.UMEN'l‘S
`WO 99/26144
`US Office Action mailed Apr. 13, 2006, issued in US. Appl. No.
`10/289,492 [P018].
`Primary Exazniner — Tammy Nguyen
`A multi-processor computer system is described in whjcli
`transaction processing is distributed among multiple protocol
`engines. The system includes a plurality oflocal nodes and an
`interconnection controller interconnected by a local point —to-
`point architecture. The interconnection controller comprises
`a plurality of protocol engines for processing transactions.
`Transactions are distributed among the protocol engines
`using destination information associated with the transac-
`8 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
`Cluster 107
` Pm
`Clustw 12
`lNTEL 1001

`US 8,898,254 B2
`Page 2
`References Cited
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 1 of 12
`US 8,898,254 B2
`Fig. 1B
`Cluster 12
` Processing
`Cluster 125

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 2 of 12
`US 8,898,254 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 3 of 12
`US 8,898,254 B2

`U.S. Patent
`US 8,898,254 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 5 of 12
`Us 8,898,254 B2
`Reguesting Quad
`Locai Map
`Global Map
` §Q
`I M

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 6 0f12
`US 8,898,254 B2
`Cluster 2
`L#— Link number
`N#— Link number
`Fig. 6A
`Local Table
`Global Table
`Des’: Cluster
` Desi Node
`Li’ X
`Lo T X

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 7 of 12
`US 8,898,254 B2
`Receive locally
`generated transaction
`Allocate space in
`pending buffer
`_r’‘‘‘” 704
`Append global transaction tag
`.__,..—— 706
`and cluster ID and transmit
`Receive incoming
`_,-~ 708
`transmissions related to
`Indcx incoming
`transmission in pending
`buffer using global tag
`Local tag required‘?
`_..—~— 712
`Use local tag from
`pen ding buffer entry
`" 714

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 8 of 12
`US 8,898,254 B2
`Receive remotely
`gcncratcd transaction
`” 807-
`Assign local —‘ 804
`transaction tag
`Allocate space in
`pending b11fi°er
`,r-"—" 806
`Fig. 8
`lnsen entry with global
`and local tags in pending "
`_,..»—— 808
`Receive outgoing _/”“' 810
`Index outgoing
`transmission in pending
`l)ulTer using local lag
`‘_/—— 8l2
`Use global tag for this and
`related subsequent

`U.S. Patent
`US 8,898,254 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 10 of 12
`Us 8,898,254 B2
` |l\//Dy.......W838£.§£

`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 11 of 12
`US 8,898,254 B2
`£L4..C: >~.z/J-—~ U N—

`US. Patent
`Nov. 25, 2014
`Sheet 12 of 12
`US 8,898,254 B2
`transaction packet
`a generated by local
`node in request cluster
`7 L
`03 broadcast
`interconnection controller
`transaction packet
`transmitted directly to one
`maps packet to one ofa
`of a plurality of PBS
`plurality of PBS
`PE determines how to
`process packet
`P18 1 2
`PE maps current dcst
`node and unit IDS to
`target. node and unit "IDS
`___ 1208
`PE transmits packet to v”— 12] 0
`rcmolc cluster
`Remote cluster
`interconnection controller
`receives packet
`Interconnection controller in
`remote cluster maps packet to
`one ofa plurality ofPEs
`F--- 1214
`PF. r.r'«msmits packet
`to local node
`PE determines how "”‘ 1216
`to process packet
`1218 '_‘~~

`US 8,898,254 B2
`The present application is a continuation of and claims
`priority under 35 U.S.C. 120 to U.S. patent application Ser.
`No. I3/327,483 for Transaction Processing Using Mtrltiple
`Protocol l7,ngincs filed Dec. I 5, 201 I
`, which is a continuation
`of US. patent application Ser. No. 10/289,492 for Transac-
`ti on Processing Using Multiple Protocol Engines in Systems
`Having Multi-Processor Clusters filed Nov. 5, 2002, now U.S.
`Pat. No. 8,185,602 , the entire disclosures ofhoth ofwhich are
`incorporated herein by reference for all purposes.
`B./-\Cl(GROUNIi) OF 'I‘l‘II.7. lNVF,NTl()N
`The present invention relates generally to ntulti—processor
`computer systems. More specifically, the present invention
`provides techniques for building computer systems having a
`plurality of multi-processor cluzzters.
`A relatively new approach to the design ofntulti—processor
`systems replaces broadcast communication among proces-
`sors with a point—to—point data transfer mechanism in which
`the processors communicate similarly to network nodes in a
`ti ghtly—coupled computing system. That is, the processors are
`interconnected via a plurality of communication links and
`requests are transferred among the processors over the links
`according to routing tables associated with each processor.
`The intent is to increase the amount ofinformation transmit-
`ted within a multi—processor platform per unit time.
`One limitation associated with such an architecture is that
`the node ID address space associated with the point-to-point
`infrastructure is fixed, therefore allowing only a limited num-
`ber of nodes to be interconnected. The infrastructure is also
`fiat, therefore allowing only a single level of mapping for
`address spaces and routing functions. In addition, the pro-
`cessing throughput for transactions in a computer system
`employing such a point-to—point data transfer mechanism
`nray be limited by the capacity of the protocol engine resporr-
`sible for processing, those transactions.
`It is therefore desirable to provide tecluriques by which
`computer systems employing suchan inlrastructure as a basic
`building block are not so limited.
`According to the present invention, a multi—proccssor sys-
`tem is provided in which a plurality ofmulti-processor clus-
`ters, each employing a point-to-point communication infra-
`structure, are interconnected. The invention employs multiple
`protocol engines in each cluster to process transactions
`improving transaction processing throughptrt.
`According to a specific embodiment, transaction packets are
`mapped to the various protocol engines associated with a
`cluster according to the target address. According to a more
`specific embodiment,
`transaction packets which do not
`specify a target address are mapped to a protocol engine based
`on in.format'ion in the packet which may be used to identify
`the cluster and cluster resource for which the packet
`Thus, the present invention provides a computer system
`including a plurality of processor clusters. Each cluster
`includes a plurality of local nodes and an interconnection
`controller interconnected by a local point-to-point architec-
`ture. The interconnection controller in each cluster comprises
`a plurality ofprotocol engines for processing transactions. At
`ha (I!
`least one of the intcrconttcctiott controller and the local nodes
`in each cluster is operable to map the transactions to the
`protocol engines according to destination information asso-
`ciated with the transactions. According to one embodiment,
`the interconnection controller effects the mapping with ref-
`erence to target addresses associated with the transactions.
`According to another embodiment, the local nodes effect the
`mapping by mapping the target addresses to one ofa plurality
`of nodes associated with the local interconnection controller,
`each of which corresponds to at least one of the protocol
`A further understanding ofthe nature and advantages ofthe
`present invention may be realized by reference to the remain-
`ing portions of the specification and the drawings.
`FIGS. IA and 1B are diagrammatic representations depict-
`ing systems having multiple clusters.
`FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic representation of an exemplary
`cluster having a plurality of processors for use with specific
`embodiments of the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a diagrammatic representation of an exemplary
`interconnection controller for facilitating various embodi-
`ments of the present invention.
`FIG. 4 is a diagrammatic representation of a local proces-
`sor for use with various embodiments of the present inven-
`FIG. 5 is a diagrammatic representation of a memory map-
`ping scheme for use with various embodiments ofthe inven-
`FIG. 6A is a simplified block diagram of a four cluster
`system for use with various embodiments of the invention.
`FIG. 6B is a combined routing table including routing
`information for the four cluster system of FIG. 6A.
`FIGS. 7 and 8 are flowcharts illustrating transaction man-
`in a multi-cluster system according to various
`embodiments of the invention.
`FIG. 9 is a diagrammatic representation of commttnica-
`tions relating to an exemplary transaction irt a multi—cluster
`FIG. 10 is another diagrammatic representation of an
`exemplary interconnection controller for facilitating various
`embodiments of the present invention.
`FIG. 11 is art exemplary mapping of protocol engines in a
`processor cluster to a global memory space in a multi-cluster
`FIG. 12 is a flowchart illustrating mapping of transactions
`to protocol engines according to a specific embodiment ofthe
`Reference will now be made in detail to some specific
`embodiments of the invention including the best modes con-
`templated by the inventors for carrying out the invention.
`Examples of these specific embodiments are illustrated in the
`accompanying drawings. While the invention is described in
`conjunction with these specific embodiments,
`it will be
`understood that it is not intended to limit the invention to the
`described embodiments. On the contrary, it is intended to
`cover alternatives, modifications, and equivalents as may be
`included within the spirit and scope of the invention as
`defined by the appended claims. Multi-processor architec-
`tures having point-to-point communication among their pro-
`cessors are suitable for implementing specific embodiments

`US 8,898,254 B2
`of the presetit invention. In the following description. nttmer—
`ous specific details are set forth in order to provide a thorough
`understanding ofthe present invention. The present invention
`may be practiced without sortie or all of these specific details.
`Well known process operations have not been described in
`detail in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present inven-
`tion. Furthermore, the present applicatiotfs reference to a
`particular‘ singular entity includes that possibility that
`methods and apparatus ofthe present invention can be imple-
`mented using more than one entity, trnless the context clearly
`dictates otherwise.
`FIG. IA is a diagrammatic representation of one example
`of a multiple cluster, multiple processor system which may
`employ the techniques oftheprcscnt invention. Each process-
`ing cluster 10], 103, 105, and 107 includes a plurality of IS
`processors. The processing clusters 101, 103, I05, and 107
`are connected to each other through point-to-point
`Illa-fl The multiple processors in the multiple cluster archi-
`tecture shown in FIG. IA share a global memory space. In this
`example, the point-to-point links 111a-fare intemal system
`connections that are used in place ofa traditional front-side
`bus to connect the multiple processors in the multiple clusters
`101,103,105, and 107. The point-to-point links may support
`any point-to-point coherence protocol.
`FIG. 1B is a diagrammatic representation of another
`example ofa rnulliple cluster, multiple processor system that
`may employ the techniques of the present invention. Each
`processing cluster 12], 123, 125, and 127 is coupled to a
`switch 131 through point-to-point links 141a—d. It should be
`noted that using a switch and point-to-point links allows
`implementation with lewer point-to-point links when con-
`necting multiple clusters in the system. A swit'ch 13] can
`include a general purpose processor with a coherence proto-
`col interface.According to various implementations, a multi-
`cluster system shown in FIG. IA may be expanded using a
`switch 13] as shown in FIG. 1B.
`FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic representation ofa multiple pro-
`cessor cluster such as, for example, cluster 101 shown in FIG.
`1A. Cluster 200 includes processors 20211-20211, one or more
`Basic I/O systems (BIOS) 204, a memory sttbsystcm corn-
`prising memory banks 206a—206d, point -to-point communi-
`cation links 20811-2082, and a service processor 212. The
`point-to-point communication links are configured to allow
`interconnections between processors 202a-202a’, I/O switch
`210, and interconnection controller 230. The service proces-
`sor 212 is configured to allow communications with proces-
`sors 202a-2(l2d, I/O switch 210, and interconnection control-
`ler 230 via a ITAG interface represented in FIG. 2 by links
`21411-2t4f It should be noted that other interfaces are sup-
`ported. I/O switch 210 connects the rest of the system to I/O
`adapters 216 and 220, and to BIOS 204 for bootitig purposes.
`According to specific Cml’JOClil11Cl1lS, the service processor
`oftbe present invention has the intelligence to partition sys-
`tem resources aceordingto a previously specified partitioning
`schema. The partitioning can be achieved through direct
`manipulation of routing tables associated with the system
`processors by the service processor which is made possible
`by the point-to-point communication infrastntctttre. The
`routing tables can also be changed by execution of the BIOS
`code in one or tnore processors. The routing tables are used to
`control and isolate various system resources, the connections
`between which are defined therein.
`The processors 202a—d are also coupled to an interconnec-
`tion controller 230 through point-to-point
`links 232a-d.
`According to various embodiments and as will be described
`below in greater detail, interconnection controller 230 per-
`forms a variety of functions which enable the number of
`interconnected processors in the system to exceed the node ID
`space and mapping table limitations associated with each ofa
`plurality of processor clusters. According to S0l1‘l(:‘ embodi-
`ments, interconnection controller 230 performs a variety of
`other functions inclttdingthe maintaining ofcache coherency
`across clusters.
`Intercoruiection controller 230 can be
`coupled to similar controllers associated with other multi-
`processor clusters. It should be noted that there can be more
`than one such interconnection controller in one cluster. Inter-
`connection controller 230 communicates with both proces-
`sors 20212-(1 as well as remote clusters using a point-to-point
`More generally, it should be understood that the specific
`architecture shown in FIG. 2 is merely exemplary and that
`embodiments of the present invention are contemplated hav-
`ing different configurations and resource interconnections,
`and a variety ofaltematives for each of the system resources
`shown. However, for purpose ofillustration, specific details
`of cluster 200 will be assumed. For example, most of the
`resources shown in FIG. 2 are assumed to reside on a single
`electronic assembly. In addition, memory banks 206u—206d
`may comprise double data rate (DDR) memory which is
`physically provided as dual
`in-line memory tnodules
`(DIMMS). I/O adapter 216 may be, for example, an ultra
`direct memory access (UDMA) controller or a small com-
`puter system interface (SCSI) controller which provides
`access to a permanent storage device. I/O adapter 220 may be
`an Ethernet card adapted to provide communications with a
`network such as, for example, a local area network (LAN) or
`the Internet. BIOS 204 may be any persistent memory like
`flash memory.
`According to one embodiment, service processor 212 is a
`Motorola MPC855T microprocessor which includes inte-
`grated chipset finictions, and interconnection controller 230
`is anApplication Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) support-
`ing the local point-to-point coherence protocol. Interconnec-
`tion controller 230 can also be configured to handle a rioti-
`cohercnt protocol to allow communication with I/O devices.
`In one embodiment, interconnection controller 230 is a spe-
`cially configured. programmable chip such as a program-
`mable logic device or a field programmable gate array. In
`another embodiment, the interconnect controller 230 is an
`Application Specific Integrated Circuit
`In yet
`another embodiment, the interconnect controller 230 is a
`general purpose processor augmented with an ability to
`access and process interconnect packet traffic.
`FIG. 3 is a diagrammatic representation of one example of
`an interconnection controller 230 for facilitating various
`aspects of the present
`invention. According to various
`embodiments, the interconnection controller includes a pro-
`tocol cnginc 305 configured to handle packets such as probes
`and requests received from processors in various clusters of a
`multiprocessor system. The functionality of the protocol
`engine 305 can be partitioned across several engines to
`improve performance. In one example, partitioning is done
`based on packet type (request, probe and response), direction
`(incoming and outgoing), or transaction flow (request flows,
`probe flows, etc).
`The protocol engine 305 has access to a pending buffer 309
`that allows the interconnection controller to track transac-
`tions such as recent requests and probes and associate the
`transactions with specific processors. Transaction informa-
`tion maintained in the pending bufi"er 309 can include trans-
`action destination nodes, the addresses of requests for sttbse-
`collision detection and protocol optiini7atioris,
`response information, tags, and state information. As will

`US 8,898,254 B2
`become clear, this functionality is leveraged to enable par-
`ticttlar aspects of the present invention.
`‘the interconnection controller has a coherent protocol
`interface 307 that allows the interconnection controller to
`communicate with other processors in the cluster as well as
`external processor clusters. The interconnection controller
`may also include other interfaces such as a non-coherent
`protocol interface 311 for communicating with I/O devices
`(e.g._. as represented in FIG. 2 by links 208c and 208d).
`According to various embodiments, each interface 307 and
`311 is implemented either as a full crossbar or as separate
`receive and transmit units using components such as multi-
`plexers and buffers. It should be noted that the interconnec-
`tion controller 230 does not necessarily need to provide both
`coherent and non-coherent interfaces, It should also be noted
`that an interconnection controller 230 in one cluster can com-
`municate with an interconnection controller 230 in another
`According to various embodiments of the invention, pro-
`cessors 202a-202:1 are substantially identical. FIG. 4 is a
`simplified block diagram of such a processor 202 which
`includes an interface 402 having a plurality of ports 404a-
`404c and routing tables 4060-4060 associated therewith.
`Each port 404 allows communication with other resources,
`eg., processors or I/O devices, in the computer system via
`associated links, t.-.g., links 208a-208e of FIG. 2.
`The infrastructure shown in FIG. 4 can be generalized as a
`point—to-point, distributed routing mechanism which coin-
`prises a plurality of segments interconnecting the systems
`processors according to any of a variety of topologies, e_g.,
`ring, mesh, etc. Each of the endpoints ofeach ofthe segments
`is associated with a connected processor which has a unique
`node ID and a plurality of associated resources which it
`“owns,” e.g., the memory and I/O to which it’s connected.
`The routing tables associated with each of the nodes in the
`distributed routing mechanism collectively represent the cur-
`rent state of interconnection among the computer system
`resources. Each of the resources (e.g., a specific memory
`range or l/O device) owned by any given node (e.g., proces-
`sor) is represented in the routing table(s) associated with the
`node as an address. When a request arrives at a node, the
`requested address is compared to a two level entry in the
`node’s routing table identifying the appropriate node and
`i.e., given a particular address within a range of
`addresses, go to node x; and for node x use link y.
`As shown in FIG. 4, processor 202 can conduct point—to-
`point conuuunication with three other processors according
`to the information in the associated routing tables. According
`to a specific embodiment, routing tables 4050-406K: comprise
`two-level tables, a first level associating the unique addresses
`of system resources (e.g., a memory bank) with :1 correspond-
`ing node (e.g._. one of the processors), and a second level
`associating each node with the link (e.g., 208a-2tl8e) to be
`used to reach the node from the current node.
`Processor 202 also has a set ol‘JTAG handshake registers
`408 which, among other things, facilitate conununication
`between the service processor (e.g., service processor 212 of
`FIG. 2) and processor 202. That is, the service processor can
`write routing table entries to handshake registers 408 for
`eventual storage in routing tables 406a—406c. It should be
`understood that the processor architecture depicted in FIG. 4
`is merely exemplary for the purpose of describing a specific
`embodiment ofthe present‘ invention. l-‘or example, a fewer or
`greater number of ports and/or routing tables may be used to
`implement other embodiments ofthe invention.
`As mentioned above, the basic protocol upon which the
`clusters in specific embodiments of the invention are based
`provides fora limited node lD space which, according to a
`particularimplementation, is a 3-bit space, therefore allowing
`for the uniqtte identification ofonly 8 nodes. That is, ifthis
`basic protocol is employed without the innovations repre-
`sented by the present invention, only 8 nodes may be inter-
`connected in a single clttster via the point-to-point infrastruc-
`ture. To get around this limitation, the present
`introduces a hierarchical mechanism which preserves the
`single-layer identification scheme within particular clusters
`while enabling interconnection with and communication
`between other similarly situated clusters and processing
`According to a specific embodiment, one of the nodes in
`each niulti-processor cluster is an interconnection controller,
`e.g., interconnection controller 230 ofFlG. 2, which manages
`the hierarchical mapping of information thereby enabling
`multiple clusters to share a single memory address space
`while simultaneously allowing the processors within its clus-
`ter to operate and to interact with any processor in any cluster
`without “knowledge" ofanything outside oftheir own cluster.
`The interconnection controller appears to its associated pro-
`cessor to bejust another one of the processors or nodes in the
`In the basic protocol, when a particular processor in a
`cluster generates a request, a set ofaddress mapping tables are
`employed to tnap the request to one of the other nodes in the
`cluster. That is, each node in a cluster has a portion ofa shared
`memory space with which it is associated. There are different
`types of address mapping tables for main memory, memory-
`ntapped I/O, dil‘l'erent types of I/O space, etc. These address
`mapping tables map the address identified in the request to a
`particular node in the cluster.
`A set. of routing tables are then employed to determine how
`to get from the requesting node to the node identified from the
`address mapping table. That is, as discussed above, each
`processor (i.e., cluster node) has associated routing tables
`which identify a particular link in the point—to-point infra-
`structure which m

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