`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XI LLC
`Exhibit 1016
`Coalition For Affordable Drugs XI LLC v Insys Pharma, Inc.
`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0178031 A1
`Du Pen et al.
`US 2003017803 1A1
`Inventors: Stuart L. Du Pen, Bainbridge Island,
`WA (US); Anna R. Du Pen, Bainbridge
`Island, WA (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`SUITE 6300
`SEATTLE, WA 98104-7092 (US)
`Assignee: Du Pen, Inc., Bainbridge Island, WA
`Appl. No.:
`Oct. 9, 2002
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 09/565,644, filed on
`May 5, 2000, now abandoned.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/133,044, filed on May
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.7 ................................................... .. A61B 19/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`............................................................ .. 128/898
`Apatient pain management system and method that includes
`assessing patient history; determining a drug treatment in
`response to assessing patient history; and repeatedly reas-
`sessing the pain and assessing side-effects and adjusting the
`drug treatment
`to minimize patient pain. The system
`includes pain assessment tools for assessing patient pain and
`treatment history; treatment choice tools for determining a
`pain treatment protocol; pain reassessment tools for reas-
`sessing patient pain in response to the pain treatment pro-
`tocol; and side-effect assessment tools for assessing side-
`effects experienced by the patient to enable a caregiver to
`continuously reassess patient pain and comfort and adjust
`treatment to minimize patient pain and discomfort.
`Pain Intensity Assessment
`(99 15)
`Co-Analigesic Drug Choices
`Flow Chm (pg 36)
`Co-Analgesic Drug Choices
`Flow Chart
`Co-Analgesic Drug Choices
`Flow Chm (pg 36)
`(pg 36)
`Opioid Drug Choices for
`Episodic Pain (pg 28)
`Opioid Drug Choices for
`Constant Pain with or
`without Episodic Pain
`(pg 30)
`Opioid Drug Choices for
`Constant Pain with or
`without Episodic Pain
`(pg 30)
`Is the pain controlled?
`UP<4 or wP<6
`Side E”?-‘Ct A55e55me"it
`(pg 21)
`(P9 '5)
`Pain Character Assessment
`(pg 18)
`Pain Pattern Assessment
`Constant with
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 1 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Body Temploie Chart
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 2 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patterns of Pain
`Continuous Pom
`Over Time During the Day
`Over Time During the -Day
`FIG. 2
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 3 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Pain Scale Examples T
`Pain Possible
`Pain Possible
`0-10 Scale
`VAS Scale
`Annoying Uncomforiable Dreadful
`FIG. 3
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 4 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Training Manual Du Pen, Inc. _
`Patient Name
`PAIN Assessmmrr
`Clinic Visit
`Home Visit
`Cl Non-Cancer Pain
`E] New Site
`Consistent with known tumor sites
`El Etiology Unclear
`Treatment Related
`Pain Location:
`Intensitv [0 — 10]
`Site #1
`Site #2
`Side Effects
`Dry Mouth
`Yes No
`Yes No
`Yes No
`Yes No
`Constant 8: Episodic
`Site #3
`GI Distress
`Yes No
`Yes No
`Yes N0
`Drug Choice Decisions
`Pain Controlled
`Pain Not Controlled
`Sequential Opioid Trial
`Pain 0 - 3 Contact PRN
`Pain 4 - 6 Contact at least weekly
`Pain 7 - 10 Contact qd — q72h
`Side Effects Contact per Protocol
`No Change in Therapy
`Maximize Co-Analgesics
`lnit. S/ E Protocol
`Titrate Opioids
`Next Contact Due:
`Notes/ Plan
`Sections from this manual may be duplicatedfor use in clinical practice provided such reproductions bear
`copyright notice and proper referencing. @1999 Du Pen, Inc. All rights reserved. The mention of or
`reference to any company or product in these pages is not :1 challenge to the owner.
`FIG. 4
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 5 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Start or End of a
`preformed by a
`ReSu”.S .°f 0
`Represent either a
`simultaneous action or a
`"refer to" and "come back
`to" mechanism
`LAO=Long Acting Opioid
`SAO=Short Acting Opioid
`FIG. 5
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 6 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`the etiology of pain
`Pain Focused
`location of the pain
`consistent with known
`Tumor Related
`(non—tumor related)
`Chronic or Acute Pain
`"patient goals
`of care
`Initiate Rx or obtain
`chronic/acute pain consult
`To Pain Assessment Flow
`Chart (pg 6)
`Treat Primary Causative
`FIG. 6
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 7 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
` an3Eon.%3_&S95;8£3:_o..._E2200
` EE.:._oEm$mm<95:350¢
` m:3EoEm$mm<r_wc2c_:_P.._
` EE_.$Emmo3<.2oo._o:uc_on_
` EEEmEmmomm<.635mEm
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 8 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Side Effect Assessment
`side effect present with
`current medication?
`Side Effect Protocol
`Over-sedation (pg 81)
`Constipation (pg 85)
`Nausea/Vomiting (pg 89)
`Delirium (pg 93)
`Myoclonus (pg 97)
`Dry Mouth (pg 100)
`CI Distress (pg 103)
`Opioid Drug Choices
`(pg 26)
`Manipulate choice and
`close of medication per
`side effect protocol
`NSAID Drug Choices
`(P9 39)
`Neuropothic Co—onu|gesic
`Drug Choices (pg 44, 48)
`FIG. 8
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 9 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Curreni Pain
`Consider Rapid Opioid
`Tiiroiion (pg 32)
`is constant pain
`Is ep|S0d|C pom
`Is modercuie pain
`within 30 days
`or MD
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 10 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Current Side Effect
`Does side effect
`require urgent
`Is side effect severely
`Are there multiple
`moderately distressing
`side effects?
`Is moderate side
`effect persistent?
`within 30 days
`or MD
`FIG. 10
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 11 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`¢{ 50%“__.m.w_miEEgg
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 12 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Pain Assessment
`(P9 5)
`Does patient have
`severe persistent
`Presence of uncontrolled
`pahn UP>3 9; WP>5
`Rapid Opioid Trnufion
`(P9 32)
` Is patient opioid
` Is patient drowsy?
`currently taking
`Initiate SAO at
`starting dose range
`co-analgesics Tritate according to
`pain pattern
`Tritate at half pain
`pattern recommended
`1-7 days
`FIG. 12A
`1-7 days
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 13 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
` Tritate according to
`pain pattern
`1-7 days
`Side effects?
`Side Effect Protocol
`Over—sedation (pg 81)
`Constipation (pg 85)
`Nausea/Vomiting (pg 89)
`Delirium (pg 93)
`Myoclonus (pg 97)
`Dry Mouth (pg 100)
`CI Distress (pg 103)
`within 30 days
` Pain controlled?
`or MD
` Tritate according to
`pain pattern
`(P9 71)
`IT h‘
`ec mqu
`Intractoble pain?
`Patent Application Publication
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 15 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
` Does patient have
`moderate to severe
`Patient requiring ultra
`fast onset opioid for
`severe episodic pain
`Initiate at 200 mcg
`dose unfi
`Titrate to dose that
`allows one unit
`cover episode see
`Pursue other route or
`drug options
`FIG. 14
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 16 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Presence of nociceptive
`pain character
`Does the
`patient have a current or
`recent history of peptic
`ulcer disease?
`within 30 days
`or MD
`Go to NSAID Drug choices
`(P9 40)
` Any evidence of
`NSAID related GI
`Go to NSAID Related GI
`(pg 103)
`Distress protocol
`FIG. 15
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 17 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Presence of neuropaihic
`pain character
`lniiiaie at
`low end
`of dose range and
`fiiraie up every 3-5
`Amiiripiyline 10-150
`mg po qhs or in
`divided doses V
`Noriripiyline 10-150
`mg po qhs or in
`divided doses
`*Desipramine 10-150
`mg po qhs or in
`divided doses
`Imipramine 20-200
`mg po qhs or in
`divided doses
`Doxepin 25-100 mg
`po qhs or in divided
`*Despramine is a good 151
`choice in patients wiih a h/o
`or pre-exisiing drowsiness
`lniiiaie a1 lowest
`Is the
`paiieni already on
`dose and iiiraie up
`aniiconvulsani or
`every 7 days
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 18 of 43
`Us 2003/0173031 A1
`Side effecis occur
`wiih iniiiciiion?
`Buck down io previous
`dose and double the
`’time beiween ioper
`Persisieni side
`Swiich io ctliernoie
`Puroxeiine 20-50
`mg po qctm
`Trozadone 75-225
`mg po qd or in
`divided doses
`Venlofoxine 75-225
`mg po qd or in
`divided doses
`Persisieni side
`Side Eifeci Proiocol
`Over—sedc1iion (pg 81)
`Consiipuiion (pg 85)
`Nausea/Vomiting (pg 89)
`Delirium (pg 93)
`Myocionus (pg 97)
`Dry Mouih (pg 100)
`CI Disiress (pg 103)
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 19 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Nocicepiive Pain
`Neuropoihic Pain
`Inmaie/Ophmuze NSAIDS
`Iniiioie/Opiimize TCAs
`I &/or Anficonvulsoms
`Mixed Pain
`Aniiconvulsonis in
`combinaiion as ioieraied
`FIG. 17
`Pain conirolled wiih
`co-analgesic alone?
`Combine co-analgesic
`wiih an opioid
`Opioid Drug Choices
`(pg 25)
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 20 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Presence of nocicepiive
`pain choracier
` Is he puiieni
`already on TCA or
`Iniiiuie at
`low end of
`dose range and iiirafe
`up every 5-5 days
`Gabopeniin 100-600
`mg po qid
`Valproic Acid
`250-1500 mg/days
`as qhs or bid
`Carbcimozepine 100
`mg PO bid - 200
`mg qid
`*Lamoirigine 25 mg
`po bid - 150 mg
`po qid
`Phenyioin 300 -
`500 mg po qhs
`Clonazepam 0.25 mg
`iid - 0.5 mg iid
`*TcIper up 01 50 mg/q wk
`FIG. 18A
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 21 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`and fitrote up every 7
`lowest dose
`initiate at
` Side effects occur
`time between taper
`with initiation?
`Bock down to previous
`dose and double the
`Persistent side
`Side Effect Protocol
`Over—sedc:tion (pg 81)
`Consfipoflon (pg 85)
`Nouseo/Vomiting (pg 89)
`FIG. 185’
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 22 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 23 of 43
`Us 2003/0173031 A1
` 2oc.§_o2<8Eo:teeoo
` 32:0E=._mm:mo_2338-3
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 24 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 25 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 26 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 28 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
` Do you suspect
`analgesic etiology?
`Patient reports
`distressing dry mouth
`Suspect TCA—induced?
`Encourage increased
`fluid intake
`Offer mouth lubricants
`Sugarless gum or candy
`Dry mouth
` Reassess
`within 30 days
`or MD
`Discontinue TCA
`Pilocarpine 5-10
`mg po tid
`Consider endodontic
`FIG. 22
`7 days-
`ISO days
`Consider switching to
`Optimize non—TCA
`non—TCA antidepressant
`co-analgesics for
`or anticonvulsant
`opioid-sparing effect
`Patent Application Publication
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 30 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 31 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Puiieni/caregiver reporis
`disiressing myoclonus
`Suspeci opioid
` No
`pain level allow for
`reducing opioid
`Decrease curreni dose
`*Swi’rch i0 oliernoie
`of opioid by 50%
`Aciion ioken ioword
`cousoiive condition
`co-analgesic for
`opioid sparing effeci
`T Reossess
`wiihin 30 days
`or MD
`24-72 hrs
`Treui wiih
`Consider regional
`biockode/ spinal
`*Consider fenianyl due
`to lock of active
`Myoclonus resolved?
`FIG. 24
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 32 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Suspect NSAID
` No
`Patient reports
`GI distress
`Add mucosal
`Switch to NSAID
`with lesser Gl
`toxicity profile
`Action taken toward
`causative condition
` Gt distress
`7-30 days
`Disclofenac 50/75
`mg with Misoprostal
`200 me
`within 30 days
`or MD
`mo P0 bid
`7-30 days
`Gl distress
`FIG. 25
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 33 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 34 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 35 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Pursue other
`route/drug options
` localized to 2 or 3
`dermatomes or single
`sympathetic ganglion
`Presence of severe
`episodic pain requiring
`ultrafost onset of action
`systemic therapy
`Severe persistent pain
`uncontrolled by optimized
`Pain controlled on less
`invasive therapy but with
`unmanageable side effect
`Side effect protocols
`Was there
`Side Effect Protocol
`CI Distress (pg 103)
`Over—sedation (pg 81)
`Constipation (pg 85)
`Nausea/Vomiting (pg 89)
`Delirium (pg 93)
`Myoclonus (pg 97)
`Dry Mouth (pg 100)
`Spinal Protocol
`(P9 75)
`Consider Neurolytic Block
`if amenable
`FIG. 27
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 36 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Pursue trial of OTFC
`&/or parental
`Would OTFC or
`parental be feasible/
` Anesthesia/
`Does the patient
`have a capable
`Care conference to
`discuss options
`Presence of severe
`episodic pain requiring
`ultrafast onset of action
`systemic therapy
`Severe persistent pain
`uncontrolled by optimized
`Pain controlled on less
`unmanageable side effect
`invasive therapy but with
`Side effect protocols
`Side Effect Protocol
`Over—sedation (pg 81)
`Constipation (pg 85)
`Nausea/Vomiting (pg 89)
`Gl Distress
`Dry Mouth (
`' Proceed with Se|ection/
`Placement of Device
`FIG. 28
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 37 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Paiiem‘ requiring
`Palienl requiring a trial
`of fenianyl
`Does lhe palienl
`have a conslanl pain
`Palienl nonadherenl
`secondary To mulliple dosing
`8c/or mulliple meds
`indicaied for
`potential benefil of
`Tiirale afier 72
`dose accounfing for
`ihe amounl of
`rescue opioids used
`by palieni.
`hours lo a new
`Avoid muliiple paiches
`wilh differing
`replacemenl schedules
`FIG. 29/1
`Increase dose al 72
`hour changes
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 38 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Pursue other
`route/drug options
`Proceed with trial and
`early reassessment
`the patient
`opioid tolerant?
`the patient have a
`history of sensitivity to
`skin adhesiv
`Initiate with 25 mcg
`Make rescue opioids
`Convert using
`equianalgesic table
`Previous analgesics
`must be continued for
`18 hours
`Make reseluiloplol s
`avala e
`the patient have
`rapidly escalating
`72 hrs
`FIG. 2.95’
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 39 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Patient Name .
`Phone Triage Note
`Painlsymptom Assessment
`Intensity (now) ___/10
`Is this a new pain? Yes No
`Other Pain Descriptors: (circle) continuous pain, intermittent spikes of pain,
`pain changes all the time, dull, sharp, radiating, aching, burning, shooting
`What pain medicine is ordered?
`What pain medicine is patient actually taking?
`Side effects (constipation, dry mouth, drowsiness, confusion, nausea, vomit)
`Treatment Plan
`D Make appointment to come in:
`D Increase/decrease scheduledIPRN opioid dose
`El Change opioid
`[1 Change route
`:1 Reinforce: take meds on schedule, use PRN meds, state unrelieved pain,
`El Add tricyclic antidepressant I anticonvulsant:
`D Add non-drug intervention: (circle) heat, cold, massage, distraction, relaxation,
`[3 Treat side effects: (circle)
`constipation dry mouth
`D Referrals:
`social work
`physical therapy
`Next follow up (phone
`FIG. 30
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 40 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Pain Algorithm
`Standing Orders
`V Check appropriate boxes below
`Pain Assessment
`_Assess pain with each patient contact.
`[2 Pain intensity on a 0 — 10 scale with each patient contact.
`l2IAssess pattern of pain:
`Continuous pain only
`Continuous pain with some intermittent pain
`Intermittent pain only
`M Assess pain character with each patient contact:
`(Aching, throbbing, dull, sharp, burning, stabbing)
`Assess common side effects of analgesics with each patient contact.
`(Constipation, nausea, GI distress, sedation, delirium, dry mouth,
`__ Nonsteroidal anti—inflammatory for somatic or visceral pain at any level.
`1. _lbuprofen 600 — 800 mg PO tid
`. ____Cho|ine magnesium trisalicylate 1000 - 1500 mg PO tid
`Diclofenac 50 - 75 mg P0 tid
`Etodolac 250 — 400 mg PO q6-8 hr
`Ketoprofen 50 — 75 mg PO qid
`Salsalate 750-1500 mg P0 tid
`Sodium Salicylate 1000 — 1500 mg PO tid
`Naproxen 375 — 550 PO bid
`Flurbiprofen 50 — 100 mg PO tid
`lndomethacin 75 mg pr bid
`Oxaprozin 600-1800 mg PO qd
`Sulindac 200 mg PO bid
`Diflunisal 500 mg PO tid
`Piroxicam 20 mg qd
`Nabumetone 500 — 750 mg P0 tid
`_Sequential trials of agents #
`__Nonsteroidal anti—inflammatory drugs contraindicated for patient
`FIG. 31A
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 41 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`__ Tricyclic antidepressant for neuropathic pain at any level.
`1. ___Amitripty|ine 10 mg P0 qhs; increase by 10-25 mg q3-5d up to max 150
`2. ___Nortripty|ine 10 mg PO qhs; increase by 10-25 mg q3-5d up to max 150
`3. ___Desipramine 10 mg PO qd; increase by 10-25 mg q3-5d up to max 150
`4. _Doxepin 10 mg PO q hs; increase by 10-25 mg q 3-5d up to max 150
`____Sequentia| trials of agents #
`_Previous side effects contralndicate use in this patient
`Anticonvulsants for neuropathic pain unrelieved by tricylics alone, or when tricyclics
`cause unmanageable side effects (i.e. instead of tricyclics)
`1. ___Carbamazepine 200 mg P0 bid — increase. by 100 mg/day q5-7d up to
`800 mg! day
`2. _Gabapentin 100 mg PO tid — increase by 300 mg/day q5-7d up to 3000
`3. ___Lamotrigine 25 mg PO bid — increase by 50 mg/day q7d up to 600 mg/day
`__Sequential trials of agents #
`__Previous side effects contraindicate use in this patient
`l2l For patients on both tricyclic and anticonvulsant drugs be aware of synergy
`between agents - may need to decrease dose of one or the other
`check serum tricyclic levels if patient experiences increasing sedation while on
`k stable doses of tricylic / anticonvulsant combinations
`Side Effects
`_ For patients that experience side effects — initiate appropriate side effect protocol.
`El Constipation
`lZl Dry Mouth
`I21 Delirium
`l2l Myoclonus
`l2l GI Distress
`Opioid Therapy
`__First time initiation of opioids
`Utilize intermittent pain orders to initiate therapy -— may convert to long acting
`opioids after 72 hrs for control of continuous pain
`M Initiate constipation protocol
`Reinforce to patient to report sedation, nausea, rash, etc
`F10. 3115’
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 42 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`____lntermittent pain
`___Opioid Nai've Patients
`Do not exceed 4000 mglday of Acetaminophen
`1. ___Codeine 30 mg with APAP 325 mg;
`i-ii tab PO q4h PRN
`2. ____Hydrocodone 5 mg with APAP 325 mg; i-ii tab PO q4h PRN
`3. ___Hydrocodone 7.5 mg with APAP 500 mg; i-ii tab P0 q4h PRN
`4. _Hydrocodone 10 mg with APAP 500 mg; i-ii tab PO q4h PRN
`5. __Oxycodone 5 mg with APAP 325 mg; i-ii tab P0 q4h PRN
`6. __Oxycodone 5 mg; i-ii tab PO q4h PRN
`__Sequential trials of agents #
`__0pioid Tolerant Patients
`Do not exceed 4000 mg I day of acetaminophen
`1. __Oxycodone 5 mg with APAP 325 mg; i-ii tab PO q4h PRN
`__Oxycodone 5 mg; i-ii tab PO q4h PRN
`_Hydromorphone 2 mg tab; i-iii tab PO q4h PRN
`. __Hydromorphone 4 mg tab; i-iii tab PO q4h PRN
`. __Hydromorphone 8 mg tab; i-iii tab PO q4h PRN
`. __Hydromorphone 4 mg suppository; i-ii pr q4h PRN
`__Morphine Sulfate 10 mg tab; i-iii tab PO q4h PRN
`__Morphine Sulfate 15 mg tab; i-iii tab PO q4h PRN
`__Morphine Sulfate 30 mg tab; i-iii tab PO q4h PRN
`0.__Morphine Sulfate Solution 1 mg/mL; ‘/2 to 5 mL PO q 2-4 hr.
`11.__Morphine Sulfate Solution 20 mg/mL; ‘/2 to 5 mL PO q 2-4 hr.
`12.___Morphine Sulfate 5 mg suppository; i-ii pr q4h PRN
`13.__Morphine Sulfate 10 mg suppository; i-ii pr q4h PRN
`14. __Morphine Sulfate 20 mg suppository; i-ii pr q4h PRN
`15.___Morphine Sulfate 30 mg suppository; i-ii pr q4h PRN
`16. _Oxymorphone 5 mg suppository; i-ii pr q4h PRN
`_Sequentia| trials of agents #
`___Continuous Pain
`_____Opioid Naive Patients
`__After 72 hours on short acting opioids convert opioid naive
`patients with continuous pain to long acting agents — utilize
`equal dose for same opioid — 30% reduction when changing
`FIG. 31C
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 25, 2003 Sheet 43 of 43
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`__Opioid Tolerant Patients
`___Oxycodone Controlled Release 10mg tabs; i-iii PO q 8-12 hrs
`__Oxycodone Controlled Release 20mg tabs; i-iii PO q 8-12 hrs
`_0xycodone Controlled Release 40mg tabs; i-iii PO q 8-12 hrs
`___Oxycodone Controlled Release 80mg tabs; i-iii PO q 8-12 hrs
`___Morphine Slow Release 20 mg capsule PO q 12-24 hrs
`_Morphine Slow Release 15 mg tabs; i-iii PO q 8-12 hrs
`Morphine Slow Release 30 mg tabs; i-iii PO q 8-12 hrs
`Morphine Slow Release 50 mg capsule P0 q 12-24 hrs
`__Morphine Slow Release 60 mg tabs; i-iii PO q 8-12 hrs
`Morphine Slow Release 100 mg tabs; i-iii PO q 8-12 hrs
`Morphine Slow Release 100 mg capsule PO q 12-24 hrs
`Morphine Slow Release 200 mg tabs; i-iii P0 q 8-12 hrs
`Transdermal Fentanyl 25 mcg patch; i-ii q 72 hrs
`Transdermal Fentanyl 50 mcg patch; i-ii q 72 hrs
`Transdermal Fentanyl 75 mcg patch; i-ii q 72 hrs
`Transdermal Fentanyl 100 mcg patch: i-iii q 72 hrs
`Levodromoran 2 mg tabs; 1-3 tabs PO q6hrs
`Levodromoran 2 mg tabs; 4-6 tabs PO q6hrs
`19. Methadone 10 mg tabs; 1/4 - 1/2 tab PO q6hrs
`20. Methadone 10 mg tabs; i-iii tab PO q6hrs
`21. Methadone 10 mg tabs; 4 — 6 tab PO q6hrs
`Sequential trials of agents #
`l l
`_IntermittentI Continuous Pain
`Utilize intermittent and continuous drug selections above
`__Patients with primarily continuous pain and some intermittent pain
`should have short acting opioids available at a dose that is 10-30%
`of their 24 hour dose of long acting opioids
`__Patients with severe intermittent pain and mild-moderate continuous
`pain should have their short acting opioids titrated to effect
`independently from their long acting opioids.
`__Titration Protocols
`_Opioid Nai've Patients
`_Pain level l_e_s_.§ than 6I10 titrate opioid dose (10-30%) on a daily basis
`to a pain level of 4/10 or below.
`___Pain level 2 7 call physician refer to pain crisis intervention.
`__Opioid Tolerant Patients
`___Pain level less than 6/10 titrate opioid dose (20-50%) on a daily basis
`to a pain level of 4/10 or below.
`___Pain level 2 7 call physician and refer to pain crisis Intervention.
`FIG. 31D
`US 2003/0178031 A1
`Sep. 25, 2003
`[0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi-
`sional Patent Application No. 60/133,044 filed May 7, 1999,
`where this provisional application is incorporated herein by
`reference in its entirety.
`[0002] This invention was made with government support
`under 5 R01 CA64877-03 awarded by The National Insti-
`tutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. The government
`has certain rights in the invention.
`[0003] The present invention pertains to the treatment of
`pain, and, more particularly to a cancer pain management
`system that implements an algorithmic process for assess-
`ment, treatment decisions, and reassessment that is continu-
`ous o